Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 28, 1902, Image 6

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Copyright, 1901,
On the day following the incident of
the black coune. Superintendent Karnes,
the chief of police, was seated In hi
office, studying a mass of written reports
that lay before him on the desk. Evi
dently what he read was not to his lik
ing, for his generally smooth forehead
wore a dep frown and now and then he
ottered an exclamation that showed his
anger and disgust.
Inspector Barnes, as he was better
known in the city, looked more like a
prosperous banker than a man who had
pent the principal part of his life in in
vestigating the undercurrents of society.
He did not wear that worn and worried
look we are accustomed to associate with
man who has so much work laid out
for him. He was none the less a capable
officer, and if his smile was "childlike
and bland," he was feared and respected
by the lawless world, and justly so.
Barnes was not in a good humor on
the morning In question, and after he
had finished his reading leaned back in
the big chair and puffed for a moment on
lis black cigar, sending forth such clonds
that he resembled a fat idol surrounded
by incense. His glance fixed on the ceil
ing, it only changed to look now and then
with a scowl at the pile of papers be
fore him. Suddenly he leaned forward
nd rang the bell sharply at hla elbow.
The folding doors In the center of the
room opened and his personal attendant
"Send Mae here at once!" he said, tnd
lolled back in his chair again, smoking
more rigorously than ever and engaged
in deep thought. The attendant bowed
himself out and a moment later the
chief of detectives entered, and, closing
the door behind him, advanced to the
desk where his superior was seated.
; He was a Bmall man, looking not un
like an overworked clerk, quick and nerv
ms in his movements, with a long pale
face and sharp eyes that almost glared
from beneath bushy eyebrows.
"Want me, Super?" he asked, in a low
Toice. "Mac" was a man not given to
eloquence or long speeches.
"I am thinking that this department
yours, mine, everybody's, is in a bad
state," said the chief.
"Ah," but the little man's face was
"Jxok at that stack of reports there."
exclaimed the other, pointing to bis
desk. "Mostly made up of the hopeless
attempts to find the fellow who is at the
npat! of most of the robberies that have
tjeen committed in the city during the
past year. And not one of our people
has been able to get even a clew to his
whereabouts. Now, that fellow must be
aanght or the department will stand for
ever disgraced. Never since I have been
connected with the force have we been
confronted with so many failures. Why,
if things go on this way you and I will
have to get out, that's all."
"I'm sure I wish it was different," sigh
ed Mac, shifting nervously from one foot
to the other. "After all, it may not be
the work of one man. You know a thief
gi-ts a reputation, and then every other
crime of note is set down to bis credit, or
discredit. Just like in y,ur own business.
We often get credit in the papers for
unearthing a criminal, when it may be,
like as not, entirely the work of one of
our men."
Inspector Bnrnes looked at bis com
panion to see if there was any personal
insinuation intended, but the little man
was busy eying the glass case containing
criminal curiosities.
"Well, if these robberies are not the
work of the same man, why don't you
catch the ones who are guilty?" he said,
In a voice of exasperation. "I tell you
I still believe there is one behind it all,
for these affairs bear the same stamp.
It is, of course, possible that some one
else has copied his methods. Whoever
he is, he is a clever man, and we have
not heard of the like since the days of
CJr?e Leonidas Leslie. If I were not
sure that Leslie was very dusty, I should
believe that he had a hand in these mat
ters. Now, Mac. why don't you catch
"Why, indeed V with a smile. "Why
don't I capture a rainbow to make rib
bons out of it for my wife. I tell you,
Super, we are doing all we can. We
have bad some men who work for him in
hand. but. though industriously pumped,
they know little more about him than we
do. To call the man a 'shadow' is
wrong, for he never stays as long as a
shadow in one place. But I have an
"Yon are fortunate so early in the
"It 1 tbla, that the bead of these af
fairs la not to be found in the under
world, but higher np. For all we know,
one who passes a a gentleman."
r "That I hate thought of myself," said
(he chief, thoughtfully. "Perhaps we
have bees working in the wrong direction
all alone. Well, I can only urge yon to
do yoor best, or we shall find ourselves
disliked by the press and the public and
la general disrepute."
