Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 15, 1902, Image 8
'"'A 4 - ; - 1 ' If v ; 4 stock cm fMM Asctoat. will iahltah roar brand. Ilk Ma fetsSWlB:. hr,lt tmu-. Each ad 'Shlev ,al BfaBdl cents, kvrt? farmer or 'hMUHlIt MOKE and adjoining counties ifhaaM advertise their brands 'in -tub Jocb sjalae U WMUetea all ovwtlie state. It ' - tear ha the sseaiis of anting uionev for you J. D. Proctor. "II- left hip. ISO RElViUD. Vise la arrest and aoavletlon of any party parttaa steeling or disfiguring any brands ' M stunk hrlei.gtag to lh andersigned pr tin HnriuHi Hrnndetl the " oa leu ........i.i.... Knnt'swest of Andrew. PotOBciA ddrrm Harrison, N In r. K JANDT. to ads ft, P EO. 1)7. E or oa left Mr ' afl hif Cattle. Ifeeni Usajrtn Sehraska. aa left Jaw, fast IMBce, Hew tit. Mi i T. 8KOW. waded I o aboal a - I I jder f I A atranded oa l-ft sboalder ' 1 I aud I eWa on left aide. Ml UCaea Addrwa, ' nrto levraarteOe. Wye. SJBOKvilC SWASSOK. a.t. iiruiimtn. Brand aombi double of cuttle- Horse ik sliouldcr. 'ut out right mi left aide ua right ear cattle. Press-Journal Thursday, Hay IS, 1902. . C. C. Burke, Prop. KSTKKED IS TUB- POST urPICK AT UAK ISO SilCUK. A8ICX.VI CLASS JIATTKK OFFICIAL PAPRR OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. V Cattle all dehorned Range on Kyle CTeea. Poet Office, tilen Nebraska ASSESSORS MUST .WORK UPRCMC COURT ORDCAR THCM TO TAKE LABOR STATISTICS ASUUKW CAU1ST1AH Cuttle brand ed on left side tsaine an cut and hone branded on left shoulde same as cnl are the pr.perty of Andrew Christian n ranite tributary to Van Tassel Springs. Address, Klrtlev. Wvo. 23 J. l.EVsR. stents branded """ a left aide an left abou ISa. eawgeon Baidier Crrek. 1 Aay stack branded aa akwve being eatray- Ofroaa aty ranee. dlaeevered by any body a Wftvmg ia) lifferntatien will be rewarded. Andreas, n. Robinson, Nebraska. Jf. B. PARKRR tforaM breaded on I I left auoulder and Mtla earae on left warttdad hip. ou back or Cattle branded rout Office Add rem. Chadron Kebraaka' BUKWSTKlt A Co. Cattle brand ed Home aa that on rut, either left hl or on left ulioulJcr. iaek of aKaea. ftaaee o HaMW Creek and White HI ver. Addread. ITt. Koblnaon. Mebnutka. JOHN A. HANSON afcaaa ke foilaw faiabr . ad oa eKh- UJ "1 oa ttlvar SprlaKa and eaat of slats PaatoBea Uarrlaoo Neb Jl. TVCXCK. on left ibonldaraf boraea on right aide f k jand en left iddeofeattl. I -I AMI tale I I ' II I ftM j right alda of cattle too aajaga aa White kier, near Glen. ' ' MtUnnaaaiMreea.Ulen, Kehraalta. bsCrCtRKK LIVESTOCK Co. aranded en left Kip of Cattle and on left eheelr ot Home . Rang On Deep Creek. , 'A Add rem. Deep Creek Ue Stock Co,. J. If. Hai.BKKT, roreman, 4ilen. Sfbmaka. ft UeMHn 1-m CHAKLRS KCWMAN. The brand repiawented In thl notice and branded any where on left Hide ef rattle, aud ever lap t freui the right ear. Ale the name brand on left thigh of boraea, belong to the aiidrnlgned ear Eaat Spring, eurilh part fo oaaaty. Cmalc Nkwmak, If arriaon, Ni-braaka. MOVSSKT A OS. CnMM brand-.Tlei eSatbkdae'taat yZ I Hk aa dHh- 1 . J W Jrf .--Wf a..-.. f Aadletlowlag Wiiaaeaf eaUU a.-. - Aad IMa o on left aula of one stork. on left alee and hip. aa Adanlng Water. addrasa, Harrison, Bebraakn. r. right thigh , W i' aad akaaider aad P- right Jew AM, bavt a left tblb , Meaa Ua, NebrHaae ... MfAU. - I sd plf, Clttreaara for much Xf Cr4?C5?lClawawl e Jiaf'e-iJeeJiraS ! CS U-AW far ftmt U. CPSeTt'krf 'falrVW aletilaw., DrfCft-a t. J. A. stMM m mmm Horaea branded with any otbove brand. Address. J. A. AnuiWox. Ilitrrlson. Nebraska. SCIi. JUItOAN. 