Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 24, 1902, Image 1

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    T- A -A -
Harrison Press -Journal.
Mot & rakes at cost.
J. W... Hester.
W. T. Jooes.f Andrews kii Hairdo t
Visitor Tuesday.
tlrant Outhrie it improving hi resi
dence this week.
MI-.WiaBruwn in assisting at the
Harriton House now.
(to to Patter si's for Hinder Machines
and nppli. .Vhf.
' Mr. H. II. RiiNsel was doing buisness at
the eouuty cat la I Mooduy.
Ja-k Raff en from Patrick Wyoming
ran a Harrison visitor lost ftutunlat.
' Sunday school at 10 o'cloi:k; every
body invited. W. H. DaTM; Supt.
Just received: A new consignment of
men and bova riothiusr at OERLACH8.
Herman Kunrath from Mont rone wuh
doing business at the county seal last
r, Clia. Robinson, brother to Mrs. (.
Outline is litre from Albany. N. Y. on a
short visit.
HORN to Mr. and Mr. Jake Done
Joty 20th 1003 a girl, mother and babe
doing well.
Rums to Mr. ami Mr. Charley Cam
ftiensind July 17th 16GJ a jf irl. all parties
concerned doing welt.
A. R Kenne-W, from (i
looking after his interests
Coitf last Monday.
rford was
in rtmu x
Joiin Herman, and E l Hollmgsworth
Rise a shipment of cattle from tins
point to Omaha last Twala.
Knhert Nee . Miss Nora, and Master
Rotiert, were in from their Rancfa on Uie
Running water IxtMuainy. , . ,
fl. W- M vers and fanlev Prdily weal
west litut Saturday, tbey are working for
fhe V. H. UeoteKu-al Company.
MM-e and better gcs'shi for the same
asoaey at Oerla h's store than any other
place, try them. 10-tf
HORN To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Was
erburirer at tlie home or Mrs. Jordan in
Harrison. July 30 -ISO, a boy. Mother
mt rksM doing well.
I am now preiiared to weave carpets
10 cts. for hit and miss and 131 for
tripped. Warp furnished at cost.
Cmmty Clerk Raum and Nets Anderson
took a flying trip to the south part of the
oanty Wednesdav, and retnrnad to-
!p worth Leaguo Son bay Evenirg at
7 o,d. k, ubjsrt. The Program of
Christianity. Evsry body invited.
J. H Hartell.
Ine Bush was doing business in Harri
ion last Mondey. Mr. Bush rns charge
of t . E. Jandl's ranch in the southern part
f tlie county. Joe is one of the old
We desire to tliank our kind frirfM,
who were so kind to us during the sick
, and death of our beloved husband
Mrs. Barbara W under.
Ami Children.
. If you want a auick notion, light-run
ning. stem-winder, hair-tricker, ball-bearing
and Triple-expansion Mower or Rake
go to Oerlarli's and get a (Jeering. Oet
ynnr twine now.
Hmfjfm Tea Pa ere.
All personal that i due must he
paid si once or I shall proceed to collect
the same by law.
John I. Uavis
Co. Treasurer.
The fourth quarterly meeting of the
M. E. Church for Harrison charge will be
nek) at HarHnon July SC-37. As this is
the last quarterly Meeting of tlie year a
large sttendance is desired. Rev. J, A.
Ncemabnru. the Presiding Elder, will be
pseseul smfcMMdvi'l tk services.
Mr. Charles Hanson, returned home
from tlie M. E. Hospital at Omaha Wet),
nesday. an.1 Is ht very much improv
ed in health.
Miss Maggie Jordan, returned to Hrrri
son Tuesday site hum deen visiting with
friends in tite Hat Creek valley for the
puitl week.
a Dick Lever tlie papular solicitor for the
F. E. & M. V. R. R. wiui i uiwn this
week. And he and Hanker Clarke took a
trip to the noulli part of the county.
Lewis Qerlach Iiuh sold IK Deering
mowers this sea-ton ami 12 Hay rakes.
Lew iiaid it took hustling to sell Iheiu
but Lew is a hustler when it comes dowa
to business.
Prof. Cmndttll spent moat of tlie time
here from Friday untill Mnndav night
and we are inclined to believe that Valen
tine hold some fascinating attraction
that interests him. Valentine Republi
can. Howard Burke is on the sick list thin
week but as Edwin Outhrie and our ever
accommodating friend W. H. Ue. via came
to our rescue we will he aide to get our
paper out on time with ma ay tlianks to
Is it. not fur more preferable to spend
a few dolhrs for a supply of IV. Rea's
Blackleg Vaccine ami cuve your cuttle
Ironi this dreaded disease than suffer the
oonsrqueix'e of neglrfcl' Read tlie
special offer in his advertisment in this
The cli'irch building is quite an im
provement to the town, as well as to
ultow we ant not beyond t he pale of
civihfcilion. Tlie church building Ins
needed these resiirs for several years,
ami the boanl of trustees feel thankful
for tlie heurty resftonse made by the
wople in I he way of funds (or the name.
