py Hji -hi' (pw-i--" r.y-r 1 ' r ; - ) 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 i h r:vsi.i)v. M il. J Kl VS lliii- and STOCK BR6N0S. i;f l''l'S!ii ahi ! i(jiUii V"nr bratw. 11'. ft,. f .JllOUrll,, for 4 Id. kT V.-I1 J t , eti hI brand cents, tv- rv mimer " , hiii'tiiMiu In siou and adjoining i-u"ii-5 aiaUladveriM tbeir brand in , Bit a It -clrieiataa all over the state. It j Huy be tl uieaaaof saving money lor yon $500 REWARD. tor the arrest and conviction of any p-.i ty r uartiti siollug or disfiguring an brands t r. .luck belwiigil.g to the undersigned Pr las. r. K. J ANPT. on left bit- 60, 117, ur H ii in juw.oii n I ski I it hip ol Cattle. I'ml Olttcc, Hi mtv, Motix Countv, Nebraska. t o- OKOM.K SWA.NsoS. C. I attte branded Auise brande' n left Itli' oil lelt hIiou ld-r, range on ltlicr t',,s k. Any aleak branded as above bclnif estrny--y frum uiy ra'ige, discovered by y IkhIv ari giving me iiitorniutiHii will le rewarded. Address, H. Kobiusou, Nebraska. J. B. rAKKKR. Kum branded on Pi li'f t shoulder and ' leatoneon li'ft lgj i'iP ' steep baruded on l uck or (9 "" ... , of shevp. laijhl I lauKeou Soldier Crack sad Willie Itiver. i. AiMtkm, r't. Robinson. Nebraska. i. JJKKlM'RKfcs" LIVESTOCK Co Branded left hip of Cuttle Hiid on left chee1' ot ilorse. . Kallgeou Deep CleCK. Ac ress. Deep Creek Live stock Co,. J. II. HA1.HKKT, Korelimit, Men. Nebraska. CHARLES NEWMAN. I The brand represented lit thl notice and branded any wlicr on lett side f cattle, and over hip -nit from the I right ear. Ain the KiLtne brand on left tbisrh ol '"''31 horses,' belongs to the undersigned. runge near Kant Spring", wiilh part I o 'MlllIX county. CHAKI.ES NKWMsX, riarrlwn, Nebraska. SAMCKLKSOKI. Cattle branded any where on left Hide of tile animal. Kaiige on I'rai rie I: ok and Mon 3 roe crmka. Addreaa, Harrlaon, Nebraska RKWAKIJ. I will pay $5 00 reward for etirh head lAveCoWille'shoresbrandr1f f j!thr jaw or thigh turnKliyJ Wrtit'l , fji i uv, iui pi w. c e. ji'urk.-. rn t KNTKliU" IN UIP. i-"l Or'r'H'K AT II Ui OFFICIAL PAPER OK SIOUX COCNTY. llnr-Mw limn le.ll One Dollar Per Year. FVSION TICKET. For Governor W. H. THOMPSON For Lisfilt. (Jovernor E. A. G.LHEIJTS For fvH-ietarv of State JOHN" POWER Fur A iblitor I C Q i:eFUN. E j For Tre:i.iirr J.N. LYI VN j For Attorney General j J. H. PRO ! Y 1 For f'omr. Public Lnrns iir.d F'uild i PUP i i w nir'it ide i ame at rut. -' ' " VT nd ) 1) on . y-.-.,.,,--, tin blunded on i-nlx-r hid, , mine anon rut. And alo 1 rtRht bip. on rliflit hoa-diT orjnw. KaiiKeoii White Kivcr, on the old luve Ci.lville ramh. William. Huntley loreiimn. !'.. Aildresx; lilen, Nebr. I And Tnttle branded lde, aud 1Ioim! on lett Addrem, llodarc, N'ebnuika. Kl). M AMIS. Cattle I'.ninded UniiKe on II n n in :eft Hide miiK Walur Addrese Afate, Neb. A. R. KKNNKHY. Cattle llmnde hi Hiirlit 1" ip Shoulder P.O. Addrea, Crawford, Nebraeka. Dr.REA'S BLACKLEG VACCINE I J. C. PRENNEN For Supl. of Srhools i CLALTI'E SMITH For Six lMstrict ! P. II BARRY j i J. R. Ht'NTKR. Sti-k branded! hi I lull' widttoriiip. Addreis!, Kd. Knsher, roii'iimn llurriaon. Neb. UC1AVK 1IARRH. Caltie branded ftM Hl;OHU on left Hide with left ear clippi-d. Rrtinre on Kun- j hliiK Wuter, P. (J. Addr an, Miir-Wnid, Nebr. iffi'lri7igjrn5 n (PILL FORM) 1 1 absolutely guaranteed to protect your cattle from Ulac-kleg. Each pill of Vaccine is an exact dose; ana vac cination with them is safe, sure and certain. My injecter puts the pill under the skin easily and quickly. By ordering Oat HlrkeJ Flte4 direct of me, you get fresh iwriru! ,tW,,or' i'n immediately by return inaii Sent iooihk, i.jmj fuily prepaid on receipt of price. JO " 6.00 cnrnil nCTTPi Vrm m .Knef. loo " 10.00 A. , if -i VL T let. Rolt. 