Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 12, 1902, Image 1

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    'Harrison Press-
1 (XJ'F
hKl I.
.X ' X A. J .9
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Celebrate at Harrison!
Read John U Kny'sad. in this column.
Miss Lucy HilJ returned home Int.!
Mon-aiy evening.
Ohms Ohristensen was in from Mont
rose lust Tuesday.
A-k Marsteller Hros. fur the "Slur
Hlue Ribbon cnM'ee," HO ct.. value for 20
cts. B sure ami wive your tickets.
Fdk .SaI.K: - lli.) acres of hind joining the
Villus of H.iiTi-um: for further parlic-
U'.r j inijiiuo ;i t this office. 40
Mbg Maggie Jordan came up from
Chad run Wednesday.
Oo to Patterson's f-.r Sieger Machines
and supplies. Wltf.
i Ian B. Lakin tiled on a pii-e of
Urcle Ham's domain last Monday.
Ghii. '"hillinsr the painter sent Sun
day with his family at Crawford.
olui Davis nnd family left Wednes
day evening for Norlh.Ioi. Vallrv Co.
to visit for a while with hm wile s IV) 1 U-
SHr. .lames Johnson lias been (pule
sick for ttii' nasi two U'tf-kx, hut have
heard noihing from her in the past few
Or. Withers. Omaha p.inless dentist
will lie here June 1'2 I'!, For op to ifale
dental work, a' Omaha prices see him.
Set of teel h ? "). 22 years experience.
V. Wolheter was at the county seat
Tuesday, looking hale a,lu' hearty.
Buy a Chitiniion mower from K.
BOHWER and look pleasant. 5l)tf.
Inn n (tru r n -ft fT R fl
nui i u m v? u 3..
ka WW 11 a $ w m
! ' T 1 T T T T
1 1
V V 1 i
i j
Sunday school tit 10 o"clocl; every
body invited. W. H. Davis; Snpt.
Jmtrweived: A new consignment of
men and Uys clothing at UEULAC'llS.
We learn that everything brought
good pra;e at Iho Witt Bros.' sale Tuesday.
On your paintinfi. Prices ri:.hl, and
woilimanshipg.iui'aiiteed to lie l'ir.-t '.'.ai-s
Tlie V'.iinter.
The way UKHI.Ai :l t S are hhIMiik "e'-i'-in
Mowers and Indies so early in the
season shows that Deeruu; "macliinery
are the liest in the world. Lverylxaiy
seems hound to have l)i:ering only, nil
on tlie 4th. of July.
It is said (hat thef- is nothinsr new
under Ihu sun. hut we don't believe it.
On Tuesday a sipiaw was seen on our
streets earn mj; an iiuibrell.i to kei.p her
M'lf and pn i louse from yi-ttin;,' suuhiou
k. Valentine leniocr.it.
I We receiVH
Hon. C, F. Coir-e c:me up from Chad
roh Wwdnesdav and went to Ins ninth
in Hal-creek valley.
Ved a caiii tioin Mont. Hurk-
Oennre Uuinhenour who has been 'fues lav and he is at, Oxu-s W
quite sick for the past lliree weeks in He m wnrliiiiu fnMh" same cum Ht that
now able to be ttrour.d. j Boh Miller, Will Mil'er. Kl il: ami
' I iitbi-i- HiottX Co. Ivus iik worklK for.
Four Chicks R ived pays for enouwh He says lie is i,'el tin- :,.i0 per inoulli,
I-e's Lice Killer to last a, whole season, j
I Ajl. J. O'.'otmell. I,. C. Wriy'i'. and
&J l J. K I'tiumey.
. Wm Smoke were i lio'en as deli pii.s
, ., fi lbs Reiiubt nan comilv (Umveutiui
Mure and Uetter ifoi s for tlie same,"'
More ana ' , , , , , Kaluidav. .o represent tins
moner tit (lerlach s store than any other ,
, i I count v in Hie Kepuhhcau (ounress
iduce, trv them, lu-tr j ' . .
