Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 26, 1902, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - Journal.
Uoitt starts to haying thin
Andrew Christian from Pleasant Ridtre
made us a pleasant call hint Monday.
Come again Mf. Christian.
James Johmoo made final proof
Mr. rtanford Hill wu Harrison visitor
'Pat Dunn left but week for Boulder
Edith Burke returned home from the
M. E. hospital lawt Monday, and her eyes
are very much improved.
For Salk One
Registered shorthorn
J. E. Marsleller.
J. L, And no n wm in from Bodarc
. laat Monday.
Miaa MebU Thayer was a Harrison
Itor last Mondar.
Oo to Patterson's for Hiuger Machines
and uipplies. VHf.
Berne m bar the annual School Meeting
Mit Monday tha JWth.
FOR SAI.F,:-1fi( acres of land joining the
village of Harrison; for further partic
ular inquire at this office. 40
Smith left lust week for Oerintf
and Mrs. J. E Marsleller and children
went along to view the country and visit
N Captaio Allan Fisher wa Harri
ett) visitor lael Monday.
B. T. Neece, and daughter Miss Nora,
were in Harmon Tuesday.
Julian Lever was taking in tha tights
at ilarriaon laat Monday.
August naumgard o! Montrose was a
Harrison visitor Tuesday. He reports a
heavy rain and liail storm in his vicinity
last Monday.
van -rems a son of John ferns was
shot near Casper last week, but not
fatally, fred Kassalin . was killed at
the same time.
Commltiorters Proceedings '
Harrison, June 17 1903.
The Hoard met an per adjournment.
Present commissioners, Meng. Lewis.
Rielow and Wm. J. A. Raum, clerk.
On motion the road petition of 'has.
Hetiofl' and others was laid over on ac
count of there iiotljeing a deposit of $25
as required ly law. accompanying said
petition. On motion the road petition
f John I. Davis and others was laid over
r further consideration. On motion
he official ISond of A. J. Bogart was ap
proved. On motion commissioners liewis
id Bigelow vole to grant the prayer of
petitions, of Herman Konra'h and
hers and declare said road petitioned
r a county road to he designated as
:oiintv road No. 100, commencing at the
W. corner of the 8. E.J, Section 18,
wp. d4, liange 34, tliei c ' ast on i Sec-
o. line i mile, thence North on Section
e one and a half miles, thence East 2
tiles on Section line, and also commenc
iH ill y. W. corner of Section 8. thence
North two miles on Section line to the
N. E corner, Section 31, Twp. 85, Range
The following claims for damages were
i motion allowed:
Grant Guthrie $10.00.
John HeBano 8 00.
3 IS. Buffer 3. "0.
On motion the Bridge petition of Her
man Konrath and others wns laid over.
H. 8. Parke was doing business at the
county aeat last Saturday.
Henry Bohnsack, foreman of the V. T.
vim ted In Harri oo Sunday.
M. J. Weber from fllen doing bus
Inees atflM hub U -Monday.
Miss Brown who has been visiting wit)
Mrs. M. J. O Council for tbe past two
weeks, returned to her home at Five
Points last Saturday.
1 win hold Institute this vear, betrm
ning August 4, continuing two -week
J. B. Burke.
Co. Sup!
4Bertmest and wife came in from
Warren, Wyoming lost Monday.
For lack of apace, we ware compelled
4o ga out a supplement this week .
HunJay school at -40 o'clock; every
body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt.
Buy a Champion mower
ROHWER and look pleasant.
from E.
JuK received: A new consignment of
men and boys clothing at (1ERLACH3.
VTbe Prees-Jouroal family were the re
riniaets of a breo am iri thsir trm
Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. Oolfee and thei
daughter Blanche took (lie east
bound train for Chudron H tt iinhiy uili
after a visit to the ranch in llalciee
Leopold DeBock went to Chtidron M
day nigl.t to consult with a doctor,
are sorry to learn that Mr. DeUock has
hiii 1 1 bad health and we hop he will ti
ceive permnnent relief.
m Jfellie Christian returned froi
Omaha Monday where she has lieen witl
her sister Amy for the past two week
She sas Miss Amy is some lietter and
we hope she may be fully .restore.!
health soon.
Mora and better gayd for the same
money at Oerlach's atom than any oUier
place, try them. 10-tf
imply aprinkla or apray on chicken
ooau, Lee's lice Killer doee the reel.
Sold by J. B. Phioney.
The undersigned wilb Bell
at public auction in Harrison
on July 12, li)(J2, the following
described property: '
30 head cattle
4 head horses
1 McCorniick mower
3 stoves
1 new organ, high grade
1 new wagon
1 good harness
Household goods and other
articles to numerous to ment
ion. Terms cash. I have
also a house and lot for sale.
D. M. Sutton.
The undersigned will sell
at public auction, at J.