'f'.'r'jT.TT wu, Uiuaui I lliil! IIIJCVWlO 1 rjwj ni,u CTdJ order for 10 doses or more of Blackleg Vn.inu V, .1 asild Kv l ti i-fri t nf H en lteu JfKeasJ 'n JumnbL Prenared and sold onlv by JOB WORK YES! The Prkss-Joi-knal does Job Work. NVat, I First Clans and Up-To Date. X Call in and get our prtrcH on Buin.'KB Cardf", Not- Ilea llead!, Letter Heads, Envelope etc The Press-Journal Marsteller Bros, Are now prepared to show AN ELKGANT LINE OF Writ for S-paee treatise on Blackleg. It lit tree. A. IIU1C I DEI 220 EAST 32d STREET, Dr. UMa5. L HbMi new york city. ' Cattle branded Hide, and aame 011 iler if horsen. AImi wmwof th ItorcM tie are br'4ndt'l on wide whoHlder Mime n deterib above laiainl. m ut ihw Wit I i Utt t shuul- nnct Cut. t Htil the IMt ES3"u,"r Addrcaa, IIhitIsmii, NebraKka JOHN A. HANSON Ownn the fnlloa Injciiraiid on eith er: AIko HG on cat tle and horr. rattle on leftside horse on left abouider. W-l Hanite on Silver SprlnK" and east o line, t'oatofllce Harrison Neb. -on vie t any person unlawfully banUliu 4av of said horses. W. J. A. Racm. lf(.rea branded on right thigh I and aboulder and I randed 1 11 on right Jav Also, I have (torn branded on left thigb rout Oftlcu Addrewl, Harrison, Sloni Co, Nebraska J.S. TUCKER. Branded on left nhouldar ot home land on left aide of cattle. on rglit ld I V I And this Thl on j j right side of cattle too. Caiige m White Klver, nnar Glen. Poet Ufflce addreaa, lilen, Nebraska. A.T. HfOHSOS. Itrind wmU double f nttle. Horawa aaniH 'dr. 12,. 1 utt out rlgntl , Cattle all dehorned. ge on Kyle Cre, nr 11 1 m left side n right ear cattle, Poet Office. Ulen Nebraska BHEWTES Co. t attle brand' M that HtA j a !. either I I "ft hla ar on V i-taboeWcr. flf , iiofaaa braaaed with any of above brand. . Atnm,J. A. Anoaaaoe, llarrlaon, Nebraaka. Cattle Biauded Range oa ROIIKUT r. NKKCB. on left side on left h AIro Cattle braaed alion liter or aide. liaiie 011 Running Water. P. o. Addreax Ag:ite, M'braska. J. l.KVKR. Cattle branded IS I.KKTSIDE Post Office Address. Chadroa Nebraska. J. 1). Proctor. WW Cattle Rrandetlkl".; I I'm left lnp. Also Horaea Krandi-d the sane on left shoulder. Ranire, Soutkarest of Andrews, Poyt Ollice. A ddreas IlaiTlson.Neri- White jo mi tkiokiaa' of obecri Wng aVfr rmrly naiOaf MUir, raaiatn f t tim tin tmxJonmAL will tab A r 'lift! MM My wnvM aarUi nwJ 1 r OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I. H. SENATORS JoarrH II. MuxaRD Chad. tl. Iiietkicii xjn(;kek.smp..v F.I.MCR J. BfHKKTT, Rep 1st list. I)vil) It. MEKCER, Kep. Jnd Iiist. JOHN J. Rom", Kns. 8rd Utat. Wm. I,. Stahk, F". 4th nut. A. ('. SHALLKanKRUER, Kt)s, Mil Diet. Wa. Nktillr, Fns.dth Dint. STATE OKriCEIW Ezra P. Savaoe, (toveunor C. f. Stkeli, Meat, Aovernor Go, W. Marm, Secretary of Bute Chai. Webtox, Auditor pnb. Accts. Wn. STKi rrH, Treamirer '. K,, Hupt. Pnblle liisljil' tlon FRAXK N. I'roi t, Atty. (ieneral Groroe KoWLER.O.m. pnb. lands and bldg I.EE HERi.wa, Librarian COUNTY OKKICEKH Wa. J. A. Racm, Clerk . Johr I. Iiavir, Treasurer ' AI.RX lOWRr, HberllT W. J. A. RAliM, Clerk of District Court J. M. RVRRE, ftupf.of Pobllc Inatructietl J. II. M RTELL, Judge M. J. O'Oorrbu., Attorney M. BvrriRa, mirteyor 1 Pat Lact, Coroner HOARD OF CiHtMTY COMHISSIOHERS Jmm 0. Hao, let District, ; . L 0. Lawn, 2aa Kla'triet A. 1. fcvsuiw, trd Dtrtclet. uia:.'ge,s in s hools. U.ncoUN, Aujr. 19 (.Specml.) Closer tn;iiiZAtin of city schools, an increase in tlie average salnry paid to the teach 1 rs of llli runil anil city H. liools mid a ileireal-e in llie nuiiltx-r of ih IiooI binld int;s tlirouiih consolidation are anions the chances prednded by State Sunn leniienl Fowler to tak place in the mi hi'nl conditions of Nebr! during the remainder of the tlei iide. Mr. Fowler is juM iileiintr a oiini!ii(fn with the leni.hers' institutes tnrouKhotit the stiiti. II 1 hiis visited upward of hnlf of the counties, und his predictions are tutted largely 'ian his own ohservntion of act ual conditions. feel sitfe in predicting a much clowr organization of the city whools." aid Mr. Fow ler. "I ta?lieve nil the city KiiM-riniendeiil and princi pals will tw reijuiretl hv law to make as complete report and to fnrniati as accur ate statistics h the county superinten dents now are, and I hat their work will b done more systematically. There will la a revision of Ihe method of a sesment and levying of taxes lajfotx 1910 and a consequent reduction of the minimuiB levy. "Let ns hope that the numlr of men (eachers employed, vliich di-crensed 30 per ceut during the pst de cade, wilt increase, while the numher of women teachers, which deTeased only about 4 percent, will remnin stationary. In this connection I would call attention