I ional ' ouyeiition. h ch me,;t.s in l.ra.v-
-Mr. J. J. .unihrunnen went east Tues
I ford June 1J
Bi'low will bo found tho'
v . . . . . i
ed by the ctjiiiiiiitteu.
- A '
)::;( I
Iloadi'.iK. Uif-laration'of In
le',ciitU'Uiv --id (I J:;iK'aking.
BlncLlo.'.'v. r-looUllg COIitt'St.
Pony race. 1
!-'::'. i
cforall foot race 100 yk.
for boyj n:c!'T 11
1 ;.'!()
W.d race
Fat man's ract
Sack ;af '
iii vv unini,;.
- O
Mrs. J..i. .uiiiliriiiiiiui expects to pi to
Monroe, Wi. tins week to visit her par
ents there for a month or so.
Uecorat'on Day was duly observed by
the East School.. MUs White, the teacher
tissisltd by the pup, Is, jalhered lloWt-rs,
and made vv real Us, after w hich ihescnooi
! repaired to the Cemetery where ilie grav
! es o all were heay til lill y decorated.
Miss Ha! tie O'Conta r closed a live mon
ths term of school in the valley, in .vhat
; is known as ihu Oeuel S' hcnl. lasi Friday
a picioi: was held ill the ;rove ucrthe
I school house. Miss While and school
I Wul,. 1,1 .11.,,,, I .,,,,1
j time, ice v. ream auu imkc vvv
and the li'ile ones were sorry
lime, came to go home.
, Now IJuill, don't, fiive us away that
way. You know we are roue to make
mistakes and must lie put up with, and
mav be mistaken in our 'Man.'' but we
thought it. was Quill tvilh whom we spun j
PUBLIC SALE. Professional Card
all report a ooil
'e serv'eu1,
when the.
I will sell at. public a'.l ti iu at my
paceat Harrison on .June 11, llie lol-
low inr descrihed prop'rty:
1 span ol llor-; 1 hiv Mare
! sulJl- i!,a .' .1 ,i.- a-iii i
by sale. 1 vVaun
1 set of lioiihle Harness
1 -ii Ihl; Vv a-on, lirau new
ha iiaUe and Iv id;
3 Saddles , 1 Mower
1 sickle Orinder , 1 Onini s'oiie
iilO fence i'ols 2 rook S.oves
1 he.ti'i' Slovo H-sl St ..ids
1 -r 1 'ed
Ol lier I liiufrs too nune r,
Tr.KMS: Cash.
Site lo cimtiience al l o'clock.
RoBKRT KEEL. Au-.-lio'leer.
M. J. O'Ciiiiiit'll, - - 'u. Attenie),
"V0 f
j Will Trai liw i:t AH t'ourb.
! Special Attention (.ivcii bi I.hiiJ Ml
Hire i'trs-fiiess.
I Coileclioiis and nil hHsiH(s ewirniii
eii to me t ill it ct'l vp prnitipl 't etilSou.
i II MHilSoN - N'lililt.lst.A.
to mention.
I No rain iais fallen on '.he lvalue since
j Mav lit. tilmiili H, h i-. r mied all around
I here. V , nave li id several da, s thai.
tivete qi.il ; l-i.:y but no rai
r The ;'i'a,il'!J, pel'S IllV.j
appea n (I in j
i.iihi-r-. i he, io'e 'pule i
y,j3. but w nh plenty ol leiu mid
J..a'r ll'ev tii nin iitta.n lb. ir i
t untv. 'lb', '(d.-r.ulo p,ita!o Itr?' I. s
hav e alwi put in I heir iippiaian'r a ml are .
sill on 1 lie riod-4 in tile 0 '(at o t..J i
waiting for liie plain.-, to uiipear.
Moi. !s.
Foot ru:
Tim 1
r,0 yls
To handle, a!' -e j lie, r-ltc'i a
S.oie Fio.'ii-. iitci,' s. ii.e E.c. iiv.i.
jn a ai,a.(i ,i iiii,;;,n,: sta. on lo my out
lit. sii.i.b.N';.
