Ts; 1 1 Y Harrison Press - J ournal. "VOL. XIV. HABBISOIT, JSTEBASIECiL, THURSDAY. CTXJLY 31. 1902. EJ O HARRISON tnft Phiuney was down from Lance creek this week. Go lo Patterson's for Singer Machine and supplies. 50tf. Jake Mills from Tint Creek Wyoming was in town Tuesday. George I a vis und family were in from Iiince creek this week. Will Murman ctiiiie down from the .SO lust Saturday evening. James Nolim and John Tidd were in from Indian creek lust Tuesday. There were 22 cars of cattle shipi from Sioux County last, Saturday. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body inviled. W. II. Uavis; Supt. Master Frank Coffee came dp from Cliadron Tuesday und went to Bix'urc. Mowers A rukes at coKt.. J. W. 1 faster Just received: A new consignment of men and boys clothing at GERLACHN. Kid-ert Poi ler who is working for A Mo- Uinlny iiji in Wjo. was m town tins week. Grandma iinvis Turner's to spend Turner. went, out to (J. H. week with Mrs. John Herman and Ed llollingsworth re ceived good prues lor the cattle they uliipisn last week. W. H. Marstelier went to Omaha hint Saturday with a shipment of cattle and to take in the nights. More u rid belUr guml fur the same money at GeilacliV store ttutu any other place, try them. 10-lf Mrs. V'alilez has been quite sick the pavt le d.ivs with lung lever, but is hutteruswegu U Press. Jeff Hewitt, our lormer toivnttni'in came in on the train from Wheatland Wyo. lust Monday evening, M. A. Barman, says he has taken an O'her homestead, ami wttr.ts to know wliat his friends ure goii g to do ubout it. We learn that Millard Thayer, and Miss Carrie Leeling were married Wednesday. The Press Jourual wishes them a lung and happy life. Royce Teblwt arrived from Denver Colorado on the west bound tr.in Wed nesday. He will visit with friends at this place for a while. I am now prewired to weave carpets, 10 cU. for hit and miss and 12 for stripped. Warp furnished at cost. Mtw. J. A. Thavkr. 88 tf U. 8. Hail boxes are quite conspicouus on the Mail Route from ILurison to Montrose and the people along this route are enjoying the privileges of a free de livery. If you want a snap in Ladiesand child ren shoes go to GERLAC'H'.S where you can buy them cheaper than in any eastern city. They now have a large assortment. Epworth League Sunday evening at 7 o'chxk; Subject; The call to separation. Everybody invited. GlOROK WlMJAMR. Leader. Delay are dangerous. Send at once to I. Chan. L. Rea. 2i0 End 32 street, New York City for Ins treatise on Black leg. ll ii free Jjb'J contains valuable Information about this raving disease. Rev. J. A. Sclianiuhorn, Presiding Elder preached to a large and appreciative congregation last Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Rev. and Mrs. Youngman Mr. and Mr. J. C. Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Burke presented their infants for baptism. The sucruHient of the Lord's nopper wan partaken of by a large nunc Iter of communicants. The evening service was largely attended and Rev. rkhuHishorn preached a very spiritual, ii i d interesting sermon. Rev. S hania lx.ro never diwisiiits his hearers. HAPPENINGS Mrs. Andrew Christian and Miss Nellie .'.be Journal family a pleasant visit last Sunday. Card of Thank. VVedesireti thank our kind neighliors and friends who were so kind to us dur nig the sickness and death of our kind husband and father. Mrs. L. iJE'fK K and ( nit.iii:n.s. Notice to Tax Payers. A II ieisoiia! tux that is due must lie paid at once or I shall proceed to collect the same 1 y law. John I. Iliivis, Co, Treasurer. The new Bell came for the church last Monday, and was put into its place in the belfrv on Tuesday, we will free a lit I le more metropolitan from Urn lime forth, hot still feel thankful to I lie school bo. nil for the ufe of tile school bell these p;it vent'8. The matrimonial market has been good (tie past week and our county Judge was so unfortunate as to run out the land of papers it takes to make one out of two, hut don't get discouraged hoys for there is a new supply ordered which will lie here as pooii as Uncle Sum's mall call get them here. Dr. I'hinney was culled to Montrose last Sunday to look alter some small-pox patients, ll was III the families of John I lehuno mid Joseph Hofluiati, and from all reports lias been going ihe rounds in thai immediate vicinity since the l'ress Jourual uieul loueil ubout it some two mouths ago. While it is in a very mild form we can't tell just when it will break out in a more aggravated hi. (I serious form. We understand the hoard ol health have i inai inliued the lamihes that have it, lino every cH'orl should he put forth to si. nop il out befoiii cold weather sets in. There will 1 u Lecture givtn by Rev. Dr. t-'ivdru k Hatch of Omaha on Monday night August Ihe -Hit at the cluircli. Hissiioject will be Pilgrims of trail or the sur makers. Dr. Hatch comes very highly recommend" d as a lecturer and as I could not pay linn from l be Institute lund he ugreel Income and give a lec ture lo the Public cl urgii g 25 cts. ad mission and will give one or two Lectures to teachers during institute hours. 