Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 28, 1902, Image 7

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"I Nad the Headache Continu
ally Couf J Not Do My Work
Pe-ro-na Cured."
Mm. Esther M. Milncr, DpGraff,
OIim, wriif:
was a terrible su'ferer from
female weakness and had the
headache continually. wat
notable to do my housework for
my husband anil myself. I wrote
you and described my condition
at near as possible, you recom
mended I'cruna. I took four bot
tles end was completely cured.
I think Peruna a wonderful med
icine and have recommended It
to my friends with best results. "
Mrs. E. M. Mllner.
Mis Mamie (iroth. Plattcrille,
Wis., writes: "Accept a gmti
fnl ciiTu thanks f'r the won
derful help I h:irp rwpived
thriiiich the lisp of l'crtina. Although I
hxikeil vri-!l and strong I have for several
year nlferel with frequent harkarhe
and would for several days have split
ting heailaeheg. 1 did inrt wish to fill
Hi? system with poisonous drugs, mid
so when several of my friends advised
me to take l'eruna, I nkcl my phy
sician what lie thought of it lie rec
ommended it and n I took it and am en
tirely without pniu of any kind now."
.Miss Mamie t iroth.
I'r. H. Martman, President of The
Ilartmaii Sanitarium, ha had over
fifty year' experieri'-e in the treatment
of female catarrhal diseases. He ad-
CUT1CURA OINTMENT for preserving, purifying and beauti
fying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for irritations of the skin, heat
rashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness
incidental to outdoor sports, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and for
all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery.
fey-Much that all should know about the skin, scalp, and hair is told in
the circular with CUTicxiu Soap.
Wh.a Tou Car. Buy Botll. of
Mexican Mustang Liniment
George Francis Traio was, accord
ing to his former declaration, to
Tlte a 100-volume autobiography.
Hut perhaps he has been Just as wise
lo cutting out nlnnty-nlne of the vol
umes and publishing only ooe.
There Is a good deal of difference
between a strike and a hit, when it
comes to baseball. The former seems
to Interfere with a game considera
bly, and the latter to materially as
sist It.
, Chin of Beauty Is Jot f orvr.
u T vvl I X uflf'RA I'D' WMIEST A I.
fUaxrvM 1 iimpim, w rwi
I BkiB ., odwwi bleat
Uh on rMMQir, mm
Uftp4tcilo)D. II
r.,. mt;nA that LMt
1 to harmtwM w
tatlttrtr in rati
It- prtirlf mi,
A ( ( nomufliar
frit of 91 ID 1 1 F
J T. I A.
of t hat-
i. ...Il.nl I
At frm todiMwllt
Lrfulor !! thm
"xn In fit" I . n .1 ,',"' , " M w V
.11 fSStt
as Ak.
11 M VLrtt m
i firsts wNj-5iX ypll
I vine women free ) IU ,f S
i of chnrge. If you f T'hjrW'
are suffering from W
any female de
rangement write him a description of
your symptoms and he will give you
the benefit of his experience in the
treatment of women's disease,.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of l'eruna,
write at onee to Ir. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your cas", and he will
lie pleased to give you his valuanle ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, Fre:rident of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O,
Too True To Be Profl table. "How
about that historical novel?" asked
the publisher.
"No good at all." answered the read
er to whom it had been assigned.
"The man doesn't understand how
to write historical novels, and he
hasn't perverted the truth as we
know it enough to make any kind of
a rumpus among the ctlUcs. His
bonk would fall flat. Chicago Post.
Industry, without econemy; iz like
a tag with a hole at the bottom or it.
At least it may be said for the roan
who talks shop that he knows what
he Is talking about. Chicago Jour
nal, II ALL'S f ATAKflll Ct BK
is taken Intornally. Price "5 cents.
Work gives one title to prosperity;
but some of us arc too democratic to
care about tiLlos,
Two liotilea or I'ino'a Cure for on-
iiiiiiitliin cured me of i terrible roiurh.
Fred Hermann, io! Hux avenue, liuflalo,
N. Y Sept. l'.HIl.
Men ov real genius never overwork,
nor kan they wear out their brains;
their phlslkal st rength may succumb,
their brain never.
