Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 24, 1902, Image 2

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The Harrison Press Journal.
C. C. BURKE, Proprietor.
B. H. Begale. one of the leadin?
merchants of Beatrice, will begin the
erection of a new brick block In a
few days. The building will be SixliK),
two stories high and will cost about
is.ooo. " "
C. L. Stillman, chairman of the com
mittee on violations of the pharmacy
law of the state board of pharmacy,
jhaa begun the prosecution of several
Columbus druggists for unlawfully op
erating their stores.
t A requisition was issued by the act
ling governor for the return of Leo Jor
dan, who is wanted in Omaha for trial
on a complaint signed by Florence
'Smith, charging assault. He is under
arrest in Creston, la.
Later reports to Department of Pub
lic Instruction show that five counties
voted to organize adjunct high school
districts in accordance with the free
high school attendance law. They are
.'Antelope, Jefferson, Madison, Douglas
and Cass.
Acting In accordance with a section
'of the Nebraska banking act, the State
'Board of Banking has approved the
.bond of the stockholders of the defunct
German bank of Murdock, under which
the stockholders agree to pay all
claims against the Institution within
jttae next six months.
t The building on the site of the Car
negie library at Fremont Is being re
moved and as soon as the ground is
cleared work will be commenced on the
Bew structure. The plans provide for
a modern one-story building of stone
and compressed brick, fronting on Mil
itary avenue. It is to be completed by
November 1.
Alnsworth will have a grand carnival
and street fair this fall, to continue
tour days, commencing September 36
and ending the 19th. At a large and
enthusastic meeting of the citizens the
ball was set In motion by electing R.
8. Rising president, Charles A. Howe
,vice president, William M. Ely secre
tary, and John Sullivan treasurer.
At an enthusiastic meeting of the
local Llederkranz at West Point that
body formed itself into a corporation
under the name of the West Point Lle
derkranz. This action was taken in
view of the growing strength and im
portance of this body and its increased
sphere of activity In the approaching
entertainment of the state saenger
bund, which will convene here in Au
gust. An addition 40xl and three stories
In height is to be built to the main
building of the orphans' home at Fre
mont. The school building will be
moved some distance to the north. The
board of directors decided to petition
the city council to extend the water
works system to their buildings. The
financial condition of the orphanage is
tar better than ever before, and there
is enough money in the treasury to
erect the new addition.
William H. Thompson of Grand Isl
and, fusion candidate for governor, lias
filed a statement to the effect that he
expended no money in securing the
nomination. Because of his residence
In the town where the conventions were
held Mr. Thompson had an advantage
over the other nominees on the fusion
ticket, for as they were nonresidents,
all had to pay for hotel accommoda
tions. Acting Governor Steele has issued a
proclamation offering a reward of $200
for the apprehension of William J. Al
exander, murderer of Charles Hall.
The murder was committed In Madison
on July 4. Alexander had been gam
bling and claimed that lie lost heavily.
He undertook to hold up the estab
lishment In which he had been playing
and in the process shot and killed Hull.
The Identity of the murderer is not
disputed. Hall was formerly a barber
in Omaha.
The impression haB become general
that Harry Tracy, the Oregon outlaw
and escaped criminal,' l thp Trncy who
erved four terms in the Nebraska pen
itentiary and has a state-wide reputa
tion for lawlessness. The Oregon des
perado is described as a half-breed
Mexican. The Nebraska Tracy Is
known as a half-breed Indian. In color
and height the descriptions of the two
men agree perfectly. The records at
the penitentiary, however, disclose In
formation which disproves , the sup
posed Identification. Harry Tracy, the
murderer, was arrested in Oregon In
Wl, and so far as can be learned here
ir as in custody until he broke out of
the penitentiary at Halem a short time
ago. - The Tracy known here was at
liberty during the year J899, but served
time subsequently In the, Nebraska
penitentiary. This fact makes it cer
tain that the Nebraska convict is not
(be man who has been murdering,
stealing and Invading home arid prop
erty In Oregon and Washington. "
:'; V, I ", H -' t'.
