Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 17, 1902, Image 1
V Harrison .-Press -Journal. Y- XIV - HATPTsn-NT Tvx-rTc- mzrzz;7zi JzizTTr Z:zzi JL x-.ri.ujxajjiiY, j K.J-7-102. Ln C. 3 L HARRISON HAPPENINGS Mrs. HiiKnn:tH moved thin week. into town I As hay mi.' time has come everybody is busy making hay, (Jo to Patterson's for Singer Machine and suptrfie. 50if. Geo. Istvis, of Warren Wyo. made us a pleasant call list Wednesday. Mr. Evelyn Rose paid the Journal family a short visit last Saturday. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. II. Davis; Siit. Just received: A new consignment of men and boys clotlmur lit GERLACMS. J. W. Hunter purchased the Ed. Maine place und moved on to tins same thin week. V. A Hester accompanied bv J. H. Wilhermsdorler, made a trip to his ranch in Wyo. litis week. General Barry of Greely Co. was nom nated at Kearney hv the fusiomsts for congress on July 10. Offing t' lack of space our local news incut short this week, b'H will try and do better next weak. More anil better poods for the same money at GerUich's store than any other place, try them. 10-tf For Sale: 100 acres of land joining 1he villag- of Harrison; for further partic ulars inquire at this office. 40 Mrs. W. H, Hough came tip from Pierce Nehr. last week, to visit for a while with friends and relatives in this vicinity. 1 am now prepared to weave cartels. 10 cts. for hit and miss and 12 j for stripped. Warp furnished at cost. Mrs. J. A. Thayer. 30 tf I will hold Institute) this year, Itegin- ning Auiir-t 4, continuing two weeks. J. B. Burke. Co. Supt. Wanted Reliable man for Manager of a Branch we wish lu-nnt,n in thi .;...... .. c-" '"-) Mere is a g,Kl oening for Uas right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. T. A. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE. CWINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps. 29 3 Miss Lisuie and Katie Prsons accom panied by George Williams, Conrad Par sons, arid Howard Burke made allying trip to Bodarc, lat. Sunday and enjoying a fine sermon delivered hv Emery Zim merman who is lilting the pulpit at Bodarc this hummer in the absence of Rev. Rice An Iter Ihe sermon they went to t7ie"TH7srrftaMcj home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman where, everybody Uriels a welcome, and filled up on the good things that Mrs. Zimmerman and miss inline Know o well hoar to prepare and after enj lying the socialiilly of the young people of that vicinity they turned their faces toward 1 larrisort and arrived in time lor Laaguejtnd church Servio i i i 2 null ' O ar Ward was down from the VT last Saturday trying to get men to work in the bay field.. He was offering $1.5) per day hut could not find any men that were idle. Lee' Lice and Mite Killer is the great est insect destroyer, the greatest labor saver and the least expensive in the end. No handing of fowls or animals. Bold by J. E. Phiuney. If you want a quick action, light-run ning. stem-winder, hair-tricker, ball-bearing and Triple-expansion Mower or Rake go to Oerlach's and ft, a Ieering. Get your twine now. Notice to Tax Pavers. All personal tax that it due must be paid at once or I shall proceed to collect Ute same by law, John I. Davis Co. Treasurer. Sava your cattle from the ternbls re sultsof blackleg by using Dr. Ren's Black leg Vaccine, Safe.sureand speedly. lit gives a Dickie plated injector free with every order for 10 doses or more. Read his advertisement in this piper. The fourth quarterly nieettng'of the M. E. Church for Harrison charge will be held at Harrison July 2627. As this is the last quarterly meeting of the year a large attendance is desired. Retr. J. A. Hcamaborn. the Presiding Elder, will be present and conduct the servits. The same Old .Story, J. A. Kelly relates an exerience sinri- I find myself this patriotic day