Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 24, 1902, Image 8
r , ' if I " ,-..-. -r :.. 'v Tax mwm wUiiww J urea. ue tAere4BliaforBspr vear, Keebad f4tH:ialsa.7a tenia, MwimuM" aaaebaiaa Im Saous, and adjoining, ojuanthai eaosld advertise Uielrbrauda. im TB Jocb Uh It circulates all over the stele. It eey be Um BMaMaf viu money lar you $IC3 REOfiO. OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUISTY. for the arrest and cowvlctiou of any party p prtlmtl1oraiuiKiiriuKii n stock beleuelna; to toe miuermaucu . r. K.J4SUT. on left hl CO. 117. 0 n ra - - - E ft hip o( Cattle. pious County. KeWesae . fl Post Oaace, Hewitt UKOKtiK HW ANHOS. t-. . iCM on left lde I tattle branded Morses branded uir mum on (Idxr I reek. ' ; uwk branded h above betnr eatray jg.froui my range, diacovered by any body 2,(tWK iiiloroialioii win ue rr 4. It. PARKfcK. Ilnr.ri branded ou I " I left shoulder and atUe saaieon Wt lJ bip. gaeep bernded on ck or el of abeep. Raare on ftoldler Creek iuU White Hirer. Address, ft. RoMneou. Nebraska. PHPCRKK LIVE STOCK Co Branded on left blp of Cattle l I and an left heev of Home , Andrew. laeep Creek Live stork Co.. J. II. MtUIIT, Foreman, (.leu, Nebraska. rllAKLK MCWMAN. The Brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left ittrie ml cattle, and overlap .;ut from tlie rig-fet ear. Alao tue eauie brand on left thiich of bora, belong to the undersigned Range near Beat aprluga, soutb pan to iPMHtJT. CUABLCS Harrison, Nebraska. - Press-Journal TrttmpaI. July 17. 1002. C.C. Burke, Prop. KSTKRkn 191 THIS PIWT omCIC AT HAS RISOJi SfcBK. ASBCOND CLAIM MATTKR One Dollar Per Year. - - 1 rVSiON TICKET. For Governor W. H. THOMPSON For Lieut. Governor E. A. GILBERTS For BacreUrv of Stat JOHN POWERS For Atuiitor 0. Q. DeFRANi'E For Treasurer J.N.LYMAN For Attorney General J. H. BROAUY For Comr. Public L&iula and Bui d inpt J. C. BRENNEN For Supt. of fklioolH (XAUDE SMITH For Congreastmao Six Histrict P. U BARRY OFFICIAL OIRXCTORY. I". . kKBaTOM Juarra M. Mulabd ' 1 Cnab. H. Dirraica (XINGREMBtKN . Klhbb J. nrairrr. Sep. let Dirt. DviO h. MaacBB, Reej.ta1 Kl.t. JomH J. Koaixnog, m. 3rd Wt. wn. I. srBB. fmm. 4tb IMt. A. f. HALLBBBaBB. fV. 5Ul Ilt. Wa. Kl-tilli, ram. Hh Dtot. STATIC OFFICE K KZB4 P. vo, uovenaar (". f. ST K ELK. I.ieut, iovprnor iieo, W. Minn, Secretary of State Char. Weston, Auditor Pub. Acct. '. RTEiriB. TTeaiirer WJi. K,fwj,i.B,S!iipt, Jn?jlir Ii-.sUuetlow raxKK N. PBoi'T, Atty. tienernl tiaoBCB FowLEB.Com. pnb. landaaad bldf J. EE HBbdbax. Librarian CWKTT OFriCEKH fa. J. A. Rack, Cterk Joan 1. Davi, Truaaurer ALEX loVBT. 8berlT Wa. J. A. Rua. Clerk of IMatrict Coort J. M. BVBKB. Hapt.of Public lnatructlon J. H. B KTELL. jBdire l J.O'I'ommkll. Attorney M. Ki'rriNu, Kureyor Pat I.act. Coroner ItOAKIt OF (XI'XTT CMMIHSIO!IKK.S jEa C. Me so, lat IHatrlct I. V. I.EWII, 2nd Ktatrtel A. K. JIIOELOW, 3rd IMatrict. Htt.JOtUMN. And Cattle breaded aide, and Horaea oil left lloraca and rat tle branded on either aldr, aame a on rut. n left Jaw. Aildreiw, Bodarc, Neliraaka. FRANK KUTTO. Cattle randel alile and same en der if lioraea, Aiaoaoineof tae lloro tin are limit tied on aide ahnaldcr aoine aa deacrlb alwve baand. on the left left ahiml Owns the fnllow tnKhrand