1 hope that every one will turn out Mon day nigh- to hear the lecture and show our aps;ciatiou of ability when it cnunes to our town. Will pay some boy or girl to sell tickets for Ihe utiove lecture, and the hoy or girl that will do this come to me at once. J. B. liuike. OBITUARY. Joseph Ieopuld DeBockdiedof Bright's disease on the 2:lid day of July lllfU at 10 HO A. M. he was born on the 2l)!h day of August 1H-I5 at liussels IJelglllin, Hli'i came to America in lHol. He was mar ried to Antouia Connese at lX'lner Wis consin on 22 dav of February He was the father of 10 children: ti bovs arid 4 girls of which 9 of them are living and were present at the time of his death. Mr. DeBo-'k came from Utah to Sioux county in 1W5. And bus resided in this county ever since, He was a kind uud loving father, and proved himself to be one of our most honored und rsected citizens, while there will be a vacant chair at his home the ones that be has left behind can look forwnrd to the day of meeting where there will be no pain or sorrow. The Press Journal extends its sympath ies to the widow und children of the decesaed. SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of an order of sl IkmoiI by tse cler of the cllstrlot ceurt of ;.Hkmix county Kehi'Hukn, upon a decree rendered In siil'l court In fnvor of Mom County, pliilnltrT, mid wrnhuit Murthii M. Iluvcy, John W. lloviy, Nelson Horry, Alonstu A. Ilovey, Chester Ilovey, Nouli It. Horry, Kliiiu Car penter, Frank Phillips, I.lxle KoKcrs.CUrtce A. llnirerniHii, Wllllsin A. Ilovey, Flora K. Ilovey, Kiln M. slack, Klrlmrd Ilovey, heirs of Jkiiioh F. Ilovey, deri'sccd, Sliowsller Morl.(iirn ompany, h rorioru tlon, Shiiiiii'I T. Ainea, an rtfeiulniitii, I will on I lie IS III day ol AiiKiint, 1902, t nan o'cliM k lutheefler noon of mild ilny at the cast front door of the court bouse of wild county st Hiirrhton, Nebrimkn, sell lit public suction to the IiIrIi est bidder for cash In hnuil, thn tollowlufr di'sertliofl ri'sl estnle situated In iiiil,i oiiiiiy to wit: The north hnlf of the nortlmiMt mmrti r, the norlhesbt ipinrter of the north writ ipiiirtcr of ctlon rlxtit, hik! the north west ipinrter of the northwest (pinrter of section nine, In township thirty two north, of.ruiiRe Ally four went of the Sixth priurt pnl inerldliiii, to tlnty nsld order ol nle In thn sum of one huintrml forty onndolliirs nd fifty 1 ve nenU (I4I.Vi) interest, coat and nc cruliiR nm.. First piibllentlon, July 17, low. AI.KX. UiWRV, sheriff of said ( oiiuty. 0O0C eOO OOOOO In Wyoming. C. L Christian was fe-ling (juite poor ly on last Thursday. - Mrs; Joe Dunrr visited Willi Mrs'. 'ETE. Christian one day last week. 1 Mrs J. J. Zumbruiinen is expected home Iroui her Wisconsin visit in a short time. Mrs. E. E. Christian and daughter at tended quarterly meeting in tiarnson on last Sunday. Mr. O. I). I)enimon of Lusk made bin mess trip to the Ridge al ter a load of ! oats, on last Saturday, BOKN-To Mr. and Mrs. John Daivs on Monday July 14, a bouncing boy. John says its name shall lie "Teddy." John Lolir purchased a hinder in Lusk a lew days iigo. Lo VViNori bought a new Champion binder of K Rihwer a I .... . i lew nays ago. M ss Kiske, a teacher from Fall River county, S. D., accompanied bv her "best. fellow", made a pleasure trip lo the Ridge on Tuesday of last week. L ist Tlui.'sdav was by far the hottest day we have bad this year. As we were in Lusk und could not find a "Fahren heit"' we have no idea bow hot it was. Well! Well! Clio did wake up at last and favor us with a communication; still we were glad lo hear from ' The Mice." Squeak again Mice while t lie cat isaway ! Mrs. J. E. Hollingsworth accompanied by the three boys and "(Jrandpa" Holl ingsworth, visited overnight with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian ihe last of last week. Miss Oral White closed a two months school in the East school house on Tues day the huh. She went lo Aliiuville on last Saluiilny to visit with friends there for a while. .Amoiig those w