PTrZ H::B:RIS0 BBABKA, THT7BSDAY, A.XTCj-TTST 14. 1SQ2. 21o!t HARRISON Remember the Omaha dentist dates. Commissioner Lewiswas at tbe county at last Monday. Chas. Orewell from -Hewitt -was in itown Wednesday, Fred Glaze from Crawford enrolled at 'the Institute Monday. Mr. Emery Zimmerman wmi Hnrri son visitor Wednesday. T. 0. Williams w drilling a well on Inn place north of town this week. Tlev. Youngumo preached to a large Congregation last Sunday night. Mrg. Cbrie Chrislensen Trom Andrews ft Harrison visitor Tuesday. Sunday school at HO o'clock; eveny ibody invited. W. LI. Ibrvis; Supt. y 31 irons Valdez and Henry Moravdk came down from Warren, Wyoming Monday. Just received; A new consignment of m.eii nnd boys clothing at (ifiRLA1 HS. V'harl'-y NVmnn from tha wioihern nmri or the funnily h lutuwo Wednes day. Mm Af.irvrif (Hr .wn 'from nvurlFive !Poitit i attending the ilonliHite this week. The window ilijihls which were 'broken out by tliti hail storm, aw Uui reitaued tins wek. Mies Arm) Mil Wr wan SMsitrmg with tfriewis in .ti.irrrson Wednesday and 'Thursday. Lewi Ovrlauh and wife -returned J" rom Alul Springs Monday., and rKrla .r .good time while there. Mine aud bettor .goods fur 4 he same money At tierlauh's store thau .any -oUter fplace., 4ry Uiem. 10- tf Mn. J. A. Thaver and daughter Mrs. Jrven Zimmerman of Medac were Hiatrison visitors Monday. Chris Christian and con -Jiiu -wire in .from Plvaw nt Rige and look a bit; load .of lumber home witii them. JeW Hewitt, and family 'moved -into the Turner building thin week, formerly oooiupied by Mr, iiaggermaa. ' HaUI: lflO acres of land joining the vul.'iK'i of Ihirrivia; 'for further partic olari i;iiiir; at this oftiee. 40 Mm. HolliiiHwonth and Dixy -came .down from Uoulai Tulfty eJ'i'niiitf to mit fur a while with fneiidH in Hurrisoa The liet phytic .liambfr-lam'B Stem ,o.:h and Liver Tabled. .ty Wo tak-. fleiixunt in effect. Tor wle by J. E. 1'hinney. W. O. raHemon Hold hm TMidHnre hi iHarrinon to I 'ha. Xjmphenanr iml he M K'nK 10 niove to the southern part ef the state ooo. I)r. Witriem. Omaha rieutirfl -wiM be nt the CVmmecinl Motel Aug. 26 26. tSee him and have your wonfc done by an eilierienceddeOtHrt. 1 am now prepared to wenve-rnrpet. 10 eta. for hit and mim and 12 J -for tripped. Warp Turnmhed at cost. MHH. 4. A. VHYKK. ifl tf If you want a snap in Ladies and ohild reDS shoes go to CIEKLACH'S where you can buy them oheaper than in any stern -city. They nowiiave -a .large ftMortnient. J " NoMe 4 Tea F aver a. All personal tan that M due must k tfmii at one or I thll iprooeed to -colleot Hb mim by law. John I, Davis, Co. Treasurer. 3 Have ta Srhnot Dfrx-tfa. rVhonl lliredors will lalte noluie that 1 will not endorse certificates from other unites nr stalei until our rMsidmit McbMrN luive been supplieil with school. J. . 10 yt. Harrison Press -Journal. HAPPENINGS Mr Ouar Ward and children who Mve Ix-en livirg up near the V. T. wince prinx, while ()sar has lieen enaed at LfV,-Tjivt4 back to Harrison chi eek. J. M. Sitrnson of Hebron this -state came in or the west bound train last Saturday. Mr. Stimaon h liee n-enya fe ed an. Principal for the Uacns.ui -ecliool hie year. Or. Bua.Uloi-kleg Vuediiw ijcput up lu pill form, ii nd by the aid of Iiih injector is administered.eiMsy, nkillfully and quickly. Mote hm special offer id advertisement in 4li!K pnper. fBimorhas it that Moses ifinkaid may amuse lira people of this valley by uiiik- 4iur a trip here before election. If he dees it will be the greatest show .of the.; -season. -Scotts Bluff Herald. Tlte high winds ihe fore punt of -the week was ot vory good for tho .hay' makers, but brought forth an abundant .u.. ....! ..f .....a... r . .1. .1 l ' . ""it'Kv " 'w hujck en toe u iv Kiel o iteuo ill Mind that blows uo oneooTIr Tbe hail etonm of laiit week we are worry to any -hae-lelt the. range tiwl in ils track in a bare condition mid uiiIbm we get mi Hi, ient rain 10 produce- w.cond crop of grass htock will have to .be re moved to auoiher r..nge. sl Sam Tlwiiiias and (,'orwin .Lewis .re turned from Onuiha Wednesday. They got a ry good prKie for tlieir cattle but said the market was not as good 011 Mon day as It was on Tuesday. Although Me Thouias received 5.40 for part of his steers. Airs. W. B. W.irs.eller made -the M..E. Church of Ibis .place a .present of a nice four lamp I'lianilelier which will add jreatl-y to the :i,jiieiruiice and furniehing of the choroh. A,Ve are eure the niem- ber and co'igregalion w ill . highly appre oittte ttii4.iftirHU Mrs. U:teller. Die Teuoherr. InkHue ef Uii coimty bae the largest eniollinent that ha ever been had since tta .organization. 1'he in- slriu tors Terin' amd W. E. Purviance Jiave by their emm,t work nnd plain 4e(wtation of Jesos won the udmmi ion of ii -ur -teachers and hosel present. An-e:i hange voifrifco for the fill low ing: ' When first he-came to see ier she Khowad a timid lieart. and e-ven wfeen ttie lights were low ihy sat tliis Tar apart; but a their I0V9 grew warm er, they learned riie joy and bliss and knocked all the npuces out and sat tip closelikijUiis." Harry Daughorty from Tlntcreek W-yo, was in town this week. He brought in a si-sciman from the "Had Lands" in Wie fonu of a jj iw htine (from some great ar.imat. We are not sure whether it if of the kind of an animal that -Samson used in his greiit. 'light with the Phili tines or not. It it n exhibition at the (Commercial'. Bank so drop 111 ard see for yourself, as we are not much authority on specimens, bugs, &. etc. TheifoHowmg inoidenl ie vouched for 'by the 0 kilte, .f Atchison, Kansas: Airoliceman found a hotHguest roaming about the streets 10 kin sleep. He elart- fi to 'lead the man to jaiL, when the stranger protested. "I am guilty of 00 wrong-doing, " he said, -"I am a som neeibiilist." kion't make ay dif- ifnrence what church you Itelong to, " ro tuniefl the olncer, "Ton can t do no walking en these streets to your nhtrt JUil." AYOUNOLAUrS I.WE SAVED. Al Panama. CelamlMa, by Chambar. Jala'a Celte, CttoUra and IMar rhoa Ratnad. Dr. Olias. H. Utter, a prominent phv sicisii, of Panama, Colombia, in a recen t letter tales: "Lust March j had us a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who had a very Uul utluck of dy senterv. Everything 1 prescribed for her .proved ineffectual and slie was grow ing worse every hour. Her parents wore sura she would die She had become so weak lluit she could not lure ower iu bed, W:hat to do at this crilioul moaisot wan sMidy for ni. bot I thought of Cham berlnin'a Celic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rt'iio dy ard is a last resort pii"u.nbed it. The moKt wonderful' rcsull. wan ertVoWt. Within eight hour she Whs UeiH'g inui h iiltr, inidv ol three ua,) s site was upon her feet and at the end of i one week was entirely well," Fur sale .bj J. f.. J'omitey . Cert Martin the popular Bairy lone will be bore in about 2 weeks and wiH present Edison's marvelous moving. pictures, 500 suhjeuta embracing both comic instru;:! tve pictures. Followiojc i-re a few of th song-which are heaui ifully illustratwl andung: Sunny Tene.e, Never liked a Nig?er with a Buard. 