SKELETON IN A TREE. IRRIGATION IN IDAHO. LOADING WHEAT BY ELECTRICITY. r Tort s to Kake TJs.-ful a Biver That I"iow3 Tight Miles Under Ground. $"&V4 S: ' fifev i Travelers through the wild districts Of the state of Sonora, Mex., not in frequently come across a human skele ton fastened in a tree. It is a reminder of the warfare of the Yaqui Indians of that state, one of the last tribes to ac cept the peaceful conditions estab lished by President Diaz. Instead of burying the bodies of their victims or leaving them unburied In the field, the Yaqtiis fasten them se curely in the branches of trees, where their bones serve as a warning to such as follow alter. Except in isolated parts of Sonora, the Vaqnis now give little trouble, and President Diaz's good soldi: 8 wil' soon establish p--ace throughout lb e::t!re state. LARGEST STEAM HAMMER. i In the Bethlehem Iron Works is the largest and costliest steam hammer in the world. This powerful pounding apparatus is used for the forging of large masf es of metal, such as armor plates and shafts for steam engines, which require the heaviest of force to press thens to the necessary hardness. bo as the interior is rendered as thor oughly 'worked as the exterior. . This Riant battering ram weighs 125 tons and is vertical acting, having a hammer attached to a piston rod which FINDS HIDDEN GOLD is raised by steam power, with a work ing pressure of 120 pounds to the square inch. The hammer stands ninety feet alwve the ground and measures thirty-eight feet across tts base, and Its fall pro duces the blow. The terrific velocity of the blow is said to be about equal to the striking force of a dozen locomo tives going at full speed. One of the largest and most Import ant forgings of this hammer turned out was the ingot of steel, weighing ninety-nine gross tons, which formed the breech nd of the new 18-inch army coast defense gun. the largest weapon In the world, now being finished by the government at the Watervliet Arsenal. HIS MEMORY BEST. Three men were disputing In Berlin the other day as to which of them had the best memory, and, finally, they asked Ocar Blumenthal, a well-known writer, to decide the matter. "Road me any page of Goethe's prose works," said one of the three, "and I will at once repeat it, word for word." "I can do better than that," said the second one. "Put me In a corner of this room and I will piay three games of chess simultaneously without ever looking at the boards." "That's nothing to what I can do; said the first speaker again. "Begin a conversation with me now about the most absu'd things possible, and at the end of an hour I will repeat the entire conversation to you." The third man was silent, and Blu menthal said to him: "Why don't you tell us what you can do? A few min utes ago you were boasting a good deal of your wonderful memory." "I know It," was the reply, "but I WId not then know that my two friends took the matter so seriously. And as they are so much In earnest I will not try to surpass them, for I cannot for get that each of them did me a favor yesterday." "Yesterday?" asked Blumenthal. "Yn," was the reply. "And you have not yet forgotten It? f th.t case the laurels belong to yon. tr vnu have. Indeed, a wonderful memory-" Society In Newport la all In a flutter ovor the (act that representatives of tfcm royal families are due to vUlt ml Maciaa rwn wunn nnu. rw mm Oraad Dvka Boris of Rum la, lfrr Mtatatf to th caw and fourth tittM Of WBOHirwi to th Imperial ini: t3w stow pr0 Cam, and 1 . QM of Cfciaa. Dak Boris Is JiFSA, try C Praamm; ths In all ages men of learning and sci ence have dreamed of the possibility of finding, by the use of an Instrument, metal hidden in the earth, but It has remained for Fred H. Brown, of Gar vanza, Cal., to work out the idea to a practical solution. He has invented a machine which he calls an electrical divining rod and ore analyzer. It will detect the presence of and analyze metallic ore in rocks instantly, whether on table, dump, top of ground or in tunnels or shafts. It gives a positive idea of the compara tive quality and quantity of the metal contained in the rocks, and is most valuable in assorting ores in dumps. In telling about bi3 divining rod ,Mr. Brown said: "I measure the resistance of the earth as a conductor between terminals a definite and known dis tance apart These measurements are repeated at various points in the vi cinity, and they are then compared with each other. If the resistance eo measured at one point varies