...A . RNAL. CJ3 1 "VQXj. XIV. HABRISOU, ISTIiBA.S5C A., TIE-ETTS-DAST, SEPTEMBER n. 19C2. Tsl O. 1X1 Harrison Jou HARRISON HAPPENINGS J) Dr. Hey mour at Crawford Oct. 8th. Fred I loan was down from Wyoming thi week; Edwin Guthrie lft last Monday night for Kearney Nehr , where he will attend chool thm intr. Oee Turner snipped two tar loads of Cattle last Monday. Read tin man who watched the fly trap in another column. ANDREWS. Entertainment Given by District 30 i September I9lh. An entertainment will be given by the Andrews' school at the behool-hou- Fri day evening;, Sept. 19:h. F.vtrybody come and bring so.tiehody else. Teach ers, of other Mux;) especially invited to bring their u i is. hut everybody invit- ACARU. The undersigned desires to announce tnat he has dipiwed of his business at Harrison, to Mr. t'harles Newman, and to express Ins Ihankfiil nppreeiat inn of j ed and inaue welcome. patronng" Hint, has enabled him ti create l-mxjUAMME rrorn a small Is-ginning one of the best business enterprises in Northwest Nebr. Mr Newman will continue the business at the old stand and bis policy will lie the same as that which has made it success- Clarence Hnllingsworth came down from hi ranch Tuesday evening. Rev Youngman went to Cbadron Tues day evening to at tend Conference. fiuniUy whool nt 10 o'clock: every body in vitd. W. H. Davis; Supt. fill in the past, and I request for biiti the sani" liWal patronage that has been ae- I corded to myself. G. W. Hester. Jutt received: A new consignment of rue and boys clot lung at OKKLAt IIS Iudpe Kiriraid Hie Republican candid ate for Congressman was in town yester day. , Maicils V.ildnz and Henry Mnravek re t urtied lo Old Women creek, Wyo. la-t week. J. J and H. H. Was-erburger each shipi I a car of hor.-es to Wisi oiimii lust Tuisd V. Mure and hotter crttrflt for the same niottey t Gerlncli's store than any other place, try them. 10-tf J. H. Wtlherthsdiirfer ilei-oi ated bin h artie-n shop (Ins week, by putting it new floor in and ceiling it,. A Smithvill. man according to the Liberty Advance visited a phisiorun m company with his wife. The doctor in serted the thermometer in her mntith. Afler it had been there two or three minutes, the man, who was not accus tomed to such prolonge ' hnrstsof silence on I he part of his wife-, pulled nut low-allot and inquired: 'or. what will you take for that I Inn;; ' T,x halite. 'J. E Marsteller came in on the train last Saturday niirlit. and Alex I,ow rv nod I). M. Sut.'ou came in Monday evening from their trip lo the, Iist Cabin mine. Mr. Marsteller says there is gold I here, but as it is so far from a rail-road ihev will have to (.wait futber develop ments to see whet her il will pa v or not We was in hopes thev would bring brick a wagon box full of Hugger us .souvenirs i.ut periups Ae win jjei Uiem later on. For a bvl teste in the mouth take Clumber ain's Stomiu ti end L vr Tab leti. For sale by all IVviggisis. fvl f'oH nifsHin th m vd h'sfminU in town last week, o his f' tl 'ren will ge ' the benefit ".f s-'ho.il this winter. Ml-s E ir.lheth Harris o:tin in on the -l Isiund train from Lincoln Wedter day. She exjwets hi leach school 111 lis-tni-l No. J3. A Communication. Mk KtMToR Allow dim to nak few words in favor of ( hamlierlain's ' '(ni'h Iteniedy. I nll-re'! for ibree yeitrt with the tiiiMichilw and coufl not steep at nights. 1 trisl several doctors unit vuri oils palelit. 111 die-lie, hill i-i'llld j.