Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 17, 1902, Image 2

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The Harrison Press Journal.
C. C. BURKE, Proprietor.
Linden Tree, General Colby's famous
stallion, died at Beatrice. The horse
was nearly 30 years old and was pre
senled to General Grant by the sultan
of Tui'.iey.
Mrs. Tetter, wife of a farmer living
southwest of Superior, committed sui
cide. The rest of the family hod gun:?
away, and upon returning to their
home found the woman hanging from a
tree. - - - - -
, Tha 1-year-old son of- Conductor Ho
ren of Beatrice had a narrow escape
Irom being drowned in Indian cieek.
(He was rescued by a farmer, who ex
perienced considerable difficulty in
pulling him ashore.
The Beatrice city council passed an
ordlnanc-3 granting a twenty-year
franchise to the R. V. Montague In
vestment company of Kansas City.Slo.,
to operate an independent telephone
company in the city.
The York County Telephone company
f York filed articles of incorporation
In the secretary of state's office. The
company capitalizes for $.'5,0i0. Its in
corporators are E. A. Wells, J. W.
Straight and C. N. Beaver.
E. G. Hobart, of Linwood, a barber,
while trying to extract a shell from a
22-caliber revolver, received an ugly
wound in the right hand. The cart
ridge aceidentlly exploded and the bul
let went through the palm.
Charles Q. De France, fusion candi
date for state auditor, filed a state
ment showing that his expenses in con
nection with his stand for the nomina
tion amounted to $3.63. Of this amount
3.23 was expended for badges and the
remaining 40 cents for stamps.
A charter has been given to the Lau
rel Building and Loan company of
Laurel, Cedar county. The company is
capitalized for J10Q.0Q0. Its incorpor
ators are: J. B. Felker, H. A. Akeny,
Cuy Wilson, C. L. Ward, T. Graham,
T. P. Voter, Dr. C. S. Sackett and C. E.
The death of H. C. Russell, postmas
ter at Schuyler, leaving vacant the po
sition, his bondsmen have appointed
Mrs. Russell to occupy the position un
til the expiration of the term, July, 1903
or until some one of the now many as
pirants seeking the place succeed in
securing it.
The city of Grand Island has Just
made an ordinance effective authoriz
ing the city treasurer to pay a one and
a half per cent premium for $10,030 of
the bonds cf the city and the bonds
have been called in. The municipality
Is thus beginning to reduce its interest
bearing indebtedness.
The 8-year-old son of David Her
man, who lives near N'kkerson, was
Wtten on the thumb by a rattlesnake
and the quick work of the boy's moth
er, who sucked the poison from the
wcurd. saved the lad's life. The boy's
father found the snake and killed it.
It had four rattles.
Charters were Is.sued to these new
banks; The Bank of Scotia, capital
stork, $3,000; incorporators, Charles B.
3oodcll, G. W. Fitzsirnmons, Charles B.
Anderson, Theodore H. Miller. Vincent
Kokes, H. D. Coe, Anton Dredla, Clar
ence Coe, Samuel P. Graham. The
Bank of Murdock, capital stoc k, $i0.OO0;
Incorporators, Charles Guthman. F.
"Wolf, Henry A. Tool, C. E. Mocken
haupt. Adlson Waite of Syracuse has as
sumed the position of head bookkee per
in the secretary of state's office, suc
ceeding Fred Miller, who was "rotnoted
two weeks ago to the office of deputy.
The cl.ange was occasioned by the
resignation of Deputy F. W. McCart
ney, who became postmaster at Ne
braska City.
The Custer County Editorial associa
tion held its annual meeting at the
Grand Cent.al hotel In Broken Bow
last week. The records of the associ
ation show that the buflness of the
members of the association had more
than doubled since the organization of
theh association a year ago. The pro
prietor of the Grand Central tendered
a banquet to the editors and their
wives as the compliments of the house.
The officers elected for the ensuing
year are: D. M. Amsberry, president;
Tom Wiight, vice president; H. R. Bar
nard, secretary-treasurer; George B.
Malr, auditor.
Information obtained by the state
board of banking in connection with
the recently closed German bank of
Murdock was released by Secretary
Royse because of the reports being cir
culated by rome member of the insti
tution, presumably its cashier, H. ft.