ho have dipped their cuttle we inght mention. L. L. Wi.son I '. L. Crane, J J 7,u inliriiiinen. T. B. Talman, VV. Shenll. Fred and Hurr 1 k-tiel, and J M. New tin. For three or four days last week there was not enough wind to run the noils and cattle sulTered for water. Souw pumped by hand while others look their stock lo tile creek for water. Andrew Christian branded his calves and run his entire herd of cattle through the dipping vat last week. It. inn y be fun for the spectators, but it sure gives the cattle a scare us well as an arouiut ic bath. Crops on the Ridge look well and pro mise an abundant yield It will soon be time to hear the first of M. A. C's. potato stories. Rye is out of the question this season; Oh Yes! we hud our new potatoes two weeks ago. This is the the third time we have written up a batch of news in the last three weeks but failed to gel them mail ed. We do hope that if these are fortun ate enouirh to reach the print shop that they will not be consigned to the waste basket. On last Fri-'ay evening John lhivis which en a found one of his 2 yr. old heifers had fallen over the bluff and bn leg. It, had to lie butchered, and he worked until one o'clock at night dress ing it, during a very heavy rain and thunder storm. We hear that Miss Amy Christian w ho went to Omaha some time ago for treat ment in the hospital at that place, is greatly improved with great prosjiects of an ultimate recovery friends hope to see bur in Her many the best of health when she returns. Quite a heavy thunder storm passed over here on last Thursday night, also again on Friday night. Lightningstruck Mr. Murphy's wind mill and in passing into the well, slivered the platform so that the pump had to lw pulled to let the slivers out over the check valve. The dune at the Woodmen's hall on last Friday night was well attended and all report a good time. The music was furnished by Nate I)euel on the violin, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Deuel on the organ. The Ikivs say that Oscar Hatchet was out from Lusk cutting around with his best girl. Yum! Yum! Miss Add Cams closed her school in the Weft school on Wednesday the lflth. She started the next day for an extended visit with friends in eastern Nebraska, from there she will goon to Ohio where she will visit with relatives until fall, when she will come back in time to teach the school in Douglas, which she has engaged for the winter'.', term. On Tuesday of last week the Dunn boys, from across lira line, S. Hollerlletd, J, Deuel, Murphy, and (i. Imvis ran tlieir cattle through Andrew C'hristian't dipping vat. There were over five hun dred dips?d in less than seven hours; among them was a number of long horn ed Texans. That waa sure quick work for unexperienced men; but then we never do tilings by slows out here. Zwel. Dr.REA'S BLACKLEG VACCINE f U Injector, $1.00 V I I to 1.00 joloo Ho diseoiit. Write for 31-page treatise oa lilackleg. It is free. Dr. CHIS. For Sale: lOt) acres of land joining the j village of Harrison; for further partic- i ultirs inquire at this ollice. 40 Almont, Colo., July 22, 19U3. Dear Friends of Sioux County: My last was ihaiied at Baily's, the pla'ie wliere we struck the north fork of the South I'lutte which we followed for ubout 1H miles. This is the much adver tised Fla'.le canon und is lined with hotels, summer cottages, tents, and am bitious lisheruieu. We drove out a I UprReasj short distance I rum Bailey "s vnd made water and lake a snap of the camp and our camp in a pretty, shaded, lovely sK)l j t he lull near, it was so pretty there under beside a mountain brook, whose waters j the trees We blarted to follow Chalk were cold all day long. We hung on ! creek up to St. Elmo with some ruis haniiuocks and made ourselves very givuins us lo the road, but it was not comfortable to stopover Sabbath. T.vo j had, up all Ihe way and somewhat stony squirrels, shared our camp with us and ; Uut no frightful places v i all. We went made themselves very much at home ; slow ly and found many beautiful iots eating up the crumbs almost as soon as along the way, e.