here at my old home in Iowa. The day has been a fine one for family reunions, picnics, fishing, and various amusements. I find that nineteen years has brought about many changes in various ways. The city of Muscatine has gained live thousand inhabitants and is a very busy place. There are 23 lml ton factories where children ten years of age can earn their dollar and a half or two dollars a week and those of lifleen to eighteen can earn front three to "even dollars a wek so it is very hard for people to secure girls to do housework. The oatmeal factories also (employ many hoys and girls. A smart woman can earn three dollars a week at home sewing buttons on to cards. The Library building is a nuignifican t structure, and they haw juslr:ompletcd a large ho-pital. The electric street cars make my head svini, I realy think there is too much commotion here to suit one who h.is lived in the quiet so long as I have, Freddie is delighted with all lieseesand wants to see more. There has been so much rain here, com is backward and oats are falling. On tint whole corn looked better in Nebraska than in Iowa when I left home June 23, There were a few fields of very line corn and some look er! as if it never would make anything. We intend to take a Itoat ride and cross the river on the brige Jbefore we return home. The brige is one hundred feet altove the water, I was sorry to learn that even a "Iraby cyelone"had visited ourold neighbors, hut glad it was no worse. Storms seem to be the order of Ute limes. It is now July the 10 th and Ute rains continue, so we do not get to go around as much as we had intended. The Odar river is so high w can't cross it now to go and visit the cemetery where niv dear mother was laid to rest thirty seven years ago. I find the quiet resting places of the dead are under going changes as well as all others. Freddie finds so many relatives he has riiwd to number them. Ho likes this country very well only the mud, and it is decidedly unpleasant about getting around. I feel the difference in the air very decidedly, it is harder work to breathe here than in Nebraska. I can still shout Hurrah for Nebraska. Cl.io. Muscatine Iowa, July 10. 02 Commlslonera Proceedings Continued. Harrison Sioux Co, Nebr., July 7, 1902. The county Commissioners met as per adjournment. Present commissioners Meng, Lewis, Bigelow and Witt. J. A. Rauro, clerk. The following preamble and resolut ions were on motion adopted; whereas the assessed valuation of Sioux County for the year 10(0 is only $093550.54 corrected by the Board of equalization. Subject however to correction bv the l. lerk, so tar as clerical errors may ap- said sum Ur to that which has hapiiied in almost very neighborhood in the United States and has ln told and re told by thous ands of others. He says: '-Last sum mer I hud an attack of dysentery and purchased a bonis Ol i tiamoeriani Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 1 1"', whereas 9 mills levy on ... ,. .wi make $0212.00, and the Board of which V d according to directions and . ; . 1 county comiiicsioners are only allowed with etiT.fely satisfactory results. The , warrunt for MffUOi tl,ereof trouble was controlled much quicker j it resolved that the following items than former attacks when I used other J included in the estimate of exssnses for remedies." Mr. Kelly tsawell known 'e year 1002; viz:ditrict court expenses f i u 1 salaries, stationary, printing and publish f or sale ny . Ill, iricrueiliwi eAiuunr, inniiiuw uuu officers fees Ire reduced to come within 9 mills on the dollar, of the tola! assessed citizen of Henderson, N. 0, J. E. Phinnoy. Caix Foh But Harrison, Nebr., July 10 Iff. Sealed Bids for two costs of point on the outside wood work, Ism mid cup stones st windows, si"! doors and nip stones of found stion, wall, and to repitir tut gutter m