Ballaine's Bank mm TTTTfri THKUE wan a crowd blocking the pavement aud f a r. i n with evl 'Jetit interest at one of the great ! plat giass windows' of 'ihe UVtiiTmrd ! "N'ation.'il Bank. At a distance it looked i Jike : "run," hut a closer view showed ; the entrance of the hunk unobstructed, j A notice, written in a hold hand, and hung inside the window, was the ob Ject of the crowd's curiosity. It read: At the opening of this hank to-day Mr. T. Fillmore Hallaine's halance was iillT hi, m." For two weeks a similar notice had appeared regularly i-jain the window of the bank. It began on a Monday morning, and the few that glanced at ft learned that T. Fillmore Ballaine had tt&) 2. Id. therein. Who Mr. T. Fillmore Ballaine was no one seemed to know, and why the bank should make public a matter usually retarded is a business secret none could guess. Jut everyone who read It puzzled over t and looked up at the Dotice the next Jme they passed the Lombard Na tional Bank. On Tuesday the notice read YJ. Id., and on Wednesday it read ixTtj 9s. 51. In the morning, but was re placed at tlie hour of closing by a new notice, which read 7J0 l!s. 3d. By Thursday the affair was in the papers, and on Friday the daily balance was the topic of the town. All day long on Saturday a crowd stood at the bit; window and discussed Mr. Ballaine'!" balance of ll,'S 7s. M., and passed comments thereon. At the hour of closing a new notice proclaimed that Mr. Ballaine had had 1.41)1 15s. lid. therein, and some wag In the crowd gravely pawed, hih bat, saying: "Let" make it even money:" On Monday morning Mr. Bal laine was surprised to find that some one had left a deposit of one penny or him. and that his balance stood at n even f !..,. During the "second week Mr. Bal aine's bank balance climbed more 4lowIy; but every Increase was hailed with delight by the crowd in front of the window, who knew neither Mr. Ballaine nor the secret of his peculiar advertisement, yet who thoroughly eu Joyed both. 1 -Not till Wednesday pf the second week did the notice in the window credit Ballaine with il.tino. Then a man In the crowd offered to bet a hun dred that !t would touch 2.xio by Satan-day. For a moment the crowd thought he must be Ballaine, and rS'iyed him unmercifully; but some one .recognized him as a city sporting man, .nd his bet was not taken. Thursday was the' tenth of the jnonth, and Mr. Ballaine evidently paid Jt. few hula, for on Friday the balance In the window went down to 1.4;. where it hung till the close of business of Saturday. Then the clerk put up a newnoti-e. and the eager crowd cheer ed when It rd'-2.a 10 4d. t On Monday morning a portly man. roddy of face, grizzled and grumbling, pushed into the crowd and read the notice. With a grunt of disgust he en tered the bank. The cashier recog nized him as one of his heaviest de positors, and greeted him pleasantly. "Good morning. Mr. Penny." "Good morning. I beard alsnit your remarkable window and came to have a look. Striken me as being ridiculous. I dou't see how you can allow it," said Mr. Penny, removing his silk hat and .wiping a moist brow. ".Mr. Ballaine obtained permission from the manager," replied the cash ier, smiling. "He did, eh? Who la thin man Bal lalner A young solicitor. Very bright fel low, quite original In his method. Thla I plan wan his own. He brought enough Influence to bear through his friends to obtain the necessary permission from the powers that be. It has proved a remarkable attraction to the public." "Friend, eh? Who were they? The cashier enumerated some of the most prominent of the younger bul etw men of the city. "All right," Interrupted tlie capitalist with the air of a man who had heard displeasing new. "When the young man comes In tell him he wlna." Then he left the hank. The cashier smiled, for he knew what Ballaine'- "winning" meant, and he reported the conversation to the manager. But the crowd outside knew nothing f this, and only gaped a usual at the alga. That day It dropped to l,srjO a. ad., and remained there for ten 4ay. when It jumped to 10.400 11. M. That night the evening paper claimed the sale of Mr. Penny's fa a riverside mansion for a fabulous mm, and conveyed tlie Interesting In formation : , "The deal waa consummated by Mr. T. Fillmore Ballaine, a solicitor In Ea M Chambers, whoa rommlaelon on fAW deal alone la 8,40." Kett day many people looked np at Che btf window f fbe Lombard Na tBaaat, bat there waa no trace of Mr. frjavee baa a sign .wlcb read: "Aaaay OOee. Vahaea Paid for Gold IHat and Mae-gets" Cart tfM psfeMe had beroaoe curioo '.