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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1902)
1 : . . , -. 1 1- m OAKK1SON jfRESS-JOl T A "IT VOL. XIV. HARRISON, IsTEBA.S1Cl, TBIXJSTD A "V " JUTST 3. 1902. NO. X 1 Go to PnttrMn'ii for Singer Machines rid supplies. 50tf. Jolio FiUgerald and wife were in from Wyoming this week. -J HARRfSON HAPPENINGS HARRISON WILL Sunday school at 47 o'clock; every, body invited. W. II. Davis; Sufjt. . For 8auc One Bull. shorthorn Registered J. E. Harsteller Buv a Champion mower ROUWER and look pleasant. from E. r0lf. Chan. Umphenour, foreman of the Warneke ranch, was in town Monday. Just received: A new consignment of men and boy clothing at GKRLACHS. - I am going to put out poison on my place, bo look out for your dogs. A. M: Gioley. Mr. Bon tell who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity, returned home last Monday, i Mrs. Donne came down from Douglas Saturday night to visit her daughter Mrs. C. B. Uollingsworlh. i CELEBRATE, on the 4th. of July. Below will be found the following program, aa prepar ed by the committee. If r Huruli Mrmt irtiinsrv rotiirriAd imm. last Saturday after an extended visit to J relatives in the east. More and better goods for llw same money at Oerlach's store tbau any oilier place, try them. 10-tf 1 Foil 8auc:-1o0 acres of land joining the village of Harrison; for further partic ular inquire at this olllce. 40 FobSaUC Two thoroughbred, short horn Bull.-, 2 yr. old. Both registered. Will Mill cheap. Inquire of A. MeUtnley or V. A, Hester. 51tf Marcus Valdez and Henry Moravek Cuinedowu from Lance Creek, Wyo., Monday to spend the 4lh with their , friends and relative of Harrison. Blackleg is the cattle breeder's deadly enemy. Dr. Ren's Blackleg Vaccine in pure, sure und swift in results. Rend hta advertisement in another column. I am now prepared to weave carpet, '10 for hit. anil miKM urul 111 for m slrinned. Warn furnished at out. ' . Mrs. J. A. TiuYKii. 36 tf Th undersigned are closing out their . entire stock of Groceries at cost en II and . ve will aave you money on Uroeeriers. O'Connor & Dickmann. ' I will hold Institute this year, begin ning August 4, continuing two weeks. J. B. Burke. Co. Supt. W 4 Hollingsworth, father of C, B. and Ed Hollingsworth returned from an ex tended visit in the east last week and went out to El's ranch oa Indian Creek Tuesday. ,1 fl Lee's Lice and Mile Killer if the great est idaect destroyer, the greatest labor aver and the least expensive in the end. ..Ndj handling of fowls or animals. Sold by jJe. Pbinoev. PM SaUt: One pur bred registered berefbtd bull, 30 months old. All right la everyway. Price 1100.00, John L. Kay, Marsland, Nebr. jbw way UERLACH8 are selling I)eer img Mowers and Rakes so early in the aeaftoa shows that JJeenng machinery re Ute best in the world. Everybody linn bound to have Deering only. 49 I hart for sale, at my ranch on Sow belly about 24 cows with steer calves by their sides, will sell on 4 montl.s time for food Bankable note, jvith 10 oMtlale. Gottlieb Knurl. Th school board has hired for the eu suiag rear list following teexhers: Priswlpal; i. M. Stimsun. InUrniedsi te room ; Miss Ona Iiellyer. Pritaarjr room; Miss Susie Topper. Mr. Ktimtoo and Miss Iiellyer come highly rscommendeJ, and Miss Tuptier's work lor tlie past year was recommend stion aagl the board to rwiatu her lor aooUWr year. 2:00 SUNKJSK SALUTE. Parade :() Reading, Declaration of In dependence and Speaking. 10:00 TIME PURSES Blue Rock shooting contest. 