a i -m ' ' 1 Mil rc? y -I v. -ip. T" VOL. XIV. lEIVIRISOIN", N"EBP;1 RT" A TfTTTRT) A V ,TTTT,V lO 1QD9 OURNAL. HARRISON Our street-, are full of water this week. C. F, Coffee sto -u in town In-tweeti trains Monday. (, II. Gre'.vell and son Charles were in from Hewitt Tuesday. (!o to Hat terson's for Singer M,i 1 1 n -and supplies. ."iOtf. Joe StaMiey add-d his name to our list of readers this" week. F.x Sheriff I tarpin of I'h.ulron was a Harrison visitor Mon.l.iy. I xX"ck Sc!iief,.r spent the lib of July al Chadron returning Tuesday . F. K. Jandt shipped a car lo.nl of hor to Sioux t ily M, onlay evening. t Henry Wartieke and Tom Iversun turned I rum 1 'e"i ver t'olo. Tuesilat. Hunday school al 10 o'clock: ev. body invited. W. II. liAYIs: Supt. The church lias t he roof completed ai d it lieyins to look like a chiirt Ii ai;aiii. I new cons,-nn,.-nt of ; Just receiveil men and hoys clolhiii it (JKKI.A' IIS. Co Supt Bark.! is vi.it in the southern part of Hie week e; seiioiils hi counts this We are t;l id to hI.i' that word was received from Mrs. Hanson an I she is improving. I More and heller nootls for tliMCame moniiv "t (ierliu U s stor than any other place, t ry them. I'l-tl YnU S.U.K:- Ki" ai res of land j-eiuti the ilh.ue ol II, in .-r lurilu-r pa'tic- uiai.s inijuueat this oll.ee. 10 We learn that J. W. Ilmitw has sola Ins ranch al Hodarc to a Soul I liakota ! mar., and intends to in. ike lua limn i .U Harrison. The Northwestern oatiipui""! in-i of the N '. H. II. A. Confer, nee ..ill heat 'r.i ' ford Nil). July la ii, Vou tr. cordially invited to attend. I am now prepared to weave carpels 111 its. for lilt and miss and l'( for. Mripped. Warp furnished at c ist Mrs. J. A. TilAYr.l:. ! !,1,f j I will linld Institute t'ds year, liek'in niiiK' August -4, contuiiiiiiL; two weeks. J. li. Hurke. Co. Supt. If you want utiv IKF,RIN(i t.win this year call and get what you need; it is goitiK fast. I, Cerlach I also have llowers ar.d Hakes left. Th Ttieday nml Wednesday train were delayed for several hours on account of wa-lionts from the rain Monday nitrht. The dam lit Andrews was w .'shed out and Hit) truck lielween that plaeo and Olen dainati'id to it t onsiderahle extent. Hymplonisof black U-t; are n tumor or swellim,' about the thip'is, shoulders or neck. t)u pressure a peculiar eraeklint; Hotin'l is produced. Loss of appetite, dullness, lametno-s, follow in rapid succ ession until the iiiuiual finally dies in twoor three days." Send to It. Cbas. I.. Hea, 220 hast .'52(1 street. New York City, for Iuh treatise on Hlacklt'i,'. It is free. 'I am 'IVr 11 x luitiitieriain s i utttnucl. . K. .rTahlctsi.n l find Ibemj tl,.. Ist t tor my stomal Ii I evi-r tiseil," saVH 'k Kobinsoii, Justice of the 1'eace, IKinim, Mich. These Tallet not only correct disorders of the sloniacli lait reKi'late the liver nml bowel. They lira easy to take mid jdeiisHi.t in efl'ect. I'ri- '2' '' tdn s-r l I.' I., I..f I I- I'lllllllt.V ik.x. nisi, - ' . i t ,m mil tii.il tnk t to I lunne Uinn. uud i;et it box of ChamlMir ..... lain'it Htoinm h lst phNsic. T . I ..... 