Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 25, 1902, Image 1

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.Harrison Press -Journal
I R A RRTSfiM 'TJADDrMTXTnn I nr. for ktoiBtotMt i. I TUBLIC SILL
- . H
ia beoliae; Ma wiaUr
liarriaoe vistor tost
V Mrs. W. B. Mersteller is ee the sick Net
i Lacy proved up on his home
stead laat SetunUy.
Id Hollingawortu wet
die creek tb week.
dewe, froas la-
Dieckmeao sod Lacy put new thing lea
oo thair bar this week.
Gaatraeter Bartiatt is flxtog to teeuU
fy our oourt-hoese this waak.
Oaa. Baaoe cama down from Carry -hares,
Wyo. Monday evening.
Ur. aad Mra. C. B. Holliegiworth
returned from Omaha Monday.
J. H. Wilhertnsdorfer raturaad
from bis Iowa visit Wsdaaadar.
Leeward Daut ia tha proud father of
bouncing boy. Hurrah for Loo!
W. H. Fanning of Crawford was doing
baaioaM at tha bub tost Tuaaday.
eViadey achooi at 10 o'clock; every
body mvited. W. H. Datb; Supt.
Just roeaivad: A mw coosif nmaot of
asaa and ao?a vloUiia; at OKRLAC HS.
Mr. aad Mrs. F. a Laacworthr. who
hsrs baan visttiag at Baward, Nabr., ra
turaad hosna Monday.
Mora and katUr gars far tha aama
as at Uarlach'a stor titan any othar
pl , try tbam. 10-tf
John Kharspat'Mr waa in from his
Baseb laTuaMUy, h raporls ovsrt
thing all O. K. down bis way.
I Fata For
it tniUa from (Crawford. Wall iro
4 ?d. Macros undar ditch, M acras
.- .'alfa. For particulars addrosa bos
M. Crawford Moor.
vMiaaw Owargia aad Joata Bbarritl. who
bstva bean working at Douglas the past
eumsjiar, raturaad home teat Betsuday
Diaekiaann, who has
'waiting at tha VT ranc-h for tha
4aomoatba, ia now working an
I am new prepeed to was carpets.
It eta. for bit and miaa aod 12. for
atnpp si. Warp furnished st oat.
Mat, J. A. Ttum. M-tf
M. L CCoonall got back Moaaa from
a trip to Hot Springs South Dak. Mi
aahf be waa ia the wind we, aad taken
in all the other sights that warn to be
If M waat a soap in Ladies aad child
fa to OKXLACtfS where yon
bay Mssm cheaper than ia aay
eity. Tbsy now hare a largo
. . ' .
Dr. Beymour. eye ntsrialiet, will be
accompanied by a noted air, , east ai
throat specialist; -onnaultaUoa free.
They will be ia Crawford on Oct. at
Oatooty aotsL
Mass will be held to Rnrrieoa
bert7th. Aftsr mass ws will
have a
epeetol meetiag In regard to
CMhehe church to Harrison.
ttmtm Jmui;
Strayed, oae reaa pony, hrasdad t T
oa toft hip. Crow on tlie thaukter. Five
dollars reward will to paid far Me retara
to Ik. McMurdo at Ft Sokissan.
C i. M. McMurdo.
Wai vieiting Omaha
A. Msadeiberg.
Landing Jeweler.
sBPaM VslCtltttf aBwMMasnwsn Ml wf Vftft
, Umhrollaa, Cat Otats, tea
d tip to
U. M. Batten
" Mett Hall west
Tii illy.
v I V J. W. HllBlar tamJUA him aaanfc t I . . -J" '
.. . " """ i 1 1 1 mi i Mi y oell around aad set Mr. Heater aad1 Mtt Tv ""J "taP surds. Craw- heaviest ia the history of ths vard. and 1 riUJ tdL-J
I Mn. J. T. Fltarerald and
bJrea came- dowa from Bat-creek,
Wyo. the drat of bat woofc. aad Mr. sad
Mra. Hixgertld Mad trip la Crawford
the tool ef tbe weeft.
J Cooaty Clerk Baum H taking lay off
this wank from in erduroua labors of
office work. Be ha eddd another quar
ter section sf laod to his ranch which ia
oaeef tha bast ia tea cotton wood.