'Yen tan 1;e-ii your Sour Apjjier and" 28 others: "Tj,;. beautiful fairy story -of Red "Riding Ho..d will lie illuHtmled and 13 other iniiri ant views. The Concert is all O.K nm! not to-becoofiMinded; Lttev-jiyonecoTo STOCK KXTOHT. H 11.!,. .Oiuaui'., AUh Two days of this week bring 000 cal tin a--ligiitr-rMn'H)an expected, tiow -tufr has recovered some and steers are keep ing strong, with increasing denmtid "for best killers and feeders. iratw' beef reached 6.85 yesterday. It whs amaui pu brted -sale, 'however, anf).eio -only be justified 'from tlie fact'that otheMDarkets make ttsir top in the same way. Choice corofed -beef nearly out of uei mar'ket. ChoiieTange beef JjHfo fl.Sfti; 'fxeders and killers 4.75 to AGO, fair 4.S5 to 4.75; stockers 8 50 to4.00, common.flO to 8 25 fat cows 8 00 to 4,00; dinners andcutters 1.J5 to 275; stock-ctlveii -8.80 to' 4.00, vpi 4 a . t.,50. Receipts of sheep more liberal. Bkromr demand for both sheep and lambs ud Ihe latter advanced 10 to J5 cts. Monday. Kat yearlings 8 65 to 4 25, feeder 8 35 to 3.40; fat weihers 3 50 to 4 00, 'feeder 3 75 to 8 25; fat ewes 3.00 to 3.50, fe-t)er 1.00 to 2.25; fat lambs S.25 to 6.50, feeder'3.75 to 4. CO. Look for heavier receipts. Nye Sc Buchanan Go, TRfJUHLESOSfE TOMMY'S TORN BR. Tommy's P Tries 4o Anawer Soma -of tbe Posers Tommy Puts to Htm. Tommy Kay, pa. Pa What is it this time, my son? Tyimuy What does "government without the conseift of the governed" mean? Pa Wtiv, :tiiaf s tbo kind of ovapn-: met, they have in such .pluce as -Uus- sia, wher the people are forced to obey laws someone else majtos for them, -"v , Tommy Say, pa, is -that -right? Pa Right! Certainly rtiot. The lanttion of Independence rsaytt that 'all men are created tree and e;ual.'" That' was what our forefathers fought for iu the Revolutionary. U'omniy Say, pa, in a ifree -country they don t have "government without Hie consent of the governed" do they? Pa Of course not; that would lie against the principal of liberty. Tommy Say, pa, those f ilipinos. do lliey consent to-be governed by iosf Pa Well, that's a little different, ruy sfm. They don't know wha 's good for I hem. Tommy Say, pa, do we always Vivew whafs good for us? Pa Well, it's supposed so. The -ma joritv rules, and the uuijority niust Iw right, where the people are enlightened. Tommy Say, pa, did the majority faVor slavery before the civil war? Pa Well, more or 'less. You ask too manv vjuestions. Tommy. Tommy H.iy, pa, whs slavery any more right before the war than it wnnld he now? Pa That is a metaphysical question, my son, whicn is too deep for you to understand. Tommy Say, -pa, if "government without the consent of the governed" is wong how is -it that the Confederate elates ere forced back into the Union against their .consent? Pa Well, the 111 t-jority decided on it, and that made it right Tommy K the tSouth liad licked, ;Uieu they would have been right, wouldn't they? Pa Ye-es, I suppose so. Tonwny Then if the stronger side is right what is there wrong about "government without ttie consent of the go'erned"5 Pa Well, it's -morally -wrong, my son. Tommy -Say, pa, did the Indians con sent to 1ms governed by us? PaOh, Tommy you go haok too Tar.; that's ancient history. Tommy ut diduH we take the lands away from the Indians, and treat them so that they have nearly all died off? Pa You don't understanJ, Tommy. It was their Tault; they couldn't stand -civilisation. Tommy Hut if there is so much vwaethy for the Filipioos, I don't see why there lan'l some for the Indians. ia Tommy, you mustn't mix things up so. you nave to coii-nler t.u h - tor by loiimy Then, what, u right one lime iay be wronjr another, can't it Pa? I'a Say, Tommy, tboce come the bovs for you to go in swimminar. Run .it... .IUl