Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 22, 1902, Image 6
a.,- A, Mt.S'al)'lllili' .bj?V.1V II IS nJ i x. J' - X' YES! Tmt Pbess-Joetinal does Job Work. Neat, 2 First Class and Up-To-Date. Call ia and get oar prices on Business Cards; Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. Press-Journal. Press-Journal Thcmday. May n, 1MB. C. C. Durke, Prop. KVTERKD IM THE POSTOPFICK AT JUE ISOII MEBR. A SECOND CLAM MATTER OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. STOCK BRiKDS. TBSjoCBBAL will publish your brand, like ask following, for K , per vear. Each ad sdljr:ial-aad7 cents, iwrt termer or jltaikMa 1 ttoas and adjoining coon tie stamld sdrartle their brands in TheJoCB jaala It ctrealate all over the tate. It away ba the eaa of saving monev for yon ssc3 mm. Par Um arrest and conviction of any party Battle ataaJjng or disfiguring Miy brand stock belonging to the uiidersigned par p. k. jabot. ssrnade 60. 117.- GB-"" 0 yl on left Jaw. oft hip in Unttte. !Ml Often, Hewitt, County, Nebraska. UEOKUR 8WAHSOK. Haul branded jBra branded Iras. hwMiJ on left aide on left shoe Mar. reuse on Feklfc-r Crt.k. Aay ttoek branded a above bring eatray--dhtroM m raise, discovered by ny body strong wo Information will be rewarded. Address, PL Robiiuwn, We breaks. J. B. PARKER. gVffaflpjadn1i I I left shoulder and BiehsnsswWtlJhlp. - 0tnwp tjarndad F"l on tck ir on a. I I I 'freak of I wanna on Soldier Creek and Wblte River, address, rt. Recanaon. Bebrnska. J. TUCKER. f I Braaded on left sltoaldar ot b 1 . jm on left Me of eattla. - 9iam j right aide of rattle too. Sanaa on White Elver, near (tie, ant Unto addraa. Ulen, Bebraaka. i right side DBSPCSKKK UVE STOCK )o Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Korea . Rangoon Deep Creek. neaf) Creak Uve Mock Co.. J. H. Hamibbt. Pomnan. Mien. Nebrneka. CHAK1.R VRWMAH. Tba brand repreaented in thla notlee and branded any whereon left aide of cattle, aud over lap -snt from the rlRhtear. ' Alee toe same brand en left thick of 1 barae. haUnura to the nnderalaned. aaUMB nan Kant Spring, atntth part lo ijr. . uajiiLaa mrriti, Jiarripoa, Rebrnaka. ni tovnuiet a ttn-c WfJww of ' Analtaaaf jwa left ataw and lklp Water. MtWftl&Ht aWeaVtwflUk iwM n- .,.,flO.w baft J. U. Proctor. Cattle BrandedLl V II Kwl lJ bn left bip. Also Horses Branded the an.e oa left shoalder. Raiifje. . Soatliwest oi Andrews. Poet tice A ddreas llarrieon.Nehi - A.T. lltHilimN. Brand eombt doab of rattle Horse mm sbonlder. i-ir"i 4.1 1 Jun rick I nr I ear oattle. Cattle all dehornedT Kanse oil Kyle Creea, Joat unce. Ul. n Sebraaka BUKWDTEK A lo. Cattle brttiid rd same a tlmt on rot, either left hip or on left shoulder. mm Horaes branded with any of above brands. Address, J. A. AaoicnK, Harrison, Sebraaka. XK1L JUUUAHi. And Cattle branded side, and Morsas on let liotw and eat' tie branded on either aide, same as on cat. on left JT" in I ? I Addreaa, Bodarr. Sebraska. UCTAVE 1IAREH, Cattle branded i- ' aa sbown on left aide with , laft ear clipped. - Range on Ion- ' nlag Water, P. O. Addroas, Maraland. Sebr. HEVRY WARXRKK. UUe brand- TT ed on left side. 1 Kaage on 1 ' J Rnnntig Water -J Iff. O. Addraa HarrMon. Xebraaka. PKAKK Kt'TTO. Cattla branded tba left left Shoul- aer f horse. A lea some of the II arses tie are branded on stile noalder soma aa deeertb absrre kaatid. - and Oat. aud the edlurtke Addraa, narrlaon, labraaka. CMUa ROBERT r. MEECK. on toft ltd m ' l 13 Also CaUle bra end loft h Roaalag Water. P. o. Addraa Agata, Bebraaka. AMVRLKBOKI. Cttl brnsd i any w Iters ao left date of tba animal. ,,i " . KwaWffpV aTgfwsW" rtollegfsEMM 1 saeCraaha, W'atvAvwlMvRt'aVwgwVggWwaj VBaRaaBBRw walf -fdCJ -A f dM Fta ' ' , . J! atl . : i iHa at v rraa Thai v. PriBCdM IOlaBdR Of lUljf "t tk age of 7 month ia baglntilDC to talk. Sh aya "rntpd" BBd "mkmnTA" And bar English gaa Italian aunaa an qnar rallng aa to w bather aha ia apaaJUng iuliaa of Bugliak. -.