The Harrison Press-Journal C. C. BUKKE, FKOFBIETOB BARRISON, NEBRASKA "Admiral Clark." That suits the people. He did It with his little Ore gon. Oxygen tabloids are a French pro fessor's latest. "Have a fresh air with me?' Evidently the dancing masters lure decided to put the old people out of It this year. Most of us would be down-hearted If we knew what the woman who tells as she is id we came says after we have left How the young married women do bate the girl who can get the guest of 'the evening in a corner and keep him Interested. That railroad superintendent who stopped kissing on the station plat forms probably has a jealous wife and Is henpecked. The dynamiter and the Incendiary are two criminals against whom the hand of every man, even in the worst classes of the community, should be turned. Many a man who might have been great moral force has spent bis days sniveling because some little fool of a woman didn't know a good thing when she saw It. Talma will get $25,000 a year for being President of Cuba. We may take it for granted that he is unalter ably opposed to annexation, at least for the present. A Colorado girl has declined to mar ry a man because he Is wealthy. Here Is vindication for. Senator Dolliver, who says the poor are the only ones who have a chance. It is reported that William Waldorf Astor is going to give his daughter $30,000,000 when she gets married. William Waldorf must think that Is bout the price of a good, serviceable duke. Young King Alfonso's troubles are only beginning. He has now to go out and look for a wife, and there are at least a doien different persons who are to decide Jus: whom he must In Denmark the people continue to be excited over the proposition to sell the Danish West Indies to the United States. They seem to take It for grant . pA that TTncIe Sam is waiting around 'iuj'corner ready to buy when the prop "l(lnk is tipped. Ve have civil courts for the settie ient of all other disputes regarding property and Individual rights. We do not allow citisens, however much they may think they have been Injured, to fight It out with each other In our streets. The police arrest such people and lock them up for the general good. Why, Indeed, should we not require ' men who hare grievances against each other as employers and workmen to submit their differences to courts es tablished for that purpose? It is a civilized way of doing It Napoleon Bonaparte's will, among those of great men, affords the nearest parallel to that of Cecil Rhodes In the fortune it bequeathed. He was surely the richest exile since the world began. From his lonely home at St Helena he bequeathed to his relatives and friends $40,000,000. He had been rich, in gold as in power, beyond the dreams at avarice, and there must have passed through his hands a private fortune such as mortal man has rarely dreamed of. His exactions from con quered states has been set down at nearly $375100,000, which Is, after all, bat six times multiplying the gift he secured for himself from the Austrian treasury after Austeriitz. ' Every little while somebody sends up a cry for "ths ideal girl." The latest dissatisfied one wants girls to be more athletic than they are; he whoops for waists that shall be bigger, and he wants the girls to walk straighter. We might answer the gentleman by saying that the girls sre becoming, more and more athletic every year, that their waists are large enough for all prac tical purposes, and that they will walk straight ss soon as It again becomes fashionable for them to do so. But What Is the use arguing with one who Is dissatisfied with the girls as they art? The athletic girl Is a joy. So is ths one who doesn't care for athletics. Wbether her waist is Urge or small the girl of to-day is all rlght-if she is the right one. And that Is the main thing. Why will men waste their time tailing the girls what to do to improve OMmsdves? The girls will do as they e, and tbsy will be charming, no ' whether they go In for athletics ST not, or whether they walk upright 4 hop like kangaroos. Let as leave It IS ths girls to be bewitching In their way. Tbsy always bsve charmed they always will. Fashions sod srs bsrt Incidents. The man So has time to devote to the task of rma ttot girls lovelier than they see O to make ttomaatvsa deserves the '' f rtTi nfty. Be doesn't know a good C3Wksiiwlt Czi M tMB aeoaalatsd with the ' , Z3 Cm7 txolscr would tack a .