Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 04, 1902, Image 1

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Harrison Press - J ournal.
Robert Keeca was in town Tuesday.
John Christian wan in from his Ranch
last Tuesday.
Dick nnd Emmet Jordan returned from
North Dakota this wsck.
Mrs. Evelyn llose was visiting with
friends in Harrison last week.
8und.'iy school at 10 o'clock; every'
body invited. V. H. Davis; Hupt,
Eugene Wohlheteran.i wife are visiting
friends in Hat Creek valley this week.
Just received: A new consignment of
mea and boys clothing at OEULACHS,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright went over
land to Crawford Sunday returning Tues
Miss Lilian E. Harris commenced a 4
months terra of school at Andrews last
'; August Meier, and Robert Oeiser, were
doing business at the county seat last
v Emery Zimmerman preached to a
large congregation at the church last
Sunday night.
Emmet Johnson of Canton Nebraska,
becomes a reader of the I'iu-ms Jochnal
with this issue.
L. V. Nicholson, former harter of this
place, starts to work with the bridge
gang this week.
Commissioner Meng and wife were
Harrison visitors last Saturday and stay
ed over until Surdity.
More and better goods for the same
money at Oerlach's store than any other
place, try them. 10-tf
. Ahe Umphenour who has been work
ing for Jack Mettlen for the past two
months is now at home.
tteorge Uilmore and Itava Hamnker
were shaking hands with their many
friends in Harrison Monday.
Charles Hibbeln, our village black
smith, spent the fore part of the week at
Hot Springs, South Dakota.
For a bad taste in the mouth
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livr
lets. For sale by all Druggists.
j. H. Newlin was a Harrison visitor lust
Tuesday, and made a pleasant call at our
nanctum. come again Mr. Newlin.
For 8ai.e: 160 acre of land joining the
village of Harrison; for further partic
ulars inquire at this office. 40
J. F. Hewitt drove his cattle from
Wheatland to the J. E. Phinney place in
Spring creek canon where he will winter
V 3- 0, Crossley, a former resident of
Sioux Co., and now of Lena, Nebraska,
is in this vicinity looking after his
Read J. II. Williermsdorfer's ail, in an
other column, and if you need any thing
in his line lie will treat you right, call
and sea him.
Jackson Mettlen was in from his ranch
on the Running-water last Monday.
Jack made lis a pleasant call while
town. Come again Jack.
I am now pretred to weave carpets.
10 eta, for ImI and miss aud 12J for
tripped. Warp furnished ut cost.
Mas. J. A. Thaticm. B6 tf
If you want a snap in LndiMMHl child
ren shoes go to OERLACH'S where you
can huy them cheaper than in any
astern city. They now Jmve a large
Everv cattle owner should have on
hand a supply of I r R.n' Black leg Vac-
Cine. It' coit is small, but it i possess-1 the trip success! ally aud never felt, any j wotinin, satn was a good enough judge
Ion means protection against death of j ill effect. Again last summer I wus nl-; of human nal me to know that the man
cattle by Blackleg. Buy now and gel a j most completely rundown with an attack I woulu follow the woman out of I'.iri
nickel injector free, The injector alone j f dysentery. I lsiughl a bottle of tins ' dise, down to the very porlals of his
orwtaone dollar. Uead his advertisement I same remedy aud this time one dose cur-' sa tunic dominions. Grand Island Daily
ttaMt Imum. dtue." Sold by J. E. Phinuey. I Frowi.
August Ring from story was a Harri
son visitor last Wednesday.
Charles Newman is now one of our full
fledged business men and all orders en
trusted to him will receive prompt at
tention. Look over his ad, in another
Frank Wright has purchased the
dwelling house formerly owned by Mrs. j
Emma Crane. Hrtmk IwlieveH in ediicnt-!
ion, and desires to five his children the
full beueflt of the school this winter.
County Maps.
The Prkss-Jocrnai. has printed a lim
ited number of maps on Manilla card
board which can be secured for 10c each.
They will also be given as a premium to
new subscribers.
