Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 26, 1902, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10
.iem ELEMENT OF Till; -PU-KSS-JOUKNAL JUNE 26,1902. ii PRISON WILL CELEBRATE, c . i tlie 4th. of July. f ! v will he found the .r.vi.ig program, asprepar y the committee. . UNTJSESALUTR Parade 9:30 ad ing, Declaration of In ! 'pendence and Speaking. 10:00 7 -IE PURSES Bl ue Rock shooting content. 1!:00 Pony race. 1,':30 . 8, 5. 3 Free f or all foot race 100 yds. 1:15 $5, 2.50, 1 Foot race for boys under 14 50 yd.- 1:."!0 - 2, 1, 1.51) Three legged race 50 yds. 1:45 3, 2; " Fat man's race 50 " 200 lbs. and up j 2:00 3, 21 Sack race 50 "' 2:15 2, lj Wheel Barrow race 50 " I 2:30 - Q X In Wyoming. Mr. Church haserect-'d :t windmill over hi wtll on In homestead. jam Hu e is hulling wool fur Jake Mill from Lane Creek to Liisk. A ndrew Christian hi ordered a t)i ping vat and will -rhiips dip lus rattle ihut week. An livw Miristinn sold h mule, team io A M. Morp iv of dm lie hist Mon day. Consideration fit&V. .'. I). Williams received word from Jrawford i n , Iowa, a few days f" I li t t his fat h r i) vrry Kirk, Miw Ei'ieUi 8rrH, a former rvxi n I of 1 1 iv lfidge is ii. iw visiting rt-hi 'ives at Ft. Morgan, Colorado, Quit, a hea vv frost v sited thin Red ion n nilii of li. 20 h. ' was formed i s Mm- l.icts hut no d image was doiu to iiw g ndern so l.ir as known, Mr. sm-.l Mr. .1. E II illingsworih unit Uml visii.d le wrdm and f 'n : I v 01. 'list SiiimIuv. WVare always vlad to st-i air 'il ueteoburs at any and ail tunes. A Mr S'ii-h-ki and (.mi Iv, if Wiscon l tirriv-.! hern a f-i.vd'ivs ago. He t fft to I'M'-ilv li-r. At presnt ha i inking N home w Hh Mr. Church 8r. Slate Veterini-ian Se ihiiry, and AMor aev Me,'Un notified those having infectei imI I le to iut in n vat, and dij), at on .Isotokup it ii in t l tl: i:iMiie l rad rated. Jfi- Fl iri-nH 'hiistiitn mad two I rip: frooi lm ne to her 'i lioul near I,nk la.' e-k. M'isa long rid;-f ir one tn tnaki in t he niori. ing Ivefore school tiuief art ii tsalxiu' lit iii'les from', home. j Oountv Attorney Mecuin, neoonipanied ' bv Constable Harry Oaterol Lusk, made a husiness trip to the Ridge last week. lie i-ame with blood in his eye and a six pistol tn Ida l.nrdkeri hitf focket looking after I hose whom lie thought, might violate, the law prohibiting the driving of cattle across the Nebraska state line. Our cil izens are nil lawahil inir and knoiv enoi yli to notify the in parlor :n I hey ih to mm the line, Ktill we undrstnnd oome of the Nebraska men wfre retdly wared and rushed their cattle back in a hurry. . Zckiel. Hill Hti:itlo h 'd the iirsf.irtuiiB 'o (jet n binl wiitp wound fiom the hoof of i vie ion horse one day laol week. th l,i.k doctor seued i.p thi. wiiund nni $1.50, 1 i Hill is p-ilmy- alon; till ri.'ht. ISaloon ascentiion Ball game Fire works 2:45 .'5:00 t:00 Dance after noon, and eve i;im'. First hour free. ), On last Tlmrsd.iv aflernoon a fnni: shower visiiett tln p-trl ami iltd a irea' deal of maid !' "ot a Imriint war tin show.r but a ifenle sizzli n-'..le s'n ti a ax la-t ail d.iy and pretty iiio. li all uiy.hl State Veterinarian and stin k inspect! Ijenlmrv, was i-siecliiij; cat I le siipisjeed to have the TeXK It'h, ml the KuljTi', last n-ek H.