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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1902)
Ufifb syrup, Tau U.i, t'ae Chicago Post: "Yea" he said. "I am self-made man." "But. my dear sir," returned the other, "why ore you no anxloua to reflect on your man-making ability." YOU NEED A WATCH A OKKAT HAKOAIN K..I4fl,ll wtb, duf. fcto, wril m!.. wolMi. .-n your numo, oA4ri an-i xpm ortie .n-1 will trnU you the watf U. voq eum ne n .ml il mfikaa vc iuHilfrmiri pay iprMfc(itt SA 75 tntl 1tb chum .ml oliArtn for nt or SOIiHh 'li,:primo a. Tu rn , dm an THE IMPROVED KIMBALL BROS. CO. Mfga. 1061 th St. - - - Council Bluffs, la, Omaha Ofllce, ... ioio nth St. Itt.'ftt-erJ.Btor ft til rmy to Pumper wD.Dli.f Water. bwi UnU fa. Iim. li hlpj- rita-i MaapictFlr errti. tJl conn A' Alum m44. to ptrt. any no can or tl )t. Kvary loo fiiarntad. Otl-iar ! hip to E.u H. . bonil frr cab- la-lof. W enair Ual A UaoJlr. oin Co., II.. ' Uum City, Ho. FOR MEN ONLY. Free Book! aeod oar elegant 80 I 1 Tf v page book to lay one who to afflicted and in ncd on request of informa tion. Our ook la the fineat book of the kind r pabliahed and it of Treat raiue to any one whether in need of mrdkal treatment or not. Wt aead the book ia plain envelope aealed. Write for it today by pnatal card or letter AMrtu DRS. FELLOWS & FELLOWS, ,321 W. Walnut St, Dos Moines, la. When writing, mention this paper. Tha WEBER M U, Gaeeliaa Enginosj linaj luuaiiuf, rt, uttair, (hntbari, U. , Ffa CjUU1 I rlvM all '(. Wbair Om Ou"ltt retina Jfnniu ntr. aft. Kama City. St. Louit. COUNTRY PUBLISHERS CO, A department official In Washington aya that a few days ago he gave a Job paying 12 a day to an old man Who waa a millionaire but a few years ffo. The old gentleman attended the national republican convention at Mln naapolla In hla special car. flenatora Who wera hla guests on that trip bo- land the humble piaca ior mm. At Malta 12 per cent of the parenta kavt choMn Engllah aa tha language at loatructlen for their children aa fffUMIt It pr ctnt In favor of Italian. 1 I. n 9 "w iu.a a BBi i BnVer t 1 CUIFOMII yX and RUim. I April it tor?. I May 27 to Jwt ft. I August 2 to 8. I , Burlington Routt. I Lil!nil return . f limiu and Mopver , I pnvilcKC. " m Thro'canpastth i frrandett tceaery ia M AnnricA. Aik tha agent J. FRANCIS, I CP, A., Omaha. NtJCT Aal 9BaaHBaHBaaaaaaBaEssssssssESaM i in m-ar- m m PERSONAL NOTES. Steel Xiaxrnatp Schwao ts to uiv a liou-a-jilate dlr rii-r to guests In colonial t'UHtuine. Hanged ngiments, however, will not be in order. Prince Henry has become so demo cratic ince his visit to this country that it is now proposed to send him t' the Reichstag as the representative of the German middle classes. Liberal subscriptions are being made to the fund for the widow of the late ex-Governor John P. Altgeld of Illi nois. Colonel William J. Bryan has given J100. Mayor Seth Low's office, which he occupied as president of Columbia col lege, has been fitted up as a biblio graphlcal museum. Rare editions, old manuscripts and papyri, besides the famous Phoenix collection of literary curiosities, are on exhibition. One of the distinguishing character istics of the late Potter Palmer is that he paid more taxes than any man in Chicago. It is said that he never sent his books out of town to le audited or dodged the assessor In his rounds. May his tribe Increase. The board of directors of the Charleston exposition has decided that it would be inexpedient to continue the fair longer than the time orlglanlly set, and It will accordingly be closed on the first of June. Some if Its friends wished It to be continued until July 4. The library erected at Hawarden by national subscriptions to perpetuate Mr, Gladstone's memory is rapidly ap proaching completion. The site Is the one chosen by Mr. Gladstone himself for the temporary library In use be fore his last Illness. It stands near the Church on an eminence overlooking the Dee estuary. The Boston committee having In charge the raising of a fund for the relief of those persona who were de pendent upon the drowned Monomoy livesaving crew, have collected $45, 873 for the object and have given up the trust. They have distributed $9,587 and have turrrfd over he balance to the Massachusetts Humane society, which will distribute It to the faaiilies of the deceased lire savers at such times and in such manner as it may deem expedient. Consul General Evans may find his experience with applicants In the pen sion office useful In dealing with stranded Americans In London. Congressman Sulzer was busy writ ing at his desk the other day when a republican colleague came over and asked him to go to the ball game. "Sorry I can't Join you. Fact is I am too busy playing the other national game," Hamlin's Wizard Oil is good for many painful ailments; its use will surprise and delight you. 60c and 11.00 at drug gists. Kamchatka has many volcanoes, the only ones In Russian territory that are still active. (III rlch bu' undeveloped 11 tract in Northwestern Wyo- III I I If ' mlng. Contains wonder- 11 I J fully good opening! lor 11 l small ranches along good 1 II streams. A million acres II II of land open for settlement