Far a bad testa ia tha mouth
OaasbaHaio'i 8toMch aod Uvsr
Far aka by ail Drngtiata.
Horssa and Mulas. I wUl to ia lrn
son Wadaaaday, Oct let. to buy all
elaaaas of honor maraa, aod mulaa.
Must ba broka to Uraaa and waight
from 100 to 1W0 pouods. Aga from 4 to
yoars. Will pay tha kignast markat
J. M, Hmuoxz.
Oraodma Colaman, tha mothar of Mrs.
8. W. Hall, diad this waak in Iowa; bad
ha livad uoUl Faaraary aha wonld hara
bota 1M yaars old. 8ha will ba r-room-barad
by a graat many of poopls from
Harrison and Bodarc.
Bv. Horton tha M. E. pnrtor. arrirad
yastordny avanins:. aod will praach Bun
as moraing at 11 A M. aad 8onday
oaaning at o'clock, aad will taka up
fogular apfioiotniaat at Plaaaaat
Eidga Wyo. Sunday Oct. Sth.
Ws loan that 3. W. flharrill has
bought the Harrisoo Housa, and will
take posMssion Um ftrst of Octobar. Mr.
Shrrill was ia Um hoUl husinaM tore
soma yaara ago, aod will know how to
take care of his share of the trade.
If you era intoraeted in tha grain mar
ket and will sand us your name wa will
send ynu our tuner Lcrrn and the
ChiosKfl Uaily Poet free of charge.
Updike Oomtniaston Company,
Omaha, Nebr.
The pRnvvJocwtAt, wM late getting
nut laat weak, owing to the fact that wa
did not ret our ready-p-infn until Satur
day, but we hope this will not happen
aemin. Be the way we notice Br. Bice
of the Valentine UeoMcMt waa in
the snaae boat we were, part of his
raad-prinU got a far wast as Harriwo.
Hoch is lifel
Bsv. J. F. ToueKtnan leaven this weak
for Central City, Bo. Dakota where he
gees as a missionary worker, and we are
ears the bast wieheeof a host of his aad
Ms setimakte wifa's friends go with them
te their new fkld of labor, aod wo hope
that his new Held of labor may prove to
to a Massing to
both biassslf aad his
yr. old,
oa toft side.
ft reward will be given for her re-
ooeery. Animal belonging to 8am
Martin. Feet Oflce Address,
Unrrsjoa, Kebr,
Dr. Bat's Blackleg Veeotoa is up in pill
form. Bach pill is exact dose aad is cer
tain is results. It is sold U qoaatitiasaf
for $t, twenty acestfor ft, fifty
for 8, one boadred dosss for $10.
Dr. Baa refers to the commercial agencies
as to hie responsibility. His tresvJas on
Eiackieg is iavmluabto. It eonteine M
pages as chaise reading aad is auuled free
to aay address. Dr. Bsa's ad J ram is xtt
last BM street, Pew York City.
Two hay maraa, weight about MO ft
loo the toft hip.
One mam baa a colt; both had halters on
when they left The were stau toat la
Chaw gal oaayen. Anyoat ftediag them
may hold them aad notify Be. J. A.
Touagmaa; Aderem, Oeatnl City, So.
khete. A suitable reward will togivea
far laetr where abuuta.
Ma. Bnncw Allow me to speak a fsw
words in favor of Chambertoia's Cough
Bswtedy. I susTsred for three years with
the arnaobilst aad could not sleep at
eights. 1 triad several doctors and vert
ktent aMdidase. bat eouM get
nothing to give me aay reeief aatil my
wife gt a bottle of this vaJaabts asd
tohte, whioh hat otmplstily relieved me.