( 72T (t C Kaatar tkst sursotss ooe ;;rz:rr.raa. Jbsurd that Providence for man's spiritual prog ress. Recent medical science has dis covered that boils are due to mere bacteria which insert themselves in th? subcutaneous tissue, having obtained admission through a skin break. The skin of the face and neck being uncov ered is more liable to bolls than the covered portion of the body. Street dust, especially in great cities, contains multitudinous microscopic germs, which make their way through aper tures caused by collar or collar but ton friction or by scratches from pins, aeedles or finger nails. Ofter a little army of bacteria will sap and mine atr entrance along a hair into the cuticle and thence deeply enough to begin their malevolent operations. It has been found that individuals wliuw health is below normal or who are ha bitually depressed are more liable to boils than people of vigor and vivacity. It is not strange, therefore, that poor Job had many successive crops of boils. An ancient method of curing boils was to poultice them. Holy Job, It will Ite remembered, underwent a treatment of domestic blisters whose action was not as palliative as domestic poultice sometimes are. Modern science, in the opinion of the Chicago Chronicle, has found that merely to touch the outer nucleus of a boil with a tiny drop of carbolic acid Is the most effectual meth od of extirpating this form of human misery, a method which corroborates the theory that a boil is a factory es tablished and worked by bacteria. Had carbolic acid then been in the apothe cary shop of the time of holy Job the obstreperous domestic partner of the sufferer would have enjoyed less sat isfaction in the agonies of her patient spouse. The two features of the address by Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver, of Iowa, at the commencement exercises of the Northwestern University in Chicago, which doubtless made the deepest im pression upon the minds of the 50) graduates who listened to It, were the portions which deprecated specializa tion In the colleges and which depicted the advantage of the poor students over the rich. Notwithstanding the present tendency toward specializing in college work and toward commer cializing education Senator Dolliver proclaimed his firm belief In the old fashioned notion of the higher educa tion which taught all the branches of knowledge and aimed to impart a wide and liberal culture. It was his belief that this sort of college training sup plied the best equipment for success In the battle of life. In expatiating upon the chances of the poor boy the Sena tor vigorously combated the theory that the modern industrial tendencies are minimizing bis opportunities. On the contrary, he believed that the ad vantage of the poor boy over the rich In the attainment of what be regarded as "success" In life was greater than It ever was. Commenting upon the band leap of a boy who Is attached to a rich father he said: "Man's success Is measured by the work he does, and no body ever does anything except he has to. It Is best for anybody who is to receive an Inheritance of $100,000, and best for the $100,000 to have them kept out of each other's company as long as possible. A man will do his son a greater benefit by giving his thousands to a worthy educational Institution and letting the boy fight his own battles.'' If we regard success as something else than the mere ownership of property one needs only to take an excursion through history to realize the force of the Senator's arguments. He will find that a very large proportion of the Illustrious names belong to men reared under the stimulating Influences of poverty. Are Kidnaped Into Slavery. Considerable excitement has been caused In the City of Mexico by revela tions regarding a system of kidnaping that has long prevailed there, but has apparently been overlooked or connived at by the authorities. It Is stated that children have been kidnaped by hun dreds and sent to the heuiqueo planta tions of Yucatan. Children from 5 years old to boys snd girls well up In their teens have been gathered Into bands snd sent away to the south In such an open manner that It Is surpris ing the city officials have become aware only now of the traffic which was be ing carried on. The "agent" who ha been conducting this nefarious business professed surprise and indignation when he was arrested, and explained that It was necessary for the planters of Yucatan to have acclimated labor ers. People of mature age sent to the plantations sickened and died, but by catching them young and In large quan tities such of the children as survived grew up accustomed to the climate and furnished a supply of much needed la borers. As one Mexican paper ex presses It he planted children as the proprietor of a nursery would plant trees, and If they lived the fruit of their labors ultimately well repaid all the trouble and expense attached to the operation. The children, of course were sent Into a system of peonage, which virtually amounted to a life's slavery to the planters. The "Yucatecos" must of course, have known the sources of their sup ply of Infant bondsmen, but since