-, Z Oa MVipapiii wart worried Into , T t aCarU at riving the t u tj-r--at, however, aa tfr. I tZ 7 ! taw 're rra t ta er3aV f""n Balance -HhiH-ltdJ ed for a time; but when certain so siety leaders began giving recherche 5 o'clock dinners' for Mis Penny the "SiicieTjr tiifi on the r I'-jrily Record added suspicion to scculatioii aud arrived safely at the facts. The story ns told in the Record was widely read. It related the coming of Mr. Ballaine to town here he opened, an office as a solicitor and proceeded to get himself known. W'thout waiting for business to 4-oiue to him he went aliout making business and with tlie small capital given him by his father on which to Is-gin life he Iwwght aiuf sold and at the same time made friends and studied men and things. Then he met the charming Miss Pen ny, only child of Penny the promoter. Penny the owner of shares and finan cial Interests galore, a man of quick temper, who took delight in a business encounter with a strong mind. With Mis Penny the young solicitor pros pers!; but with Mr, Penny the sign never seemed to be right. In the quiet of his office the young solicitor planned assaults on the fath er, having already won the daughter's blushing permission to do so. He knew that the battle must !' a commercial one, but as the weapons were all on his adversary's .side he figured that be must capture Mr. Penny with Sir. Penny's own ammunition. That took nerve, but nerve waa nothing to young Ballaine. The scene letween Mr. Penny and the young Ballaine, when the latter asked for Miss Penny, was one of the most delightful conflicts of the form er's business career. Mr. Penny heaped up conditions which he felt sure the young man could not satisfy, and as Ballaine met them- one by one the elder man warmed to the -contest He rather enjoyed being lssted in the pre liminaries, as he felt sure of the main issue. Character? Tlie young man named the lwst men In town as his associates. Family? The Ballaines were known In Yorkshire before Pennys were coined. Prospects? The young man had bis profession, some real estate, mining stock enough to mi per a hoarding house, three thousand In the bank, and a nerve that was worth fifteen pence to the shilling. Ont of the question? Not at all; the girl loved him. and he was merely calling on her father to arrange matters. "No young man can marry my daughter till he has fKUXiO of bis own in the lumk." "That's easy. What will you take for your building lends Mr. Perry?' Mr. Penny's soul expanded in an ecstasy as he named the prb-e. "I told you net to joke" said the young man, severely. "1 want a thirty day option on that proerty. Name a reasonable cash price." Mr. Penny knew that the r'reat Kast ern wanted tin" laud, but would not buy liecause someone, who held a bit between the penny acres and the rail way company's proposed station at liativille. would not sell. But Penny did not know that the young man facing him had secured an option on the much-discussed strip. The option had cost him dear, but it was the key to the whole battlefield. So Mr. Penny, thinking to tantalize the young man, named a very reasonable figure. "I'll take an option at that price for ten days." said Ballaine. "I want 2.K for the option," re plied Mr. Penny "I'll give you a month to get that sum. When you bring the Cash I'll give yo-l the option." "That is fair," said Ballaine, rising to leave the room. "Keep me posted," shouted Mr. Pen ny a the younger man disappeared through the door. "I will" shouted the retreating voice pleasantly. And then Mr. Penny heard a ringing laugh come back through the long hall for the lover had been struck with a sudden Inspiration. That week Ballaine gathered a dozen yoUDg men personal friends, leaders In the city' commercial life, at a dinner. At the proper moment he told them his plan, and they helped him to win the manager of the Ixmlaird National to his aid. A telegram to-the ('reat East ern headquarter, offering the Penny lands under Ballaine' promised option, and the heretofore unpurchasable strip with It. brought a prompt acceptance; and for two weeks the young man sold hi pnsperty ri.rht and left to secure the required 2.000 while the notice In the window kept Mr. Penny and half the town also, posted as to hi uccea. lie could have borrowed that amount hut he had a large game on foot that spurred him to win on hi own merits. HI office bee me crowded with men who desired to buy or sell some Mt of real property, and do It quickly. Men who wanted a certain hit of property wrote Ballaine confidential letter to boy the coveted corner for them. By prompt buying and selling HallaJne took commiaalooa from both Idea, and the balance on the window rilmbed. When It reached the 2,000 mark Mr. Penay capitulated. The word which be left at the b-tnk that Monday morning brought Ballaine promptly to bla o6Ve. The yoang man caartad a alraed chark far 24)00. "1 sis-art was roar Hseefc," aaM the aaaa. "I pm U taka that trT antf ( vtzUm.