W. S. ktjsoetjBsS, BngoeiU Mo. This
BsftftB afcHt
red Mifer, otsatog
J. W. ttwatar traded his math -tr
town to Mr. duihrie for his interest ia
the town lota of the Tillage of Herrtoon,
so when yon are to Med of town lot
oall around and see Mr. Ha star aad gat
Charles a Farmer of Illinois spoke to
n large crowd at Andrew Hall, on Wand
oratt, laat Monday night. Mr. Farmer
ssnao it vary plain that the ( Woodmen of
the World) is the poor raaa'a orgmaimt
in, for it not only cares for him through
siekasaa out plana a mark of reoogafi
ation over bis grave after he baa passed
to the great bsyood. Sovareign Fanner
will visit with his son at Ft Robinson
for a fsw days aod will go from there to
The eatorteiament given at Aodrewa
y the school laat Friday araniag, prov
ed a grand success. The recitations,
songs, and diatoguos were wall illustrat
ed. A large crowd waa present to wit
ness the exercises; a number of young
folks from Harrison attended. After the
oterciase the crowd was treated to pie,
cake, aad cookies, which were well
relished at that hour. We hope It may
be our pleasure to attend another enter
tainment of Miss Harris's school at that
Taks two cups of hot water half an
hour before each meal aod just oaf or
going to bed , aiao a oriok of water, hot
or cold, about two hours after each meal.
Take lots of ouUloor easreise walk,
ride, drive. Make a regular habit of this
aod in many caass curoni.; coostipatioo
may ba cured without the uss or any
mwJioioe. When a purgative ia required
take something mild and geotle lik
Chambarlain'a Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Foraalabyali Druggists.
DneocuATic Pkmary Cakcih.
The voura of War Uonat preoioct are
celled to meet at the voting play in
Wur Bonnet preuinct on tlie I7tli day of
Octohar. IMS at H o'clock P. M. of that
ily. fir ih purpoiw of lK tingelaKste
biatteed tlie oonventioo that will ba
Iwld at Montroa on Ovtotwr 18th, IMS
far tha purport of nominating a com
misMoner for the 1st commissioners
Precinct Committeeman.
Ia another column will be found a rail
for a Primary caucus in War bonnet
Procinf. The PrasfrJoemel dne not,
wish to dictate who shall be nominated
ffl commiMioner but w desire to say
Umt the first thing to consider is the
qualification of the man, for there is to
.ilBoe it the county that a mora compe
tent man than that of commissioner, w
know that a great many look iipoo tills
oflhw as not requring much efficiency in
the wny of education, but wa wili ask
the question hem, do you want a maa
thetcaa directly rpatsnt you andean
do his owu work and thinking or do you
wan seme oae toat will have to Ret
some hudy else to do hie work and part
of the thinking? The politician or wire
puller wants the latter maa but the
dtiteo waote the former, so wa trurt the
utiseus will we to it that the right nnn
M) nominated aod elected for this impor
Rev. J. C. Sloan left Saturday morn-
fag, after beicg in this city a waak. to
rtame bis ministerial labors at Mainland.
He looks far from well yet end has been
gaining vary alowly, but aays he hoe
to iesprove ranr rapidly by taking some
exercise. A larwe majority of tlae nao.
pie of north- western Nebraska know Rev,
Sloan, and their prayers are for his re
covery, lis has worked for the advaac-
Mt of the Prssbytsriau church for
sore than thirty rears without rest aod
slight apareewttoa of this was shown by
tha secretary of the ohurch board, who
wrote stating that Bev. Stoao'a salary
woukl to coatiaucd during hia entire
aicknsss. It was a just tribute for a
Ufa time of faithful labor. Alliance
ana Cw'wswteYk CtsVPB) flaTesT
"Scene years ago I waa one of party
that intended making a loag bicycle trip,''
ssyt F. L. Taylor, of New Albany, Brad
ford (jaunty. Pa. "I was tebea eoddealy
with wsrrhoea, and waa about to give
up the trip, when editor Ward, of the
LtveyvllUMassesger, suggested thai I
take dost ef Chamber tolas Colic, Choi-
era aad Utorrnxsa Remedy. Ipurehaaad
bottle aad took two eoeee, oae before
etarttog aad aae oo the mate. I matt
ta tripauaosssfully aad aevef fait aay
ill.effeot. Agaia tost eummer I waa al
tteet sostplstslT rundown with aa attack
af'dyteatery. I bought a bottle of thit
aafto ifjaady aad thit tines ot
ne undersigned will I1 at public
at the Ufchura Stock Tarda, Craw-
lore, oo Batoiway, Oct. 4th, IMS. tha
foltowing deaqribed live stock:
HI hsadof Boraes, conaistiag of .
It Msres, t with colts by erne.