to the fact that Ihe avetage "monthly wages of men during the t-n years in creased f:5 26, while that of Ihe women decreased $1.02. In both there should and must Ims a material increase if we with to keep in the profession the better qualified persons. Changes in the Schools. "1 believe that in 1910 the enrollment! will la? a larger percentage of the school j population than in 1900, but w hat is of J vastly mora importance, the average' daily attendance will be a much larger; per cent of the enrollment and of the! school census than in 1900. The number of sod anil log school building in the stale will rapid) v decrease and the number of frame school buildings will slightly de crease, while the number of brick build ings will increase. During the next ten years there will !e a decrease in the total number of school buildings in the state of Nebraska through the consolidation of rural school districts. There will be a material increase in thehngth of the term in many school districts of the stale; and let us Ii"s3 that in 1910 our county Superintendents will average at least tl, 000 a year each. Our state teachers' association, our great university and our state normal school will increase their enrollment materially. There wiil then be three state normal schools. In 1910 in many of the ruraVportions of the state the farmers' children will have the same advantages of education in a 'ell arrang ed, well organized, well grade!) school that the village and ity pupils now en- The above wasclipjied from be Omaha Hee, and contains thoughts 'worthy of consid ration by men of all political faiths. In our two years work with Mr. Fowler we have found him one of the most pro gressive and aggressive educational mer. in the state while it is true he is not of our political belief,' but I feel sure Mr. Fowler is so interested in the building up of schools of Nebraska, that he has little time to think of politics, and that should be the aim of every one that represents educational iuterests, let it he county, or state, we are sure Mr. Fowler has done as much for the common schools of Nabr as any state Superintendent has done hi the same time, and from this time forth his work will show more progress, for the educational work of the state Is a large tiling, and it takes about 2 years to fret the reins properly in the hand, and if Mr. Fowler hi returned or reelected this j fall to the off toe which I now 1111 10 well we may look for great advancement in the educational work of the state fi r he has visi'ed about every county in the slate, and has not only viewed the enure work but HjrorialIy knuws the coun'y Superintendents, lliat he has to look t o for help and information in advancing the common or rural schools of which he takes great interest, and that IS our interests. J. B. Burke FOR MEN. KIS5ING THE HAND. The Practice tVaa Instituted br tba Early llowan Rulcra. The pn.cllcc of kissing the bands was- "n.-Ututfd by the early Uoinan rulora as a tnnrk of subjciiou as much as oue of respect, and u.ider the lirst Ciesar the custom was kept up, but only for u tlino. These worthies conceived the Ides that the proper homage due to their exalted station called for loss familiar modes of oliclsauco, bo the privilege of kissing the emperor's bund was re served as u special mark of condescen sion or distliiCtiou for ofilcua of high rank. No such restriction, however, was placed on the emperors themselves, who, If they wished to confer signal honor on auy of their subjects, kissed either the mouths or the eyes of those they wished specially to favor, the kiss generally Intimating some promotion cr personal satisfaction for some achievement. Roman fathers considered the prac tice of kissing of so delicate a nature that they never kissed their wives In the presence of their daughters. Then, too, only the nearest natives were allowed to kiss their kindred of the gentler sei on the mouth, for in those days, as now, kissing wag not a mere arbitrary sign, but it was the spontaneous lunguage of the affections, especially that of love. Under the Homaus If a lover kissed his betrotu"d before marriage she In herited half of his worldly goods In the event of bis death before the marriage ceremony, and If she died her heritage descended to her nearest relatives. Twenty-eight years of successful shoe building In Ave great factories rep resents satisfaction to millions of shoe wearers. Every pair of Selz Men's FineShoes fully illustrate this fact They make your feet look well, no matter what size you wear, and combine the extreme 'of style with perfection of comfort and wearingvalne HIGH QUALITIES LOW FnlCES. Look for the sign of " Selz' It marks the PopuUr Dealer. el, .v.... vt it' i -sv:m.