thlMII - ! "-..;. , Qrdsr Tour BLACKLEG VACCINE BY HAIL I IV A Y Jl: 1 Write for S2 page Treatise on BLACKLEG. It la FREE. HIS STEPMA. I knowed a little codger once, As onery as could be; He'd chaw and sweirr. en n off from -school And pester beast and tree; Kept all the neighbors' dogs. a feu-red And hulf their winders br-oke; There couldn't for that Tommy Tuff One praitiin' word be -spoke. Hut 'by and by Ins rna was -dead His pa met Widder '(areon And courted her; she panleyefl aome, Cause Tommy wu-s -so mean. But last she said she'd give consent Jf neighbors, friends and kin Would promise to let meddlin' out Whilu she broke Tommy in. Tliese-uiontioned. knowin' things was bud Snw Rimietliio' must be done. So all agreed to Uesp hands off And let his step-uni rua The youogster; well, she used the tw-ig A little, but not much; But, gracious! How he-used the ax And 'later -tme ami such! Whe kept that boy a ohoppm' wood Anddoin' turns and chores, And hoein' corn and gai'den sass And suru'jiiin, steps an' floors Till he was glad to go to school To get a little rest; Yet-elre ns monstrous kind and good Soon as he'd done his 'Iwht. Ii:s busy banc's stirreJ up4ns wrts, And soon that lwf- atuchool Wns kjiidtiP aH his ciaies; him They usi-d to call a foul! He studied dootorin',-not K 'be A most -uncommon man, AW 'c-ai'se his step-nia worked the im Tliatence to meani-ss ran. The nerve that playin' hookey fjikes Might turn a wthl -school flown, And that which breaks a winder -ligM Might seinetime build a town. There's lots of onery little tykes A loul!n'"'round the streets Need only work to mike',em men Instead of triflin' bents. Denver TTews Omrkt Ccam. Hotchkiss, Cjlo.. Aug. (1st 1802. Dear friends of Hioux Co. : On the afternoon of TuesCav July 22 I we drove from Almont ao G-unnmoo about 18 miles and camped on the Wiiii nieon rtver two or tlwee miles beyorvd. Theroad grew better as we went on and we found Gunnison the only town of any sue which we passed through on this side of 1lie range. Wednesday we foiloweti the Gunnison river and tlie mil-road to camping by its side at-niht. The road grew .rockier and more hilly as we went on, and highor a b(ve the river, winding along tl.e edge of the bluff, far above the railroad and the river in a way to niko -one dizzy. Thursday it got more so. We were to go to the top of the Black Mesa ao! it was said to be 10 or 12 miles, but rt took most of the day , although most of " the road was not so very steep. The Uunni son river goes into the Gr.ind Canon not far from here and we wound 'in and out and around the edge of the bluffs in oar effort to get to the top. It was a fairly good road most of the way only stony and so narrow and the many glim peer, of the immense'distance down atone side made one wonder what would happen if he brake should gi ve out or the horses getfnghtened. Tlie last mile or two was steep enough and just covered with stones loose and otherwise, over which the horses simply had to scramble We were told at Saninno that the road was "just a good ordinary mountain road", and I dare say it was, only we do not care to drive over the bad ones. On the Mesar" we found good gram and forests of the largest quaking.ass I ever saw and spruce and pine. Between these bite f forest were beautifwt, flower gardens a grewt variety and profusion of wild Bow ers. We had here I think the finest view of the mountains we had seen at ali. We drove about live miles after reaolring the (op and camp'id near a saw-mil!. 1 TtiiirsiUy v i au,e iloim ol. I Tim hill "was not mo... than 1 tie; M'-so, oouiile (f nifles Ioiik and not so stony ns Uw one we went up and our only adventssre wns . . 