Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 07, 1902, Image 4

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itrvios or
1 tin m iHsOQ u a u mnrnriu
su.ldeu turn of events, and the thought
of how neatly he had been tricked, that
he could only stare at the door tlirongh
which Hendricks had taken hi triumph
ant departure.
lie had been congratulating himself on
hi cleverness in ecuring pos .sim of
the agreement, only to find ont that it
was but a copy.
He was roused from his moody
thoughts by the clicking of a door latch,
and hia brother entered the room, waving
lper gayly in the one hand, while he
bummed a song.
"Well, James, my boy, you see that I
ant cood for something after all! How
neatly we tricked the old fellow,' danc
ing up and down the room.
"Yon are an ass!" exclaimed his broth
er, sententioiisly, turning with a scowl,
as if he resented his companion's ill
timed hilarity. The other came over to
him and looked at him in wonder. He
wns much younger than his brother, and
good looking in a reckless way. In his
smart clothes and smooth-shaken cheeks,
it would have been hard to recognize him
as the wild and ragged being who a few
days before had claimed his brother's
hospitality at Elton.
"What's the matter, Jimmy?" he ask
ed, fumbling the paper in his hands
"Matter enough!" growled the elder.
"The rogue fooled us with a copy, and
that is what you are now holding in your
hand, lie had evidently made arrange
ments to fool us." '
"The deuce!" and the brother unrolled
the document and examined it carefully.
"Bless me if you ain't right!" and then,
tearing it up with a gesture of rage, toss
ed the pieces in the grate. This done,
he dropped down sullenly into a chair
near his brother, and for some minutes
neither of the men said a word. Finally
James Ellison rose, and, coming over to
where his brother was seated, said in
an earnest voice:
"I tell yon what it is, Frank: this fel
low annoys me, and I wish yon would
take steps to relieve me of such an in
cubua that is, I mean to get possession
of that paper. I don't want him ha run -
J, 112 k'ii,w-"t
"Re i ft funning rogue, whoever he is,"
replied the other, thoughtfully.
"Cunning; of eonrse he in, and for
that reason I am interested in clipping
bis claws. Actually, I have not enjoyed
a good night's sleep since he appeared. I
thought, when Briggs arrived with the
Interesting news that be was an escaped
-convict, that I had him sure. From the
way he acted, I am convinced that
Brtggs simply concocted the story in or
der to have something to show, iuee
he blundered when I set him to watch
the man."
i "That may have been mere bravado."
1 "Well, if that is true, he is the best
actor I ever saw,' or the ennningest
rogue. Now, yon have had experience
with such people "
Frank Ellison adjusted a gold mono
elf and. stared, at big, brother with well
affected astonishment.
"Keally. my dear boy, I am at a Joss
to know what yon mean by such vulgar
James Kllisoii knocked over a vas on
the table as he made an angry gf-sture.
"Don't, provoke me you are not per
forming jnst remember your andience. If
yon please. Now. I never bothered my
liead abont the people you consorted
His brother .arose and said, with a
"Are you trying to show me how much
more respectable you are than I? Well,
we both started out in life to gain a liv
ing by our wits. You were lucky enough
to marry an heiress, while I was forced
to live as I could, brought up to no
trade or profession, with a good educa
tion and a taste for a luxurious life, and
no means to gratify it."
"There, tier," said James, soothing
ly. "I bad oo intention of hurting your
feelings, but I simply stated the case
that I wanted you to do what yon could
to get possession of this paper. Don't
you see that this impudent scoundrel
holds me fast?"
"Bat suppose he is the escaped con
vict V
"Bah! I believe that ts all moonshine,
invented by that smug rascal, Briggs.
1 don't; put any faith in what he may say
Jn the future."
"Well, what do yoa want me lo do?'
"I want yon to find ont, if you can.
who this fellow really ia. If it is true,
as Briggs says, that he is that celebrat
ed criminal, yon can get some of your
t was going to ay 'friends.' but hesi
tated) police friend to identify bim. For
the fellow seem careless and move
aronnd in broad daylight as if he had
nothing" to fear."
"And what do I get ont of this?" k
ed Prank, he eyed hi brother keenly.
