The Harmon Press-Jjiiroal C. C. BCKKK, FKOPUIKTOH HARBISON, . NEBRASKA i'elee blew the bottom out of the Nicaraguan cauaL It's the sugar In makes it bitter, too! Cuba's cup that A sm'Ie may hide a msn's thoughts, Dust as paint may hide a womau's complexion. New York doctors who do business in fashionable circles are getting ready for an epidemic of perityphlitis. , Most people would regard their edu cation as complete if they could under stand an art criticiam after they have fend it J. Pierpont Morgan's grandfather was the author of a poem beginning: "An old red hen with yellow legs. She laid her master many eggs." The poet's grandson gathers them In. Optimistic people are Inclined to be Jieve that there is "no more Jury brib ing, police bribing and councllmanlc bribing than ever, but that more of the bribers are being caught Success to the catchers. That man and woman, aged 77 and 75 respectively, who were forced to elope for the purpose of getting mar ried, may well say: "And, oh. Lord, save us from the wrath of our children and our children's children." Perhaps we are coming to railways without rails. Several automobile own ers In New York are planning to con struct on Long Island fifty miles of road, to cross other roads above or be low grade, so that they may have a free course on which to speed their ma chines. From running a single motor car on such a road to attaching one or more "trailers" is a short step, and the next leads to passenger and freight ser vice. Even if special roads are not built for their accommodation, It is probable' that automobile coach lines nill be run as feeders to the steam or electric lines In districts where it would not pay to lay a track. smokers actively engaged In the pup suit are troubled either with typhoid fever or lockjaw. Lockjaw would ma terially interfere with the enjoyment of a cigar or a pipe. And as to typhoid fever the victim is like the character of Bret Harte, concerning whom it was said, "the subsequent proceedings in terested him no more." As to influenza, diphtheria, and consumption, however, the case is different. Every smoker put to it for defense of My Lady Nicotine will testify that he has had at diver and sundry times touches of one if uot all of these diseases. These genus must be smoked out and destroyed. What more natural method than the one so universally employed? GOOD Short Storiej j Three people were drowned the other day in Michigan, because one of the rowing party could not restrain hi playfulness to the extent of refraining from rocking the boat. Every summer, besides the number of drowning acci dents that human power is unable to avert, are these that owe their tragedy to foolhardiness of some trifler. There is no way of preventing such casual ties, as a mental examination is not re quired of persons who hire row-boats, and oarsmen are never questioned as to whether in their opinion the same Ideals of playfulness ought to prevail upon both water and land. It would be well, however, If some certificate of sane conduct were required of doubtful looking members of rowing parties, or some arrangement made whereby the man with a propensity for rocking him self In the cradle of the deep might when the rocking reached the spilling point upset only his own playful self. Ministers seem to be waking up to the necessity of self-improvement Not long ago the Congregatioualist suggest ed that ministers take a Sunday off now and then to listen to their fellow preachers and profit thereby. Xow Rev. Bobert Zaring, pastor of one of the Methodist churches In Indianapolis, urges that there be Inspectors of ser mons as there are meat and milk In spectors. If Mr. Zarlng's proposition should be carried out the Inspectors would doubtless find many "embalm ed" sermons which long ago bad their day and well merit decent burial. They would also discover many a bacillus it heresy that should be exterminated before the contagion has spread to the congregation and through that to the world at large. They would advise the preacher to leave his study, and even fait closet, to come In contact with life as It la to-day and not as It was two :enturies ago. They would organize Institutes and summer schools for min isters that they may advance beyond the limit reached years ago at theolog ical seminaries. Teachers are forced by frequent Inspection and frequent examinations to progress beyond the attainments made In college and nor mal schools. The requirements made f the minister should be no less than those made of other educators. Mr. taring's proposition provoked a smile When It was first offered, but there It kound common sense st the bottom of It and preachers will do well to take the bint America does not do thimcs by halves Every day she smashes some old-world 1 -TV- t . .. mtruijr. ime our universities, for in stance. The ivy of years clings to the sacred walls of Oxford and Cambridge. Heidelberg is honored by generations of learning. But there are Institutions of higher learning in this country that are scarcely out of their swaddling clothes as far as years Is