II II under U.S. II ill V ,,i BigHomB f H VW ft lfl , tin Folder (tee YX 11 B on request. T CaVVj. Fruicla, O.P.A., OmahtCiiJ Ask Your Grocer for BLAME'S COFFEES Always Uniform, Always the Best, Send Stamp for Our Booklei, "Over the Coffee Cups," or "Tree to Lip," TellinJ You How to Make Good Coffee. Chicago. New York. OMAHA, VoL S No. 2I-IS02 Lord Kelvin favora the general adop tion of the metric system. Ho said be fore the Tinuse committee 'on coinage, weight and measures that 90 per cent of the people who had ever given the matter any thought were In favor of the change, and the other 14 per cent he characterized aa "stupidly Ignor ant." The town of Loanhead In Midlothian, Scotland, has refused to adopt the II brarlea act, and consequently loses Mr. Carnegle'i gift of 0,0W. 31 A BOMANCE OF KANT LIVES' ERRORS. , BY ERNEST DE LANCEY PIERSON. Author "A Slave of Curcumstances," "A Bargain In Souls," "The Black Ball," "The Cruel City," "A Woman's Will," "At the World's Mercy," "The Scarlet Cypher, "The Secret of the Marionettes." &c. (Copyright, 1902, by De Lancey Pierson) CHAPTER II. The landlord of the Bluebell Inn of Exton waa dozing In a corner of his cafe one morning, moodily meditating on the dullness of business and the ap palling temperance of the natives, when he was startled by a deep voice calling out: "Walter, a pint of champagne!" Mr. Peter Bowersox waa on his feet, rubbing his eyes, and wondering If the voice was a part of his dreams. Not since he had started in business in that too abstemious village had any one sur prised him by such an order. He look ed, expecting to find a bediamonded traveler, who had strayed Into his Inn for want of a bt'tter, but found himself facing a small gray-bearded man, clad in a snuff-colored suit. His hands were red and knotted, he wore a shocking bad hat, while his dusty and bulbous shoes showed that he had not come In town in a carriage. Peter thought h must have heard wrong until the order was repeated, with the pleasing addition, "Make it a quart" ' Then Mr. Bowersox realized that he was confronting a pleasant reality and not a dream, and at once set down his guest as a prince traveling In disguise. It did not occur to him that princes sel dom spoke with a pronounced Yankee twang. The wine was secured from Its fly blown eminence behind the bar, where It had served for many years as an ornament. After It was duly opened, tne stranger displayed his princely character when he Invited the landlord to share its contents. The stranger smacked his Hps with gusto over the vile decoction of goose berries and alhocol, to the great delight of the host, who was afraid the first tiste of the beverage might be the cause of a vlloent outbreak. It warm ed his heart to meet with a customer so easily pleased, for the natives of the place were not very considerate of bis feelings. He was a shrewd enough Judge of human nature to know that the stranger was there for a purpose, so he waited respectfully to learn what It was. "It seemed to me, as I came along that there was a great deal ot excite ment going on in the town for such a quiet place," began the man In the snuff -colored suit. "What's up? Some political matter on hand?" And he looked. the landlord over keenly with his sharp black eyes. "No wonder they're flyln' round like hens with their heads cut off. Ther" hain't been such doln's, I guess, since the town was started!" exclaimed Peter, who dearly loved to retail gos sip. "Ah!" And the stranger took ad vantage of the other's enthusiasm to drop the contents of his glass on the floor. "There was a murder committed up to the big house. You might have pased It on the way down. Got two stun critters on the pillars on each 6lde of the big gaet." 'Yes I pawed it.' "Ellison's wife, It seems, was walk in' in the park t'other night 'bout 10 o'clock, and she never came back alive. Was struck down right in the path near the house. Just one blow she never spoke again." "Bless me, what a tragedy for a quiet place like this." "Ye may weel say so. The folks is wild. It'll go hard, I'm afraid, with the school teacher." "What had he to do with It?" and the little man seemed to prick up his ears as If a point of interest to him had been reached. "Well, they think he done It and everything points that way. Ye see, the Ellison's have one child a daugh ter." 1 "Ah," the little man pushed his glass aside, drew himself closer to the table and looked at Mr. Peter with such a piercing expression that the good land lord for a moment was speechless. "Well, what about this daughter? Why don't you go on, man?" exclaimed the stranger. Mr. Bowersox risked a swallow from Ma glass to fortify himself, made a wry face, and continued: "The young gent what's been school teacher here for the past five years waa sweet on the young lady, and them what knows says It was returned. Mrs Ellison (Hard of It, and was mad enough, though her husband never let on to the young man that he knowed what waa up. though, of course, he couldn't help It. All the town knowed. Well, young Barnett, which the same was the school teacher's name, was pTvadln' around the ' grounds that night. He was seen to meet Mrs. El lison by