roof. HMls will be received until lOo'elock A. M. Antrast M IM st lh:ierk'sofllo In Unrrl smi Jlebr. The Ikmrrt reserte the rlht to reject n or ll bids. Win. J. A. Ilaum, llifk. valuation of Sioux county, for the year 1902, and that the items of county Hoard puroes included in the estimate of ex I reuses for 1902 be stricken out. To pre serve county revenue for the year 1901 the Board hereby makt the following levy on a valuation of $fltfit5A0.54 for general funs' 0 mills on the dollar valu ation, for bridges 4 mills on the dollar he hereSv is ordered to levy on the valu ation of Bo-.ven Bond predict the num. Iter of 4 mills on the dliar valuation f. r the purpose of providing binking fund lor Bowen precinct Kond Sinking Fund. It appears that sufficient amount is in the comity Treasury above the aiiiotua of Sinking Fund, needed to pay interest on said Bond, due Dcceinlrer lit. 1!l(r2 It appearing to the Board that u special tax is necessary to provide for the pay ment of outstanding district warrants. and to liquidate indebtedness against the following road districts, the Board here by make tins following levies: Road District No. 2 ' 13 " 12 " 9 " 4 On motion the Clerk be and he is here by s i uiUereJ to levy ort the valuation of the d liferent sch iol,, Jist.ricts the amounts legally Hied and cert i lied to Ihe proper ofllcers Ut be so levied, also the reuuired number of mills respectively to raise the amount of interest ntal Sinking Fund on school District Bonds and commission lor collecting same. On motion Board went wtoregiilar session as the county Board. The following claims against Sioux County were taken tip, examined, audit ed, and en motion allowed, reduced or rejected. Claimed fv! 03 51 HO 51.00 5 00 Claimed f4 t.OO 4!)0 53.00 31.50 52.00 2.W) 40.00 40 00 52.20 sr. 00 On motion Board adjourned until July Kth 1902. Win. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present commissioners, Meng, Lewis, Bigelow, and Wm, J. A. Rinm, clerk i n motion the Clerk is instructed to draw a warrant on road, district .No. 9 in - .... ... tavurw tirant tiuttirie lor vi.W in lieu of road certificate issued to H. S. Parks for the year 1901 and cancel said certificate. The following claims against Sioux County were taken up, examined, audit ed, and on motion allowed, reduced or held for taxes: Claimed Allowed AlexLowry 7l 10 71 10 Fremont Tribune 00.53 00 53 M. F. Harrington 302.20 302.20 Atty fee Russell case, state of Nebi-aska, vs Order Yosr DLACKLEO VACCINE BY BAIL Professional Ca: 1 ; and you will always be sure of petting it pure, fresh and full of strength. Dr. REA'S BLACKLEG VACCINES. in ffunrarUeed U protect yuur cuttle from lilackleg. Each piu 01 vaccine is an exact done, una vaccination is sure safe and certain. . , DR. REA'S INJECTOR puts the pill tinder the skin easily, quickly una skillfully. ay oruermtrnirect, you trtslt vaccine Immediately wimorit aeiay, as it is peit by return uiuil, fully prepaid, en receipt of price. Co. .t It i , liit . Hlrkel riaK-A Inrrrlnr, . . 91.00 10 Doses '. 1111 .I'orml, - '.00 VX ;! - a-o it " " " - ij.no 100 ' . . lo.OIJ These price! are NET. No dlHcount. M. J. O'Coiiiiell, - o- Mill Pmr.'iw i:i All V nrU. Special .U leu! inn L'itcu fo :.jm1 .'ll'ti UtlsilH'SS. tiHcclii.us mil nil l:iis!!icss t-n'.ru " In me tvC! receive p,-., m pi n'iuAU f n w r A v war ar wm mai oneof my d nicaei riaieu injeciora rniur. wiin every unrcr rnr 10 do For a short time only ry omer rnr 10 dotes or JNOl Write for S3 page Troatise on BLACKLUU. It Is FREE, nly, I ollar .tut. Wltn evTV finrnr rnr 10 nan. ... ninra of trr. Iten'a Itlackleir Varrclnr!. Nrtt mitri hv rinKn.i.1, dealer or aeu 18. FKliPAKED AND SOLD ONLY By ' DR. CHA8. L. REA, 220 East 32d Street, New York City. til ertJIs iMVeu .r, ililice iv, One -HAKItlON . iH t .ill. a: ; more. KHUKAHKA. Mary Staudeninaeir 15.00 15 00 Coorlsen L-tcv 10.00 15.50 Itefeml.tnts, witnesses ordered hy Court to Ire paid hy the county. UeorgeLakin 15,00 14.50 Diedrii k Nelsrrn 15.00 signed to J. O. Maher. Myrtle Akes 10.00 John Ferris 13.00 signed to J. ( M'lher l has. 