Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 22, 1902, Image 2

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Tfce .!fourQa1'
''The Beatrice Baptist church
track by lightning and burned to the
' ground. Several dwelling near the
Church caught Are and were saved by
hero Is work of the citlsens. The loos
Will aggregate several thousand.
At a meeting of the Pierce Catholic
church memben It vu decided to let
the contract for the holding of their
. sew church edifice to J. W. Moan A
Bon of Pierce. The church will coet
over 14,000. It will be erected on the
Iota south of the Congregational
The Wymore high school has been
advanced one-half a point in' Its rat
ings at the state university. The rat
lug last year was 27H points. This
year It Is 28. The graduating class
hare also received their university
credits, and as a class take high stand
The Julian village board has refused
to grant saloon licenses to two peti
tioners. The reason given for the re-
fusal Is that the requisite number of
Signers was not obtained. ,. This ends a
Sght that has been going on for nearly
a year and the anti-liquor men are
The Knights of Pythias of Silver
Creek are planning a big celebration,
This will be the tenth anniversary of
the local order. The Genoa Indian
band has been secured for the occasion
and a number of prominent speakers
from over the state are on the pro
The Shelton cornet band, which was
organised last fall with a membership
of sixteen, and all new nickel Instru
ments, . has recently been uniformed
with fine tailored suits. A band wagon
Is about complete and the organisa
tion will fill some prominent engage
ments. -
A few days ago three boys living in
the north part of Fremont bung a long
snake on the door of a neighbor's
bouse. A 7-year-old boy who was 111
saw . the. snake and was thrown Into
spasms and for several days he was
not expected to Uve and is still in a
dangerous condition.
A traveling representative of the Ne
braska Telephone company has been
at Brainard perfecting arrangements
tor a direct telephone communication
between Brainard and David City. This
fives the Brainard patrons the same
telephone service with Ware and Al
verno as David City has.
The railroad company has com
menced the erection of a dipping vat
tar cattle at the stock yards at Long
which will be the largest and
saost complete In this part of the state.
It will be thirty-six fset long by seven
tset wide and wlU be a boon to the
cattlemen In that vicinity.
Superintendent W. J. OBrein and
Assistant Chief Game Wsrden George
, Carter arrived at Sidney Sunday morn
ing with a car of fish which they
planted in the river there. They also
secured a large supply of Japanese
gold fish, from the Oberfelder lake at
lodge Pole, which they took to the
state hatcheries. ; '
XT. Mallalleu has tendered his re
signation as superintendent of the
Kearney reform school ot take effect
Jane 16. Mr. Mallalleu states that he
resigns to accept the position of man
ager of the Argus Mining company of
Idaho Springs, Colo. Governor Sav
age will appoint a successor within the
next twa weeks.'" ' '", ,
Lewls Corylll. a young usasarrted
man from the eastern part of the
county, was adjudged insane at" St
Paul. He is a brother of the Mrs.
Baird who lately committed suicide la
the eame neighborhood, which at the
time greatly affected the young man
and seemingly waa the cause of his
becoming mentally unbalanced. ;
Frank Babcock, dog catcher at Lin
coin, narrowly fsaspsil pssUshment at
the bands of a maa while dragging a
captive tf-J ajaar he street Tas
crowd dldjswt trks Babcocrs metaod
of trsppHj the aatmal. and when bs
paid no kSl fMaw Protests tbarft was
a uaii ibmbm i Stmt the wk-e areaad
the dog onset jmek lastsad of the
Cbawnai aatri aaw Data bfeaa, aV-
rlaa wholesalers who supply mercnaa
sw to a number of Syrian peddlers
at Kearaska, were arrested at Coiunv
aws Saaaay on compialat of Mike
Csba a Ooaoa busiaess man, charging
wish fraud In seeoriag posses-
of a stock of general am lassiiaii
at rtH and belonging to the
ptalaant'e wife. Aaaa Saba, The
V-M vat (Usmlaat4 kondajr aft.
rai tk
Sfc aa'C igjfi la auagad to
tsrarod In Maaoo eoaaty. Be
V aSegsd swlgOers eouli U rs-
"i Oijr had isnsiil Tairtsj
swgtorai at bMbsmt by
2f7m, wno took them to raV
' - t Tj iasrr:! sL-Ja
Cr. Weed's Pfcrrfcy.
(Copyright, tm. by Authors' Syndicate.)