'I I, ..Is I lie liest pliNsic. They t.lso correct mwiniers of the stotimcli. I'n. e 25 cents Clubbing Offori Whilt) you lira thinking of HiibsonbitiK or your yearly reathtiK matter, re virtu Ix-r tlmt Ui I'llKsK-Jot'liNAI, will take MiliHorlpliou to any paper on earlh and VH,.osl,.Koml time for vuu. HAPPENINGS i V ; o i It) WvomiiHr. o o ( i ' j v v..y . 1 1 i t J I'llllcls iVllel v ;i -i hmllllll"; a f,.,,,.,. on Ins claim tli.. ii-t , f Hie week. Il.-nrv U'er'. is otliiij. m it s i.iiil' .Ml for Andrew i'luis!i:,ii :,S ve.-k B- f i-e this is 111 p- i. we , f,..ist- "K l'os ;u,,l p. rh . s new . ti.ti.es V iin.ler.sl .u.(l that i-m-p. I ltvi- is tim.liiiU' of mov.n Snick into lliis pari Mia'tn has miI.I Ins W.-II iln to !,,r tlie li ii l.-s hot s. w h lH-iait di iilm: I lie Hi ix X onl lit, on ,ist Monday. Natl' I fuel, a brother ol .. ii. I I o il a former reMilriit of our p u i , arriv ed hero Irom Mon'ana on last H it ard.i . We wish to coiit.j ulate K :v. Wai r.-n and vvhU-oioc hon into Hie ranks ol the lieiie'lic. s. M IV lone; li'e uii'l plo-.enty follow them Ihr.'Uli lile is the wisl Vl ail. -V.iaines lii-uel returned home, week ao Sunday I r on 1" i et t.-, I.lalio, w lno'e he had he n suu-e last. I hflsl mas: ..i w'as ipnte sick the last three necks that he was th.'le. The ia:n on the inoinine; of (he -4 ! ( t . s :is ouite a disajij.ouit iiient to a number of the residents lu re w ho mien l. ii cele- hla t ill" in llarriMiu. Si ill (Uite a IIUUl- )(.ilVlll ,,,.,.,. ,lhl Liil'-ssthe wealh'-r i-arius up soon the ear w ill i-o inlo Icstori as the t-:ir without a summer. Tin-year lMa waswilhoiii a sun, ii r; snow el an. I ice form d .iuriii;, e'ery month, not only in this country, hut in I-'.iil old thee was in. tiling rao-ei, and aliitost a. laiiuih was the res, ,li.. . .i:ki. h. I)ear l i ii-uds of ih I'i'. -s .loui iKi I : My iasl m.is wi-illeii in tin; rain ie ( 'In v eniie. Tie- lain continued so thai wetialiiot (Inn!, il v.,.seto hreak camp on HaUM'd.lV as e n, e-ld -l. Il"- w -atavtil iilo n oere we n. n- nnlil Moa day. t liev'-iaie was almost llie hili.-sl p.. ml ol i. tu joiirn-y thus far, U-ini; ,,1 l- t al.ov-.sea l-vd. it is a I.ov sea e-V''l. it Is a pl--as ant city of about. II. oo1) inhabitant-. looking I iK an as,s lu toe ileseil, lor the hiei ih- ciMil.trv all around it otov s i. it I us iiios' I v, and is inhahilr-il chielly h pr. ii l ie doc-. Weliad a quiet Sim dav. Tlie rain had ceased ami went lo i hoi' h in tie city bolh uiorniiiLT and ev. nmi.;. Monday mornin;.; w e resumed our jour i n-y. loiii uiiles, We saw no'lnue hi, I prairie do's except p is-iii": trains the ' mile nosls that loid us w hat in'-vress v. .- wer' mal.it, and a section house about every 10 miles. It was op lull for I he lir-i, 10 miles ai.d then we beyan to pi down. We camped at infill .on the edi;e of a cactus bed in a most uu;ironiism.:,' lookina; place. Neverl hch-ss we w.