"Get oat of Hr ,
"Why, anything yon want," replied
James Ellison.
"That rather a broad statement, isn't
Itr and Frank laughed.
"No. it la not. I doa't want this mst-
,.ter banting war bc, and I would give
'half what I own to be rid of the io.u
hn.." - ladoodr skeptically.
"Ob, I mean what I say. Coose, now,
Prank, don't act la aa aboard manner
yea kaew that yen a aadar obUgatlon
te aW
That ia a poor way to hogta when
F wast a aua to aa yoa a atgaal fa-
"IT, I theaght that yoa perhan need
titkHB aakJaat
exaotty who aqr eredtioi are
I aara," iiamiltd Frank, far
' 1 a. IH ez&timm aa
i K
j gciua w a avaoa-
Copyright, 1M1, '
I length, with long-drawn emphasis.
' nan, .., . ,,.,
man. Barnett.
t man. Barnett. Why on earth do you
want to mix in on that affair, anyway."
It was James Klliwn's turn to hp siir
! prised.
j "I don't exactly understand you." and
. be watched his brother, an if wondering
what he should hear next.
"I believe I talk plainly enough." and
Frank lit a cigarette and blew a smoke
ring in the air, watching it fade into
nothingness with a dreamy expression, a
if in deep thought.
"Well, it is an enigma to me," replied
James Ellison. "Why shouldn't 1 do
what 1 can to help a young tuau whom I
have protected, and who certainly is not
guilty of the crime they accuse him of?"
"If 1 were as impolite as you, I should
address the same remark to you as yon
applied to me but a momeut ago," replied
Frank, with a drawl. "If you want me
to do what you have directed to find this
fellow who calls himself Hendricks, to
get possession of the document of adop
tionI have but this to say: I will do it
on one condition."
"And tbat Is?"
"That you leave matters as they are,
and don't attempt to interfere with the
course of the law."
James Ellison leaned over tb,e tabje and
eyed his brother for a moment anxiously.
"What on earth are you trying to get
through your bead, I should like to
Frank Ellison shook the ashes off his
cigarette, and responded, with a smile:
"I believe you are the thick-headed
one in this instance. 1 say that you
must stop your interference in this af
fair. I acknowledge that, as the bereav
ed husband, you are anxious to protect
the accused, and to find the real er-er
unfortunate who swured you the for
James Ellison laid his hand on his
brother's shoulder, and the look on hia
face was far from pleasant as he said:
"Yon know that I had nothing to do
with that."
"Xohody said that yon bad. and yet
it bas turned out well for you, after all,"
and Frank blew a big puff of smoke Into
the air. "I believe the late Mrs. Ellison
had a tight fist, and that it was bard to
get her to sign checks there there," as
he saw that his brother appeared to be
deeply moved, "I don't want to open a
fresh wound, but, at the same time, I
am stating cold facts. I am a cold, un
feeling person, as yon hav probably dis
covered before this."
"In heaven's name, what do yon want,
man? 1 wish yon would be quick about
The other coolly tossed bis cigarette In
the grate before answering, then he look
ed at his brother a moment, and gave
Vent to a loud laugh.
"Why. I never saw you so much moved
in my life." said he,
"I want to know what you mean?"
"You mean yon want to know what
my terms are for securing that document
and otherwise suppressing in a gentle
manner the little man who has been an
noying you."
"The renunciation of all attempts to
help yonng Harnett."
"Anything else?" and James Ellison
eyed his brother, as If he was To fear of
what he wonld say next.
"1 think that is about all for the pres
ent." said the other, calmly.
"In fact. I should like things to go
aeainst him, rf possible," continued
Frank. "1 would like bim out of the
"You ptizsle me mor and more." mur
mured James Ellison.
"Why not come out Bat with what yoa
"Ah." replied the other, with a laugh,
"I surprise you. do I? Well. I am a fel
low of infinite variety, as yon might hae
discovered long ago, if misfortune had
not separated u or, rather, fortune in
your case divided us."
"I am waiting to hear what you have
to say," replied James, who now bad be
come sullen through the reference ta
his fortune.
"Well, I have taken a great fancy ta
your daughter, and 1 don't mean, if 1
can help it. that this yonng clodhopper
shall have her."
