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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1902)
Pn Journ;i I J H KNSf.OW, But itur.r ).. 1. k: 4-, . ft , STOCK BRANDS. Via J .rmi will ptbiik yaerbraaaMike fca fallowta-, for M 0, par Tot. ecU aJ ttkc! Win i 't tun raraiar iir te.ceeea 1 t'.oax ead adjotataf nHiniiti aoaia Utii I t thair br u it i Th.)oI lUM It a rra.ila. , i v r .be ei:e. it aeay 1m (lie :aa4 of ir.ui u.o:..v 'or Ton S50Q REWARD. , far the arreat and coeirumi ol any rt r paxtla. a'aaljngordi.fuiaicany brndti a etoek beianglat; to ttte uueUrairned par IH. r. K. JANDT. 69, 117, 02 " hlr j an left Jaw, , law at aa , art a j ol Cattle. Poet uffke, Hewitt. lioux Coaatr, Nebraakat. CatLIa branded lieraaa branded .EUKc;e vv ANsOfi FX ' left ld on lelt aiiou leer, rant on hehlur t reek. Any alei'k branded above lieing tr:ty ,ed from mjr ra-.i'e, Uiseorered i y y b'Jv a giving we Inforniiitieu will be rev.arded Aadle.a, ft. kobieaon, ebrak . J. . rRk'R. 1 A Hareae branded on F1' -' Irf t .boulder and Caltla eiuueon left &ij hip. . Iheep baruded MVj on Wck or on back of sheep. LAjbJ laat on Soldier Creek aad White Itiver. Adair., ft. Robinson. Nebraska. Tui'umhay. (.t, "J iy: C. ' HiirUc. Prop. H'nri iv tii r, !-r ome at iiu ri.iN St:i;lt. A-r:i 0l i'I.A-l 11 ATT Ml OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Ytar. FUSION TICKET. For (ioveruor "W, H. THOMPSON E. A. O I.BF.HTS JOHN POWERS y U-FHAN. K Cntt'e branded ntflit able mine tt cut And !o om rinlit "liip. iloiaet brn. ld ,. g jg on r'glit aliou d.-r orjnw. Ka'iK" ou W li:t Kivr. mi tho c 4'iilvillo branch. WUHitin. liiiit!c foremun. P.O. Aii'ln s; -f DL 'KJI. JURDAH. J. N. LYMAN DKKPCUKKK LIVE STOCK Co 7 1 ' klf.fc.JkA and art lftch.ak nr Uorw iaawfi 1 1 Kailg oa lln-p ( rara. A4raaa, Deep Creak Stock Co,. J. M. HiLBElT, rorTnai), iln. Nbraka. . CHARLF.a. NEVTHA.V. I flVPl Tba bind rapreaented in thl notic i KOjh '"' bramlrd any where o. luft Ur DlBS f rattia, and artel lap cut fiom til' riRlit rar. Alao the ur.e brand on left tlilph o! horse, btslonft to tii uadfjreinr'S. 5 Baaga near Eaat SprinKs aoutli part iv tleai cty. (Kai.ii NHKn, Harriaon. Mrbraka II SAMUEL KNOR1. Cuttle braBdrd -t . I m ny where on r left aide of the animal. Range on Trai ll Log and Mod roe Creeka. Addrese, Harriaon, fiebraaka RKWAHO. Twill ar $ 00 reward for ench had r f Dar Col ville'a hors branded 'CiaaJS 'on either jaw or lii.i iuu fVvi ' oer Tohn Bi.-wp on Ii.mni" ' water, also $100.00 for proof t. tppfjikt coivict aoy person unlaw fufl i.atiu.iug ny of. said horses. W. J. A. Raim. F'r'H. ( J.ivt-ri'nr For St-rtrtiirv .f" For AndiUir F.if Trf.t-iirri" For Attnrnpv (linntl J. H BRn',Y- For f' Pt.l !.c L; I i s iilu I.i.rdi J. ( DI'ENNEN V- r Siij.1. of "n !,..,,!