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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1902)
I' STOCK BUNDS. H J. r !!. "Ill hi I tit yur brand, IP r' K f. (Hir rsir. Kadi ad ottsc- a, eraai "6 r.nta. .vrv ;ai iner , VastSsaen In IMowe and a.tToinir euonii. sjaoelat tbsir brand, ii lurJotk OjsLsa 11 cinalitia all nvsr the -ie. II lusy be Ilia meaaa of ui ini money tor you S500 REWARD. For tb errsat aud couvic-tion ol any p-rty mw parti' 'Jim; or iliefigurlug any br.tnda stuck balunging lu the undsiaigned pur lee: "rase 60, 117, f". t. iANIT DTI or tfaou left hlf on it left Jnw, ft Ni of attio. Post om-e. Hewitt, i)ax CoeatY, Nebraska. OiEOiltiK .WANsN. ,Wnn left side gggjou leit.i.ou Catlls branded Morass branded Mer, range on t-eldier Creek. Any stork biamled as above being estrsy. d from my ra-ige, discovered by .ey body giving me Information wlJI be rewarded. Aridieaa, r I. Koljiiiaon, Nebraska J. B 1" A Kit K K. ? Norses branded on ' Cattle same on left ' beep baruilml 53S Iff t shoulder and hip. on back or on uk of Sheep, in all las (a om Soldier Creek aad Wbila Kivcr. Address. Kt. Kobinsou. Nebraska. DEErCKKIfX I.1VK STOCK Co Branded mn lei t hip of ivttli' and en left cheev ol riorse . Range oa Deep Creex. A areas. Deep Creek Live Stork Co.. J. U. HalBIRT, Foreman, ivlen, Nebraska. fHAKI.r-. NEWMAN. I Tb brand represented In this notice I and braatTsd any wltrroou left wide I of ealtle, and over-lap out from the right ear. AIM) the same brand on left thigh ul horses, belongs to tlie undersigned. Kaage near Kust Spring, iwulh part lo , Sioux county. Cbablh Nhwik, Harrison, Nebraska m SAelCEI- KSORI. Cattle braaded any where on left Bide of the animal. Range on I'ral rie I or and Mini 3 roe Creeks. Add rex, Harrison, Nebraska REWARD. I will piy 5.00 reward for each head Of Da V" Col ville's horse branded t on anther jaw or thiah turned Over ' John Bieser no Running , water, also $100.00 for proof id , coavict any p-rson unlawfully handling , any of said horses. W. J. A. Racm. Vonesa branded on right thigh and shoo Ider and krandeil KHI oa rigst Jaw Also, I have . Morass branded , on left tblgb IMt Office Addreaa, Harrison, sionx Co, Nebraska J 8. Tl'CKEK. Braaded on ieftsbouldar ol borata mi on left aide of enttle. ArM Ihil ,T1 on DP on right aide rigbt aide of cattle too. Jbtage oa White flivr, near Glen. Poet Ulrica Mle'reaa, l.len, Nebraska. A.T. HCtillWtM. Brand eombl double 0mt cattle. Horse same ahoalder. I Cat cot right I deborued. tMsV 'ttle all deborue Baage en Kyle Crea. 111 n left side on right ear cattla, Poet Offlc. Ulen Nabraaka 1EWTE a Co. Cattle bread- i "k m eat. either l l kl. r e. V eriekeeldtr. " III Q HI E El HI I braaded with any of above brands, address, J. . A'aauanm, tfarriaoa, Nebraaks. J. T. HEWITT. oa left tide. Narrleon, Hear ask. I 'ress-lfii inial Thiioiiay. f)it. a rjiii .NTKf.f l) IN ll!K I'll-TulKK K T II B ItltS NKIiK. AShruNl CI.A-S M A I TKR OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. Old People HsLve Their Troubles. Mr Francis, Lotleof Benton Harbor. Mich, is over eighty years of e Sita e 1"(W lie Ii:ih heen troii lilwl more or lex ith it ilitretion ;ind contipjtion ami has tried alrjost every tiling in use for tlme ailnit-nts Ijt Ati'osi he twnn usintf rhamherlain'o Stomach and Liver Tablets and was soon feeling much letter. In a recent letter he says. '! have Used three boxe of the Tablets and now think I am well " Thew Tahlfls improve the ap petite find tn vit'ornte the stoma h. liver and bowels. Foraale lv all Vujjyists. J. II. liENSL')W. Cattle tiruiHb'd on r g;ii xlde ttrttne as col. And Rlo ll oa right hip. Horie branJedUJg on right aliod ner orjnw. Kn-ige on Whit" Klvcr, on the old Ifuve Colville ranrh. William. Huntley toremau. P. A'l''re; Uien, Nebr. M7 PUP .NK1I. JORDAN. 