Harrison Press-Journal. vol. xrv. HABBISOIT, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 28. 1902. 23 0-9 "V HARRISON HAPPENINGS! Aaron Stuart from Whitney was on eur (tract Tuesday. Captain Allen O. Fisher of Chadron was at the county seat Tuesday. Jam T. Manon, and Henry Kreruan, were up from Olen last Monday. On Tuesday morning the train bearing about 375 soldiers going home from the Phillipines, was delayed in Harrison the better part of the day owing to the wreck on the railroad near Glen. They were a senterv. Everything I prescribed for A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED. At Panama, Colombia, by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoa Remedy. Dr. ('has. H. Utter, a prominent phy sician, of Panama, Colombia, in a recent letter states: "Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who had a very bad attack of dy- TREASURER'S STATEMENT. Statement of moneys received and disbursed by the Treasurer of Sioux county, Nebr., from January 9 to June 30, 1902, inclusive: State Fund Collections $1043.98 BORN To Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Bartell of Harrison, August 24. a boy. ' Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. II. Davw; Supt, jolly set of fellows, arid enlivened our little town by giving usmusicfrom their brass band, songs & ecT. The Harrison boys furnished them with ball and bat and they favored our citizens with some of their skill as ball players, and we nre glad to say they were gentlemanly and courteous fellows and Harrison will long remember their Bhort visit with us. Just received: A new consignment of luea and boys clothing at GERLACHS. More and better goods for the same uoney at Gerlach's store than any other place, try them. 10-tf C. F. Coffee and family came up from Chadron Wednesday, on the train and went to their ranch at Raw Hide. Tor Sale: 160 acres of land joining the village of Harrison; for further partic ulcrs inquire at this ofllce. 40 The best physic Chamberlain' Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by J. E. Phinney. Rev. Emery Zimmerman will preach at Pleasant Ridge Wyo. or, Sunday Sept. lira 7th so the Pleasant Ridge people will please remember this date. Bert Martin the popular Barytone will be here in aliout 2 weeks and will present Edison's marvelous moving pictures, 500 subjects embracing both comic instruct ive pictures. Following are a few of the songs which are leautifully illustrated and sung: Sunny Tenessee, Never liked a Nigger with a Beard. You can keep your Sour Apple, and 28 others. The beautiful fairy story of Red Riding Hood will I illustrated and 12 other import ant views. The Concert is all O. K. and not to I) confounded; Let everyone come Bkrt Martin. her proved ineffectual and she was grow ing worse every hour. Herparents wero sure she would die. She had become so eak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this critical moment was study for me. but I thought of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort prescribed The most wonderful result was fleeted. Within eight hours she was feeling much better; inide of three days ie was upon her feet and at the and of one week was entirely well." For sale by J, K. Phinney. 1 am now prepared to weave carpets. 10 eta. for hit and miss and 12J for stripped. Warp furnished at cost. Mkh. J. A. Thaykr. 88 tf If you want a snap in Ladies and child tens shoes go to OERLACH'S where you can buy them cheaper than in any eastern city. They now liave a large assortment. Houses are in great uVtimnd in Har on lust now. School begins nt Mon day and a great many are desiring the benellt of school privileges hence the ehortage of houses. It was our pleasure last Sunday to listen to our young friend Emery Zini' merman who is preparing for the minis try. Mr. Zimmerman has shown himself a deep and logical thinker and has that earnest way of expressing himself that his hearers are interested from the time he enters the pulpit until he closes. We predict a bright future for this young man, and we well know he is worthy oi II the favors that this world ma be ow upon him, and we know the cause f Christ will be uplifted and honored hsreever he may go. Mr. Zimmerman las shown to the world what a man can do when he makes up his mind to do ling and stick to it, and well migii some of our voting men take pattern fter him, and Ihe worl.l would be the better for it. The Press-Journal extend: helping hand to Mr. Zimmerman and we must sav we feel proud of him and he earnest effort