concerned, and yet they are recognised the world over as unexcelled, some that are look ed upon as premier In certain special ties. And there are fresh-water univer sities In the newer cities of the United States whose progress is little less than amazing. Money can do a great deal, even in learning. The story of the Uni versity of Chicago Is an emphatic ex ample. From the financial point of view it takes on an aspect of a favor able deal successfully promoted. But while one multimillionaire has given $11,000,000 for Its upbuilding, other friends have gone down into their pock ets for $3,000,000, and their share alone would have been sufficient for an ex cellent start Still, it Is when the re sults are considered that the enternrlse grows in Interest. Its history runs back scarcely a decade, and yet the enroll ment during the past rear, according tn the figures announced at the convoca tion, was 4,530, or a total of almost 3,000 different students. Considering that post-graduate work receives the greater share of the attention, the fig ures assume even greater Import. The building of an Institution of such mag nitude In this short time, while main taining a standard recognized th- world over, is only another example of the American way of "doing things" umi uus R rrequently astounded the slower-going Europeans. j For years the weight of medical au thority baa been against the smoking habit The habitue of the cigar store has read with many misgivings the de liverances of the medical experts re specting the effect of nicotine on the ami lima aratam At Hhim ha hmm haan frightened to the verge of delirium tremens by the certain pronouncement that smoking la the cause of cancer. iboBt the only voice that has been raised m favor of tobacco-using la the secaainwsl mild saggestlon from some gkysfdaa who has urged that It pro- Now comes Dr. tt London authority, Who hM mad a special stady of the cs3w of tabaceo saoae opon the vari ces orjiUnw fond la the cavity of C mmtX Or. Dam ladi that while t.t8f NMa hM m effect apon ty r "jZl torn C3HM of fateaw (lock Jaw) 1 1 f ;Tj ttsrZ Q growth of tht ' !cxafCtaaria.aadof tXEZjUtzilGmttnr In Paterson. X. J., a while ago. a weaver made application for more wages. It was refused. He went to his home and there he and his wife hanped themselves, and were later found dead by the neighbors. A rich contractor in New York drank poison and died. The weaver and his wife were not paupers. Thev had fir living. At no time had thev been In want If they were desrondeut their friends did not know it. The contract or, who represented the other end of the social scale, had health, money and no entanglements that those close to nim could discover. Then why did they kill themselves? The human mind Is to-day almost as much of a mvsterv as It was In the beginning. Life has not to all the same value It hag to you. It Is possible for a human being to be come tired of existence, even though surrounded by luxuries. It Is pos Mine lor me poor man to feel that the game la not worth the candle, even though his poverty is no more distress ing than usuaL The human being who is not resourceful, who cannot find In his own breast the Inspiration that makes life sweet and adds interest to the dally round of work or pleasure, often finds existence monotonous. That road leads to suicide and a newspaper story that generally closes with these words: "No reason Is known for the act" There Is a remedy. It Isn't found In the medical works, and few doctors prescribe it Stop thinking about yourseX. A ' cripple dragged himself along the pavement and drop ped a coin Into the blind beggar's hat I'm glad I'm not In the shape that fellow is," he said. There is the Idea. There Is always somebody worse off. Don't play the martyr. Don't Imagine that Fate Is dogging your footsteps. Be of use. The useful human being doesn't know the meaning of monoto ny. If you cannot distribute money, share kind words with those who need them. Be Interested, and leave death to the old man with the scythe. The weaver and the weaver's wife and the contractor were selfish when they de stroyed themselves. They wasted hap piness that could have been theirs for the asking. They looked at. a grave when they might have wltuessed the glory of the sun. Old-Time Kdncation. Now that there Is so much talk about education It Is Interesting to look back and see what a seventeenth century moralist had to say about the teaching of children. "We are in Pain to make them Scholars, but uot Men!" be wrote. "To talk, rather than to know, which Is the Canting. The first Thing obvious to Children Is wbat Is sensible; and that we make no Part of their Iludlmenu." But what is of most significance to us Is the same writer's appeal for tech nical education. "We press their Memory too soon, and puzzle, strain and load tbem with Words and Rules; to know Grammar and Rheoric and a strange Tongue or two, that It Is ten to one may never bo useful to tbem; Leaving their natural Genius to Mechanical and Physical or Natural knowledge uncultivated and neglected; wblcb wonld bo of exceed ing