'1 hi.- V.oul. r,
Ado-lia Items.
i'. t'.
i .)
day iiiKht for nn extended visit
fri-ndsiind relatives in Jow.
with ;
Miircteller Hron. ire itoinjr to Kive
away 85 in r;ish, on their hijj fale of 3
Bwr Blue Ribbon cotfee 00 els.
Ppworth Leanne Sundav eveninK. June
15. Suhj:t: Why Total Abstinence
jg bent. W. H. Ha VIM; leader.
What thevtl'ink ofmv work. Then come)
and let me treat you likewise.
KIlillNti. The Tainler.
Wheel Barrow rar
Mr. 1'. 1.
i ami N. 1'. K w.-o.iui 4 assi:
i lia!i'is,,n luaii'i .,t!!.i lal
! MI(!:,KU:
! and ...is,s ,.
! l.tf.1 halt lay
! ill 111 ll'l:sc
1 Ire in!-!, it
! olliciat. ii.
1 n
Sam Lwlins; was in town Ust. Monday
and he reports things pretty dry down
hj Wjtv. but the crops tire . grow
ritit nlone;.
C. O. Boe. represi.-nliliK Hammond
Bros & Stephen of Fremont. Nehr. made
us n pleasant call last Tuesday. He
uliw i-oiuiiv Sntiei intniib lit lor limine
county for four years so he knows how
to t'ive a cheeil'ul Wold to a fellow j
liaiuntv Sunt. Come atfain Jlr. lioe.
, )anc('
ning. .
Paioo;i ascension
15a 11 wan ic
Fire works
after noon, an.
Koseiihei I
ed .Jr. iio(,l. ;
Cie-,1 iy. !
Mr. All" rt i. HiiU-iiuewii.;
,; .M. .J.lll.l.si.li ..el'tf 111 H'l'iOl
.'.;. .J mi.) ii ., at Al !i .nice
,j id a le.v ol to ' i4' mil's
.lorn of .VI ?.. chuici.
-i'ouiii Is a sun:e!.-lul
Milium OI..K i. nan eillpioi i'U on in : i... u.
i M 11. II and to.j or. ': a daughter ol Mr.
(ai.il Mrs. ij. S. J in. is in of N n in B-'Ud Is
l w.dl iu.d fa Vol i oly Uii.ovu If'ra having
' tauni an eiiil moudis term "I s. oool
I inmsinct .. ,m.i mi iiian ., ,,.,,.:.
in this vicinity w.sli li.eiu a loiirC ami
nappy man led Hid. '1 heir Iciiie is al
A I Nance.
.(Vi'-1 Mrs. Chas. Linrf of Jidlins, Montana
I arrived, I'l'iday evenlii- uml will visit
J .v il I, her lelatives and friends a w bile.
. Dita of Franl-.Iin Force.
Fiatdihii F,'i',.e, was horn in Crawford
ruioitv , I'l-iiii-Uvania, April Jhh.
He came to iinvu when a hoy of lour.-.-i,
years, lie. enlisted in tlie eleveatu Iowa
inlamry ami st-rve,! inoi'u than lour veuis
m the war of the lelx-llioii. K.ilerins;
Hie ranks as a private, he earned hv his
i.i-j vvr v' and in it Id a 1 iliM-ha re ol duty, ii
. pr. in in ii.-t t.j .i Kftiisil In uitnancy
ihtutoa lirst lleiueeiiucy, Al the close
, n the a ar he c. :ne to I'.uri couni v, Neo-
u. id. with t he except Ion ol .a
' k'W iil'al li.lei v,us, he Ho, allied ulit I
' i ,.,'J wiieii ne re. -ii.. Ved . ,S.,t,x count v .