Ellison rose, and. while his lips moved,
not a word came from them. Frank, see
ing how perturbed he was, broke into a
uoisy laugh.
"Why so surprised, my excellent broth
er? She is not yonr daughter, and, af
ter all, there are cases of an uncle mar
rying his niece. I might add to the list
of freak marriages. Now, the case stands
in this light, and you may look a horri
fied as 'you please. It i uiy desire to
marry the girl to stop your amiable In
terferences with the course the law I
taking. If yon refuse, why so much (he
worse for you. Who knows bat I may
go over to the other side." and, with a
malicious smile, be left the room, while
his brother, as if stricken with a sudden
palsy, stared after bim, unable to utter
a word!
(To be eaatloaedJ
The Octopaa.
"What?" ejaculated tbe man.
hundred dollars for that drew 7"
"Yea." answered the wife, soothing
ly. "It la the train that make It ao
"Ah b b!" groaned tbe hnband, "that
cursed railroad treat again ."-Baltimore
DtaTareat Taelea.
Mater Helen To me there I oat an
other opera Uka "Martha." Uuchaootb
lag, catchy feelodles aa they allure into
forfetfalave! Bealljr, I know nothing
I llko better tkan "TW lat Roac."
Brat her HeTbert-Indeed! I profet
tft oaTarafaov-Kew lark TIbmb,
Pleat at lacidents Occnrriag th.
World Over-Ka jlngs that Are Cheer
ful to Old or Toons-Puna? Belec
tioae that Ton Will Enjoy.
Hiram Where 'a your son John now?
Silas-Oh, he's down to the city doin'
literary work.
Hiram Is he makln' anything out of
Sriiis-Yes. I guess so." At least I
have to scud him money every time he
She Knew a Thing; or Two.
She And am I nally and truly the
first girl you ever loved?
He Certainly. And am I tbe first
man you ever lovl ?
She Tbe idea! Don't I look to be
:nore thau 7 years tf ajre?
Green I understand you are looking
for a donkey. I've gut oue for sale.
Brown I bought one yesterday, but I
may want another soon.
Green Well, any time you can use a
good one, don't forget me.
Mivhf "-fiirn.
Customer Bring me gome, ebfc-se.
Waiter Sorry, glr; the cheese is out.
Customer What time do you expect
it back ?
Her First Question.
"At last." said tbe great scientist, "I
have fully established communication
with Mars, What great twstlon shall
I submit to them first?"
"Aak them," said the young woman
promptly, "if tbey have discovered a
comfortable and suitable bicycle cos
tume for girls that is also attractive."
Chicago Pot
Higher Prices.
"ITow'a this?" ajtked the customer in
the bookstore. "Laat week tbe prices
on Bacon and Lamb were only $1.25,
and now you have marked tbew up
to $3."
"Well, you we," explained the book
aeller, "since the Meat Trout began cor
nering supplies "
But tbe customer hurried away to se
cure matinee seat for "A Texas Stew"
before the prices went up at the thea
ter, also.-Baltlmore American.
Covered the Ground.
"Ie Sheriff only had me one time In
my life," said the colored witness.
"And what did be do with you
"He didn't do inithln' wid me. ub;
I outrun bim." Atlanta Constitution.
Various Possibilities.
"There Is something fascinating
about a crowd," said the alert per
son. "Yes." answered the languid philos
opher; "there Is always the charm of
uncertainly aliout a crowd; you enn
never tell from a distance whether It
is caused by a prince, a politician, a
prize-fighter or a pianist." Washing
on Star.
Home One Klae Did It.
"Oh: Willie, you are all battered up
again. How did yon do It?"
' Please, ma'm, I didn't do It."
Properly Announced.
"Well, why don't yon announce me?"
Jenianded the ponipuua lady.
"Beg pardon, uta'am," stammered the
uew butler, "but HI cawn't quite mike
out Ibe nlme. Ill it Mr. Jonesmlth? "
"No, stupid! 'Mr. Jones Smytba ' "
"Oh!" said !he butler, and then bawl
ed: "fitupld Mr. Jonea Smyth."
