Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 18, 1902, Image 4

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    Duster IValler, Diplomatist
CrjO'lK iruuilfNt aoiuetiuies unbend,
jP sud tlie Botanical Garden were.
for cue afteruoou, throwing off
their usual rau-rve. Ordinary folk had
only Jo come across Ilegeot's I'ark from
Chester Gale, aud present a card at tbe
entrance to tbe gardens, aud tlie bowler-hatted
old gentleman at tlie gate
welcomed I hem as though they were
mcst UBportaiit ii;euil)ers. Miss Lle
wellyn aud Mknior Kenneth Waller,
br friend, walked oo (he grans in the
direction of music
"Anybody you know bp, Miss Lle
wellyn V
"i don't suppose so, Kenneth."
"You don't know man; people, do
you. Miss Llewellyn?"
"Very few."
"Wonder at that," (mid the small
boy, "because you're not Lad-looking,
you know. I 'Id you use to couie here
when you were well off? lo they sell
lemonade here?"
"Seems jmHslMe. You think that ev
erybody ought to bare plenty of
"Plenty of friend," said Kenneth,
wisely, "but one In particular. Won
der bow old you are?"
"That," Mid the young woman, good
tempered!, "that hi the only question,
Kenneth, that you must never put to a
"I should guess," he aald. critically,
a they sat down In the low chairs near
the refreshment tent and watched the
people, "that you were about 20." Mtas
Llewellyn (are a quaint geture of hor
ror. "Well. K, then. Fancy!" The
mall boy whistled amacedly. "Twenty-are
and not married yet."
"Young man," aald Miss Llewellyn,
flushing and affecting a tone of grave
ererity, "I find your conversation
mock too personal. You would like
lemonade, I think, and two pieces of
The scarlet coated band perched on
Mate near the glasshouse, with a
crowd of smartly dressed folk In front
Of them, started a cheerful selection
from a comic opera. Miss Llewellyn, a
composed young woman In an ordinary
way, aa goung women are who work
for their llrlng. found herself in quite
a delighted mood. Music can do much
when it tries.
"Of course," said her candid guest,
with cake at his mouth. "I don't mean
to say lliat you mightn't get married
even now. I bad an aunt once who
was close upon 30 before she rould get
any one to look at her."
"The Instance is encouraging, Ken
Beth. Oon't cat too fast, mind."
"Btlll," aald the youth wisely, -if I
were a girl I should be Jolly careful not
to miss a good opportunity. Are those
orchids they're carrying there? Hasn't
that chap got a brown face who's tell
ing the men where to take them? 8eem
to hare aeen him somewhere before.
Shouldn't like to be an orchid, should
you. Miss Llewellyn? Why. you'd have
to grow out in South America, and peo
ple would hare fearful trouble to And
yon, and risk their lives Hullo!
Brown-faced chap's corning this way."
Miss Llewellyn looked up aud then
looked down again quickly, aud for a
moment her face went rather white.
Her hand trembled as she held It out.
"Mr. Bradley." she said. "How do
you dot I did not expect to see you
"I did not expect to see you again
anywhere," he said.
There was tbe pause that comes after
the banalities of greeting. Master Wal
ler, not having spoken for quite half a
minute, felt that he was in some dan
ger Of being overlooked, and coughed.
This Is my little friend, Kenneth
Waller," she said. "Kenneth, this is
Mr. Bradley."
"What's tlie matter with your face?"
asked the small Ik. "Have you been
u broad T
Mr. Bradley placed a broad fist on
the round Iron table and leaned down
towards Master Waller good-naturedly.
He seemed as confused at tbe
meeting as Miss Llewellyn, and as un
prepared with convocation.
"I have been abroad, young man. I're
been hunting orchids."
"Are you home for good now?" asked
Miss Ilewellyu gripped the parasol
that rested in her lap with both hands.
"I can't do any good at home." said
Mr. Bradley. "I am off again to South
America In a day or two."
"Why don't you stay In London f
"Nobody asks me to stay."