- till my coromlsflon for selling your laud to the Oreat Eaatern hus been paid to me." "Do you want to rulti me?" demand ed Mr. Penny In well-assumed alarm.. "A moment ago," said Ballaine, "yon declared that I could not sell Now you are afraid I can. Your change of sentiment is a compliment, sir." And the young man laiwed. "After that option ha expired,' said Mr. Penny, "you can frame it and hang it in your office. Keep your clteck. You will ne"d it." . lialiaine raced back to bis btlice, and then, with the option and certain ab stract:! atit! title, went to the general manaifer of the company he had been In treaty with to report progress. The manager, when lie saw the paiierg in all their delightful completion, pounded on the table and callel Ballaine a brick. The business settled, the young man returned with vouchee and docu ments proving preliminary settlement, and planted the papers down for Mr. Penny's inspection. The old gentleman was much sur prised, but he signed his deeds anJ ac cepted his price without a murmur. "M'.ss Penny's dower." said the Rec ord, In conclusion, "Is said on good au thority to be n quarter of a million. That means that the Ballaine Bank balance will shortly take another jump." But the public never again saw that balance on the window.' New York News. " ..... Ke Life and the Hage. "No man will lw n sailor." said Dr. Johnson, "who has contrivance enough to get himself Into jail." l)r. Johnson was, however, a landsman, while many of the following expressions are the opinions of seafaring people. "He who trusts himself on the sea is' either a rool or he Is poor or he wauts to die. Pi . '.1i ! .. T. - j u .u- umisiii is no sironger mm uir following saying, by the maritime Dutchmen; "Better on the heath with an old cart than at sea with a new ship." "Better walk poor than to sail rich." says the Spaniard and in the same spirit his Italian nelghlor re sponds "Praise the sea, but stay on shore." Another maritime nation, the Danish, gives u this strong opinion: "One penny Is better on land than ten at sea." German woodsmen say: "The sea has no branches (to cling to), there fore it is better to stay on shore," ami the French rustics agree with them: "Admire tlie sea as much as you will, but don't stir from the cowsheds." The Arab fears the sen as much to day as lie did In the fifteenth century, when he thought the hand of Satan would arise from the "sea of darkness" to seize his frail bark- "It I better." he says, "to hear the belching of the camel than the prayers of the fish," and he further outlines the dangerous nature, of the element when he says: "The sea has a tender stomach, but a head hard as wood." A facetious work a century old has It thus: "The ship is a fool, for It. moves continual ly; the sailor Is a fool, for he changes his mind with every breefce; the water is a fool, for It Is never still: the wind is a fool, for It blows without ceasing. us make an end at once of naviga tion." t'nique Type Haa Vanished. "What has become of the man who usi to visit his neiglilKir In the even ing aud spend the' time -'reading hi nelirhlmr's newspaper?" asked one who travels in the interior of the country. "1 suppiwe he was never known In the city, but he was much in evidence in the smaller towns a long time ago. "I think he has criHhfd from the face of the earth. I used to see him, and heard of him often. "He usually made a call accompanied by his wife. If he had one. It was when the newspaper had a place on the table alongside the family Bible. "Tlie visitor, having made the usual remark ataiut the weather, adjusted his spectacle, picked up the newspa per nod drew nigh to the shaded lamp. Judging from his manner and the time he devoted to it. nothing ccaied his notice, ami judging from his face, ev ery tiling was alike to him. "He was oHIvIour to the conversa tion of others. When he had finished he last column of the last page of the sneer tie iosse.1 u aside, arm when one of the family circle aikcd hlrn what was the news, he always said there was none, and. loklng at the clock on the mantel, remarked that it was iater than be thought and took bis depart ure. "I hare an Idea that he would not be tolerated now, but when he was on earth nobody was annoyed by lilm." Chicago Inter Ocean. Infrequeat Birthdays. The tnemliers of the Berlin Society of l4ap Year Children to which none are admissible unless born on Feb. 254 will ke-p their common birthday In great style In V-A. They have had no opiortunly for eight years, and In Hl the extra February day, according io the rule of the reformed calendar, was omitted. Herr Monteur, the president of the society, Is to-day a septuagenar ian, but In the seventy year of hi life he ha only had neventeen birthdays. He hope to celebrate hi eighteenth birthday and serenty-aeconil year of bis life In the midst of hi colleague on Feb. 2. 