7 , OeWings, to g vcrs oM. .
TaarliagColta, 4 spring Colts.' ',
10 hsad of wall broke Horess.
Sale to commMce at 1 o'clock P. M
TEBM8 A credit of tit months will to
jrivee by purchaser giving note with ap
proval: security, bearing interest at rate
of tot per cent
P. O. Coum, Auctioneer.
Bodarc Gleanings.
George Wiehersham purchased 8 hsad
of yearling steers from Jimmy Wilaon
Mies Lillie Zimmerman commenced a
six tnontbs term of school tost week in
district No 0.
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Ross spent a eery
pleasant day Saturday viaitiog at the
home ef Mm. Phipps.
Irysn Zimmerman is the proud owner
of a new top buggy; 'tis a fios one and
now all the girls will feel bad because be
is married.
Lewi Wohlhetcr baa been busy for
some time hauling a part of the old
Richard houae home in order to enlarge
their present dwelling sou.
Do not wonder any longer why Lsenard
Daut looks so smiling and happy; 'tis
just because of tb arrival at his bonis
tost week of a little eon. Now Ld will
need all the help his friend can give liiiu
id selecting a suitable name for the
young heir.
So Zekiel is afraid to bear about pota
to" We did not expect he would show
the while feather so soon, even thouifh
potatoes ire u isrge as cannon balls in
ilebraaks this jswr. Wimt matter if
iney aie cumpt imniy wusoa ha so
nnvty hundred bushel that he bat to dig
a new cellar to store Ummu.
Kiuery Zimmerman left for Omaha on
Wednesday of laat week having spent
bis aumuier vacation here in filling Rev,
Riot's sopointntants. That he ties givsn
entire sstisfavtiou is quite evident from
the kind words we itear epokee of lum
by li who have iiearl him preadi here.
We wish lum success as be again takes
up the stadias this winter that will bat
ter 01 him for hit etiossa IftV work.
M. A.C.
Central City, Nebr.
Fred haptwned to get bokl of the Press-
Journal first last week and while I waa
quiet busy he remarked "Lata go to
Colorado." I did not understand whet
brought out ttie remark, till the next day
1 bed time to read Mrs. Rice's letter, aod
I thought too it must be a good place.
How much we have enjoyed ber letters
and bow very much wa miss the items
from theditfereat oorreepoadents, if thy
miss but a week or so. Ths can rest as
sured that Mrs. Rice and Clio will note
their absence if tlie heme folks do not
Zsktol wa saw so potatoes that weighed
half a bushel, and the man and he did not
pick out the largest ones either, butiw
brought there away from the fair with a
blue card attached to them. Don't waste
unnecessary stnaarth throwiaa- iuv
potatoes Zekiel, thsy'll make good eating
for yourself and children. Potatoes have
rotted badlv here this year. It Is hard
to decide which did the mot damage, too
much rale, or net enough as was the
caee tost year. An early frost did much
damage to late corn, cane, tomatort A
act The peach crop was almost a fail
ure here this year. Two weeks aco Mr.
LswiH Pfost with his family drove ovr
to visit us, were very glad to tee then
especially ae they brought ns the ttnest
sample of apples we ever ate that grow
laNeraaka. Latvia ( a nrosnarous far-
ir ia an adjoraing county aad has
taught a tecoad farm since coming here.
He tisee improved machinery, and little
Hugh doss more farming than a maa
OMkt possibly bavt done a few years aco.
Tha College toll it again oa duty tolling
GS student that tlx o'clock it ths proper
hour for arising and half past eight
recitations begin aad continue ti'l quarter
of live: The year law began for hard
work aad there will be auay weary
bmiat Iwfore the senior ara their
diploaMS. Only nine boys this week,
the rest will he in after the corn ia hawk
ed. We had a real ooakieg rata the flat
the first rain for tome time. Have had
a good deal of foggy weather and light
showers, tot thit was a soaker. Our
Pre failed to arrive Saturday for tome
uokaowa eauae.and wt felt lonesome
over Sunday without a ohaace to viatt
our old Rioui Cowety frieeeV Prntobiy
weiimli Q it whoa thit It mailed.