-et not 11(5 to j-ive mp khv reii'-f man my wife pH a hot tie of this va'uable nied cine, wtiirli Irw roiiiob'telv relieved me W S. Hly-KM. nn-n-ll. Mo. Tm retried v i for sale bv J. K. Phinnev. . OreHlinu S )iil B H -bonl Wolds of welc'ime Lilia-i lln ris Soiij,' "Jack and Joe" " Sc.lmol Recitation "Tlie Lnvei s Sacr.lice" liy l'earla Jones. Soiit;, St locted By Clara Chritensen I'ialoiiue "The Morning I 'all" By Mis 8. E. Jones and Lilia-s: E Harris ftei iUiti.in Bv Thomas Jones Hand Drill Bv Clara Christens-1!! an I PeirlaJoues l)ntlo.f. "Tic? Sick i)U" By Kv.i Pis-etor, i'liouias Jones, and Mabel I ill i.stirtiseii Motion Son By School H.;cita! ion "K:ss H.;r and tell Her so" By Sirs. S. E. Jones Dialogue "The Wax Figure Sbo--v By i a rl Mailseti, Jul a M idseti, Thomas Jones. E.a Proctor, M.tliel i hnsteiiscii, mid i hri.stfiia Ji -nsen. Song "The Moonliglil Kail Jt.v School Dialogue l'carla Jones's Dream" By Pear I a, Jmies. Birdie Join s, Mabel i tiristcnsen, Jo'ia Mad-n, Aliset Madsn and Thomas Jones Recitation Selected Sot.g H' citation "Wider Bodil" Hy Mrs S E. Jon. s Dialogue "The Rehcursil Bv ( Mara . 'tii i-tensljc. 'A ib-l !bnstenei', nrl Mud-1 n, Eva l'rocior, Julia M.uUen. and Thomas Joiivs U.-citatio.i By Pansv Jone R'citation "M uoa's 'it' le Boy By Lilian K. Harris Remarks "Tne Puleic E'llert'i'nnK't il'i Adv tillages" - By Supt. J B Bori.e Songs. Selected By School' Miss Oral While, who taught the East chiol I it spring, is now teaching an eiiibt monlb term of school near Inez, lhl count v. The fir.t threshing of the season was done last week, when Mr Kn'tse thresh ed for Bert Hamlin's and Mr. Church. Hamlin's oats averaged thirty thn-e bushels pr acre. "' At this writing there are yet a few fields of linn Incut. One piece tn par ticular will no! be ripe for t wo weeks vet . and if we don't liavea snow or hard freeze will ni ike a good yield. v7 "a viole'ifTl Jami s W. C'bris'ian, a few days ago, killed a huge limk of the Swuinsoi. sjs'cie ttilh a stone. The uird was fly ing when lie :hr;W and Ilia stone struck it on one w ing hieakiiig :t and bringing the bird to Ih ground. Andrew ' 'bristian's cat 1 1 were on the market Wednesday morning of last week, he had -11 s'eers which topped the market. Tliuiyiveraged l .'OO B.s and sold at 5.40 or 64 t'O per head. An Iowa feeder hoegbt ' hem ari.l i hey vv,t() shipped to Tama county the fame day. It must have been n grott pleasure to the two teachers that lis'ened to Mr. Zori'eermau's worr's on last Sunday, to think that they had something to do with he mapping out of his life, ard t h posit ion that he now is filling; that, is the ;, Trying of thi.' Gospel message of peace. No! no! M A.1', don't mention potatoes: Tle-v are too cheap to talk about, one of vour riei-hbor i resnnnb'e in a way, for their downfall. Wl have rv.ta'oes to throw lo th rows, (hat is if we are a' rng enough to throw ilium, if not. we'll roll 'em or dragem out with m hore . 1 am bow prepared to weeve carpels. 1 rt. for bit end miss and l'Ji for atripped. Warp furnihsd at cost. Ubs J. A. TflATEB. 8fS tf I If yen went a nn in Ijidieaiid child reel ibnes jo to GVRL.CH'S nhere you ca buv them cheaper than in any eae'ern city. They now have a larce aeoi taunt. Geo A rhi ps editnr of the Cl adron ianai.d formerly editor of Ihis paper was married last Wededay to Miss Bes E. Burleij-'h of Ainsworth N'br. The Press Journal extends het wishea. Ecb;ir-e -The e, if.; of n West' Vir;in a Hiiiilster I as b en married II rec times. H'r maiden nanie v .s Partnge, her lirst t.iislw nd " a- R-1 'oris, laT seco-ai sparrow, and the present one (jbimles There are n ew two vntii Rubin, one Sparrow ai.il three H! I- Quay les in the f.invlv. Onr granlfatber was Swan and another tvaK a .ls , hut. he's dead ard is now a bird ol itriibse. They live on Hawk avenue. E -glev.lle, I 'ariarv Island", and the fel low who wro1" tins isa re bird, au in terested relative of the family. Water 'fur. fo:: Chkonic Consi'ipatiox. Take t wo cups of hot water half an hour before each rueal and just t-efore going t o bnd , also a ("rink of wafer, hot or cold, a'KVit I wo hours after each meal. Take lots of outdoor exercise walk, ndr, drive. Make a regular habit of this and in many ctiss chroni.; constipation nay Secured without the use of liny medicine. When n purgative i required take something nnld and i.