Um tin tjeil. Thut'i why theyliuy lied Cro
Hill Hlu. At leading gtocfrt, cnt.
I like to see good order in the
household, but I hav seen housekeep
ers so fastidious that they would
keep a nous dirty all the year round
cleaning It.
Dm Red CmM Hall Din and kacplham wlilUs
now. All xrocari, tea package.
To be a arcat man it Iz bot neces-
sarr that a man should bn unlike otb
Ptnooth Parfaced Cloths Are Giving
Way to Hough Weave, Like Zibe
llnea and Aatrakaaa TrimminK
that Will '.' i:nel with Thein.
New York correspondence:
1 next winter, appar
ently, the reign of
smooth surfaced
cloths will be over.
It seems hard to be
lieve, for tin; better
examples of these
weaves nave been
things of beauty,
aside from tests of
wear, from which
they came off well,
as a rule. But hand
some as these goods
are in the piece, and
nicely as they make
up, the signal has
been given for a
change, and already
the better grades of
fall woollens are
rough faced, zibeline
and astrakun effects'
abounding. Some of
these woolly goods make fine street suits,
and there is no doubt but that they are
to be the stylish standard. In the meth
ods of making no surprising change Is
apparent, though less trimming in utted
than was put on the smoother stuffs. The
gown of the initial picture, and the second
model of the larger pictures were of this
grade of goods. In the first were delicate
gray zibeline and black silk braid in
bands and medallions. In the second were
dark blue caniel'shair cloth and white
silk facing and cord ornament for the
cape collar. Elephant gray zibeline was
the fabric of the third gown, oriental em
broidery and red velvet ribbon trimming
it. Ir, most model gowns of rough mate
rials there is more of novelty In the trim
ming than in the cut. Some color con
trasts in the embellishments are a bit
staggering, while the hairy surfaces in
some cases receive adornment of sorts to
which heretofore they have been stran
gers. liraids and hand embroidery am to be
the trimmings most In vogue, but general
ly the braid or embroidery is applied, not
to the material of the gowu, but to some
other stuff in contrasting color tisej in
ni' diillion effect. Touches of gold are ap
pearing, and silver Is much used, not only
cn heavy materials, but on the; thinnest
tissues. Trailing ombrolderlea of ailver
upon white chiffon or gaiiae are consid
ered very fashionable, Russian and Chi
nese embroideries 'in brilliant colorings
are to give striking touches on dark wool
giwn. They also look well on a brown
ish gray that is to be fashionable this fall.
Worked eyelet holea nre much in evi
dence on many new wool gowns, and one
white cloth model showed all skirt seams,
Iceve seams and some bodice seams laced
throughout their length with ill cord
run through worked eyelet. Cording
in various designs- and all shades will l
worn. White cloth or heavy white silk
embroidered in dots or French knots will
trim ninny gowns. j
Hints of forthcoming wraps courrra
garments all the way from airy accesso
ries for early fall, to the heaviest far
for midwinter. A beautiful model fui
coat is much like certain of the soft sum
mer cloaks half length, loose, with hugf
Mowing sleeves and lace .undersleeves
For these sleeves with winter wear there
will be heavy gloves with handsomely
embroiden-d long gauntlets. This is ai:
extreme fashion, but for women who can
afford them, loose Mowing fur cloaks fol
lowing the lines of summer wraps will bt
fashionable. In nearly all materials tlit
loose cloak will have the lead, and tht
full sleeves when not flowing will lie gath
ered into auff with s -broad opening. The
cape collar is a noticeable feature of the
newer coats and cloaks, and much of the
dressiness of the garment will depend
upon the skill with which this collar is
shaped and fitted. It must set snugly
over the shoulders, give a long, sloping
effect and come well down over the ra,
almost to the elbow. A standing collar
may be worn or not.
With all the offerings of long coats,
short jackets still will have standing, and
Louis coats will he numerous and fine.
The severe model in black cloth with but
tons and chains of gold and enamel will
delight the woman with a figure to do
such a garment justice. Among the short
er coats for fall are interesting noveltie
that should statu! up successfully against
almost any vogue for longer wraps. Two
of these appear in the second pictures.
