f I. : s "'"Vv 'if ','1 VOL. XIV. 7, 13 02 see 7 1 '; - i ' r .Harrison HARRISON Remeiiifsr the Omaha dentist dales. Keit Earnest wax in from Vnirei Wvn Wednesday, Go to Patterson's for Singer Machines tt'id supplies. 5ltf. RuiiH-T.. Mr. mi l Mrs. V. A. Hester Saturday Auk- 2 a girl. Mr. II. Zimmerman and Wni. Miller were, in from Hut ; T-ek Monday. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. H. DAVIS; Supl. Mowers & rakes at cost. O. W. Hester Just received: A new consignment of men ami Imys clothing al ( ERI,A 1 IS. t,' Mr. an. 1 Mrs. L Oerlaeh took toe ea- t hound train fur Hot Springs Tuesday evening. Miss Ona Deliver, the intei mediate teacher oT the Harrison school arrive Just Saturday, Harrison Inn two harder shops now as Ed )'i 'onnor Hit in a chair in his place of business last Week. More anil lietler if odd for tlm same money at tiei'lacti'K store liiau any other place, try tin-in. I'l-tf Fon Sale: WO acres rif laml juinint; the " villain of Harrison; for further pa'tic ulrrs iniuirt! at this ollice. '10 Mr. anil Mrs, W. It Ibvis wphc to por tion lust fs.itunliy flight for a visit, with friends and w.ll Iw ffone a wek or 10 (lav, Jh t. phvsir 'h-i-iiherlnin's Stem ii'li mid Ivi-r Tiihlets. Kasv to tiilt", "leiisaiii ill ell'ei-t. For sal by J. E Fhinney. ' Lr. Withers. Omaha dentin! will I nt the CotliiiKrrcinl Hotel An if. 2.r 28. Kefl him and Iihvb your work done by an exirieni-ed dentist. I am now prepared to weave carpets. 10 -ln. lor hit and miss and l-i for stripped. Warp furnished at -)st. Mlift. J. A. TlIAYKR. Stitf Miss Susie Tapper from Osmond N'ehr. the Fnniary teacher of the UarriHon Rcliool i;um in on Tuesday's tram to at tend the Institute which is now l-iug held heru. Ex HhoritT Daran of flhadron and nolieiter for the Carenter (kjmniisHion Firm of Omaha wan looking after the interests of that llrui in thet-e .arU the jrnitt week. If vou want i snap in Indies and child rens lioe k to OKULACH'S where you can buy them cheaper than in tiny enstrrn city. They now liave a large asuortuient. J. M. JensloAV of Hooper Nehr, who owns the old Dave (k-lvtllo ruticli on White River inserted Ins brar.d in the Press Journal this week. Read it in an other column. Eli Zmimennati ordent the Press Journal sent to him at clearmunt Wyo. Kli is anxious to know what iH going n in Sioux county and he knows the Jour nal gives all the news. y John Reiser wns struck by lightning nt his Ikitne on Running-water, but we nie rlad to say it did not prove serious. The lightning burnt his arms some but did not hurl him any other way. Tb town has been turned over to the school mams tins week mid next, so we presume Uw old Inchelor will lie rran inir their necks to see iere isn't some one itnioiiK llmin thlsJfo suilt heir eyes. John Anderson says he wants a school mam that can teach music as well as text lionks. John failed to say whrther Im wanted a g'ssl looking one or not, but then we have not any bad b.kiug ones, you know, i i The wind blew a burn down for F ft, Ijangworthy limt Monday and the hail cut the griiss down so there is nothing lelt for the stix-k. Chat Unitt snys I hey rj.ir.