"Should have thought," said Master
Waller, "that you could have got some
body to do that Hare yon any for
eign postage stamps about your
Friendship between the two gentle
men was cemented and made perma
nent by the production of several for
eign stamps and an envelope to place
them in. People were coming up to
tba refreshment tent now, the band
baring decided to rest for half an boar
and reeorer breath, aad Muter Waller
Invited Mr. Bradley to take bis chair.
"Ton don't mlndr naked Bradley of
Mies Llewellyn.
"Not it all." site aald, politely.
"May I smoker
"tat me strike tlie mate," wterposed
Master Waller. "I'm awfoUy good at
that, Aad ton aa aoase of jrvar advea
They wouMat mtereat Mkw UewaW
flirts doa't eaaart." Master Walter.
T2H. Make at," aald Maatar Wat
fcr, rnx3y. "eae where yea aear-
fj isx rm Me."
O wa a taeea,
r- tia smeJ
;r :U U ' Va it OU
wellya, tier head bowed, studied tbe
band program la apparently a laborious
search for tbe misprints that a musical
program always offers. Bradley told
the story very well, without obtruding
bis own share in tbe adventure, snd
when be bad finished, punched the
small boy humorously to bring him
back from South America to Regent's
"Aud is that story true?" asked the
small boy, respectfully.
"It has that drawback, youngster."
"Well," said Master Waller, "I'm a
man that's awfully fond of adventure,
but I shouldn't care for that. What did
you think of when that fierce animal
was waiting to spring upon you?"
"Can't," said Master WsUer. "Can
you. Miss Llewellyn?"
Sbe shook her head, and again be
came Interested In tbe band program.
Bradley looked at her and waited for
her to speak, but she made no sign.
Now, silence ma at times be tolerable
for grown-up folk, but for Impatient
young men like Master Waller it brings
nothing but weariness.
"Is there any chance of seeing tbe
orchllds, Mr. Bradley?" asked tbe
youth. "It'll be something to brag
about to my people If I could just get a
sight of them."
"We'll all go over to the marquee and
have a look. Miss Llewellyn, will you
come, or shall we leave you here?
There's rather a crush."
"I.et'8 leave her," suggested Master
Waller. "Miss Llewellyn likes being
"I think I w ill stay here," she said.
"We shall be back hi ten minutes,"
said Bradley.
Master Waller bad to trot to keep up
with the long strides of bis new friend,
but be did not mind this, because be
felt a kind of reflected glory in being
accompanied by the man who bad
brought home some of the rarest of the
amazing specimens in the crowded tent
"Girls are a nuisance, aren't they?"
said Master Waller, looking up confi
dentially. ''Sometimes," said Bradley.
"She Isn't so tiresome, though, as
"I think I agree with you there."
"Works awfully hard. Too hard, my
mamma says."
"No necessity for that, surely," said
Bradley, rather sharply.
"But Miss Llewellyn has to live,"
urged the small boy. "My mamma says
that she was well off for a year or two
before her father died, but since
that "
"Her father dead ?"
"Here, I say," said Master Waller.
"Iont grip a man's shoulder tike that"
"They come into money, so my mam
ma says, a few years ago "
"I remember that."
"And then Miss Llewellyn's governor
put all Into something, and it never
came out again. That's why she has t j
msnage the callsthenic school that I go
to. And I say! Can you touch your
toes with the tips of your fingers with
out "
"Where does she live now?" Mr.
Bradley seemed excited.
"in rooms," replied Master Waller,
volubly. "I've been there to tea along
with my sisters, (That's a fine orchid j
there. You can't see it now; a girl's :
list's In tbe way.) And Miss Llewel
lyn's got awfully nice furniture and !
photographs, and " Master Waller
slapped his knee suddenly. "1 remem
ber now where I've seen your face be
fore, Mr. Bradley. Only without the
short beard."
"Come outside," said Bradley, "and j
tell me."
They made their way through the
crowd aud reached the exit. Bradley
held bis breath and bent to bear tbe
small boy's reply.
"On her dressing lable," whispered
Master Waller, confidentially, "In the
benutlf ullest frame you ever saw,
and Where are you gslng?"
"Back to Miss Llewellyn," cried
"Well, but," said Master Waller, pro
testlngly, "wslt for me."
Bradley did not obey the young man.