Use and Pleasure to them through the whole Coarse of tbolr Life." After all, says the London Chronicle, It la tat reformer rather 4bau the his torian who la forcoi to aao vain repe-tlSSoa. The Pioneer tells a story of a rat which on one occasion was caught alive on a ship and thrown overboard. A sea gull was floating by the side of the ship. Immediately there ensued a bat tle royal, and the rat strangled the seagull to death. He then sat upon the i-amiss of the 4rt-agu!l.. unfurled its left wing to catch the wind, and, working the right wing as an oar, set sail for the shore! In response to a missionary's spirals for various articles for use on an Afri can farm, a mllkiug-stool was sent to him from England. He gave It to the negro whose duty t was to milk the cows, with Injunctions to use It. On the first day the negro returned home from the cow-sbeds, bruised and bat tered, but with an empty pall. When the missionary asked for an explana tion, the negro replied: "Milk stool very nice, massa, but she won't sit on It!" j In 1802 Colonel Alexander, of Topeka, who was an intimate friend of Presi dent Lincoln, visited him at Washing ton, and found him In a greatly depress ed state of mind. "This being Presi dent Isn't all It Is cracked up to be, Is It, Mr. Lincoln?" Inquired Colonel Al exander. "No," said Lincoln, bis eyes twinkling momentarily; "I feel some times like the Irishman, who, after be ing ridden on a rail, said: 'Begorry, if It wasn't for the honor av th' thing, I'd rather walk!' " An Incident of the ceremonies at the unveiling of the Kochambeau statue In Washington, D. C, went far to prove that the American flag "stays put When the Countess Rochambeau pulled the halyard which caused the flags draping the statue to drop, every ves tige of the covering fell but one corner of the American flag, which persistent ly clung to a part of the work sur rounding the statue. "The flag stays put, remarked Secretary Hay to the President In an undertone, and the President, remembering his words, smiled broadly. The French flag read lly gave way the moment the rope was pulled, and there were a number of spectators ho were inclined to take the lii' liit at as an omen. Captain French E. Chaduick. C. S. N., who was commander of the flag ship New York dining the war with Spain, says that Kear Admiral Samp son was de.'ply and unaffectedly re ligions, and adds: "He was a strict observer of Sunday, but the fact that ou.-e. at least, he forgot the days of the week is Indicative of the intensity with which the duty In hand always seized him. Having called the captains aboard for consultation on the 4th of June (a Saturday) he said toward the close of the conference: I am going in to-mor row to attack the batteries, sr. have everything ready by daylight.' Cap tain Philip, who was most earnest In his religious convictions, at once spoke up: 'But, admiral, to-morrow is Sun day, and I don't believe In fighting on Sunday, unless the other fellow begins. I have always noticed that whoever be gins a Sunday fight gets licked.' Samp son at once said: 'I am glad you men tioned that. Jack; to tell the truth, I had forgotten the days of the week. 1 am no more a believer In fighting cm Sunday than you are. Gentlemen, we'll put It off until Monday and bis order was obeyed. entire population discussed nothing else that morning and the cars were not sutticieut to carry the crowd out to the grounds to see the ruin wrought and learn the latest clew. I could not get a car and walked a distance of four miles and was an hour getting through the gate. An English physiologist explains that "The next Issue of the Times Demo- a girl can never throw like a boy be- crat said: 'Kverylmdy takes a joke good cause her collar-bone Is larger and sets naturedly on the first day of April, and lower. Meteors which reach the earth al most Invariably contain a large quan tity of Iron and a liickel. - - - The worst mosquito-Infested neigh borhood In the world Is the coast of Borneo. At certain seasons, it Is said, the streams of that region are unnavl gable because of the clouds of mosqui toes. A peculiar snow observed on Mont Malet in the Alps has been reported by M. A. Brun. It Is called "Caucasian snow," and Is very porous, with grains reaching an eighth of an Inch in size. The slight adhesion of these grains gives great liability to avalanches. Attempts have been made to meas ure the light of the moonless night sky. Gavin J. Burns, an English astrono mer, has roughly estimated that the total light of one hemisphere equals that of one thousand first-magnitude stars, and Professor Simon Newcomb has perhaps more accurately found this total light to be equal to that of six hundred to eight hundred first magnitude stars. The brightness seems to be not entirely due to visible and Invisible stars. The zodiacal light and the gegenscheln, a midnight glow oppo site the sun, have been seen to extend across the heavens, and It Is suggested that these are but Intensifications of a general luminosity of the entire sky, due to some unknown cause. Wonderful stories are often