Philadelphia Pre.
The Baal Thlag.
"And bare yon no home tie?" naked
'he sympathetic lady.
"No, ma'am," replied the tramp. "All
l tie wot I her enoy counecablon
vltb la do railroad tie."
Now Thar Doa't
NellThe loot thing Jeefc did before
otng away waa lo kfcnj me.
Boss-That jtwt Uka Mat. Ha al-a-ay
would postpone a dlaagraaabi
taak until the very hut mtauta.
Decllalaa Faith.
"In my yoaaa; daym," amid tta Mora
hief, bitterly, "everybody batlerod
bat a maa who tab) ia battle lead a
aport ta boaran."
"And lo It sot aa newT
"Krldeatly not I aara aean karuMta
kuikiag boMnaT roeba and taoirtnf
way Hrat-4-laao l
tf faNf
fttopped tbe Gaase.
"What broke up the pint pong social
down at your church last night V ask
ed the young man with tbe clerical gar
"Some unregenerate aon of Belial,"
Mid the second man In church garb.
"substituted egg for tbe ball."
Judge. ,
Aa It Appeared.
Dlggs-IMd you bny that piece of
bronze at an auction aale?
Blggs-Xo. But why did you think I
niggg-Because it look like It had
been under the hammer.
Proo.fPo.sil I raw .
Do you believe the widow' grief
ii really sincere?
She-I do. Why, she spent half tb
Insurance money for a mourning suit
and the other half for a tombatonc
It All le.ends.
F.ews-Don't you dislike to bear a
young man talk shop?
Kell-Oli, not necessarily. My bean
doe it every time he call.
Be Indeed:
Nell-Yes. You see. he' a street-
car eondut.r, and I suppose it come
natural for him to aay, "Sit doaer,
The Husband Knew.
Ofty Kditor Kee here, in your obitu
ary oi una prominent ciun woman you
say she "is a good wife." You mean
"was," of course.
tUfxmer-.No, I mean "is." Mr. Hen
peek, her husband, told me !f I wanted
to be absolutely truthful that was to
way to put It Philadelphia Proas.
Pad Sea-Dogged neat.
The ship groaned.
nui me uiafly loung Thing who wwi
talking to tha Captain was a good
Mllor and didn't mind a bit of rough
"JVesn't it seem unnecessarily cruel,
Captain," she said, "to box a com
Not any more so, mlsa," he replied.
grimly, "than to paddle a canoe."
A ri tne amp groaned totne mora.
Chicago Tribune.
Quite Remarkable.
Gusblngton Ah! your wife 1 a moat
remarkable woman.
Hen peck Think so?
GuKliitjgton-lndeed I do. Don't
Henpeck Well, she certainly I able
to make more remark than any other
woman 1 know. Philadelphia Preaa.
Remnant Sale.
"What are you hanging around here
for, waller?"
"I'm waltln' for you to get fru wid
dat chicken 'cause a gcinuian jest or
dered t hicken soup." Chicago Ameri
can. Aa It Should He.
Mile len't it queer that a man'
ears are placed in such a way that lie
can hear only the sounds in front of
Giles. Nothing queer about It at all.
A merciful Providence never iutended
that a ion a should hear what is said
behind his back.
The Only One.
"Kvwylhliig in biblical history," aaid
tbe argumentative wife, "goes to prove
that Adam loved his wife."
"Yes, my door," replied tli cml
huwband, "but you must remember
tint she wa the only woman he had
ever met" Ohio Hate Journal.
learned Gradnatiou Kseajr.
"Each spring when I listen to th
learned graduation essay of a class of
wen I (by uieu's sons, at a -ollege coni
mencement, I feel that I won't be able
1, hold my Job two week after those
smart youth get out hustling for their
daily bread In competition with tue,"
mused th gloomy-eyed, middle-aged
man In th back seat. "But on my way
home, a I barn that the trolley car
conductor la a college graduate, and tbe
clerk at tbe corner cigar atore I an
other, I begin to chirp up a bit. and In
a dy or two I get over my dismal forebodings:"-Puck.
Tralg American.
Bharpo-Would you care to occupy a
IKK) neat and see tbe coronation
Wheallon Not If I bad a quarter to
alt on the "bleacher."