Nltsel. It is being said that the board
closed the bank because Nitsel made
too large loans. As a matter of fact,
one of the irregularities which led to
the closing of the institution was the
Issuance of a certificate for $3,000 which
was never leglstcred on the hooks of
the company, nor was any credit made
of the deposit. -
Information was received at the
stats military headquarters from
Washington thut the Dick bill, de
stined to promote the efficiency of the
aaUtita of the various states, had
oasrrd both houses t rd would be
ifaed by the president. This bill
sake provision, among other things,
fsf Ike holding of national guard en
jajnymcnt at the expense of the gen
ital government. The real purpose of
f t SMftMra Is to brlr.g the reserve
f ""..iMf. force into doner connection
:' ' y tit regular MUMTCunnt.
First. Livst and AH 15he Time This Ga.lla.nt Soldier Has Been
Fighter. Mild in Times of Peace But Decidedly Tropical in Action.
NOT Many days ago a senator of the
Unitde States, in n address in
the capitol professed ignor
ance as to the identity of
Major General Lloyd Wheaton.
"Probably some man whom the nation's
charity fed and educated at West Poiit."
be sneered. It is true th.it another Let
ter informed member of the same aj-
SUSt A'APmllir Tirrmmtl V pnn-ontu Ilia
which his colleague's
gibe was calculated to
But perhaps there are other people, J? .mea , 0 wa!k,'1 8lonB te track,
not senators, to whom General Wheaton ; ne r heads and btxlip3 Protected by the
Is equally unknown. boiler iron, but their legs exposed to
But auv man who served In the war Ith inclemency of the weather, what
with Spain under General Lee will be ev.rt tne Filipinos could make it.
able to tell something interesting about Jh Beuen.1 came down the line
tuis gallant veteran. There are bronzed h',ot'ng the nlht UlU of six-pounder
young men freshly home from the ' hol's n a!1 fiId,s' ar-d flllinK thf world
Orient who can supplement the narra-1 .ltn the r?r of hia rBe- Ji Kot to
tive with picturesque incidents oti post where the ailegetr attack had
Wheaton's career, in the Philippines, i boen ?adf' ?nd landed to see the
And now and then a white-haired sur- !ma.n 'bo had br8ht In the report.
vivor of the great civil war will recall' 1U,J man as ent ror- Jne instant
the name of the genera!, and resurrect,"0 en,t(Hl the room where the general
from the past some thrilling Ftorles of ;was' Beaton, who had been sitting in
a dauntless coura?e and exbaustless re-, one corner, leaped out of his chair and
sources " l half way across the room toward the
First.' last, and all the time, Wheaton i iBhtened soldier, exclaiming:
is a fighter. He has hart a sood ,leHl nf
this kind cf work to do in the Philip-
pines. Hi is a tall, spare man, with a
long black beard.
There Is a general feeling in the army
that the beard and its blackness are landing, he made a mistake which it is
matters of his ppecial concern. It Is on i certain will never be made again by
record that on ono occasion, now twoihim. If there is one thing that he
years ago or mare, a captain who had, does waut to do when a fight is on 13
served with biu some years before, but! to be up at the front. He has never
had not seer, him for a long time, met shown any inclination to direct the
him in Mariia with the remark: jmovementa of his men from the rear.
"Why, general, it seems to me the last j But this boat landing business was
time I Baw you your whiskers were ; new to him. lie saw the men all stowed
Bray." ,in the small boats and the steam
Something happened j'tst then that j launches ready to start with their tows
Interrupted the flow cf th conversa- j for the beach. It was the landing at
tlon. The captatn u.!d afi.ard that San Fabian, on Lingaven gulf, the time
he thought 4.he ice luacMre b'olie. jCKls expected to cut off the retreat
The most dlotinctlT chanteristic of itorthward of Aguimildo and trap the
the tall gcur.-ul is Ms voice. It is very j insurgent chief between the lines of
deep of pitch .jd of tremendous cirry- Wheaton, Young, Lawton and MacAr
ing qualify. He cn shout an order on jthur.
the field that can be heard by a whole) Wheaton did not reflect then when
brigade, no matter how hard the battle the launches started for the beach they
li raging.
Wanted tn wr th on
. i i .u i
On one ombIod earlr In he infiurrec.
tlon Wheaton commanded the first bri-
gade ot Lawton s d vision in a cam-
paign in Cavite province below Manila
Iawton as usual was ridi?tr at the head
of the column, with on! his personal
guarcr, I Troop, of the r"ourth cavalry,
ahead of him.