from that at another point to a material degree, then the presence in the earth of an ore or mineral at the point where the vibration occurs is indicated. The next step is to determine the depth of the ore, mineral and the like, beneath the surface of the earth. This result I accomplished by varying the distance of space between the terminals For instance, if the ore is located SO feet below the surface of the eatrh then Its presence will not be Indicated if the measurements of resistance are taken through 100 or less feet of earth, for the reason that the current, follow ing the well-known law of seeking the path of least resistance, will pass direct ly from one terminal to another and without being affected by the ore or mineral. "If. however, the distance of separa tion of the terminals be increased to 200 or more feet, th-n the ore or the mineral will offer a path of less re sistance to the current as compared with the resistance offered thereto by the same distance of the earth with out o-c3 or minerals, and hence, by thus varying the distance through which the measurements are taken and comparing such measurements, the depth of the ore beneath the surface of the earth may be accurately determined. NEW POTATO PLANTER. There Is a novel and practical way of planting potatoes and seeds. The new device Intended for this purpose con sists of several tubes, each of which is a certain distance away from the oth ers. The reason why the tubes nre bo ar ranged Is In order that the potatoes or Ns . t JSN1. t. Idaho Statesman: Prof. Edward J M"1, xprt in charge of irrigation In vrsticntion fur the department of agri culture, writes cncoarsgir.g inters lo Sla'e Engineer Ross regarding the fu ture of irrigation work in Idaho. -V.r. Roes Is a personal friend of Prcf. M"ad's end the Washing: n expert is kli.e'y d;spO''i toward Idaho and its (Treat" future as an lrrip:iUon tint". Prof. Mend Las so expressed himself in numerous letters. Prcf. J. D. Ktan-n-'.rd, one of Prof.Mea1'8 most aeeom lisiie.j risMsiatYts, is' riow'wor kin? 'under he direction of State Engineer Hosa in the Big Ken river valley. Tli ,..Trt of ' til" !.0?t riVwr V'lllev" dots not sound as though thr" would be much water to irrigU'- with, hut i-fite Engineer Ross says it Is a proiiuc tiv country. The river seta low through its course. At one pl'icf, for a distance of eight miles, it disappears entirely, only to reappear again as the imperious strata ep;.rorcb the yurfnee. The valiey of Big Ixist river is long and narrow, but thu soil is of great richness. It is th" object of th pres"iif ix'iu'vy to determine upon the cost of building a reservoir that will boil the wnt"r of Big Lout river not far from Its source. The fact that the riv r Kinks into th" s'jbfctrata of gravel will makf no dif-'nce. Ths engineer in-? problem 'U's not deal with thi tern n;:rary di;p.;-pea-anre of the water, but th holding of It in reserve. It will be allowed ;o r.m in it:; natural channel, as th hi.: ; frota jiercolation or absorp tion is r"'ac"d to a mimimum while th" ptream i-, be'ow the surface. T'n -e prol.l ms :ire now engaging the;,,n f.f irof. stannard in his work. Tin- town cf Mackav is in the enter of rh iV.v, Lo.'O river irrigation dir-trlct. ar-'l ih p'oplc of that section are wide; r.x.ike to t:is proposed storage reser voir ent'TpriK". They have an active 'ir.raniRjtion amcir; the Irrigators, anil raid money to help along the project. The p-ople are students of the groat problem, and have encourag"' .State Engineer Hoss to aid them in filorinrj water. seeds may fall Into their proper places as soon ax they are dropped through the tube. Heeds, when sown, must be placed at regular distances apart from each other, and they are bound to fall In their proper places if dropped through tubes that bar been properly arranged. F. B.THURBER I!, la Tbsrs la aow wkih foMs to ta Ulekaasj of a glass UUm Since F. B. Thurber testified before .e senate committee that be re i.iived money from Gen. Wood and H. O. Eavtmeyer to forward success of Cuban bill, the beet sugar men have been incessant in their tiss of that f.ict to defeat its passage. King Edward waited a long time to nount the English throne, and may yet full to reach it as a real king. SArES IN CHURCHES. An TJp-to-Bate Accessory to Ecclesi astical Edifices. Philadelphia Record: "The modern up-to-date church," said an archit'ict who is now working on plans for a larire suburban place of worship, "has nany equipments that were not thought of