Mop M. A. U ha time to write.
wotiteOntnha, Nebr., Sept US,
' Cattle reoeipte tost week were tha
heaviest ia the history of ths yard, and
were generally lower. Choice feeder
ad killers wort about steady, choice
cows steady, medium 16 to 30 cts. lower;
common aod light weight steer M to 40
cts. low?. Vary Urge ehipesenU of
feeders going to county. This week
starts with mora moderate receipts aad
aBrm tone to the market
We quote corofed beef 0.00 to 8.00;
beet, heavy range steers 5.00 to 5.S0;
high grade stocksrs and feeder 4.00 to
4.75. fair 4.00 to 4.50, common or light
weight 8 SO to 8.80; choice fat cows 8 75
to 4.00, a-ood 3.00 to 8 00; tanners and
cutter 1.75 to 8.75; atock heifers 2.7J to
8 85; veal 4.00 to 6.00.
Hogs declined M cte. last week but
regained 15. Range 7.40 to 7.05,
Sheep reoeipte still heavy. Choice fat
lambs scarce, prices strong, fesdiug
lambs plenty od 10 to 15 lower. Rome
condition exists ia wethers. Ceodewee
steady; yearlioge steady.
Killer Feeder
Lambs 84.00-5.00 88.45-8. 75
Yenrlings 8.754.00 8.208.40
Wether 8.403.00 8.008.20
Ewes 1758.85 2.242.50
NTS A Bocuaxam Co.
GEfl. P. H. URRY.
CeMdMkw fee Cenareee. 8iattti Dtot.
EolietMi Sept 8, 1981, in Co. E. 08 N.
Y. Volunteer infnntry, Bscood Brigade,
First Division, Heoonl Army Corps, of
the Army of tbe Potomac, and ssrvsd in
the following battles fought by this
splendid Army, vix: Siege of Yorktown.
Fair Oaks, (buna's Mill, Bottom's Bridge
Kavage iitauon. White Oak Swamp,
Cold Harbor, Frutier's Farm, Malvern
Hill, Second Bull Run, South Mountain,
aod Antietaiu. Ou Septet!! few 17, 1803,
at tlie Battle of Antioam, lie waa wound
ed ia Cje leg, and on Fehn ery 17, 1808,
was discharged for disability by reason
oi wjuod received ic battle. Alter re
covering frooi bis wound he aga a enlist
ed uu tlie 17th day of July. 1808, in Co.
A, 13th Muss. Vol. Infantry, commaitdeU
by col. r'toudier Webster, aad served
with that regiment until he waa muster
e out when be was transferred to the 88
th Mam. Vol. Infantry, and served with
that regiment until again wounded;
while serving ia these two regiment lie
was a part of tbe First and Fifth Corps.
Ue paiticipawd ui tlie battle of Mine Run
October, 1888. In the spring of 1884 tha
Army of the Potomac, under tbe com
mand of Qea. Meade who operated under
i in mediate direction of Oea. Onuit, uiov
ed agaiast Riciuuond, and Oen. Barry
participated in tbe battle of the Wilder
ness, May 8 to 9; alto Laurel Hill; Spot
sylvauie Court lieu as; hwUwede Lburcb;
North and South Anna Biver; Cold Har
bor; crossing the Jaqiee Rivsr June If,
lie took pert in tlie tottle.arouod Petors-
burg on the lOili, 17th tod lgth days of
Juue; th battle of Jerusalem Flank
hVmdand tbe many bloody skirmishes
aod engagements around Ptersburg un
til wounded oo the skirmish line in July,
1804, uecessitattsg toe amputation of the
rKui arm, aod was disclmrged from tbe
United Stales service in Octobar 28, 1804
by reason of loss of right arm by wouaua
received ui battle.
Bora ia Ireland Auguat 85, 1844. Emi
grated to Boston, Muexechueetto with nit
parenu io 1848. Educated at the Eliott
Unuaiaar Subaol, of tos City of Boston.
On hie return from the Army engaged
tn outlasts of tinamith aad plumdar.