1 - . idling mill KNSIIIg n I'OUpli. Ol l.'.tlilH. Tt.. V . 1 , , and you will ahrav benre of (rettin? It jure, tregb and full of tranpta. Dr. RSI'S BLACKLEG VACCINE is tnmrunUfd to protect yourcattle from U&calif.Ku-ii pill of vaecioe to an exact dose, and vaecination if, sure, ale and certain. DR. REA'S INJECTOR pats the pin nndartae Jij uramnicoireci you get irtin -vscclne Immedlatrly wunaut uGjaysH.vi8 rent uyrciurn luau, luiiy prepaid, cn receipt of price. Kirkrl I'lnted Injretor, - $1.00 l Hi 111 lliMii IJ-.II farm), : : !t 100 " " - . 1U.MO Tbsf prSn SB. No discount. ssvat mr D For a fhort ttmeonly, I ar&UlAU &tV. will mall one of my dollar Nickel Plated Inteetorf FREE with bv.ty oritur fnr in ,1,.. nr more of r. Hen'f Blwkleg Vsuclau. Not aoid br dnutfrUU MlanorsgeuM. PHKPAKKD XSO BOLD ONLY BY ' DR. CHA8. L. REA, 220 Kast 32d 8treet, Hew York City. but after we were all out of the watcon we held our breath mritil the wagon was -safely 'in 'the road aguin, iiud the second team which was a buggv with -two bur row hitched to H had 4o be pretty near ly lifted around -us. The .drivers oi one team proved to "be two of my broth- -er's neighbors taking fruit -up into the mountains to sell. They pointed out Hurry' place to us mid we felt 'that we were almost there. After leaving the Wesa there -was no more grass, the 'hills were sparsely covered with sage brush and small . cedars or entirely bare. The road was down hill and quite good. We could have .reached our (journey's -end Friday night 'by driving late'butdid -not care to gut so tired and so stopped at 3 o'clock, hung our hammock in a cedar, washed and 1 rested. Saturday we -readhed Hotclikiss about 10 A. M., found it a pleasant little town with good stores, a church, and school houst whiuh are the necessaries i n a tow n you ettpect to live near. 'We drove through line orcliatds on the way out to Hurry's (!J miles; which were hanging full of green apples and peaches, and arrived there in time for dinner, some what -surprising the owner of the ranch for the poi-tal we sent from Gunnison, failed to reach liiin mid he-did -not know just when to exfiect us. We one room of the wagon and.-iuiotriser of the tent, nry brother's ibouse is 8 by 10 and with the three -and; two hammocks in the shade -of some' cotlonwoods hy the ditch we shall be very conifortuuieiirttil we can build a smatl heuse. Mv brother was very glad to see the ponies as well as us and he and, Mr. -Rice and 9ioy have been busy culti vating the treos nod putting up some hay. He has a fine garden which was worth -much after the ferip -over the mountains where such thinpi do not grow. We have mad .ripe apricots, casp bernes and peaches from the -neighbors ,ind the promise of as much more as we care to go after, also some honey from me of the neighbors. We have a beauti 'iB'l -view of the moBntains rom the house wtth green alfalfa fields and orchards between. My h-other bus not' much on his place yet hut it is very cheering to look at what may 'be. 'Our address now will be Kotchkiss, Colorado and 1 will-renew my offer to afiswei every letter that comes to me. We hope we shall 'hear from many of our friends. Sinuerely-, Em-ma L. Bice. Pkofle'b Indbpkvdunt Sekatobjal Convention. The People's Independent electors of the 'Fourteenth Senatorial district are hereby called to meet in delegate .con vention in Valentine, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock A. M. on ftaturtiay, August 30, JWO; for the purpose of placing in nomi nation one candidate for the St.tte Senate for the Fourteenth Sepatorial District of Nebraska. Comities