several years ago. It may sound strange to speak of a safe In a church, especially In view of the old saying, 'As safe as a church.' And yet quite a number of churches now have safes In them; not necessarily to keep money In. for church funds are usually kept eles where, but for the preservation of books and recorus. togeinpr witn ine niitfor r,l&tB thpt Is often of ereat value. The average communion service, for Instance, is usually or the Heaviest sil ver nH rometimes of mid where the congregation is a very rich one. A wife guards against fir? as we!) as burglars. and has no welcome to ue regarueq as quite essential." WKISTLEE'S LATEST. Ilia Left-Handed Compliment to the Late Lord Lelghton. TVh.i.i hp i.i-tr! 'it K-.if. hamia Is. in fact, the latest achievement of fereth not from fatigue, and It quiuetn Just watch It, If you please. The electricity as applied, for power pur-, not even at the luuch hour, and yet It packs of grain come aboard by a sort of pos"s. loada wheat upon a v8l in a stvle far trolley and are dumped into the hold The photograph is from the Year possibllitiee of human at the rate ol one every two seconds, u iothiiuk ui mimmn ui6m MEMBER G. A. R. ALSO CONFEDERATE VETERAN. beyond the James Anderson, a deputy sheriff of Springfield, Mass., has the unusual dis tinction of being the only man who en joys membership in the (Irand Array of the Republic and In the corresponding org-mizai Ion of Southern soldiers known as the Confederate Veterans.- Mr. Anderson's connection with the Confederate Veterans came about in a happy manner and has resulted in much fraterr'iv between the blue and the gray. He was a member of Com pany M, Thirty-first Maine Volunteers, und thus had an opportunity to place an o;,tf;iiaic on the bravery of the Con federate f-oldier from personal experi ence. The garrison at Fort Davis, in front of Petersburg, of which Mr. Anderson was a member, was under practically continuous fire from November, latil, to April 2, 1805. A visit to Petersburg in 1802 chanced to be at the time a delegation from Michigan was present, to return a bat tle flag belonging to the Petersburg Grays. While at the hotel on the even ing of li is arrival Mr. Anderson was surprised to receive a call from Mr. Hugh H. Smith, who stated that he had been deb eated to Invite Mr. Anderson, as a Northern soldier, to be present on the occasion of the return of the bat tle flag. Mr. Anderson accepted the in vitation. Oreat was his surprise to hear not only expressions of loyalty to the Unl- New York Times: Here, according to an artist Just returned from Paris, la James McNeill Whistler's latest: A group of American and English artists were discussing the manifold perfections of the late Ixird Ieghlon, p.-esident of the Royal academy. "ExiulBite iwdcian. Played the violin like a professional." said one. "One of the best dressed men In 1iti don." said another. "Danced divinely," remarked the third. "Ever read his essays?" asked a fourth. "In my opinion, they're the best thing of the kind ever written." Whistler, who had remained rilent, tapped the last speaker on the shoul der. "Painted, too, didn't he?" he said. One of the most Important matters brought before the alumnae of Mount St. Agnes college, Mount Washington, at their recent annual reunion, was the announcement of the establishment of a perpetual scholarship by Miss Kafh orlne Psdlan of New York by the Rift of $5,000 to the college. Following the announcement and tne framing and adoption of the gift, a second scholar ship was founded by the association It self. The second gift to the college will be continued for one,year only, and will ccme as a jubilee 'offering from the alumnae. In honor of the Jubilee cel- .kilii r.t Dm UntliM W Alnvaltta which will take place lo August ted States, but of love for the flag from the men who bad fought the federal armies with such determination 35 years before. While Mr. Anderson was marveling at his experience ho suddenly found j himself forcibly pulled to his feet and introduced o the gathering by Mr. Sim on Sif-U'ft rd one of the foremost busi ness nien of Petersburg, who said: "Mr. Commander, hero'p another of those 'Yanks,'" and, turning to Mr. Ander son, lie said In a tone of unmistakable friendliness. "Ot up here: we want to hear from you." Mr. Anderson was taken by but spoke from his heart In a manner that captivated his audience. The result was that A. P. Hill Camp of Confederate Veterans of Petersburg received nn invitation to send a