"I'll try a new tack," and the detec
tive brought bla teeth together with a
map. "Don't think I haven't worked
bard over this cursed affair. It worries
Me quite as much aa It does yon," bat the
chief did not seem to be listening, was
leaning back in his chair as if half asleep,
and tbe other, seeing bin no preoccupied,
took tbe opportunity to alip out of tbe
The closing of tbe door routed tbe
rhlef from but reverie, for be sat np and
looked around aa If wondering to find
bimaelt alone. Jut then a timid tap
aonnded on tbe door and tbe attendant
"tTeH. wfcat do yon want?" asked tbe
"TO heavy swH! outside who
atjra I tUnka he has news of Inipor
tmm tkls teat robbery ea de
Clar feat-Tart, f Miniwat, to
take up my time," growled Barnes; then,
settling back in his chair, with aa air of
resignation, "Well, tell him to come in."
The visitor tripped in gayly, as if bent
on a pleasure mission. He was rather
overdressed and wore a gardenia in his
lapel. His face was smiling, but Barnes
in an ill-humor frowned that down.
"You have some information be brief.
Sit down." motioning toward a chair. The
visitor dropped into the seat.
"Inspector Barnes, I believe you are
aware that a man known under the so
briquet of Will o' the Wisp recently es
caped, with others, from the Auburn
Barnes nodded stiffly.
"I have reason to know that he is still
in this city. That he arrived here a few
days ago."
"Are you sure of that?" eying his vis
itor keenly. "Our men have been looking
for him, but I had no news of his where
abouts." "Well, you see an amateur sometimes
can beat a professional."
"But how do you know you have seen
the man do yon know him personally?"
"Well, hardly, not being in the habit
of associating with such people," with a
"Explain yourself."
"I need not go into details in fact, I
prefer not to. This man, it happens,
called on us some time ago. He holds
a paper a document, which, if made
public, would do a great injury to our
family. Now, he could only have got
hold of this paper through a fellow-prisoner
one Martin Frale to whom it was
confided many years ago."
"I see. Frale wag the man who was
killed when a crowd of .them escaped
from Auburn," and the chief examined
a paper which he drew from one of the
pigeon holes above his desk. "This Frale
and Will, it seems, had struck up a great
frieudship in prison. Frale. I learn, sav
ed his life from the assault of another
man when they were working in tbe shoe
shop. Since that time they were like
brothers. It's rather a pity that this
rrale was shot; because, you see, he had
but a short time more to serve, if he had
not attempted to escape." He replaced
the paper in his desk, and looked to his
visitor as if waiting for him to speak.
"By the way, you have not told me
your name," as the other maintained si
lence. "To be sure, I forgot that. Of course,
I don't want to appear conspicuously in
the matter."
"You need not."
"My name is Frank Ellison."
"And you think that iierbaps this es
caped prisoner may be the land of these
recent robberies. The snpiMtsition is not
a bad one, for when he was at larae he
conducted some pretty clever jobs."
He took a memorandum pad from his
desk, and dipped bis pen into the ink. at
the same time assuming an attitude of at
"Now, then, where is this place where
our man can be found?"
"There are reasons why I cannot tell
you as yet." said Ellison.
The chief dropped his pen on the desk
"Did you come here to have fun with
the department?"
"Nothing of tbe kind." And the vis
itor looked anxiously toward the door.
"Then explain yourself, and brlcSy."
"I must arrange a meeting with this
man if I can."
"What for?" snapped Barnes.
"It must be part of our bargain. I first
of all wish to secure possession of this
document. It would injure n if this fal
low should be arrested and that paper ill
his hands. He would make it public, and
that would be a poor reward for what I
intend to do."
Barnes examined his visitor from head
to foot carefully. For all the flippant,
foppish air of the man, he felt when he
looked into his eyes that he was far
from being the weak character he aic
peared to be. That he was a man of
strong passions and impulses, and not
inclined to be overscrupulous.
"So you want to make a bargain with
the police, eh?"
"You can put It In that light, if you
please," replied Ellison, calmly.
"And if we refuse "
"Why, then, you will have to find the
roan for yourself, that Is all," and the
other laughed, despite the superinten
dent's frowning face.
"What is the paper you wish to secure
you can speak to me in perfect confi
dence," said Barnes.
"I cannot tell you that."
"But if I demand that you tell me,"
for there waa something about the man
ner of the man before him that roused
his anger, and he was in a bad humor,
anyway, that day.
"My answer would be the same," said
Ellison, and as he said this be rose.
"Where are you going?" demanded tbe
"Naturally, I was going home, since
we cannot come to an arrangement."
"Who said we could not?" grumbling.