11:00 Pony race. 12:30 ,s, , 3 Free forall ftot rat 100yds. 1:15 5, 2.50, 1 Foot race for boys under 14 50 yds 1:30 - 2, 1.50, 1 Three legged race 50 yds. 1:45 $3, 2 Fat man's race 50 " 200 U; and up $3, 2 race 50 " 2:15 2, i Wheel Barrow race 50 " 2:30 1.50, 1 2:45 3:00 $20 Fire workd 9:00 $55 Dance after noon, and eve ning. First hour free. Music by Dunn's orchestra, begining at 1 o'clock. All Woodmen of the world and Modern Woodmen are requested to bfl prrsent on the morning of the 4th. to take part in the parade. J. B. Burke; president of the day. Robert Keel; inarshall, as sisted by John Dieckmann and Guy Kendall. Baloon ascension Ball game Fire works iJeur Friends of the Press-Journal : We had hoped to hiue a l.m- story to tell of travel by this time. But there is nothing- I. ut a very quiet week of camp life to record. However we hope to start on tomorrow. We may have to travel slowly on account of the horse, but we hojie she will be able to go on now. We have niada several little trips rrom here to points within reach of our tent. Went dowu to Scottsblui!" one . day - Another dVy made a trip to the lulls about live miles away, ate onr lunch there and gathered up soma wood for the camp-stove. This last week has lieen so cool that a lire in '.he tent mornings and evenings was very comfortable. We are camped about half a mile rrom a school house and have Sunday School both Sundays we have been here. Last Sunday there were 51 present. A M.;tho dii t church will soon he organized here. Wsieiday we went to church in Mitch ell in tho morning we'e invited to dinner with the minister and drove out in time for 8. S. at the schooiliouse at 3 SiO, We also met some Chadroii and Craw ford acquaintances. So, we have wot quite got out of our own neighborhood yet. We hope next time to ha able to record more progress on our journey. EmimiL. Rice. PUBLIC SALE. j Editing a paper H a nice job. If i pulilisli jokes people will sav w are The undersigned will sell ! 'Mir,i""-i' '' don't weur an old at tlllbli,- an.-tu.n in Tf .. r,.!u,, I Kil' matter T , , , ; Riy we do not give enough "u"'"i i-. i'n-i ineiOllOWlllg! we give selections they la.y to write. If wed-) not go tochun-h we are heathens; if we do we are hvpu- flesci'ibed proi.x;rty 30 head cattle 4 head horses l..MoCor.mick -mo-wer 3 stoves 1 new organ, high" gradt; 1 new wagon 1 good harness Household goods and other articles to numerous to ment ion. Terms cash. I have also a house and lot for sale. D. M - Sutton. say we lections; if we lire to Professional Cards Democrats and Populists namea ticket. Governor W. 11. Thompson; Item. Lieut. Oovernor E- A.(iilbert;Pnp, Sec. State. ...John 11. Powers:.. Pop. Auditor C. Q. DeFrance; Pop. State Treas. J. Thf Lyman; Pop. Supt. Pub. Inst C'Xude Smith. Com. Public Hldgs., James Urennen; JemocraU Harrison, Nelr., June IS 1902. Estimate of expenses, of the Board of county commissioners for the year 11W2. District Court ftlOOO.OO. Bonds and Bridges 3000.00. 1 nciden t al e x tnces 2500.00. Officer saleries 1000.00. Officers fees 700.00. Printing and Publishing. 000.00. Special Woad distiict 500 .00. Soldiers Belief 300.00. Stationery ". 300.00, Wm. J. A. Raum, L'lerk. I am using a box of Clinmlierlain's tomuch A Liver Tablets ani Oud them the best thing for my stomach I ever lined," sayy T. W, Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loom is, Mich, These Tnblets not only correct disorders of the stomach but regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to lake and pleasant in effect. Price 2.' cents per box, For sale bv J. E. Pliinney. Cut this out ar.d take it to Phinney's Urug Store and Bet a box of Chamber lain's Stomach eV Liver Tablets. The best phvsic, They nso correct disorders of Mm stomach, Price 2-1 cen Is. ' My Inst letter