that he has put fortl the past few years for the betterment of imself and his feiiowman. We are requested to announce- that Rev Emery Zimmerman will preach at the M. E. Church rext Sunday evening at 8 o'clock every Ixxly invited for we are sure you will be pleased. County Maps. The Phbsh-Jocrnai. has printed a lim uA nnmW of mans on Manilla can! rmard which can be secured for 10c ea.:h They will also be given as a premium to new subscribers. Notice to T Payors. All persona! tax that is due must be paid at once or I shall proceed to collec the same by law. John I. Davis, Co. Treasurer, The Gold fever struck our town last and .1. E. Marsteller, D. M. Sutton and slieriff Lowery quietly rolled thei bads and pulled for the lost cabin mum well we hope the boys will strike u nc and bring back a wagon load of the filthy lucre with them. Rev. J. C. Sloan, who has been at Hot Springs, S. D., for a few weeks recuper King, came down Saturday ami on nun. dav went to his home at Alliance. mi h. i. some improved in health, he is yet .... ivinir IIh former self. Rush inr iivm - ville Standard. There U to be an entertainment given by the Junior League scholars at II Hall Friday evening, August 2tfth. at o'clock. Everybody are invited to come, Admission 10 cents. Umses BfHlE TtTPER AND ONA llM.YKR Conductors Dr. Rea'r, Blackleg Vaccine prevent Blackleg in cattle. One doe does tl business. Safe, sure. A handsom . i,. ,-l iniwl.ir is ifiven free to .....,M,.Wnf 10 doses or more. w-i. ln.duv for treatise on Black leg It is sent free. The address is Dr. Cha L. Rea, 220 E. 82d street, New York City On last Monday night as the east bound train was Hearing Olen. A cars loaded with coal and 8 hoboes jumped the track, and strange to say no one was 1 Im hurt nlllinilL'll t lB tnimi tHill doit, a mix UU with tl coal. The true J' u ..hort distance and one WtlB Win m. , . dan..d:' Tb. west bound train I soon as poaeiMa, M delayed about "Ours. by School Land Lease Fund Collections State School Fcsd Bal from lormer Treas. Collections (lines) State Apportionment Tax Sale Redemption Fund Ba! from former Treas. Collections Six Lives Go Out. The most dreadful accident that eve occurred in Scotts Bluff county too e in Gering Monday noon when, th explosion of a can of coal oil, si persons were so badly burned that a ucciimbed to their injuries before tl next mornintr. C. N. McConisey was ntiemnlinir to start the fire with kero sene when the gas formed by pourin he oil on the hot coals exploded setting lire to everything in the house. Mr. Mi omsey, whose clothing was all on (Ire ran from the house and before assistance ould reach him was so badly burned that portions of the flesh droped off when his clothing was removed. Mrs. McComsey , her two children, one 2 years old and the other an infant only 2 days ld. and 2 little girls, daughters of L. E. Cook, a near neighbor, and who all in the house at the time were all frighl f ully burned. Medical aid was quickly summoned and all that was possible was done for the sufferer but death came to all before morning. Funeral services were conducted by Rwv. Hopson, Golf and hayro at me court house Tuesday afternoon. Burial in the Oering cemetery took place the forenoon of that day. Scott BlulT Herald The Harrison Public Schools will l- . r .... I . 1 . , An U'u irin Muni nv. rvoLmoimr ini. h'" " J begin the work of another school-year let us, both teachers and pupils strive to make our work as elective and merito rious as possible. The work of each successive year should contribute to the betterment of our schools until they ..hull I second to none. Time is not far in advance when in accord with the ed ucational spirit of the age, our schools should merit a place on the accredited High School list of the state. By a united effort and an inviiu ibledetermiiia tion let us progress to such a standard as soon as possible, We desire that parents and school ofllcers visit our schools often curing the coming year, and that each may feel perfectly free to suggest plans intended fo advance the interests of our schools. While a few changes have been made In our course of study, they have been made with caution and in such a way as not to interfere with the present classification of pupils. All pupils having cards of promotion would do welf to take them to school on the llrst day as they will be needed in classification. Those not navm would save time by making arrange ments with teacher for classillcation us CENTRAL CITY BREEZES. There may be hearts as true But none are truer, There may be skies as clear But none are clearer, There mav be homes as dear . . But none are dearer. Than in Nebraska." How beautifully the poets express what we ourselves would say if we were only built that way." Home again after seven weeks wanderings, and we can pity the cnildren of Tsarel as never tiefore. We lived on the fat of the land and visited pleasant people but to be 40 years on one Journey tires me to think of t. "I wonder if the poet who wrote. 