Scboel started in Harrison Monday and
pencils, tablets, and ect were in great de
mand and I guess all papas' were remind
ed of tlieir loose change by the bright
little faces that are to take up the work
aroin for 9 months.
Mr. Clarence Raum ha Iwn engaged
to teach the Hodaro school this winter.
This is one of the largest schools in the
countv outside of Harrison, but we are
sure Clarence is equal to the occasion
and will teach tln-m a good school.
Miss Katie and Gertie Hourret took
the east bound train for Pierce, this slate
where they intend going to school this
winter. We are glad to see our young
ieopl interested in their own education
and we surely wish them success,
Mrs. Lizzie Coffee and children took
the east bour.d train for (.'limlron last
Thursday evening. They have all enjoy
ed living on the ranch during vacation
ami no doubt will enjoy the change back
to Chad ron, w here text books will be
added to the regular course of the boys
broncho riding & etc.
Miss Maggie Jordan went to C'hadron
Monday niht to attend the Academy
until her school begins in November.
Miss Jordan is one of our progressive
teachers who believes in knowing how to
teach before trying to tench others.
The educational work would be better
for mote such teachers.
A Communication.
Mk. Editor Allow me to speak a few
words in favor of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. I suffered for three years with
the bronchitis and could not sleep at.
nights. I tried several doctors and vari
ous patent medicines, but could get
nothing to give me any relief until my
wife got a bottle of this valuable med
icine, which has completely relieved me.
W. S. Hkocksus, Hngnell, Mo. This
remedy is for sale by J. E. Phinney.
Mr. J. H. Parker, presented this office
with a basket of (hie apples last Wednes
day. They were raised in Sioux county
too, and were of a line flavor, and quality.
Mr. Parker bought the place they were
raised on from A. E. Gates near Fort
Robinson, there is no question, tut what,
parts of this county is well adapted for
all kinds of fruit, mid we predict that the
time Is not far distant when tliese favored
with such places will go to raising their
own fruit.
Watkr Cure ron Chbcnic Constipation.
Take two cups of hot water half an
hour before each meal and just before
going to bed , also a orink of water, hot
or cold, about two hours after each tneal.
Take lots of out-door exercise walk,
ride, drive. Make a regular habit of this
and in many cases-chroui.i constipation
may be curud without the use of any
medicine. When a purgative Is required
take something mild and gentle like
Chamlierlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. For sale by all Druggists.
A Certain Cure for Dytentery and
"Home years ago 1 was one of a party
that intended making a long bicycle trip,"
says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany, Brad
ford county, Pa. "I was taken suddenly
with diarrhoea, and was about to give
up the 'rip, when editor Vwird, of the
Lacey vi I le Messenger, suggested that I
take a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi
era and lhart'luea Remedy. I purchased
. a bottle aid took two dones, one liefore
starting and one on the route. I made
Hert Martin the popular Barytone will
be here in about 2 weeks and will present
Edison's marvelous moving pictures, 500
subjects embracing both comic instruct -ive
pictures. Following are a few of the
songs which are beautifully illustrated
and sung: Kunnv Teuessee, Never liked
a Nigger with a Beard. You can kNsp
your Sour Aprle, an i '2H others. The
beautiful fairv story of R-d Riding Hood
will he illustrated and 12 other import
ant views. The Concert is all O. K. and
not to be confounded; Lei evwvwvcw.
The pntertainment given by the Jnnor
LaPuer! ,aKt Friday "igM proved? 8
sueces. The recitations, drills ect.
were very good, nnd too much prafse
enn't he iriven to Miss Topper and MSss
Hellyer for the effort they put forth in
dril!iu the children for this occasion, e
sometimes far the parents don't real'w
the labor and patience it takes to drill
and prepare children for any thing like
this so we should always rememl'er to
co-operate in any thing that tends toielp
our children for they receive the direct
lienefit and we the pleasure of enjoying
it with them.