II" strode across tw lawn, past tbe
band, which was playing a quick march ,
that was not quick enough to keep pace
wltb him. Before Master Waller found
tbe two there bad been a swift ex
change of low sentences that altered
tbelr views of tbe world, and made
them both think of It as a place where
happiness Is to be found.
"And why did you refuse me before,
"Because all my people pressed me to
accept you," said Miss Llewellyn.
"The excuse of a very obstinate
yonng woman."
"Why did you why did yon not ask
me again 7' sbe demanded.
"Because," snld Bradley, "It was Just
then that your father came Into that
"Tbe excuse of a very Independent
man," said Mine Llewellyn, touching
with pretty affection the big band that
rested on tbe round table. "When
when It la that you leave for Houtti
America r
"Not no til yon tell me to go, dear, '
aa aald, promptly.
"Hera, I aay." cried Master Waller,
arriving after some dUBcnlty. "You
twel Doa't naa sight of me, mind.
Maw Lteweflya, hare 1 been a good
Tre a great mlad to klaa you, Kes
aet." aha aald.
TaCker hare
tlon," said Bradley, signaling to a
waiter, "may I renture to submit my
self "
"Hush:" said Miss Llewellyn Tbs
Woman at Home.
DRESS C08T 940,000.
Oowa Exhibited la Chicago Made lot
the Czarina, bat Rejected.
The famous f 40,000 coronation robe
made by the ambitious Mme. Baruttl,
of Paris, for the Czarina of Russia was
placed on exhibition In Chicago recent
ly. The robe, which Is the finest ever
shown In America, and one of the finest
ever seen at say time In tbe world's
history, was viewed by thousands of
people. -
Tbe costly gown Is a wonderful crea
tlon of gold thread, ermine, white satin
and royal purple velvet Not a Jewel
was used on It, but $10,0U0 worth oi
gold thread aud 7,0UO worth of royal
ermine were fashioned Into tbe gown
during the two years It took Mme. Ba
ruttl to complete It
The history of the royal robe Is at
Interesting as Its folds are luxurious
Royalty never wore the gown, although
it was made for the Csarina, but with
out her knowledge. When the old Czai
of Russia died, Mme. Baruttl an
nounced that she bad been commis
sioned to make the robe for tbe Czarina.
She hastened to carry out her plans.
After many mouths sbe began showing
the gown to her creditors, who were
harassing her, for she owed more than
6,000,000 frsncs. Ambitious to become
the royal dressmaker for all the houses
of Kurope aud hoping thus to recoup
her lost fortunes and clear up her cred
it, Mme. Baruttl convinced her trades
men her day was coming and secured
further credit from them.
Tbe time arrived, however, when she
saw the robe would not grace the coro
nation, and Mme. Baruttl went to the
room where the gown was displayed
and killed herself. The gown and all
she owned were sold at auction, aud
finally came Into the possession of a
New York firm.
The great mantle, twenty-seven feet
long, is the main part of the gown. It
Is of royal purple velvet trimmed wltb
white satin ribbons and a wealth of
gold thread, snd lined with 1,5U0 royal
ermine skins. The gown proper Is
decollete, of double thickness of white
satin. The train extends 100 inches
from the waist and is bordered with a
gold fringe two Inches wide. Every de
tail of the wonderful robe la elaborate
ly wrought The scattered gold decora
tions and scroll work, the HcJi luces and
heavy satin make it a modiste's dream,
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The (Mil Ilmlnem of an Old Nesret
in New Orleana.
"In oue of the more unique quarters
of New Orleans I have found one of tbe
most unique characters I ever saw. In
fin old negro washerwoman," said a
man w ho has lately taken up his resi
dence in oue of the more popular ave
nues of the city, "and she seems to be
proceeding along original lines In the
main purpose of her life. Washing
clothes seems to 1 a mere Incident to
the general plan she carries out. She
is an Interesting old character, and
can quote copiously from the Bible.
This seems to be a hobby with her. She
has some kind of construction to put
on every Hue she quotes, too. She can
tell you Just exactly what It means
from her way of looking at It But
this Is not the point I had In mind.