'Be it ever so humble there's no plnce ike home" had just returned from along visit. We enjoyed ourselves immensely but we were glad to get back to the pure air of Nebraska. Iowa has had a surplus of rain as well as many other places. A liood deal of the small grain could not be harvested, corn looks well but is weedy, The corn in Hancock county, (where we went to visit brother Carl Knott), looked to me ns though the frost would catch a srood deal of it. Oats were very good there. We feasted on fresh fish there of our own catching. Iowa river is but. n half a mile from Curl s house and all it ti.Los to have fresh fish any time, is a hook, and line, a frog and a very htt' patience, oh yes!, and somtbJy to bvit the hook and take off the fish for you could do the rest. I believe I said there were 53 button factories in Muscatine, n further investigating we found there were HI. The largest one employs 000 h.inds nnd it was the first factory in the United States. In looking over the Presses since our return we find the people in Sioux Co. have Iwen very bosv getting married, selling farms, visiting chancing locations, & etc. We wish to extend hearty congratulations to our young friends who have united their lives and fortunes and started out. on the . matrimonial voyhge of life. Into end" life them must, be some dark and cloudy d.iva hut afwavn remember everv cloud has it's silver lining., "Duty and today are ours, results and futurity belong to Ood." If we could only grasp this truth when we learn our A B O's what a bless ing it would be for all mankind. I have been feasting on Mrs. Rice's letters and glad ther have reached the promise lnnd. Hone thev mav find hpalth and friends in abundance. We enjoyed treat Thursday by the arrival or an unexpected guest who was enroute for Cowul to look after his farming interest there. Twenty eight years ago ho was nuoil of ve scribe and "The mice" think i i - there nre times when they can't get word in edge ways. It rains here, ves ruins and rains and rains so much the tlireshinc is not. likely to lie done soon rVirn looks well and people here expect iwd crop though it is late. We are in delited to several of our Sioux count, friends for kind and interesting letters awaiting our return home, and we hope to get all answered Is-fore the girls enter school, for after that the next ten months will be very busy ones, Central city, Aug. 2r 1902 Clio. County Ceneiul Funds Bal from former Treas, Collections Transfers County Bridge Funds Bal from former Treas. Collections J, M. Stimson. a cure for ciiolkha infantum. 'Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of our neighbor's was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions, In two day's time the child had fully recovered, and is now (nearly a year sino) a vigorous, healthy girl, I have recommended this Remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instant." For kale by J, E. Phinney. 1613.98 .17-17.32 1757.32 .28 30.00 .r)95.09 625.37 04.23 988.17 1052.40 2088.38 2271.28 041.88 5001.5S 020.46 974.84 (Jountt Road Funds Bal from former Treas. Collections County Special Debt Fund Bal from former Treas. Collections Soldiers' Relief Fund Bal from lormer Treas. Collections Road District Funds Bal from former Treas ( '.ol lections Transfer 1595 80 , 40.58 20.12 66.70 71.04 41.62 112.66 239.20 15.13 254 33 435.55 333.01 12.78 781.34 Special Road Uistkict Funds. Bal from former Treas. Collections School Dlstkict Funds Bal from former Treas. Collections Apportionment School Hist. Bond Funds Bal from former Treas. Collections 270,79 143 09 414.48 3707.04 1992, 15 625.03 6324.22 1879 86 207 03 2086.39 Bowkn Phecinct Bond Fund Bal from former Treas. , cash, 2213.69 warrants. 4908.43-7122.12 Collections Advertising Fund Bal from former Treas. Col lections Partial Payments Hal from former Treas. Collections PitoTEsT Fund Bal from former Treas. 892.09 7514.21 75.47 33.20 108,67 90.28 43.32 133.60 47.97 47.97 Viij.aoeoe Harrison Water B'd Fund Bal from former Treab. 