There are a grer.t many inquiries about
school teachers the.-,e days, and why they
are so scarce. Well all we can say is
the wages are so poor and the terms 4of
school so short ir, most districts that
other vocations offer better inducements
even the matrimonial market. So all
we can say is, school hoards raise yeur
wages and lengthen your terms of
school! Wyoming pavs forty and forty
five dollars for the same size schools
that Sioux county pays thirty dollars
for. Can you wonder at a scarcity of
teachers in this county when there is
such a difference in wages.
DEM'K'RATIC Repiifsestativb
The Democmnc electors of the counties
cnmnrixinir the Fifty third representative
district of Nebraska ire requested to
end delegates to n convention to be held
in AlliMnce, Nebraska, on the day of
S 'ptemher, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. m . fcr
t he purpose of nominal inn a candidate
for representntive for said district.
The various count'es comprising the
district are entitled to representation as
Box Butte 5 Sheridan 0
D.iwes 0 Sioux 3
S. M. Smyseic, Chairman
South Omaha. Nehr.. Sep. 2. 100-2.
Cattle and sheep receipts have lieen
very lilieral for the pust week. The de
mand has Wn equally strong and most
of the desirable kinds have remained
fullv steady.
Grass beeves are .r)0 cts lower than the
high point. Feeder demand is growing.
Corn beef scarce nnd steady. IWst range
steers 5.00 to 5.00; good feeders and kill
ers 4 50 to S.O'i; stocker steers 3.50 to 4.
40; choice cows an I heifers 4.00 to 4.50;
good butcher beef 3 25 to 3.75; canners
and cutters 1.50 to 2 50: veal 4.50 to 5.50
Very light run of hogs at all points
anil they are 30 to 50 cts higher. Range
7.10 to 7.50.
liemand for feeder sheep continues
strong. Yearlings 3.75 to 4 25; wethers
3.25 to 3.00: ewes 3 00 to 3.25; lambs 4.
25 to 4.50; fat spring lambs 5.00 to 5.40.
Shortage of cars prevents heavier runs.
Nye & Bt ciiANAN Co.
Editor Heck, of the Ilolton, (Kansas)
Recorder has this to say for Eve:
"Wni- Eve more to blame than Adam?
If wa are to credit th average pulpit
speaker she was. But was slic-? Wo
think not. On the contrary, tlcnk
Adam tliu more culpable. Why did not
the devil tackle Adan? I 'ertpiuly it was
not tiewtute he considered his armor in
vulnerable. His history from that day
dow n to the present proves not only that
he wits weak in yielding to temptation,
but inclined to meet the tempter at least
half way. When the devil desires re
cruits from the race of Adam's sons, all
he has to do is to set his trap and bait it
with a dime or a glass of whiskey or a
niece of calico and hu has his man. Thn
j why if man was such an easy proposition
did he tackle the woman' Simply for
the reason if h had templed and enptur
!il man he would have had the woman
against him. SIh would have said to
i Adam, 'If you think more of satan than
yoti do of in you can go to the devil,
you mean, old thing,' and th re would
have been trouble in the family at once
and jsissibly di vorce ami alimony pro
ceedings. But once having raptured
Carey Items.
Anton Kratz sold some
Forbes last week.
cattle to W.
John and Anton Meckem marketed fat
cattle inCianfoid last Monday.
Harrison Beans was visiting last week
whh the family of his daughter, Mrs. J.
E. Arner.
Iva Rpi-as and Miss Gingherick return
ed to Clwdrou last Saturday to res.iuie
their school work at the Academy.
School commenced last Monday in Dis
tricts No. 3 ami 4. Miss Bessy Pomroy
teaches in No. U and Martha Dillard ill
No. 4.
Mr. (jlii.w is thiashing in the lower
Cottonwood valh-y, lie will move to the
upper part of the valley the latter part
of this week.
R. C. Tally who was awarded the con
tract to finish the school house, complet
ed the job last week, and we now have a
very neat little school house in No. 4.
Mrs. Leona Dulf daughter of S. V.
Carey who has been visiting at the Carey
home for the past three months, returned
this week to her home at Momda Mont.
' TlMOTHl.
Bodarc Gleanings.