W. R. Smith purchased from Giant
Guthrie the 13 acre tract, lying K;wt of
the townsite, and bus commenced the
erection of a residence on the siime. We
are glad to know that Mr. Smith is going
to remain with us. for sima he sold his
buisnens interest in the tnwo he has been
undecided as to just wliere he would
locate. - '
Mrs Est ler from New York city arrived
on tlie train Friday to pay lier relatives
a visit. We know the boys will enjoy
her visit, for if there is any one a true
man loves to see it is his mother. Carl
says his mother thinks this is a big coun
try for so few a people, well this may
seem so to any one coming from such a
crowded city but we enjoy having plenty
of room and 'treathing the pure fresh air
that sweeps down on us from across the
Rocky mountains.
On August tlie 4lh tne fourteenth ann
ual Teacliers Institute for Sioux County
Nebraska will he held, aod we anticipate
one of the most profitable Institutes
that has ever been he! i to the county, our
every effort will be to this end. and any
ooe desiring to attend this Instiute wheth
er they have taught or not, are welcome
lor we einect to take up work that will
be in reach of all. We will be especially
glad to meet any thit art thinking of
preparing thereselves to teach, for my
desire is to make teachers out of our
home talent which is us gond as
any in the state.
J. K. Burke.
Co. Supt.
Co. ftupl. Burke received anannnymus
letter last Monday mailed at Crawford
Nebr. giving him strict orders to not give
a certain lady scliool teacher any more
schools to teach, and giving for his
reasons language that we do not care to
quote. Hupt. Burke Imm this to say, if
any school leaclier, lady or gentleman
conducts him or her self improptrlv, he
is anxious to know of the facts, but they
must be over the name of the one mak
ing them and not under a fictitious name
or no name at all. If the one that
wrote this charge will come to Supt.
Burke's olllce he will give him a hearing
but he will in no wise pay any attention
to such communications. We hops the
one tliat wrote this charge will be man
enough to come forward and give his
reasons for such accusations as he has
made. We must all recognise the fact
that a wonma's treasurer is her name,
and any man that would try to falsely
rob her of such is not worthy to be call
ed a man unless she has seen Bt to lay
aside this, and places herself In a sphere
! that would deserve criticism, and thee;
O! itisu be earefuf.
Zim merman Thayer.
Mr. Irviu Zimmerman and Mine Mable
Thayer were married last Monday at high
noon, Rev. Younman officiating.
Mr. Millard Tliayer and Mim Lillie
f Zimmerman-Thay.r. Ur.klLUl'U
h i , aaaaai m a .n. .mm mmm
Zimmerman asitel the voung couple in i
........ -Him; oui on uie great matrimonial
sea, in which tliere is a great deal of joy
and happiness which the Pres Journal
hopea tlu bright young .souple may re
ceive their share. We have known the
groom from his boyhood up and can only
my words of commendation for him and
the bride has been known to us for nev
eral yuia, and we have found her a
a bright smart young lady, and is well
qualified to make her home a haven of
rest ami that her husband may always
look hack to the lucky day that she be
came his wife. Success and happiness to
you Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman is the
wishes of tlie Press Journal,
Andrew Wunder died lust Thursday at
his home near Adelia.
Mr. Wundm was taken suddenly ill on
Monday night and grew worse until he
hwhhi away on the Thursday following.
Mr. W under was 81 years and months
old at the time of his death. The funer
al services were conducted from the Oath
olic church at Montrose of which he was
a memlr. Father Reaback performed
the last sad rites and the body was laid
away to rest amid the mourning of the
relatives and his many friends that had
gathered to pay their respects to their de
parted friend.
Mr. W under came to Sioux County in
IBM" and was one of our most resiected
Citizens. The Press Journal extend
sympathies to the bereaved relatives in
their loss of a Kiisband and fattier.
Tali, ron Bids.
MiirrlHOn. Netir., July to Ifl0.