-entle hke '"banil-erlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For aale by aU Druggists. LETTER PROM MRS. U; E. Hjlilikiss Colorado, fv'pt 2 V.T- tvisi to cnnirratiil iU nor ofd timf f:end Cc"ie W'ohMeter. on his succ"-s in o is.'ng i h j exii nopal ion in lelejjraphv. He b-.is roll1-" trn"'l good position and is worthv of on'- offl.-o th" ''"I'l'my mny five him. Ib re i our ff Cene. so I,1.., grape vine us vhen you get a p 'Sitloll. Tf.v E'nerv Z itmermin of B"'1"'" and Mr. and Mrs Ru'-kw. "f 'be Fress- Journ-il. came on' to the R'ds'e on' last '' n r -ie,l slr,vn ov-- ni"bt with M-s. A. ' liristinn nnd f-imilv. Mr. 7.ina- win iin ld lime pupil of Mrs. f'brisliun, having won" to school to her when ebn taught th Pi-darc school several vears ago. Tie a'so was n pupil four Isuter threa.four'hs, when she taught there fon-'-en years ago. On Sunday he preached to a large and atten tive andien Now and then some fly, with' effort of his ' niuw les and of Ins will, would actually tear binipelf from the flypaer and tsoap;. Others could not get away, but made a heroic struggle. They walked across the paper, dragging their heavy legs and sticky wingn, climbing up on the i bod.es of the other flies in search of nome means of escape. The man watched the flies, theirdiffer- ent kind, of efforts, (heir d liferent ways of dying, the long struggles of some, th quick submission ()f others. It was a grewsoni'i but interesting spectacle. What interested him most was the stupidity of the Hies, and the fact that not one of I hem seemed lo learn any thing from l be fate of scores of others stretch ed dead on the sticky surface. "It is evident," said the man, "that these flies have absolutely no capacity for thinking or for estimating conse quences. 'Eicli flv ns'he approaches the paper must see that there are scores of flies ly ing (b ud on it. Each of these flies, as he goes back and forth near this deathtrap must see the other flies struggling, see i heir useless elforts. hear their terrified buzzing -yet each fly in hi turn runs the risk, and tempted by the sweet, si u ky substance, goes to death in his. turn. T suppose that each foolish fly thinks that ho will esrvpe. (he fate of the others. Each one imagines that be can alight on the paper and get off again. Perhaps each has noticed rhe occasional fly that gets on the flypaper and does escape afelv. "What, fools these flies are. What a fool each one of them is not, to say to h'mself fha' what, has ruined so many flies will surely ruin him. Why do they not get out "f ihis room, if they can. or at least keep as faraway from the fly paper as possible?" Read the Press Journal. Professional Cards. M. J. 0 Cooiiell, Co. Itttrwi Mill Practice In All Court. Special Attention iilren to Laa4 Gf flee Business. Collection! and all baslnesa eatratU. ed to me will rewire prompt alteatioa, Hakiuson - NkBRAsKA. J. E. PHINNEY. M. D. Pliyiscian anil Hargeoa. 