1I04. Veaarta In NlaohleC Vesuvius has taken to emitting vapor artirated with hydrochloric geld, which, falling a rain, ha done grave damage to vegetation. It la believed that rubber la deal lord to herotM a moat Important source of wealth t Pen. raxhan jreoaf ajea can gttie 4tmm4 la tstn xxi One man and a deadly torja-do fioat 1 ig a!'Ut iM'iicath the surface of the ater. The torpedo charged so that ft ill blow a great warship to destruc ; on: the man provided with means by bieb to discharge Uii dangerous icapon In a way to do the most harm. .Mich Is the latest of all torpedo boats ; one-mini alTalr, not larger than a large tish. and yet as effective in Its purposes. If the theory of its Inventor is corrci t, as one of the Holland sub marine boats. The man who has perfected this of fenslve and invisible destroyer is niomas .1. Moriarity. for many years .tUi mechanical expert In the employ of the I' ulte'd Slates Government at the torpedo station at Newport. Mr. Moriarity was long ago Impress ed with the idea thal lhe only way by which to make the action of the tor pedo actually certain was to put an ck-IM-ricnced opera tor .Inside It; for, while Its automatic machinery operates with almost human Intelligence, there is no certainly that it will on long ranges do exactly what Is required of It. From the Idea of putting a man inside it to that of placing a man outside it, the transition was easy; and It then be came a problem to give him a safe shelter, means of. locomotion, of sub merging and of discharging the projec tile. To accomplish these essentials he has devised a cigar-shaped boat of bronze plates, about ten feet long, three feet deep and five fet wide. Beneath this Is uM'iidcd the Whitehead torpedo in a frame, -and It is proi"lled by com pressed air when the ojierator lias ap proached near the mark. WONDERFUL IRON ELEPHANT. Designed for Great Ki position by a ., ' Chicago Man. Mr. Joseph Husak, of Chicago, Is pre pared to out -Ferris Ferris at the St. IxhiIs exposition, or at any other exjio sitlon'ivhlch may come.along and make room for bis "iron elephant," V feet long and 2.i0 feet in height or for his "Jonah's whale." 50 feet long and ill In girth in -irojiortlon. The "Iron elej'hant", Is the chief fea ture and creatmu of Mr. Husak' In ventive faculty, and; he pnrjioses to adapt the metal beast to more uses than the Indian lieaat I cajiable of In the flesh. The'liody of the animal Is to be four stories in height the floors to lie reached by elevators running in the legs of the creature. The first floor i to be used and rented for small show rooms; .the second loor for a cafe and restaurant and furnish entrance to the MM. Ht'SAK S IRON KI.I I'II V"T. elephant's trunk, which Is to lie i-ou-htructed to iull the ear up and down and at the same time swing. The third floor will be used for all ort of amusements, and serve a an entrance to the "chute of chute" and to Ihe small Ferris wheel In each car of tin elephant The fourth floor can lie used for a theater or music hall, placing tie1 stage In the head of the beast On tojt of the creature will lie a roof garden or an observatory. The eyes will le two gigantic searchlight, and the t' might be used by some Inventor to show a new Are escape. All signals may lie trumpeted from till structure, and electric power will be used to run the different devices. Mr. Hussk's whale will he In irosir t'ons to simulate the real thing. Kven the Interior of Ihe animal will lie cou tureted according to economy af na ure. only that entrance to the Inside '.hrugh the moutl will be through an ipllfled Jaw. Windows will tie pro rlded. and the whale, swimming In a ircular tank, will be operated by elec. 