the arrest of their "agent" they hsve main tained a discreet and Impenetrable si lence on the subject Xprr Recently a pastor was preaching to children. After asking many questions and Impressing on the minds of the children that they must be sared from sin be asked the question, "What is star A bright little bo, 0 rears old quick as thought replied. "Chewing, smoking, carstag sad waring jmt DANGER IN CHEAP PERFUMES. Ther Arc Said to Have a Bad K fleet on the Notttrila. Accenting to a local perfumery deal er, che.j perfumes are gradually dead cuing the nostrils of those who come It contact with them, says the Chk-ag Inter Ocean. "The perfumes that were popular s few years ago you wouldn't notice now," he said. "Before long tbey will have to make violets and roses ar strong as onions or pennyroyal before you can smell them." Making due allowance for the hyper bole of an older generation, there may be something In this theory. Violet is by all odds the most populai perfume cf this year. "Clover," ac cording to some, would stand second. Rose, of course, is perennially popular "Clover," by the way, Is not made from clover blossoms at all. The ordinary white and red clover has very lltth odor, and what it has would not be par ticularly agreeable If detached from a landscape and a waving field. So th perfumer makes a combination of es sence resembling remotely the scene ol the tall "sweet clover." and calls !t "clover." The orange gives four different per fumes, obtained from different parts ol the flower and plant. Each of the font has Ix-en imitated synthetically, mak ing eight In all. The odors of lilac and the carnation have also been produced with some success by chemical means Ten years ago the idea of Imitating th strange and penetrating odor of musk i was laughed at, yet now the ailltieia' musk Is a regular article of commerce Sachet powders are again waning It popularity. After their extraordinary vogue about fifteen years ago they were almost forgotten, and a second re vival in the demand for them thro years ago has now passed. A novelty from Paris this year is in tended to take the place of the ok sachet bag. It goes by the name ol "amulet" and consists of a little fillgret box of metal containing a compressed scented tablet. These are made in 8 variety of floral odors, and can be dan gied from a watch chain or chatelaine carried In the pocket or laid in a close) or bureau drawer. A Lynn firm recently made u .-i.e in thirteen minutes. The oldest general in the French Army has died, at the age of 05. It Is said that a full grown bc can draw twenty times its own weight. li can fly about five miles an hour, and II will seek its food at a distance of foui miles. Of the thirty-eight Sultans who have ruled the Ottoman Empire since the conquest of Constantinople by th Turks, thirty-four have died violent deaths. Scott is said to have written "Wav eriey" In less than six weeks. He wrote very rapidly, seldom revised, and a a consequence his novels are full of blun ders, inaccuracies and anachronisms. Burns committed his poems to mem ory as he composed them, and when he sat down to write he had before him no labor of comiosltlon, but only the task of writing down what he had al ready finished. Milan has a curiosity in a clock which is made entirely of bread. The maket is a native of India and has devotee' three years of bis life to the construe tlon of this curiosity. The clock Is ol good size and goes well. The Siamese have an Instrument which they call the ranat a species ol harmoulcon, with seventeen different wooden keys, united by cords and rest lng upon a stand, each strip of wood giving a different note. The Instru ment Is played with two wooden ham mers. A French explorer has discovered on the west coast of Africa what he re gards as the vainest people on earth. They are the Pabonlns, a warlike tribe, whose main employment Is persons adornment, chiefly by means of tattoo ing. Great Ingenuity Is also exhibited In dressing the hair, which Is arranged In astonishingly elaborate fashion. Two Point of View. Customer I think you ought to alio a reduction In my case. Barber Wish we could, sir; but lt only on heads like yours that we make any profit Incurables. Mr. Clipper-Green I'm going to rem a bed In a private hospital. Miss Daisy Butter Why so? "I stsrted to learn golf three dsn ago and I've already crippled six cad dies." Tnsrt li nothing that pleases a gos- gto anch as to be Told AIL COOD j Short Stories Representative Wnrnock, of Ohio, was recently trying a case in which a woman was ou the stand as a witness. "How old are you'r" asked the attor ney, who was questioning her. The woman hesitated. "Don't hesitate," suggested the lawyer; "the longer you besltat" the older you will be." The elder Sothern was extremely