- - clac; K SMITH Fr, 'nuunpssnmu Six litrn- P. U BARKY FO? ' 'I'f3 Horara and i-at tie braided on n 1 1 . brand. 1 anme 1 that n cut on rith- T !) o' Hlil- iml. And lolliHtlntc l. t f c-a!t taafeeV S fc ! "nfi I1.,, -., '"f ' r 4'J? 0" PS Pi L-i2a, iiifti 3fidl&4 8 A t in a 11 x Vx-l tli la J! i on l;ft aide of he tf k. And thi an I'll aide aud hip. Knniri'nn KnMitinif H";ilr. aitlirr il'U. tmt ; Puaf.ffiw .ul.he. Ilarrimu. 5efcr'ka. i a aa eat. T. And Cattle branded on left ' Kt) H WlV. Hi J U U V I' YES! Ths PKrss Jof knal 1m3 Job Work. Neat, Firfct Cki and Up-To-Date. e X Call in and fret our n f'.ti-iness Cards, Note 2 IIacU, Letter I It-adf, KiivpIoim-s etc. 6 he Press-Journal, id', Jlad Hoi'Mfl on li.dt jaw. Catt lll K' on Afl'lrrM, liiMikrc. Subritka. MS VNK NTTTO. Cut tiff Jirunflf HI)i! HT11P m ;li irf t ull!- -hunk AdfJrf. Knrrtn, N-tiruika. ncbrafiU um ct;ii- L. ' Va-1 io Mia on r-'.l- -.-it I?-on i-rt-!fi- V iUiI.4('l. P. .... cr::: : 'ine. Potnltirf- l!iirri.j:i 1 The" exc'tmm-nt '.rn-nt'iit to trHVi-litij; and itliarj;f of fn.d ami ;jt;r ift Lri-i.. 1:1 d.iiirliwa, jitid I'f.r tins r:iv 11 nu ,,K -itould Iravtt tiooiH ,'! ol u lK,ti:. f t'llHlllljliuiii', Vijio t'hoUra no.l I'lnrrho-a R-uit-dy. l',,r sale by nil Druggists. The (.tele-gate-;. vivtir1 at. ri !rrrt priniiarie.t to tiomiuat" ui cfDim wii r Inr j tiit' tiii Ci'fumisioiirrs tnst n i iijt--:. ! at ll S";lliMll llouw: 10 s. tidul l-IMr.rt N". 18 south wi-tt of M..t ctk, on Hal urday Oct. It Itoi a" 2, w'clot-k P. 'A. Jacob Waosfrrtmi-iTfr. ( 'b;iiriiian. CUus ( 'liri'.rii-n. t hairuiitn. ra brandml " rilfht tbieb and ahoulder anal 'braaded oa right Jaw Alao, I have Boraaa branded tb.gii Fat Office Addrtwa, ilarriaon, Sioux Co, Kebraska J S. TUCKER. Rraaded on left inoulder ot hori- nil on left M of ctte. mm 3 And thl Ej(.:-m- 4 r. f - ,.J onrlgbtiide Thia an l igbt aide of cattle too. aU(ua White River, near C,rn. foat Oltlce adilreaa, (ilen, Nebraska. a.t. imjnius. Braatf aoaibi don bin PS MmSUt ('Attle all dehorned . i rs t ?.i at eattla Hoiaea aanieWu Wii ihon liter. ut cot riehiK.'t tj m left eidt in rlgUi ear cattlH, Raage an Kyle Creea, roatOfftre, Oleo Sabriaka RREWTER A Co. Cattle braa ' aaae ai tbat 'aa rai. either 'lafl hia wr 'abfl aiaaalder. 1 aWraae branded wlih any if aaote brand. Aafraaa, J. A, ABUoi, arrlaoa, Kabraaka. J. T. HEWITT. .. (latilafiranrte'll S.Vj oa Irft lfl. Ia Mf, tt - n, -.. A TyiIcixl South Alrlcin Store O. K. LrMiu, of B.iv Villi., Sumia' s liivt-r, ;p I Colony, comltK't a siirf typical of South Afrura. at lm:h can Ix? pur haswl anythinj; from tli proverbial "rieidia to an aiiLhor." 