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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1902)
STCDtl D3DS. I f i v, , u 1 1 cc t"r"" 1 ol i jrr:r:r; r E3 Ml II k iA II k .1 1 !1 jfcV -Jsgft J UU yu V 11 ill i r si . p-m rrt ran X AndloUowlnRon gun f.l mjttim will bJlte ywr aaat'ta fetr!kates,forai uu, par Tate. Kn-o J Met ei nxasU 71 tal. I'll ' fanner ur trail Riwi and adjoining counllei I adeert.aa tkeir brands ia TitaJom- tLli It c'na)H alt OTir the stal It mil b tb uitaa of u u.oi. for you S500 REWARD. For lb arrest and eoaatction of any prty ae parllae eilig ur disfiguring any bruili a Us betanglng to Uj umlir(fil par KNTKKF l IV TIIF. 11 T Or FU ki AT 11(11 RIM) .X'KRK. AM-;i Ort CLASS MATTfR OFFICIAL. PAPER OF. SIOUX COUNTY. r. f . JA3HT. 80, (17, an tft lit)' u. Ml Jt,lH uu ft blp of Cattle. Pott OfRce, Hewitt, kiau t oamlY, em-aslia. UEOKGK MVASmjK. Wi 1 dorsae branded n left U1 -on left shou 1 ldr, rK( on .'Idler Creek. Any lock branded above being estray- ad from my rNg liai-orere by -t y body firing lue liifijrniatiii will I rewarded. Aaldiaaa, Ft. Uobiliaun, Xebraake J. B PAKKkR. Iff I liouklcr anil ' Horaat brandacl ou ' Cattla aameon lef t QwKi 11 'l'- ou 1-fick or ' imp baruded ! 1 Mk of She. p. Eauf oa SoliOar Creak aad Whit Htver. A11 reaa. Ft. Kobitttoii. Nebrlia. ih:ki':bich-, livestock Co Biamlwt an left hip of Ottlo I am! utt left ibeeV o; riorae Kangeoa Deapl'raea. Araaa, Iap Creak l.tro Stock Co,. J, H. a)4LiT, roremap, (iien, Nebraska, chaklrs siwms. I The biavii raprraentol In thia notice i and braaded any wh-r oj left aile f cattle, and veer lap 'U I flow tlir I rlRhtear. Aiao tbe aame brand on left tli'.Kb ol horaea, blon to the uaderaignrrt. Baaga near Eaat Spring, awvitb part fo tloarz eonaty. C'Mam.ti Stwii ., Uarrlaou. Mebraaka AML tl. KSORI. Caltla braaded any where on left aid of tbe an 1 in at. Rang on 1'rxl- rie Uog and Hon to Creeks. Addreaa. Harrlaon. Mabraakat REWARD. I will fty 3 00 reward for earh head rf Datv Col ville'a horaea branded. WD CTr wur OMviel oy person uo!a-u!!y imuuiina; ' Mf of Mtid horias. W. J. A. Racm. i either jaw or thigh turnedLJI 'r !o John Biewr on RunotnuljlMeT'J tr, also $100.00 for proof toF I leraM branded KM oa right thigh and ahoulder and 1 braaded ICl oa right Jaar Alao, I hare t Kara r"4l1jj " "ri tkiSk rat Office Addreaa, Harrlaon, Sloax Co, Mcbraaka -TkUra J S. TVCREB. Rraaded ou left shoulder of horses nd on left side of rattle. And ttila on right tide right aid of caUle too. 1 Raaga White Rlr, near Glen. Foat office addreaa, (Hen, Nebraska. One Dollar Per Yiar. FUSION TICKET. Fur Governor W. U. THOMPSON For Ueii..Hovmor E A. (ALBERTS For" Secretary of Slate JOHN POWERS For Aiiditor1 ('. Q. IvFRAN't E For Treasurer J.N. LYMAN For Attorney U-nt-rril j. h nuo: Y For Comr. Pnti!.c Iriuts mi- 0 in i-s j. c;. iHI::K For Supt. of Schools CLAU: E SMHti For,Conresiini!n Six UislrK t P. II JEURRY floritn branjedi. ".im right ahonider or Juw. lUutareon httr ltiT, on the old Divir Colville rnncb. William. Huntley forwniui. 