What He Mlaaed.
Stranger Is Ir. Qnackerly In
Ho-vant No, 1r. He went op the
river this morning to shoot duck.
Stranger Well, I'm sorry he lan't at
borne. I could put him onto bigger
v Mo Capttalated.
Maud Do you mean to tell me that
yon and Oeorgo are engaged t it?
Mlgnon -Tes; he had quit attending
money on me, and I thought I might aa
well let him propone. Chicago TYibwo.
Imckf Children.
The Maid Dear leetle lido,
art II
not eat aao boahoaa, madam.
Mr. HaaaMy-Ah! poor IHtle doggto.
There moat he aocaothhag wroavg with
than. Olea them ta she'cMldran.-Phil-adaeshla
Preaa. -
Tlolible ProoC
Ptng-What roaaoa aara yoa far
thJnkiag Do Joaeo Mrrtatf aa hMattae
taai woman?
raag-tWaaa aaat af Ma
Br J. W. 44ell. 0. D.
Foijir one has said we need not look
ifni across sttuiis slid sens for oiir Holy
Land. Our Holy Land, if we will make
it such, is riht around us. The stnii,
ffle of a valiant soul Bsain.it the odds
that lie about uiukes all ground holy
ground. "Fight the Rood fi.ht of faith;
lay bold on eternal life." Do It right
where you are, am) the ground hereon
yon stand is holy ground.
Certainly there are enemies enough
about us to supply th one condition of
opposition by which every resolute soul
ai tains. The foes of the soul's hi;h"st
interests lurk and confront u every
where. We are in the enemy's land and
mu.t fight to win. And these very f's,
when overcome, help to higher lhinja.
This ii the significance of tiie scrip
ture at Num. 14 K regarding tbe xin,,i
of the land. "They are bread for us."
buid Joshua and Caleb, the heroic minor
ity of the spies. Instead of hindrance
ee may turn them to help; wines instead
of weights. Make bread of th giants
tnd go on from victory to vietoryj grow
ing stronger as we go.
It is the secret of ninstery in this
world. Take your hindrances ami nver
come them, making sleeping stones to
higher altitudes, l"se the world as not
abusing It. "B not overcome of tvil, but
overcotue evil with good."
But here is the sharp alternative: fiver
come or be overcome. Eat 'be giants
or they will eat you. The psople that
timorously and faithlensly cried out, "W
are but grasshoppers," grasshoppers liiey
were, and as such were disposed of under
the heel of the veneeful fnnaanite "It
a and that estth tin the lihsl. tanls
thereof." True indeed. Bat or be eaten.!
We can so act. cravenlv and cringinglv.
as to invite defeat of th
ordinarv ele-
ments and agencies tbat lie about us,
succumbing to circumstances, or we can
stand boldly forth and conquer onr en
vironment and wring victory out of de
feat, prevailing over our surroundings.
Here is the giant of natural deprsvity.
Shall we yield to him? Many do, but it
is not necessary; It is cowardly, it is
faithless. "Where sin abounds grace
did much more abound." (!od has pro
vided in the philosophy of tbe plan of
salvation not only a way of escape, but
a scheme of victory wherebv we may
T 1 . . ,r"""1"'
over him openly. Adam s posterity may
,.t o - . i i -
rie higher than Adam. Through tii
shedding of the blood we are mide sons
fuC:??: 'r f." K"n w?( bT
of this faith and prove the victory of the
Here are the giauts of sinful propensity
and of besetting sin. The land is full of
them; tbey come in at every avenue and
we find them hiding in everv ravine of
tbe territory of man's soul. What shall
we do with them? Kight them, over-;
come them. But there I. only me way.
Paul himself, gaging In at them, cried out
m the sense of his own waywardness ana
we.kn. "O wretched man that 1 am.
who shall deliver me from the bodT of
, . ,
this death?' Then like Christian in the
dungeon of Giant Despair, ne reacliwd
forth his hand and laid hold of the key
that extricated bim. "1 thank ttoil
through Jesus Chririt," and be was out
and away in tbe blessed freedom and full
ness of the eighth of Koinans.
