C C. BURKS, PKOPBIKTOB uMtISON, I NEBRASKA President Roosevelt h saddle burse Ana leads a strenuous life. "Glad to see you" Is one of the little Ilea that are worked overtime. When a young husband becomes a he feels a happy -J he. Jocks The Filipinos will be much happier they quit running tor me sou uv- runnlng for office. Love Isn't satisfied wiib a cottage any more unless it is provided with apea plumbing and a servant's room, Maarly every time Hetty Green goes nte court she has a new lawyer. She mutably doesn't want any one man to lad out too much about her business. When a girl secures damages in a Jawsuit because the jury Is said to be iBaasnced by her beauty she is about m near heaven as it is possible to get withoi't dying. anntos I'umoiit has decided not to Sferate in London, probably owing to the fact that King Kdward wants to ollze the higli-flying business there for the present. Canary Islander has found out mssr to draw electric iower from vhe tBnaphere In so simple a manner that a child may operate the machinery. AM that Is necessary now is to get your ohere. Baltimore man who was arrested m other night "with a pair of stolen knMri In his possesion, pledged that he stole them because be was hungry. Da stake the excuse plausible he should i grabbed a straw hat Instead. - think he will carry this Island hama In his pocket" This was a re Bark by Sebastian In the play of the st; and therein Swtkspeare idowed an apprehension which Mka Bull now experiences when he tataks of the. commercial operations of Hi Cousin Jouathan. Yaa can get a plauked-sbad board Snoe from oak grown on the bum SBKka of Southern Florida" for 75 BBBBi or a dollar at a Boston store, but BB cooked on these boards will taste as store like that cooked in the opes by Ob amber man woo splits his own plank OB tbe corn cooked on the kitchen at home tastes like that which I boys roast in the field on a moon- f&t Bight In the eHriy autumn. And fjaw good that corn does taste! coincidence of a tire following me of an insurance policy some points to criminality. Not so, er, was It In the case of a cer- CoUege president. As the story , be received a note which shows a corporation may have humor, communication read: "Dear Sir-- And draft for five hundred We note that this policy went t at noon, ami tire did not oc- four o'clock. Why this delay?" hairpin "as a surgical instru ct troated quite seriously by a who, writing in a technical name fifteen different ways SB SrBlch It may he used in an emer gBBCjr, to ease pain or even to save life. Mr example, It might serve aa a prole, SBrgical needle. In place of a drain- to pernor foreign bodies, to a blood-vessel, or to close a "One balr of a woman can than a hundred pair of wrote old James Howell almost I centuries ago. It may be that I of tbe virtue of the hair goea into Wa ahall never have Justice for the aa long as accepted natur- l entomologists are men. Here ww have the aeaertiou. with reference a the Invading seveuteeu-year locusts, BBBt It Is the adult female that causes tfca Injury to trees." Of course; it is Stars y the female. Whatever misery BBBMa to the world the female did it. tt WO know the temper of the women af as-day. they will not rest under this discrimination, but will come boldly in club and family cir- ala ta repel tbe miserable assault on bbs lady locnat. While we are not ac- wlth tbe conversation of Io wa dare maintain wltb Dr. Julia that there is not a female locust depraved .and destructive habits caanot trace what Is bad In its i to the influence of an erll male, oa the other band, there is not locnat that will not readily 'f (a tbe elevating Influences of Ct BWthir and staters. We are very af these stupid scientific dls- and earnestly desire that Crj. wtl be rented by the study I of the women's dabs. "LJ m boc tw eanratra, or so-caiiea jy edarated man. It la sot the rcy, tt la Bat the meaerrhs, tfw ralad the destiBlea of tbe V Car la camp, council, labors ? wad shea. The great lavee- vC" tryTsaiSBta, the dhsrorer- tie great w-erks la nter--f rrri from tat nana of sjmm nttvt la fMsa Tan sf generation. The average man strive, and saves and accumulates that his children may have a better opportunity in life than be has had. In the ma jority of cases be has handicapped hit children by turning over to them hi accumulations. Nearly always It ll the poor boy who scores success. Ion have only to look around you to prove this statement In the striving he de velops mental and moral fibre while the rich man's son Is content with flabby moral and mental fibre. The poor boy has Incentive while the boy who is well provided has little ambi tion And what is true of the boys is largely true of the girls. It Is from the ranks of the poor that the great and successful, of the race emerge. What man who has measurety suc ceeded in building a business or a character will