Judge Sernborffer bas tendered the
Mowing decision In the OoaM habeas
isra ssmitlruss at Wshoo: "it foV
w .raore, thai the petitioner ts
tajajrftttlr ras trailed C his iraerry Mid
MCSM.ta isiiairgaa. and Judgment
etrjr ceordlngjy.'' iftm ease has
Can ""m.slssa, wisMdarsW attends),
CtT.Ml dlMMrge t one
, $ 'Z2zmmr tm
'.r .:;. l. r z4 tnH Oomi
' O f . aeaoMfitce to his
' i . . f? yeeasjr the BeU-
' j 1 1 3 t3 trntag, a teres
Who wears the pants?
A younjf man usked,
Of a friend past middle life
Who wears the' pants? old friend,
Tou, or your darling wife?
Ahem! aham! replied the friend.
To end all earthly strife.
I've made an assignment of my eftects
To my good and trustful wife.
Who wears the pants?
The fanner was asked.
As ha plowed the growing corn,
I "do. he repllnd. in the early mora
But later on in the day.
The wife puts them on
Without making much fu.es.
In her own peculiar way, "
She wears the pants.
Who wears the pants?
A youne niece asked
Of a matron old and srray.
Who wears the pants? dear aunt.
You, or your old spouse pray?
Oh, ho. te ,he, the aunt replied
As Bhe blushed with loving glance.
I think it best through life my dear,
Fyr the wife to wear the pants.
Edgar Baker.
(Copyright, 1901, by Authors' Syndicate.)
T AMES were only a means of tern-
IM porary identification at Dead
Level Bar, and when a man so
far forgot the place as to orna
ment himself with two and perhaps
even three, merely because they hap
ened to have been given or bequeathed,
he was sternly thrust back to the re
proach of "Soap" or "B'ar's Grease"
or "Comb an' Brush," or something
else equally appropriate and distaste
ful. As among the Indians, there was
a custom of using anything convenient
until a man had earned a right to some
thing distinctive and honorable. That
was how tenderfoot "Cub" of six
months before, was veteran Pistol Bill
of today, and why pink-faced, swearing
Bobby had become Blue Blazes.
Dead Level Bar was attractive to
strangers. Paydirt had been struck by
the first comers, and paydirt had been
the rule ever since. Two ounces a day
was a fair average for a river-bottom
man. but three ounces was better. And
naturally it was the river-bottom min
ing that set labor rates for the ponder
ous crushers on the hillside.
It was high preposterous of course,
but the mine owners did not complain,
for every jar of their machinery turn
ed three figures into their pockets. A
day meant a competence, a week a for
tune, and a month was something that
made even the wildest visionary gasp
for breath.
So the unskilled days, and the China
man, and the shirk from Alabama, and
the red-headed man from Cork, alike
received their two ounces a day; while
a moderately-skilled laborer was in de
mand at twice and even thrice that
sum. Occasionally a man came who
was thoroughly conversant with min
ing machinery, or with analyzing or
prospecting, and he was a Croesus
who could command his own rules and
his own time and his own reward. And
yet the mines on the hillside were al
ways short of help. New comers pre
ferred the possibility of three ounces a
day to the certainty of two. and the
skillfulwere generally vMonary enough
to dream of the vast wealth which ev
ery turn of their spade might disclose.
Among the arrivals one day was a
blue-eyed, flaxen-haired German, who
towered head and shoulders above bis
companions, and whose first act on
alighting was to snatch a pail from the
driver's seat and go in search of water
lor the horses.
"Dey vass t'irsty," he remarked, sen
tentiously, as he went from one to an
other, watching them carefully and giv
ing water only as he thought Judicious,
and not as the panting animals craved.
"In de German army we our horses
vass look after."
