Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 21, 1902, Image 7

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    C0ri6RESSf.1Afi MICH
Says: "It Will Build Up a
Depleted System
' H. W. V, A Id rich. Conarpaaman
Alabama, writei from Wathior-
D. C:
Tkib la to emwtttv that fW.
mhaotnrmd by The Peruam Medicine Co.
mt CaJmmbua, O., baa been uaed In my
mami,y with amccett. It Ib m line took
Mat WflH build IO m deoleled uvmlrm
rapidly. I can recommend It to thote
1 who meed m tale vegetable remedy tor
maty. ' - W. P. AUrlch.
II. 8. Kmur. Vi Ohanrrllor and
Matrr of Arm. K. i'.'a, of Oinaba, Neb.,
write froiu 213 North Sixteenth itreet.
the followinu'wordu of praiae for I'erunu
Ma a tonic Hp ajr:
CflUrrh of Stomach.
"It U with pli-aiiir? I n-i-otunjond Pe
roaa aa a tonir of unuxual merit. A
large number of prominent member of
the different Ordr with wliirh I ha
ben rorinwled baro leen cured hy the
a of l'erana of af f catarrh of the
fomach and head; i!o in kidney com
vliint and wcakneaa of the pelvic or
gs aa.
"It tone up the ytpin, aid digea
tion, iudurea le'p, naj i well worthy
tile confidence of mifferern of the above
cant plaint." H. S. Knmry.
Nervous Debility.
Breryone who in in the least degree
ubjwt to nervounriejM, HlenplennneKa.
rotration. mental fatigue or nerroiiw
iebility in any form, rind the bot wea:h
rr of June, July and August Trry hard to
bear, if nut dangerous.
Rashes, Heat, Perspiration, Lameness, and Soreness no
other application so soothing, cooling, and healing as a
bath with CllThCURA Soap, followed by gentle anoint
ings with CUTiCURA, the Great Skin Cure. It means instant
relief for skin-tortured babies and rest for tired mothers.
No amount of persuasion, can indme mothers who have once usr d
these great skin purifiers and beaulifirrs to use any others for pre
serving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands
of infants and children. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate
emollient properties derived from CU IICUKA, the great skin cure,
with the purest of cleansing ingredients, and the most refreshing of
flower odours. Together they form the only speedy, economical,
and infallible cure, of itching, scaly, and crusted humours, rashes,
and irritations of the skin, scalp, and hair from infancy to age.
Guaranteed absolutely pure
SoW lhtuujlio.it lh world. Hritub Ppot: T. Vla(r Sow a; Charlarhout sq.,
Loadua, t. L. Porraa I)oi. I kmkalC'utojiom, Str t'ropt., Kouoo, ;.S. A.
If one flcids it necessary to renovate
oiled white feathers oneself, It
hould be done In this way. Pour
boilDg water on shaving of white
aoap ind add a pinch of soda. When
the hand can be borne In the water,
wash each feather separately, renew
log the lather as It becomes discol
ored. Kinse In coo water to which
a suspicion of blue has been added.
Dry by shaking , before a tire, and
curl with dull bladed silver knfe.
It doesn't take a brave man to call
names over a telcnhone.
at a wn CUArC UNION
W I DMiqlai 1o " ' oi0" ' world.
W. I.. NwaftlM mti H
ncr . "W""t rw"' l '
all aiMtk f IWW frrr.
in nnn nk"Nwnn' h'i '
S I U.UUU raa 4lurn I 111" ti'nat.
HiZ(l UE., - Colt. Mf.VI'l. CW
- I Tha .oln W. L. WWOUAT
Ja 6 "'. ''" ' """V1-
"N.N.U.NO. 733-34 VWIC NCI
The only safe course to take ia to keep
the blooil pure, digestion good, and isleep
regular, .No remedy equal in nil re
Hit. Pernna for these pnrpoae. If
the ytem is run down and weakened
by catarrh, I'eruna renovalen and re
jtivenHlea the uerve :ind brain.
A book on the catarrhal discuses of
aumnier will be mailed to any addivm,
upon reiiet. by The Pernna Medicine
Co., Columbus. Ohio.
'Hie above tesiimonial are only two
of iiO.'M) letter received toucliiiitf the
merit of Pernna an a catarrhal tonic.
No more uaefnl remedy to tone up the
xyntern ha ever been devised by the
medical profession.