doubt that Andrew Car negie Is right? The requisite quality that makes for success In life undoubtedly varies with the vocation In life that a man follows The god soldier Is not of necessity he good lawyer, nor in the good business man of necessity a good diplomat. Ev ery walk of life requires different quail ties to insure success; but one quality is essential to all, and that Is concentra tion of effort. The young man enter Ing upon a business career needs thie quality it Is tbe one thing without which he cannot hope to be a success ful business man. There is a crisis in ev ery man's life when he Is called upon to niahe a momentous choice between the road to success and that leading to failure. He is like a man walking along a straight road who unexpectedly en counters a fork in the pathway. Here three road diverge. The center one, that most frequently taken, leads to mediocrity. Of the other two, one lead to success and the other to failure; there is no finger post, and a man's de cision depends entirely upon bis own intuition. This Intuition is merely the outcome of concentration. If a man has devoted his liest efforts to the busi ness he has In hand, be possesses the ability to make a wise choice; If not, he Is lost. Xo one can advise at the critical moment If the individual has earnestly endeavored to master his business, and has acquired a thorough knowledge of tt, he is In a position to inap out the right course for himself; if not, no advice can prove availing. Even though he Is put upon the right road, lucking concentration, he will wander from the beaten track into one of the many by-paths that lead through the intervening thickets separating th road to success from that leading to mediocrity. To succeed to-day, a mac must possess originality and persever ance; he must master and understand himself and his business and have stamina. "Whatsoever thy hand find eth to do, do It with thy might," Is a very old but. at the same time, a very wise argument. Half-heartedness in business ouiy leads to disappointment. To succeed, a man must concentrate bis thoughts and energies upon his work, and such concentration Is bound to bring Its own reward. Every boy en tering a business life should have that luea In view, and if he lakes no inter est in the business with which be is connected, it were Itetter for biin and the firm that he sever his connection as early as possible. Patronage. Tbe Impressionist had finally sold on of his creations. A brother artist who had arrived, or as we say "got there," not only persuaded one of his own customers to buy a painting by the less successful man. at a good figure, but got him au invitation to visit the patron's house to see the picture as it bung on tbe wall. It was a painting of a sky, a bridge and a stream, aud as they stood before It the purchaser fairly exhausted his vocabulary of art In expatiating on the naturalness of the water and rue poetic beauty of the sky. Tbe man who had done tiie painting smiled and smiled, but at the same time mopped beads of perspiration from his brow. Finally, says the New York Tribune, which prints this story of agony, he got his friend Into the hallway and there ex ploded. v "Itood gracious!" he groaned "They've hung my picture upside down!" Testing the Postal Hervlce. To test the safety of Uncle Horn's iiihIIs and the honesty of ostal clerks, a gentleman, known to the Detroit Free Press, made an experiment which is. at first sight, rather foolish, but which, in its result, is pleasant to think about. He pasted on one side of a silver dollar a bit of paper on which he wrote his daughter's address. On tbe other side he put s one-cent stamp, sending the dollar at merchandise rates. The experiment was the result of a dispute with a foreigner, who doubted the American's assertions of the safety of the L'nted 8ta.es malls, and warned him that that was tbe last be would bear of his money. Two days later tbe man received a letter from tils daughter acknowledg ing the receipt of the dollar. , , Mot on I he Oranrt Jtmrj. Here I the way a Pawnee Count) man confessed at a revival meeting in Kansas. He had been pressed to re pent, and Anally got up and said: "Dear friends, I feel the spirit moving In me to talk aud tell what a bad men I've been, but I can't do it while tbe grand Jury la In session." Tbe Lord will forgive yon," shouted tbe preach er. "I guess that's right," said tbe penitent, "sut ha ain't an tba grand tm." . : TTbsb 9 ma site Be tang as amv tz is a9 finest, fcte woBMa isCa : -'i xttLj sriri cxirsrt tar Tariff ts Father to Trust. Because the Standard Oil and the Hard Coal Trust have iKthe beuetit of a tariff ou t'aeir products the lte publican party scon's at the Democratic' contention that the tariff is the father of the trusts". That the complicity of the railroads with their discrimina tions against independent