" CCORDINOTo her established ma
rl torn. Miss Selina Snowball went
I 1 oat apon bar front porch to get
a breath of air aad aw bow
things looked, before beginning her
breakfast prapaxailona. .
was a crystal morning la early
Jane, and a brisk creese, the tralled-ofr,
eua or an over-night gals napped Miss
Seliaa's gingham gown, aad would have
tossed her tresses, bad they act bean
wound b? tigfcUy la the shape of a
good-siaad blseait. aad spiked ptaee
by several Urge hair-pins. Though
spare ox Dean, Mies Sellaa was not
Dony; furthermore, she waa erect as s
maple, and as neat aad bright as new
What a wind!" she protested, as
her apron sailed np like a kite; "It
most have showered la tbe night too;
everything's drlanin and if them
a WOBl noneysucaie Tine blown
sr . : .
w kuu Doocaea np aer skirt IB
uue nana, ana snipped nimbly down ber
front steps, mincing gingerly on tbe
tins or her neat toes through tbe wet
areas. ia hm fH tn. .a
loose from Its trellis, and lay trailing
on ine groano. .
Nothing bat a flimsy little nlcket
renee separated Miss Sellna's front yard
from ber neighbor's, and on the other
side of It ber neighbor was standing.
ousming in ine sanaaine that came torn-1 'Jonnt oe Kocbamaeau. count de Koch
Ming over tbe wet world, making all embeau, great grandson of the French
w snraos and grass tips where tbe
raln beads bong look as If they bad
been powdered with little diamond
Miss Bellna half whirled about to-
wards bar steps, then spun back again,
T"B lr of standing by ber gantlet
tbe worst come. If Miss Selina always
felt an Impulse to ran, whenever she
encountered bar neigbbbor. Mr. Wire-
wood, she considered that she bad Just
cause lor so aamm. tm sir w mnni
obstinately and relentlessly persisted in
oesetung oer to marry btra. and In tit-
terly refusing to understand what No
meant , ,
Tbe poor man was quite bard of bear- menl 01 fore'Cn affairs will, be repre
inc. and white thu w nn. .t k seated by high officials, and it is nrob-
rier to a union of hearts and front
yards, it was also an obstacle In the
way or impressing the fact upon his
nnoersianainx. Miss Selina had mn.
sldered tbe matter very thoroughly.
and Bint afraid of burgla If I was
going to marry any man. I would rather
.vrhi v. . v .rT .,T
make him boar. I haven't got the
" , - -
TT-iSLf7 SSr J ; ."rr!
rfiST?:1 " g"1 Jt l
someumes he seems to boar tolerably j
wrttand otbot you conldnt make him
" too anneaea
your collar button out" -' f
Mr. Wlrewood. on this merrv Jane
nKirnsag. looked so brick, blithe aad
cnerry, ana wo weasea at sselng ber,
that Miss fauna's heart smote her
Bomewhat for bar obdaracr. She mlaht
as well at least be civlL she admitted
inwardly, and nodded him a pleasant
"Must have been auHe a storm." she
called out In a clear, nigh voice.
"Tis getting a little warm." ranked
Mr. Wlrewood, placidly.
"Storm. I said.- yelled Miss 8nowbeU,
it rained In the night"
"Ob." said Mr. Wlrewood. symoa-
tactically, "yes, tbe storm did It gtre I
you a fright? Now, that's too bad. But
ladies have no business trying to get
along by themselves without a mascu
line brute to take care of 'em. Now,
you'd better " "
'111 have to run in." shrieked Miss
Selina, "aad get mybreaJrfasf over.
Mr. Wlrewood smiled apswovtagty. '
"That's right; think K ovep-thia It
over," bo said, cheerfully: "I'm aura
you'll come to the riant eoaeluskm bv
and by. .. . ...
"Oh," groaned Miss Seltaa. as she
ran into the bouse, "that .man! If I
stood there baailna until ail the nlr1-
bors heard I couldn't make him under
stand. It's a great pity such a realty
ice man should be so obstinate and
an deaf."
miss snownen leit vaguely upset and
Uncomfortable during breakfast, aad
when ber aunt who always washed ap
me dishes, began to clatter the break-
nut things, she took down bee, ass,
bonnet and wont and hunted up her gar-
den hoe. , , ...
i I've got a fldgotty atmi, abe de-
sand, starting briskly out to ber little 1
Vegetable garden. 'Ill go ana boa It
X" . , .- I
It was queer, but sl som discovered awitoor swa aignt children, 1M grand
Oat Mr. Wlrewood was boeiag la hm children. U graatrgwrtdrhfldren, and
togetable garden. .