told of the powers of vision possessed by siv age races. During the recent Cam bridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits, the visual acuity of the natives was carefully tested, and Mr. Kivcrs, who made the tests, concluded there was occasion yesterday for the exercise of a good deal of good nature, Kverylmdy tried to fool everylmdy else. smaller amount of i "e 1 imcs-licmocrat Liberty Jten johe went down very well, and those who forgot the date of the paper and went into a state of agitation over the Irre parable injury that they Imagined had been done to the famous old relic so kindly loaned to New Orleans by the City of Brotherly iove were full of laughter and surprise when they found themselves the victims of a hoax. The bell was visited by a large number of visitors during the day and the oflleers on guard had no difficulty In convincing spectators that nothing was wron with it.'" STUDENT LIFE AT OXFORD. What Young; Americans Who Go Then VMM Find. In undergraduate life at Oxford the student from America will find many Interesting features. He will, no doubt, be assigned to a college rather than be allowed to choose one, as the will of Cecil Ithodes expresses the desire "that the scholars holding the scholarships shall be distributed among the colleges of the University of Oxford, and not resort In undue numbers to one or more colleges only." There are twenty-two colleges In the university, all of which, educationally considered, are equal. Heasons of rank in life, of parental or local associations, of wealth, of religious tendencies, rather than reasons of a purely aca demic nature, lead an English boy tc choose one or another of these colleges. The colleges differ In externals. Some of them are rich, others poor; some of them are comparatively large three or klnrt KliqustM. In meeting a lady lo a public thor oughfare tn America a gentleman al ways waits for her bow of recogni tion before lifting his bat or address ing her. In Europe, however, the contrary Is the established rule, it being the geotieuiao's place to bow first, when, if the lady desires not to recognlzeblm, she Ignores his salu tations, thus giving the cut direct. It is not good form In any place for a lady to stop a gentleman in the street for the purpose of chatting with him, though she may with per fect propriety pause to speak if he take the Initiative. Prolonged talka in the street are not, however, con sidered good form, even between per sons of the same sex, the belter piau being to walk on slowly until tho conversation Is concluded. Wbatt-Tci foudo, don't lorgrt Mn. Auatin'a, l'arta Fupulatlaa. Perls, according to the latest cen sus returns, has a population of 2, tj'jO.OOO persons, of whom 1,200,000 are either foreigners or provincials. Whttr j-ou do don't forget Mm. Auatin'a. I VIIuiii on ML Aetna. On the west side of Mount Aetna there are several villages In the midst of former lava streams, and with all the bouses built of lava. WbaUvat roo do. don't forget Mra. Austin four hundred students others very that the excellence of vision shown by small; some are expensively carried on. savages has a psychological origin; , others Inexpensively; some are "pass." that Is to say. It arises from knowing others are "reading" colleges; some have what to look for. When ttie European acquires familiarity with the environ ment he can see as far as they can. Thus the power of an Indian to tell the sex of a deer at such a distance that distinguished features like antlers were invisible was found to rest upon his knowledge of the peculiar g ill of the male deer. Professor, A. E. Verrlll of Yale re gards the phenomena witnessed during the awful eruption of Mont Pelee In May as bearing out the theory that im mense quantities of explosive gases were evolved through the dissociation of oxygen and hydrogen from the wa ter on coming suddenly Into contact with hot lava, and that these gases, when ejected Into the atmosphere, cx- nloded above the crater, producing the terrible effects that were noted. Ac cording to this view, the Inhabitants of St. Pierre were killed by a sudden explosion of a vast volume of mingled oxygen and hydrogen, while the poi sonous hydrochloric acid gas, formed by the chlorine liberated from the sea water that had leaked into the volcano and was combined with some or tue hydrogen, quickly suffocated those who may have escaped death from the ex plosion. THEFT OF LIBERTY BELL. THE SURVIVAL Of A CHAIR. X she At the time we left Itoralma was afire from her stem to the aft en gineroom bulkhead. As we looked back "c ra" mrunge ming. a common reed chair, such as you often see on the deck of a transatlantic liner, was hanging in the air to the ship's stern. It had been fastened to the after flag and braced Wow so that It hung off In space just beyond the reach of the flames. Some poor devil bad rigged It there and sat' iu it to save himself from fire, afraid to Jump on account of the fierce rush of the volcanic currents below. We could see him there, sitting In his chair, long before we left the sWp, at the back of the