delega-. tion of It.i members to visit E. K, Wil cox Grand Army post of Springfield. The Invitation was accepted, and on a wintry night in February the South erners arrived and were royally enter tained. So delighted were the Confederate veterans with the hospitality shown them In Springfield that upon their re turu borne they sent an Invitation for the Wilcox post to visit A. P. Hill camp. The V, A. It men went to Pe tersburg, and by so doing established a lasting friendship between the two posts. Soon after the visit of the Grand Army men to Petetsbcrg A. P. Hill post voted unanimously lo make Mr. Ander son a contributing member of the camp, a distinction enjoyed by no othet Northern soldier In any Confederate camp In the South. HOW LOCOMOTIVES HAVE GROWN. 7'! a i i 'miwn asu mitmu i,nsn n lAUWiiy'wuaHn n hi moiograpnea sine ny side is shown 40 years. as R employed on the Baltimore & Ohl. in a striking manner how the railroad In ,,m '"'ground is seen the largest or the Pennsylvania. The latter li 'I'0 of engine In use In 1SG0; behind It capable of drawing more than a dozet locomotive haa grown within the last is the biggest locomotive of today, such times as many cars as the former. BUST IS A COFFIN. Bust urns are now contrivances to keep the departed near us and remove much of the horror associated with burial of the dead In graves. The bust Is an excellent likeness of Mrs. Helen Pierce Spencer, a descendant of President Pierce. It is made of plaster of parls and modeled from a photograph of the lady. The cast stands upon a small metallic safe of inde structible material, alumina and lltan lum, the latter being the strongest metal known, this receptacle contain ing the ashes of the deceased. The bust urn rests on a portable oak cabinet and occupies niche No. 191 In the lower rotunda of the columbarium at Mount Olivet, adjoining Lutheran cemetery, Brooklyn. It is the first ever dedicated to the preserration of morta ary asfesa. EASY DEATH FOR DOGS. BOSNIANS AS CARVERS In Paris a new method for destroying lost dogs has been devised. Thirty of the condemned animals are placed in a rage, which Is rolled on to a platform and then sinks by hydraulic force about six feet into the earth, where It is her metically closed. Carbonic acid Is then turned on, and In the upace of 40 seconds every dog dies without a struggle. "By the old system," says Mr. E. S. Glavls, who has studied this new method, "namely, the use of common gas, the dogs suffered for two or three minutes. In the London pounds a mixture of carbonic acid gaii and chloroform 1 used, lint tho authorities in Paris decided that as carbonic acid gas is one of the most powerful anaesthetics known the chloroform was superfluous. "In the pounds of some of t'm cities In the L'nlted States electricity in used for the destruction of dogs, but. while this causes Instant death, only one dog can. as I understand it, be killed at a time." The cost of the new lethal chamber in Paris was $1,130. Oreat Herring Machine. Very clever Is a Swedish inventor named Elki nberg, w ho has constructed a machine which takes herrings as they come from the not, sorts them In to the four sizes recognized by the trade, scrapes off their scales, cuts off their beads, spills, cleans and washes them Inside and out. The machine does all this automatic ally, and turns out twenty thousand herrings per hour. One of the big floating herring fac tories which go out from UoU'borg to the herring banks Is to be equipped with the astonishing spparatus, which ought to effect a revolution In the piics of bioattra. Very artistic are the household arti cles wrought by ordinary peasants in Bosnl. Moreover, those who fashioned them had no delicate tools for this pur pose, and, as a rule, UBed only common kitchen knives. In things artistic these children of the soil delight, and there is hardly s utensil in their humble homes which Is not decorated and ornamented in some, way. The articles In the accompanying picture furnish a fine example of their. skill as wood engravers. They include shepherds' flutes, a distaff, an Instru ment for carding wool and vessels for holding water. In each case the en graving Is harmonious and truly artis tic both as regards conception and ex ecution. During the last year or two man tourists from all countries have gon to Bosnia, and that Is why the fine artistic ability of these untutored peas ants now attracting attention. la mm rr"! c from j,t 1 4 i w 1 ' 'mxXnemU y$ - 111 pZZ. i mm m tmt tmnm nmiml