-picialiv a lascaile they dropped. Mondaj morning we still I where the watc-r took a long tumble lingered iu mis lovely sKt. Mr. Rice J ovtr the rocks. We had rain the liist and Roy went llshing ai d I washed a day out Iroui Denver but no more for a little and baked out meal cookies. Wei week until v eUiiLsday und Thursday did not have llsh for dinner, but ufierj Uighls who we h-ul brisk showers alter dinner jiacked tip and went on our way, we were settled lor the night, bo they past mole hotels and pleasure seekers as we we'll lo Webster, We have heard much of the Kenosha hill which we were to climb to take us into South Park and supposed we should need at least a dav for ll, but v:hen we reached Webster and found it was only i miles to the top we went on and made our camp aliout hull way up about 10. M feet high. After supper the horses were no where to he seen. Mr. Rice and Roy hunted them until dark uud Bertha and Roy took a trip back to Webster by moonlight, hut we had to go to Ud without litem, hav- ilig however Ihe cheerful assurance of the man at Webster, that all tourists lost their horses lip there and they were probablv in some of the canons. If we didn't Und them in the morning he would help us. We did ((nil lliein however, as he prophesied and were traveling again hy nine o'clock. Hunting horses at 10X1 feel above sea level niusl begood lor Mr. Rice lor he has not hud a tired spell since. Crossing into South Park we hud a com - piiratively level road for a couple of days along the west side of the Park. On our right the Park Range had peaks 12 and 13 thousand feet high and occasional glimpses of higher ones Ivyond. some of lliein with patches ol snow on them. On our left a comparatively level country with mountains in the distun.e, irrigated meudows wherever the creeks gave the necessary water. Otherwise ihe country wus pretty bare of feed. It is said to fie unusually dry Ibis year as there was less snow than usual in the mountains last winter and the cattle looked pretty poor. We passed through Jefferson, Coins, and Fairplay then a day's drive with no town of any size. We passed the salt works ttnl allowed time to see what was there, J im found that thev bad not been operat ed for thirty years. They were only nrolltable when there was no rail-road and salt could lie sold for 25 cts. per Di. We had to drive farther than we had meant to in order to find any feed at all. Most of the country was absolutely bare of anything but stones. Finally we camped near a spring where there was a little grass although it had been eaten almost into the ground. Two rail-rouds crossed the hill at this point; it was the divide between South Park and the Ar kansas valley, Il required three engines and a vast amount of pulling to get a short train up the hill at a very slow rute. Thursday's drive was short in the number of miles covered, but long in its windings. We followed a little stream and the narrow guage rail-road through the hills into Uuena Vista, crossing them both numberless times and marveling that there was room for us all in the nar row winding gorge. Just before reach ing the town we came out into the broader Arkansas valley and just at the foot of the Colligiete Range Hawurd, Yale. Princeton, all over 14000 feet high. We learned moie about the road and bought some supplies including a couple of bales of hay and drove out to the fort of Ml. Princeton, about S miles, here we found a piece of road that made us tremble for the future, Needlessly how ever, for we have not bud so uncomfort able a place since. It wound down the sandy side ol a canon, the road Issing made in 'he side, barely wide enough for (PILL FORM) absolutely guaranteed to protect your cattle from Itlurklefr. Each pill of Vnt'i'lnc is an exact dose ; p.nd vac ciuation with them in safe, sure and certain. My injector puts the pill under the skin eusily arid quickly. By ordering direct of me, you get fresh vaeciiie immediately by return mail. Sent fully prepaid on receipt of price. SPECIAL OFFER: For a short v'me on'y ma'l one ' my dollar nickel mated injectors free with evp.rv order for 10 doses or more of Blackleg Vaccine. Not sold by druggists or dealers. No ag ;nU. Prepared and sold only by L REA, " NEW YORK CITY. the track, and looKiug as il a lew mciies out ol the road would send us to the bottom of tile canon, lar loo many feet Iwlow to look down on comfortably. It was traveled a good deal and I suppose was sale, but we all breathed easier when we had reached Chalk creek at the bottom. Here was a rail-road station and hotel and a line new seuatorium not yet occupied. We pitched our tent under some Uaulil'ul cotton-woods near the stream and also ne'tr some hot springs. We wanted next morning to wash some handkerchiefs and tuwls in the warm did not ti'oulie us particularly. Friday however we hud about live separate showers with suiisli.ue between, and the last one was a hard one uud we had lo camp while it was going on, close by St. Eoho. Some sleet lei I an when Ihe sun came out a