uaellh' er: JOHN A. HANSON fa. vrwt. LleuU. Feetcr and Wethertll of the NlaaHentk Infantry white ecoutln- In the island of Bobol aome week aco enured a house where they thought rehela were hldlof and aa soon a the got lulde the floor, havtag been made Into a trap by the InaurfwnU. gave way and the officers were precipitated , Into an opening that bristled with ahaenanaal ham ban atBkeS. A Stake ..i.,i k thlwh nf IJaut Wethertll ! times. and was broken off In his attempt to rescue himself. In the subsequent , operation a piece of bamboo eight , Inches long was taken from the wound. , Lieut Feeler's trousers catching in one of the larger stakes, be escaped with a painful wound in the foot. The native guide who accompanied them, pierced through and through by the sharpened stake, waa dead before he could be rescued. Alao HG on cat tie and horaea cattle on leftside horaea on left boulder. P 1 Kaafa on Oliver prlng and eaat of lat- ie. PoaUifflce Harrlaon Neb and Cnt. JLJmm and the IotI ed I or the Addreaa, llarrlaen, Nebraska. J. II. Proctor. Cattle Brmidi! n 1"ft hip. i-.f Al-o Horae. Brand.- tne "- e .... ahonlder. lUnno. mtkwit of Andrew. lotOHceA ddreaa llnrriaon.Nebl (K'lAVK II A Kids. Cattle branded aa shown on left aide with left ear cllpi ied. KniiKe. on Kon nlng Water, P. O. Addreea, Maraland, Netir. bTb BVaek. Former Lieutenant Dlralaon of the French army announces that he has bow given fail satisfaction to all per sons offended b his book, "Les Marl- sad will now devote himself to the advertlatLg of his work. M. Diral aoi'i Ave ouels have boomed his book of which SO, 000 copies have been sold "which," remarks a facetious Paris cor respondent, "Is at the rate of 10,00 per duel good business." For SaLI: ISO acres of land joiiiinu the village of Hnrriaon; for further irt.ic- uU'.ra inquire at Uiis olflce. 40 IMakeas' OeaeatdSHi-lita Married. E-ni.1 ntckena. a ki.nddaughter of rharlea Dickens, waa married tjn Lon . reeentlv to Ernest Bourchier Hswkeley, a son of Cecil Rhodes solicitor. The young woman has wur fame fl literary and art circles. KiMUICL KNOW. Cattle braadinl any where on left ante of the animal. Range on Prai rie I Hie; and Mn Alibi Tttat Was C via ale s A convincing allot waa recently fur nished by a man la France. He waa charged with the murder of a girl at Nice, and he brought conclusive evi deence to show that he was at Us time commitllns a burglary at a hotel. AeVdreaa. Harrlaon, roe Creeks. Kebraaka RKWAKI). I will pay to. 00 reward for each had af, Dave Col villa's horaea oa either jaw or Uugh turne over. V 7 oho BeMer on Running fAter, fe9.W for proof, 1 coavict aoy peraoa unlawfully Imnuimg any of sited horaaa. ' W. Jt A. Raih. branileUf I B .-sBaeaTaw 1 aaaa. branded oa rllit thigh and slioalder and jjCjtadad n right Jaw Alao, I have yecaas branded J"'-'! on left thlgk as brandedj Poet OBIee Address, Iarrlfoa, MoT" CQ, Nebraska Jp, TVCKKK,. Br dad, left shoulder ot horses knd on left side of cattle. And tkra aide of rattle too, side of cattle. n I I on r.gli ea wlille River, n side Range, a Willie River, near Cra. row iFwacw .iJewy.1i,,.."I et. , ,'aMe Ud, 9. Addreea. J, K. rifi.r..oR .1 f no left aide, narrtapa, .Neb. Blbarhia Crea Wasted. In some parts of