Then he stood back and gazed about
curiously, his shoulders square and his
right arm bent slightly at the elbow,
as though the hand were resting upon
the hilt of a sword. One of the mine
owners paused on the opposite sidewalk
and regarded him attentively. He, too,
had a habit of carrying his arm in that
position; and, besides, there were other
things about the upright, soldierly fig
ure which carried him back to certain
years of bis own in the German army.
An hour later the stranger was in
stalled as the chief engineer of the
Gold Bug, with a salary of $50 a day,
and with the understanding that he was
to have the oversight of other mines,
with a corresponding Increase of com
pensation. The blue eyes of the Ger
man had grown big with wonder at the
munificence of the salary, but the mine
owner's had only narrowed and bright
ened. He knew that another man with
this scientific giant's acquirements
would have asked a hundred, and been
given it without a question.
In the books he was entered as Hans,
because of the clerk's inability to un
derstand the long, unpronounceable
name he gave: but down in the camp
he was simply Cause, while the burly
teamster h one 4ay tossed 20 feet Into
ihe river for beating a horse, become
Malls were of uncertain arrival at
Dead Level Bar. Sometimes they came
twice a month, sometimes only once In
two months and sometimes the ap
pearance of road agents prevented them
from coming at all. Hans had been
there six weeks before a mail came in,
and then it was another week before
the clerk connected the letter whose
address) he could not decipher with the
engineer whose name he could not pro
nounee. When the letter was brought to him
Haas U sitting on a bowlder outside
the StU. hi Mae eyes axed upon a
distant point of the horlzoa with an
expression of wistful neas and regret
Fir minute later he was In the super
intendent's oce.
"t glf my notice," be cried, hla (ace
glowing sad kin blue eye radiant "I
take stage la to minute "
"T-what ta 20 slnoteaf Ok,
yon wnnt mom salary.' The soasrta
tendest threw hi feet into aaother
chair tad Mud at him expecto!.
Wei, bo Mueh? Will- SO per eSX
Hero or
-fin i I d te." Kane n
Meratcl 1 mr notice."
Hte crfiJ w tno avid rl
he r' -ri ot
mm 1 tt
I. a.U ttf of It. ' Wetl pay yon
snore than anybody else."
"It in not d pay," eagerly; "yon no
Ton ban good to nm, nan
I stay mit you longer as anybody. But
now I vass go home to Katrina. - You
see," as a slight smile appeared on the
youthful face of the superintendent;
"it is lik4 dis. Dere vasa t'lngs tell
about me, and Katrina hear tiem, and
she say to me: 'Go! Den I hear anod
der man vass seek her, and I come to
America to forget. But no, dere vass
no place to forget When I come to de
mountains I see Katrina everywhere,
8nd I hear her voice mit de trees and
when I dream. Now dis." holding the
letter up and regarding it wistfully,
"tells me dat Katrina is waiting, and it
say de lies mit me are all discover and
dat de odder man is punish."
"I am glad to hear it, Hans," said
the superintendent, bearily; "but still
I think you ought to remain with us.
Why. Just think of It, man! six months
of this work, and you can go back and
build a castle for Katrina."
But Hans raised himself to his full
height and looked down compas
sionately. "You is young man," he said, "and
do not understand dese t'lngs. Gold is
everywhere, all over de world; but dere
is only one Katrina. I gif my notice
now and go to de stage. And I ay
The superintendent watched him
down the hillside, and then turned to
his desk with a sigh.
"I am a young man," he thought, bit
terly; "but I do understand, I have al
ready lotit my Katrina."
Testing System of Employment
Which Didn't Work in Practice.
Philadelphia Record:: A merchant
prince of this city, needing additional
help, inserted the following advertise
ment in a morning paper:
"Hoy Wanted a week; $6 to the
right one."