411 culm given prompt ntteiitioa Ortlce in Drug Store. -HAItUISO.N - NUBKAgKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all taifa matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. tire Insurance written ia reliable companies. tSTLegal papers carefully drawn. Hauiuson. - Nkbuama. North-Western LINE F. E. If. V. II. R. i to and from the th in the hall. The Pr ess Journal E' ilor has J,ini'lv skrd me to si. nd an occasional word from this tar-a way cnun'rv. It vei-ms to me 'hat now 'he journey is over th"rs can not lie much to wrde about, bur. " hen I remember how eagerly I look for tr.e Hodtni, ( arev. nrel entral i it jw too. had the p'easure of a nre t reat items, I cannot r-l i,s to send rvv mite ,, Vednd.tv of last. week, in theshane a',0- ; or Sioux count v aptiles, while nt the The weather here certainly le-au'iful , ,nn ,n. n(,.,r f hH ninii'hof lb- Sipiaw f .r out of doors life; not m. hot as when ! rrr, ,.Jnyon. Tom Dunn took us into e first came. f,,r 'he l ist three week- i L,,r,i,Hn wl,,,re there were a fw nntile Countv Mpf. The Peits-,lot."llNAl. has printed a lim ited numlier of maps on Manilla card beard which can tie secured for 10c each. They will also We given as a premiuai to aw aubscnliers. The injection of I)r. Rea'a Blackleg Vaccine (in pill form) meanslhe pre-erva- j SepttMiilier. 11MI'.', at 2 o'clock p. ni,, for tioa of health, mettle, and renders them Hie purpose of nominating a candidate lenipt from the ravaging effects of that u read and mfei tnnis ihs.ase. Ha.id hi' the thermometer has b.i n from Wl to V4 most of the da v at e bout 2 I'. M. In the nion'h it lias rained -n. ugh to reullv make t flings wet. about twire various ol ler h" I-.pi ink les but hardlv enough to drive us in the house. Every one i busy now ga!h"ring I expect to begm lo i-crrriw lo ack fr uit a' M oneniiVlrom home and Mr. T?-ce will also do sorr;e'hieg nl it if be I eeps well. Roy has been workuig there for abouf ll ree weeks making fruit Ikixi-s nt ct. a piece; he could average about fl a dav when there was work. He began school in Hetcbkiss yesterday, he will have I EVK'KATK' PFPttKSESTATlVE CoWKNTI'iN. The Ieniocralice!e. lorsof tber-oiinlies ; n's'iil 3 miles fo go, hut a good whool comprising the Fifty third representative district of Nehr.i-kn are requested to send delegates lo a convention to ! held in Alliance, Nebraska, on the 07th day of advertisement in this paper. Mr. and Mr-. C. H. Orewell took the aat bound train for (lie south east part of Iowa, for visit with fiiends, and will also visit Oklolioma liefore coming Uck, no doubt Charlie will gel lonesome ranching it alone but the good looking Kirla are not all K""' yet Charlie. w hen I e gets there, Mr. Duke's orchard the nearest big one is a w underfill sitrht to me. Ho packed last year 5flb0 boxes of EUs-rl.t peaches from ll'iO trees. It is wonderful bow full the trees are hai ging anil how large and for reireen'ative for said district. """ I"'" "' are; ol tne surplus one Thevariousronnl.es comprising the i f,)" 11,1 VB bun1iiiice for ei.iing. dry-dis-rict nre entitled to representation "'' j'"4' for carry mg t l.em follows; trees, one of which was loaded with the choicest of fruit Thev were quire large and vei v beautiful, being light colored m one side and deep red on the other. Wi'h a garden rake Tom knocked a few off and. Eve I ke, tempted us to eat hereof. Well, we ate and ale, then fill- Dnke s ,,,,( pockets, as we had ne baskets, and took them home to the young Z's. This was tne third I in e only that we have eaten Sioux county apple. The Dunns' have a beautiful home there; besides apples t hey have Concord grapes, rasp berries, currants, and blacU-berries; Also a nice ltd of holly bocks which were still in bloom. Vi.u see, Mr. Editor, that we toil Were treated lo iippleson the same day that JJr. P.irkttr re mem la-red you. Zkkikl A Certain Cure far Dyeentery end Diarrhoea. 