companies has taken these two out of the catn gory of tariff-made monopolies does not alter the general proposition at all. As well might it be urged that the fact that some burglars used crowbars in their housebreaking shows tbe injus tice of the ban on burglars' tools. When the Steel Trust is able to fur nish structural iron cheaper In Eu rope and Africa than it will supply the same material here; when Ameri can sewing machines cost less In Eng land than they do at the factory doors; when the Food Trust raises the price of meat to famine figures because It Is secure against the competition of Can ada mutton and Mexican beef, tbe po tency of tbe element of duties In their monopolies requires no further demon stration, though the refusal to give Cuba the reciprocity we owe her, at the behest of another trust, is cumula tive evldeuce of the same thing. New York American. Farmer Victim. Concluding bis prediction that tbe corn crop of 1902 will be a record breaker, Paul Morton has this to say about the farmers: "There Is no gainsaying the fact that the fanners as a class are fast growing rich, and the time will come in my judgment when they will be the richest people In the country, taken as a class. Furthermore, the time Is coming when the farmers of the Mississippi Valley, and I use this term in its broadext sense, wfll be the richest farmers In the world." This used to be true even of the farmers of the stony, hilly and sterile lauds of the East. Covetousnesa of the wealth of tbe American farmer Is what furnished the energy with which the protective tariff conspiracy against him was pushed. He fell into the trap uiai whs sei ior in hi auu iruni uis j toil and savings have been amassed j many of the stupendous fortunes wbhh tbe monopoly tariff has rolled up. Actuated politically as they now are, the farmers of the West are likely to continue an easy prey to the exactions of the tariff cormorants, which will keep pace with the wealth which they covet. Chicago Chronicle. Wisconsin Democrat. The La Folletteltes In Wisconsin were not satisfied with tbe overwhelm ing defeat which they administered to tbe "stalwarts," but they "rubbed It in" vigorously in their speeches of gratulatlon over their victory. La Kol lette himself In his sveerh of accept ance led the process of applying salt, pepper, vinegar aud other Irritants to the sores of the defeated faction. Under these circumstances it is not probable that the "stalwarts" will give tbe La Follette ticket sn enthusiastic support. There will be no open bolt, but there will be a still movement which will cause a loss of thousands' of votes perhaps tens of thousands I to the Republican ticket. It is possible that the Democrats with wise nominations ou a conserva tive platform may carry the State. With ex-Senator Vilas or General j Bragg as a candidate for governor they would stand a reasonable show of suc cess at the polls. If Colonel Vilas should be nominated and elected an other Important factor would appear J In tbe Democratic presidential situs tlou. Chicago Chronicle. Doing Justice to Bcbley. AU the newspapers which have un dertaken to maintain that Rear Ad miral Schley was sent to Santiago as a mere spectator of what went on after Rear Admiral Sainon got there natu rally find fault with tbe Louisiana leg islature for passing a law which pro hibits tbe use In tbe schools of that Htate of any history which does not give complete credit to Kcbley for the naval victory of July 3. But the belief that if anything had gone wrong on that day the partisans who are so anxious to deprive Rear Admiral Schley of any share of the credit fur the success of our fleet would have loaded tbe responsibility on him Is very strong In the minds of the American people, and this feeling Is not likely to change. Hartford, Conn Time. Why the Convention Failed, There Is only one point at whh h Governor La Follette and the Republi can convention seems to have faltered. While declaring for a Just and equit able system of taxation they failed to voice tbe sentiment of the ieople of Wisconsin and every other Western State In favor of Just and equitable federal taxation, wbh-b is rendered Im possible by tbe continued existence of existing tariff schedules.