A group of two or three dozen appli
cants awaited the merchant the next
day in his office. One at a time they
were admitted, and to each In turn the
merchant said:
"Take this book and read on with
out pause or break until 1 tell you to
The boy would take the volume and
begin to read. The merchant, after a
moment, would rise with a sharp ex
clamation and drop a heavy paper
weight on the floor. This, usually,
would excite the curiosity of the read
er, who would pause and raise his eyes
from the text to Bee what was going on.
But if he refrained from doing this, if
he kept up a continuous flow of read
ing, the merchant would put him toan
otner test by taking a puppy dog from
a closet and beginning to romp with It
All the boys but one fell before the test
of the puppy dog. They stopped read
ing, they looked on at the romp with
smiles, and some of them even went bo
far as to say:
"What's the dog's name, mister?"
Those who failed like this were bid
den to depart. But the one boy who
did not fail the merchant took by the
hand. "I want you," he said, "for it is
plain that you are master of yourself.
I told you to keep on reading, and you
kept on, though to test you I dropped
an iron paper-weight and played with
a puppy dog. I'll take you, therefore,
into my employ at $4 a week, and if
you do as well as I think you will your
salary will be raised to $6 a week with
in nine months."
The boy, 'who had an honest, open
countenance, said: "I thank you, sir.
Mother will be glad to hear of this. I
will report for duty at 8 o'clock tomor
row morning."
And. bowing politely, the, lad. with
drew, holding his cap in his" hand.
The merchant gave him, the next
morning, $25 in greenbacks to deposit
in bank. "You are master of yourself."
he said, "and without fear I give you a
position of trust at once."
The boy set out for the bank, but
never reached it. Neither did he ever
return to his employer again. He dis
appeared completely. He was a scoun
drel and a thief.
Thereafter, in engaging help, the
merchant was guided by references
rather than by teBts.
Electrician Says They Can Be Re
stored by Proper Treatment
"In most of the cases in which per
sons are struck by lightning death
would rarely ensue if the proper treat
ment were administered." said an old
time electrician. "Take, for instance,
the persons who died In Chicago last
week as the result of being hit by light
ning during a severe storm. I am firm
ly convinced that, had some one who
knew what to do been on hand, the
victims' lives might have saved.
"If a person has been tsruck by
lightning the first thing to do Is to go
to work to restore consciousness, as
lightning oftener brings about sus
pended animation than somatic death,
The condition of a pennn struck by
lightning Is much the same as that of a
person rescued from drowning. Try to
stimulate respiration and circulation.
Do not cease In the effort to restore an
imation In less than an hour, as you
value the life of the sufferer.
"The method used to restore rer.plra
tion is Immaterial. A good way Is to
Imitate the motions of respiration by
alternately compressing and expanding
the lower ribs. Do this gently but per
fclst.ently at the rate of 20 times per
minute. Keep the body warm by the
application of hot flannels, bottles of
hot water, hot bricks, or, In case of an
emergency, warm clothing from by
standers. Rub the limbs upward so as
to force the blood to the heart and
"Two or three persons can do this,
remembering all the time to make but
one stroke, and that toward the body,
so as to force blood toward the heart.
Rub firmly, but energetically. Three
things are to be borne In mind: Do not
give up: keep up the effort to restore
respiration, and keep the body warm
by rubbing and hot applications. When
wallowing 1 established, a reospoon
fnl of warm water, wine, diluted whis
ky, or brandy, or warm coffee should
he given. When consciousness Is re
stored encourage alecp. Do not give
np, keep at work, and send for n phy!
sfan. "Of the visible efforts of lightning
troke upon the human body, little
.lore can be aald than that sometimes
burn have been noticed, and fre
quently red or marking, which are lo
calised aongastionn of the small blood
vessels of the sWn."
Miraculous Obtusenes of Britishers
in Eegard to Social Bank
of Americans.