1 PUP cat- on Horses and tie branded either side, same afon cut. And Cattle branded side, and Morses ou lett Address, Bodarc, Kebraska. 1 OCrAVK II A BUM, Cattle branded aa shown left Hide with left ear clipped. Itauge on Run ning Water, V. O. Addresx, Mainland, Nebr. HKXKY WARNKKE. Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on ttuniii:g Water creeek. er. O. Address Harrison, Kebraska. FKANK JIITTO. Special Dispatch to the World-HeraW. LiiK-oln, Neb. May 8 Nebraska aases- sam must do a little extra wo. k now, nod that without extra "conipensulion. Thus saith the supreme court, atid the decree ia incxcrablei For a number of years the depaty comnuwioner oi laoor nas touna nimseii hiitxinupped in ce in piling stutialics ttirouh Uie failure of asaasnors in many of tlte couotiea to collect all the Uti- tics directed by law. There was nothing in the statute granting assessors any ad ditional compenaalion for the extra work requested of litem and a number refused absolutely to do it. Lancaster's officials, says the deputy labor comm asioner, have been especially obstteDerauM in the matter. Wlien re quested to glean the desired information j on their rounds this spring they declined emphatically. L. N. Eskew of Normal was lite victim chosen to combat the ias- sintant Mr. Watson, deputy labor com missioner at present. On behalf of Mr. Watson Attorney General Prout iapptied to the supreme court for a writ of mandamus to com pel the assessor to do this work. j'The case was vigorously contested, but the court today decided that Mr, Watson was iu the right and the writ was issued accordingly in compliance with tbe de sire of Mr. Prout. In passing on the propositions invol ved a controversy long mooted and one that the eurt has bvoided deciding for years is at last decided beyond travail. The court declares that tbe ollke of .de; puly labor commissioner is not an exe cutive officer hi violation of section 26 article 5 of the constitution, which says that no oilier executive oflice shall be continued or created. Tins settles the det.iiy of several state officials, deputies by name whose status has been in doubt ever since creation ef their positions. Arnoug their are tue. deputy game and tish commissioner, deputy pure food commissioner and deputy state veterinar ian. The very point is involved in an other suit now pending wiwre constitu tionality of Uie food commission law is attacked. It is entitled John C. Merrill against state and comes from Llay county. Tiie opinion is by Commissioner Hast ing. Tliesyliabvs sayss "It is no objection to the validity of a statute imposing aa additional duty upon assessors, that no special provisiou itr their compensation is made. 'The act of leo7, imposing the duties of labor coiuiuiasiouer ou the governor of Uie state ar.d provining for a ipecial deputy to assist in discharging then) is not a violation of section 20. article 25, of the state constitution. The amendatory aft of 187 to sec tions 2066 and 2068 of Cubby's consolida ted statutes, requiring assessors to se cure certain labor statistics, is germane to tlte provisions of. Unoriginal act .and to Ihe requirements of Um original sec tion 2066 ttiat the deputy commissioner collect statistics sod is not in violation ol