the watchman. Then; was hard words between 'era, she accusin' the young man of try In' to steal her daughter away. Jest what happened after that isn't known, but some time a'ter that a cry was heard, and when folks got on the scene they found Mrs. Elnson dead, and near by Bar nett cleanln' his hands on the grass." The landlord was silent for A moment, as If to give emphasis to his words. Ha waa astonished at the cool way In lltUt bad raoelvsd hla tralc racluL "Well, that don't mean that the young man was the murderer," said the latter. "Oh, It don't eh? Well, most of us in this here neighborhood thinks it does. And do you know that he had made arrangements to leave last night sur'ptitious-like, as they say, and had sent his trunk off, instructin' the man what carried It not to let any one kuow that the schoolmaster was goin' to skip. All that looks bad." "Hum! and the stranger for a mo ment drummed on the table with his stubby-red Angers. "The young man is certainly in an unpleasant position. What does he say what is his side of the story?" "Ob, he denies that he had anything to do with the poor lady, though ac knowledge' that they had words, and that she ordered him off the grounds. On the way out he heard this cry in the night, and, runnin' back, found her dead or dyin' on the ground." "And what sort of a reputation does he bear in this neighborhood?" "Oh, fust rate as far as that goes, though he never patronized me none," with rather a rueful tone in his voice. "Right smart he seemed to be. But, ye we, the mother alius was against him. Hadn't been for her he might have got the gal. Ellison, ye see, was friendly like to the last." "Well, from what you tell me I feel sure the young man had nothing to do with the crime," said the stranger, de cidedly." Perhaps it is the work of some miscreant who took advantage of his being in the grounds that night to kill her. I never heard of a young man taking such a step because his mother happened to oppose his suit. It is not common sense. Well, I must be going," and he rose and laid a piece of money on the table. "Oh never mind the change," as the landlord was counting It out "It was worth some thing extra to hear such a dramatic story." "I hope you will come again, sir." "You might see me this evening, but I can't tell. I suppose you could put me up for a day or two." "There's one room I think might be vacant tonight." then to himself. "And seven others if you wanted them." "Very well, here's a dollar to hold a room for me. If I'm not here by 8 o'clock you can rent It," and he tossed a silver dollar on the table. "You can find your way back here, I hope, sir." as the stranger was Hear ing the door. "Not the least doubt of it." Then as if a sudden thought struck him: "Where do you suppose they have held this unfortunate young man village jail?" ' ' "There ain't 6uch a thing. Had one once, hut as it lay empty for years It was rented to a feller what raises hens, t think Barnett is kep' in the con stable's house little gray stone cot tage near the meetln'." "Thank you good day," and the lit tle man disappeared through the door way. Mr. Bowersox followed .his guest outdoors and watched him go down the road at a swinging gait until he disappeared from view. "If I was to make a rough guess I sh'ud say that was one of the young man's folks, but If he is he took the young feller's perdlcament mighty cam like. Well, what does It matter to me anyway? I wish I had a hun dred like him, that's all, 'and he went hack to his doze by the bar to dream of the prosperity that would come to him if his customers were all like the man In the snuffy brown suit. Mean while the object of his complimentary thoughts was swinging along at a brisk pace. Though small, in walking his great strength of muscle was mani fest. There was nothing light or graceful In his movements, but he strode on with the clumsy power of a bull. "You landed here at the right moment," was the thought running through his mind as ha made his way along, keeping a furtive outlook for the meeting-house. "If this chap is worthy of the girl he shall have her, but first we must see about getlng him frte. He cer tainly succeeded in placing himself In a nice corner, but if she loves him we shall get him out of It." . He stopped outside to allow a car riage to pass, a handsome turnout with gold-mounted harness and sumptuous fittings. A rather handsome military looking man with a gray moustache lolled back on the cushions. , He was dressed with quiet elegance and puffed lazily on his cigar. The little man eyed him for a mo ment searchlngly, and then gave vent to a hoarse laugh, which the man In the carriage must hare heard If the swift horses had not by that time car ried him out of earshot. The little man, after looking at the vehicle for a moment, shook his head and passed on his way. "Bears bis years well, hang him!" he muttered., "And thus Is virtue re warded," and he laughed again. "How glad he will be to see me. I have a lavor to asa, ana I don't think he will refuse to grant It" He, had o trou ble In finding the place ho wanted, for around the little building waa a group of the townspeople talking ex citedly. The center