Washington letter: The most prom
fnent topic of discusp'on here at the
present moment Is the appointment of
the new - British -.-ambassador. .Both
Americans and English feel that very
much In connection with the question
of friendly relations between the two
countries depends upon the man ap
pointed to the office.
It is understood that the relations
between an English ambassador and
the American people or between an
American ambassador to England and
the British people differ from those
betwvtvn representatives of other coun
tries and these respective peoples, a
fact due to blood kinship, a certain
homegeniety, and to the use of a com
mon language. Even more reasons
than these might be cited, but they are
One of the cleverest things that have
oevn voiced in regard to the appoint
ment was by a writer in the London
Spectator, who said: "The Americans
early learned to discriminate In the
matter of the men who should be sent
to represent themselves at St James.
They most successfully discovered the
right type of man to send as ambassa
dor. The moment an American envoy
lands at Southampton he becomes a
great figure in English public life. We
111 11st reciprocate and send an English
man capable, not merely of doing the
regular work of an ambassador, but of
standing out in American public life
as a great personage and a typical rep
resentative of his country."
It has been well suggested that the
late Iord Pauncefote's successor should
like himself be, among other things,
an able Jurist, and in this connection
the name of Hon. Alfred Lyttleton was
once suggested. Next In line for choice
an ex-vlceroy or a colonial ex-gover
nor. even a distinguished general or
admiral might have been sent. For in
stance, Ixird Slinto, governor general
of Cunada, might have proved, in more
ways than one, an excellent choice.
In many respects the appointment of
Mr. Herbert seems to be a clever piece
of diplomacy and personally he is most
eligible. If the election of Mr. Her
bert does not result through his wife's
family ties in factional social fights
there is no reason to quarrel over the
appointment. Everybody knows, how
ever, what the differences in the Van
derbilt family are and how extremely
they affect the leaders la New York and
indictly in Washington. It 6eema that
something more than diplomacy will be
needed to make the social cogs work
There is a strong probability that the
present meager salary attached to the
offlce at present $32.f.OO, $15,000 less
than that of the British ambassador to
Paris, will he Increased.
Sir Julian Pauncefote was the first
British ambassador at Washington, his
predecessors having only been min
isters, which fact may account for the
discrepancy in the salary attached to
this embassy.
When the legations of the great pow
ers at Washington were raised to the
rank of embassies, Sir Julian and M.
Patenotre, the then French representa
tive, ran a ncck-and-neck race for the
honor of being the first ambassador.
M. Patenotre was the winner by 18
hours, his credentials arriving that
much ahead of Sir Julian's. Of course,
the Frenchman hastened off to the state
department as fas as etiquette would
permit and presented his credentials,
thus becoming the first ambassador ac
credited to the Vnlted States.
Somehow or other the British em
bassy has always been regarded as the
most important at Washington as a so
cial center. Intermarriages and other
ties have served to give the British rep
resentative an Influence possessed by
the members of no other embassies.
There is naturally a good deal of
similarity In the tastes of Americans
and Uritlsners. especially In th? im
portant matter of home life. French
men, Germans and the Latins gener
ally, having no home life, but prefer
ring to spend their lives lu a constant
round of visiting.
The cousinshU) between the better
class of Americans of Washington and
the incumbents of the British embassy
has In the past led to some serious so
cial mistakes. The English, like oth
er foreigners, have an Idea that Amer
icans all occupy the same social level,
and that we have no classes among
ourselves, a pleasing Illusion which
writers for the press and other persons
have kept alive to preserve the idea
that Americans are really democratic.
fnder this mlxapprrheiiRion the oc
cupants of the British embassy have
frequently admitted Into the cliarmed
circle of Washington Americans who
are considered acceptable In select
circl'3 In their own home cities. Some
of thi-se contretempts have proved ex
ceedingly amusing. The newly rich
have often climbed to social heights
undreamed through other channels sim
ply by having had the entree to the
fine balls and excellent dinners of the
British embassy, Just as jiervctiu Amer
icans are ridiculously taken up by Eng
lish people of quality on the other side
and exploited, much to the disgust and
mortification of Americans of. social
These things, however, have been
perhaps avoidable during our inchoate
period, althoimb there Is no excuse
whatever for their occurrence now.