"I merely wanted to find out all I could
about tbe matter. Well, now, I must
leave you to arrange a meeting with this
fellow," and be made a grimace as if he
did not like to think that the direction
of the capture was to be taken out of bis
"Yea, I hope to perfect my arrange
ments so that he can be nabbed in a
couple of days. When everything Is fixed
beyond tbe possibility of failure you shall
bear from me."
"How very kind." The superintendent
waa talking to himself. Then, In a loud
er voice. "Well, I shall count on you.
How do yon mean to go about It? You
know be la apt to abow a rigorous fight.
Yon will need help."
"I well know tbe desperate nature of
the man from reputation. I shall ask you
to poet your men In the afreet. When I
fire a state! yon can rath in. But tbe
details cm ha arranged later. Now, It
Is too early in the day to think of every
"1 shall be anxious until I hear from
you." said the chief.
"For reasons It is unnecessary to men-
tion I am quite as auxious as you that
the affair should be terminated," and El
lisnn bowed and left the office.
"The deuce!" he exclaimed when he
found himself in tbe street. "How Barnes
did glare at me at times. I wonder if I
have done well to put my head in the
lion's mouth? Bah! the race is to the
swift!" and with a careless laugh he
weut his wiiy.
(To be continued.)
Chinese Conveyance.
- Tim nmhor43f. "Overl'ind to China,"
in writing of his approach to Pekln,
gives a graphic account of different
carriages to be seen upon the way.
We begin to meet tinkling files of
donkeys, evidently fresh from town;
the little beasts pattering along resign
edly, although often so much overtop
ped with Chinaman as to suggest the
simile of "improper fraction."
Then a string of creaking wheelbar
rows, pushed by perspiring coolies.
Tbe barrow resembles a miniature
Jaunting-car on a single wheel, and it
Is often used, especially In tbe south,
for carrying passengers, farmer and
pig sometimes balancing each other.
one on either side. In tbe early Shang
bai days English Indies are said to
have used them when sedan-chairs
were not to be had.
The wheelbarrows, employed In the
north principally for goods, are occa
sionally to lie seen with a rag of calico
sail set. To them Milton may have
referred when he wrote
"Where Chinese drive
With salles and wind thir canle wag
gons light."
Too Effective.
The German proprietor of a sawmill
In a Minnesota town used for fuel the
refuse from the lumber. The fuel cost
nothing, but It took four men to pro
vide It, because the machinery was
An agent for mill machinery persuad
ed the German to put In new equip
ment which wonld reduce the amount
of fuel one-half. It looked like a good
proposition, says the Duluth News
Tribune, and the agent, sure of suc
cess, called on the German after the
machinery had been Installed, expect
ing to be congratulated. But the Ger
man gave him a gloomy stare.
"What's the matter? Doesn't the
machinery do all I claimed for it?"
asked the agent.
"Ya, but I overlook gomctings."
"What was that?"
"Veil, it (lakes only dwo men to han
dle de fuel, but It dakes de udder dwo
men to haul avay Tat ve didn't use fc
fore, uud a team pesldes."
different Now.
"Sadie, how are you getting along at
school in your physiology?"
"Ail right, I guess."
"How many holies are there In the
human body?"
"Two hundred."
"When I went to school, dear, there
were 2s."
"Well, people aren't as bony as they
used to be when you went to school,
tua m ma."Ch ica go Tri bu ne.
L'pholsterer Needed.
Tambo Mr. Banks, I see dat dey are
going to send two tons of sawdust to
Interlocutor Well, Tamlo. why are
they going to send two tons of saw
dust to England?
TainlKj To upholster de thin peers
dat's going to wear short pants ul de
Very Suitable.
Smytlie No one has devised a spe
cial ping-pong costume as yet.
rembleton No. but if tb-y do It
should 1m? a suit of overalls. After you
chase the balls under every piece of
furniture in the room you have enough
dust on you to keep a whiskbroom busy
for a week.
Practical View.
"They tell me your wife is inclined
to be romantic," said the fool friend
who Is ever ready to butt in.
"Yes. I suppose that Is what ails
her," replied the victim of circum
stances. "She sits and gazes into space
for hours when she should be darning
socks." Chicago Newa.
Father What la the use of my earn
ing money If you spend it as fast as I
can make It?
Son That's all right, father. I en
joy spending It Just as much as you do
making It. Brooklyn Life.
A Real Genius.
Blobbs Harduppe la a pretty allck
proposition. Isn't he?