solid wall of fire which divided us from him. and be must have suffered terribly before be dropped from bis perch and went overboard. We could not get at him on account of the fire In the forward part of the saloon, but a stateroom wai at hand close by, with plenty of life buoys, and be might have got oue and put It on; but strangely enough, after all that fire there hung the empty chair literally Intact The next morning the chair still bung there unharmed. - Chief Officer Scott's account of the lost of the Itoralma In Martinique harbor. In Leslie's Monthly. Make Pslnt of Ma in in lea. Manufacturers of artists' colors now often use mummies In making their colors, and It Is almost certain tint n smalt percentage of some ancient Egyp tian rulers went to compose some of the colors used by various H. A.'s In painting tbelr portraits for this year' academy. Mummies were usually pre served In bitumen or the best pitch. Bays the London Tattler. This blended with the bone of the mummy gives a peculiarly beautiful tint, especially la. brown or dark bine. Wlsdoas la KcIIdm. Joe Ton don't seem afraid to talk with the sweet girl graduate. Dick No; those girls are all so pleased with their new frocks that the; Bucceaafnl April Fool Joke Worked by New Orleona Paper. "Did you ever bear about the time the Liberty Bell was stolen?" asked a New Orleans man at the Capitol the other day. "It was early In the spring of 1KS5. Tlie exposition was being held at New Orleans and the bell had been loaned to the exposition. I remember well the excitement the theft occasion ed. The Times-Democrat came out the next morning with startling headlines 'A Dastardly Attempt," 'The Emolem of American Independence, the Llberi Bell, Stolen. " 'lAst night was a sorrowful one in the city.' It said. 'When Philadel phia sent to New Orleans the grand old Liberty Bell, treasured not alone by the famed city of the East, but by the whole nation, as the precious em blem of national liberty, the people of the South generally, and of Iioulsiana particularly, responded warmly to this evidence of brotherly love offerej by the second clfy of the republic' "A long account of the reception of the bell and the care taken of It fol lowed, and the Times-Democrat said The spot on which It stood Is a scene of havoc. The car that bore It Is half consumed hy fire and Its ruined tim bers tell a story of wanton destruction almost without parallel. The trees that stood over it are no longer graceful and grand; half devoured by fire, their charred branches seem to cry aloud for vengeance. Last night when the pale moon shed her radiance over the great park, bathing It In a flood of sil ver light, when the grounds were calm and still and deserted by all save the watchful guard, this deed of wanton ness was done.' "Then came an account of the mount ing of the guard and the discovery of the fire. The account said: 'While the firemeu and tho two officers were dis cussing the mysterious disappearance of the two night watchmen an officer made his way close to the car to In spect tbe twit and Ascertain whether or not It bad sustained any damage. To bis amaseroent the bell was gone. Not a vestige of It remained. It had becu wrung from Its fastenings and carried off.' "There was more detail about the search and clew. Naturally the cltl sena and the thousands of visitors at the exposition wort Indignant. The high residence fees, others low; some j have no graduate students, and one. j All Souls, no undergraduate students: some have superb hiil'dlug. o'her.-p!-:ir:er: and cue, the Non-t'oilegiaie. h:is no building at all. and hardly any faculty, being governed by tt univer sity through a committee ca'.l.-d u "del legacy fur unattached sunl-nts." Km any one of these colleges will be a woi-tliy foM:-r mother to the under graduate. The student will pay his fes to his colli pe, ,'iiid will be watched over l.y It thriughuui his whole course, lie will not get ail of his instruction In its lecture rooms, fur the community of Interest Idea has penetrated modern Oxford, and for certain subjects the resident btudent will be apt to go tc another college, but his student life will le mainly within the college walls. He will, If fortunate enough to get one, have a room on one of the "stair cases," will be served by the "scout," who will bring him his breakfast, will dine In state In the hall every evening, will worship In the college chapel, and will shorten his walks abroad so that he can get within the college gates be fore they close for the night. He wl.'l row In the college boat or play on th t-oncge tickc learn, unu win nave a special adviser, a college tutor, to whou he will look back with gratitude and re spect all the days of his life. lie will find Oxford as expensive a Harvard or Vale. His strictly eollegi expenses, for tuition, board and dallv living, exclusive of bonks, clothing, so cieties, sports and luxuries, will vary from a minimum of ?.oo a year to a maximum ditlicult to estimate. Of the colleges, Keble. Jesus, New College and " orcester make special effort to aid tin; student In