sensitive to Interruption of any sort. Seeing a man in the act of leaving his box during the delivery of one of the actor's best speeches, he shouted out "III, you sir, do you know there is au other act'" The offender was equal to the occasion, however. He turned to the actor aud answered, cheerfully: "Oh. yes that's why I am going!" Iu the course of his recent speech on the Isthmian canal. Senator Hauna was compelled to take his seat and address the Senate while sitting. A is well known. Senator Ila.:ina is af flirted with weakness of the knee Joint and he cannot stand up long without resting. He found It Impossible to con elude his Isthmian canal spcivb with out resting, and with the Indulgence ol the Senate, he continued his speech, at times in a sitting posture. It was an unusual sight for the galleries to be hold a Senator addressing that august body while sitting, but It was by no means without precedent. The late Oliver P. .Morton, of Indiana, while a member of the Senate, was compelled frequently while making a long speech, to resume bis seat until he secured an artificial supiort which would enable him to prop himself up. and thus relieve the strain uion his paralysed leg. Senator Colquitt of Geoigla, during the latter part of his Senatorial service, was compelled sev eral times to continue hi speeches wiiile sitting. Hanna. .Morton and Col q'litt are the only Senators within a generation, however, who have thus addressed the Senate. Senator William P. Frye was once talking to the celebrated naturalist Agassiz, of his fishing experiences. "Among my triumphs," said he, "waif the capture of a speckled trout that weighed fully eight pounds." Dr. Agassiz smiled, and said: "Reserve that for the credulous and convivial circles of rod and reel celebrants, but spare tle feelings of a sober scientist" Frye insisted that he was not exagger ating, but Agassiz refused to be gulled "My dear Mr. Frye," he said, "permit me to Inform you that Salvalinus fon tlnalis never attains that extraordinary weight The creature you caught could not have been a sjieckled trout All the authorities ou Ichthyology would disprove your claim." "All 1 can say to that," replied Senator Frye. "Is that there are, then, bigger fish In Maine than are dreamed of In your noble science." The next season, while fishing In the Maine woods, Frye caught a handsome speckled trout that weighed nine pounds, and sent it to Dr. Agassiz. A few days later he trumtted to the station, where he found an epigrammatic message awaiting him from the great scientist which read: "The science of a lifetime kicked to death by a fact. AGASSIZ." Boon for Chicagoans. "Oh, we're booming right along," said the Chicago man, as he talked to a Pittshurger In the smoking compart ment of a Iullman sleeper. "I suppose you noticed the city directory puts us well above the 2.000,000 mark In the matter of circulation." "Yes," said the Pittsburger, "your directory man is surely a wonder at an estimator." The Chleagoan Ignored this and con tlned to remark: "Of course you have seen something of ths fast train that Is to run between Chicago and New York?' "Yes; you are glad of that I sup pose?" "Surely." "I thought you must lie. It adds to your facilities for escaping from Chi cago, you know." Then the Chleagoan relapsed into dis comfited silence. Pittsburg Gazette. Only Pursuing HI Profession. Magistrate Devoy, In the Myrtle ave nue court, Brooklyn, recently had four darkies who were caught in a gambling raid before hlin. The first of the lot to be brought to the bar was an under sized man with a comical face, as black as night The dialogue N't ween the magistrate and the prisoner created some merimeut In the court. "What Is your name?" Inquired the magistrate, sternly. "Mali name's Smlff," replied the dar key. "What is your profession?" "I'se a locksmlff by trade, salt." "What were you doing when the po lice broke Into the room last night?" "Judge, I was pursuln' mab profes sion. I was rnnkiu' a bolt for the door." "Officer," said the magistrate, with a merry twinkle In his eye, "lock Smith up." New York Tribune, A Hurprlkc. "And was my present a surprise to your sister, Johnny'" "You bet She said she never sus peeled you'd give her anything so chesp." Pittsburg Bulletin. If the young man In the case Is In lore and the girl Isn't be makes a fool of himself; but If the girl Is In lore and be Isn't he makes a fool of her. The man who likes to hear himself talk la usually the only one who cars to haar him. Pneumatic Canning- Device. The principal cause of the spoiling of fruit canned for winter use is the ac tion of the air Inside, which Induces fermentation of the alcohol In the juice of the fruit, ultimately passing to the final stages of decay. By ordinary methods of canning it Is almost Impos