Mrs. ''. E. Rose who was visiting with
Grandma Rose in Harrison for a few days
returned home Monday.
Tn reply to Zfloel's query of a few
weeks ago, we will accept the challenge.
The potato story is coming.
Clarence Zimmerman went to work ut
C. F. Coffee's ranch Monday helping to
put up'the last crop of alfalfa.
Genu Wohlheter and family came
down tn the valley Monday to visit a
while with Grandma Wohlheter.
Willie Miller ( ainedowu from Sheridan
on a stock train last Sunday stopping off
at Ardmore, having obtained a week's
leave of absense to visit home.
The nights are so cool that each morn
ing we rise with the expectation of seeing
Jack Frost in the garden. But as yet he
has not made his appearance in thi
We mean no disrespect to the wise
when we say we are glad I'lio has re
turned from her visit to Iowa. We shall
hick for Central 1'itv breezes often now
after such a long rest.
We are glad for their sake that Mr.
nnd Mrs. R ce have reached their jour
ney's end some weeks ago, but we do
miss their cheerful letters from the
columns of the Press-Journal.
It ma v not I a miss even at this late
date to xpeak of the address, illustrated
by stei-eoplican views, given by Hev.
Currens Aug 23-24 which was both inter-
estine- and instructive. J hat it. was
appreciated was evident by the good at
tendance both evenings. Hev. Currens
has many friends here who will be glad
to have hi ni come again, he will always
find a warm welcome awaiting him.
M A. C.
A philosopher has sanl that true edu
cation for boys " is to teach them what
they ought to know w hen t hev are men."
What is it, they ought to konw, then?
First to be true, to be genuine. No
education is worth anything that does
not include this. A man had t-etter not
know now to real, he had better never
barn a letter in the alphabet and be true
and genuine in at.lention, in action, ra
ttier than beiOi; learned m all sciences
and language, to lie at the same time
false in heart and counterfeit in life. A
bovenll things teach them that truth is
more than riches, more than culture,
more than earthly power or position.
Second to y pure in thought, lui.
guage, 1 1 f pure in mind and body. An
impure man, voung or old, poisoning
the society where he lives with smutty
stories, and impure examples, is a moral
ulcer, who ought to be treated as the
lepeis of old. who were banished from
society and compelled to cry, "Unclean"
as a warning to save others from the
Third to be unselfish, to care for the
feelings and comforts of others; to
bo polite, to lie generous, noble and
manly. This will include a genuine
reverence for the aged and things sacred.
Fourth to le self reliant and self hele
ful, even from early childhood; to be in
dustrious always, aud self supporting at
the enr'.ist pros-rnge; teai h them that all
honest work is honorable, aud that an
idle, list less lile, dependent oil others, is
disgraceful. When a boy bus learned
these four things, when he has n ado tliese
nU iis ft part of his Ikmi.u, however young
h may he, however poor, however rich,
lie has learned some of the most import
ant things he ought to know when he lie-
conies a man. Tliompsou's Ldund
In Vyomirij. 2
Francis feuel returned from his trip
to Casper the last of last week.
James H. Christian and Oscar Boyles
invaded our den on last, Sunday al'ter
ooori. (Vme again boys.
Tom Dunn dipped one hundred and ten
head of cows anil calves which he bought
of Bourret and sons on last Monday.
Quite a heavy frost visited the Ridge
on last Sunday night. It; did consider
able damage to the corn fields and
Mr. Porter from near Hat Creek store
has rented the Charles Thomas house in
our settlement and will move his family
there for the winter.
On Sunday Rev. Youngman preached
his last sermon before going to Annual
Conference. There was a large attend
adce at church so we hear.
Lo Wilson, just over the line in Nebr..
has the Itest field of oats we have seen in
the neighborhood, in fact.it is the best
we have ever seen in the west.
There will be a dance at the Wood
man's Hall on Friday. September 12, J.
H. Christian aud Oscar Boyles managers.
All are invited to attend as a good time
is assured.
Prof. J. M. S! imson accompanied by
Rev, Youngman came out to the Ridge
on last Saturday afternoon and were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian
over n ight.