told you of our being in at Mitchell waiting for our horse to bo able to travel. We were there two weeks to a day and on Tues day the l!tith we started on again, ex pectmg to go pretty slowly until we should see how . the traveling affected her. We left the ditch immediately and found a drv country occupied only with an occasional ranch. We missed the heep ranch near which we had thought to camp Tue-.d,iy night and so made more miles than wo had intended the llrst day. When'we found thai. it. did not seem to hurt, Hess however, we " ere glad we were so far on our way. A hot I wind made the miles seem longer nsdi the country iliiernud diintiel'iind ueweie glad to drive down into a green valley for the n'ght. Wed, took us through La Orange the only town between Mitchell und I'heyenne. Thai, only consisted ol one store and three or four houses. The day was pleasant and so we enjoyed the ride much better than the day before. We saw our lirst antelopeandoiied-t r. Camped under some trees Inside l.i'tle Horse ('reek near a ranch lions where thev supplied US with milk. ' Thursday we drove 20 miles without s-eoig an in habited place orer a high divide up all tlie way tin ugh quiut a as-ent no hard lulls. Wo cuii)ed about, two o'clock in the afternoon near a sheep ranch because the nearest water on the other side was fifteen miles away. Jusi before reaching it we had our llrst view of Colorado mountains in the distance away bey,aid Cheyenne. And thought jierhapH we could see the .smoke of the cars tit that city is miles .way. For the first time in my life I saw bhieand white larkspur grow mg wild otherwise the flow ers so far are about the same as we have at home. My principal trouble seems to lie to avoid packing the very thing I want away back under the lied, hut lam learn ing and we (hid our outfit very comfort able for any weather we have had so far. And then we have to learn to unpack, aet up the tent and the cot, open up the pantry and put up the stove with ease and diKpafc-li. We are improving on that also. We do not try to make a (ire at noon, just lunch in the shade of the wagon and give the horses a good feed from thc;r r.oms bags auu a nionle ol green grass. Friday we drove to Cheyenne and managed to see a good part of the city while hunting the post otlice. Then we came hack and camped just outside. They say it never rains here, but it must have made an exception in our favor, for we started in the morning in a mist which soon became a fine ram, and had a couple of quite lively showers in the afternoon about the time we reached Cheyenne it stopped and we hail sunshine to pitch the tent and gel supper in. i-MiWdny morn ing it is raining hard. We shall stay heru until after dinner, at least to'answer our letters, and see the sights.! 'Cheyenne is a city of 1-1000 inhabitants, sffVuted on a high and dry divide, though it is not dry today. Near our yesterday's camp was at iron post, set by the U. S. (Jeo ligical Survey, which informed us that the elevation there was 5721) ft and we have lieen coining up ever since. Letters were received here for the first time since leaving home three weeks ago. We were very glad to learn that the friends were all well. Wo find that our friends have left Erie and so shall go as straight and as rapidly as we can to 1 Sil ver. Our horse is nearly well, and we hoie to get Mrs. Ray there to take the train for home Wednesday night July 2. Rev, Mr, Ray has been attending the International Sunday School Convention io Itenver and will be reauy to go home at that time. We shall probably spend the Aih with our friends In Denver. Sincerely Yours, Uiniua L. Kico. STAR ROUTE BOX DELIVERY. Notice is hereby given to the public that the cot, traits in f fleet July 1. 