They crossed a small stream and came
out on an open level little field At the
right, some 250 or 300 yards away, was ;eral lQk hj8 pla(.e , h , and'gaVf.
a line of trees, indicating the presence tne Bj?nai KUrt
cf another stream Beyond the trees, ,nBtant,y ;he gleam launcne8 shot
was a cluster of huts, from whose win- away each wUh four boaU , to Th(.
dows white flags were flying. lawton BUHk bues , the . f
tuPd .ODe f SUtt&t nd 8aiV a" ley wer rth. but there was no
You 11 find no insurgents here. They n of th , k , ,th h
never dare to put out the white flags auncie8
while their soldiers are around." j wheaton soon saw that he was being
Just then the insurgents, concealed in !difitancea. in 8pite of the trwnendollB ef
a trench und-r the troes blazed away iforts of his meI. He gtoo1 u )n the
with a pretty substantial volley, fol-:Rtern of tfc , d hjg h t
lowed by a briek general fire. Wh on and houted ln a volce that roared
was Just at tie a Pft of the hov(. the no, f , t
Ninth infantry at the head cf his bri-) ..Wait for mp, WaR for mfie, B,ank
a., . , ,, , . jblank, you. wait for me!"
He swung a battalion of the Ninth But with bullets flying all around
around to face tr.e Kl.-j, and began !tnere waa no waUi foranybody. The
fir ng battalion 7o.ys. The 400 guns ; genPraI waved hls fl and h,
f? nKK is B rar ais,'lf hoar8e' 11 made bis b'" lauSh B0
?vlr ' " , . , !lhat the' couId hardly pull, but still
. At the same time neaton sent 8ixinot a Doat , k H t ,
companies of the Colorado volunteers , ,n a h hig wM ,
across the ford ana out nto the open ',,,, .,,. ,h Toal n. th Hgv It
plain, where the cavalrymen, who had!
already dismounted were Bettered care)eMi,y that afternoon, but he had
Al kJ? Y est they ctjld tO1wnMi a trick about makl boat
the Filipino fire. Wheaton sat on his
horse watrhing the Colorado men run
ning as hard as they could to get into
position, and, apparently unmindful of
the row the volleys of the Ninth were
making behind him. shoutsd to the Col
orados In a voice that must have car
ried clear Into the insurgent lines:
"Fire like h ! Fire like h ! I want
to hear the guns go off."
A Soldier Not a Mouse.
There is no milder-mannered man in
the army when "everything is quiet and
peaceful." But when there is trouble or
work to be done the language of the i
"ccem. s t to he as tropical ss the
climate where he is serving. If the believes in going ahead until the work
regulations were enforced and he were 'is done thoroughly. When the time
fined $1 for every word of the large D'slrame for him to make his feint he gent
he has used, it would have cost him a - for the colonel of one of the regiments
lot some years.
They tell a story In Manila of the
time an outpost on the railroad north
of town was attacked, early in the fight-
Th famous speculator whos colo rs vers ones known on every race
track la tbs country and v-bo was al most a bankrupt a few years ago
rncde another Test fortune la the X londiks which he has bssn quietly
enjoying lately on bis ranch. Hs b clitvss that h will recover.
ing days. The man who was on guard
waa nut pleased at being a target of
even such poor marksmen as the Fili
pinos, and he ran in and reported to the
officer in command of the post that he
bad been attacked by overwhelming
ri limbers
Word went up the line to General
Wheaton. who started down at once in
I the armored car. This was a flat car,
u picvea uj. uuner irou sei on enge
around It. Slx-pounder guns were
i mounted at each end. It was propel ieii
! . ""K ""an u: inow me a soldier.
il don't want to see a mouse.'
His First Expedition.
The first time Wiieaton commanded
: an expedition, which involved a boat
(would go at top speed. But with the
l insurgentfl in their trenches on the
I beach shooting at the men huddled in
!tlie tnere t ,
ln ,and, and thft , ffi ,
TOrnmana of tne iaunchp8, who had
;done the Mme tnj go m t, f
lu a.uiy. Knew juki now to ao u me:llnder hIg t.ommand CUplred Aguinal
quickest and best, dQ.s mothr and Agulnalll0., babv bov.
W heaton elected to go ln a pulling , Th!, napppnpd at Cab:,gllan. colonel,
. . , V, e'r
,haitv hllm Ti,l
u.u.i ,iu. on or:uL uc, iui unit. ,7JI
- - . ',n, vi.,w , 0,1oc, mm
Birkhimer Did It.