Andrew Christian shipped two cars of
steers and one of dry cows to Omaha, on
last Monday. He and his son Leonard
accompanied the slock through to Oma
ha. He expects to go across the river
into Iowa and visit, for a few days with
friends near Greenfield.
Tltrlr rtllHj- In AUvnnclnif be Ia-terc-sla
of Business Men.
There are ninny instances of where a
suitable catch line well drilled into
people has been of great value in build
ing business. The best catch Hue in
one that fits your business best, and
the discoverer of such a line is apt to
be due more to inspiration than to ef
fort Pick the distiuctfve feature of
your ntock or business methods and en
deavor to express it ill u breath.
If you cau colu a phrase that ex
presses your ceutral business idea of
emphasizes some feuture that marks
your store alone, you can make good
use of it. It puts into condensed form
an idea thut will get hold of people
cud influence them if persistently pre
sented to them. One fact about your
business well lodged in the bends of
people is as good as a score thut do not
You can make people believe about
what you like if you go about it prop
erly. If a man couies to you today and
tells you there will be a imnic inside
of six months, you will pny no atten
tion to him. If another comes tomor
row Tilth the same story, he will get
no attention, but you will idly wonder
what is getting into folks. The third
man you will argue the matter with.
The fourth will get more of a hearing.
and you will begin to see signs of dis
aster yourself. By the time the tenth
man has made the statement you will
be ready to tell folks the same story
Probubly you yourself could not be
Influenced in such a manner, but the
common run of people are built that
way and will believe what they are
told often enough. That is why an
expressive catch phrase docs good. It
comes to stand for you aud your meth
ods and of necessity is remembered
when goods in your line are wanted.
As ordinarily used such a phrase is
of little value, because It is not proper
ly hammered Into people. Such a line
should go on letter heads, billheads,
KtuUouery, envelopes, should go into
every ad. or circular, should be seen
about the store and should appear oa
labels. Put it on a sticker to attach to
goods and packages. Let people see
It everywhere. If it means what it
says, is-ople are going to respond to It.
American Druggist.
An Optimistic Cripple.
A one legged newsboy had been hop
ping about on his crutch selling after
noon "extras," nnd when there was a
lull In 1he business, owing to a falling
off In the crowds, he sat down for a
brief rest.
"How did you lose your leg?" I
"Cable car," lm said, with the street
urchin's characteristic economy of
"Too bad" 1 remarked.
"Oh. but It might V been wnrso,
sir," the boy replied. "Tim company
pnhl the tlocuir nnd gave mother $S00.
That paid nil our debts and left us $o0
In haul;, and it's all there 'ccpt f !0 we
hud to ULu out w hen mother was sick,
and I sell more papers Hum most of
the boys, Just 'cause I've a crutch.
Tnhre's one of my customers now."
New York Times.
Read the Press Journal.
Professional Cards.
M. J. O Comiell, fa. Attoraejr, ;
Will Prartlce in All Court.
Special Attention (Hren to Land Of
lice Business.
Col I ccli nns anil all business entrust
ed to me will recei ve prompt attention,
I'hylsciaii ami Surgeon.
All calls given prompt attention
Utiles la Itriijf Store.
Prompt attention given to all lega. ,
matters in Justice, County and District-:
Courts, and liefore the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable-
tSTLegal papers carefully drawn.
Hatuubok.. Nkbhaska..,
F. E. M. V. R. R. is the belt,
to and from the
F. E.AM. VK. ft. timetable.
Goinir T Jst. Going JCas' .
So. fi, mixed, 10:S0 I No. mixed...
Harness, Saddles,
Lumber, Grain,
Harvesting Machines.
PEER of all high
grade cigars.
5 ct. Cigars.
All lovers of a good cigar.'
are invited to try,
l B. Bioklow; Sole Agent".
DAN SULLY"cigare.
Miss Anna Miller left Tor Chad ron lent.
1 hursdsy evening, wlwe she will Uwal(
the Acudvuiy thut wuUac.
i S, ' fi-