-'nt us mm li grass ss they had turly in the ring HAPPENINGS Ht i.ry Warneke went to i len ver ( 'ol. ' fCst i-Vnfav "evening, "to visit for a w hile i with his l.imily at that pl.u e. I vu.iuiy naps. I he Piusis-JoniNAi. lias ,rinte(i a lim it' il nuuii.tr of maps ,, Manilla enrd fianl which cm lie s.-i ured lur 10c each. They will also I 'e given as u premium to new subscribers. Notice to Tax Payeri. All (KTsonal tax that is ihc iiiuvt. he paid at ence or 1 shall procewl t i colled the same hy law . J.iim I. I 'a vis, Co. Treasurer. I 'r. lien' i' Illacklesj Vaccine is made and put up in Nnv V.,iU -.which is the cenlvr j of lie-du al scieni e and skill and h-ie lh.t i filK'st nii'l purest druifM in tie- w..i . are ;availahhj. S.-nd lor hia Ire" treatise on lilackie'. II, s a. Inns is 'J'.'O lasl stitet, New York, Notlco to School E jar Is. . Allwuool h auU will l ike notice Unit, irll ivi-tiliiMtes that, wer.i issowd prior t.i this date st and s revoked that -ire held hy teachers wleihave not at tended Institute ii I i.l h.iVu not Ijeen excused h' nj.-. , J. li. Hul k". t'O. JSiijit. 'Mr. E; V. I'ont ius oui1 popular slation a't. feceiv. d a report Iroui an hssmv made on ore taken fr.itn a claim that he iiaHHii interest in up in the, Hlacx Hills ." miles from Udtl'ity w (uch a-.- iys flits', lo the ton in K"'d. We hotie all the ore j may prove as rich as this ti-s .ir and we j are sure there it n on.! mora deserving j to 1m hlesM.d w ith slush .1 j;ift than Mr. 1'olltHls. Mr. and '.Irs. W. 1'. i lickeiison ol Mut- otia, c iiiiii y, Jo.va me visiting Mr. mill Mrs. .1. II, Williermsudi-r-r Ih.s w. ek . Mr. Wi Iht-rin-doi-ter is !iowin Ui.-m the MllHS tlli't ,-iri) to tl rl ..is', l in ' I.I.I x 'e. j mid hiiiiii; liieiii up on lie" o.oiic toal we i have so mitcli of in this pert ol N'elira ka. We are sure tlieir visit will he icide a pleasurt to th'-iu if any ell'orl lidin Mr, and Mr. Wiliierinsilorler can make it m On lust Sunday there were !i'.l cars of cat 1 1.,' shipped Iroiii this place anil on Monday I'lere was shipped frotii '.'offec's Hiding IIS cars. Allol this stock was con wjtneil to the W. J. perry live stock coiii mission t.'o. of Omaha. Mr. V. A. Ih.-.ster Is Mohi 1 tor for tins ti nil and we know of no Ijel ter mail tuan Mr. Hester for he has been in Hioux County for a number of yeiirs and is acquaiuled with all the slock men of this county and sm rounding territory, and he is a hustler w lieu it comes to business. The Sioux County teacher's Institute Cunvetie.l on last Monday with ft large enrollment. Professor Percy and W. K. l'urviauce are the instructors and a good interest is being shown for advancement along the lines ol education. The riumlier enrolled are the following: Miss Ksther Parsons, Harrison. " Lillian M. Zimmerman " " llaltie O'Connor ' bortlia Patterson " ' May Iewis " Margaret Hunter " ' N'dhe II, S.:ylt ' Elsie A. Hill " Mabel Zerlie " Ivhth llurke " Katie Parsons ' " JJolho Priddy " iJelia II inson " " ,lda Mor.ivek ' " i JVarl M. Jone; " " Elsie Hi hwer " ' Edna Itohwer " " Clara Christensen ' Mabel HigeloW " Maud Kartell " " Margarel Jorden " " Minnie Niitlon " Mr. Wwin Guthrie " " Oscar Hanson " Willie ilarlell Miss Martha Dillard Crawford. " Daisy I. Aird " Kertha Golden ' ' Itliiiulm Ay era " " liura Hales " " Cora