-rn comfortable and ready to start: aaui in liood s-asou on Tuesday morning, A few miles brouuht us to an Irrigated country and "settlement" and llin con tra-t was wonderful. Monday we s;iw nothinc; rowin; but very scant, brown urass and cactus. Tuesilay the green lields wen.' on every side ol us and every Mher house stood in a prove of trees. Iind is worth lbll an acre on some of these farms. Tin-re was one draw back, however everylluns was unuer fence and the lanes were often ta ciipi-d with a ditch on one side and very poor ciiinpinrf places. We iiiaiiapil to lind an open pu.-ce i' (try land for vVethie-d.iy nip'il. A few of tue pooiesl cattle wo have seen sun e '.Ve h it hoiiie s.'.-iued to he de pendent on it for a living and I think the ponies would have soon lieeii poor if they had dep-lided on sin h fei d lone;, H passed throup1! (ireeley aiioiil :l I. M. and met there Mi. Itavenporl a loriicr resident of (lien. Ih; hospitabiy urp d us to slop at their hoine2i miles from town hut we thought we must j;el lar ther than that Isdore lUKht overtook us. Wednesday broihi us within ID miles ol lteuver ami I this tune we, had, to buy the pomes allaifa and t;el permis ion to pil'di the tent ill it mini's yard. Tliuri" tlay mornint! we drovtj into the city, It'll Mrs. Hay at I lie depot w here she was to meet .Mr. Hay mid made our way to tile house of Mr. Hu e's niece, .Mr. Hrip"iam, w ith whom we are to spend it few (lavs. We wondered n little how the ponies would (eel about city sights mid sounds, .I,,, w bad to pass throup1. m relty , ' .. . MIHV slleets to lil.d the depot. Hut th'-y in.. I si reel elil-s- Incudes, ami iitltotnohdes ' ! w H li composure ami we art) more, than ever convinced that they lire treasures. We are having a pleasant tiuiH with j cur friends here. The fourth menilier in 1 our party Mr. Kick's Oiiiahit tin ( has 1 t.t,n here it week, slid we will Ire retaly ' (,, Ntiirt on early next week, when we 1 W (loiililless hnve further experiences , (u relato. Ku.n.a I4. Hu e. Iif I.ZZZS Fi-:o.M CENT R. ii I. CITY. i:.-v. ,i. is. need J I J . 1 1 i r- i-.'.V our In H-fl.l ;(l' . duivc.' "I ii iiulp i J l.illinsw or' c. in j ic ' one to lake in IV Hj.iV S S. I i-i-.y.-i.! ion ai.d vi-ii.-.i v.,'!, m .v vert I ,la-, lia n was ;. real pleasure to US- Mn' her and hrotla r are in Juw u. visit ing. "U'lio; 1h M at is a way the i,,i( (. w ill j.l.tv,'' ami as we M v h.-r wiu k to do, here oes; if i ins i.-, noi ui ,ii.-u in proper . -.lUe pn-a.se leiiietuher that we are !iet;iiuiers, '1 he Slate S. S. Convention who h was held in in,- ,j. !; dun, ;, ., is city was a I'and success. There w , r oju tiei -:,.:.-., who rci.-tereil, and aluui.e 1 lie lit a!i, we coiil, I liu',1 ,,oiie In, m si,.,itx ( . i ode very e,Kl, sj.eakeis al the cor,Vt i. lion; toe u.sl l uetor ill the j'ri lo .try .,s e-.p. , !,,),, -( al. 1 la: I e li is general K"'"1' Hie w in-a I . r aie . i iai , s . ui II- III,. , p V- '"I ami I l.e fal lilei u'.e-iine, 1,1,1, iliere i.-. I'lilllV wiall.er lll.it II, ev ale ali'aai I ri,,i v 1 1 1 -pal lu li,e slioik. and il tl.t. w ,-, , tiier should cool mile ' I ') it few inoi-i. lia vs. soiiib Ih. U Is now stanilui"., will l.ii,. " I ni: Min-;.v The 1' li of J ii I v has come and tine, and evei v hody in ,,ur ipiiel. Iinie hui-e have xil iliiwn to Imsiiiess aeaiu. 