The new diplomatist may, therefor-,
beware. Shrewd and canny as the late
Lord Pauncefote was, Mrs. Pauncefote
and the daughters of the ambassador
make many faux pas of this kind, much
to the annoyance of some of the older
Washington farallU-s, who are quite as
closely wedded to the notions of blue
blood as the modern British aristocracy.
It mil l be remembered that the
British .vernment was the first to
buy or I "A a home for Us representa
tive at A . shlngton, and a great aquare,
red brick house on Pennsylvania ave
nue har been that borne for over a
quarter (t a century. While the out
ward appearance of the house Is any
thing hut beautiful the interior Is ex
tremely so, There la an air of roomi
ness and solid comfort about the drawing-room
and library reminding one of
sosn of the old manorial balls of Ens-
Unit Amnn? tht clotures Is a splen
did full Wngth portrait of Queen Vic
toria in her coronation roues.
Of the predecessors of the last holdr
of the offlce Ixird Sackville West will
perhaps be longest remembered, whose
volubility cost him an envied position
and a diplomatic reputation at one fell
blow. Outside of this unlucky Incident
the British representatives have gen
erally acuultted themselves satisfactori
ly. When Mr. Stratford Canning, a cous
in of the famous English prime min
Iter, was British representative at
Washington, in the 20's, a little episode
occurred, the incidents of which are
stiii related at some of the old-fashion-,
ed dinners given at the embassy. It is
as follows:
"On a raging, pouring January night
the Britisn minister was about stepping
into hU carriagu for a state dinner at
the white house when the axle-tree
snapped like a match.
"There was no time to lose, and
away trotted the coachman with the
horses to the nearest livery stable with
orders to return at once with any kind
of a vehicle. The stableman had sent
out everything he had on wheels car
riages being in demand that night ex
cpt the hears'.
"It did not take long for the coach
man to make up his mind, so the horses
were clapped to the hearse, and in five
minutes it dashed up to the minister's
door. There he stood, watch in hand,
waiting in agony for a vehicle, and
when the hearse rattled up he stepped
in with a sigh of relief, and lying down
flat on his back, was bowled along at a
slashing gait to the white house.
"When the hoarse rolled up to the
door, naturally It made a sensation,
which was increased when a live man
crawled out of it.
"The climax came after the dinner
was over, when the departing gm-cu
were assembled In the white house lob
bv. The carriages were called in a
stentorian voice: "The secretary pf
state's carriage! The secretary of
war's carriage! The attorney general's
carriage! The British minister's
hearse!" And up rumbled the hearse,
and in climbed the minister, and off.
fared the equippage, the minister lying
on his back with British calmness.
Some Brilliant-Colored Specimens of
the Finny Tribe.
Professor C. L. Bristol In St Nicho
las: The clear, limpid waters that sur
round Bermuda and the West Indies
lie above coral reefs covered with
plants and animals, many of which are
brilliant in color as a rainbow. They
look like glimpses of fairyland, and as
your eye wanders from one wonder to
another you catch yourself striving to
peek Just around some corner into a
Btrange nook, half hoping to see a bevy
of mermen and mermaids sporting and
playing within the crannies. Here is a
patch of pale-green sea-lettuce; there
a group of great purple sea fans; yon
der some golden corals standing out
like a shelf or branching like a tree;
while among them all swim flashes that
take the place of the fairies that should
dwell in this magic land, and fascinate
you by their gorgeous color and their
graceful, wavy motions.
There is a gre.it green "parrot fish."
as brilliant in color as his namesake,
the bird, showing himself boldly, and
swimming along slowly, secure from
any assault. His scales are grpen as
the fresh grass of sprlngtlrtie, and each
one is bordered by a pale.brown line.