'Home jears ago 1 was one of a party that intended making a long bicycle trip.'' aaya F. L. Taylor, of New Allstny, Brad ford count y, Pa. "I was taken euddi nly with diarrhoea, and was lsnit lo give up the trip, wh. n editor Ward, of the Box Butte Dawes 5 Sheridan ft Sioux S. M. Smysku; Chairman STOCK KEP03T. Soul h Omaha, Nebr , September 9. 11)02. j ftwiiv, I h.iVe piiims, chei-rres, apricot n, (j block riisple rrie, ar., and (H iu hes j ' cinned and expeel to put up mauv more pet ches of the latest variel.es which are liner than the earlier. We have the matrral partly I anled for a house uml tlia round. it iori mostly rady, but shall pos'pour house building fie-a time to work is the peach harvest. Twodaysof Ihm week bring la i g 1 Everyone sa y s M will de a long t mm yet reieips of Isith cttte and sheip. Oil tie Imfore cold wen'bir. have l-en fairly stei.dr on all desirable 1 Perhap. in ano' lr monl li I can t.ll ktni'st and as iiktial the moil stuir has j vou more about fru.t picking. been hard to dlspoee of. TheHlroti de- lliiiiid for fee le.'s and killers colli ill., es. O.rnlcd Is-el 6.00 to H.00, tsisl stockers and killers 5 Oil to 5 5'), choice leeders 4. fill to fi 01). fair -1 OiJ to 4 .50, common l4tvville Meseii'er, suggexled that I j slerrs ll.'i'l lo 4 AO. choice cows and heil take a dose or Chamberlain' Colic, Choi- ers 4 00 to 4 40, butcher ktulf it 00 to 4 00, ra and Diarrhiea Remedy. 1 purchased cuiiuis,nd (.inters 1 50 to 2 50, veal 4 50 a tadlle and look two doek, one Iwlore J U) 5 50, ijood slm k hellers 3.00 lo J U't atari mg ,-ind one on the route. I made Monday brought largest receipts tf nelghhoi hood, is now win king in Omaha lb trip kUccWullv ""d neer felt ""' i alieep iii bisinrv o( Vui'ds, ';l,.'i00. I'n-es ! , , ... - . i . ... , i ,. i. , .' ,. . a... Andrew ( hns'.laii is expected home ill effect. Again last kUMimer was itl- ultf declined 10 toiaefs. enriuig 8 'ill, 1 , . ' , I rum ins itrwift t mi I, miurriifiiii uii r n. j-In Wyoming, 0-veOVOs00C-0-e3-Cec-Cc-Cf Lioatrd I hnstiiiii returned home lioin Onislia on last l-'riiiay, L.iwis Sutton, a former resident (if our moel completely rundown wiihan attack j ,,)Br, 8,00 lo 8 00, oes 2.25 lo 8 50 rityeeuterv. 1 Uoight lottle of 'his Hu,bs 4 00 lo 5.00, The lower ran of Hrd Shallo and Mr. Port, r are aame Mnieily and Ihm tune on doe tur- fof f,(,. K0nJ ir (brihbu.g maih- Held I ) J. jS. Pa-mej. MB A ltrrAKAK Co. The Mn Who Wtched Fly-Trp. Tins is a true story J not an accumula tion of pseiido facts. A man bad spread out. a sheet of fly caper, lie noticed that from day to day 1 he number of f mall black sp,.( ks incteas ed, eiicn speck tvl hi. g the story of the ft "s ' rag le end. One ilas , out of idle curiosity, he fell to Miidying the flies as their doom over took them. One It , camo to the edge of the paper, lastej the treacherous, sticky preparat ion, then went away for the lime Ixring. Another fly did the Kitlie thing, but waded boldly in and was soon C-ugJit fast. Another fly, flying- down straight from ulsive, landed it, the middle of the fly par. His pleasant bo.z ol lint icipnl ion soon changt'd lo a loud singing noise that fold ol helpless rage and lear. As I lie flies In lob d on the paer each acted in a (h Heienl way. Some heat their w ings f ratitK ally for a h. cotid or l wo, only to lull ovtr on Ihrir sales vi rj mhui tind sin a iimb to the mu ky poison. Others khowid more intelligence, nnd when they realized the danger, stood on lh"irtity bs. nd a voi ii g to Un.w tbtiiiklvs up mill lis kVtey, Having thus mused philosophically the man net on his hat and went out, bnving the flies arid their foolishness to take care of themselves. The man turned to the right, then tnrned lo the left, then went, through a doorway, and then he was on the fly- p'ier that catches human beings He was in a drinking saloon