On one of the last campaigns before
General Otis was relieved of the chief
command in the Philippines, General
Wheaton commanded a column that
was operating to the southward of
Manila in conjunction with another col
umn commanded by Genera! Schwan.
It was expected that Wheaton ft old
make a feint against the Insurgents,
and hold them ln their position until
Schwan could get across the province
behind them and cut off their retreat.
But Wheaton is too much of a fighter
to do any fainting. TVhen he starts h?
in his command and said, as the story
"Birkhimer, they tell me the insur
gents are digging a trench down there.
I want yon to take a battalion down
and kill 'em."
Colonel Uirkhimer did it, and when
Schwan got his column across the
province it was just in timi to give the
fleeing insurgents another blow as they
An expedition whltu Wheaton com
manded was moving along a road south
cf Manila, when it came to a place
where a ditch crossed the way. and
made il Impossible to get anything on
wheels, guns or ambulance across, it
was a case for the ensineprs.
The pnneral looked around and failed
to see the engineer officer attached to
his staff, who had dropped down the
road to see something.
"Captain Mowland," Baid the general
to one of his aids, "wjiere are the en
gineers?" "I don't know, sir,' answered the cap
tain. "Down the ro;id somewhere. I
s.uppo.ie. Ill go d iwn and see."
The general gave a snort of displea
sure, and turr.ed to another of his aids.
"Ciptalu VebMr," lie said, "where
are the ? ',crs?"
"I don't jw. genera!.' replied the
captain. "I'll go down and see."
"Hump!" ejac ulp.tel the general as the
second aid rode away. "Down the mad
somewhere, I suppose, sprinkling col
ogne water."
No Respect for Filipinos.
Wheaton's contempt for the fighting
qualities of the enemy was proverbial.
He had no respect whatever for the
Filipinos as soldiers.
A discussion arose at his mess one
evening, in which some of the news
paper men who were following the
campaign took part. It had to do with
the g"!ieral character of the Filipinos,
and the pen era 1 expressed himself with
his customary vigor.
At last, one of the correspondents,
thinking that the discussion was get
ting rather warmer than it should, ven
tured a suggestion which he intended
to be of a conciliatory nature.
"Well, general." he tald. "you'll at
least admit that the Filipinos are
The general leaped to his feet, and
struck the table a resounding blow with
; his first.
" P-ravel" he shouted, "brave!"
They're hounds They're hounds!
They wont stand up to be shot!"
The other Fide of the general's char
acter was Illustrated when the forces
'bpn Major. Cronin effected the capture.
and the tidings were transmitted to
Wheaton by General Hare. Hack from
head'iiiarterb in San Fabian came the
rncoi;?: "Send the baby to me at
cmc." And it was done. No one could
have been kinder or more solicitous for
its welfare. The general 'personally in
terested bmself in caring for the in
fant, lie had it properly clothed and
fed. and at length sent It to Manila
with special directions that every at
tention be given the boy on the way,
Fi-.nston's Training.
It was under General Wheaton that
Funston learned to fight the Fllipiuoi.
Funston, good man though he was
when he came to the Orient, did not
understand the business as well as he
did subsequently.
One day the brigade was in action it.
a rice field. It was a broiling hot da,
FuriBton's regiment formed the Si v
line of battle. The little Kansas colonel
deployed his men in the regulation
manner, ordered them to lie down, and
opened fire.
Things went merrily for a few min
utes. The enemy was hidden in the
grass. So were the Americans. The
only clew to the presence of either were
the flashes of the guns, and the thin
haze of smoke. Also here and there a
wounded or a dead man.
Then General Wheaton, mounted on
one of the stunted native ponies, rode
soberly along the American position.
He did not pay the slightest heed to the
bullets that hummed around his ears.
But when he saw dead American sol
dier lying in the grass his eyes began
to blaze.
"Colonel Funnton." he roared, "what's
4hlc' U'lw,i' tut,
"I will in a moment," replied the
"What the blank dash are you wait
ing for, then?"
"For the peyiologlcal moment, fcir."
Wheaton snorted, swung himself
from bis saddle, and cpratig in advance
of the entire line.
"I'hycological be hung'" he cr'd.