sible to exhaust this air entirely, and It is to aid in this work that the ap paratus here shown has been designed IUL1SO BY ATMOHPHKUIC rBKSSVRE. by William H. Fredericks, of Portland, Ore. The Intention of the Inventor is to make the machine exhaust the air from the can and then seal it auto matically without allowing a return of the air from the outside. In order to accomplish this purpose the only change rendered necessary In the Jar Is the insertion of a valve In the cen ter of the screw top. The mechanism consists of a cylinder and piston, the latter being lifted by a hand lever to draw the air from the Jar through the connecting mouthpiece. When It Is de sired to open the can a turn of the valve admits air and makes It easy to unscrew the cover. On Buying Flah. Buy only that which Is well In sea son, and therefore probably cheap, plentiful, and good. Never buy cheap ened fish in other words, stale for your economy (?) may result in ixtlson ing your family. Washing In vinegar and water is a doubtful and unpleas ant theory. Select fish with bright eyes, red gills, and also stiff and firm. Sunken dim eyes or a flabby, wrinkled appearance always denote stale fish. The coloring of nil fish should be bright and clear. In many places fish on Mondays Is merely that left over from Saturday. Shell fish should 1 heavy for their size, and the tall of a lobster should clap back with a sharp spring when It is straightened out Lemon Pie. For lemon and cream pie the crust must be baked first and allowed to cool before filling. Three eggs, leaving out the whites of two for the top, the grat ed rind and Juice of a lemon, one cup ful of sugar, a small cupful of water, a heaping tiitdexpoonful of cornstarch, and a small piece of butter. Wet the cornstarch with a little cold water, add the remainder of the water, boiling, then the other Ingredients. Cook all well together; when cold fill the crust, and after putting on the meringue made with the whites of two eggs nnrt one-half cupful of powdered sugar, place In the oven Just long enough to brown nicely. Coffee Ice Cream. Grind the coffee as coarsely as your mill will let you anil put with one pint of cream into an oatmeal lxilier. and let It scald for ten minutes or more over the fire; then lay a clean cloth over your sieve and strain all through It; then stir Into It half a pound of sugar, and when cold, add another pint of cream, and freeze It In the usual manner. Scrambled V-gu. Eonoralcal scrambled eggs are best made by putting souie dripping or but ter In a saucepan. Let It melt, then beat two eggs, pour them In, add a breakfast cupful of fine bread crumbs, pepper and salt and a tablespoonful of milk. Stir well until the eggs are cooked to taste. Spread on three rounds of toast or bread fried In dripping. A Few Table "Don't. " Don't smack your Hps. Don't take large mouthful. Don't blow you food. In order to cool It Don't use your knife Instead of your fork. Don't find fault and pick about your fowl. Don't talk with your mouth Oiled with food. Don't soil the table-cloth with bones, parings, etc. Don't commence eating as soon as you are seated. Don't laugh loudly, or talk boister ously, at the table. Don't retail all the slanders you con think of at the table. iRm't take Ikhics tip In your fingers to eat tiie meat from them. Don't call attention to any llftle mis take which may have occurred. Don't tnnke yourself and your own sffnlrs the chief topic of conevrsation. Don't take another mouthful, while any of the previous one remains In the mouth. Don't i each across the table for any thing; but wait until it li passed to you, o" ssk for It. Don't put your cllows on the table. nor lounge shout; If not able to sit erect ask to Im excused. Don't frown or look cross at the ta ble; It bnrts your own digestion, as wall as that of those eating with you. WaMial 1 "Bright prospects in g- NSI YOrt ricultural sections far out- weigui wic euro of labor dispute which sre still re tarding trade and manufacture. Contt-Ueu.-e in the future is unshaken, dealers every w here preparing for a heavy fall trade, while "coutrucU for distant Wier--ies ruu further into nest year than is usual at this dale. Activity has W-ei noteworthy in lu.iiU-r regions, sinl fish parking made new records. Railway eirniiigt nre fully sustained, the latest return showing an average adfanre of 3.0 per cent over the eorrespoiidin,' time lust year, and L'l per cent over lim it G. Dun & Ct: Weekly Review of Trade makes the foregoing summary cf the trade outlook. Continuing, tbe Re view says: "Aside from thn fuel scarcity and onie congestion of traffic, the iron and steel lituation continues propitious. Cote oveus in the Cotinriixviiir regies nmtuisin a vi-ekiy output of atM.ut "..Vt.fHKt tons anj t'nd nvuly hiier .it full