-a r Isabel far Pant, la Franc tba sxctaa duty la takes )ff alcohol if It ba akowa that It la to b used aa fuel for Baotor emra. Por thla parpoaa soma highly aaoaaooa eompouBd muat bo added, aaaking it absolutely vast to drink. atayee aatd PHvaa atlaaaw Mayor 8at!i Low lately considered a petition signed by Cltlien Sath Low. and granted tba relief (rayed for. It ia said Mr. Low did not attempt to InSuenc tba auyor ta tba slightest degree ia tba natter. BfeeaoetM for Uganda ia to build a cathedral. . For a foundation atone tba (rare atone of the Rev. Mr. Pllklngton. who waa killed by tba Bagaada eotae years ago. baa bees used. Ha waa a gradu ate of Cambridge, where ba dlating alabed himself aa aa athlete. Warns ol Veterea Arttot. Henry Kaytoa, tba reteraa artist of Baltimore, baa Just celebrated hia ninety-third birthday. - Among his beat works aa aa artist were his portraits of President John Tyler aad Oot. Ire dell of Nortb Caroltaa. Mothlag to aappsrt His tMgaltp. Among the peers who hare Inherited ban-en title la the young Earl of 8ea neld, who at the age of It succeeded to an earldom, two viscounties aad two baronies, without so much as a single acre of land to maintain hia digaltiea. Tbh) BUa Oaght a A pretty story was told ia a London paper the other day of a young man who, at aa examination, drew auch inspiration from a portrait of bis aaaoM that be passed with Bylag col' ora. Unfortunately a oorreapondent haa aow told the aeuuaL The back of tba photograph bora aa interesting aad valuable aaaortment of da tea. The enormity of our salmon output this year baa played havoc with the British Bakeries, for ia Canada tba law does not permit the use of traps, la Wasbiagtoa aad Oregon trans are used. so that tba American fisheries are Able to furnlah salmon to the Cans' diaa caaneriee for t to S rents a nab. where the canneries uted to pay tba Canadians from 10 to IE cents. Sir William McDonald, tba donor of tba gift of 2t,M0 for tba establish ment of aa agricultural collage at Ouelph, la Ontario, baa already dis bursed vast fortuBca lor pUilanthropic ends in Canada. WtU Bat Putin CaJtwrea. Lady Henry Somerset is deeply grieved over tbe attitude of tba House of Commons towards tba children's bill, wblcb would prevent little child ren from going Into public houses. A recent official report states that forests la Russia now cover a groat area of (MJUoe aerea. Among Ka- ropeaa eouatrtee Swadaa coaaaa next, with 44,m.M aerea of forest Ia Kua ela, tba forests cover M par cent of the whole Imperial area. Tba Swedish forests occupy 44 per cent of tba total area, aad the Austro-Hungarlaa SI per meat of tba territory of tbe dual mon archy. Beckoned by tbe popalstlsa, there are 4 J aerea of forest to sack ia babttaat la Rnasla, M aerea la Sweden, M.4 acres ta Norway aad M acres par la Oermany. rttinore Do you see that lady ovei there? Weil, aba's a lady If there evei was a lady la tbe world. . Buck Aad what baa eke dona to eecure your aat tarlag regardf - fwtmors I atapped on bar gown ewmiag dowa stairs. It was traUlag baalad bar la that Irritating way that womea kava; but, of eonrsa. I did the aawtleaaaalr net and apolo- gtaad tor say sarHtisBias. Baek Aad she? ntmsra the aaM to bm. "Towat maa. you know you are lying, it eel 0eweSs( wt J""j at rnnasl ssasmBaM ly, and K yaw bad padaed my aowa oat at the asjtkers It wwald bna eerred Mrlcat ' ' ' ant as She avsuaav TVa sbi tint, 'J at ths Caitn w Taw kay la fauKh lasiiriitgdil, Ba ps aaasas a itcvw amtava ast feat -sasacta gitCsan ars iMrj, Ct tnr art at wwrk art wer;:Tl j Buert at? t aeCM ga4 a t. , Cn o rtH Kot ethssKwat ejasnseey aaiej SmST wajLawaaB BasasBWaJ wBSnWeal a trtfTxa r.i tea wms ts, KrZTX9, ft wawa U &m rm t txZm ca a rtuzy. OFFICIAL OIRCCTORV. u. a. MtBATOBt -Joaam H. Millaso (Was. H. Distbicw lONOREWMEB Blubb J. Bt'aarrr, Rep. 1st Dlst. David Ii. Maacan, Res. tad Diet. JoaH j. Roaiaao. Pa, trd Dfart. Wl. U SrABB, Pa. 4th Mat. A. C. SWAUJiKaaaoKB, Pus. Mh Dlst. W. Bbvills, Pas, Stb Dlst. . STATE UPPICBRS Ksba P. Savasc, Goveooor C. P. 9rac.i, IJent, Aovemor Gbo, W. Mabw, Beereiary of StaU CRAB. Wbsto, Andltor Pub. Aeeta. W,. ftrxirrse, Treasorre Wu. K, Powlbb, Hap. Habile lusUoetioa PBABB K. Pbotjt, AMy. General GBoaoa Powlbb, Com. pub. lands aad bldg Lis HaaiiUAS, Librarian " v COC.fTY OPP1CKRS WU. J. A. RaPU, Clerk Jon 1. Davis, Treasurer