"Come on, boys! Weil skin 'em out
And the whole line, Funston and all,
plunged headlonz after the general's I
thin fig'tre, heedless of rice, mud or
bullets. The enemy was destroyed. i
It was Wheaton's misfortune not to
gpt outside of the fniied States during
the war with Spain. Hn bitterly regret
ted the Inactivity to which he was
doomed In the peit -stricken Florida
Once I remember f-!ng the general
seated In front of his tnt on the lawn
of the Hotel Royal Palm, In Miami. It
wa'in the latter part of June, lSn!.
"What's new, general?" I asked, stop
ping for the usual afternoon (hat.
"Well," he answered, with an Inimit
able drawl, "I was thinking that this
Ib the funnleRt war I was ever engaged
In. Here I've been fighting like fury
for six ninntba, snd haven't hrard a
bullet yet!"
He hasn't had to make that complaint
of the Philippine campaign. J. 8. K.
A canvas recently made In regard to
the vacation work of the negro stu
dents In Atlanta 1'nlverniiy shows
that, of the more than a hundred men
and boys questioned, all but one elalmei
to have done somn remunnive work
during the summer. Four worked
upon farms. Several taught country
schools. 1 be rest found employment
in the cities or at ummer resorts.
The total amount earned by these ntu
dctiU will aggregate over $4,000.
A committee ha been appointed hv
the management of the St, UjiiIs ex
position, eonrlntlng of lawyers from ev
ery stata and territory In this country,
to arrange for an International enn
press cf lawyers and Jurists during the
presets of the fa!r.
now Bev. Caldwell Gave Hymn
Books to Provide Gunwadding
for Continental Army.
;pw York Tribune: For years and
years the only claim to fame which the
New Jersey village of Caldwell boasted
v as that it was named in honor of Rev.
James Caldwell, than whom no revolu
tinuary hero is held in greater esteem
by true Jerseymen. Then Grover
Cleveland was elected president of the
.l,'i!it'J States, and the villagers re
membered that he had been born in the
o!d parsonage in the western part of
the village. That was a fine thing for
C ald'.veil, and the villagers boasted.
Now It is becoming known to many
Yorkers as a most delightful suburb i.i
which tii live all the year round. Scores
of iittrjet;ve cottages which they have
built t'.re show this.
("aldwi 11 is a pictiire-q';e v! II: e".
with all the dignity of age in Its heavily-shaded
streets and quaint houses,
covered with moss ami Ivy. It is built
on p. hill overlooking the Passaic riv
er valley, and surrounded by other
hills, all well wooded. Beautiful drivs
lead hwjy through the Orange ra.iini
tains in various directions. It is a
co n, try with many of the beet traits
o' th-; dlroniiarks, and all within
n.iPnUs of the New York ferry I .).-
The ::io;'y of the man for whnin Cai.!
well is tamed is known through i-.l!
Jersey, iii:l the part of it which Cr'
Harto told in 1i!h poem. "Caldwell cf
cpi ingheld." is react around the wo: !c
It i"i a strange story, with two tragedies
and a Nir.iorous bit. in between. H r"
ic is, as an old-tinier in Caldwell de
lights to tell it:
"So ;ni never heard of Caldwell, the
'fighting parson!' Well, I declare! i
thought every American knew about
him. We named the town after him,
smi as It'r as fine a village as there 's
in New Jersey it's no small comn'i
ment to bis memory. Down in Kiizi
heth thev erected a monument to him
in the church yard. But. d-o y-o-u
K-no-w. if I was dead, I'd rather hae
a real live town named after me than
a monument?
"As I wa3 saying:. It's a wonder yo.i
don't know the story, but I'll tel lit.
Parson C'dwell wan preaching uo n in
i:ii;:uVthtown when he started to ,1gl t
ire, ur.uiin. tie ueiieved in works as
well lb faith, and volunteered as a
chaplain. He was popular among the
men from" the day he proposed a least
to Amerien on hearing of the declari
tion of independence. It went like
"Harmony, honor and all prosperity
to the free and independent Cnlted
Suites of Amerien wise legislator -brave
and victorious armies to the
United Slates of America!"
"While bp was fighting with Wash
ington's crmy some Hessian sol.lii ri
shot tnd killed his wife as she stood In
the window of their home, at Connecti
cut l iirm.-i. she had a babe in her
arms, but the hired fiends did not mind
that. The parson heard of it in camp
through the conversation of a couple
of careless troopers. He came back
from liis ruined home a changed man.