L, Sowers " Hossie Pmiieroy " " Alma llurson Mrs, Sarah Wisdom " " Mary it. Akers " Mr. Clarence Ruiiui ' Miss Florence Ijavid " Miss Ona M, Hellyer Iowa. " Susie Tuper' Osmond. Nehr. Miss Hilda C. Rosenberg Adelni " " Grace H Myers during " " Lilian Harris Lincoln " Mr. Cecil Johnson Canton " " John I tor key Ardinore S. I), " Wm. Ualvheubert; " " " j The two led ..res given by Rev. F. A. ' Hatch sit tlrti M. K. ol orch Monday sii.il ' 'v.lay nights were wry hi ich enjoyed J ' " Hi"i xent. Tin. lecture m (juter l le Mon J;i v night brought forth n Sr,':' 'leal f appl 'in s anil Mr. Hatch '"i r.iufrrsmi lis hon' to presefiTT lite spsi-iuieus of his mm emu to his heureis The lecture on Tu. d.iv. The Pilgrims of , v.i vft V iiisirucuve yiiti -il r. hi. our Hatch hrou-lil out a c.r.-at many rorical facts tl'.il, e do not lind in histories ol lodav. On last M indav uhoiit 2 o'clock the vvorse siorm st ruck llari-ison that has heen noted in the liimcry of h town. Tun wind liiew a p -rfect e-,,(!i amj and rain was driven with such force lr-.ni 'he north that, hut few window hhis ii ef Ie. mi the north side f the j niiihlm.vfsi. TLer,. was some hemic work d. ItV llie po.sl. wivi-s hi protectinff ; I heir ln-iiie-i- after the v.iiul.ovs hud heell ! mm i -li! d ia hy t.l,.. storm. The storm j t!"l i-ise as it yt. fan h, r e.it,. A cloud hurst, jvt tin. h..-ad of W't.iie ll.ver I mid it. .ti.. cori.idi -rahltj daioate to ti e i rail-cad tra.-k so th ,t tiains did not. "et through mil 1 1 ( o'clock Tu-sila v morniue-. Mrs. S. La art z's h'e.se was movtd on it s fmmilat ion. hut we, are pi. id to n;iv no lives were lost hut no doubt, tiome tlioiieht. thf ir ii;ii had come. A'e hone It will not he Hi, r privilege to have to i"oi upon sue n a storm soon aiaiii. v v i I In Wye nn in-;. O 0 CO Aiah-ew i'lirislii.n inadi; a trip to Lusk on I st S.1 urday, tvtiiriiU'K Hund,. Hev. Yoiiiuucin au'l lamil uiff 1 1 lend.-, on the I C i i -t" - last. Wel'e visit- ' j I it urn iv. i ' Oeoi ).;. i. vis i John .satlue's hou 'Veil hei family into j Hi.: lastof last week, j CIiiis (,iii-:siian i.as nrdi n.l a di pu, vat from .'.iiiauc.i and wilt dip ui.toui.. in a f.nv da s, " Mrs. Z..,,,!,,,,,,,,.-,. a, -iv-d home Iron, her i vi.sit in iv'is I hut. hen m sin s ni.e t-.o weiks ao. j ol ia our Hems Ja.sl weth , was u.jt aw.iie t, lie f.ict. SlissUral lnt.j returned from '.: Ian ' hii ineiius i.e. r ..cu.v.lie on iS.uurday. Sue will vi.vl VMth Iri.-uils ! Ilele until lliMll.ule oiens III Onugias. A man from Muchi-il X :ti. ifave'a i.met-osc.-ie ami rapli.ipliuneult i la.iiiiieni at tho Iwll on Alond.iy mtit id i i.,t is. ek. ihe entertatiiiiient iv.is jjoimI and eit iNOrth the price ot admission. Alter Uie i bow the hall ..ts cl.:areit, ttiohn.s t:m bl'iMlKiil lo li'iil Irom secret placts, and those Ml UIpo.,..d t.dlovveli tint teachlug.s of toe mveiiiress Terpsa Iici,. and trippe(l the llht l.illi.l.stlc Until the H," peeped over the edye of Neiira.