1 hia aioro ' ituali in h valley nin rmli-s from tin nearest railway station mid about twenty five mile (mm lb. i;ear-st to-'-n. iir Larson naysr "1 . m lavor-d uh tfie iti.stom of fiirffi-r within a radius of (hirtv vtiW0. tl f!!Mri of whfUTI flnvt- npilied Chamberlain's finedies; all ! ilfy to their value in a hou.-teboid where a dot'Uir'a udvioD is almost ou' of the (jiiestion. Witbiri one mile of ir, store the population ii rhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve months, no Ifiv than iourteen hav- iieen alw.oiultl rured by Cbamberbiin'ii oiurli i.-iueiiv. Tins must H-iruly bo a ret orU." For hale by all Druu, WATCHMAKER & l V ill JU 111 A-w All kind of Gold and Silver wot 1: : :' . Kins made to order. i All work i-f.aranli'cd. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harriet made to order. Saddls 3 re-covtrcd. Pj' ? q t' i ':'; yiflititllmut' ii s in a u i. U attwy SUCCESSOH to G. W. HESTER, 4DEALEE INt Lumber, Door?, Sash. Lime, Coal, Warron?, Iiii!?fries, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mill., Towers, Piping, Piimpi, and every thing in that line. I alf-o carry a large stock of 'fetd, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Marsteller Bros Are now prejru-ef 1. to shOw AN EIJiGANT LIN 12 OK tf aTa t 1 8i?2.2S u r. ?. i r Twnntv-pieht var rf aucff Kitful noon liiii'idir-.j? fs m five grrai fa. t .ncj rep . T rf"nt a 1 1 sfai'tion to 1 .:!: .. -i . loiauius oi a:i-; warm. y F.vory r.air of 8v!z .tfn's '' KinShoee fully i;h;.4ra ( YM this fact Ih-ym.ik?your nt .jr:',yI ff' ,;' leot rx.k well, do i.ut:-f I - V;'.:;A W i what tiz- y.iti wr. umi , V. A .1 I r.f tyl- wiiH r.'.s.'ti.m of Cv .V-lC 1 iiV A J l- ' comfort aad.-in-.taliie t .4 ."tilCALIiiLa-Lin F.-k!aL.. V.X yjSiw Look for the .Ij.i of "Seli"-lt V- 1 maris the Popular Dealer. '.B?ff n(!ll BDOefl ror lr. r,ms ert ( lli-wn trn a rca I ,3 ?eli "!.!sn f" ,? S!i"rta.r.erTc!,,v V" ' S:l "Htrsntoi." f f.LZ, SCfSWAB & CO., Chkaro. Ii-j-.t .ysu'icurrri ot b&-3 a4 3c !a 61 7 .s-rv 1 Hiisf:i;t f. neece. Catt'e Branded trn t'j' J a ni leftclda J. H. JICSfEK. Pim V hrandedd JT, "on rlRti alio I la i AIJ fMtt'e brHUCd ,;'," io. idler or aide. r 'l 'F"j ii'B" on LljiJ on left 1 aide or liip. Addrem, Ld Unsiier, Koreman flurrlaon, Neb. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. DIPjEOTOBS. C. F. Cufkkk. President. , V. W.Clarkiv Cnshier CflAS. C. J AMl.SO.V. H. 8. ("lakkk, A, McGi.tLit Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oi u.s to liaiitlhi tiieir entire Banking businea. "eWe are pr.-parcd to take care of our trade at all time?! liuiinlng Water, f. u. A'ldrea A(iite, K iraka. KOT1CE TO SOX HKiiDtMT DEFENDANT. To ()ore O. ( anon, turn-resdebt defenilnnt: You are hereby notitied.tba on the 28, day of Septmnlwr, A. L. 1 W, t.bauucy Pibpim and G.