Slobba Slick? Why, I've seen him
borrow money from a bill collector
Philadelphia Record.
Information for Maude.
No, Maude, dear; when you buy eggs
with the day of the month stamped
on them It doesn't mean that the bens
have been eating dates. Philadelphia
It Origin.
Stubh Great Scott, but those dental
students have a terrible yell! Where did
they get it?
Penn They listened to some of their
If They Only Would.
Biggs 1 wonder where tbe file go to
In the winter?
Wlggs I give It up, but I wish they'd
spend their summers there, too. Phila
delphia Presi.
Ladles' Night at the Lotos Club,
Ethel Ian't he a grasping aort of
Harold fierce! Why, be belonga to
seventeen secret societies and knows
forty -asgbt grasps Judge,
Joke and Jokelet that Arc Supposed
to Have Been Recently Horn Hay Int
nd Doing that Are Old, Cur loo and
Laughable The Week' Uuiuor.
"Oh. din r;v," ex claimed the fair
ma.d wlrh the loi:ion-;:ir.cd bangs, as
she accept, d tin- li.ni in ;. "what love
ly liovvevs! An,: they lo'k as if they had
i B t-3e-i1i--X-A'-h'tml,.. tea See, 'here is
a 1 Ul" ili'iv on them."
"Now, wouldn't that Jar the filling
out of one's back molars?" exclaimed
George. "My d.-ar girl, I paid " cents
in good hard coin for those budlets, and
I beg to assure you there Isn't a cent
due on them." Chicago News.
Somewhat IHfferent.
He (after buying the ring) Were you
ever in love before?
She Well, not exactly. But I've lx-en
engaged to half a dozen men who really
bdleved they were.
Neither One,
"I lost ?50,0 on tbe Stock Exchange
the other day."
"Were you a bull or a Iwar?"
"Neither. I was a donkey." New
York Journal.
Same Old Htory.
"Say, pard, what put you on the
bum?' 'asked one tramp of another.
"It's a short story," replied the other.
"Once I was happy and tried to be rich.
What Is the answer In your case?"
"About the same," replied No. 1.
"Once I was rich and tried to be hap
py." Heard on the Lake Front.
He My love for you, darling. Is ng
deep and as pure as the lake at our
She Yes, and you are Just as fresh.
Juiit Like a Woman.
"I picked this up In a pawnshop,"
paid the head of the house as he pro
ceeded to extract a piece of antbjue
bronze from an old newspaper.
"Why. John," exclaimed 1 lis; other
half of the labor union, "how did you
manage to swipe It wiihout the pawn
man seeing you?"
I ncorm latency.
Some people compare the trouble of
this world to a rainstorm, and then de
liberately go out without an umbrella.
Countryman Please explain this here
ship to me, sir.
Inventor Don't say this here ship,
my friend; say that air ship.
A Roiled City.
"And why don't you like living in
New York?" asked the caller of little
"Oh. It's such a dirty city," replied
"That's true," admitted the lady.
"You bet." went on Johnnie; "why,
sometimes I haf to have my face wash
ed twice a day!" -Itoston Post.
A Cal blown.
Walter Any one take your order, sir?
Guest Yes; the other waiter took It
about an hour ago, but I forget
whether I told him It waa for this
month or next."
First Man (at summer resort) Look
here, sir, are you aware that I am en
gaged to that young lady you went out
walking with this morning?
Second Man-Well, what of It? So
am I. New York Hun.
Real kattled.
"Did you feel at all nervous when
you got up to read your essay on 'The
Essentials of the Essentially Essen
tial' before that crowd?"
"Yes," tbe sweet girl graduate re
plied. "I waa awfully upset. I had no
ticed Just as I walked out upon tbe
stage that my left shoe string was un
tied." Tbe Polite PaMenger.
When tbe plainly dressed woman en
tered the crowded car all the young
men were too busily engaged In read
ing their newspapers to node ber.
Seeing which, the somewhat elderly,
but well-preserved bachelor near tbe
door arose.
"Take this seat, madam," be said,
touching It's hnt.
"Well, I should say not!" rthe replied
Indignantly. "You're old trough to be
my grandfather. Keep It yourself."
-1! Xt'4
Heroic Treatment.
"Sir." began the yoith with the ceru
lean tie as he stood ra the stern fath
er's presence, "I dot a your daughter
ami "
"And I will proccoA Jo administer an
antidote," Interrupted the old man, aa
he proceeded to get hla best foot In. po
sition for a swift kick. Chicago News.