"You're at It early. Miss Selina," he
aaiteo, joyouaiy. .
Tea," she answered, briefly.
'"Did yon tbiak It otarrr ho asked,
sssnng close to ths dividing gardes
faaee, where she was hoeing a boot
"No she yoUod, "yon shouldn't keep
up that subject. Mr. Wlrewood."
"uouunt what?" bo saved, wia kit
ina ia nm oar.
Ton mast droa the samstar" aha
gUMaCl oasaoos.te to boa."
Mr. Wirawwai ssaUod dsChteCy.
rwCJa't t-y Taa, okher. a-J-?
Tbb -ii p 19 tlaaa,-srraaaMi
I M (I Vka m aa Mf mm m
WW. 1 et( lfl o ka tLjt, Bat I
eryt fc- H: M I wau yon h
rtoSf4anL Cora's gw' wdkMieat
rttp t tabs R atatffg j aarr
aad t ..j a extt tf - , . , - .,
Vi ::.rt rlfi Wt
i M If
4 -
Thank you,
he chanted.
"John Augustus Wlrswood." said
Miss Selina, indignantly "I believe
you've been bearing a lot more than
you pretended to."
"Tis love" said Mr. Wlrewood; "Jove
wouldn't let me hear discouraging
things, but helped me to hear tbe right
thing.? .
"Goes yoa can bear most as good as
anybody," said Miss Sellaa, grimly.
"Not quite." said Mr. Wlrewood.
"there's a lot of variation la it; this
happened to be one of my good days."
"And on roar bad days I'll have to
spit my throat screeching." protested
J las Henna.
No," said Mr. Wlrewood. "yon won't
need to say anything, then. I'll know
by intuition what you want to say or
ought to want to say."
Oh! And you'll never bear any-
tnrng you aoa t want to, I suppose." i
or course not; but you won't, either.
for you know I'll never say anything
mean to you, senna, dear."
He slid up close to Miss Selina and
chipped his arm around her neat ging-
nam waist, and she knew she was en
gaged to Mr. Wlrewood.
rranM WsU Bapreasated at tbe
I unveiuag in new Torn city.
Washington Post: France will be
well represented at tbe unveiling in
ttP city. May 24. of tbe monument to
marsnai wno rendered such noble ser-
rlctm to tbe colonies during the rsvolu-
ttonary war. has accepted the invita-
tlon of the United States government
to attend tbe unveiling. Invitations
lo been extended to the family
of General Lafayette. Although no ac
eptanee bas been received. It is likely
Marquis de Chambrun. Count de
Lteyrle aad representative of tbe
othr two branches of tbe Lafayette
uunny wm tuhi America ax max time.
An officer of tbe military household
W1U personally represent we president
Frnnce at tbe unveiling. The war
navy departments and tbe depart-
w tluit 1 man-of-war will be sent to
BalUaiore' "d that French Marines
I au" ?T , v ' uomo wasaingion
I -" luuc u-wps m me
ceremonies, which will precede the un-
Wngham and Mr" Herbert R D Pierce i
77." :..: !r
OI we ceremonies,
The monument wi
nwnumeni m jjazayetta. wi
" the aoutbeast corner of tbe square.
00 front of tbe base of the moo u-
mm i n nA ik
erty-otepplng out of a boat In ber left
nana she holds a flagstaff, on which the
stars and Strinea and the rrniz-ji
are intarwlnded. Ib her riant hand is
sword, with which she bs defending
an a metres n eagle, wuea stands above
a shield, bearing thirteen stars, srm-
boUcal of tbe original colonies. Tbe
uaes or use oase oi ine monument will
bear tbe coats of arms of France and
of tbe loebambeaa family. Tbe back
of tbe base will bear the name' of Count
de Roebamboau. A bronse statue of I
Roebambean atsnding with bis right
nana ap-raisod, surmounts tbe stone
bass. -
May 14 was chosen as the dav for
the nve(llng of tbe statue, as it is tbe
anniversary of count de Roebambeau's
entrance Into tbe French army. In
1712, when only 17 years old. tbe count
entered tbe army as a cornet Ha was
educated for tbe prieatrood. but e
death of bis elder brother made him
heir to the title and estate of bis fatb-
and be followed the traditions of
the family and entered tbe army. In
1747 be was made a colonel, and in
1791 be was made a Held marshal. Be
served with distinction as the commander-in-chief
of tbe French forces
In America during tbe war of Inde
pendence and was called tbe father of
tbe French army by Bmperor Nano-
!nn, who held him in high esteem.