His fins are pink, and the end of the
tall is banded with nearly every color
of the rainbow. He Is showy, but this
showiness serveB him a good purpose.
His flpsh Is bitter and poisonous to
man, and probably so to other fishes
as well, and they let aim well alone,
for they can recognize him afar off,
thanks to his gaudy dress.
I'ndorneath the parrot, lying on the
bottom, Is a "pink hind." You notice
him, and as the parrot passes over him
he suddenly changes to bright scarlet,
and as quickly resumes his former faint
color. Had the parrot been looking for
his dinner, and thought the hind would
make a good first course, this sudden
change of color might have scared him
off. just as the sudden bristling of a
cat makes a dog rlumge his mind.
When the hind fs disturbed at night he
gives out flashes of light to startle the
intruder, and Bend him away in a
Largest Proportion , in Fall River,
Emallett in Montgomery, Ala.
The larger part of the foreign-born
population of the t't.lted Slates is
found, of course, in the large cities.
Hut there are few cities having more
than one-third of their population for-ergn-horn,
and there Is no city in whic h
one-half of the population is foreign
born. The nearest approach to the latter
condition is found in Fall River, where
4S per cent, of the population, including
many French-Canadians, Is forrlgn
born; Lawrence, .Mass.. 4.1 per rent.;
t-owoll. Mass., 43; Passaic. N. .1., 40;
Woonsockct. R. I., 41; Manchestr,
Mass., 42; New York. 37; Paterson, ?,8;
Boston, 35; and In the West Chicago,
24; Detroit 33; Milwaukee, 31: Cleve
land, 32; San -Francisco, 34, and Duluth,
These fire the cities havln.T the larg
est proportionate foreign-born popula
tion. 'The number of cities In which
native-born Americans not only pre
dominate, but predominate so largely
as to constitute fully or nearly nlnc
tenlhs of tho population, Is more num
erous. lit 'ghamton has &0 per cent of lis
population native-born and Elmlra hag
82. Allentown, Pa., one of the strong
holds of the I'ensylvanla Germans, has
91 per cent, of Its population native
born; llarlsliurg, the Pennsylvania
capital, has 95 per rent; Washington,
the national capital, has 02; Richmond
and Norfolk. Va., have 86; York, Pa.,
lias 06; Chattanooga and Nashville,
Tenn., have 96; Topeka, Kan., has 90;
Indianapolis has 69, Terra Haute has
92, Charleston has n, and lexlngton
Ky., W.
But the American city which come
nearer to having an exclusively native
population than any other Is, perhaps,
Montgomery, Ala., with 98 per cent.,
though Montgomery does not usually
rank among the Important cities of the
United States.
Little Hock, Ark., has 94 per cent, of
American population and Los Angeles
tn-New York Sua.
From Hackensack Meadows to Long
Island Swamps by Electrio
New York letter: Having awaken
ed to the necessity of a rapid translB
system adequate to the needs of the
community. New York Is now on the
way toward getting. syst'-m which
will at an early date eclipse those of
either Paris or Berlin, and come within
measurable distance of that of London.
August Belmont, who has been a con
spicuous promoter of the scheme iu
Manhattan, has come forward and of
fered to build with private capital and
credit whatever extensions to the pres
ent subway system may be deemed ad
visable by the present commission.
In the meantime. Mr. Parsons, the
chief engineer of the commission, has
been instructed to prepare plans for a
comprehensive Interborough nubway
system for the entire city of New York,
which it is estimated will lead to a fur
ther investment of 30,000,000 at the
lowest figure.
There is no doubt that the new tun
nels which are being built under the
North river for the steam and electric
railways will also be made part and
parcel of the whole Interurban system,
and that within a year or two the con
dition of the weather will cease to be
taken into consideration in making a
trip between places like Yonkers and
Jersey City, Flatbush and Harlem or
Hoboken and Astoria.