economy; Christ Churil; I'nlversity, Magdalen and Balllol arc the mist expensive; P.rasenose, St John's, Exeter, Oriel and Trinity slain In an intermediate position. The student will have to be fairly economical at the average college, says Francis Hovey Stoddard In the Ite vlew of Itevlews, to keep his total ex penses within the fl..Vt) yearly sug Kcnu-u in ii win as ine income Tor each scholarship. Lfindon to Mhangnal. The niail from London to Shang hai, which now is on the way 33 to 36 days, will! require only 16 days via the Siberian railway. Wliiunt rou do, don't toret Mr. Auitln't. The fleas of Peru are exasperatlngly annoying and Iositiable. It is cus tomary in that country for a group of human beings to have a lamt near thctn, to attract the fleas fromt! ves. Whatever you do. don't forget Mm. Anatln'a Marconi' Sne of lltiilior. Mr. Marcool, unlike many of his scientific brethren, has a souse of hu mor, avs the London Express. Ha said Unit win less telegiahy was a old as the world When tirst an oab riilnal Indian lit a tire on an a'JU Iginal hill to slKii-il to another abo riginal Indian s um; miles aw ly thci the principle of w ircless telegraphy was initiated. In a recent leclure Mr. Marconi, referring to the fact that he can send messages so much) more easily by niithL than bv day, said that he hoped no one but those Interested ir cabul companies would class his labors among the wotks of darkness. Whatever you do, don't (orct ilr. iot!u'a. The best times of the year for fell lug timber, in the opinion of lum berman, are midwinter and midsum mer. I'te tb rmoD Ked Iron Ball Blue. Large-2-oi. rmckaie S ctnta. The Kuu Company, South Bead. Ind. Last of the Indian Dances. The Omaha Is the only dance no practiced among the Sioux. The war dance died with the accession of peace, the sun da nop has long been frowned iiKn by the Great Father and the ghost dunce has been jeromptorily for bidden ever since the trouble spring ing from It In that unhappy fight at Wounded Knee In the early wlutir of 1K1. Hut the Omaha, danced freipient- ly ujm.ii the r nervation, has not been actually forbidden, although the Ind In a agents In general disapprove of It, and so far as Is possible discountenance Iu perpetuation. Jt Is primarily a social function, with this ini.uiilllled advan tagethat it tends townid the contln nance of that state of society known to tlie Indians during their days of bar luirlty, that It uncivilized delights mid that It has nothing In com mon w ilh the civilization toward w hich we are trying to lend the ril mail. F.very time the Omaha Is danced the dancers are drawn more closely to the old lives and the old ways, n reverence for the customs of their ancestors It enkindled within them, and whatever refining Influences of civilization mav have hitherto impressed them are. foi the time, utterly forgotten and eventu ally much weakened. It M the irreabJ social reflection of barbarism, and It Influence cannot lie for good. t'hlcairi. Chronicle, We have noticed that prices alwari fo up rapidly and decline very slowly Ad ostrlcU oever goes straight to its nest, but always approaches It. with many windings and detours, Id order. If possible, to conceal the lo cality from observation. Don't forget a large 2-ot. pcie Red Crona Ball Blue ouljr 6 cents. The Buu Company. South Bend, Ind. To be able to use the tongue flu ently is undoubtedly a great advan tage in many cases; but the power to keep silent Is equally advantageous. HALL'S CATAIIKII Cl'KR Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. rrt. Wlnilov't SooTHIVl HVW'P for chlMrun trrthlnr. mn tb irnmi, reducet IfifUmaUun ftUaT.1 .alo.currf inA colic. 16c bottl. Created A Valranu As a sequel to tbe recent earth quakes lo SaidlDa an enormous chasm has been pcotied Id tho earth, while the surface has bulged Into a hill of considerable elevatlou, from which stones and masses of eartb are pro- ected. There are also symptoms that the iDterior of the bill It In an ebul lient condition. Scientists Incline to the belief that tbe phenomena on served are volcanic. Another conse quence of the earthquake Is that Lake Santo, near Modena, which was about 600 yards long and 100 wide has completely disappeared. The efforts of the German cement syndicate to control the production and to regulate tbe prices of cement have failed, and tbe syndicate has been dissolved. The jaw of the shark furnishes tho best watchmakers' oil. In each shark Is found about half a pint. A(niplirr Ry n French chemist la rial marl Mir. Invention of a method of cnmnreaalnir sea air Into tabloids. Those, thcre- rore.wuo with for a change of air will In future only have to go to the nearest chemist and buy a tnttlo of Margate tabloids or half a down Riviera Dastlles. So bmo- n. ti, drugs are properly dispensed the In vention will be weclome. It would be unpleasant to ask for Bournemouh past lies and to recetva inaturi th Cologne (not the tau de Cologne) va Irety. The latter form hu ifidiii smells. FITS r4n"" Cmnt " aarrwaiee SI tTaftar nt da'a aw ( Dr. fllaa'i Una! iata,ra. ' ' " " -. na- t 1 A ; .