'I II i liee.-'a.-d Illl.titi III lie, l i aise
! Feb. Ti, li;-), to J.iiu i !ii ypei.n,. id,,,,
! hilll l,lVC Ul.JiJ.i, .ill..,. U..I.H s.
j JJer I , o ol M.r.ivc bin , I II ee :tels
j and t wo hroVu ,a .- a..--o -a va.i- nun,
; Mai cn ..is h.- 1 1 iii a.m so t... : t.e
I in lii n
.,, . ,i..,i l eliio Vol ' o a ill' t, I t
I he i adlill' I
i I,, ii
id , I. on I
,r. A; h.
tji'.e I... ll.i.l la I,. p,il. I
v lion p.
J. K. PliiNVFV. M. 1).
fn;, Kfian a i-i-.I Surcn'...
All 1-ali.s i: i .-a priun jit n tlen ttoii
. liif., in lirutf .Store.
-il frnl:uS - SEBItASKA.
chant h;tkk;e.
Prompt altenlion iven to all letr!
matters m justice, Coruly ami iJistriel
Courts, and before the United Suutw
band ( i!i. -.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
2??"Le;ral pai-.ers rnrefully drawn.
llAlirtl''.ON. - NKIiltARKA.
5 tRS-H A ,tfci
4 ,.; -. v
in: w;
' fain, I.. ti i -i j i . j
i in ho;
I llloi.t
w i)e ii i.e. a.i.i
i d, a i Ii vs a.-, ti.
I .varied Ua
' ins l..si i . t-oii-'r; pun e I e.; e
j I. ii; Ihroiuil ei'-- v.ii. , lie
I 'O
,1 I
I c
i- - c
l - ) '
-I. lie
r, Rft
1 .' V Ml " '., '. s-y. 1
; ': it
'i if y
The lain
n-re oi.aoa
;.l , s
y w i :,h
t iooi mi...
it: huei I.-
S. C I'o'o
t,-ll.lll,S '
,i,,d I he i
i. tile li.i.li
iv"i.M 'I "''
-...II. UeV, L,r. VV,l'-oh l.ldel,,l!H,i.
(p..-s'.,ll lu tbv llailiNll. I'...; Ul
.actie.4 i
i County Kuvs, i-
"' ' '' Tilf. I'ii;.-s.--.1opr';al has printed a liinif'- .
'''',t,-d number of maps on Manilla card
U1 "' 'Hoard which can be secured lor. lllr fm-ih .
' ! "i'le v will also he L' I yen as a pivutiiitii t.
Aur.y I'ost In
and . iiici.,,1, ,1
in en!, took
"K ci ii i ;
at I lie
id 1 1 in le. oain.-.
ave- 1 he iiitt-i-1,1
ik Jewailiall
eeiueterv . J'iie many !,! lone Ineiids
all-l aeipiaillhiui-e". ol ill' tanuly exte.nl j
svumat.iis .--Teliauiao Journal.
I new sulisciiheis.
! r
! K
k t lie Ui-.ii
swt.I.. i.ia ..uul .-onl will continue
Nels En-'ebret was in from llishlanfl
hint Saturday and attended the Republic
an rountv convention ana delegate frmn
Andrews precinct.
Mre. Palmer who bnH been visit iii
with f'riendKiiud relatives at this place
forthe past month, left for her home at
Uuernney yesterday.
'he rountv cominis-iniiers yre in sess-
as a
iKiard r,f equalization lor ahotit SO dus.
ho if you have a kick to make ou will
tlml them at the county clerk's ollice
ready to answer all the knott v ipiestions
that mtty Im broiiLtbl ladore tiimil.
hut the iiest of material to h" bad in I he
market, and nive i he i 'omp.i.iy's Cuar
aiilee on every job 1 paint.
Tue Fainter.
of leu
le tiaiison
i 1 li n s Mr
purc:has.-d stx head
Jlif. Nelson, val.in
Tuii CiiEI'.NilOltN.
Hev. 'barb:
1'aiH. and Mi
8lnllin(,' the Painter finished painting
the Commercial Hotel Tuesday of this
week. Rid what he has to any to you
elsewhere in these columns.