- BL Paul Globe. aletaw the Maadard. The Democratic congressional cam paign committee Is taking a moat com mendable coarse la making efforts watch are proving successful to la daee men af aete and af national repu tatlea l) arct nomlBstJoas far Cm- wKfc tat etjsct la flaw ef site- OF THE DAY g ing men of caliber, standing and expe rience In the House of Itepresentatlves who would be able to take a command lug -stand and maintain It,, upon fiues tions of national Importance which will come before the next Congress. Syracuse Telegram. Moody Give Good Advice. A good deal of trumpet-blowing is heard In connection with a bill which Congressman Uttlefleld of Maine is supposed to be preparing at the alleged Instance of President Hoosevelt. He is going to show the Republican Con gress after election bow to bridle aud tame the rampant trusts "without sacrificing the tariff, which Is sacred." President Roosevelt has got out an In junction against the beef trust under existing law, and Is thinking about en joining tbe coal trust and perhaps some others. All this is done without inter fering with the "sacred tariff," and the people who keep on paying war taxes for beef and coal see how utterly use less it Is. As Mr. Moody says, the only way to stop trust extortion Is to take away from the trusts their tariff pro tection. This is a pretty bold statement of the truth to come from a member of the administration, and it Is decidedly refreshing. We commend the Idea of the Secretary of Wuf to Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Mttlefield. Boston Post Just What Is Wanted. General Fltxhugh I-e fears that Cu ba may drift from commercial depres sion to anarchy, and that In conse quence we may have to intervene to restore and maintain order, which Is a long synonym for annexation. Bless (ieneral Lee's Innoceut military heart to wreck Cuba and then buy the Island In cheap Is the very program a number of congressmen have proposed to them selves. Annexation through wreckage is their aim, which, unless Congress Is more generous at tbe next session than It was at tbe last, they may be able to accomplish. Boston Transcript. Increased Cost of Living. The cost of living continues to show Increases with almost every month, and the American consumer is being made to understand that wben he swallows the wind of the prosperity barker and whistles In tune with tbe Republican campaign songs be must pay dear for his whistle. Every day Is bringing to tbe front new facts to stress the great paramount issue of forthcoming campaigns the Issue of the people's rights against tbe power aud privileges of tbe trusts. Atlanta Constitution. - The Remedy That I Needed. Suits against trusts to compel them to lie trusts according to law are all very well In their way. But such suits, as a means of giving permanent relief to the people from trust robbery, are about a efficacious as poultices for appendicitis. What is wanted Is the destroying surgery of legislation, and nolKsly can expect that from a Republi can Congress.-San Francisco Exam iner. Democratic Prospect Bright. The shrewdest Republican politicians recognize tbe possibilities of Demo cratic reunion and of Democratic vic tory and that fact of itself should In crease the determination of Demo crats to get together in a manner imi tating the wisdom of the past and pointing to a renewal of past victories. Brooklyn Eagle. Not Much Difference. There is not much difference between Canada and tbe United States after sIL While Canada offers protection ta those who rob the American govern, nient, the United Mates offers protec tion to those who rob the American Iteople tbe lsef trust and the steel trust. Rochester Herald. A Permanent Investment. A man from the West who is visit ing Maine recently fell into rouverss tlon with a quiet old farmer on a train. He was full of the greatness of the West, and talked about the big farms and big crops of bis particular section, and wound up by saying: "I suppose you do manage to pick up a Hvlng on tbese little Maine farms." The old Maine farmer smiled sadly and replied: "Yes: and a few years ago some of us Invested money In your section and It Is there yet It was a permanent In vestment, I guess." The Western man changed the con versation. New York Tribune. A Peep Into tbe Future. "Well," remarked Gabriel, as he fin- Isbed polishing his trumpet, "the time la very near at hand." For what?" asked St. Peter. "For us to take possession of the earth." replied GabrleL "Yea, thst's a fact." said fit, Peter, as he Jangled his keys. "Suppose you take a flier down that way and see what that fellow Morgan wants for It." Chicago News. Te Fiiol Hubby. Mrs. Gay-Hut I told you to Itemize the bill. The Mllllner-Tbe bill I sent you an the flrst wss Itemised; every Item was there. . Mrs. (Jay Oradoaa! Yon don't an aersuad me. I wast yon ta send only one Kent sack asonth. or my bason win never nay Jt-miadelBkia Hrsss. Science vention An Austrian material for preventing . he rising of dust ou sweeping proves ; o be cottonseed oil. In a test at VI- j mna. It was found that floors oiled , ;wice a year could be swept weekly a-ithoiit any whirling of the dust, ami .he material was recomiueu-led for all ooms receiving many persons, a well is for laboratories,- libraries and other places to be kept scrupulously dust free. By regulating the food of a milch ow, M. Spolvcriui claims to have maile ts milk a satisfactory substitute for luman milk. The first experiments .vere made nil a goat by feeding it with "gg or a little meat In addition to lie regular food, and later on another ;oat was fed with sprouting grains ;f hurley. In each case the goat's i.ii'K tvas changed to the chemical composi tion of huiuau milk. In acknowledging au anonymous girt ,t ?2.