'lie;! da was ei.j y i d hy ail that, were preset. I j an 1 that, was a iare era vd. S.ont; ol our 'it va -us I roui tlie couiilrv '-hovv.iij e r. at iat not :s ii in d ; vni in through i t.'ie i am I h al I hey miJil pa.lii ipale li. the pleasures ol ille day. A j;ooil niiiiihi-r were ui Irom 1'aasaiiL linii: j and .Ma n vi I If, Wvoniiiia; in i Ie-niorniiij: in,, eno' d marched to 1 he . 'on r i i louse and iliere t lie , e, lai al lou of loo -p. iiileie e w as l ad al. I solids sulie ;,lvj iiilisi' n.i, inn ;-,l,;i tile ok lies tea. lu lie- aii'-rooou the laces look place, and below a re t ie) names ol I he winners. I'onv I; ..-(. Ki. A.i..fr.-w t'hrislian. 2.1.1. J Ml hllSll.ill. ill d Joe V asserhuiver. I-'iee f,,r all loot Iiaci e. 1-1. Clyde Uap n. All Ire W' W'..sserlnl rer. Andrew I 'lii-is! lao. lr I. a.d. Fo il U n i for bo vs under 1 1. 1st. Benny Scott 'Jnd. Anton Larson. Hid. Will (Jrimui. Three ej:p.il H ice. E I Ciuthrie. I.udey I'riddy. Kl .Mar-hall. Jnn '1 hornl.oll. Fat man's Hu e. Jim Bourn I. Henry Wills. Sack Hoe. I'eti r I :ecktna tin. Ardiie Uavis. 1st !ll I 1-t. 1-t iid. The score in the hall game was (i lo l-i in favor of Harris ui. Tne d nice li -, in ah ui ' 2: il, and t.h lloor had no rest until the next da about li o'clock-. Toe Hill hal ah ml as many occupants as it. coul d hold iliinne the nielli and every body had a hard lime keeping dV of everybody's feci. The li i it sic was excellent and every body seem ed to enjov themselves. About 2 o'clock in the morning I hero w as a small row, hut no-ho ly was d m-,'er nisi v hurt. In I the uiorniu; th; M invilla people learned that the train was:!liou-s late, and so tl.ey decnlcil to spend their time in dane- iti(, until noon. Their iniisi.- was produced hy the orpin ami h .irmonica. Al hr noon they dep tried for Man vi I Ie. Cotnmlsloaorji Procftodlnns Continued. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nehr. Jun" 25, 11102. Hoard met as per adjournim-nt, I're sent coiiiniissioners, Menp, I'wis, Bit;e low, and Win. J. A. Kautn, (ai. clerk. Hoard proceeded to ascertain the total valuation of property assessed, and the lelative value thereof. The Hoard found the average assessment of horses to be in the county , ifH, lilj in the various pre cincts: Antelope Horses fH.Il.'i It. was found that in order to equali.e the assessment, on horses, the following clianp's in the various precincls were necessary and so ordered: Andrews " H Hi H.17 Bowen Cottonwood llatereck Mont rose Hupir Loaf .Snake 'reek Sheep Creek Uunniiipwiiter While Hiver Whistle- Creek War Hotuiet Harrison H.l'.l K...") H.50 c 110 H.50 8.4U Order Yoar BlftOuLHS and you will . V-jfc iTt f pi I'luO'd Write for SI page B"P"F FBI Islal KLEU. It la 220 PUBLIC SALE. The fiiidfi'siLMit'd will sell al i.nhiir ;;uc1i)!i in l;irrini WVaX i ft I. "'onJuly Yl. 'MV2, Ilici'ollowiiiK (Icscrilit'd jiri)t'rly : ')() licad cattle 4 lit'.