Jacob's residence, four miles
So. east of Montrose, Sioux
Co. Nebraska., on Tuesday,
July 1st. at 10 o'clock.
10 Cows
8 Cows with calves by side
2 3-yr. old Heifers
2 1-yr. old
Professional Card.
for Democratic Ccnuress
rosAf, Convention,
A' delegate convention of the Dem
ocratic party of the Sixth Congressional
District of the stale of Nebraska, is here
by called to meet at the city of Kearney,
Buffalo county, on Wednesday, July 9lh
1902, ut 2 o'clock, p. tn , for the purpose
of pl-J .ing in nomination a candidate for
member of congress, to be voted for at
the next general election to he held Nov
4th. 1902, to represent the fixth congress
ionnl district of Nebraska, and to trans
On moiion the following clainisacainst I act such other business as may come
I have for sale, at my ranch on Sow
belly about 20 cows with steer calves
by their sides, will sell on 4 months lime
for good Bankable note, with 10 per
cent interest.
Gottlieb Knori.
Chart Newman and C. H. Orewell
frost Hewitt, made final proof on their
rKMneetaade last Saturday.
tr i Twn thoroughbred, abort
horn Buiia, 3 yr. oW. Both registered.
Will atll cheap. Inquire of A. Ucuiniey
or V. A. Hester. 51 tf
I am now prepared to weave carpets.
W eta. for hit and miaa and 12J for
tapped. Warp furnished at oi
The 13 year old son of Mr. J. Jl. Raw
land of Crawford was smothered to death
last Tuesday by dirt falling oo him
while at play near Crawford. Boys you
should be careful and not make such
dangerous play houses for we see some
of them near Harrison, and you may
feel thankful that you did not get trap-
Sioux countv was taken up audited and
Palmer & Knmm Bridge pl uik. .f7.00.
Marl in Carroll labor on bridges. .2.25.
James Wilson was on motion, appoint
ed Justice of the Peace for Whistle creel;
On motion Board adjourned until June
18 at 8 o'clock A, M. 1902.
Win. J. A. Raum,
Harrison. June 13 1C0?.
Eight o'clock A. M. Board met as per
ndi'iurnment. Present commissioners.
M -in.'. L-wis, Bigelow. and Win. J. A.
R nun. clerk.
The Mo-ird proceeded to examine brid
! uti White River. Oo motion Board
adjourned until June 19 1902 at 8 o'clock
A. Jl.
Win. J. A. Raum,
Harrison, Nebr. June 19 1902.
The B iard met as per adjournment.
Present commuMouers, M.-ng, Lwis,
Bitfelow. and Win. J. A. Rutin, clerk.
Board continued to ascertain the total
valuation of property assessed, and the
relative value theieof. On motion Board
adjourned until June 20 1902 at 8 o'clock
A. M.
Wm. J. A. Raum,
C lerk.
Harrison, Sioux Co. June 20 1902.
Boiird met ns per adjournment. Pres
ent eomrr.ksiotiers, Meng, Iwis, Bige-
ow, and Wm. J. A. Raum, clerk.
Board continued to ascertain the total
valuation of property assessed and the
relative value tnereof. On motion Board
adjourned until June 21st. 1902 at (J
o'clock A. M.
Wm. J. A. Raum,
iH, J. 0 ( oiiucll, - - (,'. AtLcrtitv-,
Will Practice in All Court.
Special Attention diiven to 4and Of
lice Business.
Col lections and all business mi trust
ed tome will receive prompt mtentUm.
Hahhison - Nebraska.
3 2-yr. old
3 1-yr. old
4 2--yr. old
1 Bull
1 1-yr. old
TERMS of sale: 6 mouths
time with 10 per cent interest
on approved note. Stock not
to be removed until note is
approved. 3 days time for
removal. 5 per cent off for
cash. Free lunch at noon.
E. A. Bigelow; Auctioneer.
I'liyiscinii and Surgeon.
All call given ronit attention
Oflice in Ii'uk Store.
properly before the convention.
I ne representation or t lie Severn
cnnmips in t n ennveni inn win iw iimspi
upon the vote for Hon. Oldham in 1900
for attorney general, one delegate beinsr
al lowed for each one hundred votes or
major fraction thereof and one deloiriite
at liirsre from each count v. which entitles
the several counties to representation ns
r. poier.
Prompt uttantion given to all leai
matters in Justice, County awl Uistrirt
Courts, and before the United Stare
Land Olfice.
Fire Insurance written in reliald
"Legal papers carefully drawn. '
flAiuusoN. .- Nebraska.
Tha uawarkigiMd are closing out their
atira etock of Groceries at coat call and
wa will aave you money on Groceriers.
O'Connor A Ukkmaon.
Tm Bali: Ona pure bred regisUted
hararord bull, 80 month old. Alt right
M vV way. Prict $100.00.