- ... Satisfactory Shoes -Price-Quality-CWort-Btyia. s roe stu -lujim sus." SP.l .7. SCHWAB & CO.. ChlotfO. O.I. W.I.L. I T aciK rinmr wcigni. Sett MMopeho. Urjcsi Mittufscturer. of Boot and Shoe In the Worl4. :iTfi8 Commercial Bank:1- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Coffer, President. F. W.Clarkk, Cashier Chas. C Jameson. II. S. Clause,. A. McGwlkt A PANTHER'S DEN. Clean and Bright, la Decide Cea traat to the Popnlar Idea. It was my good fortune to discover the newly abandoned lair of a cougar family and further and to me new evidence of that fastidious cleanliness which Is a murked cluiracterlstlc of the animal. This retreat was not at all the typical "panther's den" of tradi tion, but a bush grown harborage un der the edge of a rock with Just enough of shelf to keep off the rain. I should not have found this breeding place but for a certain well gnawed array of bones scattered over a little smooth bench above a creek channel. From this boneyard there was a very tracea ble path leading through grnss and brush to the retreat where the dam had housed her young. The evidence Wre told 'plainly of ihe cougar's long jjaBiutilty from annoyance and attack and of a thoroughly Neunly habit of life. There was no bone or other sign of feasting about the lair. The-.jlnm had carried her kill to the creek ten In every Instance, and the children had been colled to the dining room. As bone which would have been crunch ed or eaten by grown animals had been perfectly cleaned by the kit 1 was able to Judge of their summer's diet This had consisted mostly of minor game, rabbits, marmots, grouse and the like, with an occasional small deer. At least one whole family of badgers, old and young, bad been aerved, pussy having probably lain for them at their hole until they were all In.-Franklln Welles Culklns In Out ing. A War Ihe Haa. Inquisitive Neighbor I bear that your alster la engaged. Ia that true 7 Small Boy-I dare aay. Hue gener ally Is. f las aaa a BS1 aulffllbti Hfealt that a t, Mf V T - J ItlBH w wjrtMsww ssrw would have been a great man had ha m.. ... A A Sw a Hl.ka Stockmen having use for a bank at thk point may rely o us to handle their entire Banking busines. We axe prepared to take care of our trade at all time eoooooooooooo 0O0O0O00O)Q ' THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drills, DrujiSit's Sundries, Paints, OilSi Varnishes, BOOks and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. 0)G00000 Cattle branded Cattle branded 31 i 011 left side also. on left slde Cattle bra.idcd h"Wf. On U-ft Hip ICENRY WEISE, roreman P. O. Address, Glen, Neb JOHN T. SNOW Horaes branded rSj on ,u't "t"'"1' der branded oa left shoulder on left aide. Post Office Address, ,h LdV-r.tti. fix Patrick, l ArtuY o. " ANORKW ('nitlSTfAN Cattle brand ed 011 lett sldo kaine cut snd horses braadnd on left shonlde tame cot are the property of Andrew Christian an rsuge tributary lo Vsn Taaael Spring!. " 1 ('- " Address, ' alMley, Wyo. M'li.i 1 : , 111 11 It It KT A HONS. Cattle brand ed sauia us that on cut on eith er aide of animal. And following on left title of cattk. Hill And thl And this on left aide of she stock. on left side and hip. Range on Running Water. I'oaUifflce addreu, llarrlaon, Nebraska, II K.N It Y WARNKKE. El Cattle brand ed on left aide. Range on Huiiiil-tg Water Cranek. r P. O. Addrras llarrlton, Nebraaka. Henry L. Bhattuck of Slwllnburg, la., was cured of a stomach trouble with winch he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets, He had previously triad many other remedie and a number of physicians without rane. or at vjf i. R, Flnnoey. ' f ' ' ' . DTM Drty rcara ago, jucauaon uma ''"..' I, ( . ... - . m'4- ' i