1. O. Adilreaa; aleu, br. ( nt in VKU. JORUA!. lloraes and est- tie brande-l ou V turt till " ! eft side of aa tteek. either aide, aame as on cut. Vr' Anil Cattle braiide.1 K- r left He, a.d lloisi- on Irltci,? J"1"- AdHr-v. Bmlarc, Nebraska. And thl n )ft tide Bad hip. Rai)Kr" liimiitiig Water. rostofflce'dilrea, llarrlseii, Ssbrsska KU. l AHS. - o Cut tl BranIeil.5Hea W .u :ft aide Kanije ou Kuu .frvj: nmg Kuu fc?MLC'.f ning WHter Addrp- Atfule, Neb. YES! Thk Pkes? Jocrnal does Job Work. Nt, First Class and Up-To-Date. Call in and get our pneef on Business CanIrNote Heada, U'tter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. 0-K000 rr.r.r r-rtn Dr.REA'G BLACKLEQ VACCINE (PILL FORM) absolutely gnaranteed to protect your 1 J. It. HCNTEU. jr "3 SUx-k bminliila yv'1" ia . slda or hip. Addreaa, Kd !ii.her, Forein UMrriawi, eb. Marsteller Bros, Are now pre pa red to show AX 1CLEGANT LINK OK cattle from Blackleg. Each pill of 'wV tdi aaa-a ti-WO.. flfuU ' A Hdl VaV. J cination with them is safe, sure and certain. My injector puts the pill under the sfcia easily and quickly. By orderuiK Oae Blrkel Plated direct of trie, you get fresh vaccine lajertor, ii.ojj immediately by return maiL Sent JST' fully prepaid on receipt of price. 10 " 1 00 carrnt nrrrv . I?-- . ,vx lOA " 10 OO BrLtuu vsaau i rf. i. jiM..t. time only 1 will mail one of my dollar U Jiaaiaeeaav. fa fne wit every order for 10 dosca or more or liiackieg L- D ! Vaccine. Not sold by druggist or dealers. :Vf Keaj jj0 agents. Prepared aad sold only by OCiAVB 1IAHKI5, Cattle brandeti s n!:owu on left side with Iff t enr cliajH'd. Itange oil Kun lilng Water, ft "Vm w.a tf'.' : Au -Ac 1. O. Addretm, Marlnd, br. FRANK SITTO. Cattle brandei aide anil same et der f horses. mi on ihf? li'ft AiH) Mne of tli Ilor-M' 1J Hn1Cnt. Mod (he Addreu, Unrrin, Iebmka. Write for treatise It- flUIC I BE! 220 7fJCT oq Blackleg It U tree. Ills VHIwi Lt IIU NEW YORK CITY- JOHN A. HANSON Owns tbe Follow Inftbrand oaellh er: A Iso HQ on rat tle and horaea cattle od leftside horae on left KaDfte on Sllror Sprinjrs and eaa vi at::te line. Postofflce IIarrlfton Noh. J W-l Si w f t I Cattle Branded Rang ou Alo Cattle braaed shoulder or aide. on ROBERT T. 3EECE. t3 on left slil '1 on left h Kannlng Water. V. o. Address Afrate, Kebraka. J. l.tV'IK. Cat t la branded )H LEFT 81 UK Pot Office Address. Cbadron Nebraska. J. D. rroctor. Cattle Branded i )n left hip. A.T. lirtillSO!. Also Horses Branded the mtve oa left shoulder. Rang", Honmwest of Andrews. Fot Office A ddress nrrlaoii,Net ) rtad aornbl doubli at tattle. Heraee aani ' tboalddr. ICut oat right! 1 n left elite right cattle. Cattle all denorned. Raag ea Kyle Creea. Pest Office. Oleo Nebraska BlIwyriK a Co. flattie bras ad autxa that I l! I rai, eltker I j IMt My a ant V -""all lasfttaaNldtr. ?f HI EIHE3DQ l Inadtal with any of akotr brand. S.J. A. AsJWMtMI. arrlaoa, Mebraska, 5 i ! 'fs- WWI jm m skiakiag f twerihing 90 ym fdavrlj Fva4iaff Matter, riem law U Utt iBWlllafc will uke sWwdaar)yM swy pfxr oa Mrtb aad PWMIJI Mf UaM fsW JM. , I III y imp mmm nnutm WATCHMAKER JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a' large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. U. 8. SENATORS Josr.rH H. Millard Chas. h. Dietrich CONGRESSMEN ELatzi J. BriKKTT, Rep )tt Dltt, DaviD h. Mticu, Rep.tnd Difc Joan J. Kobirbon, Fns. 3rd LMat. W. L. Stahi, Fus. M) Dlst. A. C. ftHALLEXBMOta, Fut. 5th Dlst. Wat. N STILLS, Foa, 6th Dlst. 8TATF. OFFICERS EISA P. Ravaos, (joveuuor C. f. Stkelr, l.leut, aovernor Geo, W. Marsh, Secretary of State Chas. Weston, Auditor I'ub. Acx ta. Waj. Rtecfeb, Treasurer Wit. K. Fowler, Supt. Public Inttjartloa