-dia and said stop." On Wednesday evening of last, week a lerrilic wind and had storm pavu-d over the 1 leasant Male.. S,.U, -tuen great amount of damage to , doing a I'fcps and gardens. The storm struck the settle ment at J. A. Rices and passed through it from nui Hi to south leavi-.g a narrow strip on the east anil the west ends that whs not hurl or damaged at all, but mowing a i.warth Ihrouu'h the center! from north to sout h. At. John Deuel's ! the entire crop was destroyed, also at! Elias Foote's. Mrs. Movies lost about 20 ! acres of grain, S. lloltetlield almut .me! Hall ol ins crop, J. J. .umhrunneu about one half ol his entire crop, John Davis and John Sutton's were damaged "really, I. It. Jatman lost. IIH entire crop, Mr Church Sr. and son llinl losteverytlung, uiev eacn nan a tine garden which was completely ruined, Harry Fan.-her lost all on I. is own place, but w hat, be dad on Charlie Thomas's homestead was not hurt, l'lnlip l-reese was damaged about one half, (in Fred Deuel, (the last man in the track of the storm), lost ahead one half of his crop. Those o1 the east, side who escaped the storm were Harry Dein l damaged slightly, while C. T. Christian was not touched, also J. II. Newlm, Andrew t hristian lost one field of lit acres on his '.unlier claim near the ceme tery while iiuotlwr Held on the same claim was damaged about one half. We have not heard from Hamlin, Jennings, or lyihr, but think that they escaped tfttli but liltle loss as they were some what out of t he path of the morn). - As your correspondent has not visited the scene of the storm the description may m somewhat exaggerated but, we fear not us the roar and hum of the bail could be heard two miles away. Slivers caused hy tlm bail and caught by Z"ki.-1. ' W. Murphy and Len Christian were almost caiight in the stortn with loads of buy. Oscar Hoy les was struck on the ami with a chunk of ice which Iwumd him for three days. Zekiol was so badly scared at the noise made by the storm that he tried lo lake ftlwlter in nn pinpt v tenalo can. Dr. REA'S BLACKLEG VACCINE r''Hi''!!!'iri2;it!; ui::!"-:;; Si, ( jf Eff&StimilV-'' .!' 1 ' . .' "f r "''$M j'' I ' 0 ti'i V'!.!-&S.(K A1L f " 'TVK 0b; i"'.1"'1 I'1."!''.'! u..i.jti.i tf i.i i . ' j, t"' : f Y'ti"' " ' . so 1)0 i.OI) 1110 10.00 Set. So discount, i4 xo Write for S2-pu(ro treatise on JjJuckleu. It in iroe. Dr. OKAS. ( lops ueru nr v.. r i o .j priitijiM!.t. t.n . ei'e on Wcilia s Jay Maud iiiid ol p.mto, what a' the It.de tuan t Ley moi'iiiiff; a ood fjuod lenlii. hut ch.uiye: In sundown iuoib than one llai f .is a total . wreck. F.dato vines vm-i; cnl oil' and huatcn to the eniuihl and hi s.uiik nisUiuceS! toe lull. , ic ia u I seil. Al Mr. : 'lunch's ciht lar'e iudow hjiiiis .M-ii. .en and at Xuuihi-un.iun's I.Mirieeii w. r Miattixu. i V e hear Unit i!t .some placs sliiuul We h, ' er.i split in. it l;ie,i I.. d 0), from it(il I ai.il saiin; i- a. split. Mis Uoyles acMiiile son Ilillie on their nay h m,.. I,. mi I'l.ir.s.m ' !i--. st ru-k ' i'-iii la i he la u-,'e.., Ki'-.-se ni.d ilariy ii-ied; tl were -v lieu ; I.. V mi io'.cln it I 1,11 ea II nd lo., I; sh.-iicr und- r am l.t-'-ke loo... and V h a wire f.-i.'.-e a-i.i I I !l III. . IC I.ij up al c'r. d e i -li ! -i -I i hem ii id iiver. ''. ..ey v II' r r I ci.imht r t li- rlor.ii o . s iiiij hy l.if I,. op left lo v li e, hut lot. scnaisly Ti ll ;e n ,,i ve i n. !' .II'-; cllt I Intf it. I' , r I lay. slon.s went cltnr i Al J A. H-i-es h-i ;i'r"util1 n,i,f' At I', te'. J ick rahl.it.s -i ad birds werv k,!!e,. ;Bodarc .Gleaninprs, ios Liliie Zimmerman n Moiiiii-iv to ai tend I'e went to Harri hel s nsi : int.