section 11,' article 8, of the state constitution." OFFICIAL DtrtCCTORY. V. S. flTMAtOsM Josim II. iu.u en as. H. Dirrkica- CONGRESS K!f ELXEB J. Bi'ssnr, Sep. 1st nisC David Ii. JUacca, Rep. (nd DisC JOHN J. Robiksox, rus. 3rd Dlst. . I 8rsa, rna. Uh Dlst. A. C. Shallksbkbgkr, Fus. Mh Dlst. WM. MVILLE, Kiis, 6th Dint. STATE OITICKKS Ezba P. SAvAor. Goteunor C. F. Stkele, l.leat, Aovernor Gen, W. Mabsh, Secretary of State ( has. Weston, Auditor Pub. Aot-U. Wm. STEnria, Troannrer Wat. h. POWLCR, Sapt Public Inntjactioa Kbask . I'boct, Atty.tneral GBOK6E FoWLEB.Com. pnb. lands aad bldg I.EE HBBUBAS, Librarian tOUSTY OKFICER8 Wi. J. A. Bf, Clerk Jobs I. Davis, Treasurer ALEX LOWBT, Sheriff Wm. J. A. KaCM, Clerk of District Court J. II. Bi'BKE, ftupt.of Public Instruction J. II. B btell. Judge If . J. 0Comsbll, Attorney M. Ri'iriso, Hurveyor Pat Lact, Coroner BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOSERS Jexs C. Menu, 1st District L. C. Lewis, 2nd Eistrlct A. E. Bioelow, 3rd District. Marsteller Bros. Are now prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINK OK Cattle branded Ff73 on Uh de and same en j) left a side i der M 1 torses. Also some of the Horses tie are branded on side shonldrr some a deacrib above baa lid. i the left shoul- m and Cat and the edlor the Address, Harriswn, Nebraska. KORKUT r, NEECE. Cattle Branded Range on on left side on left h Aim Cattle brsaed shir.ildT or side. Range Running Water. P. o. Address Agate, Nebraska. SAMUEL K NO It I. Cattle branded - . any where on left side of the animal. Range oa Prai rie I ng 4n4 Men roe Creek. Address. Harrison, Nebraska little branded Oattte Branded on left side. CatMs tsrafdwe Mrs On Uft NIB HST WIMK, r STOCK REPORT. South Omalia, Nebr. Increase in cat tle receipts to date over same period last year is more than 85,000. For the past week, however, receipts have been light at all principal points and the market continues its firm tone. We quote 1250 to 1500 beeves at 6.50 to $7.00; 1050 to 1250, 6.00 to 6.50; 900 to 1050. 5. 40 to 6 00; choice heifers and cows up to 6.00; good, 4.50 to 5.50; com mon down to 1.75; calves, 8.50 to 7.00; good feeding steers, 4.50 to 5.25; stackers 2 00 to 4 25. We have received about 9.1,000 more bogs this year th.m for tbe same period last year. Prices are about steady with a week ago and range from 6.75 to 7,20. Receipts of sheap hare been most too small to make a market but on eastern advices the market was weak end vary ing. For the last two days, however there has been a firmer feeling. We quote choice, wooled lambs at 6 40 to 6.85; clipped, 5 70 to 6.10; clipped wel hers, 5 40 to 6.00; clipped ewes, 4.70 to 5.50; spring lambs, 6 00 to 8,00. Nye and Buchanan Co. WORK SHOES WEAR. Sels "Kroo Calf Skin is a special tannage, named to define and express its tough, yet phaWs qualities and lu treat powers of endurance. 4'KrooM is tbe original name of a powerful tribe of negroes on the Northwest Coast of Africa, com tuonly known as "Kroo Boys " They are re- r nuv,u - - . Downed lor tneir uiruinw,uci'"" staying powers; and what the "Ksoo Bot" is among Degroes, " Kiioo Calf" Is amoaf skins tough, enduring, reliable. Look lor the alert of SeIxM It marks tbe Popular Dealer. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Fourteen Years of Suffering. 'I have been a (Hie ted with sciatic rheu matism for fourteen years," says Josh Edgar, of OermanDiwn, Cal. 