FRARB . PROUT.Atijr. General Grobob Fowler, Coin. pub. lands and bldg LSB HEROMAif, Librarian COTHTY OFFICERS W. j. A. Radh, Clerk Jobs I. Davis, Treasurer ALBS LoWRT, Sheriff WB. J. A. Racm, Clerk of District Court J. n. Bores, Supt. of Public Instruction J. II. B BTELi., Judge M , J. OTobbbix. Attorney M. RcFriao, xurreyor Pat LacT, Coroner BOARD OP COUMTT COMMIMIOBERV JBB 0. MB., 1st District I. 0. LBWlB, tad Rlstricl . . V M14TW, M Diatrtot. A Great Crop! Our crop of New Fall Goods is now gath ered and it is as great as this year's corn crop in Nebraska will be. Our crop comprises everything in the way of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' wear. You have heard of 1 he Nebraska" You've read our advertisements, but many of you do not know us as you should. Why not come and see. It will pay you to come many miles to do your trading with u. But, if you cannot visit us in person, write for Catalogues. They will give you an idea of the stock we carry and the inducements we offer to trade with us. We have two cata loguesone for men and one for women. A postal card will get you one or the other or both. They will interest you and by readin them you will learn to ssv money. t"A Twen. r-olk'tit yen's e, k q sucC'esful shi lii:ding . . in live K.-' Ijctoni's rep rei:U a t is f.u-liou to I . ij Bti'iiot. of U i.i.iriTa. . Kvfry pair of Su.z .4on i IV X i a R . e anna an. m Ma) sa B r t, 3 style with perk'ulion of V comfortsniJ wearingyalue HI2H QUALITIES-LOW ?H1C tw r, ,h. .1-. .i..c.i. A.VVS I M I I'll. Blll KJ I A msrks the Popular Dealer Bali shoe, for Men. Women and 1 i" ?S Satisfactory Shoes - Prlce-Qus aaa re 5U "Uams Ssla.- 5ELZ, SCHWAB Salt "Pcslber VcJikc' Morsestet." "ri"' I t .-. al Jf m Lt JLV. tl Wat a. BMJA BW AW FineShoes fully iliuntrtt ! (iWK II ll f3 thin fact Thy makeyour fjti I f i-f fei-t look woll, co matter r "! Vv I aTI IM "b"f.,;i..,'."'..::"' "".i feoxtea Iw dren srs lity ComforV-Btyla- Ir ft CO., Chicago. V ulactartrs tl Imn tad Ss I wesw. m m The Commercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. C. F. CtiKKEK, President. . L F. W.Clarkf, Cashier Chas. C. Jamksox. H. S. Classic, A. McGihlst Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oi us to handle their entire Banking busines. V, are prepared to take care of our trade at all times THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drills. Druggist's Sundr ies, Paints, Oils. VarnisheSi BOOks and STATIONARY. J, E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Cattle brtndtd Cattle brum! Cuttle bra.trled i alo. on left aid on left sld On left Hip IIF.NKY WK1SE, Foreman P. O. Addrasa, Glen, Web HF.1RT WARSFII. '-alll brand ed on left aid. Range on Running Water Creeek. A. R. MENNE0V, tl M n. ( aaew. 1. ( attle llranil " " mg ' niuuiavr L"g J P. 0- Address, Crawford, Nebraska. jon.1 T. SNOW. iloraes lnandeil left I FIX on left skoal- (der branded ua left shoulder and Cattle HI on left aid. Post Ofllr Address, Patrick, 11 ami Co. Wye. "P. O. Address Harrison, BebTMk. ABDRKW CrTIUSTIAK Cattle bra. 'I ed on left si lo sam as cut and korses braaded On left thoalde tains ss cut are tbe property of Andrew ( hrlstian an range Irtbulary to Vaa Taaasl Springs. Addivss, i aUIWr. Wye, fx I a.V - ZTlAVTL Ff..- . tnWaYifir.: .aV'- 4 ft , i, v -.i.'r'.-' , ,K,' .(.'l'- ta' V Uv -fci.'. 1.". I- '.j ' J - - - ' ' '