Here are the gisiils of trials and temp
tations that are all around about n. Did
Christ leave ns in (heir mldt to be an
noyed sud overcome? No, but to ovep-
come and get streuglh out f the over
coming, and to give him the glory in It
all. I pray nnl that (lion "shonldst Iske
thent from the evil." And then he svs:
"Sanctify them Through thy truth." Now.
touch not the lord's anointed. We are
his. set spsrt for holy use. This is what
ha ba.ened: Ralan thought In pull r.a
down wilh temptation and trial, and o,
at our cry. Cod stooped down snd pluck
ed in up snd set onr feet on a rock; sud.
coming nut nf this very test, harsh arid
painful n it has been, there is a strength
Inst we had not before, snd Cod hss a
new victory thst adds ta bis giorv nd i
the b:nor of his Son, who saves and love j
to save urifo rtie nltarmi,l 1
" ' " ' w filial l -IilJriJ, l- j
serve the antagonism of the wicked world!
abont ns; tb gaming table, th. da nee '
ball, th saloon, (shall tb. church yield!
to these? No; they are here but to prove
ns. Met and overcome in the might of'
righteousness, they become trophies to!
tr.il eveatn.lly at the chariot wheel, of
him who ahall rid victor at last. Not.
Ihe antagonism of skepticism, infidelity
and distinctive criticism. Out nf these
firs comas the Word of Cod, shining
brighter than ever, helped on by its very
foe. Hee tb antagonism of false relig
ion, whether pagan or civilised. The
white light of par religion will est them
all up and feed t last npon I heir sub-
stanc be of the white horse come
forth it last eonqn.rlag and I eanuer.
And last of all the giants of diaeiw
and death. Oh. the beautiful Cbri
spirit (hat bar. rUeo ev from the j .
bed lo praise Ood and to gtory io Iribula
tion also, fur tribulation worbeth pa
tience, and patience eaperienee, and
perl rae. hope, and the lor of lod hed
abroad in th heart! And for death!
Here at hi laet fell blow Hataa met
hi worot dleesmStnre, aa tb freed apirlt
rise chanting. "Thank be to Ud that
giveth a th eietory through ear 10d
,lew Cbsest."
141'cctMa oriajpi too ooajixT.
Br Her. 4rfnar r fhelr.
C ynng maa be laeeoaafaj tad a
Cbhaviaa? One of the war raarnre
of ear dy I th waeehlp of eneea far
:t ewe k, and apart foam the meane
by which it i obtained. To he r-
tul la all aaawa aak: aa aa th .
maa may go for eaeeaje, a rtea 11
!; hat arh a anaeMe m rotta
(he ear. T i
il worth aaat
'r nethtajg ; rW
lllal FtafdJIaWHty ,
of eh maa la
l-orseasing snd there la a failure that fc
worth fsr more than some 4iicce
There are three elements which every
young man who desires success shotdd
eultivste in his life ierseverane, Integ
rity snd faith in God.
A high-minded, honest and truthful
young man may sometimes think suceeaa
i S. I-.. I .. k. a-JM .n in ?h
end. The ssying that "One cannot bo
honest and live" i as old a the detii.
I and. Hke the devil, it is false.
Avoid sn overindulgent spending or
money. It is not hard work, but self-indulgence
tbat ruins men. llevelry and
luxury are the enemies of success. I teal
happiness consist not In increalag
riches, but in limiting one's want.
By Itr. W. K. fteaara.
As multitudes of graduates have passed
out from the collegK and university halls,
many of our alert religions worker hata
found themselves asking: "Why do not
more or Ihcse enter the membership of
ih r-lniri h?r' If is true that some af
iheni have become stanch members of
active ehurrhe: but it is also apparent
tluit the great mass of educated yoalk
pKse by religious institutions.
in short, there are many ronservsttr
minds who feel that tbe church is not
aliracliug enough of ih college and uni
versity uirii, so tbat there is no mora
important and timely question that
be asked than this: "What mint th
church do to enlist the attention and
services of the college and university
It seems apparent that ths pnlp't that
ia to attracl the graduate roust, in tbe
first place, be sincere, practical and care
ful in its tliongbl. It is true that there
are some men who pass from college wh
need primarily a more manly character,
and there may he others who, ia their tn
difterence, are satisfied with a diploma.