America's Largest Family. '
Washington Times: Prairie du
Cheln. Wis.. Masts of a family which
u believed to be the largest In the
United States. It consists ' of 188
members, and until a few weeks ago,
when Mrs. Peter Fernett died, thnre
had been no sickness or death In the
family for nearly half a century.
Peter Fernett, Sr., the head of the
family, la nearly 80 years of ana. and
bt n splendid health, with him to
mourn tbe loss of a faithful wife and
one great-graat-grandcbild. Tbonual-
'7 no consists of the following mem-
Peter Pernott. baabaad: Mrs,- Aa-
thony La Boaao. Mrs. LouJas La Bonne.
Mrs. Frank Furrier, Mrs. Frank Cota,
Mrs. Hubert Obin. Paul Farnett aad
Fetor Farnett jr. ' -
There ware sour other efaildrea bora.
Bat three of , these died when they
ware quite youag and the other whan
he wag under If years of age.
Thane alrnt ahKliaB are the parents
of roereuv Cfataen of tkeae I
riadaUdroa of oid Mr. and Mrs. Far.
l -A have aaaoag them $1 etJlareu, and
abe of Om Isctor M the saofhor of a ld-
aay-Ut4. Msnr it arsat arsat
P-?f ft?, r T? I
reeord of the Fernett ehll.
. lift Vtut. U e&Sdren.
aULB&saaa, Ue4na.
F. laVtVr. It ebJUras). ;
'1JS, T. tts, IT aalUraB. ' ' ' '
I 'i II Uaav tt ahCJraat' i
'Iwsit'-tmu, U sUldran.
Fr loYBsrt, lu U eUldraB,
aVI Ce tisn of this foaaarkcile
t-2, lsai Oe 'J pw0Bg-cmaeV
t am to Ce rt-wt batr. Bra
t -IBs t f ars sta kai
ft u
t v
f ' f .
Paris letter: Tbe first Installment ot
tommer styles having been fully ac
cepted and sent out bearing the hall
mark of the great couturiers, those of
me second part which bear the stamp
of final and fuQ approval are being
now coaaidered. Tbe long, frost-bound
pring has contributed largely to keep
ing in abeyance tbe final decisions of
tbe great arbiters of la mode.
' As tbe mould of fashion becomes
more absolutely fixed It Is obvious that
white Is to form an important feature
In tbe gowning of tbe summer woman.
Charming Indeed are those gowns of
white crepe de chine and net. of which
tbe circular flounce of not Is striped
around with bands of tbe erepe.
are Inset at tbe waist! and theYokV.nS
collarof "heneT are aUo string wtth
ub aii usee models Irish lace morlf
bands of crepe to correspond. Another
Ferny , '
' White satin straw bat, worn slightly off ths face, coming low down on
the hair in tbe bach. Black velvet around ths crown, forming large bow
and ends In ths back. ,. ' .
, Ths second model is a very smart hat In yellow straw. Jet ornaments
are set on tbe upturned brim. The ribbon bow at the back is the same
color as the hat
cmcbination effect in white Is a gown
of batiste, with crerae lace insertion,
made with graduated flounces, entirely
of tucks, insertion, and a lace border.
Tbe vertical groups of tucks forming
the upper skirt alternate with lace In
sertion. The decorative effects of the
most approved models are so prodigal
as to approach the oriental and fantas
tic. It seems to be a matter of small mo
ment bow the trimming Is disposed of
so long as there Is an excessive quantity
of it and the gown la aa nearly as noa-
sioie coverea. in some elaborate effects
In batiste and band embroidery the fin
est tucks are employed, covering the
sunaco almost entirely.