'rlclty, rising and sinking at the slight at wish of the operator. TABITHA SANBORN'S RIDE. ba Realljr CmiMa't Boar to Waste Tlaa from Mar Work. Some of the feala which oar fore n tot hers performed quite aa a matter of cou rat when domestic e-mrfeaelea tteciirred ware aacfc aa would tag the ajmlgnwra aa4 eaajaga af the hardletK Atgiillllll (J I i Ir1: e e r or cob 0 o ir-NfL I When In the lioat the 'ojierator lie on a cradle astride of Its sujiport. Pad ded jinuijrs on the cradle curve over his shoulders and hold him In place, provid ing also a purchase for his arms when operating the lever In front of him He wears a waistcoat made of two thicknesses of airtight material, to which is attached a small tnotilh tube by which it is inflated. It serves as a pudding for the body while the ator is In the boat and nm a life preserver In an emergency. Air Ik admitted through the rear mast and circulates throughout the boat This air tube Is. however, automatical ly closed When the boat Is beneath the surface of the water, and the conning tower is comjiletely covered by means of a hydrostatic piston. oen to the water at the bottom of the Isiat the jiressure of the water at the. Increased depth forcing up the piston. .hlch ac tuates a lever to force a valve over the alr-tulM' opening, thus jireventlng the entry of water through it. The same motion of the ls(on ojer ates levers connected to a valve in the compressed air tank in the IsMtom of ihe boat, opening It and thus allowing a tine stream of air to Issue therefrom Into the boat, and supjilylng the ojier ator with fresh air. As the boat again reaches the surface tlie jiressure on the hydrostatic piston Is released liecause there Is less depth of water and the air tube Is again ojs-ned and the air taok valve closed. The lorjM'do Is fired by oomiroed air, but on leaving Its casing the jiro pelllng mechanism of tlie jirojectile is set In motion, and II starts off under its own power for the mark. athletic maidens of our own day. Hau nb Sanlsirn Phllbrook. In a recent article on old time Sanborntoii, relates how an ancestress of hers sujqilied a deficiency In her weaving siinratus. ' She found unexpectedly that her work required the use of x certain reed ami harness which could le obtained only at a place five miles distant, reached by a road leading over a num ber of teei and dangerous hills. She was alone in Jhe house. with her baby and another young child, whom she could lint leave to go on an er rand. Nevi-nhelcM,. I,e eoiild no! en dure the ie i,f wasting lime in wait ing for that, reed and harness when if she only had them sbe could make ic good progress with her web. Jler bus band on mil the "smartest 4 year-old colt in town." and this lively animal, nothing daunted, she mounted with her baby In lief nn, taking the other child on a jrillloii U-bln.l ,er. "Soon after her arrival." write her great-granddaughter, "there were signs f a coming temst. and she had to hasleu. '1 he reed an, harness, at least four f-et long, were Is.imd In the colt; and she turned toward home. "My Great gn at uncle ( ate said that when he j.e, his bouse she was go-j inz like the wind, the sky was black with the coming storm, and the thun-i der and jighiifing were terrible. As eoou as j cleared off he saddled his horse and fr.o.-d, ex(ectlng,' he said, to find 7 I ibis and the children dead !n -h- r-ad. Hut 1 went rlean over all the Way. amthere she was, getting nd! ii g, ae lively as a cricket r " ' . ' .She w not erVii wet; f,)r the smart 4-year-old. urged to the utmost, had, succeeded, in spite of 1,1. .pjeer and cumbrous load, in racing the shower and Is ating It. Kuji,er over. Mrs. San Isirn, with a tranquil mind and the juojier Imj.leinenls. was able to resume her unir.!crrtited weaving. Mriiig Ihe KnU Together. A certain colonel soinew here In th South (no matter wlierei B ,,,, nalill or telling yarns and irri.ii- . aggeraiing. He had a negro servant corrooorsteij everything his mas ter told. One day tlie eoiniiel ....... gentlemen to dinner, and they were en Joying some fine veniW xt-rj much, i lie ciMoiii-i said: "Yes, 1 went hunting the other day and saw a fine buck. I took a good sight at lil mi and shot him through tlie head, and the bullet went through hi hind leg." The gentlemen ln,kod at each M,e a Utile mystified. The negro scratched his head and at last said: "Ye. Indeed, gem men; Just a massa raised the gun to shoot de buck he ralsv hi hind lea and scratch hi ... and the bullet went through the head urn ngni inrough de hind leg." The gentlemen looked more satisfied, Arter the guest had gone the negro said to hi master: "f lorry mighty, massa ne ttr... tell one of dom yarn do get the end cloater togedder. I had hard work te make both eada meet." A man Isn't really great until th newspaper begin to print joke he has originated, which are aa dreary that couldn't draw a uukfh fraaj a asaa wltt moaay m ua aackM, . ..a r.praii4 Consul Tyler Kays lmanl for Wfcoe la Kemarhanic im.Hcma will be amused to leara that the bicycle fever afit'ie "bicycle face" have taken iosseslou of the peo- nle of that oldest and most neerepn empire of the effete Orient -IVr1a- -nd that the subject or tne jsuai ua zne quite "fluffy" "iw-n the sunjec lobn Tvler.'the American elinatil at Te heran, says )n a Jirief letter:; boiit seventeen years ago. a Mr. Stevens, an American traveler, on hl bicycle tour around the world, stayed . . . -r . 