Siberia a large part of the crops In good years rot In the field, because there are no means of transport or facilities for storage. h a Owed awbeMtase. An Illinois Inventor is urging the substitution of printed slides for the brakeman's voice In the announcement of atainns la movina; trains. WORK YES! Thf. Press-Journal does Jot) Work. First Class and Up-To-Date. Neat, Call in and get our prices ou Business Card's, Note iKeads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. aT. HUOHOON. BsTaVBt-eeeakt . r'it I lfilue aB Salisri f left eld 'Its' l.sj ea KyW Orwaa. ' " rajsi fameawUIra Baejvaswa wl-wiM. li, 1, am . t c c rianga ' k ,a MB deal s aay af ee.e Wais htatoment of Taxes Paid by the Fremont, Elkhorn a Missouri Val ley Railroad Company to the Various Counties In Nebraska for the Year 1901, with Some Comparisons that may Prove Interesting. (Issued Under Authority of tlio Railroads of Nebraska) Cocmty Vamjatiow Adams I 22.104 00 Antelope 173,448 00 Boone lOI.MO 00 Brown 102. 24 00 Butler 232.488 00 Cherry 40i,7') 00 Clay 5.081 00 Colfax 01,21600 Cuming 8W,3fl 00 Dawes 20S.WJ4 00 Dodwe n7,00 00 Douglas 122.Ti0 00 Fillmore il,8H2 00 Hsir.ilton 35,712 00 Holt 0.532 00 Knox 51,"H 00 Lancaster J,7000 Madison 118.110 00 Nuckolls... Pierce Platte Polk Rock Saunders... Seward IHV04 00 )O2,01M00 110,244 Of 3.204 00 83,23200 1A444 00 11X1100 Sheridan 14u,V70 Sioua SUoton Thayer Waabingtoa York ... .'. JI8,3M00 .. T&,4MW .. 15,ffT Of .. 3iTW00 Tax Pa to LOW 22 1,477 36 4,655 30 470 83 11,474 W 13,462 30 1,070 07 2.740 07 4.736 50 8.836 03 0.273 SB 3.786 31 6.134 00 1,41 M 0. 720 00 1. WS.I 2.1' to 4,m 16 4.813 56 3.142 4 4.32 03 110 37 $,in7 6,307 88 6. 04 0-2 4,601 m t,mr, 13 006 46 : 1.402 6,217 36 1101,612 64 The Fremont Elkhorn A Miano'irl Valley Rail road is a railroad 1,362.6 milea in length, of which WU.Vi are in the state of Nebraska. It is not s tnmk line, but one that dependa upon the growth of the country immediately tributary to it for its business. The owners of thia railroad hope that the prosperity of the country through which it runs will in time make it prosperous. In 1900 this railroad received in groas earnings $4,121,457.92 They paid for operating expenses 2,689,642.25 Net earnings 1,431,815.67 This amount makes a net earning of 53 per. mile for the aystem, and they reported 41,110.42 as such net earning to the auditor of state in Nebraska, which it will be seen, gave th's state credit for the increased amount received from buainesa which orig inated on the branches in other atatea. Out of the 11,431,845.67 they paid II ,007 AM. 09 for interest on bonds outstatHling.and 6181,599.74 waa paid for taxes, which latter amount waa equal to 12.7. of their net earnings. No dividends were paid by this company, and daring the years 1895, 1896 and 1697 there waa a large deficit in the revenues. In case the taxes on this road were paid on the Wisconsin basis of taxation, it would have been 61 20.92 per mile, instead of 6152.95 in the state of Nebraska. To make a fair comaariaoa with thia railroad it ia necessary to select roads that do a similsr business in other atatea, and the following table give thia result: STATU RAILROAD Mile. ft"',"- ToJ" T'A ejjJt Wiaoun.ii Green Bay Wart'n.. 225 f 440.70 I U,M 143.07 0 0-10 MlaoeMiU i low. V... Bur.,OatJaVr Rap A M.. 1.267 00 1,046 02 14S,W).M lla.57 16 6-10 flout DtkOU ) J"-Ssrt 3ttlUt ' T' -.