1 Iloraes and cut tle branded on either ldt. sums as on cut. hot ItltrT A Ms. t uttl ItrMiid sW 1 Mlillls. ItkJ tltJt 1 1 ftit tu mi.- i Pen And lollimlnif on .el t hifls of cattl. lad this I Pn r?i vWi urn mi racial Ulaiu lEwl left aide of he stork. And Cattle 1randed side, avd llortesi on lelt JlW Address. Ilodurc, Nebraska. And lhi " Mi ''lB Kftiir-on (innaing -Vui.T. - - . I'ostofBi e address, Harrison, Nebraska. Kl. U AMIS. .leil.WU-fB Knnge on t.un Ufc,ti. - Jnii.g Water Cattle Brand!- in :eft tdde Address Atfute, Sell. A LETTER FROM MRS. E. L Rt E. Hotchkiss, Colo. Oct. 2. I was to know more al.out packing peaches Vv this time and so I do, hut dn not know that there-is much I can tell . I worke.d at it for a week or ten days, put ting in ten hours a (lav unit walking a mile back and forth. 1 wasn't tired out either, which the family ascribe to tlie virtues of the Colnrcdo climate. The peaches are packed in the fruit home the packers seated at a Ions dsk-like table with the box restine upon it and a box of peaches at the left hand. Each peach. J is wrapped separately in paper. The maeci are 2 Cts. per box. Some ex perienced packers can put up Ion Imxes a day 75 was jv hitbest record. The work is clean and pleasant and not very hard. I never saw such peaches as the Elbertas that were packed for shipping toOiicapo. It seems to meth' V were three times the size of those we nrdinar ilv see on the market. They are shipp-d while yet hard, ard some of the most perfect specimens have o he thrasn out hecause thev are ton ripe. These are shipped to nearer (rfiints or sold to penpe f of the town and neifcfhborhocd fnrcnnn'nff and imnwlia'e use. The packers are free to take all thev want tesidp. Af'er! wasdone wo-k we triet drviruf "tne. but 'his dry country became a 'bowery one sbnit that time, and as we had no very C-orxl wav to protect them I fear thev will pot be very marketable, and we have more than we can ever eat. Mr. Rice meantime is busy house build. in;r. He has a man to help this week hut means to do most of it him-self. The frame is up and it is nnstv endosr-d. We have not had any parti' ularv ui comfortable weather so far. our first !i?ht frosf came rVpt 12. jiist nipping tb vines and killing the cucumbers hut Dot damaging the tomatoes to s(eak of. We have had all the tomatoes, from Harry's garden that we could eat and put up and some to sell and still they are ripening and as for potatoes I think we have as nice and as big jjotatoesas S:oux Co or Wyominar. and not a bit watery or hollow hearted a I feared irrigated aita toes would lie. The frost was said to be earlier than) U'tnl this year and there has ben snow I in ai'lit on the mountains for nearly two! ui'r?.lr. Srco prfnhM bji earlv winter. Aboii. the 21st we hud a week of more j n. ,u. .. ,i .....u . i ,,r i-w iuir,i i iii nr.ii m-t , "till sntui showers culminating in a couple of niirhts of rain, that was while we were drying our peaches. The night and mornings are getting cool, hut the middle of the days are for the most part warm and sun shiny. The tent is so far warm enough to sleep in. Roy drives Bess to school every day. Lsmg a neighbor s cart and harness and having for passengers