1 . r - ., Tkdl II- a ill. some moninsai n-m-inx. . first eihlbfTlon of this mode of travel ing witnessed in Persia, and It cansej 1 good deal of curiosity and amueiuent among the people. His lute majesty N'aser dldin Sliah, and til court ex amined the bicycle In the palace, and were much Interested In Mr. Stevens riding jierforninnee and his account of his travels. Since that time other per sons have visited Teheran on similar upeditlotis, and private Individual,, resilient In the city, have imjiorted ma chines for rhelr oivn n, so at the present, time tlie bicycle has become one of the n-cogtlized method of'Soeo- moJion." In other words, the Persians hate the bicycle fever, and have It bad. Im agine a devout Persian going to lb mosque on Friday on his wheel, and. meeting his neighbor, Hal!-! Ben All, coiiijiaritig notes with him ou the mer its of. their respective wheel. Also imagine the rage of !!an, when som rascally Inlldel dog of a gaiour spritt-' kle broken glass along the roadway, thus causing a puncture to hi '.Ire. Again think of Ytisouf Ben Adliem. "whose name led all the rest." swear ing by the beard of the projiliet that his sprocket and ball Iwiirlngs were out of older, or of the lady Schehere- zade. the Satisfaction of the Soul, start ing ont on her bike In search of orig inal matter with which to conclude her loni-vv Inded narrative. Continuing, Mr. Tyler says: "The conservatism of habit I much stron ger In Kasteni than In Western lands, and In this country the bicycle haa been looked upon as something mean and contemjiilble. but utility and eim- oniy are now questions of more press ing lniKti.itiee than formerly, and pre judice has glv en jilace to .a more liber al and enlightened opinion: and thosf who jirevloiisly ojijiosed tlie Introduc tion of the bicycle have eomo to ap jms iaie Its .value as a jiubstMute fol the more expensive horse." Mr. Tyler concludes bis letter to the State Department by lvliug Ameri cans iiiBi, of an new markets for bi cycles, Persia head the list. . Gas was first Wl f a street lllti mlnant In Baltimore, gas lamps being introduced In that eify Jn ihe year 1S1H. The lantern of the t.undy Island lighthouse Is .Vll fee! nltore high water, and can be seen thirty-one miles. The Cape Clear light Is 4.V) feet the sea. ' ' ..- The lati-st astronomical jthotograph, jircjinred by the Joint exertions of tlx observatories of I-oinluii. Berlin and Paris, shows sixty-eight millions of stars. Ill the Jaiiaiiese mutch factories thf Isixes and latsds are iniiile by little girls, w ho are womlrously ib-iteroiis in the work. These little exjicrt get from one halfjs-ntiy to two eine halfpenny for twelve hours' work. . A transatlantic steamer, carrying what Is called "a full mall." usually takes two hundred thousand leltera and three hundred sucks of iiewspajs-rf fur London, to say nothing" of the live hundred and odd sacks for oilier jilace. In the public mcIiooIm In Japan the Knglish language Is required to be taught by law. The Japanese youlli In the open ioiis and commercial cltlea rf hH engcr to learn F.nglsli a Jiass ("t j to- Wealth, position and emiloy Inerit. - ' . , Malwatchln. on the border of It ua- sla. Is Ihe only city In the world -ie libil by men only. The Chinese women are not only forbidden to Ve in this territory, hut even to pass ihe great wall of Kalkan and enter Into Mongo lia, All the Chinese of (his border city are exclusively trader. The library of Congress ranks sixth among the libraries of the world In It present contents. France has the larg est. Knglaud next, then conies Itusela, and Germany follow with her libra ries In Munich, Berlin and Strasbiirg. (he last mimed holding almost equal rank with our In Washington. There were B.or.7 miles of rullwayi built In this country In the paat year. Texas has a long lead. having built .'K'l mll-, Oklahoma coining next with t'.'H miles, and New Mexico third with I", miles. The young Southwest Is de veloping wonderfully. Five Kustern Stales r'iort no new mileage, while Nebraska alone, among Western State, has not Increased her railway lines. Hnaplclous Hoblito. Kind Gentleman Can you Npu j0Qt is me? Hobble Yesslr. Kind Gentleman-I,et m ,er yon. Bobble (shylyt-Naw, lr; you're 1st iryln' to find out how old I am.-Ohlo Stale Journal. The world Is Improving. There ara sore sudden deaths every year, anal fawer rases of long suffering. KverrofM aaaXkui! tttl BlCYf LE FEVER in rc:i. 1 'V