".Several days ago I got Into con
rersatlou with tlie old womsn, and sbe
asked me If I didn't have some family
washing to give her. I told her I did
not, but encouraged tbe conversation,
as I have a fondness for the negro of
the ante-bellum type, finding them al
ways very Interesting. She finally
threw a quotation from the Bible at
me, and It was followed by ancjlier,
aud still another, and so on. 'Say,
boss,' she said after a while, 'does yo'
ever have anybody to do any prayln'
fo' yo'?' I told her I did not, and. be
coming more Interested In the old wom
an, I got her to unfold her whole
scheme to me. She did It without any
sort of hesitation.
"She Is a professional prayer, and
makes no small sum out of it from
what she told me. She told me she
was praying once a week for the lady
next door, who had employed -her lo
pray for her husband to quit drink
ing, although be Is a very light drink
er, to my own knowledge. The old
woman seemed to be very proud of bet
calling, and whatever otber people may
say about It she Is an enthusiastic be
liever lu the efficacy of her own pray
ers." New Orleans Times-Democrat
Fire Engine Trolley Cars.
A special trolley car for conveying
fire engines is In use at Springfield,
Mass. The engine is carried on a plat
form only nine and one-half incbet
above the top of the rail, mounted on
truck at each end. Tbe front truck
Is detached and tbe front end of tl
platform lowered to tbe ground whet
tbe engine Is to be loaded ou the car
Platforms over each truck afford spact
for firemen and equipment Tbe lengtb
of tbe car over all Is thirty feet ten and
a half Inches and lu net weight l(
14,000 pounds. Tbe Springfield fire do
partment has loaded an engine on ou
of these cars lu two and one-quartet
minutes from tbe time tbe car waa lo
position to Its being ready to start, and
has unloaded an engine and attached
the bones to it lu one and one-quarter
About tbe inaddeat thing 00 this
earth la a woman wearlug a white
dreae caught down town la a rain
storm. When one reflorta bow popular atod
eat men are, It aeeau Strang" that aga-
to lacriMi aad auSOsir.
Febrwary lit IBOU, First PUce Was
Burnt at WUkeabarrc.
It was on February 11, 1802, that a
few of tbe pioneer residents of Wilkes-
b;rre, then a rude backwoods settle
ment, gathered In the old log tsvern
to watch the experiment of making
fuel of the "black rock" which
cropped up plentifully In and about
the town. A grate was specially ton
structed for the purpose and tbe trial
was made. It Is needless to say that
the experiment was a complete suc
Wllkesburre, the birthplace of this
wonderful fuel product, came In later
years to be the center of the greatest
coiil-producing region on tbe globe, sud
Itself a busy, thriving, prosperous lit
tie city, still Increasing steadtb lo
uuuibers. wealth and power. The rnde
crate in which the first r-onl was
ourned is sacredly preserve! as the
uiost cherished relic of old times in
Wilkesbarre. It lias been twice stolen
aud twice recovered after a long and
weary search. It Is now carefully
guarded from envious and thieving
From the handful of "black rock
burned that winter day before the cu
rious eyes of the old pioneers a mighty
snd far-reaching Industry has sprung
an industry which has revolutionized
modern trade and commerce snd added
untold billions to the wealth of tbe
world. The handful of "black rock,"
says Leslie's Weekly, has grown Into
an annual product of over 250,000.000
tons In America alone, wltb a value ex
feeding $200,000,000, more than half of
this being credited to the State of
Pennsylvania, where the Industry bad
its birth.
l l rt l II I l l l I I H H I I I H
Servants in Paris
Are Being Banished I
. I I I H I illl I I I 1 I
Paris, Just now, Is more or less ex
cited over a new phase of social life
which Is known by the name "Corln
thiauism." It sems entirely too mag
iiitleent a title for anything of the kind.
It really looks to such simplicity In life
ns will result gradually in the disap
pearance of the domestic servant. It
Is an application of the theory of self
help to domestic life to a degree as
tonishing to persons unfamiliar with
the eccentricities of Paris life. Even
the efforts at economical reform are
not seriously regarded there.
The quality of "Corlnthianlsm" Is
shown best by a dinner party at which
the guests are believers In the new
doctrine. The guests cook the meal,
lay the table, and two of the youngest
persons present act as waiters. This
Is the quality which the French are
supposed to prize so highly, applied to
social life. In the household, of course,
every person is expected to do his
own work.