John L. Kay,
Maraland, Nebr.
Tha way OE8LACU8 are selling Deer
i.. w.-. mmA Sakaa so aarW in the
jMMfthowa that Unnt machinery
ikt heat ia tha world. Everybody
itmA in haea Oaerinc only. 49
My littla aoa had an attack of whoop
! rotub and wm threataned with pneu-
nowia: but tor Chamberlain's (tough
laaedy wa would haa had a serious
mm n alen amvao mm iroin
attaka of croup. H. J
l.twItorWorUrUraW. Fair
Ibvwa. Waah. ' For aala by J. a Finnnay
sasssseMH m
TIm pertonal aaarty of frank Flam
! deceased which haa kum heretofore
Ju uawl will ha aoMoa hla place on
mi. Juaa A. D. lfSt. Bait
VkeHf at 10 o'clock A. M.
Hrrison, Nebr., June 16 102.
Estimate of expenses, of the Board of
county commissioners for the year 190).
District Court 3000.00.
Roads ami Bridges 3000.00.
Incidental ex peaces 2500.00.
Officers saieries 1000. 00.
Officers fees 700.00.
Printing and Publishing 000.00.
Special Hoad district 500.00.
Soldier Relief 300.00.
Stationery 800.00.
Wm. J. A. Raum.
'My brethern." said the old colored
preacher. "It was this way: When
the Israelites passed over it was early
in tha morning, while it was cold and
the ice was strong enough, so that they
went over all ritfht: but when the E-
gyptmns came along it was in the mid'
die of the day, nd the sun had thawed
the ice ao that It gave way and they
were drowned."
At this a young man in the congre
gation, who had been awav to school
and had come home arose, anil asked:
"Dont see how Unit explanation can
be rilfht. tsirson. The Keography tt
I've been studying tells us that ice
never, forms undr the eijuuler, and
that the Bed sea la nearly under the
"There now." aafd the old preacher,
' that's all right. I'se been 'spectin',
some of you smart Aleck would be ns
kln' Jest some such fool question.
The time I waa talking about was before
they ban nny gogruplnes or 'quators
ai I ber. -Exchange.
0;r...cy 10
2 iioit in
n Hooker 1
1 ITownri! U
I Ifeltli .1
2V' Keyn 1'ithii 4
S K i'liti ill 1
. fi t.'neoln !?
I oijfin '.'
7 l.nun 'i
tl'HVKon. 15 McPlierson t
Deuel... S Hock '
(;-irfl"i'i 3 eotts r.iutr...
( :ri ot ...... 2 -herUbm.
slonx... " Vnltev
siicriimii - S Wheeler
Ttionias 2
ft is recommended that r.o proxies lie
ndmitfd to the convention and tlmt. the
deleuates present cast the full vote of
their respective counties. P. H. Mc
Evoy, Chvirmnn,
W. B. McNeel, Secretary.
I!y virtue of an oritur of suli; isaue'l by the
clerk of til -j district uonrt of Sioux comity
Nebraska, uiiuii a ilecreo rendereil in Siinl
court, 1" ravor.ofM.J. O'l'oiinnll plaintiff,'
nd lUfihi st Ueoi'Ku llowea, isam', lu-nry
lliiwen. lieirs of Ciiikd lion-en (Hcunscd,
John H. lSrailhy guardian of Ueoi'Ku llowen
an nKt,(t. infinn person, John it, Hi'iKlley, A
li. Hriidley, Ills wife, whose trim ( hristl-ui
name is nnkiMnvn to plaintiff, as Defendants
1 will on tin- lltli. day of July I'.fi, at one
o'clock in the afti'i-noon pf said day, lit the
K. ist front door of the Court I loam of said
County, at Harrison, Ncbrvska, sell at imolic
Auction to the highest bidder lor cash In
hand, the followlnir descrllMsl real estate sit
uate. I In slid ('ountv to-wit. Tin si, of N.
K i,i and the S-K ':t ol the N-K t of .-ectlon .
Township :!;!, Norm of lianK (Hi, West of 0th
ijrliicipul Mcriillnu. To st;fy said order (.-f
sale In the sum of 3&.'M Three II un
did! and Ki'hty Three Dollars and Ninety
Cents. Interest, co-t and aucruiiiK cost.
first publication June, latli. WM.
AI.KX. i.iV KY,
slierilf ofsaitl County
E. M. V. K. R. is the beat t
to and from Uie
F. E. A Jl. V It. it. lime tulde.
(join ir Jst.
UoliiK Kus'
So. !i, mixed,.
10:.V) No. (. uilxH
Estray Notice.
Straved or stolen from my ranch about
Estray Notice.
I have taken up. 8 miles east of fS!n
1 red cow villi white forehead am
dehorned, about 6yrs. old. brande.
on right Hide. And 1 red heifer
3 yrs. old, branrte' IlK I left hip.