-nl liorscH 1 Mr.'onnii'k mower .' stoves 1 new ori'an. liili grade 1 new wan-on 1 frood lianiess Honsv'littld c" -'iii'l oilier articles to numerous to ment ion. Terms cash. 1 a Iso a house and lot. for 1). M. Sc.iton. is;! ve sale Suuar Loaf While H.ver Si tali-.- nek U Olsl l i reek 'I'll- I.I .it-l- pl'l .(- in; so ia a r . (j 'n ord -re ! I hat no c Lower, d liai-e i -1- cent. s'O " a net -, t he va iual ion he Li. on motion It w.c tia. p-s he lii-tiic. a! tlie llVelap.- as, ess- i'iie I ;. ,;u d loimd lit- ol ' all. I" lu t li" V I I'l ' . i pIVi tie a- i '." l- a si ii conn i y , .ill. s il wan ho. oil lo ( atl le 4s.n h -hi S.-'i Vli.eiopi; Alall'i. ...S 1. , Aell i aii toiiwood I ta L i ,reeU Moot ruse tsuar Loaf Sualie ci e. li Sheep i re. K Ku oiling - w al er V olle H,v. r Woislie -aeek a- S.bl 7 . i .,,1 H 1,2 15 57 8.MJ H.liO Ij'jj.llet 1 i.u l l -on asse.-s It, was lound to equalize the meiit ui i la ie in i oe. ( iiiiti i , to i o i ii- ' in0 cli.np-.s in lb.- ... I ions (e ecincls were necessary and so ordered: Amelope U.nscd :S per celil Andrews Li-.ered H " '' Bowen Ulise.t 1 ' t ottoii ivood Levered 2J ' ' Hal C leek " o ' " ihiiitrosu " :5 " Stipir Loaf H used 8 " 'on. me Creek " 4 " " Si leeji i reek Lawered 2 " " Huiinm pwaier ') " " Unite H.ver ICused 27 " " Wlns'ile creek Lowered 5J " " War Bjunet " :i " " Harrisou '' :ij " " Tbe Hoard of equalization found the asst-s-ineut oil Linos in tlie various prt cuicts to lie as follows per acre. Antelope, l'ef aero 5:5 its. Aniirews " " ''d " Bowen " " 5'J " l.'olUiu .vood " " -l " Haltaeek " " 17 " Montrose " " " Supir Loaf " " 1 " Sualie l reeK ' lit) " Sheep I reek " " 41) " Uunniiipwater " " 1 12 ' S lute lin er " " l i " Whistle i.'reok ' " lii " War Bonnet " - 11- ' And the averapj per aero ill thoiouuly watt found lo he 5H cts. It was found lo equalize the assess ment on land in the, county , the billow ing changes in tlie vitrious precincts were necessary : Anfelopu Andrews Howeu Cultunwood Hat Creek Moutrusu Suptr Ioaf liaised 5) per cent. Iaiwered liaistd lowered liaise jI Ijowered liaised la 22 2? 7 22 50 2U Hii .Snake Cieek ! Sheep Creek Huuiiiiipwater I.owrred j V lulu Uiver liaised Wlusllu Creek Jjowered H To' War Honnel liaised 27 " 7 (It)! The Hoard found the total valuation of 8 40 i ussessabitj property in the dillereiit pre H.51 cincts us billows: 7.1MI AndreWM 2'5H27 HiiKar Loaf 2i;i3 j Antelope ! How en ial) N.nke Creek bl.ioi 4H1UI Sheep Creek 00IW I Cottonwood 11)027 Whito Kiver 35:517 VACCSIIS BY MIL always be sure of crofting, it pure, frehh aiiit full of strniiytJi. iKfjiMiraifttea topruii'ct your calf ie lnjiu niac-Kitpr. j-aca put of ';wino i.-i a.i exact dutc, uud vaccinuliun if buref DR. r.EA' INJECTOR I Tits tbt; pill unde:- tbe SKin ;u-uy, fjuickly i.nu bKijiri-liy. ' vnUiO it. tlrliiy, n it is 1 ly murn uuiil, fully " t': u.C, i xi rc; Cipt or J m;r. Mrliel ftnlct Inferior. - - $1.00 ll iis- 'i'".i l iM-iui, - - !i.o: M .... . . " " " - - .Villi ICO " . . J 0.00 Th.-m- prices nre NF.T. No dlKi-eimt. c t? v". t v rkT-VtM? rur a nerL lint-(iiiiv, l 3rt,LIALf Ji H ZJtV. wiu mail ocil li.ydi.ilur iTijcct'irs FKEK wild vtryufder fur in den.-R i,r mem .if llr. He-,'b JM.ckle V.u.'