Rv, D. M. Snyder of the Missouri Con
ference will preach at the Church on Sun
dav atll.OOa. m. and lecture, with btere
opttcan, tttR.O" p. m.
..... .i.i ....a. .,r ., i..
MV lU son nan nn .inn. n oi .-.
, , I of I rawlonl, lelt I
: .1, .,r,,l mn, 1 hreiiteneil with tillelll
1UK unifcii ." , ,
monia: but for Chaiiihetl.iiu'H Coii(;li
Remedy we would have had a serious
ttnie of it. H also saved him from
several severe at tacks of croup. -H. J.
STKIOKKAUEN, editor Worl.t Herald. Fair
Haven, Wash. For Kile. 1V J. E. I'hmney.
F, Ru-n, Mrs. Rice, Roy
U iv the w lie ol HeVt K
Colorado last Fn-
Edith Burke went to the M. E. Hospi
4.1 la-nt Tuesday l)ihl. Her eyes have
F()K SALEt-One pure bred registered
hereford hull, '.10 months old. All .ight
in every way. Price H ).
John L. Kay,
"Marslaiid, Nehr.
dav. They departed in a prairie seootiei
and will go h the way of Mitchell.
Scott Bluir county. Mr. Rice s heall 11
is Very poor nnd he hopes lo be benefited
by the trip and change of country. Mrs,
Ku e and Mrs. R ly are not in very Kond
health, and we hope the trip will lie
pleasant ami pro lit ible to all of them.
They are prepared to make an easy jour
ney, having a mood tent, stov
best wishes of the l'ress Journal Ki
witb tli.-iii, and as Mrs. Rice has promis
ed lo write to us each week, of then
t.-i-.thi ..I' it'ii eel ii nd ramn life, we will
-sBodarc Gleanings.
The dry. hot weather and espacially
.. . i ..r 'I'....,.!.. .. iu fli-i-v (lis-!
lll-muotj i.i, ... ..... fc
courafjin to those who have in small
train, unless a. rain comes within the
next lew days all hopes ol a crop will be
at an end for this year, in tins vicinity
it least.
At t A..a.....r, (oe lite nasi, two
sJ. I.J. V lltltl 'll " I
years Iris been employed at the Oolite
"ranch, has concluded to t ry farming for
himself, and has moved his household
, ilA tlx, t leltrv Wert 7. house for
W-'im nil-" j
in easy jour- v)ie eSHIlt
ve tto. The
lournal goes! -.m Jaroby w
Alter di-lil-riaiii six lie s, six niylilsj
anil el-IM Iflii's, tlie jury Ul the Jahiikel
ci.se Uiolilli in a. veiiin t of muni, r m
the first degree, iis.-iuiiig August F. ,
.lalinke lo a life tern, in lie- slate V m- ,
ttniiarv. Judg. Weslover has oeeii ,
higiilv coinpliuiented fur Ids acl.ioii and i
ruling in Ih.s -as. The jtirv ai;!e.'u nol
lo agree, so the judge suit tlii-iu back;
with the iiiideistant'diig that they must,
ami the above vt rdict was the result ol
this ruling. We have always admired
the judge for Ins liriut.ess and our admir
ation only iii.:ivnses in this case. Jiiiois
forget some times that lli.'V owe their
ountrv as well as their leliowman.
some coiisidet-.i I ion ami this (ilsai e.-mg
of jurot is mi eas way of getiiui: out,
of deciding one way or I he other. We
oiilv wish we had more swell ptoses as
jude Wetov.-r. then jurors would
realize thee must act and not, play boy.
Oliver Olson tlie lccoiii pi ice in tins min
der net 20 years in the penitential
and Ad'i'fd .lahnke the son ol the con
victed murderer was turned loose as
there Was not Rtlfllcient evidence to make
him a party to the crime.
to and I rom the
s s -tr
y. V.. A. Jl. V li. K. nmc tutile.
uonij; W est.