of the gathering waa a very sioui man in a special of uniform of dark blue, much raded aasl who seemed to be the center of In terest "What you folks a blamin' me for?" he was expostulating us the little man In brown drew near. "I bad to do my duty -as I seen it. The young man won't be none the wus for a little rest away from the push. If he's inner, cent, why, he'll get free soon enough. It ain't often as justice makes a mis take. But don't you alls be too all flred sure that he is Innercent," wag ging his grotesque head sagely. The town sympathies were evidently with the young man, and the village con stable was the object of unkind re marks. The subject of the discussion was just at this time reading in the room that had been allotted to him as a cell. It was comfortably furnished, and but for the fact that he was a prisoner he nad nothing of -Importance--to eom--plain of. What he regretted was the thought that he must soon leave his comfortable quarters and be trans ferred to the county Jail, where he was sure not to fare so well. It would have made his confinement less burdensome, too, If he could have gotten some news of Grace, but not a word had come to him since that awful night. She was prostrated when the intelligence of his arrest reached her. Since then he had heard nothing. The voices wrangling in front of the house drew him to the window, which was only lightly barred with wood. He hoped that he might catch some of the conversation, and learn perhaps what was being said of his case. As he stood there in an attitude of attention he suddenly heard a loud "Hist!" that seemed to come from a point very near at hand. (To be continued.) ITALY'S POPTLAB POET. young Daughter of a Factory Opera tive Has Risen to High Fame. Rome Correspondence Chicago Record-Herald: The favorite poet of the Italians Is Ada Negri, a young woman who has suddenly sprung into fame by the passionate flre of her verses and their simple, strong, true, democratic sentiment Although she was first heard of in 1892, her works now have a larger sale than those of any other author In Italy, and she is better known to the common people than any other. She has publislfed two volumes. The first, which included 250 pages of lyrics, passed through six editions very rapid ly, and every line of Its contents has again and again been copied in the newspapers. The second volume ap peared in 1896, and had even a larger sale, appealing to a higher class of readers because its contents'were more mature and showed a higher literary polish without detriment to their qual ity. Miss Negri has a third volume in press, which will appear shortly, and it is awaited with great curisolty, be cause since the second volume was pub lished her circumstances and surround ings have been entirely changed and she has been translated from poverty to wealth ajid from the privations of a garret to the luxuries of a palace at Milan. Ada Negri, was born Feb. 3, 1870, in a a little village near Milan, where her father and mother were factory opera tlves. Her father died when she was a mere child and her mother led a miser able life of labor and sacrifices in order to secure an education for her child. In 1888, when she was 18, the girl obtained a situation as teacher in the village school, and took her mother out of the factory. They lived in the humblest quarters in two little rooms at the top of a tenement house, but managed to survive and were comparatively, happy on wages of $8 per month. A poem entitled "The Working Mother," which has appeared again and again in every newspaper in Italy, most frequently in those which are read by the working classes, and thus had become as fam iliar to the Italian people as Longfel low's "Psalm of Life" is to us, is sup posed to be an epitome of her career and a revelation of the feelings of a woman In her circumstances. It de scribed the struggles of a mother who is working to educate, a son, and every body who knows the story of Ada Ne gri's life recognizes the personal qual ity. In 1892 the girl went to Milan for a brief visit to arrange for the publica tion of her poems in book form, leav ing her native village for the first time, and there saw luxury, beauty and art, which was a revelation beyond her dreams. The few books she had found in the village library had not prepared her for the splendor of the cathedral, the buildings of the business section and the shaded palaces of the outer streets, and, although she did not cross a threshold, Iser imagination was ex cited and her ambition received a new Impulse, when after two days of de light she returned to her garret and wooden shoes. From this moment her poems took on a new color. They be came brighter and more vivacious, with less melancholy, as if a few rays of sun shine had been admitted to her soul. Marriage and Divorce Up to Date. New York World: A well known New York woman, divorced from her husband in South Dakota seven months ago, has just married again In Indiana. Her former husband married, imme diately after the divorce was granted, a woman whom ho had "learned to love" during his wife's temporary absence from home, and who was divorced in order to marry