price. Mipli :iore could he n-ed to advantage. Cn iitinns are indicated by the Iliiniher of r.rders going out of the country which loiiiestie producer cannot undertake. Thu far the imports have hud litlie ln liuenre on domestic price, except iis to liiihts. which are freely offered below the home market level. New contracts for pig iron were placed this week cov ering deliveriex in the second quarter of 1!m:;. mid structural tualeria! is desired for bridges and buildings that will not be weired uniil even more remote dales. Ma--Iii:iery and hardware trade is fully nislHiiM-d. but there is idleness nt till date mills and glass factories. Min-r cnetuls are steady. "Foreign commerce at this port Is stilt iess favorable than in the nie week last year, exports declining X'"'X. while imports increased slightly. Failures for the oek number l!Mi in the 1'uited State, nirninst I TT1 la-it vour. and four teen in Canada, against thirty-one n year ago." ; 1 The week wan marked by ClllCdjO. 3 '" a" w't',ern rnil' IruaJ iriiliic aud hii increase in the volume of west-bound tonnage. This means the beginning of tiie period of active buying that has been predicted ever since it became evident that this would lie a good crop year. In the North west the harvest is practically made, and conscrvativenex and hesitation through fear of possible eleventh-hour calamity nre giving way to confidence and a desire for further business expansion. The West has begun buying heavily and is taking a full share of luxuries. The un usually large proportion of high-class freight carried, with its wide distribu tion, is highly gratifying to western rail road management. Thin western pros perity has been the keynote iu everything of comment upon the general business in the country at large. Koine 3(l locomotives were added to the equipment of the Great Northern. North ern Pacific and Soo roads during the year. The facilities for handling the Northwest em crops are materially increased over last year, yet even with this there is more concern lest the roads be unable to handle everything with promptness usu ally demanded by shippers. There will certainly be more tonnage this year than ever before and there is the opportunity for railroad earnings iu the Northwest surpassing every previous record by far. The grain trade Is waiting for an esti mate of the Northwestern wheat yield. Wheat prices, meanwhile, have been on sharp decline under inlluence of the fa vorable .crop news. Ixjking over the whole field, everything in sight at pres ent seems bearish. Statistically there are some things favorable to wheat and while they nre naturally ignored at this time, they may be important later. For one tiling, the world's visible supply of wheat now stands at only 47,;;"'i,MK) bushels. A year ago at this time it was'-,U'Kl,iX) bushels; two years ago K'.l.KSH.liiK) bushels, and three years teo, JU.ID'J.OOU bushels. Chicago Cuttle, common to prims, $1.I) to $7.75; hogs, shipping grades, $4.U'"i to $7..'K); sheep, fair to choice, f.'!..V) to $t.W; wheat. No. 2 red. GHc to G:c; corn, No. 2, Mc to .'."; oats, No. '2, 112c to -ptc; rye. No. 2. 4!)e to ."Vic; hay, tim othy. $11.00 to $17.0: prairie. $;.IM) to $!l.Hl; butter, choice creamery, 17c to lDc; eggs, fresh, 15c to 17c: potatoes, new, 4ne to (Mic per bushel, Indianapolis Cattle, shipping. $3.00 to $.25, hogs, choice light, Ul.'fl to $7.02; sheep, common to prim". $2.50 to fl.UO; wheat, No. 2. J4c to (5.1c ; corn, Na. 2 w hite. (c to I51c; outs. No. 2 while, new, .'lite to .'lie. fll. Iiuls-Cattle. to SH.OO; hogs, $.'i.00 to $7.10; sheep. $2..'; to $1.25; wheat. No. 2. ;.'c to (He; corn. No. 2, 54c to 55c; oat. No. 2, 2!e to 27c; rye, No. 2. 4H: to 4!lc. Cincinnati Cattle. $4.50 to $7.50; hogs, lim to $7.4o; sheep. $.'1.25 to f.'I.M: wheat. No. 2, ('7c u (5Se; corn. No. 2 mised. (iO: to 'lie; oat. No, 2 mixed, 2-Sc to 2Ite: rye. No, 2. 55e to MIc. Detroit-Ciittle, $.'1.00 to $11.50; hog, $.1.(r) to $7.45; sheep, $2.50 to $1.50; wheat. No. 2, Oc to 150c; corn. No. :t yellow. (J5c to Me; oats. No. 2 white. Hew, .'',. to 31c; rve, 51c to 52c. .Milwaukee Wheat, No. 2 northern. 77c to 7Sc, com. No, ft, (!lc to (52c; oats, No. 2 while, (10c to die; rye. No, , 47c to 4Hc; barley. No. 2. (55c to Oic; jxirU, mess, $1(5.07. Toledo Wheat, No, 2 mixed, C'Jc to 71c; corn, No. 2 mixed, 55c to 5(5c; cat, No. 2 mixed, 2Hc to 2Jc; clover wed, prime, $5.17. New Vork-Cattle, $4.00 to $7.40; hogs, $.1.00 to $7.15; sheep, $4.00 to $1.10; wheat, No, 2 red, 74c to 75c; corn, No. 2, (s'le to (54c; oats, No. 2 white, (He to (15c; butter, creamery, 18c to 20c; iggi, west ern, 18c to 20c. HufTslo Cattle, cholep sM'-ing tjteeri, 4.00 to $8.25; boss, fair I me, $4.00 to $7.80; iheep, fair tv ch ., $.1.25 to $4.25; Isubt, common to clioiiv, $4 00 to I