(JiK) to the Harvard Collect; Oij ervatory. Prot K. C. Pickering an nounces that the money will be used ."or the preservation and study of the jstronomlcal photographs made uud-:r ;he auspices of the observatory. "These photographs," says Prof. Pickering, "furnish a history of the entire stellar universe for the last twelve years which is not duplicated elsewhere.' A new building for the storage of these precious documents is needed, aud money Is required to pay the expense, jf having them carefully iuspecled for yet undiscovered objects erf inteies Thus the anonymous gift comes very opportunely. That it may have the entire Held to Itself and escape th keen competition of hosts of tropical relatives for the nectar and minute insects In the deep tubed brilliant flowers that please him best, that Jeweled atom, the rpby throated bumming bird, sole represent ative of his family east of the Missis sippi, travels from Central America or beyond to Ijibrador and back again every summer of Its incessantly active little life. Think what tbe Journey from Yucatan even to New England must mean for a ernature so tiny that Its outstretched wings measure bate ly two inches across! It is the small est bird we have. Wherein lodges the force that propels it through the t,ky at a speed and a height which takes it Instantly beyond the range of human vision? says Neltje Blanchan, in the Ladles' Home Journal. One of the difficulties hitherto en countered by explorers among ihe gi gantic monuments of ancient Egypt i the lack of suffleieni light In the buried chambers anil long pussages of pyra mids, tombs aud temples. Recently this difficulty in the exploration of the great temple of Karuak has been largely overcome by Prof. Maspcro through the Introduction of electric lamps. The pyramids also are to oe lighted with electricity, their mysle rlous chambers and passageways pene trating the interior of the vast struc ture will be more easily traversed, and Interesting discoveries may result. Unless we learn to avoid wast In the use of coal, says Prof. John Perry, the world. In a hundred years or so, will resemble a spendthrift who has run through his patrimony. What is needed Is some form of engine to con vert, as directly and cheaply as possb ble, the energy of coal into electric energy. Science, he believes, is capa ble of achieving the desired result, but only through united effort, supported by large capital. He suggests that if tbe expenditure of $5,0U0,U00 a year were entrusted for two or three years to such men as Ird Kelvin or Iord Rayleigh, the problem might b, solv ed." WIFE'8 PLEA IN VAIN. Brutal Husband Wanted No Bolitu.le on His Vacation. last Saturday, tbe very day on which a certain young Treasury clerk a to start away with his wife u ihe annual leave, the wife received a tele gram from one of her sisters, aiiiiotin.:- ing the sudden illness of their mot iter lu Baltimore. It was, of course, de cided that the wife would have to go to her mother's bedside, and is Ihe Treasury clerk had had his leave grant ed all In due course, aud as the other clerks had their leave schedule all fix ed out, he couldn't see any way fur It except to start off on Ihe prearrsug ed trip to Atlantic City by kimseif, wltb bis wife to follow along later on In case her mother's llluess proved tiot to be serious. The wife, however, couldn't precisely see this "Why don't you Join tint cauiplni: party that's going down the Foom.i to-night for a week or so, until mam mi gets better, and then we'll go to the seaside together?" she suggested. "They're sll nice boys, you know." "Don't rsre for these stag outfits auy more," he replied "Well," she said, "why csn't you go to some quiet little plsce over In Mary land on tbe Chesapeake and star there until I Join you to go to Atlantic City '" He didn't make any reply to this, but looked gloomily out of the window "Oh," she went on, "why couldn't you go and visit yonr brother at his West Vlrglnls farm until I am able to go to tbe beach with you?" This Idea didn't appear to make much of a hit wltb blm, either, and ro he kept still. "What fun would It be," she com In nad, "for yon ta go la that Atlantic City hotel, whets there sre ebon! forty girta ta sse ataa, sad all af lbs horrid thtags grtaamg gt las siea Nfcs cases eats, Steffi "That'll be shout afl a that," ha broke ot, witu a grin. "I know what you'd like to have me go to a Trap pist monastery or to tbe Old Maa's Home until your mother happena to come around euough to enable you te keep your binoculars on me every min ute of the day or night Or you'd like to