.-lni-. Net w,'d l v d rugylt-tB, diialem or UKcnl. I'UI-.fAUKO AMI SOLD ONLY 11Y DR. CH AS. L. REA, East 32d Street, Now York City. NHKRIKF.-s SAI.K. I Iy virtue al ;in orrr of n- hy ti)- j 1 c!crk il 111 (Metric! t-o irt of Sioux I'uiinty j -'.'fJf.-ck l, 1ltO!l II flt'lTct! ri-llllf-J'ril ill j i-oiirt, in 1 ,iv(ir of M . J ' ' "oniicl 1 ijlintijl', j ; ini .iii'i-sl ('!!.: Uoui'ii, N:i,tf, Henry j r.o-ATii. iit-ir of i.i 'H' f liowi-n df-ccuseM, j J nil u Ii. !i';Mi;ey ?;u:tffl I Hi! of (.eoi U en j I ii-'O. liihr iti p 'Mm, J ll J . til'aUiey. , IJ. Kr.ulley, lii wile, w ho-e trim Christian hiiiiit; is t'.::k:iovn to pi. until!', u Uel finlau t I w 111 on I he 1 itli. (i;iy of July V.ti, ai. one o'clock in tiie ill tt-i iiooii ijl' Mtil d.iy, :il the Kast t rout ilo M-oJ thef'tjiiit ilou-.e of miu'I Coiiiit , sit II;irrlsoii, Nel;i-.sU;t, m-U at jui nlie Auction to the ho.'hesi l)il'h r tor rash in li.oni, t lie to How in;-' fte-ivribcil rea estate sit itu t- I i 'i s v Count v to-wit. 'IMie si of N I-; !4 umt tin' N .C oj tiu; .V - '. J. of Section Xi Tu t uiiip Nortii ol Hhuw t ot r.i h urine i pal t ' f iiii..u. i'o il y sai'I nrMer W -. lie in Mie -U li of 1 :',''-'.': ' rl hi'ee linn , dreit iiinl Ki;:utv Three liollar-i uii'l Nnietv ! (eiit-f. latere-!, ru-l ,ml v'Wxx i u; co-,t, ' ( J'ifMt tuti!ie;itioii June, t:'th. ','.. I ,M.!-:x i -' i:v, j slii-j-iil oli .1 i l.'uuii!) Whistle l'n ek oi'is;:! War iioiim-t :Jf).,ll 1 1 ; I l reek 0 Molilros.- Ijij.'j 1 Hiimui.e-waii r f- !!U77 Village ol Harrison ITIj.I (o-ai.il Island ii. V oaiin' i coLral 1. 1! :::) F. K. & M. V. li. n. ?1!S:; -. N. ll.i-ka Wye. tit Weslilli U.K. i'. I'liiluiaii l'alace i ai , B. &. il. H. U . Omaha a i-adwood Ifli.l. St. Louts & I'm-' laud IH. hi rullman Car, K. C. ciPorllauil l'alac. .'ar . B. & M. H II fTT.ti, Western Union i'eh.vraph ' 'o. 1:515 2 On motion Hoard ailjoun led until Jun Win. J. A. Itiuin, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux i'o, June 2(i 1'.)"' Hoard met as per ailjoiirunieiil . I'rc--eiit coiiiniissioners, Menp, Lew is, Hip low and Win. J. A. Hiuin, clerk. Hoanl pr ice d-'d to ascertain the lotin t valuation ol iirooerfv assessed mil tie : relative value I hereof. On motion Boar , ,. , j - it -i i i- u 1 1 .1 e i i u -. Wr J. A, Haiim. I Clerk. Ilarri-on. Sioux Co., Jilti" 27 HKI2. Board met as pr adjournment. 1're sent commissioners, Meiie;, L'-wis, H'p--I ov and Win. J. A. 11 mm, clerk. Boar I proceeded to ascertain III" lota va lint' iot, of property assessed and tl' relative value thereof. On motion Boar adjourned until June '.M l'.M2. Win. J. A. Katun. Clerk llarii-oo. Sioux Co. Nehr., June 2S V.iOi Board met is per adjoin niMi-nt. l'i sent commissioners. Melir, Lewi-, Hipe low, and Win. J. A. Kaum, cierk. The Board of equalization found thai the total assessment in the various pre cinct was found to he as follows: Antelope K.VI) Snake (.'reek U:!7-' Andrews 2:!U27 Sheep Creek HOI:!' B ov-,, -li'iltll Kimnim.' water -If 17 Cot ton wood 1 !Mi.27 Whi'e Kiver 2,"::ir, Hat Creek 'I'.lasn Wins' Ie ; n-ek 5(',M7: Montros.