Malml IihIk for two l imit of piitnt on the
nutsltle woodwork l Conrt llouw, tmse siu
i-i.p toun st wli..7iwt mid doors nnd cup
stones nf foiin.lsttoii, w:il, nnd to rejwlr ttn
gutter in roof. HIU will tie ren-lvml until
lOoVlofk A. m. Auiru.t IS 12 at the clerk's
offl.ie In llnrrlsoii Nebr. The Ronrd reserve
the rtirtil to reject any or alt tit.N.
The wont l ourt House wns oiulttnd lust wk.
Win. J. A. Kuiim,
Mkajtt It Othrr Way.
Rev. E. J. Ifilrdy, author of" How to
lie Happy Though Married," tells this
amusing anecdote:--
A younu couple tiad been married by a
Quaker, and after the ceremony he
marked to the husband. " Friend, thou
art at the end of thy troubles."
A few weeks after the man came to the
the good minister boiling over with rage,
having found his wifn to be a regnlar
vixen, and said," I thought you told m I
was at the end of my troubles1"
"8o I did, friend, hut I did not say
which end," replied tlie Quaker.
Path Finder.
i Serteol Directors.
All school Directors that have not
made their annual Report for triejpnool
year ending July 10ih 1903 will please do
so at once. As tlie state snperintendent
has called for my rrporl aud as'iny report
is a compiled reportofill the Districts
you ill readily see the necessity of your
reiort being properly made. The school
board is responsible for any loss that may
occur to tlie District, by this report not
using made.
J. K. Burke. '
Co. Supt.
Cattle market lower and dragging on
ail hut best cornfed or grass beef. Onus
steers fat enough for kiliers in strung de
mand at $4.75 to 5 25 Corufed beeves
strong. We quote best 1250B. to l.VKHt.
beeves at V7.40 to $8.35; 900B to 1250ft.
5. 50 to $7.40; choice cornfed cows and
heifers up to $6.00; grassers aod canners
$3.00 to $4.00.
Sheep are 75cts to $1 35 higher for past
week. Ilemand good. We quote prices
as follows; yearlings $4.50 to $5.00; weth
ers $4. 15 to $4.85; ewes $3.73 to $4.00,
and lambs $5.75 to $4.00. Feeding weth
ers $3.25 to $3.50: ewes $3.M to $8.00;
lambs $3.50 to $4 00. Look for heavier
receipts and a lower market.
The seane Old Story.
J. A. Kelly relates an experience simi
lar to that which has liappened in almost
ever' neighborhood in the Vnited States
and has been told and re-told by thous
ands of ethers. He says: ' List sum
mer I had an attack of dysentery and
purchased a bottle of Uimberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which I used according to directions and
with entirely satisfactory results. The
trouble was controlled much quicker
than former attacks when I used other
remedies. " Mr. Kelly is a well known
cttijwn of Henden), N, C. For sale by
J. E. Phinney.
0s Httkcl PleM
uW'" i'o)
JjJ r j;o
M " .OU
la llilint
Wrtte for ntfe timtlae
in Meckhsj. It Is free.
r rtC
IT. wJlls
W. learn that Mr. Leopold DeBock died J
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock and !
i, . , " , . . . , , . . . ,n i
will be buried at Montrose, Friday at 10
' ' j
u n,.i
ftear friends of the Press-Journal:
My last went from Denver, I believe!
We spent several very pleasant days
there and ou Tuesday, the 8th resumed
oar journey. Bess seems quite able to
'r ',1r" "ow bul w 'xP8ct to tol1"
our trip up, and through the mountains
very gradually for several reasons and
think tbe horses will be amply able to
go as fast as we shall want to. At Den
ver we delivered Mrs. Ray safely to her
husband and met Mr. Rice's neice, Miss
Bertha Case of Omaha, who is to be the
Isurth member of Urn party for the rest
f the journey. We s(nt trie fore noon
of Tuesday hiding up again and after
dinner rode out of tlie city wit h Roy on
horseback A very convenient arrange
ment as we could send hi in forward to
enquire the way, or back to II ml the
pillows wheo we lost tliem out. We
went'' through Ft. Logan and drove
straight west, toward the mountains.
v. men seera-u q." e..r
got out oi uie city. e stop, ,ur
night just outside the lirst range of foot!
hills. Wednesday luorniug was rainy
and we did not break camp until late
when we thought it whs clearing up.