are entitled to rep resentation -as -follows: 'Box Butte Sioux Brown 4 Keya Paha Cherry Kock Daw re 7 Sheridan It is recnrnmer.rled that delegates -present cast the full vote of their respective counties, anfl that no proxies lieallowed. Geo. A. Miijs, (chairman, A ins worth, Nelir. Tlie EntertHinmerft given liv tbe tench ers last night proved a grwnd success 1 he house was crowded, nnd a more attentive and appreciative -audience we have not seen in a long time. Every part oT the T nigrum was applauded, and we ore sure tbe tenders, and all that talken part felt well prepaid for the ef loft they .put forth in trying to entertain the people of Harrison. We nmst commend Profeasor P'urviittice 'or ihnstintiring forU in the drilling of the tenohere imd -Tiupile ler MiisVlntcrtaininent. Professer Purviartoe 'hua shown great tat"t nd pcvir in urilliii, and bniit ' tMft the ufllt-reut WipitTsioiw, and houplits c4 the different parts of the Program. Key. Heplen gave a few illustrations from his stereoptican which , were very g.ssl md IM.1 like. Them will be 11 lem t" r'ht and slrtm 'ttan 'Bead the 'Press-Journal. Professional Cards. J. 0 ('(iiincll, - -4- V. Xtivt'M-J., ft ill Prut-tk-c-is Afl Court. Spfcial AlU'iiHoii ttir to Latitl fff !let; Kuslnc;. ("oHcclioiii and H baviness Mitir-!-".I toine n il ! r eel r-n'.i- C -;'';; -r K. i'liiWIA . H. I). Phyiscinn and Snrgpoa. AM culls given prompt attention Olilce in Drug Store. 'HAttUWON - NEBRASKA. GKANT GUTHRIE. JlUorney-aMaw. Prompt attention given to all '(;, matters in Justice, County and District ("ourte, ;ttiid before the 'United Stut LandOffice. Fire Insurance written in relwibli 3ompnmeR. tSLegal papers carefully drawn. HAIUUStW. NEBRASKA. North-Western. E. M, V.. XI ,R, is the bo to and from the BLACK HILLS, UlillDWOOlJ AN" I) HOT Sl'tilKoe. ' SOUTH DAKOTA. F. K. A- M. V R. ti. June table. yoH.e'-m.. UeiiiKSas se.fc. iiilr.U,.J0iW I Na. . mixed.... KOH WKR. DliALER in.; Harness. Saddles. Lumber, Grain, & CHAMPION Harvesting Machines- SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtueol an order ef sale issed by fur. clerk of Hie distriot court f ;:,iou Neliniska, upon a decree rrutlured In sii'i 'oourtin favor of Kioux t'omity, pluinti.L. mid niiliist Martha M. llovey, .loli i '. . Movey, Nelson llovey, Alonzu A. I( -Chester llovey, Nnali II. Ilovi-y, Kliz.i i.i.. poiiU:r, Krankl'iilllips, Uxzle IIOKcrs.-l-. .-itw. A. Ilugurinan, WJilinm A. llovey, Ki.i,. I.. llovey., Klla At. slack, iticlmnl liovuy, heirs oj James F. llovey, deevueed, MiowkI ler ' Mortgage (tonipany, a t-orpoi-atiou, Suimu-I T. Allies, as ikU'emliiirts, 1 lil 011 the ISi'.i J.ty ot August, 1902, a eno o'oleck intltesfter noon el said dir,- ut tbu it K'ron't leor -R Uie court hicst!-af said oeunt-y at Hai'rl.jv.i. Ni'liim kii, seH Kt.pti'jlh; auction to the liuU est bifidei- for j-asli In liand, the follDivh.t descrilieil real estate situated in said,'.-iiiut,r to-Hit: 'jait; north half of tliu iioiilienrfl quarter, the northeast quarter of tliu iiorUi. wes iUarl r of section eljjlit, Bud the 1101 lli wost yuartor of -the northwest-quarter i4 sectlnn ldnn, in township thirty two iiurtli, ef.raiifre flt'tj-Jfour west of tint SiMi,-iioi. T0 merkllaii, to satisfy said ertlendl Halu lit the sniiHof oue.h mid red lortyene tiol larMne HftryHvo cents !l41.6o) Interest, cost and ac cruing posts. i-'irsl .publiouUvn, July 17, 1UQ2. ALEX. lOWIty, yiieim.ol Slud-Coumr.. County Naaa. The pKRrW-JotmNAl. hat printed a rn- i'ed nuiiilier of nia on Manilla T.Tt I (laid which can Is! seMireil Ur t Of e.'i h. ' 'hwy will also lie given in a pietiiiuxi 1 b t t 4 ft V'