- Un.n 1,672-U X01.330.H 1J1U T KwfbalteU i PB.s.11. 1.S62.M 1.0W.M 161.VM.74 1312', UTIO Frct Csro LVsxtiVCgf fdSntd la ricbraska, Paid S1S2.95 Tues Per IZ2 Marsteller Bros, Are riow prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINE-OK 4SELZ FOR MEN.r? 1 aS-.-rlfTVlwl-- mm Twenty-eisht yeara of successful shoe building in five great factories rep rnsenta satisfactioa to millions of sh wearers. Every pair of Sels Mas'a Fine Shoe fully illustrate this fact They make your feet look wall, no matter what sise you wear, and con) bine the extreme of atyle with perfection ot comfort and wearingvalua KM C-IUT1ES-LKI Look for the sign of uSeli" marka the Popular Dealer. Selx shoes for Men, Women and Children are , , at-w Satiafactory Bhoes - Prwe-Qality-Comfort-tr- A04a fON - Sen -Li. ski.." 5ELZ, SCHWAB wbsw. frts. -i.Th8 Commercial Bonu.- HARRISON. nfnt' C. F. Cokkke, President. P. W.Clactf., CtwrtiaT Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Clabkr, McGrMLKf, Stockmen having use for a bank at thfW point may rely oe us to handle tlieir entire Banking bunm We are pro pared to take care of out trade at ell thfleB THE PIONEER PHARMACY, Drugs, DrugRist's Suridriea, Pairitf Oils, VarrleJ BOOkSi a fid STATION AKY, J. E. PHtHHt Prop. KO. MAaON. JOHS T. MO. Cuttle trended, tatige on Uun low' left idila iittie; Water Address AMI. Seb. ROPKUT . SKfcCK. Cattle llranded I -a a- f I . J oil left Sid Rant oh on left h Alao Cattle liriuieil alio.ililrr or aide. Itauice on Kuiining Waliir. I, o. Aililreaa AKHte, KeUraaka. Cattle brunded Cattle branded Cattle bra.ided i on left aide. also. eir On Left Hip IIKJiKY WK.IHK, roreman I. O. AddrRao, Olen, Neb J. I.KVBR. Cattle brandei low i.r.rr hiuk PoaKXriee Address. CbadroH Wrurasba' AMIKKW CMBINTI AK Cattle eraail I ' ed on left vide Y dip J r - i braadial aw ft 1 "h,",',, aaajs a, eel are the pr.pertjr of Andrew Christian anr raiisv tributary to Van Tassal bnrlags Address, Kirlley, W vo. Mr. Y, M. Wells, tbi sMrutaiat at laser Park. Lone; Island. N. Y . any: "! always rsooomead ClaambsriaMi's Pain oilm aa the tawl llninMat for straiaa I used it Mat winter for a severe lame neat in the side, resulting front a at ram and waaicreittlr pUiiaed with (ha ejuM-k felM and euro ll eiei:i(f tot sale ( J, Plimoey. 1 brandedl SSii B on left ssosl-def ardndad oa left thoWldW and (Vtfle JJ oa ! roet Osbss Awdreea. raariek. fareaate Cw. yv The PRamJnt'RKAt. haa printed a lint' rted rrumhar of maps on Manilla card1 board which can be secured for 10c each They will aim be giten as premitNkf M new subscribers. k. B. KaWUntti P.O. Addreea. Crawford, aabrasha. CatOe Brando HKBBT WABBKSK. Cattle brand ed on left side. lunge on Hnnn'lig Water (Teeslc. rr. O. Address nanisoa, Dearaaka. BOtlRRBT B ) ( attle brand- I kaMaBBaBBaaaaaaaat mi aatne as that 1 t I I hi cat aw eith- I ,1 I I er aide of sal taisy """"M aial. JT hI And laU left side ef tnd this I laal till i lart eidwef she elan. And this lea left Range na Bnawtag Waket . PasttMBss saalrsas, BaMtisam, BsbtaeM mttmru aei aide er I. la, Addl est, M ' --ifr, gtemaa t r