New Kind of Ten.
Mrs. MUcall Those neighbors of
yours are quite lively. I never met
any people who indulged so much lu
Mis. Malapro You don't say sc?
Why I borrowed some f torn-them tiie
other day, and It tasted to me like
Oolong. Philadelphia Press.
Hraggs I was knocked senseless
by a cricket ball two years ago.
The Hoy in the Corner When does
yer expect to get over MV Tld-Hlts,
A reputation nWndino over
aixty-Alx yeoxs ana our
dubM-ite M-t back of
very oarment bearing Ove
6I0N Or THE Pl3H.
There v nan iauUtion
5 sure of the name
TnAPD tk kiittrvt
atamocd C C C Never eld In hwlk.
Bawara af th dealer who Met te sta
1aetrJn ut aa
must be decorated with ALABASTINE
to iuaure health and permanent Ml in
fection. Write for free auggeationa by
our artiata. Buy oaiy in packages prop
erly Ubeled "AiatattNae."
Va I 1
1 f'
Circular Form of 8ilo.
The consensus of opinion of those
who have studied the silo problem In
dicates that the circular form is pref
erable. There are, however, many
aquare aud rectangular slloa lu success
ful operation. Especially Is this the
rase with those having rounded corners.
Where great strength and large capac
ity are demanded the frame circular
silo will best meet the requirements.
This form of silo cau be made quite
durable by plastering the Inside with
cement. The circular stave silo, owing
to Its simplicity and economical con
struction, seems to fully meet the re
quirements of the farmer. With the
form of silo properly erected the waste
of silage is reduced to the niinimum.
Hoops for the silo can be made of
any suitable material, such as half
Inch, seven-sixteenths Inch or nve
elghths Inch round iron, one-eighth
Inch flat Iron two Inches wide or wire.
The woven wire fence hoop Is often
used since it Is regarded as being very
economical. Doors may be simply
sawed out. or made continuous from
the bottom to the top of the silo. The
nu t l.Ait siu.
sawed out doors may be ranged one
above the other, with a stationary
ladder placed alongside running to the
top of the silo, as shown lu the cut.
When the silo is built on the outside
of the burn, a roof Is needed. This
may be simply a shed roof constructed
with plank, or a neat. Inexpensive shin
gle roof, as shown in the cut.
A Snitiible Int Huth.
All chickens seem to thoroughly en
oy a dust bath, and Its use undoubted
ly is a lienellt to their plumage, besides
ridding them of lice. If the plumage
is to lie kept clean and bright, especial
ly on birds Intended for exhibition pur
poses or of white varieties, it Is essen
tial that the dusting place be kept ab
solutely dry, as otherwise It will soil
the plumage and the line bird on which
you may pride yourself will look very
The roofed box In t lie sketch will
give an Idea of how birds may be pro
vided with a dry dust bath In nearly
iill kinds of weather. Cloths may be
tacked across the top ends, with hooks
at bottom for stormy weather, If the
lox Is In a Held. Some poultry raisers
allow their fowls the liberty of the
(beds where Ihe farm machinery is
housed and here they get a tine dusting
In all sorla of weather, but if the birds
roost on them It does not improve their
looks nor the working of the farm Im
plements. Better keep them out, and
issign them quarters more llttlng. The
:ost of denning machinery of hen
na n 1 1 It' on some farms would build
nilatial abodes for the hens and make
hem a profitable part of tin- farm.
f o h ii (I. Knott, In r'arin and Home.
To Muke Men l.uy.
When hens do not lay in summer, the
(milt may be due to overfeeding, owing
to the abundance of Insects, grass and
( is on the range or pasture. It Is bet-
er In send such liens to market If they
ire over two years old. and depend
ipoii the cully hatched pullets as wili
er layers. .Ml pulMs that are to be
clalncd should tie kept 111 good grow
ng condition, not fat. by allowing a vu
My of food, meat being much lioiter
linn corn or wheat for all kinds of
ruling poultry.
KrrdiiiK drain to Mleera.