OtmiK h-.ist
iw. .1, liiixrd, W.!tl I Ml. !. mixed
A Utile miss of 5. livmt! in Washington j give tho H uin? to our readers. Mr. Rice
UUttu, - , ..... I .... , A ,n!..u..., ,., !, r, , for one vonr. He
tmnhlwl her for several years, aim ne , consturea witn ner orotoei, n -
troubled tier tor si,eiui j-...- : t:tiii'ii - - t
hnuen to receive periuaiierit restoration ; KUVe enough pennies to buy papi and h-aves
n"" ' nilT.,.,1 1 A ti i,.nil lit Hill fiiml 111 lift!
under tlie skilllul care oi m. ji...v. t laamma piei-..vn.
ly noticed that mammas present wan
. ...
RXMEMBER. lunch finer and more expensive man
. impa'o, and was impelled by curiosity to
That Shilling the painter doe aiffn and . imp.ire why the bulk of the .a.
ScJXfi - workfalso plain and 'lorattve l,e expended lor the mother, the Ittl e
carngo mm, v i,,... WmI voii see. nana is only
Kalnominintr. And makes a 8pecuiiM , .,. . , -
hanKing paper.
Mina Amv Christian went to the If. E.
HonpltaUt Jnaha last Tuesday night.
MiM ChriHtiatl is having poor health, nnd
we hoi le may U able to net permtin
nt relief. Mum Nellie Christian her
ainter went with her.
J. W. Hunter and John Mack were
representing the Republican party, as
delegates from flat creek pwinct last
Saturday, at the county convention held
at thin la dy' T,,ev es:1'
Ktended the hand of fellowship to the
Joiimwl ' wl'll" ttw"'
related to we children by uiarriag'e.while
mauiina is our relative by bnrtuittou."
Indt p!ndent Union.
ho has been attending
the Wesleyun University at Lincoln the
past year, came to the vaiiey IraUnd v.V
and will work at C. F. Coflee's ranch this
Frank Ood'eo came up from Ohadron
nothing hut lriends behind him, as.1 Kalimlay to visit his old home and help
Inside has been that of a devoted chnst-, ,is brother John to cook lora wntie.
inn,. and while his inllrnntius have been
! llz&i It in kiis nv.-&i.acr.
I (eor4t3Scliw..l), a well know u (.l.ni.au
i ciii.-n ol New Lmhalioii. Ohio, is a con-
stant reader ol the i-a ton Vol ks.ei lung.
1 II,. knows that ibis paper aims to ntlvt 1
! tipe only the best It. Its columns, ai.u
i wiieu he saw tdiaiiiuerlain s l'.im Balm
advertised therein lor I, one back, tie mil
not hesitate in bu mg a boll le 01 il lor
! his wile who lor 1 Ight weeks hail sulh 1
vii wilh the m ist, terrible pains lu net
k uml could ret. no leltel. lie says:
Alter usiuu the Pain Balm lor a lew
d.iAhiny wile saitl to me, "1 leel as
though barn ne.v,' and belore using the
... ,1 1 ..ins ul the bottle the tin bear-
1 .TIIl-tlT: ,,.-
red hrockle J 'pane, ban entirely vanished niid she
with snort: ,1 .ruin laue nn ner iiouseiioia
Mrs S. A. Rose of Ifarriion is visiting
for a few weeks with Mrs. C. K Rose
ititd other friends in the valley.
great at limes his light has always shown
the brighter for the master. W have
. .. 11, . .d o,,, to be 'UIU
mei 11 ki ru 111. in.) - i ,
christians, but have never met one y-t jbiby Hall bar, been .pate sick for the
that could hear up in all ihmgs as has past week with a gal hering in tliu ear,
Mr. Rice. We have known him lor the j resulting from a cold. We hope to bear
past 8 ,, ears, ami can say that the great-! soon of it's recovery.
est pleasiir- lor him. was to help Home
one else.
Entre-y Notlco.
Strayed or stolen I'l-.-m mv ranch about
three weeks ago; (Hie light
I'.w... cow. about l! vears old.