-. I C. F, i 'oMV j visit mi it-. spent Sunday in the va'ley folia and looking al ter his interests lit re. Mi--i Hilde Hunter came down from 1 1 it riviii Sa hi i!a v anil vvp visit, lor a few J.ijs lulli Sir. 1'... i.vn'.s family, Ro.l.i'v H-ems to have been stricken with thfc imitri-iionial lever. The latest on the list ii.Mr Millud Timer wl.o was mai rai! to M s,. .irrie L-eling at IhelMiiieol .ir- hrides p r.-nl.-. on V'v'ar lionnet July I50. W" v. A this eslilii.itile yoiliiif couple all th:! happiness this rotli;h old world '-an oti'.-r Uiem mid wor;dnringly ask ourselves "who'll be the hex'?'' A wild and gentle shower visited this locality Monday. Our Harrison neigh bors we learn Were not, so fortunate as they hid both hail and wind. Mr. Mill er and Frank Cofl'ee were in town and Marled home through Sow-Is Hy canon. When they readied (lie K.un-i plaei they found the mad wholly impassable mid I were obliged to return and come home ! through west Hut creek canon finding j the roads there badlv washed out. and at 'one place so bad that the buggy over turned throning: theru both into the creek, nothing being broke howver the buggy with Mr. Zimmerman's help was soon righted ami they readied the last crossing on Hat-creek before the Hood and reached home safely. M. A. C. Socialist CoNuiirKt Convlnt.'i i.n. A delegate convention of the sin'ialist parly of the Sixth Nebraska congression al dislrin is hereby called to meet t,t 2 p. ni. of Saturday, August HO. 1!)02, in the city of Broken l!ovv; The object, of said convention is to perfect pel ninneiit organization, to nominate a candidate for congressman from said district nnd to traiiMict uny other hiisinnss that may properly mine before said meeting. The basis of representation is one delegate for every five voles or fraction thereof cast for Miss lliirla Wilkie, socialist candidal for regent in 1001, which gives the va rious counties the following ntiiiiberof votes: Ilaniic-r 1, lilaiuu 1, lioX Ihitte 'ii, Iloyd :t. Kuffalo 0. Ilrown 1. CTierry 3, Cheyenne 1, Custer 11. Dawes 4, Dawson .", Deuel 1, Gai llelil 1, Greeley 2, Grant 1, Holt 5, Hooper 1, Howard ii, Key n Paha 3, Keith 1. Kimball 1. Lincoln fi, Logan 1, Loup 1, MolTieison 1. Rock 1, Sherman 5, (Sheridan 1. Hcolts Kluff 1, Sioux 1, Thomas 1, Valley 1, Wheeler 1. Total H2. J. C. L. Wim i.y. Satgent, Neb. Aug. 1, Temporary Chin. t U am (Ptu FORM) absolntolv guaranteed to protect vonr Vsutiiic is on exact Aom ; ana vac- '"'My ''.jeetor put, the pill tmdor the skin easily and uuicklv. Bv oirlorii.cr ;ir",'t lnu' 'ou K,,fc fretih vaccine iiiiHicuiureiy uy return, mail. Boot fully prepaid on receipt of price SPECIAL OFFER: For a short lime only 1 will mail one of my dollar nickel plated in jectors free with every order for 10 doses or more of lilaekW Vaccine. Not sold by druggists or dealers. ageiita, i'reparea ana sola only by L REA, 220NiAw8TYo I7trveet' " w ei. , teacher, u. .ys add re saiu toe .Suimuv ticaool s-ii.Lf n,. j.,veiili class. ' I. at i an you tell n.e annul Kiijah'"' He. Has the lell. r wind turned his li. r . .ess cliaruu into an airship,-' replied tlit; smaii liov ,.t the lout. A YoCNO LAuY'.S LiFIi SAVED. At I'anama, Coiombla, by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Olar. rhoa itsBmody. l.)r. Chas. 11. Uiti;r, a prominent phy sician. ..I fannum, Cdlmnliiii, in a recent i:..!.er n tales: 'I.ir.t, Marcli 1 had as a p i. .ciii. a o.ia i.uiy sixteen years of ne, idiii liaiiiiVtrt had aliaek of dy-1 Scit.