Feeding grulli to steers on grass is
llistlfled when pastures are short and
A'hcre these cannot tie supplemented
Allh some kind of fishier. Where
iteers are partly warmed up with
train before being turned to grass It
nay prove an excellent practice to con
inue feeding them about one peck per
lay. Ity following this practice tlie
inltnals may be kept going from the
(rst day. Much animals may be mar
keted earlier than tboae that are grsaa
'ed alone ami invariably will command
a little higher prh-e. It Is gPiiernHy ad
vlHiible to grind corn for grnM fe(
teem. A ilium Is on uraHH alone fre
qtlently lone weight during the fir
wei'kK Hf-trr being turiii'd out. ao tun:
the time required to uiuke tliln tip il
entirely lont. When grain Is feed It il
a good plan to feed a little rouguuge
mich a h timothy or clover hay. dtirinf
the lirwt week after turning to grims il
order to preveat scouring. low
A One-Man Haw.
A cross-cut saw will get through I
great deal more wood with a givel
amount of muscle than any other banc
device. With this rocking walkl
beam attachment and Its weighted an
I swinging pendulums, one man can eaa
Ily manage the saw. The post, ai
show n lu the cut, should be about eigh;
feet high to admit of having a penden;
stilHeiently long to give the require
length of stroke. The weight on tin
outer pendent should be just .suflieien:
to prevent the saw from riding. Th
spring from main post to the saw
should be strong enough 1o help tin
sawyer on the return stroke. A atom
cord running over a pulley with t
weight attached may take the place ol
the spring. A stiff wire with a hoot
In tiie lower end answers very well It
place of the wooden pendent shown It
the cut. When It is adjusted Just rigln
the walking beam will see-saw easily
as It follows the motion of the saw.
John Jackson, in Agricultural Eplto
Aids to White wash in e.
The list of tin? frult-spraylng pumpi
makes easy the task of whitewashlnf
stables, henhouse and cellars, and li
Is much more effectual than the use ol
the brush, because by milking th(
stream a little larger and more forci
ble, which most spraying nozzles ad
mil of, u stream can be scut into crncki
and crevices where the brush woulc
not reach, it may not prove as pene
trating or as powerful a disinfectant
as the gas from burning sulphur ami
charcoal, hut it takes next rank, ant
can be used where It might not be wel:
to use the sulphuric acid gas, as Ir
cellars under living rooms. If It is tc
be used as a disinfectant, or as an in
sect destroyer, the addition of a littU
carbolic acid or a little dissolved cop
perns to the whitewash may be an ad
vantage, and we prefer the latter, al
least In cow stables, because It emiti
no olTensive odor. Let the lime be
thoroughly slaked, a nil strained through
a cloth, so that It may be thin enough
to work well In the nozzle. And sides,
ceilings, corners and floors can be well
sprayed In one-fourth the time needed
for the use of the brush. Applied dur
ing the hot weather, it does not take
long to dry, and two coats can easily be
given If one does not look thick enough
when dried. New England Home
stead. Hunly Hut Derrick.
W. A. Clearweather. of Indiana,
sends Iowa Homestead a sketch of a
derrick which he lias found very handy
for building stacks
out in the lield.
The runners are
made out of 'lVl
stuff fourteen feet
long, the center
cross piece .'IxS,
and Ihe outside
cross pieces 'JxS,
all let In as shown
In the Illustration.
The four braces are made of 4x4
stuff. The post may be either round or
be ten feet high. The pole "a" should
square and should be about thirty feet
long, so as to make a good sized stack.
It should be made of pretty good tim
ber. Whlteoakls good and seasoned red
elm Is also very good for tills purpose.
Have the blacksmith make a fork like
that seen at "b" to fasten on the top
of Ihe post upon which the pole re
volves. An old buggy spindle is a
very good thing for putting on this
piece. The Illustration shows the lo
cation of pulleys and the method of
adjusting the pole for stacking. In
stacking set the derrick to the wind
ward of the stack.
Value of Knuilnice.
Ensilage Is not only the cheapest of
ail ml tie foods, but u supply In winter
prevents n complete change from green
to dry food. A change means Icsm
milk, unless some succulent food, such
as ensilage of roots. Is allowed In addi
tion to hay and grain. Home cows fall
off In milk when put on dry food and
do not regain In yield until the next
spring. Regulating the milk supply by
regulating the foisl and Its quality re
quires a study of both summer and
winter conditions.
Feed Orren Corn.
One of our best dairymen In an ad
dress before a farmers' Institute said
that during the summer, his pastures
getting short and having no soiling
crop, he commenced cutting off arid
feeding his milk cows bis corn. He
kept a close account and found it paid.