two little girls, who are just beaming their experince of school-life. He is in the eighth gradi and has for a teacher a M. E. minister who has brought his w ife here for her health. Aftera month's exper ience we believe that hi ichool is going to be pleasant and prolitable. Dont believe I'd move to Colorado just vet Clio,' tho" you and yours would find a warm welcome from one family at least. You wemld think it the stoniest most barren land you ever saw. It h i, to be cleared of stone as some countries have had to be cleared of forests. And i then the problem is to get the water. If J you hae money enough t buy water,; vou can do almost any thing and literally ! J. H. WILKERMSQORFEn, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. CHARLES H. NEWMAN. SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, niiDEALER IN Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, "Waprons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. KOItKRT K. NEK.CE. Caille Brmided Ksaga oa on left fide Also cattle branded I stjfij on left hip io.iilnr or side. B)J KaiiKcon ELssM Running Water. 1'. o. Address Agate, Krbraska. J. R. III'NTKR. Stork brandcl! 13 m rlgh J. I. EVER. Cttttie branded N I.EfT S1DK I'o t f A idress. Chadroa Nebraska. side or blp. Addreai, Kd K.ialicr, Foreman llHrrison, Neb. , OCTAVE II A II Rio, Cattle 'branded as alios n on left fide Kith ltd I er ctlppcd. Ilange on Kun nlng V ut, P. O. Addreaa, Msraland, Nebr. Supposin' make the wilderness to blossom as the rose. It costs money to keep your horses and cows here, no feed hut alfalfa, the horse must be shod. Just now we are interested in lumber and that is away up. No saw mills nearer than 30 miles, so slatts, logs, and cheap lumber are not to be hd. Tne cheapest that could be h il was $1S a thousand, finishing lumlter from f 25 lo (AO a thousand, gome things seem to be as cheap here as nt, home, but most, things are a little dearer. We re always especially glad to hear from Timothy, Irf, A-', and ('ho and hope they will not fail to ifive all the news. E. L Rice. County Mas. The Prva-JdeRIf A t has printed a lim ited number of map on Manilla card tsvird which can bi aecured for 10c each, 'iliey will alao to given a a premium U M euborriostrf . You want to swap liorner?, and yon notice that the man you're dickering with offers tothrowinthewiddle. Knowing hira to be a man noted for his fttinginens you raise up the saddle and find a sore Hpot. You'll watch that man pretty cloe after that, won't you? Look out for the stores that'sal ways selling you $20 suits for 10. You'll find a sore spot in the suit the're trying to pell you, if you'll look. We want your basines but we don't want to buy it by any cheap tricks. We want you to buy goods of us just because you can buy them cheap, and get good goals. And for no other re uons. end for our new Fall Catalogues j One for Men and one for Women. CF7-0. . .0 ' ODD iV S --Tlg.-TjBU .'fir Marsteller Bros, Are now propna-d to show AN ELKGAXT LINK Ol'' FineShoes FOR MEN. fse Twenty-eight yesra of successful shoe building in five great factories rep resents satisfaction to 5ii!!i;n of shoe wearers, Every pair of Sdz Men's FineBlioos fully illustrate this fact They make your feet look well, no matter what size you woar, and combine the extreme of style with perfection of comfort aud weariugfalus KISH QUALITIES LOW M.CES. Look for the sign o!" Sell" It marks the f'opulzr Detler. Sell "Lliroa Skis." Sell "Fenher Weljht" Sell "Hcraeahoc." WttlV K i SxO xa1 8elz shoes for Mm, Women and Children are Satisfactory Shoes - Price -Quality-CWort-btyia. 