1U02, i-..- , i ..r . , iui ioe piji lorinaiiue oi man service on i the Star Hollies in the Slates and Terri tories hereinafter named provide that, in addition to carrying the mails to the var ious post, offices, the. earner will be re quired to deliver mail into all boxes and hang small bags or satchels containing mail on cranes or posts that may be e reeled along Ihe hue of i lie route, under tlie following rtguintioiis of the Department: Any person living on cr i eai ihe route j and not w iiliin ihe corporate limits of any town or within SO rods of any post. olllce, wlio desires hi.s 111. ill deposited aL j a given point on tie.; line of Ihn roufa by j tlie carrier may piovnh- itnl t j, suit- ; abl box or cr.iiie on the, lo at; j ed In such maiiii'ir as to he readied as I cuiivebii-utly as pr a.i icihie by Hie cam-j er vuUe.ui, ut aiioaiiioig from I tie vehicle ; or hor.-e, and such pets in shall :iB uiihj the postmaster al tlie post i fli: e lo vvhtcli j tus mail Is ad lr-ssed (vliu:!i shall be one of the two po-,i oi!i,:es on the route on! etl her side ol and next to the box or ciaie ) j a request in writing for the delivery oil his mail to the carrier for deposit at the ; designated point, at the risk of the ail- j (lrsser. iue Mini! I bag or ;at he I above desvriued, as well as the box or crane, must be provided by ihe ,ei.-y,ri for whese use it is iiiteudtd Huliout expense lo the lt part niei.t. It shall be the duty o the iost master at eVef) such post olUce, upon a wriMen order from any person living on or near the route, to deliver lo the mail carrier for that rout-.! any mail matter placing in the respective satchels, where such are n.-ed. the mail for the persons !o whom such satchels belong wjij, ni structioiis ns to Ihe proper mail box or cr.iae at which sa,d mail matter shall be deposited; but registered mail shall not be mo delivered- unless fcXpiessly request ed by Hie addressee in ins wiitteti order. No mail matter . so dehveri d to the carrier shall hi carried past another post oflice on the route before being licposiu d into a mail box or hung on a crane or post. The carrier on the route will lie re quired lo receive from any postmaster on the route any mail matter or private mail satchel that may be tnlitisltd to htm outside ol the usual mail bag, and shall carry such mail matter or private mail nai.chel lo and deposit it into the proper mail box or hang it on the proper mail crane placed on the line of the route for this purpose; such service by the carrier to bu without charge to the addressees. Tl e mail carriers must be of good char acter and of sufficient intelligence to pro perly handle and deposit the mail along the route. The Department does not prescribe any purticular design of box or satchel to he used for this service but the person pro viding either should see that it is of such character as to allonl ample protection lo his mail. If there is a lock attached to the box, a key is not to be held by the carrier, us ho is expected to deposit tlie mail without the necessity of unlocking the box. The box or crane should be so located on the roadside that the carrier can deposit the mail without leaving his vehicle or horse and yet not where it will obstruct public travel, t The carrier is not required to collect muil from the boxes, but there is no ob jection to his doing to if it does not inter fore with his making the schedule tUne. The law provides that every carrier of the mail shall receive any mail matter presented to him if properly prepaid by stamps, and deliver the same for mailing