The adherents of "Corlnthianlsm"
contend that It solves tbe servant
question la addition to conforming to
the highest social rules, ft restores
people to the original state' In which
no classes existed and conforms to oth
er high social standards. It may do all
these admirable things, but there are
yet many persons who think that It
would be better not to give a dluner
party at ail than to have the guests
cook the dinner. New York Sun.
King of Rata.
Rats proclaim their monarch on ae
:ountof his gray hairs he Is always nr.
ancient and wise-headed warrior, n
fights his way to the front; but It Is
hot only that that gives him the throne
it Is his cuunlijg. Tbe rat tribe cele
brates his coronation In an almost hu
man way. The whole tribe of the
house or granary gathers, and the big
monster steps out aud sniffs the air.
He grates his teeth wickedly, daring
any rival to come and try his 'luck;
and, If none offers, he Is thenceforth
given the lead lu nil matters. If a
bouse Is unsafe or a sh!p unfit for sea,
the king It Is who leads the tribe sway
In time; and his subjects never molest
him when he helps himself to the pick
of the food or the best nesting place,
and his family enjoys the same dis
tinction. How the Nickname Originated.
Time and again In the world's his
tory has a nnme opp'led In derision
been adopted by the persons sneered
at and later been considered wltb
pride. Gotham, New York's alias, wss
originally applied In derision, doubt
less because of some alleged foolish
ness of New Yorkers, the name be ng
taken from "The Merry Tales of the
Msdtnen of Gotham," satirical stories
written In tbe fifteenth century by
Adam Borde, a Carthaginian monk,
who afterward died In tbe Tower of
Mow Me Celebrated.
As an Instance of the overpowering
strength of the human desire to make
a noise somehow during times of re
joicing a story Is told Id London of a
commonly sane and sober citizen who.
upon bearing of tbe recent declaration
of peace In South Africa, went outside
bis house and violently rang bis own
door bell until he felt calmer.
Jaat llentmrnt.
"What's tbe Armless Wonder mad
"Ob, he says he dosed a little, and
tbe manager came along anfi yelled
sot 'Stir your stumps!' "-Philadelphia
ttorfaanea Known of Old.
Tb records left by tbe Phoenicians,
Assyrians and ancient Persians show
.hat among all those nations the use
of perfumes waa very common.
Womaa la a food listener waea she
caa't tfriak of anything te aay.
Camaaeota and Crltli Lm Haacd Upon
the llappcalntca of the Iia-M Jatorl
cal and Newa Note.
The Ixmuty of s woman who psinu
Isn't eieii skin deep.
This country hss almost too umuy
patriots for pie only.
Misery is like a marriageable youug
lady; It loves -o'iipnny.
Wheu pride heads the procession pov
erty always brines up the rear.
Exceptions prove the rule; thst's wiiy
.he jroldeu rule Is so firmly established.
Emperor William ssys no msn csn
afford to put In more than forty five
minutes ut his d'.uner.
Life mny be worth living aud it may
not it all depends on whether it's your
life or the other fellow's.
Schwab hi going to have a 13,350,000
home lu New York. He must Intend
to remain in this country.
The J. J. Hill line from Duluth to
Labrador, If built might be able to
reduce the price of Ice a trifle.
If at the age of 40 s msn meets ft
woman he thought he loved at i!0 be is
apt to believe that luck Is with blm
after all.
The wedding presents received by
W. H. VanderbUt's granddaughter
amounted In value to $1,300,000. It
pays to marry a girl like that.
An old bachelor says the only differ
ence between a wedding and a hanging
Is that with the former a man's trou
bles begin and with the latter they eJd.
Queen Alexandra has bought a book
written by President Roosevelt. Era
oeror Willlsra will hsve to hurry now
and do something else to keep up tbe
friendly relations.
It U (be sheerest folly to permit a
Ktate of war to exist between labor and
capital All differences should be sct-
iled by peaceful methods and In a way
o secure the broadest Justice to oil.
Conflicts between employers and em
ployed will Inevitably arise, but they
bould be settled without lnconvenlenc
ng the general public and without In
creasing the cost of living of those not
rcsiKiosIblc for the existing differences.