'f. A kes 17.50 signed to (. A. Adams A, Mcfrinley 10,00 Name W. II. Wr ight II. Ziiiiini-rircin Charles Dippert Charles Uiirert Peter Peterson James Nelson W. M. Otiylmrt J, H. Bieser J. ' '. Parsons Henry (Vivey A. 0. Cullers It. W. Ha.n rker Pat Lacy 1 has, Newman Allowed Held for taxes Allowed $25 49.80 53 00 31.50 52 60 20.80 40.00 40.00 52 20 87.00 27.50 Alex Lowry Charles Russell. Alex Lowry 25 10 J. B. Burke 82.40 Wm. Martin 12.00 Held for taxes Steve Serres 3.80 Louis Wolheter 8. 70 Wm. (lay hart 8.80 C. C. Burke 80.44 Fremont Trihune 34 07 O. M. Lacy 2.50 Marsteller Brhs 6.00 Dieckniann & Lacy 0.00 Wm. J. A. Ittum' 114.50 Witness fees, state of Charles Russell, Chas. Staudenmaeir 40.20 signed to M. J. O'connell. 27.50 25.90 82.40 12.00 3.80 3.70 8.80 80.44 34.07 2.50 6.00 9 00 114.56 Nebraska ys 40.20 As- L. C. Lewis John Dieckniann John Cleland John I. Davis Franklin Force 9.00 10 00 7.00 12.00 7.00 9.00 9,40 6.90 11.70 7.00 As- 14.00 13 40 16.00 11.80 As 4.20 held for tax signed to J. O. Maher, held for taxes Ed Pullen 13.00 10.00 f 1 held for taxes J. E. Phinnty Joseph Varley signed to J, 1. Maher, John Dlomherg A. T. Hughson John O. Mahor Frank C. Lewis (3iarles Rasher Wni. Smoke E.ra Tucker signed to J. . Maher. Wm. Buckley 15 00 signed to J. (. Maher. J. S, Tucker 15.00 signed to O, Guthrie. 15.00 15.00 35.50 13.00 2.10 15 00 15.00 14.00 14 50 35.50 13.00 2.10 15.00 14.00 As- 15.00 As- 14.20 As. Edward fiwart, Jhrist Christenson Jens Jensen signed to (). Guthrie Michael Bulling 18.00 Chas, E. Rasher G. J. Martin James Force signed to J, G. Maher. W O, Patterson 10.00 signed to G. Guthrie. Mae Weslover MM 15.00 14.70 15.00 14.70 15.00 8.60 As 5,90 held (of taxes 14.50 11.07 5.83 held for taxes 19.00 16.50 89.70 89.70 12.90 As- 18.50 As- 67.80 the 14.50 As- 10.00 13.00 As 17.50 As- JauitiS It. ( onl 10.00 15.50 1(5.00 J. M. McKusick signed to (. Outhrie H. II. Russell Belle Russell Rehccca Russell J. E. Pliiiniey E nery Cilruor W. W. Snvder sign rl to Then. 1901 Statu te.. Held for taxes 15.00 14,50 As- 15.00 1150 15.00 14.50 15.00 14 50 25 00 20.00 7 60 7.00 41.10 20.25 As Figg. Chapter 28, Section 5; For hoarding prisoners per day, not x- feeding i5 I'ls per day, nor more than $1.50 per week when the prisoners are confined toore than six (lavs. Harry Irwin Charles MorrissAy signeil to Theo. Figg. i 'has. F. IVrjau 24.50 63.70 10.25 42.25 As 70.50 62.00 9.00 0 00 W. A. Birdsall 53.25 50.00 " 145.25 130.75 On motion commissioners adjourned until July 9. 1902. Win . J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison Sioux Co. Nebr.. July 9 1002. Boaid met as per adjournment. Pre sent couimisMoncis, Meng, Lewis, Bige low and Wm J. A. Raum, clerk. The fnllowjnjr claims airainst Sioux County wtre'laketi up, utidilud and al lowed. Slate of Nebraska vs Charles Russell. Claimed Crmit (Jnllirie t2."." Sylvester Mulitoorr 31.50 31.0(1 Assign ed to Ttn o. HH"t. CantplH Allowed Henry Whiting 2-11 2.10 M. K. Mirk 2.10 -2.10 to (.'. V. Car ley. Krrtnk llttriis 2.10 ii.IO to C. V. Cnriey. (ieorjfn W. t rant '2.10 2.10 Fred Uiemi 2.10 2.10 " to Tlreo. t'igjr ,J. A. Jennings 2.K1 2.10 W". T. Smith '2.10 2.10 J. A Minikres 2.10 2, Hi J. Vi . ilitinillori .I0 2.10 " to ('. V. I'arlcy K. H. Krwny 2.10 2.10 ' t C. v. t .'arley, W. K. Lyoa. 1.50 1.50 I.Hlsn on Court House (ieo. Ailums IJ.OO 12.00 Supplies tor panpnr J. II. Kartell 12.04 12.01 ZZi For Juil T. (I. Wiili.nns (i.ri) 8. SO Her U'i-H in Force e.iso IJ. W. llejter ul..",l ,;i.b2 ;2V.6'.I helil fur tax Coul, for county J. K. t ohhe-y 0.0J Co; I Code for Co. J . tiranl (iirilrrle