-l'V. LVeltl,li,e I tl. .-.('.. ..el! Idl-I hei' pn.v. . ii. effectual and .she, u.is gr.iv me u.a.se eseiy li.eir. 1 i. r parents u ere "Iik so - wi'Ulil liiti .She I, a. I iMtouie so weak lint Sin- ce.ild mil 1 1 1 rii o erSll lied. Nii.-t I., du at iii.s ci iliiai momeiil was .. : u.iy i..c ii.e. ia.;, i Ihoulii ol' ( Lam l.er.a.w's .'one. l.olera and Liarrh.jea item..:'. ..n.i as a ,ast r--s..rt p rest r I bed R. 'I I.e. most ii ouiler' u I result iv,,s elle-lt d, V itn, a eight hours she was feeiiiU idio'ii net ter; lui(l.- ol tbrt.-. U:u s sli.j was upon iier f-et and at, tile end ol ' one v.- -k- v.i-4 enl.ivly wel.." For .sale hi J. J'i. INil.iuev. AhuiiMhe l,t ol September a very j ene. e. t a.-, jiuiiii I ,r and si rung lin.incia II y l-adiii1 new llrui will enter the lnusijess circH's id' i rawlord, and the Tt'ib;.ue predicls for it from toe starta successlul 'career. Tne principals in the new ven ture are Mr. S. M. Ki.app and Miss May .Force, two of (.'rawfoiu's wtdl-koown young people who have grown up withN l he town, eiich ol w hom ik possessed (, more than ordinary husiuuss ability; and Loth having come in contract with the 1 ratling public as trusted employes of the foremost, mercantile establishment in t his sect ion of the state, their praol leal experience gives Hei) a thorough knowledge of tie wants of the people a portion of whose trade illey will solicit, Mr. Kni.pp lias been in Craw ford ever since its tent days, having been in the hi .1 vice ol' the most prominent, general merchants, and has won an enviable reputation for courteous and gentle- ! manly deportment to all, while Miss Force has won the friendship and good will of everyone hy her pleasing, lady like disposition and agreeable business j nietho'ls. '.'Tie new lirm name will bo S. M, Kitapp &'.'(., th? business will be of a f'n 1 1 general uvreh inJise nature., and its location will lie in the commodious (pmrters m the Syndicate Block which Y . E Janilt formerly occupied. A new and complete' lite1: of fashionable tip to il, tie goods has been ordered from manu facturers and wholesalers' for the dry "oods and notions departments, us has also a new fresh slock of every article needed in groceries, ec'. The Tiibiine but voices the sentiments of ninny when it. welcomes this stile Mantial firm as an addition to the busi ness interests of Crawford, wishing it. us it promises tn have, biiccess and pros perity, Tribune. South Omaha. Neb. Aug. !i, lllfl'J 'little receipts moderate, Prices have kept strong on good feeders and range beef. Cows are weeker and 15 to 120 cts. lower. Demand for feeder anil Miocker i steers incieaslng and desirable stock j meets with ready sale al good prices. Choice corufed steers strong. We qiiotechoice range beef 5,5010(1.00 choice feeders 4 75 lo 5.115; (this class in demand nlfo for killers) fntr, 4 !ih to 4.05; stockets D fiO to 4.;."i; ciiinmon 2.50 to 8. 