That was a mistake however and we
drove to Morrison live miles or so in a
mist, Which uboul tlie lime we got there
came down in a good hard shower with
some thunder which sounded quite loud
ill tlie" hills. To go to Morrison we enter
ed a gup in the bills and found the little
lowii right in the gap. We replenished
our hreud supply and learned some more
about the road, ale our dinner in the
slielter of the wagon aa&yr Jj.be clouds
rolled by we drove"' J mountains
and now they genuine mount
ains. Twjr fw are to follow
to Fairr trffes or more was once a
tell roaxrni Denver to Leadville. Now
it has been bought by tlie state and a
man patrols it regularly to see that it is
in order. About 8 miles of the way from
Morrison follows Lucky creek and was
bnill along the side of the canon with
mountains on tlie right and depths on
the left Spruce trees began to be plenti
ful with some small oaks and berries
and flowers that were new to us. So
that we had to make frequent stops to
wonder and admire. There is a. great
deal of travel along the road, we have
peen many loads of lumber, telegraph
poles & etc. A Ashing party from Lin
coln and some miners going to the sum
mit. Near us are camped a man and his
wife from Ohio, who are here for health
sake. Having passed this strip of road
we came to a widening of the canon
wliere are some farms, and here we
camped with Turkey creek a little clear
mountain brook babbling over the stones,
close to us, and mountains on either side.
It was so pleasant we decided to stay a
day and let the roads dry off before tak
ing tlie next thousand feet which comes
in uie next six or eignt nines, we ;
climbed the hill on one side this morning. '
Bertha and Roy have been horseback .
riding this afternoon and now Mr. Rice
and Roy are trying the hill on the other
side. We have had a pleasant day with
two tiny sprinkles of rain, which did not
amount to anything, aud are thoroughly
dried out. Not that we got wet under
the cover, but there was a general damp
ness and a decidedly celd air that we are
glad to have past Friday morning we
found frost oo the tent and every tiling
that was left outside, but it was a fair
day and it soon dried off and warmed up.
Tlie stove in the tent is a great comfort
these cold mornings and evenings. We
drove about twenty miles over such a
pretty road, mostly up hill with some
downs, but no hard pulls. We had Bees
hitched up in front to help the ponies
out a little. Tlie country is beau til u I
with high hills all around us and fre
quent glimpses of more distant mount
ains. Such a variety of lovely flowers
that they beep us ((claiming all the way
and the weather is just right in tlie day
time if it is a little cold at night. We
have hardly had a breath of wind since
we left Denver, not enough at any time
to make it unpleasant and we had plenty
before. Ilr. Rice was remarking this
(POL RfttSM)
abaolutoljr guaranteed to protect tout
cattle from Blueklcf. Each pill of
Vaccine is an exact done ; ana vac
cination with them in tiafe, wire and
My injector puts the piD under the
kin easily and quickly. By ordering
direct of me, you get fresh vaccine
immediately by return mail. Sent
fully prepaid on receipt of price.
ugmiT IDDCD , XT' ..V L
, i in i m J -,i
LillJe uoiy i win uuu uut: ui in; uuiur
nickel plated injectors free with everr
order tor 10 dose or more of Blackleg
Vaccine. Not sold by druggists or dealers.
No agents. Prepared and sold only by
l rei aae east asa strut,
Ls kUi new yoiiic city. 1
",or,,inK l,,ut, We "l
from ,K,ma aftor for we aW 8t'U J0'
loving Jimmie Wi son s ham and Mrs.
J s .
Antrim s butter is still good in spite of
her forebodings because it was packed
inatiniil, In a land where milk is 10
els. a quart ana eggs cts. per ooceo
these home things are doubly appreciat
ed. We are 7 or 8 miles from Bailey
which is on the railroad. There we will
mail our letters, buy things for Sunday,
and find a pleasant camp beyond to stay
in until Monday. Next time I shall
probably tell of higher hills and more
climbing. We are about 8300 now.
Emma L. Rice.
Bodarc Gleanings.
Mimed -At B .dare July 31 at, tin
home of the bride's parents Irvin. 8. Zim
merman and M s M tble 0. Th iver Rev.
Youngnian of Ha nson olficea mi? The
young c mole have tho best wis' us of
the community in their matrimonial
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Dr-
I Bock '.vJm has been very ill for some time
is ftt pn!ltant writing(Tnesday) very low
und entertuilMt, of ,,i9 re
The folks wlio had such a discouraging
tinirf putting up tlieir alfalfa through ti
wel weather are having hetter success
with tlieir hay. The weather has been
more favorable tlie last week and the hay
crop promises to be a good one this year
v Clarence Zimmerman went over to
Old Woman Creek Thursday fo ht-lp Len
Uout drive a bunch of steeni to Harriaesv
to be delivered to Mr. Reed he having
purcl a d 'h m lately from Mr. Dout.
J. L. Anderson moved last week into
the house just vacated by tlie Hunter
family he will act as foreman we tinder
stand for Mr. Wu-keesham of Dakota
who has purchased the property from J.