Owner will call sjjjjl and prove pro
erty, pay all charges and take animals
away. Nels Adams.
Olen, Nebr. 51
Cattle brand
ed Maine as that
on cut on eith
er hide of animal
And rollowiiucou
left side of eattl.-.
nd this
And thl
I 55 I
on left sido and hip.
KiniKCon Itiinniug Water.
Postoriice address, Harrison, Nebraska.
Napoleuo's Ileatlfnl Haads.
Napoleon had beautiful hands, and
was very proud of them, often contem
plating them with a self-satisfied air.
three weeks ago; one light reu orockie me never, however, aave wnen uiiu-
face cow, aliont 3 jears old. with short Uary etiquette required It, wore gloves,
horns. Branded on left hip, low down,
tliusfe'.j Any information regarding
U.iwl the same, write to William
Schlever, Harrison, Nebraska. I will
pay $" for delivery of the above cow,
Nebraska teachers and their friends
have an opportunity this year to attend
the National Educational Akhociation
meeting, and at the same time enjoy the
pleasures of cooi Minnesota.
Place of meeting Mi.nneapoi.IK,
Minn. A city of lieaiitiful homes, parks,
lakes, and delightful drives.
Rate One fare plus $2.00 (mem
bership fee). .
83 cents will be charged for validating
tickets for return.
Ikites Sale July 5, 6, and 7,
Limit Julv 14. 102, with the
privilege of extension until OctoW 1,
1002, by depositing return sirtion of
ticket with Joint Au'ent July 8 to 14 in
elusive, and payinir an additional 2"
cents total, 50 cents Joint Agency fee.
Nebraska Headquarters for N. E. A.
will lie at the Wkmt HoTKI., MlNNKAPOMK,
Minn., Parlor 120. Ample accomodat
ions may bn hud at reasonable rates at
the numerous family hotels and private
boarding houses. ,
J. R. Buchanan,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
being aware of the bad Impression that
Perfumes of Ancient Origin.
Alcoholic perfumes, manufactured
by saturating alcohol with the odor
of certain fruits or flowers, were made
as early as the fourteenth century.
U crl Short Term Inatltutlona.
Dr. Daniel C. Gllman of Johns
HoDklns university In a recent lecture
would be made on rough soldiers by a epiore(j the existence of short-term
pair of small, delicate white bands. institutions In this country.
Marsteller Bros
Are now prepared to show
IFH T fineShoes
Ualiaa FOR MEN. 15
Twenty-eight years of
successful shoe building
In five great factoriea rep
resents satisfaction to
millions of shoe wearers.
Every pair of Sl Men'a
Fine Shoes fully illustrate
thin fact They make your
feet look well, no matter
what size you wear, and
combine tho extreme of
style with perfection of
comfort and woaringvalue
Look for the si'n of'Selz" It
mirks the Popular Dealer.
Wanted ,
Reliable man for Manager of Mm: ' 1
Olllce we wish to open in this v.cii.n v.
Here is a good opeoinir for the i-n. hu
man. Kindly give good reference wlnii'
. 1 1 list r:i ted catalogue 4 ctft, ?tw:m.
Read It In His Newspaper.
Oeorire Schwab, a well known (Jei umn i
citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is n con-;
stant reader ol the Dayton VolkszeitiiMfT.
He knows that this pa er aims l adver
tise unly the best in its coliinios. in-d1
when he saw Cluimlwrlain's Pain Itnlni
advertised therein for lame back, he did'
not hesit-itfein buying a laittle of it for'
his wife, who for eight weeks bad Mitftf--ed
with the most terrible pains in her
back and couldget no relief, lie savst:
''After using the Pain Balm for a few
das my wife snid to nie, 'I feel
though born anew,' and before usiiiit Hw
entire contents of the bottle the utih-nT--able
pains had entirely vanished und nft
could again take up her household
duties." He is verv thankful and lnuei
that all sulfering likewise will hear of'
her wonderful recovery. This valuable!
liniment is for sale by J. E. Phinney.
Satisfactory Sboca-Prico-Quality-Comfort-Style.
m rea
Salt "Llama Skin.- 5ELZ, SCHWAB & CO., ChlCAgO.
'l' Ur Mssuhcur. ef Boots .d Shoe. I. lb. Vert.
When you luck energy, do not rebh'
your food, feel dull and stupid, aft-r'
eating, all you need is a dose of (Irnin--berlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets. Ther
will make vou feel like a new mun m At
give you an appetite like a bear. 1W
ale by J. E Phinney.
Clubbing Offers
While you are thinking of subscribing:
or your yearly reading matter, ntfin
tier that the PltEHK-Jot:irNAI, will tiikw
subscriptions to any paper on earth eflel
save postage and lime for y