25; fat cows li 00 to 4 .2.); common, 1 75 to 2.75. stock calve 11.20 to 4.50; veal, 4 '50 to 5 50. Have hud fair receipts ,of sherp nnd market has declined 25 to 40 cts. for the week on fnl ones. Feeders in small sup ply ! demand good. Fat yearlings 3.05 to 4 25, feeders 3.25 to 3.40; fat weathers 3. 50 to 4 00, feeders 2.75 to 3.25; fal ewes 2.75 to 3,40, feeder 1.00 to 2.25; fat lamb". (.50 to 5 25, feeder 3.50 to 4 00, Heavy receipln expel led within the nenl four or six wetks. J Nvic & llCCIIANAN Cc. I i ! i Read the Press Journal, Professional Cards. - 'sO i . Will Vrm-iivD in AH Courts. .wIK'ft.il Attention Given tc Unt M 'lee liusiiiess. i r,,n''(,1," f U buslrtess mfnwt- ' '1 nie nil 1 receive nromnt iiHeuliou ,, Uakwson - Nubhahiia. L K. PHINXKY. M. j). Pliyi.scinii a ml Surg-eim. All ejills ?:vriii proHipt iittmillo Olllce ia linn; .store. -HAKUISON - NKUItASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Mlorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all tup-a, mutters in Justice, Cooty. and District Courts, and Iwfore the United State Land OMice. Fire Iilsuranee written in reliabh oiiipames. tl.'"I;gal papers carefully drawn. HAWUSO.W - NKItitAKKA. N orth-Western LINE m, v. j.:. u. w t and lron Hie BLACK HILLS, PKADVVOUK AND HUT !HUJN(.V : SOUTH DAKOTA. K. K. A . V It. t. nine talile. lioiiiir - jU. li.iiiS Kiw ii.'Xi.d I6:f.f(. o, mixtnt... DiiALER in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, & CHAMPION Harvesting Machines. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ity virtue of an order of sale isseil hy tfc elerk of Uie district court of .r.ionx eoui.t y Neliriiskii, upm a decree rendered In iid com tin favor of Moux County, phunHIT. and ft'.'Mlnst Martha M. tlovey, Jolm w. Ilovey, Nelson Ilovey, Afonzo A. liorY, Chester liovey, Noah I!. Ilovey, Klnt. fni )'iiter, Friuik t'liiljips, LIieUoers.:Urle A. Ihigeriiniii, M'illiuiu A. ilovey, Kiorn t. Ilovey, Kiln 11. Muck, UiclnirU Icv heirs j of James K. iluvuy, deeeiocd. Vliovvnln-r Mortioijire (niiiny,u eorporutiott, .Sduuiel T. Ames, as defeiKLints, 1 will on the IsHi dav ol AiiKiist, 19iti,Mt, oipi o'clock in thuHl ter iiooii of mild diiy nt the east front door oi the court house of said eoiiiiiy ut lliirri-on, Netniislia, pell ut public auction to the high est bidder for cash in liiiiid, tin: following described real etut,., sti.nnte.1 la swd.i'oinrty f to-wlt: Tile north half of the uo'l-tlie.j.i (piarter, the nortlienst qtuirter of the north west quarter of section eight, mid Hi,- nuitti sejtt quarter of tli noitliwest qnsrler r.l section nine, ia towuslilp lliirty-t(, ai.rtli. of rimire 111 ty four west of tlm .-sixth prlnei pal meridian, to satisfy said older l 8itle in 1 he sum ol one bnndred forty oaeilollnrniiiiil til ty. live, cents (14I.M) interest, cost uu.l lie eriiiiig costs, l-'irsi iniblli-iitioii, July IT, ltHti. , ; . Al.riX. f.tiVVItY, Mi ei Itl ot Mlu tl t esiity. Y P H I L I Stiir iw.' "l"!"f!lrMI:jr. TnlMlMlMlll. OlSf le t.flll vr t nftl'M. I'M, t. Hm Willi Waftfc - ' , ... c.u., n.mC!otfr ' re: m i , ss ' : K ) , J" l a"k v i se,... S A"