This shows the Importance of feeding
well at all times If the flow of milk Is
to lie maintained and that It can be
done profit ably aud a' good product ob
tained. The most eilenalre cemetery Is In the
catacomb of Heme; over 0.000,000 hu
man behtfs are there interred.
Mr. De Style ' What's wrong in
Mrs. De Style "All iny work rue
worry go for nothing. I am n lone
er the first lady Id our set. I hav
becoe a mere nobody since that Mr
Oldham came back."
Mr. lc Sty Je "Why should tha'
be? She had noble ancestors, but s
bad you. She has valuable heirlooms
but so have you. She has wealth,
but so have you."
Mrs. De Style "All of no use now.
Her husband was killed on the Mat
terhoru, and you never even dim bee;
Me-chant "I wish this dry-goods
advretlsement pout In some part ol
he paper where the women will he
sute to see It."
Editor "Why, great snakes, man!
When we want to print anytihng
wbeie the women will be sure to set
it, we put it alongside of a dry-goods
advertlseent. "
"Oh, you cruel boy," cried a mem
ber of the Audubon society, "to b(
trying to kill that small bird !"
"Bird?" echoed the small boy de
risively. "I guess you're a stranget
In these parts that's a Jersey mo
Couldn't Live Without Them.
New York City, Aug. IKth. Mr.
Charles Back, of 04 Hue de la Vlctorie.
l'aris, France, relates a most interest
ing experience:
"Ever sluce I was about three years
of age I have suffered severely with
Kidney Disease.
'"Last year I spent some time at the
baths at Carlsbad (Bohemia), but I
came back after live weeks' treatment
with a severe pain still in my kid
neys. "My doctors in Paris and Hamburg
could do nothing for me.
"1 was obliged to start from Paris
to Montreal, Canada, and when I ar
rived In the Canadian city I was half
"I rend an advertisement of Dodd's
Kidney Pills in a newspaper there and
began to use this remedy, and after
two days' treatment I felt that my
pains were leaving tne, anil in a week
I had no pains at all.
"1 'odd's Kidney Pills are the most
wonderful remedy in the world. I keep
them always with me for I believe I
could not live without them."
It Is not true that love makes all
tbings easy, it makes us choose the
most diiticult. George Eliot.
"I have been asking myself all the
while whether it is on account of the
umbrella or my company that I may
accompany you."
" It is neither. It-Is on account of
tuy new hat."
No man is half so 'good as he ex
expects his daughter's husband to be.
-Some $-:ra(ifiona.
While searching for some small
,;oin a woman customer in a depart
ment store dropped her pocket book
in the floor. A polite man sprang
to the rescue, and had his fingers
a it when she exclaimed: "No, no,
:io! Don't touch it! Let me pick it
ip:" Having recovered it, she spat
m it for luck. When such a woman
hops a comb she touches it with
n.r foot before picking it up: that is
io tave off disappointment. When
lie hem of her skirt is accidently
turned up she spits on it, which in
S'lrcs a new dress. Any sort of gar
uent which happens to put on
vrong side outward means good
luck. When a knife falls on the
ih.or a man .is coming to the house,
i Ld when a fork, a woman will call.
-'Tip" In New York Press.
Orten a woman is so inconsistent
that after making up her mind as
'o her age she is unable to stick to
Do Your Feet Acne and Burn?
Shake Into your sboea Allen's Foot
Kase. a powder for the feet. It makes
iglit or New Shoes feel Easy. Curea
'orns. Unuioos, Swollen. Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
-he Stores. 250. Sample sent FKEhi.
Vddresa Allen S. Olir -f Irf-Rov. N. Y.
Crops may come and crops may go,
but the aunual crop of sweet girl
graduates never fails. Chicago News,
Kceptht'iu w hite with Red Croan Ball Blur.
All grnceriiKell Urxe 2 or., packan, 5 cents.
When a man proposes he doesn't
seem to reall.e that it may reult In
Ills losing control of himself.
W dm P:ao's Cur for Consumption In
prererenrt to an; otlir cough medlclu.
Mra. S. B. BornVn, 442 P atrett, Wash
ington, D. C. May 2.V 1901.
It Is easier to get a man to tell you
how a tiling shonld be done than It
is to get a man to do it.