Good Gue
"He Is a terrible woman hater."
"Yes; I suspect that he must at some
time have been a floorwalker Id a de
panuient store." Puck.
Pa' Idea of It.
Little Willie Say, pa, what do this
japer meat- by "blood money?"
Pa 1 suppose, my son. It means the
money In circulation. Chicago News.,
Their Trouble.
Muggins The trouble with my wife
is that she doesn't understand me.
Biiggins The trouble with mine Is
that she does understand me. Phila
delphia Press.
One Agent Kquelched.
Agent 1 am agent, sir, for the Great
American Universal Encyclopedia of
History, Biography, Art, Science and
Literature, complo in l) vol
Business Man Don't need It. I mar
ried a Boston girl. New Vrk Weekly,
Bad Cae.
Mr. Joblots-I suffer dreadfully from
Physician Overwork, perhaps.
Mr. Joblots I think so. Why, I can't
even go to sleep In church'. Somervllle
Kiperlence in Halting.
"Did you ever salt sheep?" asked thfl
farmer of the new hired baud who
came from Colorado.
"No," replied the n. h. h., "but I've
had considerable experience In salting
mines." Ohio State Journal.
Why Hhe Worried.
Chircmle Wot'cher worryln about,
Maggie O Chlminle! I wiiz a-t'lnk-Ing
s'posen yer marry me like yer've
promised to and take me ter Paris like,
yer say yer will and load me down
wit' gowns and Jewels, like yer've
Rworn to h-how am I ever goin'ter
smuggle 'em t'roo' de custom house
w'en we gits back? Puck.
A Leaaon in Ktiqnette.
The Caller You are never naughty,
are you?
Margery Well, I shouldn't think
you'd ask me that! Mamma says It
Isn't good manners to hurt people's
feelings. Puck.
The Judge's Fault.
Judge How dare you curse Iikc tuar
In this court?
Weary Didn't yez Jos tell me ter
swear? Chicago A merican.
Perfectly Eligible.
St. Peter-Were you a memler of
any church?
Spirit No; but I bought tickets for
all the church suppers and strawberry
St. Peter
aid. -Come In. Norrlstown Her-
Fecond Appearance.
"This meat," protested the boarder,
"Is overdone."
"Not exactly It ain't," replied the new
waitress. "It's done over. This is tho
j-unie meat you bad yesterday. Phil
adelphia Press.
He Hadn't Time.
First Chauffeur-Did yon notice that j
man we ran over back there
Second Chauffeur No, did he a polo
glze? Ohio Stale Jouniul.
One and On Only,
'He has a picture of his sweetheart
Inside his watch."
'Indeed! Well, he looks so happy
lately, I thought there must be a wom
an In the case." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Just Crle.
Whn tmnkes the baby cry?" asked
the little visitor.
"Oh." explained Ethel, "otir baby
doesn't have to have anything to make
It cry." Chicago Post.
A to Leather.
Mr. Newllwed I met Mussel to-day.
He's making money in the leather
business now. He says there's nothing
like leather, but he'll find he's mis
taken. Mr. Newllwed-DId you aak hltu to
come and see us?
Mr. Newllwed-Tbat's what I was
going to tell you. I asked him to corne
to dinner to-morrow, and I want you to
make a pie. Philadelphia lrea.
Mrs. Wbyte-Mr. Black can see tbe
town clock from her bouse so easily
that she doesn't heed to have a watch.
Mr. Whyte No. All she needs to do
Is to keep a watch on the cluck. Horn
ervllle Journal.
Umde Hlram-Ho yew air m blznes
up tew the city, nlr yew?
City Nephew Yes, lilicle.
Uncle Hiram Whare 'bouts air yew
located In the city?
City Nephew My businesa Is princi
pally at Die stock exchange.
Uncle Hiram Wa al. I'll swan! Yew
peer tew le a chip offen tbe ole block.
When yewr ole daddy wui a young fel
ler I 'low he wuz one uv the best host
swappers In these here parts.
Or. Hell Kaerclaea HI "Power of Ha
ductlon" on a Deerter.
Now that Sherlock Holmes has ap
peared, this time in a long story. It Is
'uteresting to recall his original. This
ji Dr. Joseph Bell, who was one of
Dr. t'onan Doyle's medical instructors.