One was black peau de soie ami creain
lace, with pleated sleeves and cape col
lar. The other was tan cloth and Persi in
embroidery, with lace sleeve pulls. Alto
gether, there is an outlook of much va
riety in wraps, with a good chance for
everyone to be suited if only the price
makers are kind.
The use of several chiffon veilings in
varying tints under a sheer fabric is more
and more followed for evening . gowns,
though it needs an artist to give just the
right touch. Shot voile or voile de soie
over a different color also makes a lovely
color harmony. Mack mousselines scat
tered over with faint shadowy flowers
makes a charming gown for evening
wear. One handsome gown seen had a
foundation of lining of white silk, veiled
first by pale yellow chiffon, then by pale
pink chiffon and finally by the black
mousseline, which unit flowered with
loosely bunched yellowish pink roses. The
result was particularly line around the
foot of the. gown where the soft-hned
chiffons Uared out in many little frills,
Another gowa of this character was
the original of the artist's right-hand fill
length figure In the second picture. Here
black silk mousseline was over rose pink
chiffon and white silk. The elaborate
trlinininjt consisted of ivory white and
gold lace and ldnk velvet ribbon. Iaco'
U much favored as dress trimming, and
lace gowns will be in the list of fall and
winter fineries.' A characteristic lace
trltumed fall gown was put at' the left
of the second picture, and was wedge
wood blue Telling and cream lace. Oppo
site this In the same picture Is n gown
of black chantilly, a Tery stylish lace for
gowns, with finish of emerald green velvet.
iiiiiji ,1.1. in-,ni in nmiiiiii mammm
A5?getable Preparationfor As
similating the Food andBegula
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes DigeationjCheerfur
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morpliine nortiitexal.
Not 7 ah c otic .
Aborted Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .feveri sh
ncs9 and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Give your patrons credit for hav
ing a reasonable amount of inelli
gence, and when an artticle is asked
for do not inquire why it Is wanted,
but supply the'demand. That is up-tc-date
business enterprise. Pro
gressive Advertiser.
Thinking success is the strongest
incentive to achieving success.
The ability to write advertisements
can not be imparted in the class
room. It is only to be acquired in
the hatd, unsympathetic school of
practical experience.
"I was at a luncheon the jther
day," said a North side woman,
"where the hostess was a graduate
of Smith college, three of the gradu
ates were graduates of Wellseley,
two went through Vassar, two had
been Lryn Mawr girls and the other
ladies present were graduates of
Northwestern, the University of Chi
cago, and Wells respectively."
"Well," cne of her hearers said,
"it must have been very interesting.
How I wish I could have been there.
What did you talk about?"
"Let me see. Oh, yes; about how
hard it is to keep help." Chicago
Information Contained in Tl ii
Statement Is Valuable.
The bale, the hearty, the strong can
afford to toss this paper to one side
impatiently wheu tliey read the fol
lowing, but any sufferer In this vicin
ity who has suffered hours of torture
caused by kidney complaint will stand
in his own light if he does not follow
the valuable advice offered here.
Mr. Fred Koletzke, dealer In musical
instruments and mouldings of 733 Col
lege avenue, Appleton, Wis., says:
"Ivoiils Holzer, shoemaker at HecKort's
store, and Mr. Tony Van Ooyen, the
liveryman, both friends of mine, ludue
ed me to use Doan's Kidney Tills. They
bad tried them and pronounced them
up to their representations. I Btralued
my back six years ago lifting a piano.
It must have Injured my kidneys, for
trouble with these organs and rheuma
tism followed. I win lame and ached
all over for several months. Then, in
a mensure. It ceased. A recurrence took
place and I wag confined to my bed for
ten wewka. During the time I was at
tended by doctors and took all kinds
of medicine, but grew worse Instoad
of better. The pain In, my back was
excruciating, the kidney secretions
were dark and thick. Part of my body
blunted and other parts were skin and
bone. I could scarcely walk from one
room to another; could not eat and al
most came to the conclusion that I was
done for. Acting on the advice of my
friends, I procured Doan's Kidney
l'ills at Wool I$ros.' drug store and
took four boxes. They cured me."
A free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills,
the remedy that cured Mr. Kolelze. enn
bo had liv writing the proprietors, Fos
ter Millmrn Co.. UulTalo, N. Y. Cut
this advertisement out and name pnper.