Jusl what routes along which it will
be thought best to extend It would be
difficult to surmise at the moment, al
though they can be approximately se
lected from the main lines of the pres
ent surface traffic.
The princlpel point that will be
achieved by this change, It would seem,
should be an equalization of real estate
values for property located within the
zone of the proposed subway roads, and
the relief It will give to the more con-gi-sted
districts of New York City, now
fubt approaching their maximum of ca
pacity. The New Yorker of the yar 1900
should be found dodging about on his
trips almost as nonchalantly as the
Londoner of today accomplishes his
Journeys from Pecklam to Southwark,
or from the West India docks to Hol
loway without either seilng th sur
face or being bothered with any of the
details of life above ground.
He will b-i able, If necessary, to have
his private compartment, or to take his
stenographer along, possibly to get
himself shaved or his boots polished In
transit, and to telephone from certain
points along the route. The system
will finally be the largest, moat com
prehensive and complete in the world.
It will bet the apotheo.sia of railway
traveling and comfort, the embodiment
of convenience and speed. The new dis
covery of Edison In relation to storage
batteries assures lis that the motive
power will be electricity. The sanitary
arrangmenta will be such that none of
the evils existing in the London un
derground system will be tolerated.
The successful manufacture of oxygen
for commercial purposes has solved the
question of fresh air, which will lx
pumped through tubes Into the sub
ways, while the high grade light mip
plied will turn the underground thor
oughfares practically Into "all day
light" routes.
What the advantages of such travel
ing facilities will lie I11 both extremes
of weather can bo easily sagaciated.
There will be no outdoor discomforts,
but the mean temperature will be en
Joyed both winter and summer. There
will be no standing on exposed plat
forms or street corners waiting for
trains. Restaurants, and all kinds of
faclll'de?, even to luxurious baths, will
be provided at the great Junction sta
tions, which will also connect with the
two great trunk lines then running in
to the heart of the city, the Pennsyl
vania and New York Central. With the
half-hour train from Flatbush to Ho
boken and the 15-hour train to Chi
cago, which by that time will have ar
rived, traveling will have set itself a
new pace and we shall be getting ready
for the time when we actually shall
fly through space by the aid of wings
Instead of wheels.
Relieving the Nervous Feeling of Im
periled Passengers.
Philadelphia Record: "I was on the
Paris when she ran on the roc ks off the
English coast, a couple of years ago,"
said a Philadelphia traveling man,
"and In the panic that, ensued there is
an Incident that stands out In my mem
ory. Illustrating tno slender thread be
tween the, trnglc and the rhiiculous.
We had a fellow 011 board who had
managed to keep pretty well loaded all
the way across, and when we struck
the rocks he was In his usual condi
tion. When everybody thought for
sure we were going down to the bot
tom, he sat down at the piano In the
saloon, and what do you suppose ho
began playing? 'Home, hweet Home.'
Somebody went to him and begged him
to stop. Immediately he switched off
from tho doleful Hiralns of the old song
to the rollicking melody of 'Down
went McGlnty.' The absurdity of the
thing seemed to strike everybody
once, and a general laugh followed.
The tension was relieved, and there
was good order after that"
Pf-rm'pplon has at last aen given by
the C-erman authorities fi women to
attend rolltlcal meetings. They mus-.
sit In special places, however, and make
no speeches.
The other day. Just as a train was
about to leave Kutas, In Hungary, for
Palfalva, an official appeared and put
seals on the wheels of the engine. Tho
passengers had to get off and walk.
The company was 2fifi crowns In ar
rears In payment of taxes. Next day
the taxes were paid and thP train pro
ceeded. A native born Bt. Lotilsan has been
thrice appointed governor of New Mex
ico, Miguel Antonio Otero, the man
who rules over the destinies of that
commonwealth, first say the light of
day In the Mound city and received his
education in the old 8t Louis university.