him. Likewise the man whom the first wife has Just married out Went was divorced from his wife, by whom he had three children, that he might marry his new "affinity." To add to the complications of these triple divorces and remarriages, they would not be legal if contracted in the state where the partlea originally lived. It only remains for the one deserted and unconsoled husband In this state to marry the abandoned wife out West to complete the serio-comic complexi ties and compensations of this medley of marriage and divorce up to date. Will any of these wealthy and highly respectable persons be ostrlclspd by so cietythe remedy suggested by a wor thy bishop for the divorce evil? Prece dent does not seem to threaten It. Will this playing fast and loose with sacra ments and contracts and domestic ties hasten the passage of a constitutional amendment authorizing a national di vorce law? It ought to. Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott completed, last Friday, the 25th year of his connec tion with the editorial department of the New York Outlook. REGENT, Shoe Co's i "ON I MOD" $3.50 $2,50 MaaSBajaBaSaaWsaaaMBP SHOE Afor: ' MEN, Mail orders have special attention. , Add 25c, when ordering by mall, to cover cost of packing and mailing. , t) "Onimod" shoes are the most etyl- , iFh and most serviceable shoe sold. We manufacture all our own shoes and. " sell direct to the wearer. None genuine without this trade mark:,. . REGENT SHOE CO. 20S S. 15th St. Omaha., Nebr Write for Catalogue No. 99. PEOPLE YOU READ ABOUT. Samuel Burwell founded the West Union, O., Scion in 1853 and ts still its editor and manager. It was in this office that the late Colonel John O.. Cockerill learned the rudiments of journalism. ' Before arrangements had been com pleted for the funeral of the late Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, seven biogra phies of that noted clergyman were on. the market. Official memoirs anu biog raphies are yet to claim attention. ' Dr. Meredith Clymer, the noted New, York physician, is dead. His grand father was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was born In Philadelphia, educated in New York, in Paris, London and Dublin, removed to New York in 1851. During Governor Odell's six weeks' trip In the west, New York, for the first time In its history, will be gov- ' erned by the speaker of the assembly. Four weeks after Mr. Odell's depart ure Lieutenant Governor Woodruff will leave for Europe, and for the remain ing two weeks Speaker Nixon will act as chief executive. ; Don't Guess at the Time. - There is no need to guess at the time if for the small Bum of $3.75 you, can purchase a durable, well made, . stem wind, stem set, 17-jeweled, 14-K Gold Filled Watch. M. Stein & Ce., the great Chicago jewelers, have for sale a very handsome watch at the above price. Write them for their free illus trated catalogue. .This Is a recently expressed opinion of Congressman Littlefield of Maine: "If it were not for the newspapers the jobs which would go through congress are terrible to contemplate. If there were no newspapers at all I don't be--: lieve I would be willing to trust my-'" self alone in the house of represent- : atives for fifteen minutes." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured tvith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease., Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dlspase, and in order to cure it you , must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and . acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a" quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years, and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfeet combi nation of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., , Toledo,' O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. . ., ; Hall's Family Pills are the best. A small .boy went to church alone last Sunday and heard a sermon on the character and deeds of the strong man of Israel. He came home much disgusted. "I didn't like the sermon for a cent," he said. "It was all about (Jamson, not a word about Dewey or Roosevelt or Funston or Bob Evans or any of the other fellows." Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow'B Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use ior their children during the tetthinif period. Chnrles I'htof, one of the eleven men who survived the mamucre of com pany C, Ninth United States infantry, in the Philippine Islands, has reached his St. Louis home. Ho was stabbed r.evcn times, and has a bolo knife which was run through his shoulder ns a souvenir of the occasion. Hamlin's Wizard Oil Is the proper remedy to ucc In Rheumatism, Neural gia, nclies, twins, bruises, soreneaa; al most everyone knows It. General Drummond, an old resident nf Guntsmulu, says of Godfrey Hunter that lie was so unpopular as United . , States minister that when he gave hla ' 1 last reception only six Chinamen and a Pole attended. W' - v.... . ,,.7 ,,, nri i fc 1 J J, thing?" "Yes," "What?" "A thirst." Somervllle Journal: It Is a bad hafclt , for a man to talk while he Is at work. , unless, perhaps, he la an auctioneer, or, ' ' ft lawyer, or a minister.