ALBS LoWBY, ftbertsT Wu. J. A. Bit) a. Clerk of Diatrlet Coart J. B. Bubbb, iMipt. of labllc InstroeUon J. II. B'stoll, Jwlxe ' M. J. O'Coxssli.. Attorney M. Rcrriao, Murveyor Pat Lact, Coroner BOARD OP COCWTT CObIkIU8IOMKR8 Jss C. Haae, 1st District L. C. Lewis, Jnd Elstrict A. K. Bioblow, ird District. I When yau lack aoergy. do not relish your food, feel dull and stupid, after eating, all you need ie a dose of Cham berlain s Stomach & Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new auto and give you an appetite like a bear, ate by J. E. Phioney. For Wanted Reliable maa for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good opening for the right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. T. A. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE. Marsteller Bros. Are now " prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINE OK WORK SHOES WEAR. Beta -Kroo CaJf 8kia ia a special Uutage, eo Bamed to deflna and express its tough, yet pliable Qualities and ite great powers of endurance. "Kroo" ia the original name of a powerful tnbe of negroes on the Nortbweet Coast of Africa, com- " .a ..mw aa as f1l ruoniy Known as -nroo ooys a ney are w nowned for their hardiness, suppleness and staying power; and what the "Kaoo Boi ie among negroea, "Kaoo Calp" ia among skins tough, enduring, reliable. waTTT Look for tba alfti of "Seb" It marks tha Popular Dealer. Oelz, Schwao a Co., chicaco. Larcest ManWacturan W Beets aad flwa in mt WerM. w nj i CIKCCTXATI, Illustrated catalogue 298 OHIO. 4 cU. stamps. Sciatic Rheumatism Cored After Pastrtssn Yeats of Buflsrtna. "I have been afflicted with sciatic rheu matiMrn for fourteen yearM," miy Josh Blar. of Oermalt.iwn.Cal, ''I was able to be around but constantly suffered. tried every tning 1 could near of and at last wus told to trv 'Tltamberwin'a Pain Balm, which I did and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured, and I am happy to say it lias not tim-e return ed.'" Why oot use this liniment and et well? It is for sale by J. E. Phioney. A. B. KKKSiEDY. Cattle Brands ! Right HI p Sbonlder P.O. Address. Crawford, Kebrssa. ED.MAWH. Cattle Branded, Kaage on Ran- oa jft aid nlng Watar Address A Sale, Heb. J. E. piiis.vcr toys. Cattie branded T' on left able. P. o! Addrea. JfS Harrison, L J. R. HCBTCR. Stock naeiJan right xi-i or hip Addraa. Ed. Katber, Psisatas Haiilen, Boh. J. IJtVBR. Oattle branded )UB I.KTCM1MC rost OfTlee Add rasa. Chadro Beaiak- JOMBT.SIOW. : fdor or I IliranSst left i and Oattie Bll owkaftsMa. FIX- Past Ossoa AaalieBa, Patrtek. larataleCo. Wye. JOaK A. HANasOlf Own the fsalaw- lasbrsM eaestav eri Also MB aa eat. He and hows aeeaas on wrt V w-i j sad east afaut ' AMDRJtW CNRBrPlAB 'J ' i edeahsftaMe ho Iriz aaat sf ewt are ta prtpmtf of Aadiew ClniBtnta anf BAiam 'flVaVsry a Tnasat rlaa. English Shire Stallion Vsare-.e l .tt.S wJ Will make tlie season of 1902 as follows: Tuesday ev ening and Wednesday of each week at Al LeithofTs fann 9 miles east of town; the bal ance of the week at our ham in Harrison. TKkMS:$8.00 to insure colt to stand and suck; money due and payable at once in case mares are disposed of, or removed from the county. Dieckmann & Lacy The Commercial Oank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. C. F. Coptke, rresident. : ( F. W.Clarkr, Cashier Chas. C. Jauesok. H. S. Clarke, A. McGinlm Stockmen having use for a bank at thin point may rely ot , oa to handle their entire Banking busines. We are prepared to tike care of our trade at all times THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Druifs, Druaazist's Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Books and Stationary. . J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. 1 M Jr. STiULIOtl Will malto tho ccason at my placo on Ilonroo Creek 7 miles northwest of Harrison. PEDIGREE WILDOII JIL. Rlrrvi h imirittA nT.vnp dslstiEHIRB. weiH lndV PHICE: CS-OQ.' ta Imnm llvlno nt-Ks. csnrlea of Stallion will be due and payable at esc fc eua but tew arc ssjiu ur iwuiuveu iruili lle COrmtV. I will i-vture, taare- tUrpugh bre?dfoK iteasoii; free cf I- J n. C7 T --J - otl t k 4. t ' a J r f 1.41 ., u