''.ft It (Ml ('roan flail Blue, the ticat Ball Blue
l.nrnc i nz pai-kxKC only 6 cpntK,
A homely girl always believes a
man who says that prsttf girls make
poor wives.
iln. Wm.low'n SOOTH1XI HVKI'P far chlllrn
iiellilnr. wflrM retui' ln(lDitlon
-tllnyn )n,-urr lnd pullr. Vm lMltla.
When a' womao admits a thing she
expecls a man o admit that her ad
mission doesn't count.
is taken Internally. Price 75 cents.
One way to avoid disappointment
is to seek something other people
don't want.
)iscovera (he I'.lgtit Thiaf at thw
Might Time.
Sir. E. Payre, official government and
meteorological reporter, residing at Ogdem,
Iowa, was a very sick man from hie
kidneys. Mr. rnyre wu prostrated ia
l lie so' miner of 181M, and almost despaired,
as all eudi'iivor to check the trouble
proved of no avail; just at the danger
point of kidney trouble be found a remedy
that cured him. It was lu a little woodea)
box aud
If you have any kidney or bladder HlaV
and want to be cured, cut out this coupon,
send to us with your name and address,
plainly writtea, we will until you
good for a fra trial of DOAN'S
K1I1MCY PllXft, a modern kidney
upruiac for Harkachf, KheumitUe
1'ulna, Urinary Iiardra, Iiabelea,
itropny, and all Ilia af tha JUdneya
and Bladder.
FOSrER-MILBURN CO.. aftala. N. V.
In France there is a tax of ten per
cent on all theater tickets sold. The
money thus raised is used for the
suppoit of puupeis.
The oldest actress iu America has
been discovered. And no one knew
a census uf the ballet was being tak
An appropriate present for a girl is
anything she can wear;for a boy, any
riling lie can eat.
"In S'ime of the oriental countries
a woman feels disgraced if she allows
her face tj been seen in public."
"Yes," answered Miss Peppery;
"and after seeing some of their faces,
I ouite agree with them."
If you start out in thi morning
with a smile on your face you will ba
surprised at the number of pleasant
people you meet.
A hip yoke of one of the smart
laces gives a modish air to the five
gored skirt, which is in sweep length)
and flares in the fashionable way at
the foot. Three graduated, circular
flounces add t o the flaring appearance
of the mode, which has a habit back.'
It rs easy for a millionaire philoso
pher to tell! a young man how to live
on $ti a week and put money in the
savings bank.
From Libby's famous
hygienic t i tahe ns.
We t rnpluy a chef
who an expert io
Natural Flavor
Food Products
We don't practice economy here. He ust'S th
v-ry eUoicest miUerittls. A supply on your
pantry shrMvi'S enables you to huve always at
band the essentials fr the very best meals.
Write for our booklet "How to Make Good
Thinos to Eat."
The University of Notre Dame,
PVl.L COURSES la CI mica, Latttra, Bca
mornte m4 Hlnlorr, Jomromlltm, Art. Scfeaaa,
Pharmacy, Law, Civil, Mtehaakal aad Bhc
trial Baglaaerlaj, ArchHactara.
Thorough Praparalory aad Caaaaaawial
ffouf aa.
Raom Praa la all tudrnti who hava aoaf
J talari Um atuillea renulmJ for admtulon Into tha
nnior or Snalor Yaw of any of tha CnUafteM
Raama ta Raat Madratc charga to atndaatt
arar oTcatcnn in-nring for Collegiate Couraaa.
A ItmliMl numlyrof rand. data for I ha Reea
atoaikoal ataie will h rarwlved at porta I mtaa.
St Btwarfn tlatt, for Bora unoW II yaafa, k
aataoa In tha rnmpietanw ol ita anip"ni.
Tb S9ta Year will opxn ffaaliialar 9, I
Ikal plain rM BallshoaM ban laiaa'a
vial rM H.II .(.. It mull' a
fan anaral Fn M'" lafonoMloii.
(woinrlfllna rlnlar for bMlnnara foot Imll
far ftpartatar. twqiilil for taa aaaia, III
Mktotl faaetloiMof fant ball. AII-AaMrlaa
I earn. lharn fool ball. Waatara foot bill.
Ik N Siila. roonrdtnf l allnaaaail aakoul
toaaia for law. aaa aaova at waaj la'r
for wlb all aaalor ( A. . SPAI..
.. Vtwi, Ottawa aWaf a