- ;ifi51S War Bonnet :5t!5H Sup.r Loaf -'lii0 Vllla -e ol' Ihirrisoli 171": rullman Hallace Car ' o., H. & M. K. 1 i01 VO " " " ' " " " 7711 Western Union Telepapll 1:515 21 I. K. & M. V. K. K. UHiin Nehr.. Wyo. & Western K. Ii. 1") (I rami I-laiid& Wyii.f'enHal It. K. 520 ( Total valuation on the county Wifi'y'..'t (lu motion Hoard went into I'eptl session as the county Board. Andrew WasscthiirpT appeared befoi' the Board and made complaint, that, h personal property for 11101 was nssess. in Sugar Loaf precinct and Montrn precinct, and the Hoard Is'iiig full Halislled that, such is true, on motion tl Clerk is insl rut led to strike the sam from the tax list of 11)01, so (ar as i pertains to Sugar Loaf precinct. On motion Hoard adjourned until th 7th day of July l'J02, Win. J. A, Katun, Clerk Chlof llnlnniat nt Manlln. Dr. Coulter of the chair of biology at Finery college, Oxford, (ia., him re aligned In order to accent the director i gll) ()f th(J WlpA states botanical j R,ir ,,,ng tne Philippine iHlands. UK j heudquai ters will he In Manila. Professional C:: SI. .1. 0 ( Olllicl!, - - Co. AIM -;.:- Will IViimji c in All C Special Atfciilioii (f'itea In him I M.j- i:ii-iiu s, ( nl !( i-i !i!is and all li!!shii's eH,---ed to me H ii! receive promt; t'i.. II uiiiiso.s - Nt:u':.K. f. K. IiirV!-T. M. I). I'fi y i-i-ia ii a Mil Siir'em. Ml Clill- ej en iroini! lellle Olllee III III 11 slol'e. -IIAHUISnN - NI-'.HIt s . (iHANT aUTMR ,iey-aMaw. l'ronipl attention Kiven to ml .' tiatti rs in Justice, Cofity and isr -1 1 'ourts, and before the United Site i Land Oilit e. Fire Iusiirance written in rdi..,.l companies. I"g"Lee;al papers carefully drawn. II.VUHISOK, - NHUItASK.V. North-Western LINE E. M. V. li. R. is Hit Ut.it I'o and I'roiii the BLACK HILLS, . IlKADWOOl) AN!I IKJT Sl'LIMis, SOUTH 1MKOTA. K. K. M. V K. it. nine t.-ildc. ia,im' it. UoillK Ka, o. ft, uojieil, Kle'iOiNo. -I, lllixeil .. : 1.0. KOHWJiK Harness, Satins, Lumber, 0 - -& CIS AM PIC :3 Srvestlnglacl'ihiet j ' 1 'f. .'.' y.-,i n w r-t ' - TKosatno Old yStJ.y. J. A. Kelly relates tin aNpenei c- sunr1 I if to thai w Inch has hap" i" d I" e Very in ij;lil;oi hood in llii- Uiu't il Stitlvt ., till has been told and it- tolu by Mhoes i mis of others. He sas: "L si t.i . -uer 1 had an alta. k of d.sinlerv o i nil-chased a bottle of i Iim mh'-t hi. ' ' .'(die, Cholera iind I liarrhoea Ii oi--'1' . s I licit I used accordint; to direct loo-an 1 ' it h entirely sat. i.sf.tctory results, . rouble was controlled much ioi-'.r' inn fornc r al lacks when I u-ed it r' eiiieihes. " Mr. Kelly mu well km t ttlzeii of Henderson, N. C. .'.'or sai" hy' I. E. l'lunney. )MMUIIiUII III Harrison, Nehr., June 10 1!)0!. Kstimatu of expenses, of the !... i f , unity cominissioners for the yiar u . Hislrict Court, iJUblic . Koads and Hridp's iio. o i Incidculal expent es... iiu f . '.- Ollicerssalertes 10. M ' I Olllcers fees r.O i I,,1 I'rinlin nml PuliliHliii! Il'i'l.li. Speci.il Koad (list I let ....5.1) oJ.1- Soldiers Ht lief :tit ' utt.'. Slaliotiery :l.t .U Wm. J. A. liauin. l-tk vt-. i i. t.f " ""in-