"He was on the firing line at the bat
tle of Springfield, in June, 17S0, and the
Hessian troops were opposed to the pa
triots. The soldiers ran out. c wad
dirg, and vere about to fall back, when
Caldwell rushed to the Presbyterian
cuirch and returned with his arms f.i!l
of hymn books. He rushed up and
down the line, throwing the books right
and left, pnd crying out as he ran:
" Put Watts into 'em! Boys
'em Wi Us!'
"And they did 'give 'em Watts'
tin iiloody liritisli ran.
"The other traced v? Yes. I
, give
there were two. I referred to the death
of Caldwell. He was shut the n"xt
year by John Morgan, a drunken sol
dier of the Jersey militia. They hang
ed Morgan, but that did not give back
a livlrg Caldwell, so we named the town
alter him. and, d-o y-o-u k-n-o-w, I'm
glad we did?"
Sweden Understood America.
New York Tribune: Now that the
question as to who was our friend at
the time of the war w ith Spain has been
thrashed out, one might start a discus
sion ns to who really thought that we
were going to win. At the Hotel Man
hattan recently C. S. Clark, of Chicago,
was teilir? of a trio he took through
Europe In the summer of IsitS, and of
what he found the sentiment on this
fju"stion to be. "Outside of England,
which we who were abroad that year
felt to be really like home. I found
but one place where It wes thought we
would win. In France we were foolish,
in Austria they had us paying an In
demnity to Spain, but up in Sweden I
found a young officer In a naval Ktation
who was confident that we could wipe I
the Spanish navy off the water. Some
how or other he had manatred to see
something of (lie Inside of he Spanish
navy, and also of the navy of the Unit
ed States, and hence, he Bald, came his
confidence. I remember, too, he re
marked to me. "If you do whip Spain
ton will have to double your navy
That's the penaltv of victory." I found
many other people In Sweden wW were
most friendly to im; they all seemed to
have a most genuine regard for the
I 'lted Stntes. and admiration for our
rv.wer n'd oer methods of doing
Making Light From Smoke.
Science: A Belgian engineer. Toblan
sky. ban Invented an apparatus for pro
ducing light from Ptnoke. It appear
that the origin of th smoke Is a mat
ter of indifference. It is simply forced
into a receiver, where It Is saturated
with hydrocarburet. and can then be
burned, giving a brilliant Illumination
The Orest Forests of Txn
Although usually regarded as a land
of plains and prairies, Texas Is an Im
portant lumber-producing state, and
millions of feet of lumber are rut an
nually in the eastern part of the state.
Texas poses some 61,000 square
miles of woodland, the largest area of
the kind in any American common
wealth "The Story of Texas." Pear
son's Magazine.
Mi Mudge works on the sympathi. r
of her audience when the curtain gens
tip by oprtesrlns dlngulsed as a He',
Cross hospital on the field of battle
Chicago Tribune.
ITe Vfho Would Cet on Best Jtus
Ilavo Good Manners.
New York Commercial Advertiser
It is far too common a hnhlt ( ith man
piiple to depredate courtesJ' a3 a sit
perlieial attraction, an unnecessar)
hamper on social intimacy. It la nelth
i-r the one nor the other. It is ver
rarely that courtesy in a man Is not th
outward and visible tdgn of other ad
mirable qualities within. It la not ne
cessarily an indication of kindliness ol
heart, but it is very often its outward
manifestation, and. at any rate, cour
tesy Indicates that a man Is not sc
wrapped up in himself ana his ow n per
fections r.s to forget what is due to oth
er people, especially to women. It oilf
the wheels of lite and good umler.-tand-Ing.
for every woman will show to bet
ter advantage when she feds safe from
ill manners and tactlessness. A cour
teous man will put a womau on good
terms with herself, and cotiKequently
on good terms with him, whereby he
reaps his reward In many wa' s. Even
a bad-tempered shrew Is not Insensible
to good manners; and calm courtesy
will often avert an attack of "tantrums"
or hysterics.