lew minutes at selling the mout.luiiis all around were covered with snow. The nexi morning Ihe tent und Ihe wagon sheet were irozen solid and we began to lealiz; that we were up in the cold. The sun came up wurui however and thawed us out before we started on. At Bueiia V'isui we fell it) with a party of three gentlemen uud arranged to cross the pass togellwr. so this morning we set out for the final climb seven miles to the top and seven miles to Tin v up a mining town on the j other side. There were no lad places ! only some pretty sleep pulls. The oilier ! people had a load and we doubled up and I helped over Ihe two worst lulls but we did not need any help ourselves; Ned. 1 Suncho, and Bess made it without any I difficulty. These lasl few miles there I was more vegetation than farther down, to my surprise, and there was no defined timber hue tlio' we went 12!J00 It. Inrh. Berlha, Roy, and I walked up the sl'.eper pitches and could not see that it was harder than at home. The seven miles down Was pretty sleep and stony, alid we were lad to rest over Sunday. Again we had trees and a brook lo make our camp pleasant, and when the sun shone it was lovely, but Saturday night there was ice half un inch thick over the water in the tent, and all ihe extras did not quite keep uh all warm; thanks to the lurcoat and the hot water bug, we in the wagon kept warm, Monday we drove down over some of the rockiest road we had ever seen for 25 miles or more. The descent on this side is steeper and the roads stonier than on the other. Having found a patch of good grass, "the only feed in all the country", said the man who directed us to It. we were glnd to rest and write letters while Roy improv ed the opportunity to go fishing. We hope to make Gunnison this afternoon and then have about 00 miles to our journey's end, Sincerely, Emma L. Rice. Ed O'Connor has a barber chair in his store now. 1 1 Read the Press Journal. Professional Cards. .11. J. 0 ( uuncH. - - Co. Altcniey. iO Will Pruclice in All Courts. SH( inl .Ittciition (.'hen to Land Of Hit Business. I ol leel Ions mid all business entrust, ed lo me w ill receive prompt iitteiitioii. Hakuison - Nkbkaska. J. E. PHINXEY. M. I). I'lijisciiin and Surireoh. All calls given prompt attention Ottico in Drug Store. -HAKHISON . NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legm. matters in Justice, County and District: Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabli, sompanies. E3TLegal papers carefully d rawn. Harrison, . Nebuaska. I North-Western LINE f. E. M. V. U. R. js the to and from the BLACK HILLS, KKADWOOD AND HOT SPRINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. V. K.i M. V It. a. lime table. Uoiiif " it. Uouig Kits' Iu. ft, mixed 10:50 No. rt. mixed .. Dealer in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, ' & CHAMPION Harvesting Machines. The same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates nu experience simi lar lo Hint which has happened in nluiost every neighborhood in the United Slntm and has been told and re told by thous ands of others. He says: "List nun mer 1 hud un iillack or dysentery :uid purchased a bottle of OlLimb-rlHin's Colic, Cholera and Hiarrhoen R. medv, which 1 used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kellv is a well known eitizpn of Henderson, N. C. For sale bv J. E. Phinnev. STOCK REPORT. South Omaha, Nehr,, July 28, 1002. Speciiil market letter from Hyh & BU CHANAN Co. Grass cattle comprise the big bulk of the receipts, very few cornfeds nrriving. Market has advanced lor the week owing largely to the fact that lietter fatted cattle ate arriving. We quote best corn feds 7.50 to 8.25. short corefeds selling pooily and below Is-st grass heel ; choice fat hayfedn 5.75 to 0.15; rungs beef 4 75 to 5.40; common to fair grades going lo both killers and feeders at 4.00 to 4.00; choice, fat. dry rows 4 00 to 4 35; butcher stuff a. 00 to 8.50; dinners 1.75 to 2 50 Hogs have recovered some of the de lire, owing to light, receipts, but fair t large receipts would bring heavy decline. Range of prices 7. 115 to 7.70. Moderate receipts of sheep brought ll steady advance of 22 to 80 cts. last week. This week starts with a weaker lone, and heavy receipts would no doubt brin a sharp decline. We quote grnss sheep follows: )etirlinirs4.00 to 4.75, wet bus 3 00 to 4 50, ewes 3.55 to 4 10 and Inmlm 5.25 to 0.25, Tha lower range of prictx covers wh,t would ordinarily be f eiders, hut pnekers hnve been taking ttvm There is a growing iuquiry for fMriera. Yniim, . NVI & BttWANAM tO.. x v - - JS