W. Hunter.
J. W. Hunter has left the Valley and
taken a residence near Harrison. We
have looked upon them as friends and
neighbors for a number of years and the
ieople of Bodarc are sorry to see them
go but gradually our neighbors are all
leaving us and going to where tlieir child
ren can have better advantages. We
wish them success in their new home. .
M. A. C.
When populism Orst sprung into exist
ence men were going round with patches
on tlieir pants und selling corn at 10 cents
or less a bushel, hotisand cattle at about
f'2 .wt. Thnt populism has been a factor
in changing these conditions no sane ii
son will deny. It is a good thing to keep
alive. Rushville Standard.
Hew Yet Few Brlefes,
Names for the three new bridges
across the East river. New York, hav
been selected. The present bridge It
known as the "Brooklyn bridge." The
one neartng completion and running
from Manhattan to Williamsburg will
be the "Williamsburg bridge." The
third, to be erected just north of the
navy yard, will be the "Navy yard
bridge." The fourth, which will be
built over Blackwell's Island to Queen't
borough, will be the "' Ravens wood
bridge." Many New Yorkers think that
historic names should have been be
stowed on the great structures.
R - 1
- Ca. altera?.
Will Prarties In All CoarC.
NBerlal Attontlwi 4Mfn te UM Of
fire BmmImm.
CellecUm and all tains Mtrat.
edtemewlll receive prumpt attentin.
PkjtwUn and garyon.
411 calls given prompt atfmtSow
Office lu mug Meee.
- illMUSIi.
Prompt attention gives ta oil ten.
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliabw
W Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
F. E. M. V. It. R. is the best.
to fend from itw
r.E. AM. VR.it. tints table.
Gotnr west. Uolug Bas
se. , mlsed,....lv:M I Me. Mixed - . t ,
DEALER in; f
Lumber, Grain,
& ,
Harvesting GzxAfan :
'lam using a box of CliamberlKii s ,,
stomach & Liver Tablets aud Hud th.i,.
the best tiling for my stomach I ever .
used," says T. W. Robinson, Justice off
the Peace, Lfiomis, Mich.
These Tablets not only correct disornVr ,
of the stomach but regulate the liver ,
and bowels. They are easy to take and .
pleasant in effect. Price 35 cents per,,
box. For sale by J. E. Phinney.
Cut this out and take it to PbinmVs ,
Drug Store and L'et a liox of Chatiilvr
lam's Stomach & Liver Tablets. Ti e .
best physic. They lso correct disonu-r
of the stomach. Price 28 cents.
By rlrtne of sn order of sale tssed br the ,
clerk of the district conrt of lonz ront ,
Nebraska, upon s decree rendered la
court in fsvor of skmx County, plaintiff,
and against Martha M. Ilovey, Jobs W. '
ItoTfcy. Nelson Ilovey, Atones A. Hey, '
Chester Hovey, Moati H. Hovey, Bus t. '
ponter, Frank Phillips. Ussle llogers,Uree '.
A. Ilagerinsii, William A. Hovey, Flora N.
Ilovey, Klla M. slack. Richard Hovey. hettv
of James V. Hevey, jleipased, eoowalie.:
Mortgage Compsnjr MSTperstkM, HmB.
T. Ames, as defendjf,! will on the ink dry .
of August, l(as4ntne o'clock tu the after...
noon of suiit y st the esst front door et
the court bosae of said county st lUrrlis.s,
Nebraska, evil st public suction to the bti-'
est bidder for cssh In, bsad, the following '.
described rest estate situated la ssid.eouitv '.
to-lt: The north bslf of Mra north,
quarter, tlie northeskt quarter of the north
west quarter of section eight, and tne nertb-'
west quarter of tbe northwest qnsrter .f ,'.
section nine, In township thirty-two ivm th,
of range flfty-foor west of the Sixth prim l '
pal meridian, to sstlefy said order of ante In ,
the sum of onehundredrorty-onedoltarvsml.
fty-flve cents (MIJtt) interest, cost nnd ee
ernlng costs.
First publleatiun, Joly IT, not.
MberW of Bald Ununtf.
There Is rww eewr
eastte a H44Wtar. Osm net af archl
teste 4umJtHA t rakM are hi
j resteratte af fee tisalai aejihay g
vJMlMM ttte iWtHlan tal Uet
! they vera sraea M
1 castle ta 1TW. Otten
ui mm tarnr, ata o
aaltoai. The rain la the
tlea la Mm tevm ta
M. i. 0'('(
, 1 1 l