at the next post olllce nt whice he arrives, but that no fees shall ba allowed him therefor. The box delivery above described is re quired by the contracts ell'ective July 1, l!KW, on all the star route (with hut few exceptions) in Arkansas, Louixiann i, Tex as, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Month Dnkotu, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, N Mexico, Arizona. U'nh, Idaho, Washing ton, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska, mid Hawa'i. W, S. SlIAbl.KSnKIIUKH. Second Assistant l'oalmohler tieiieral, crites. If we remain in the office we ought to get out and husl le for nr ws; if we. go. out w-e-are tmt at'ti n ling" to " biisi-" lass. If we wear old clothes they laugh at us; if we wear good clothes they sav we have a pull. Ex. THEIR RULING PASSION. New York Sun: "When i was in f la. a few weeks ago," said the Brooklyn man. "I overheard a dispute between two darkies as to I he eolor of the skin f certain biblical personages. I won't at tempt to give you their dialect. One declared with much vehemence that the apostles were all negroes, and to prove his case told of the geographical posit ion of Palestine as compared with Africa. I They are a U colored persons in Africa I he said, !!!. 1 Africa is right near Pales tine. Peter and all the apostles were black men. ami I know it,.' 'They were not black men,' replied the oilier, "and Peter was as white as that northern gentleman over there.' j ' What makes you so sure that Peter j wasn't a colored gentleman?' asked his I adversary. "Well, if Peter had been a ! colored gent leuiaii th.ct, cock wouldn't I have crowi d more than once,' 31. J. O'CmincIl, - - Co. Allfrm-y. IVin i'mtlici! iu Ail Courts. Special Attention (Jlvuu lo bituil 0! Hoe Business. , . , Col!i'climis and all business entrust ed to nit1 will ri'ci'i vc pi-nnspt- atfeiifiin. lls.K!:lSON - NiCBltASKA. J. K. PIL'NVEY. M. I). Pliyisciuii si-id Surgeon. All cuIIh f."-v-eii prompt attention uiliee in Dm,; store. -IIARUIKOJi - SKiSKASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lega. 'natters in Justice, Coi:n1y and District Courts, and before the United State Laud Office. Fire Insurance written in rofiabh companies. Legal papers careful ly drawn. JJahkjson, - Nkuiuska. North-Western John It. br.'iita-y jjunn! r.n ot c 9a i.g-'h I :itr a i--ioa, ,'oha I! SMhU'.FFS SAL!-;. f.y virtue of an or.iei- ol -sab- K-me-t by the i eiej Hi tiNtrii-t eourt ot -ioux e-eiatyj .,-bt .i-h,i, upo i ;i (ieciee reuib-red in s od 1 court, ia favor ot M.J. l-'i'oioiell plu'.iit'.n, lei jo: linst, l,t-o, j.:e I'.o-.velt, in etc. Iteni-yl I'.oweu. heir-t ol Ceor-e I'owen ib-ee is,-i, j ol ea Hr.alicy. A ti. Hr.-irtiey, lii-i u.fe, wl-.o-e li ne t liri.-timi name a mikl'.ou h 1 pt--cii;tr, i s !a-ti;li(boil I viliiiii 111-- Mil. mi of.laly lt.-i. iu o i; o'elcnU ill t lie !il''.,-l-i;i (on o! -,-a i-i bty, 111. tie Knst treat door ol tie-Court, Home of ii . t oualr , m II o-i ii-on, Ni l .-. l'i, sell ut pa : tir Mietion tots-' Iceh-'rl ti'.dder tor e.;li in timid. Die following di-,frili.-1 r;- ' sit ante I hi id! Count io-v. .fc, 'j'ie- s, of K a i l the N y. S oi liie N - K of -e-t i ,u 311 Tovitsliie .1.. Nortti t;;o.g - K,, Wt--.i (J; pr:neiial Mi-i idi ,ii. To sit'.fy :iid order side in Hie suiji of iCKl.'.id 'llireeSlun dved a nd Mikity Threl" I' and Xiaelv Cents. Iiiti-ritil . eost. and m-i-ratng eot. l-'ir d, jiidilicutioa Jane, !::lii. is . A!