and be had a glnss of whiskey in front of him. At this point we will study Ibis man in 'he saloi n s be studied the flies on the flypaper in his bedroom. What hap- p r-s to the man in the saloon? Exactly that which happened to the flips on (be f vpn per. One man goes near the edge of the whiskey habit, takes a little and poes a way hke the fly first mentioned, who approached ihe edge of thu flypaper. This human fly who takes a lit! la and goes iiw;iy is almost i-ure to come back again in time. Other nien who approach the whiskey flvpaper taken little and promptly wade right in to their doo.i. The human victims that slight on the w! iskey flypaper hiire ns many ways of struggling, as many ways of dying, es many ways of suffering nnd as few chances of escsping as the ignorant flies that alight on the sticky flypaper in the hot kitchen. Of hnmsti liies on the whiskey fly paper, some M rujfgle feebly for a while against the habit that has caught them and soon succumb. Others last for a long while. Only the ends of their feet touch the flypaper. They keep their bodies erect, and for the time U-irie; feel quite proud of themselves and call themselves "moderatedrilikers." But their feet nre on the flvpaper, and with nine out of ten of them il is only question of time when the body and mmd will sink lo the level of the feet and that will be the end of Ihe struggle An occasional human being; escapes from Ihe whiskey fl paper and, gxies away to tell others that "whiskey never hurl him." This human fly does the most barm. He sends others to whiskey, and sooner or l.ner he is pretty sure to (jo lj"'-'a time himself. BLACK HILLS, DEAL) WOOD AND HOT SPR1NU. SOUTH DAKOTA. V. K. il. V B. A. lime table. UolnrTtH. Going Eaat 1. 5, mixed 10:M No. mlxed-. K. ROHWER, Dealer in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, & CHAMPION Harvesting Machines. The PEER of all grade cigars. The DREAM high DAN SULLY 5 ct. Cigars. All lovers of a good cigai are invited to try, The DREAM OR ' DAN SULLY Cigar. P. li. Bigelow; Sole Agent, FOR The DREAM DAN SULLY cigars. Fok Sale: 100 acres of land joining the , village of Harrison; for further purtic ulurs iii,uir at this office. 40 When you go into a restau-ant or any other place where flypaper is spread out, A little girl had been lonkinjf at eom take a look at the struggling, sullering ; pictures of arigeis and she turned to hr insects dy lug slowly and horribly in the! sticky mass that falsely attracted them. You w ill wonder at the stupidity of each fly as it alight regardless of the late of others. Don't duplicate that fly1 tupijity in tour on n life. Keineihlier that what has ruined others may ruin you. K-ep away from the so ha li mid from the whiskey bottle. Take a walk through Ihe Poller's Field some day any ii. an at the morgue can lell jou how to get llieri and you will 11 nd the fruits of the whiskey bottle, i ii at and enceflil al least in I heir llnal rest on Ihe Mirfnce of the flvpaper that ( ai'fcl.l Iht ni,-N w Yoik Jounml and Aaierican, I hi hi ( 'uiiininnor, mamma and asked "Mamma, why arw there no men in heaven?'' '-But there ar men in heaven," replied the mother. "Then why is it," nuked the child, "that we nver see any picture of angel elth , whiskers or must ache?" "True but there are men in heaven," wa the reply," oojjr l hey gel In by a close hv." Ruabvillev. Standard. General P. H. Harry fusion candidal for (digress from the 6th Listrii I M m, llanison Inst Friday locking ; up l.U poln icul leiicnn which we nre glad to mv are tnveiy (. i d,flii. in fc uk (Mllty Mr. Barrev is a very pleimsnt fentlaman nd is surely den i vim ol all the tH4Hi ti al lu puople uiighl bealiow tqprt Mm . . , -. r . r 'y '