308.12 Collections 72.75 380.87 Voe. of Harrison Okn. Revenue Fund Bal from former Treas. 30.80 Collections 145.37 176.17 RECAPITULATION Rec'd from former Treas. 17 Total collections Apportionments Transfers U0.99 11061.73 1220.12 654 06 30677.50 Paid state Treas. $1410 53 Balance 227,45 1643.98 Paid Rtate Trans. 1501.49 Cancelled liec'l No. 3 71.55 Balance 184.28 1757.33 SuptV Apportionments 625.03 Balance .34 625.37 Certificates canc'l'd 664 09 Refunded (error) 2 43 Balance 385.88 1052 40 Warrants conoeiled 3448.30 Disburs'm'ts (Board) 92.80 Balance 2060.42 Warrants cancelled Transferred Balance Warrant Re'd Balance Transferred Balance Balance Vouchers cancelled Balance Warrants cancelled Transl erred Balance Orders paid Balance Vouchers cancelled Balance 5601.52 968.25 498.95 128.10 1595.30 29.70 87.00 60.70 55.96 56.70 112.66 254.33 254.33 369.00 412.34 781.34 179.65 12.78 222.05 41448 3992.36 2331.86 6324.22 403.38 1683.01 2086.39 Bal.-Warrants 8459.99 Cat.1 4054 .S3 Transferred Balance Paid Balance Paid Balance Int. coupons paid Balance Paid village Treas. Balance Various disbursements Investment warrants Balance 7514.21 7514.21 86.97 21.70 108.67 26.25 107.35 133.60 26.67 21.30 47.97 140.00 240.87 380.87 165.00 11.17 176.17 14777.14 8459.99 12440.37 80077.50 REOW TKRKD WARRANTS OUTSTANDING 254.40 88.90 Various road funds County general fund Total 343.80 JOHN I. DAVIS, County Treasurer. Read the Press-Journal. Professional Cards- M. J. O'C'onwll, - - Co. Attorney Will Practice in All Court. SiM'dal Attention Uiveu to Land Of flee Business. Collections and all bnslnas entrust ed tome will rewive prompt attentlouv Harrison - Nebraska.. J. E. PHINNEY. M. D. I'll) Isclan and Snrg-eon. All calls given prompt attention Ofllce hi Drugstore. -HARRISON - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all leffnu matters in Justice, County and District. Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable lompanies. EirLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison, - Nebraska- North-Western: LINE . E. M. V. It R. is the be to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOD AND HOT SP1UNUS. SOUTH DAKOTA. F. E.i M.V K. ft. lims table. Goinifwiiit. Galas Bar So. 8, mixed 10:501 !o. , mixed... E. ROHWER. DEALER in ' Harness, SaddleS Lumber, Grails & CHAMPION Harvesting Machines. The PEER of all grade cigars. The DREAM high DAN SULLY 5 ct. Cigars. All lovers of a good cigar are invited to try, The DREAM OR DAN SULLY Cigar. P. B. Bigeiow; Sole Agent FOR The DREAM 5 In Wyoming. S 00000400C00040 The corn crops on the Ridge look quite promising. The present oat crop is the best that has ever grown in this settlement. Prof. Roberts of the Wyo. University at Laramie was the guest of Charles Christian on last Thursday and Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Christian visited at the J, E. Hollingsworth ranch on Indian creek last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. George Davis was an over nt(;ht ,vitor in Harrison the llrsl of last week. Andrew Christ ian went to Cheyenne on last Tuesday to attend the Frontier Day exercises. Loran Thayer of Warren P. O. was helping John Sutton put up his oats for hay the first of the week. Mrs. F. B. Tatman and daughters Elsie and Ollie started for Walla Walla, Wash, on last Tuesday. D. M. Sutton and John Mars teller of Harrison passed through our neighbor hood enroute to Kay Lee on powder river, D. M. went to visit his brother Albert while John went for an outing and to shoot a few sage chickens, Zkxiki.. DAN SULLY cigars. Quite a number of our young, people took a drive down to the Bodarc cturchi last Sunday and help make the crowd: that packed the church during the morn ing and afternoon services, and while. Rev. Zimmerman presented the spiritual, food th e pood wives hadn't forgot the stomachs of the vase crowd that had; assembled, and after the 11 o'clock ser-. vice the many baskets were brought . forth filled with good yellow legged i chickens, pies, cakes St. etc., and we are, sure these whole souled people enjoyed I seeing those good things disappear down, the throats of this hungry crowd and I execially the Journal man and hla corps for we were lucky enough to get the, Printer's Ink from our. hands and face that we might be classed with the outer werld once again, and we surely feel thankful to these kind people that made, . us feel so kindly toward our lellowmaa, by filling us tip on to many good thiiaja nnd if this kind feeling continue Umi (lelii)(iunt ubrcriber will get , n 1 : ? i it i 1 ik tmnmm