March lStfeuu-rated to Nebraaka, botse
stoadmg im Uarfleld Couoty, 1081 moved
to Qreeley Couoty, bought railroad toad
nod resides oa this terai tu4ey. lu 1881
be waa elected te tus bouse of Btyrooout-
at t vee, from the lortv-uiaUi atyreseat
alive Uistrsut in wluuh he rteidea, aod at
the iwpaacbiueut o( tbt SUU Ottoial
was eatocttd as iainaan oi the Impeacb-
meut Coiumittee. At this ssesioa of the
Isgiatoture be iutruduoeJ tnd ssuured the
jsiistge of tint Act authoruing toe ateto
AudiUr ef Public Aooouai to apoiat
two ooatpeteut aucouotaots to stake ex
auiiaateja of Um books, account aad
alfaira of each County Treasurer's office
not lee frequently than eoce ia two
years, la 1884 he wa elected agaia to
tha House of BaprestntaUva. April 18,
18M lie waa appuuitoa Adjutant Oeneral
o( the Stata by Governor ilutouiub, serv-
iag turougb the Hpaaieu-Aniaricaa War.
He at re-aimatuted AdjuiMt-tleaeral
to Oovartor Poyuler, and served under
awn until the expiration of hi term.
He U adored hit retigaatioa aa Adiutant-
Uewtral January I. 1801, aad same aae
ooeptcd February 87, 1881 ha was elect
ed uy a uaaauttwut vot at Bngaorr-
Ueeeral ef the Nebraska Hatioaal UuaM,
otsjaamadtog t'irat Brewt ith heao
quarvtr at Ureelay CetMOr, wutok auay
wMal aw9 fajW awtta4tle yUtaMe9tMsS'wl ffjef 9tSJ
greet, by the Pooto aaspNtant aad
Dimserat parties at Bstrtey, Ntkrtekt
. J. O CeaawU, - -
WIJ! Prartiet !a Ui Conts.
Saecttl Attetslea lfftwUBl
CellectJessi aad all
dtotttwlll receive
SeAWfttft - Mi
Pkybeiaa aad
til cell gteoa prow
OStoele regttete.
Prompt attention given to all togav
matters in Justice, County aad Disartaf.
Courts, and before toe United State
Fire Insurance written ia rellabkr
l9"Ltgal pater oarefully drawn.
. E. M. V. It R ie the etat
to and from the
DCadwood aki nor arataHra,
Uotst asV atotag Be
a. t. uuxea. itat i is. Vttoi.
Dealer in;
Liunber, Gmija,
Fo 8u:-180 acres of land joia
village of Harrieoa; for furtea
niars inquire at thit office. 80
M Omafce WOI ba e
For tbe first time to tha historv of taw
United States every railroad baa msg
otMVfart rat to a raiigtooe nnassxrl
Tbe oaaveotina la quatuoa ia law tmwaal
ioteraatmaal eaaveattoa af tha. Mosptos
of Chnst, which at ia Oeaaba, Mabr.
October 15-88. 1808. One fere far the
roand trip from every railroad atettoa ia
tea VattaS 8tetos hat been oaTered.
Partite interested sbeuid asaault tha
lareat railroad ageat
It is sxpeoted that uaemaas of ta.OM
vieitera will to ia Oataha 4raw the eeav
van boo. Evan lowar Unto oae lata taav
to ttcad from point within Ma) or BM
railea if lane Dartim are rrraaiasd aad
sicurdon traist rut. Try it ftvetyoar
The coaveattoa will be toM hi tha
Coliseutx. which hat toaa nfiniuUI
aad refuraiahed for tha oooaetoa. Tha
Coh mam will mat comfortebfy 14.0M
peofil. Neeuuranu will be ooaduetei
wtthin tha tolldiag. Room mar ha
scared by add r sains: tha rtoirnsaa of
the eattrtaiament oommittae. oata kSU.
ard Hotel.
Tbe Coliseum waa treved w Patti to
ing in snd 88,800 peopie k-ftrd ber. law
Drat aalioaal oonventioa of tha naaala1
party wM bold under it's roof. WKhaat
BtcKialey spoke to M,M0 aaaato erfahto
itt wall. Tha great
debate waa lieh there, aad njG
crowded ia. Itsaom
uneaeelled. It it aa klaal
111 aad three Itoat af etrta aaea ata
withia tbree btorka af h.
Thejttolwaf Uartotto tha Oaaml
States autaatr tj0atvC3l Tawr Irgrta
ltC8 ehaeah
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