-orre A. Phii, a (ilniiititfs, lilml in Ui't tlistrbit court ol .Sioux county, Nultraitka. their e.':ilion nguiiist you itsdefen.lunt, the oli jert and prayer o' .iixh ia for a decree -a'lsfymg and diwiliarxiii); two crsain morUages i xufbied by them to you on bd loin day ol July, A. i). P.tOl, necur .iiaT the wiiril of tn note of tha' i 't ex.iruied bv lb..rnIo you, one Im 200 00 ilui- ih six months and one U.t 4 'it) 00 Uiie in iiih year, btitn of wlin;,i note biiviii tj-i,n fully (aid, one ol uaal mtri(4.igt beiiiK on the plaot of the ilarnt-oii Press Journal, a news paper ol -iil county, uud consist,!; of two pri"s eJ, otin p tail r. -m r lino isin f mu an 1 .i!.ti,ds, j i'i, d.npl.iy and ho ly ly, -, i'if h-ijf .-a r-iies, aln ,'s. (pi nt,, spacer, eti:, etc, an I t!bj oth -r ( mini i ' ' s beu, on lot Hit wi (. to Mo.'k iwo(2)of lltetf.wnfnojr Vill.iii") o llarrison, formerly Bowen, in wii.l i;oon iy, (ind to recover a penally of 1 100 0) for your failure refusal to release einl mortgaffa upon iayment there of, 4jid proHjr demimd, and for Rnra.l relief, And you are furiii"rn ti(le I arid required! o -.n. ive - .j,; f . , !v ' , t'l , : M-. 'f W . IV t . f i f- !f ..y I'-i- I i .j J. t.i'.via. ....... . t ; - v t aLije uramiee'f , r a .'f j IS Lhl'TMlE (KM AVE HAKIMS Cattle brandeij a. . ' V - V. f-rri yf a- . .. V,..ini'f-tv.1 ! ;i-ji hi abown on left aide vtltb left ear rl!),ii d Uiingi; on Hint n in K Water, P fTT l X T 1 "TS -r- ti'-. -r t . . 11JL riUiNLLK 1 HA K MAC I. Drills, IJi-uixt's Suruli-ies, Paints. Oils, Varni.shtiS, s ciiiil Stationary, J. E. PHINNEY, Pfoprictor. OaC-t-O-eGVO-frCK' OCO''a-OvO0KJa3-Oaa.ajs- 2 V a o t e I trtre. C'lindr'iM Neb ak:i j P. O. Arl(!re., MxraUnd, Vrhr. ; ... . hen in Omaha... For the Ak-Sar-Pon make yart-elf at home at I Nebraska Clothing Company. Make their store your headquarters. Have your packageH checked and leave them there until you go home. No charge. You will find here the largest aHBortment of Heady Rfcdo C'cihes, Shoes, Etc For Men, Women. Boys and Girls. At prices to wive you Considerable Money, ('attic btnfltd On left aide Cuttle br i.'esiUtl andert Rf. on left Fri -..itl.Mi'l K. KES.VKDV. ( attle-I!raiiilel on Rigm 'Hia . J" ai .-Muuiuer P.O. Addrea, Cruwford, Nebraaka. Cattle bra.idrd Wy, ' Ou I i-.f lUp JIKNKY WE1SK, roreiiiun P. O. Address, tilen, Neb M EN ITT WAHNKKE. ''attla brand ed on left aide. Kange on Itumil-ig Water ( reeek. JOHN T. SNOW, " "'"1 ""'fli'd en left .boulder "Viiae n Catile pjJ on left .Ida 'oat Omee Addreaa, l'att-lek, 1 araaileCa. Wi.. ve r- s I P.Q. Addre., Hrrin,i,.Sei.fca. j'' ( ' , ' ' , . . feT 1 , ;., . ?ytV;iJ I- -.. ' ' - '.':;? - U i ' .n bo,.. y'.'.V-- Mw-'i,' w.,.JfE, left .o,,;de P.V'V''. V.?V? M wme e, l''M.-f.Cf''.'iir,' J r. the r.r.pert of Andrew hrlM,n I A, - sJJ? - I rei e Iribm-rv ii, f. ..i t . L- ' ''"' t'A.ilft'? I r f''"- f illll'I'll, Utlf, VT . -i