Seeing the enormous value of this
quality of courtesy In the appreciation
of men and women, It is very strangf
that day by day the courteous man If
becoming more and more rare, until
Boon the last specimen will have to be
captured for the museum of natural his
tory, to be placed next to the dodo
among the extinct species. Bad man
ners rule the town, and are to be met
with where one would least expect
them to be found. The older men of the
present day still retain some traditions
of that courtesy which dlKtlngulshei
their fathers, and which they have not
known how to hand on to their sons. ;
Such courtesy la, alas! now condemned i
as "old-fashioned." What would!
those forefathers have said to the young
man of the present day who lounges In-i
to a room full of ladies with both hands
plunged In his pockets: who will stand
and talk to a lady In the same attitude;
who will seat himself at table before
she Is seated; who will not rise to open
the door for her if she leaves the room;
who will remain seated when a lndy
stops to talk to him in passing, and a
thousand other trivial signs and tokens
of lack of manners having 1 li"lr root in
indolence, conceit and selfishness? That
the women of the present day are con
siderably to blame for allowing young
men to lxl.ave thus. Instead of turnlii"
their backs on them and s'ti-ik 1 Ip
mrit'R them. Is tinnuesH.-in ibl : but
wo w ores don't make ri rigV."
i'or a man's social careor among wo
men fi uitesy is a trump rur I. It Is
not the only one. Women admire r.r
age (another development of the qual
ity of strength which Is the strongest
magnet of all for women I honesty,
good lr-!!.if", generosity, r.i.i .lc-fuln-M
I Alien m-i carried to the po' i: of hui'
!":, (iexterity in sport of Ml kinds,
r.r.d, of course, physical br'ait'y; but a
man may have all of these an 1 youth
beside to recommend him and yet not
find himself "hi the running'' with a
gray-haired senior who has realized
the occult influence of deferential co.ir
tesy toward women. Courtesy, like
charity, covers Innumerable sins. A
maa may be the greatest rapscallion
on earth, but if he has good manners
women will like him and fight his bat
tles. He may be a paragon of all vir
tues; if. however, lie lacks courtesy and
is rough and Ill-mannered, his virtues
may help his celestial salvation, but
will be of no use at all fur his social suc
cess on earth. Therefore, let the man
who wanta to be liked by women re
member that, however much women
may differ In their Individual tastes,
good manners and good tempera have
never yet failed to find favor In the
eyes of the daughter of Eve.
A Saving in Conversation.
Chicago Inter Ocean: If It were pos
sible to devise a scheme whereby cer
tain obvious and Indisputable remarks
could be expressed in characters a
gnat saving In conversation and com
;jOHition would be the result. The St.
t-ouis Globe-Democrat's HUBucstlon of
society for tne suppression of hack
neyed observations Is In line with
this thought.
The Globe-Democrat has taken the
trouble to point out a few of the time
worn and moss-covered commonpiaceu
that would not be missed If eliminated
altogether. For example; "It H m,t
the actual degree of heat reentered hy
the thermometer which makes It so
iincomfmiuble; It is tne humidity of
the atmosphere." ' I don't mind the
money! It's the principle of the thing."
"One never understands the name
when one Is Introduced to a person."
"If the watir were filtered It would ba
hint ar good nx the water of any city."
"The tiouble about going to summer
gardens Is it takes you so long to get
These, of courw, are obvious observa
tions peculiar to St. Ixmls. But we
,1'!i,r R f''w Chicago that are equally
Thought New Boarder Reflected Up
on Character of Her Houae.
Philadelphia Times; As a new
boarder, h" was given extra attention
at his first breakfast, and was aiked by
the landlady:
"Will, how did you enjoy your rest
after a change of quarters?"
"I didn't rest much," he replied. "1
was troubled all night with Insomnia."
"Sir," was the landlady's Indignant
comment, 'you should not say such a
thing at table! I've never heard such a
complaint before in 22 ye-ars as aiouse
keeper, and I'd have you knofn. sir,
I've had your betters as my botfldcrs!
And," she went on, as ho flusterlngly
began to mumble an explanation, "I do
not believe you. sir. and am willing to
bonrd you free If you find a single one
on that lied!"
Wages In Spain,
In Spain a man who works on a fsrm
receives about 25 cents. In the vine
yards wages range from 14 cents a day
for women end boys at 21 cents for un
skilled men, and 42 or 50 cents for those
upon whose nklll the whole responsi
bility of the rslsln crop rests.
A correspondent -eif the New York
Times says: "How beautiful thn
itatufi of Liberty Is now' Nature hns
tnerrlrg Hsl and cannot abide a
rrudlty. The soft green mold she lavs
jver bronze ham brought the spletmld
torch-bearer Into a wonderful tone In
aarmony with water and eky colors.'
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