Freddie What did mamma spank
you for lust now?
Reginald She spankel mo for noth
ing. Did you think I pay her for
doing that?
The Poets Opportunity. lilobbs
"My friend the poet, subscribes to a
clipping bureau. "
Klobbs "Then why doesn't he take
advantage of it to have his hair cut?"
Philadelphia Record.
A man kan live on the bare dcccs
sarys ov life; so kan a mud turtle,
n. Window's SOOT II I Ml STKIIP for rhlMrn
tmhlnf, pnfln On (limn, rmlnma Inflnmitlon
ftllaM fln.rnrw wlnri nil, tto bofctla.
ii.; i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Embossing i? done on a press, and!
comes, therefore, under tne neaaingi
of press work, although the process
is a liotle diffreent. Embossing is
done by means of to dies, the male
and the female, generally the bald
est of electrotpye metal, zinc, copper,
brass or steel, the male generally of
some composition, made to come un
der the paper and press it up intl
the female die and raise the design
above the surface of teb paper. The
cost of embossing, as compared with
ordinary presswork, is about as two
to one. At one time it was very pop
ular for catalogue covers, but be
came so common that lately it has
gone somewhat out of fashion.
Most people who are unfortunate
hav bekum so bi abuzing the best
friend they hav got, and that iz.
Be kind to every thing and every
boddy; thare isn't even a bug but
kan do you sum good, or sum hurt.'
What an Almanac Dial.
Matthews. Ark.. Aug. 25th.-
Lee S. Sanders, of this place.
tells how
an almanac saved her life.
"I have been troubled a great deal
with my kidneys all my life and was
constantly growing worse.
"I chanced to get a copy of Dodc"8
Almanac for 1902 and in it read some
6tories of how Dodd's Kidney Pills had
cured many very bad cases of Kidney
"My husband bought a box and I
began to use them, and in a short time
we were surprised and delighted at
the wonderful improvement in my case.
"I am now as well as anybody and
I can not say too much for Dodd's
Kidney Pills. It was a lucky day for
me when I picked up that almanac.
"I believe Dodd's Kidney Pills will
cure anyone who suffers with Kidney
Trouble." . .
Tbe top round of the ladder iz a
hard one to stlk to, and an ugly one
to fall from. I would reckomend one
about the middle.
They Work Whk You Sleep.
While yoor mind and body rest Caa-,
carets Candy Cathartic repair your
digestion, your lrrer, yoor bowels,
put them in perfect order. Genuine
tablets stamped CCC Never sold
in bulk. All druggists, loe.
The University of Notre Dame,
PULL COUKSB3 la Omulc. LtStrm, Ben
ttafca mad Hlttmrr, JmmroalltA, Xrt Sehmc.
Pharmacy. Law. CfvU. MtdmAml mad Ulec
trlcal Emglmmrtag, AnJtUmHun.
Tbaroagm Pitammstf) aad' fsinrtil
Rooms Prm to D stialmti who ban com
pleted th stadln raoulml far djnlifloa Into the
oritur or Beak Tear of any of tlx CoUaglan
Rooms to Rami. Mothimt eham to itodeakl
r KteDtan prttpstiag tor OoUrVkto Count.
A limited Bum tier of canrtkhttM (or l he Kocl
sbutleal !? will hs iwctYcri at apnclal rates.
Si. Bawmrrs nan, Tat iioys anor r la i ran, M
alalia In Ui oompjnfrnesi of lu aqalpnaat.
S91k Yomr will enn
9, MA
Gmtatnrwm Pro. AWrms
wanted; Uff able tio41ad, age ISJoImL
and ban aflMn. Wrlu far lafariaalloa. Naval
Mai Ma
Btaleaale, Oalaase
Iramictwjwltb )
SOT"1TS, fa J
I Rest Condi fcrrap. TaMea Ootid. Da I I
I 1 In lime. Ilotd bjMru. 1 I
ATAlpiUM.tBL ...
era: hut that fie should alwatl b
t. lyffM rut a l in e w IKtT '..
P. N. II. HO. 734-3S. YCJX NEU
i imitiiui.rmivi" !-
like himself.