b.Oo s.00 liefnnd tax lllegaly collected August .Meier 45.U0 '2.i.00 v oo.t lor parrjrer I David Amlcr-Boa 112.00 1I2 00 Mippllcs for pauper II moiitlrs , 11. J. CUoiinoll 30.00 I1J.W) j Kxprrme in itussvll trial N. E. Aniistroin l.w l.r0 Slierilfs fee 1 it Hiisnell tiinl Hill Bhutto s.wi ri.00 Wiiiics'i la Uitssell trial Sanrael Morehead 2.HI 2,10 A- signed to i ireo. 1- itfg . C. W. Thurston 2,10 2.10 " to '1'lreo. c lge. J. A. .Macoml.cr 2.10 2.10 ' to 'l'riv o. t ltfe?c. Vi . Iw oauliur.it 4.W 4.00 lO I'll iu. f iKC. John V, .Sjiria'Klea 3;W 3.30 V. Ij. Illlbert 2.10 2.10 I.. V. Ho.vinu.il '2.10 2.10 s Z . a. ttraiison ' 1.-25 1.25 1 .sheriff fees in KnnHell case A, VV. (;ritos& W. ji. FuiiuhitJ ouo.oo 4OO.0J Atiy. itussell cxe C. 11. Vnnkiik 4.00 4.00 .Slierllf fee in Itaj.Hoil eao CUim. F. Durgaii J.0O i,,uo ,she:iff " - . " " " 3.75 3.75 " " ' 6.25 5.25 GRANT GCTIUilE. AUorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all Ujn, matters in Justice, County ami Dirtlnc Courts, and hefore the TTi.irte,! Ht... Land Ollice. Fire Insurance written in reliahl companies. CU'Legal papers carefully drawn. Hahiuson. - Nebhaska. North-Western. ..LINE F. E. II. V. II. R. to and from the is the best . BLACK HILLSj; UKAIMVOOll AND HOT KI'UInJs. SfJUTll DAKOTA. V. K. A U. V K. it. lime table., (iotnt? "-sat. Going Eas- S. .1, mixed, ....10:M So. u, w.ixed M. Wiilhim 14.(0 cd to Hank of ( rsn ford. Chas. lilcliardson 13.50 el to t rairford tferoliHritlle ' j M.J. O'Coanoll 1 4.00 Assign I expenses lit Uussell trial. Win. Locklcr 20.10 Hoy Unudnll 12.10 to Theo( Figg. J.J. Adsrrrs 13.50 to G. M. Adamn, Thos. Kilsgiral 12.10 to C. V, Curley. C. W. Thorn ton to Theo. Flgijo. Isaac Muyotre 13.75 to Theo. FiKKo. L. K.Motn fi.10 G. H. Willis 12.10 J. W. Ilowland 13 50 L. V. Itowirnin W. 10 to Theo. Klttffff. J. W. llawiey to G. M. Adams. Orvllle MesseriKer 12.75 Frank Carnplsdl 12.31 to Theo KlKKr. I.. N. Cnrtwrlght 12.75 to Theo. Flifgn. Mat Wlnshlp 12.10 to Theo. KIitko. Ilimry Steer 2.10 to C. V. Carley. G. W Wnlbrldge 12.50 to Theo. fiftw. V. H. Alloway 13 15 to Theo. Klgge. Kd llartmsn T2.75 to Thsoi Flgge. A. Itoherts 13.80 to Theo. Kluje. J. W. WalU 12.10 to Theo. Hggo. John Ieetnb 110 Cliidn II. OukIi 2.10 to C. V. Csrloy. J. L. I'sul 2.10 David Mess 29 10 to Theo. Flgiro. Samuel Moreheml to Theo. Kigge. John Br.raeklsa 211. 10 W. T. l'slmnr John Chlzrk to Theo. Flggo. John A. Miiutrrber J9.10 Thro. Klggo. Irwin Jackaon 2.10 to (l. v. Carley. Kit llurlinnriii z 10 tod. V.Crrloy. Rlrrruy Williams 211. 10 3.50 Assign- o. 29.10 2.10 3.50 2.10 20.10 29.10 3.75 2.10 2.10 3.50 29.10 12.10 12.10 2.75 . 2.30 2.75 2.10 2.10 4.50 3.15 2.75 S.K0 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 20.10 29.10 29.10 1.04 Jells C. Jlleag L. C. Lewis K. A. liigclow 4.75 S4.40 )U.40 72.25 72.25 Services, Uo. Coiinniieiioiier 61. Si (I1.S5 127, on Held for tnxe.t 2.10 1 II. 10 29.10 j" 29.10 2.10 " 2.10 49.10 Hold for truss n.H.ti4ii. tiniLtlitp l).t)rk be fndMuuedtoW. J, O'ZoniwII. Nil Hi sir Ilronhiirst to Theo. Klitgo. Dwlifhl Card 2.10 K. II. I'hllllp 30.00 Chnrlns Morremu-y 2.10 to Theo. riffgn. I'rtrlck Kyntt 1.10 too. r. Carley IlenjHtrrln lorwsnthM 2.10 lu V. V. tsi lty. 29.10 29,10 2.10 30.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 Johu I. Davis, Co. Treasurer is hereby instructed, and no ordered by the county Board to transler $10 84 from special Road District Fund, district No. 12. The following claims against Sioux County were laid over for further consideration: V. B. Carley, Clerk Dist. Court $75.78 Uoorge Beiihaur, Baiiill' 12.00 Chas. L. llilbert " 30.00 L. K. Mote ' 14.00 George Benham ' 10.00 H. U. Mead ' 24.00 On motion the Clerk is instructed and is hereby so ordered to draw a warrant on General Fund 1902 in favor of E. D. Satterlee for 450 dollars, Settlement, Hull & Satterlee vs Sioux County. John I. Davis county Treasurer! You are instructed and hereby so ordered to draw from the General fund of the county 132.84 and apply the sama on the taxes of E. D. Satterlee and issue j him lax receipts for the amount. You are also instructed to apply 1(52.80 iu like manner on the taxes of llonry Zimmer man and issue him lax receipts for the same. You are also instructed to apply $12.00 in like manner on the Uxes ol Wm, Martin and issue him tax receipts for same. You are iusttucted to apply $1 on the taxes of Ed Pullen in like man ner and issue tax receipts for same. You are also instructed to apply $4.20 on the taxes of Joseph Varley and issue him tax receipts for same, You are al so instructed to apply $5.00 on the taxes of Jens Jensen and issue him lax receipts for ame. You are also instructed lo apply $5.83 on the taxes of Miclmul Ruff ing and issue receipts for same. You are instructed lo issue $27.90 on the tax es of John Hpruklen and issue lax receipts for same. Also you are instructed to apply $29.10 on the taxes of Ihrney Williams and is-.ue tax receipts for same You lire also instructed to apply $50 on the taxes of Chas. Dipjiert and issue tax receipts for same. On motion Board adjourned until August J8 1902. Wm. J. A. Raum; Co. Clerk. K. ROHWER, Dealer in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, & CHAMPION Harvesting Machines. We regret exceedingly to lent,) that, northwest Nebraska's pioneer mousing Rev. J. Sloan, pastor at large In- iM Fresbyterian church, is probnhly m, his death bed iu Omaha, word having U en, eceived hy the family here that lie submitted to an operation ft r calcul , and the attending physicians state clfl not recover. We si ncei tly hope il, ,t his condition may take some turn r,,r I he better whereby he will h spar al f,.r additional years of usefulness' A ll,uoe Heaild. 'Tarn using a box of Chamls-rlainV stomach & Liver Tablets and lind them the best thing for my stomach I ever used," says T. W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loo mis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct disorders of the stomach but regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv J, E. Phinney. Cut this out ar.d lake it to Phinney 's Drug Store and tet a box of Clin ml Is lam's Stomach & Liver Tablets. 1 Ti,e best physic. They olso correct disuidtrs of the stomach. Price 25 cents. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of air order of sale lsscd hy is, clerk of the district court of ;sioux count , , Nebraska, upon a decree rendered In snhl court In favor of slonx County, plaintiff, and riKalnst Martha M. Ilovcy, John W llovby, Nelson Ilovcy, Aloazo A. Ilovcy, ( heslcr llovuy, N011I1 11. Hovoy, Kli.a Cur! prntor, Frank Phillips, I,l.zie KogtirH, Clarice A llanermair, William A. Ilovcy, Flora U. Ilovcy , Klla Jl.. Shrek, lilchard Ilovcy, heir, of Jinnes . Iluvey, deceased, Showalter MorlKiW Company, n curporullon, Annuel T. Ames, ss defdiidiints, I will on the lsth il,.y ol AiiKnst, 1902, nt 0110 o'clock In the arter 110011 of said day at the east front door of the court house or said county at Hnrrlwin, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tlio IiIkIi est bidder forcsli In hand, the tallmi-ji.g , drscrtlrcd real estate sltuatod In suiilcomny to wit: The north half of the northeast quarter, the northmist quarter of the north, west quarter of section right, and t h. north west quarter or the northwest quarter if section nine, In township thirty two norths or ritirgo nrty-four west of the sixth princi pal meridian, to satisfy said otdur ol mile 1 1 the sum of one hundred forty -one dollar-11 n, fifty fivo ocnts (UI Al) Ititerest.ctmt and iux crnlng costs. First publlostlon, July IT, 1H. ALKX. liWlty, MivrllT of Maid Cuulj.. ) 'i i : 1 ( i -ft. 4 -1 " v i -1 ' 4 , i