An over-euthusiiistlc prlist delivered
i powerful arraignment of people who
:ro on Sunday excursions, and nt the
ud of the service discovered that a
!urge part of bis congregation were
iiembers of an excursion psrly. The
excursionists could not but believe that
when thoy bad paid their respects to
the priest's reputation for eloquence,
'ce bad taken special pains to reprl-
uand and offend them. His explnns
ion that be bad not known thess nt
ill was not accepted with good grace.
3ut why should they feel offended.
even had the priest been aware of thulr
denilty? Aul why should tbe priest
eel culled upon to explain? Why shoot
:ertuous Into the sir? Why not situ
right nt the spot and lilt hard at the
Ight time? If Sunday excursion! are
s-rong, why not say so, knowiugly and
uteiitloniilly, to guilty ones cnught Ln
,he very act? Why should people go
twenty-live miles to hear a distin
guished preacher and then expect him
io tnik on the slr.s of ether people assd
lot on their own? Can It be possible
list any church-going people want the
ninlster to scandalize the doings of
itlu-r folks nd give no splritu:il guid
uice for their own cases? The explana
tion made Is said to have been profuse,
itit certainly It was not profuse enough
in either side.
It Is a matter for regret that the
Army Board has decided that green
1 hall supplant blue as the color In sol-
llers' uniforms. The regret Is senti
mental, for blue surrounds the trooper
af the Union as a halo. This question
of clothing for men In the field has
long IsK-n discussed lu war offices of
.he different governments, tbe object
being to make the men as Inconspicu
ous as possible. British forces In
South Africa wore a kbakl of dull
brown which would harmonise with
tbe rock-ribbed land in which opera
tions were carried on. American ex
perts believe that green Is tbe best
color, because of the probability that
active operations In the futurq will be
conducted in countries where foliage is
abundant Experience on these Hues
waa gained In Cuba and tbe Philip
pines and as all new possessions of the
United States are in tropical countries.
the probabilities are that any wars of
the future will be carried on In hinds
where green Is the prevailing color,
so that theory urges tbe advisability
of clothing troopers lu harmony wltb
the grass and bushes In which they
will be concealed, to the end that they
may be less readily detected by tbe
enemy. But (be passing of the blue
will be accompanied by a wave of sor
row throughout tbe land. It Is woveb
In song and story; It has become part
of history; It hss been a synonym of
the Union.
"If you want to knw what a man Is,
amine bla castles In tbe air," ssld
a old, sick pauper In an English wotk
ouse to a writer for tbe Spectator,
the obstacle to following tbe advice,
tad thus Increasing our knowledge of
bonian nature, Is that these same css-
tlea are off tbe line of our rail way a, aad
that, area If we reach the portcullis,
wa are all too likely to bo without the
loanword, what e shoald ilka to aa
is s deeper secret even ufcaa what we
are We know that UaphaeJ aaalred
to be a poet Instead of a palatar, aad
that "Iaute once prepared to aalat aa
angel." Tbe boy bss visions of Bla tri
umphs at the lar or in the laboratory.
Tbe girl dreams of fsme as a BOraUat
or a singer, or of social power aad
charm. These are natural enough. But
the really interesting queatlea la,
"What is the air-castle of tbe man or
woman who In the eyes of the world
has scored a brilliant succeasr la
nine cases out of ten It would be found
lo be ln the nature of a return to Sim
pllclty. The rich bunker dreams of the
Joys of the farmer; tbe woman of So
ciety pictures to herself tbe grateful
Hilliude of life on a remote ranch. Kb
may even sigh for the quiet of the con
vent, notwithstanding Its stern rules.
What seems monotony to the villager
promises peace to the weary dweller In
the great city. A glimpse of a hundred
alr-castles would discover In scores of
instances that the desire for luxury and
dbiplsy bsd given way lu tbe world of
dreams to a new regime of "plain liv
ing and blgb thinking."