1,,,,-us. Branded 011 lelt. lup, low tlow 11, Ha is very Ihankl ul and hopes
tattfj ! that all siilleriug likewise will hear ol
Anv information regardim: j . . . ,.H n i-ecvery. This valuable
uuneiil is for sale by J. t,. I'nimiev,
thus P v
the same, write to William
Sehlover, Harrison, Nebraska. I will
pay for delivery of the. above cow.
An exchange observes that a boy fan
sit on a sbsl six inches Hipmre lied to M
sled moving 11 ine miles an hour, but can't
sit on a sofa five minutes b r a dollar,
A man can sit on an inch hoard and talk
politics fur three hours but put him into
a comfortable church pew for forty
niluutesHiid he get nervous, '.wists and
giws to sleep, A man can pouch his
cheeks with tobacco nnd the juice rutin
iei(f down his chin feels good; hut a hair
in the butler simply knocks hurt out
completely.-Clmd-oii Journal,
Servicesal the M. E. churn
Jnne 8. '
.Sunday w hool tit Ub.OOa. m.
Junior League 3 ' p. m.
Epwortl 7 " '' ".
Preaching Service at 8:00 p. m.
I nin now prepared lo weave carpets.
We do not like to make Clio feel dis
counitred. but wm have to boost our own
country whenever the opportunity oilers.
We have llachelor-huttons, Blue-hells,
Poppys. Pink", ti ml Hoses in tnoom 101
several days not withstanding the hot
w 1 mis.
John Ehrrspecher seems to he I he only
worthy man in our community. A
henvV ram and hail visited hi locality
11 lew evenings since thai kept. Hat-creek
from tho Ftll of Pompeii to tho Do
tructlon of Si. I'lorre," b.V I'mf. ( Imj l'
Morris, h. I.. I. Most Intensely htleresl hi
liook ever nnblWIn-il, Complete, tlirlllluit
itcciiriite ui-eount or greiilit.t, ill-nsier that
ever liefidl l b'! Intiiian ruee - i;!-eitter even
tlian J'onip'di. Tells bow .Marllnliiie. one
nl the most tieamltiil l-lamls hi h" wi ld,
wits suddenly transform" I hitu IJ v.-i tll.l.
I...II l,,.ul Mil lllilin. nroltlsely illustrated
...lilt i.liot.oir.mlis taken In-fore Hint alter j
When you lack energy, do not relish,
vour food, feel dull nnd stupid, after
eating, all you need is a dose of Cham-
' herlain's Stomach & Li'r Tablets. They
; will make vou leel like a new nun and.
' give volt 11 n nppelile like u bear, for
' ale hv J. E. Phmney.
j Relial.l.
Wanted 1
man for Manager of a Brunch
10 cts. for hit and miss and 12J lor ; fr ,in,i very muddy for two days, nut
stripped. Wnri furnished af, cost, j no one fbe atouud was bo blessed,
Mim. J. A. TUAVKR. Wtf ' . M, A. C,
.Itsnster. Priiellealiy only ",,..u , . . this vicinity
11....1," 1., 11... Held, rorevel-yono v.lio insets mn 1 1
mi Inivhiil I'rol. MontH' hook and 110 0M1 .r.
....ilu.r. luritent IsxlU. I" "! Ilbtsl I lit "d,
u.i....iiiientiv accurate Price fl 1. Agonf)
Wa ued. I.tiornioiif proilts lor those who
art quickly. Most liier.il term-, hi, 1111 1
cents lion'! be"' 1. n.iiiiile. i"nl lor oulllt
IMMl I)1A 1 EI.V, ninl Iw nl work. The
etiiim-e of 11 life tun., lor limiting money.
n-AHK & Co., 'i-li M. 4th Kt..Phi!d.:l
phia,,lV Mention this Paper,
lb re is a good opening for the right
man. KunlU give good reference when
w rit ing.
t'INi'INNATI, 01 1 it),
lllusiriited catalogue 4 cts. slamofc.
r,-t a
t ' . s.
s. ' s '