Veiling, In one form or another, Is
tbe most popular of materials. The
new rope veiling, like the canvas veil
Ing. Is made by band of twisted threads.
ana is practically indestructible. Flow.
or decorated borders go with some of
mess Tsnrngs and are used for trim.
mlsg the dress. These aiaterlals are
equally correct for dressy gowns aad
street wear. ,t , ,
A though the prevailing modes soea
to favor tbe woman of slim figure, tot.
ucal lines la trimming are fully aa styl
lab aa circular effects, so that all kinds
pf Sgures are provided for. While the
Ugnt and traasparent materials serarto
cmum .1.'. iTTTl
Chann. byseot and atothar pronUnawt
porw wnera wosasn fashion eoagra-
nrf this the nakeg
exerts are paaHsd U pis way. Oae
of the basst awadoU U a wladoW hi
the Flaee Taadeese Is of dart Mas
Ban's retting saaas oror white Mm la
Bsrajeagj wsiaw sMaeh, lnV
t the sWTssnioal
are freely need tor
and whore law hi
anisrafes to aaus the
ht wane Kangs are
grays ta tasat
vtas trB gsth aacas tsj - carto,
whew fte ganwaial jg mtmu mm
rCs wiag J&j, kess b
sW-i sppgffTs
r-t r an c :- trrri c
1 b -traf
J, U. .
a T
leading Parisian couturiers for this
purpose Is Freneh hair-doth, the only
practical stiffening yet discovered.
gown I was shown tbe other day. ot
white canvas, elaborately trimmed in
bordered blue polka dot silk. Illustrates
tbe use of this new feature. Tbe skirt
is trimmed with two circular flounces
bordered with dotted silk. The graceful
flare at tbe bottom la held in shape by
the Insertion of the hair-cloth in the
slip skirt, several inches from tbe bot
torn, in a band about ten laches wide.
from which tbe taffeta ruffle continues,
completing tbe length of the skirt
' Among tbe newer gowns worthy of
mention Is a white crepe de chine with
guipure lace coat aad band around the
skirt, strapped with bands M the ma
terial. I illustrate a handsome dress
made of polka dot pink muslin. The
skirt Is cut with a deep circular ruffle.
Tbe trimming is of pink and write em
broidery and tucks, the underskirt be
ing of pink lawa. The corsage is gsth-
ered on to s deep pointed yoke of em
broidery, edged with tucks. Tbe tucked
collar is finished at top with black
velvet and girdle of tbe same. Tbe
sleeves of muslin reaob to the elbow
with the unaersleeves of embroidery.
With this costume is worn a bat of
white satin straw braid, trimmed with
pink roses aad a bow of same color at
tbe back.
A white silk waist bas a deep plait on
each shoulder, stitched with red, and a
double box-plait ia front with collar,
cuffs, and belt stitcbed with red. With
It is worn a white sailor bat trimmed
with folds of red and white taffeta.
A dress of blue figured foulard Is
trimmed with bsnds of plain blue niik,
piped with white bands of the, same
material on sleeves and waist tbe latter
being made with tbe Russian blouse ef
fect. The collar and undernleeves are
of lace, the vest being of white mous
selino do sole. A picture hat of white
lace straw, trimmed with blue, goes
well with this dress.
! We have In Paris a vogue of which
one might term tbe recrudescence of
tne snort skirt it is really a most at
tractive version of tbe abbreviate!!
skirt and, for the petite woman, es
pecially, Is a most fascinating model
Its pronounced fulness Is due to tbe
ar1;" -7' iuLia:r
fact that It is lined with narrow flouna
as of slut from the knee down, the foun
dation skirt also having ruffles over
lapping each other to accentuate tbe
fulness. It Is necessary with this skirt
far the petticoat to match the lining,
so that, as tbe skirt swings, only one
color will be visible. While the length
of the skirt varies somewhat according'
to Individual taste the average leugU ,
by which It clears the ground U front
one to two inches. - - -
The msterlals favored for tbe short
skirt are of the dressier kind as well as
serge or cloth.
The accompanying blouse coat may
be sa fancy as one pleases. There is sn
almost Imperceptible difference between
tbe coats of . the present vogue and tan
b loused bodice. Tbe latter bas the same
little talis at the bask, should one not
mented elaborately with bands of silk
In net and lace and different embroider
ies, combined with applications of lace.
A handsome costume seen in toe ast
de la Palx window Is of black and white
foulard, with black chantilly lace, and,
embroidery lawn collar and under-
seves. A charming euect is in ntue ana
white foulard, the lower part of the
bodice being formed of Irish lace, while
the skirt yoke and lower part of the
.t-1 i t j .in. 1 1..
Kin. uave uuui ui sia nuuii -
erlng it The latter is cut in pointed
ends, running down Into tbe lace in
both bodice and skirt and up Into the
hln voke.