But the normal college graduate cornea
forth with a mind that is alert and hnn-
r iruiu a uiiuu mai unn
io0r tbong.it and will not respect intel-
! ',',usl ttdHy. Ibe college graduate
na, nra to intns deeply on evolution.
i and no church can gain his interest ay
I referring to the evolutionary theory whh
merely a sarcastic remark. The -graduate
of recent years have learned rnoeh
about psychology, and the clergyman tbat
would hold their raapect cannot pa it
over with a joke.
It ia Irue that the church should not be
carried away with evolution or the new
psychology; it should not trsnsform it
pulpits into laboratories for trseiug tha
ascent of man and dissecting the experi
ences of the soul. But at least, if it
would attract the student, it must eeasa
I to trifle and manifest a respect for
: -Pi.(,
I In brief, the mind of the modern eul-
frankness, and if the church is to drsw
j college men it must meet them with a
similar candor.
There exixu to day too much of a dif
ference between flic teachii.es of the
i Christian college and some of the prcaeh
i ing of the Christian pulpit. The college
" ' ,r h ' J , 7
J I ' . 1
1'. ' . ""
' :i" Ye even ..h T V
I t. J !L iVu'i' ""A"'
" ."Z . '. 1" " '? "
- "". u "u uic one nsiiii we nun
that all of the seminaries renuest ihat
new lighl be hed on Biblical interprets
lion. on llie other hand the very pulpita
Hist mother theological schools often de
cry an advance in Bible sludy as irre
ligious. The supreme need of onr day is that
the Colleges and churches adjust Ihem--selves
lo earh other, so tliat the graduate
can pans without jar or hitch from the
school to the church. If (he college U too
Tar advanced lei it slacken il tep. But
if the church is tardy and lumbering ia
it growth let it mov forward.
If the church la to attract the graduate
it must remember that it task is not that
of overthrowing whal (he scholar aa
learned in college, bin that of adding to
what he hss there acquired.
The fart is we need this army of young
graduates and thinkers In our churches
to-day. But if we are lo enlist their in
terest we should not oppose scholarship,
but rsiher meet ihein with an ilie1c.'
tual fairness snd reverence for truth ai "
well as righteousness.
f , , , , .
tr i" the d.vine liber.tor. There
?" I"1' A"" "f '""'" t Ihe Isavior,
b"U"'n' ? ,h"",'-'- "" ""baasy
nt Cbr1"1 ,0 lb'' "orld ,h ""' '""
PT,"', '?Bl hno'"1 bnr''
''"! M ,n madnr from th
T "1 i "r"' "l,i'
I of earth. His coming was tbe fal.ll-
nnt of prohry. He came to do asany
things for mn, hut olmve all he rata
to set men free from th dominion and
slavery of sin.
W. hav. had many saviors sad redeem
ers of men. W ashington led th. Colo
nial fathers to independence, and Lineola
set Ibree million slaves free. But Jena
Christ ram lo lead ill men wrd anir
idia I independence, and liberated a wesM
of human beings from tb. bondage of
I belie, in th. old fashioned Aoetrin
of personal devil and tb natural de
pravity of human aatnr. Kehttiea,
environment and tb dvaaeemeat of
civllitatinn are pleasant terms to eon
Jnre with. Hut il ia self-evident fiet,
based upon a careful study of human Ma
tory. that lb whole morl tendeaey of
the rare was desperately downward na
til the advent of Jean Christ, tb divine
Bnbia. Bnalaeo can never be aa
eienae for the Chrtatlan to forget la
dlaeharge bla eellglooa dm lee, nor eaa
a Chrietlan hualaea man lire la ae
rordanc wHh the dictate of Ohrlat
and prevent hi employe dlaeaargtaf
them. Ho moot bo a ahlnlag riamplo
to them la Christian life. -Re. Dr.
Darllagtoa. piaropallaa, Braoktm
K. T.
It la Impeeeibl that a aM waa hj
fala to bla frteaaa ahwaM a hra a
There la i
khat la set worth ah
hat aatry -l