In Edinburgh. Many anecdotes are told
by his former pupils Illustrating hla
.lowers of deduction. The latest Is con
cerning a man w ho, evidently in great
distress, walked Into the hospital for
"Well, what's the matter with your
asked Dr. Bell.
"I don't quite know, sir," replied the
"What's your business?"
"Cobbler, sir."
"Ever Ihh'U anything else?"
"No, sir; I've iieeu a cobbler all my
"Well, take him In and examine him.
That," said Dr. Bell to his class, when
the patient had been taken Into the
examination room, "Is a very odd case.
The man Is a deserter from the Indian
army. He knows perfectly well what's
the trouble with him. but he's afraid
to tell us for fear we'd know he con
tracted It in India. Yet he's In so much
pain that he risks coming to us. trust
ing that we won't find out what's the
matter with him, but still be able to re
lieve him without finding out. Strange
ca se."
Just then the patient was brought
back from tbe examination room.
"Well." said Dr. Boll, "did you find
any bullet wounds or salier cuts on
Id m?"
"Why, yes, sir." the doctor who had
made the examination replied. In great
surprise. "There were two bullet
wounds and he had a long scar across
bis left shoulder."
Dr. Hell turned to the patleut.
"This disease you have," he said,
"was contracted in India while you
were In the army. You left the army.
Why didn't you go back?"
Tbe man hung his head.
"Why did you say you'd been a cob
bler all your life? Deserter, aren't
"Yes, sir," faltered the patient.
But that didn't surprise the class,
says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Dr.
Bell was always correct In IiIb deductions.
Spring and Well in Pulentine
Protected by l-evcre Law.
As In New Mexico and Arizona, water
Is the most precious thing In Palestine,
anil the laws which protect springs, and
wells are very severe. Most of the
wells are artificial. Itlch men at very
great expense have chiseled basins and
reservoirs out of the rocks to receive
the flow from springs, and In many
places where no springs could be found
they have drilled through the limestone
a hundred feet, and sometimes twice
that distance, to the artesian basin.
None but very rich sheiks can afford
such an expenditure; nevertheless, tiny
have not only been the greatest bene
factors Of their fellow men. but those
who have sunk wells and built foun
tains, have erected monuments to their
fume more enduring than palaces or
temples or shafts of granite, writes
William E. Curtis In the Chicago lb-c-ord
llerahl. The Temple of Solomon
has vanished forever, but the pools
which he wulied up with masonry ami
tilled with water st.ll remain. The wells
' 'hat Abraham and Jacob drilled in the
rock as acts of piety as well as power
are as immortal as their name, and
will live forever, as long as men feel
According to a just custom of the
country, water rights could never be
forfeited. No man who owned a well
! might refuse his neighbor water for
I his family or his thicks, but the lord
of the spring was inviolate; no cred
itor or enemy could take bis water
rights inmv from blin. To In tun- i.r
m, w.,.n w. u ,,,r,1.(I1.1i,,.
crime. When the Philistines threw
earth and stones into the well of
Abraham they intended to challenge
him to war of extermination. These
customs and regulations remain to
day. How High Bird I I).
The height to which different birds
attain In their flight has often been tho
subject of dispute, especially among
sportsmen. From observations late,
ly made In Germany It would appear
that the highest filer, as has always
U'cn suppose!, is the eagle. This bird
was seen at a height of 3.i yards.
Crows also fly very high, though not
to be compared with the king of birds,
the greatest heights at which aeronauts
have encountered them being 1,400
yards. The lark, says Imdon (Country
Life, which Is usually supixised to
reach great heights. In reality only
soars to about 1, yards above the
ground, while pigeons which were al
lowed to escape at altitudes between
WW yards and 3.s yards rpib kly de
scended to lower regions of I he air.
Could Not Mpeak English.
One of the most common fault
among those who apeak Incorrectly la
the misuse of English preposition,
"Different from" becomea "different
to" in the popular eech of England,
md, too' often, "different than" In
America. The New York Time men
flons a queer Juggling of prepositions,
the achievement of two small Iniya.
"VYllllaiii," asked the teacher, "why
wereyou absent from school this morn
ing ?"
"Oh, some 'un stole me coat on me."
"Wbat'a that? Htole your coat 'on
your "
"Aw, be can't talk English," said
Wllllsm's brother James. "He means
tome 'un stole bis coat off 'lin."
When tbe oVcebolder loaas bis grip
ba does less hajulshsklug.