Oue of the most Important acts of tb
late session of Congress which la of es
pecial Interest to tbe Htstes in the Mis
sissippi Valley Is the adoption of the
bill Introduced by Congressman Page
Morris, of Duluth, providing for the
creation of a national park forest reser
vation at tbe headwaters of tbe Mis
sissippi. Tlie creation of this forest
reaerve In order to preserve the water
supply of the Mississippi has been
urged upon Congress for years, and It
Is largely due to the perseverance of a
public-spirited Cblcagoan, Colonel John
8. Cooper, who was backed by twenty
one otber Cblcagoans, as well as prom
inent citlsens of other cities, that the
foundation for a most extensive forest
reservstlon has been laid at this ses
sion. Under the Morris bill, which baa
been agreed upon by conference com
mittees of both houses, there will be
a forest reserve of nearly 250,000 acres,
covering the head waters of the Mis
sissippi, and which will be purchased
from the Chippewa Indians. The advo
cates of a forest reserve sought to
have tbe entire Chippewa reservation
of 50,000 acres retained, but were
forced to be content with reserving
ouly 250,000 acres at this session, owing
to the economical spirit that appears
to have seized Congress. Tbe reserva
tion of this tract, however, removes the
danger that now exists that tbe lands
of the Chippewa reservstlon msy be
denuded of limber and the sources of
the great "father of waters" dried up.'
Of the Chippewa reservation 2M.0W
acres are covered wltb pine and 218,000
acre are under' water, there being OT
lakes aud seven rivers In the tract
The bill not only represents an Import
ant beginning In the work of preserv
ing tbe water supply of the Mississippi
Valley, but meaus that the govern-'
ment Is about to undertake the scien
tific preservation of our forests.
Once there was a man who sued an
other man because the other man's dog
chased bis cat. He said bis cat bsd
suffered from nervous derangement'
ever afterwards and that ber value as
s household pet had been impaired.
The attorney for tlie defendant held
that the dog bad not chased tbe cat
out of auy malicious desire to derange
ber nervous system, but simply out of
good humor and regard for tradition.
He was taking advantage of tbe Inher
ent, Inalienable, and lmmerr.-lsl right
tue uog uas always usa 10 cnase inn
cat whenever he pleased. A similar
right has been established for the dog
In Missouri. Mr. Simon owned a thor-.
oughly exemplary dog called Jupiter.'
Mr. Qulun owned a less exemplary boy1
called Wllie. Jupiter wss basking In
the sun wheu Willie found blm. To'
Willie's taste basking was rather slow
fun. There were other things that
would add more sest to life. Accord
ingly, be lied a tin can to Jupiter's tfllL
Now, Jupiter was not a bully, but
neither was he a non-resistant Tbe
can annoyed blm. He bit Willie. Wil
lie ran home end told bis father. Ills
father prosecuted Mr. tSlmon. Fortu
nately Judge Kldener was a man of
discernment Ills decision was that
Mr. Qulnn was to pay the costs of tbe
trial. The dog was not to blame, for,
as the decision most admirably says:
"Any dog has a legal and undeniable
right to bite any man, woman, or child
who purposely and with Intent to dis
turb said dog's tranquillity and pesce
Of luilid dues attach iit CSUS tu be
attached to said dog's tall a tin caa
or other weight which will Impede, or
tend to Impede, the progress of said
animal. A dog which bites Its prose
cutor in such a case Is acting purely
and honestly In self-defense, and Is aa
Justly Immune from punishment aa
the man who strikes at a burglar In
defense of bis own life and welfare."
This seems more than reasonable, and
it Is to lie hoped that tbe courts of oth
er States In the Union will lake tbe
same stand. Tbe tlncanned dog has
rights which deserve recognition.
A Delight In Store.
Oraud-nephew (to himself) "I've got
round the old lady at last I I'm helping
her night and dsy to s tarch out deaervl
Ing objects for ber beuevolent schemes.
To-day she said I'd have cause for re
joicing when her will was read." Great
Aunt (to herself)-"! bad 10 Idea the
dear boy was so gjod. It worries hint
terribly to see so much misery la tbe
world. How delighted be will be to Bud
that all my mousy Is to go to tbe sup
port of tbe poor friendless orphans I"
A prlnceaa, whose father la a hard
working man, la a dreadful example la
a community, bat there la aoaeatalaf
worse an oniy aay
maker lata a prUaa,
1. r m -
i.tL ?