have uie surrender myself for a vag. and take a turn over on the Eastern. Branch until you're In shape to accom pany me. But the hotel In Atlantic's good euough for me, thanks. There can't be any too many girls, cbessy cats or otherwise, in any seashore lio tel. for me. and If they were in the ratio of i.'xsi.iss') o 1 the better i ud tickle me. I'm sorry your mother is sick, and all that, of course, but I'u not 112 years of age yet. and the hedule for my vacation as arranged Is going through, ou the dot, so far as I am concerned, and there ain t goiua to be auy solitary confinement stunts In it, at that." Then the brute accompanied her over to Baltimore, anil went hiking off te Atlantic City and the chessy cats, leav- ng her sulky aud suspicious. Waslf ington Post. OLD PROVERB'S REAL MEANING. Cold to Be Cured by Fasting, Keating, Dieting and Light. Long ago Sydenham said that disease was an effort of nature to restore health, But we do not treat a cold aa if it were of this character; we regard It usually as a thing to be stopped mther than to be helped along gently In its own direction. That is a wrong Klicy altogether. There Is (in old proverb, "teed a cold aud starve a fever." This has led many people to take a heavy nieaJ when a cold Is ou them, and such a heavy meal may have so stimulating an effect tioii the system thot tbe sys tem will be put into working order for short time, and then may 'be able t go on by itself. But tbe original prov erb was not a command. The first part of it was a condition. If you feed a cold you will have to starve a fevei later on. That was the real sense, and the real advice conveyed by It wal starve a cold." This gives us tbe bent or at leaat tut mot economical means of prevention and cure. When we have a cold tin balance of nature has somehow Ix-ea upset. The cold generally starts from the stomach. (Jive the stomach a res! fast for a day or two. or for several days-and prolntbiy the cold itself will disappear. The next means is light. It Is prob able that if the whole body were al lowed sufficient light, colds would bl unknown. Dr. Forles Wlnslow and Sir James Wyile. lute physician to th Emperor of Russia, and ninny othet physicians, all emphasire the Import- twe of light. The last of these au thorities calculated tbe effects of light In the St. Petersburg hospitals. He found thut the nuiiitwr of patient cured In rooms which were properly- lighted was three times greater tbsn tbe number cured in dark rooms. Even slow eating and niaxticatlon ot food might by, itself be sufficient tt prevent auy cold; even deep, stow, full breathing through the uuoe might lit sufficienk even cleansing, followed bj invigoratiug water treatments, wltD rubbings and exercise, might be suffi cient: In fact, there are numerous ave nues to immunity. We must never Im agine, writes Eustace Mills In th ' Morning Orcgonlan, that the draught or tbe wet feet can ever be by then selves the real and vital cause. How He IxmI a Pensioa. "I've just applied for a government pension," he said, "but I don't think I'll get It." "Why not?" "Well, you see I caught a bad cold In the Civil War." "Of course." "An' It's been a-workUV on me evet sem-e." "Naturally." "An' t'other day It broke out in I galloplu' cottsiimptlou." "Why. you don't look like a " "I kno It; an' that's jont where the trouble comes In. The very minute tlit consumption lilt uie. tin' I put In my application to the government, the old lady fell to prayiu' f r me, an' 'bout s quarter to l o'clock lust night ol tneblie it wuz '.II minutes to 10-Ins prayers wux answered, an' I com meni-ed to feel Ix-tltr, until now I'll 'feared I'm plum well. Takln' me al my look no government in the worH Is a goln' to pension me. i don't wais to muzzle the old lnd.v, but It looks Ilk I'll have to." Atlanta Constitution. Lesson in Politeness, The oldest Imy Is n treasure, but la trying to be polite be sometimes sll up. The father of ibis lad had reared blm to I always courteous to his el der. Dn going lo a distant school bit father had told lit in to telegraph hou "Yes" If he foiiVverytbliig satlafa lory snd srrlveV. 1 fely. He did s but the busy fsthuf had forgotten tl father had told hi in to telegraph home tlsfse so hi arrangement, so. being puxxled, hi telegraphed bsck: "Yes, what?" Th answer csme: "Yes, sir." A Sufferer's Plea. i-aily-Yoti sr sure you havs put tin piano. In giss condition ? Tuner (Julie so, madam. I guess yom daughter will find It as good as new when she resumes lier practice. Lady I hope so. Did you do anytlilni to It, by the way, Ix-sldrs tuning? Tuner-Yes; I desdeued tbe hammers Resr Room Hoarder (sotto voce) I wi'h. while you were about It, you bat done the same to the hammerer. Kirk tnond Dispatch. What baa become af the old fashion ed man who. when asked where be get his new retes. repass! : "tsM sgff and hsysd 'sr ...