5ELZ, SCHWAB & CO., Chlcagw. Urat.t Wiaulactyrtr. el tWot asd Skosa la Aa Wsrla. :iThe Gommercia! Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cokkkk, President. ... F. V.Ci.arkf, Cashier (HAS. C. JAMK.SOX. 11. S. Cl.AIsKR, A. McGl.XLEt Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oi us to handle their entire Banking busines. 4Wf are prrjjared to take care of our trade at all time I rvnv ornvvvT? pit a d m a nv ? Druses, f P.iint. Oils, Varnishes. i ns Hooks nnd Stationary. 5 Gij J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. t Cattle brauCsa ??. as? I JRi It If.U on Kiglu V.lsi shoulder Cattle branded 3 Oil Ifl I Pl -il'l Oil irft 1 Hide X. II. k KNNKDV. Cattle lirnntted P.0- Addreaa, Crawford, Ssbrsaks. Cattle bra tlip HKSKY Wr:iK, Koretnan T. (. Adlres. Olen. Neb IIKNKY W A IIS IIK E. t'attle brand ed on left side. Kange, on Itunni'ig Water Cieeek. "P. O. Address Harrison, Nrbrl-ks. ANDEfcW I'IHISTIAN feW M I ma Cattle braad ed on 1st t aide asms a cut asd borate bruuded on left ahoulde JnllN T. S.NOW. loraea biaiia'eil L,,, ,, a on left tSoal- i'lsi ir tOt-Jrl branded oa left atioul'tsr mi rllf cn lcfls:i I'oat Office Address, Patrick, l araml ('. TT ye. aame aa cut ar the pr.perty of Andiew Cbrlatian mi raige tributary to Van Tsel Hprliiga. Addtsaa, Eirtlsr, Wro. JOHN A. HANSON I w-i 'ti Oarna I tie folio. Ingbrand t,u eith er: Also HQ on rat tle and horse rat tie on leftside horses on lull boulder, Kange on silver CprltiKS and east nfsli.te Hoe. rostofflce-llarrlsoii Xeb. fllAXK Ntri'O. Cattle lira Riled Ide and asms on der f horses. Also some of the llorsee tie branded on side ihoehlcr some sa desrrlb sbuve Imaail. on the left left hoii I- and I 'st. lUsaVra nnd the I i ed lor tha Address. Harriotts, Nebraska. NOTICK TO NON-KESlDhNT Dti-ENUANT. To (eor; I), t anon, tion resident defendant; You are hereby notilled. that on tin, 26, day of September, A. 1). 11W2, W. t hauticy I'lnpiis and (ieorjfe A, I'hipps, as pliiitmUs, lilJ in the aisttict court of Sioux county, Nebraska, their iwlltlon against you asdefendant, the oo jei:t and prayer of which is for a decrso aalixfymg and diw lurniii); two cerUio niortu'iitfes executed by them to you oa His l-lth day of July, A. U 1901, aecur itiK the payment of tnonotus of that late executed by fheinto vou. one for 00 duts in six nionlhs and one for f '0 00 due It) one year, both of svhicli boles hyvin been Ktlly pujj, one of said iimriiies heiiiK on the plant of the Uarriuu l'tess Journal, a news papsr of Hsial coutily, and cousisln; of two press es, one (iap.;r one iinpositiK stone and Hl-tiids, job. display and body ly(.o, includinjf l-ads, rules, slug-, cjuads, spaces, elc, etc, ani the other of said mort(,'"tf's Uu.s; on lot Iiftn(l5) in bl.s k iwo (2; of the town (now village) (,( Harrison, formerly Bowen, in said citun ly, and to recover a penalty of $100 0i fur your failure and refusal to release stid mortgage iiion wyment there of, and proper demand, and forgooeial relief. And inn ure further notilled nod required) to answer said petition by the 10 day ol November, A. I. 1902. Albert W, Cflles, Attorney for I'lantif. Jack RaffJn was brought up f,otn Pat rick last Wei k Mjirerii c wild M broken leg. He was thrown Ir.un n load of bar and in falling had n leg broken in two He is stay ini; at Win. Brsdlet'a residence and is beui hv I.- palilb((. laji.tlnis; aioiij a m "a. 'A ' ;-, ii', yi ., . 4 ,