Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 26, 1902, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Mrtl-y Hjxtoniuid family are tiome
Mr. J;me Union roved up on liar
i Mim Mowlav.
Kin-nerman filled hi Appoint
ment h( the i hiir h Sunday.
vMrs. J. B drove of A mm Iowa is lien
visiting in low family of her oo Charles.
We hi ve hnen bleed with noma good
hower or late everything looks green
mid refreshed.
vpi"tnk Crlm returned from Minn,
lat week. He expect to work for John
Meekim thin Hummer.
A heavv front viited thin section of
the county lt Friday nielli doing coo
Mile ruble damage to garden.
Mr. Jeem Arner and hnby of New
'at la Wvo. arrived last Saturday, to
viut her parent Mr. and Mr. Eli Sowers.
Albert Culler went to Chadron last
week and broutrht home a wife w are
not acquainted with the bride but just
tlM name we wish them much joy.
Mnt. R. W. Otey and Sabies who have
been visiting with friend and relative
liere for the past month returned to their
home in Don!! Wyo. on Monday.
Mr. C P. Lyon made a visiting tour
nmoiur friend in Uie valley taut week.
She report ajvery pleamt time and
now i at home again at the parsonage.
ami M&tttered profiuomi.ly over
hi meadow between that place and
Coffee ranch, fair izd tree were blown
down and oilier twitted off. At James
Wilson's place stack were torn to piece
and fences blown down and hit crop ot
rye. the finest he ha raised for several
seasons aud which was blready cut win
entirely blown away. Jimmy wa near
ly home with a load when the squall
truck bi place, lie jumped from the
load just a it went over , the wagon
turning completely over. He and hi
team eacaped injury, although large
hail atones falling made the hones a!
moet unmanageable. Mr. Wolheter also
lost a considerable portion of his r)e.
fortunately a part had been hauled oft
the Held and stacked, what remained on
the field was carried away like thistle
down. It is believed the itorm was
more never farther north, but no par
ticulars have as yet reached us.
M. A. C.
vBodarc Gleanings.
Mr. and Mr John Thayer made a trip
to Indian creek the latter part of the
Nearly all the young folk in the val
ley spent Sunday afternoon at the resi
dence of Mr. Thayer.
Mr. and Mrs. C F Ooffee and Mi
HUnche returned to Chadron Sat urday
-rt.r naiwlins- a week at their home in
the vaiiey.
vMis Lillia Zimmerman went over to
Old Woman Saturday to visit bar nrotn-
r C'leve who ha the care of hi rather
cattle at that plaos.
Malt Hall and family spent Sunday
nftarnoonat Mr. Miller'. Baby Hall
we are triad to tate ha entirely reeoyer-
I from it's lata illness.
Every one .who has alfalfa in this
vicinity i very buy. Jahn Coffee hs
hi entire crop nearly dawn in the Held
and is rushing to get it stacked before a
shower can catch it on the ground.
.to. Wilson hail the mifiri una to lose
One young msre about two week ago
t it In ome way got cut by barb wire
nod slowly bled to death, she wa con
milered a very valuable animal by tlioae
who had seen her.
N A bnbv ovclnne vilte1 this locality a
hoot 4 oVInrk M'tdv afternoon that
made thing lively for a lime at the Mill
er place. Limb were torn from ' he
Adelia Items.
Mr. Robert Harrison has cut hi alfalfa
which wa a fine crop.
Tit South LHtkota people were on a
round up in thi vicinity after stray cat
tle last week.
There wa a fine rain in this locality
last Thursday night, which was very
much needed.
A. P. Rosenburg i very buy cutting
rye for feed, and lie will have a large
crop of rs hay.
Mr, P. L. Raben i busy cutting feed
on his ranch, and aim on shares on Mr.
M. D. Jordan's ranch.
Mr. Jas. Nelson in very busy fencing
now days, the quarter section of land
be purchased from Mr. Scott Metts.
Mr. Scott MetU purchased the house
and improvements belonging to Mr. Linrl
burg from Mr. Howard L. Smith, and
Mr. Melts expect to die on some land in
Sioux Co.
Mr. Harlawav the former section fore
man, ha quit the section foreman work
at A del in, but we have been unable to
learn the name of the new section fore
man as he came from Missouri to Mars
land about a month ago.
The GRKiotitoKK.
Uyimoilnrn has received another hard
blow. And in Milwaukee, at that.
An ardent follower of the mesmeric
art offered to wager $100 that he could
get into a pasture in which a ferocious
bull was charging everything in sight
and by mean of a few passes put the
animal to sleep.
The wager war promptly accepted by
a friend, and the amateur Svengali began
operations. He walked boldly up to the
animal, stared it in the eye and mane a
pass, go did the 'bull. The artist side
stepped and tried again. Then, in the
parlance of the sport, there was "some
thing doing."
The bull refused to recognise the sup
erior of mind over matter. In violation
of every rule of the hypnotic manual,
he swooped down on the luckless experi
menter, and chased him to a high board
fence. The barrier was too high to be
climbed, and so the bull butted the slumber-artist
right through an inch board,
breaking it beyond repair, and also
fracturing three ribs of his antagonist.
After the man came to in the hospital,
he acknowledged he had lost the wager
and that he would pay up, providing he
had enough money after liquidating his
hospital expense account.
Of course the bull ought to have
known better. He should have prompt
ly rolled over on hi side and begun snor
ing at a prodigious rate. But he didn't.
It is quite a blow to science, but lie
after, when that hypootist wishes to
overcome another angry bull he will
probably teed him on half a barrel of the
stuff that made Milwaukee famous.
Then perhaps the hypnotic spell will
work. It wi'l, of course be slightly ir
regular, but it will be a blamed sight
more effective and safer. Omaha
Duilv News.
In the beginning, Oo4 created the beav
ens ii nd the earth, then the editor, and
then the liberal advertiser and prompt
paying subscriber, which was all very
good. Next day it snowed, and ha cre
ated the sunn who doe nut belief in ad
vertising. anotlier one who doe not tak.
the Mier, and then be rented. Then the
devil got in the moulding room snd ex
ated the man who take the paper for
years ami fails tm pay for it. After h
had completed that sorry job, and h.iv
ing a few lump of mud left, he created
the excuse of a man who settled his ar
rearaire by instructing tbe nontmaxter V
mark hi pnper "ivfii.!d." Bayar
Rvv. W. R. Warren went to Gordon
Wednesday to attend the Epworth Lea
i?ue convention and from there expect
to go to Nance county where bis brother
is located for a short visit. We have
noticed an expression on the countenance
of the reverand of late of unusual bright
nens, and other thing indicate that some
thing is in the wind, so without fear of
being scooped we prvdict that wh-n he
returns to R ixliville he will brine back
with dim a lady to look after the wel.
'are of the M. E. parwmage. We sw
oing to chance the event at any rate
and herefore extend congratulation to
the Rev. and Mrs. Warren. Rushville
fMny la Ceroeallaa Bobee.
Some of the robes at the coming
oronatlon, both for peer and peer
sses, will be made of velveteen In
stead of velvet and trimmed with rab
;tt' fur Instead of ermine;
KM Jest What He Heeat.
Hoitesa What, going already, pro
essor? And must you take your deai
Ittle wife away with you? Profr sur
-Indeed, madam, I am sorry to say i