-KX. I.u-A ;y, . Hlerilf ofs,n J Colllit E. M. ' line: v. li. u. i; and 1 1 the the ti:Aiiuooii ''.)'JTi'I !Ai. ii t nrr ftrtiisus. J'i'A. , I'.. A . fl, IlilXi-d, 111 , V R. u. in.e table. Coin;? Kas' ifrti ( No. , mixe1 .. Comrni!;loicr:i Prooocfi,'c.js Cortti.i.ieU. llnrrimn Sioux Co.. Nebr. June 21 ltKI'2. Board met as per adjournment. Pre ser.t, cooiuiissioni rs, Aleng, Lewis? fiige low. Wm. J. A. R.itim -cleric Board pr.iceedi d to a"cr!ahi the total vnluafion of property tis-essul and (lie relative value thereof. On motion lioaul ailjourmd until 8 o'clock, June 2o 1',1'r. Wm. J. A. Ilium, Cb-rk. Harrison, Sioux Co., June 23, Hoard met ns per adjournment. Pre. sunt commissioners, Meng, Lewis, Bigi -low. and Wm. J A. Raum clerk. Board proceeded to ascertain Ihe total valuation of property assessed and the re la I i ve val ue t hereof, f n mot ion Hoard adjourned until June 24 11)02 at 8 o'clock A. M. Wm. J. A. Raum. Clerk. Harrison. Sioux Co., June 2 1 102. Hoard met as per ail ionrnmeni. p.j sent commissioners, Mctig, Lewis, Fige low, and Win. J. A. Raum clerk. Hoard proceeded lo ascertain thu total valuation of property assessed und the relative value thereof. On motion Hoard adjourned until Julie 2a 100J. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk Mr. t VfjP.i Wan ted Reliable man for Ma linger of a Hra-'- h Ollice we wish to open in this vlciui'i. Ih-reis a good ojv1!!! (Vir the titbt. iiiau. Kino' Iv eive good referenct; win it writing. I'. A. MORR'S WHOLESALE HOUSE. CIN'.'INN'ATI. OII'O. - Illustrated' catalogue 4 cts, stamps. j!) :s Estray Notice ' I have taken up, ') miles east of G 1 red cow with white forehead and dehorned, about 6 yrs. old, brand on right hide. And 1 red i. . heifer 2 yr. old, branded? n left hip, Owner will call ES!jf and prove pro perty, pay all charges and take annuals away, , Nels Adams. Glen, Nebr. 01 The Best Liniment for Stral.vs. Mr. F. H. Wells, tin. merchant ut. Di-m Park, Lmg lsliuiI. N. Y-. says: ttlways reccomeilu Clmiuberlniii's Pitin Halm as the best, liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a Severn lame, ness in the side, resulting from a strain, mid was greatly pleased with the quick lelief nod cure it effected. For sale by J. E. Phinney. ' ' Illniloi Writer of 1 lotion. Sarath lCiinur (iliosh Is the only Hindoo writer of Kngllsh fiction. He In a fellow of Ihe Royal Astronomical sociuty, and showed such aptitude for legal work Hint thu Into IirYI Chief Justice earnestly ndvlscd hlra to tlce ot the Ftc.tllBh bar. V CCCL ".Ii'KIISOTA. Nebraska teachers and their friends have an opportunity this year to at husl the Nation' w, KiiccaTionan Asmociatjon meeting, and at the same lime enjoy Ihe pleasures of cool Minnesota. N01E THE LOW RATES AN.) LONG LIMITS: Pliiee of meeting Mixneapom.-i,' Mins. A city of beautiful homes, park. . lakes, and delightful drives, Rate One Tare plus $2.00 (n hi'i'ship fee). 2a cents wtlHie chargod for villi' tickets for return.' , Dates Sal ' July 5, (1, and Limit J,,y M. 1002. privilege of extension until ' 1'.02, by depositing return ticket with Joint Agent Jul elusive, and paying an cents tidal, fill lenls Jo Nebraska,. Ileiulqiinrte will be at the WkhT Ho' Minn.; Parlor 12a. ions may be hud nt, r1 the numerous faiuil . boarding houses, bjuet'!il CU assen;' ' ' wj,th Hiu ictobur 1. -portion il 8 to n hdditioi nl 25 A Agency fe--. rsforN. E. A. i-X,Mi?NiiAi'";.'w,' uple fti convbt j89onal rat " tiotelH and private CI VVhile you or your ve her that I subscript! suve pes' J, R. Buchanan. Agent, Omaha, N ftre thinking of subscribing krlv reading matter, rev, en m PllKss-JontSAb will. UK, 4, U any paper on enrlti imx and ti'" tor 'oU' 1 . Mi 1 7& 1 I 'A l ? v Irfv If- .'.. "Mi,, tv... , 1 . ; ...-.. 1 . - e, 1 i I ;i 1 X ' 5 i '-1 i i - 14 i I, -i , Si n5 '.,--' 1 "I a'-vA f ;. -i 'i . '" .' i ' i c : '0' M,,'( C,i