-oin,d ijuite a i iter in Miimi! by Dunn's orchestra, j t,L'"i ''"-'-' """"" f- , . 'it I ali i iiiht. lie uave An isv hristian a beginmg at 1 o clock... ji,MI,i,,rtii.ie ,-.mi....itf All Woodmen of the ;world j the .-ati ie w ti ch ' e h'.oyiii at VV n ;vnd VuMlern Woodmen niv j Mlf' lr(lllfted tO be prCnt Oil' On Monday nf last we.k.a-Oa1hoiiip. 1h' ironiing of the 4th. to lake i :i"t in the parale. J. R Burke; prei'li'iit of th day. Ittibfrt Keel; marshall,' at- . l i 1.1... T" rira it i , .lumi 1 ; i d ir vy Kendall. son. x -u of l T L 'I'lioii isi n, 1 1 v I C Hear I he I "eilel whool Itunse v. us sailfUtn H siiv, II tin kut him oil he slile of tin lieail, ti Ha ling a termiw if not a fain) Arm-it, The hkoII was hn k.-ii iiik rn wd hi. A: last accciiim lie w.m panlxzeii in 'hat rule aod in a piciirioimciiiidil n. At last a ciiiiil Oin l iisoii wa oine better ith chaPre for hi re;OVr rv Mitchell, Ncbr. June 14, 1002. To our friends who rejid the Press-Journal: Mail reachet Harrison by such a roundabout way from thm part of the country that we were not able tnwnd a recor-' of our wanderings for last week's paper. After we bade our Harris n friendu ijoodbye on June 8th, we drove to the hospitable home of Mr. Parsons wlwre we took dinner ami visited for a short time with our friends then on to Mrs Lizzie ! i-iffee'ii ranch on Running-water, w hich we reached alsuit, dark and where we found another hearty welcome. We spent the foren'vw Saturday, visitinjr. tin -proving the arrangements of our wagon iind fishing. After helping to eat the llsh we started on again and drove in to Mr. 'h'is. Xewman's that nigh!, and there we spent Sunday. Sunday afternoon Mr. nnd Mrs. tlrewel came over and we all studied the Sunday SVhool lesson togeth er. After supper we adjourned to Mr Orewel's and sfient a pleiisant hour Hug ing Oospel Hymns. M mdny morning we folded 'Mir tent unit starti-d on again tho at each of llie-e -lopping pla?es we had most kind and nr. gent invitations to stay a we-k. We were told 9t Harrison that the Ives way to reach Cheyenne was bv way of Milch ell and so by Mitchell we (time. Several have bern equally sure since that the other way would Imve lsen he-4. We crossed the Platte :i' d mmped for the tlrt time away from our friend-, lb-re ve met with our first hindrance which made it riecessnry tn s(e ml a week h'-re instead of one niht as planned, f ) ir third horse cut her foot in Hie wire fi-m-e. At. first, we thorni!!' ii would Is- ru-ci- -ry to g., on w ibout. her bit' the I II! d d not seem to lie iie-p and w- d. cal' d to just, wait fur it to IimiI, W hi vnl ,,nr camp about half a note to a bi imiilcl grove made (he acpiiiiii'tani'u of the owners who furnish us with nidk. rad ishes Ac. and who prove to Is- Verv kind neighlsirs. We are very comforta hie. Have bad two or ibree showers which did n"t di-liuh us a ' alt. Kp"in a g wl deal of the time eating and sli-epoig and the rest of it rending, writing aod v siling wi'lh the nn,;hhois We are swiuii g the ofije,-! nf our 1 1 ip itlitdoor hfei' we are no! t.-itii. -. ov-r the ronr-il v t v fasi. Hess sems to te improving as la-1 as rruiM t-e -vpa-li-d and we hoje to iihle to go ori itte lirsi i.f ihe wei k I w ill try to tel il e s'orv of nor l.orth. r progress in fim for the n. xt issue of the Journal. : ' , , V , P P ce.