The two bats we illustrate this week,
are prominent types of this season's
fashions. Tbe white satin straw braid
hat is worn off tbe face, coming low.
down on tbe hair In tbe back. There ia
trimming of black velvet ribbon around
tbe crown, forming a large bow and
ends in the harlr
The other is a very smart bat ot yel
low straw trimmed with jet ornaments
and ribbon ot the same color as bat '
A Minnesota Expert Cslls Them
Slow, But Advises Westerners to
Qo East
The cheapest improved farms In
the country today, all things consid
ered, are in central new xorx in tne
thority than O. C. Gregg, supertntend
estlmatlon of a no less expert au-
ent of the Minnesota Farmers' Insti
tute coarse. Mr. Oregg has Just re
turned from a five weeks' lecturing
tour with the Farmers' Institute staff
of that state.'
Mr. Oregg found a somewhat dis
couraging state pf affairs among the
farmers of that one-time famous agri
cultural section. Many have moved
to the West and among tbe remaining "
ones there is a general feeling that
their section has seen its best days
snd cannot hope longer to meet suc-
fAaafllllv thm mmnotlHAH if Ih.
The fine courage and hopefulness of
the Western farmer are rarely, found
there.. Instead there are gloom and
discouragement and general apathy.
After a careful study of tne situa- -
tlon, Mr. Oregg became convinced
that tbelr condition was nothing like
as desperate aa the farmers tbem-
MWtlrtn has atfll YfAllmt crrlMiHur! ,
possibilities and any progressive
Western farmer would be nerfectiv
safe, he holds. In selling out his high-:
priced farm bare, and, coins .down
there and starting over again.
"Several causes have contributed
to the present condition among the
farmers of , New York." said Mr.
Oregg today in reviewing the situa-
uou as oe saw ii. nrsi, me tana is
in most cases badly run down from
overcropping and poor farming meth
ods. Too much of the profits of the
farm must now be spent for fertilizers.
Derorestation bas also contributed to
tbe result Following the removal of
the trees from the hills and slopes,
the rains washed the fertility away
and left' unproductive bind. The
high price of feed stuffs Is another ,
bar to profitable farming there. But
tbe chief source of the trouble In my
opinion Is the unprogresslve methods.
of tbe New York farmer. I was slm-
ply astonished to see in that old. .set- .
tied country how little attention has .
been paid to scientific breeding of1
dairy cows. The herds as a rule are
poorly bred, and with the prevailing,
high price of feeds, can give but a
very small margin oi profit. ' I am ccr-
talnly surprised at tbelr lack of appre-1 ;
elation of the value of Improved
urcediug methods. Is this respect t
the ' farmers there are much behind "
ours of Minnesota. The silo, bow
ever. I found to be In general use,
and this la good, so far as it goea.
"The remedy for the conditions
there la, to ray mind, to be found In '
more and better cows, better feeding
methods, reforestation of the bills and .
slopes, greater attention to tbe culti
vation of apples snd Intensive farm-' '
Ing ot the land best fitted for agricul-
turla purposes. There will . alwaya
be a good market for milk In New
York snd tbe Western apple can hover '' '
drive oat the New York product The -New
York apple can bold its awn
against tbe world.
"Farms In the sections I visited are ,
ridiculously' low la price. ' Many 'find'
ones are on the market at less than '
tbe cost of. tbe Impraveateats that In
tbelr day have commanded more than
1100 per acre. ,They offer line oppor
tunities to the enterprising farmer.
I would not be afraid to tackle one
of those fama myself, even at ay , ,
age, and there would be money la It
for toe t eon Bry owg ptaee down la ''
Lyon county and begin Hfe . anew5 "
down there. I do not believe this con
dition will oontlnue Indefinitely The
time la eoaalna; when the Caatera '
farms ef the better gradss are note
to be la dswisad again aad when agri- .
ennnre wiai enow oifunct signs of re.
viral."-MianeapotU JowrnaT
. U Is stated that one of the lightahina
fa to be equipped with s hew oteebrkal
wwei win aaad a ilm
mi Kcht frea the ahto Mk a.
the etenda, It la nisstjil fkla
far of light wCl bo rlafble ata dls
Uaos of M miles. The Men to eranea
to Ooai-Mr Albert toss, jEZZ
Cm tr-Taest prorat aCJ h ll
prvJg t&a stater glanta win tats.
ii.tJtSi' it A
w a s . :i t
anczt -I Lrh . i
( V.