'I was able to be around but constantly suffered. 1 tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured, and I am hipy to sav it has not sinte return ed.' Why not use this liniment and est well? It is for sale by J. E. Phioney. 6elz, Schwab & Co., chicaco. Lsrfot Manufacturer! of Boots and Shot In tntVevM. i jS3 25 English Shire Stallijon Will make tiie season of 1902 as follows: Tuesday ev ening and Wednesday of each week at Al Leithoft's farm 9 miles east of town; the bal ance of the week at our born in Harrison. TERMS 8.00 to insure colt to stand and Buck; money due and payable at once in case mares are disused of, or removed from the county. Dieckmann & Lacy The Commercial Bank. MUST REMOVE FENCES- Cattlemen In Weetem Nebraska Realise that Qawernnsenfs OraW Will BtlansHi. Accordint; U Oeorgs . Hunt of Bridgeport the cattlemen of western Nebraska have begun to real ire that the orders of the government in regard to the demolition of fences arouod government land will be enforced. He said; "In Cbyenne county, and in fact in all of the counties from Buffalo west. Uie govern ment land has been fenced by a set of man who cams to look upon themselves as Um owners of public domain. When they were notified to remove their fences they made all kinds of objections and many of tlieni did not believe that tbe matter wonld go any further than the notice, so they paid no attention to it Those who investigated the matter found out tht the order was not a bluff and that the fences must corae down by June 1. As a result boom of thai cattlemen liavt already haftun to take down the fences and praeerva the wire; others are delaying and it Is not probable- that all of the wire will be removed within the time specified. -Oraaha Bee. YwaafMwsWaft KSiiaMa sat far Mnsatpr vf a Branch OnV wm wish to ofsw to (Ms eldaity. Here is a (road ofk fer Um right Mil. KtesUT gis good rwfwfsaos whea writhe. T. A.KOXX WHOLOAIX HOCKZ. ' cneanuKtL oiro. flluatmffsj iiUaHWS Sfamfts. CALL FOB BIDS. Sealed bids will be received by the Village Clerk up to and including Hay 27 1902, for attending to the town wind mill and pump from Juue 1 to May 1, 1903. By order of Board of Trustees. W. H. Davis. Village Clerk. Wheeeins Ceugrt. A woman who has experience with this disease, tells liow to prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to our (riving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plump ness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough svrup between whoop. JCBHZ PrsTtlV UaIX, Springville, Ala, This Remedy is for sale by J. E. Phioney. ; When yeu lack energy, do not relish your food, feel dull and stupid, after eating, all you need is a dost of Cham berlain's Stomach & Lfvrr Tablets. They will make vou feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a bear. Tor ale by i. E. Phinney. A. ft. KKNKKDY. Cattle llrande cr Right Hip Shoulder r. 0. Address, Craw ford , Nebraska. ED. MASON, Cattle granded.l Range on Ran -..It" Ion left side nlng Water Address Agate, Web. j. k. rumMV a sons. Cattie breaded r, 0. Address, oa tad t aids, llarruoa, jtso. it! J. R. HUIITBR. , Rtach Isranded. . m Hghl I I Side "t hlB. Address, M. NaalMtr, Famnan 1 "' '" Nsrrlaan, Keh, " if ! HARRISON. NEBRASKA. ii DIRECTORS. 0. F. CorKEK, President. F. WX'larkh, CaBhier Cua. C, Jameson. H. S. Clakkk, A. MciiNLif Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely o us to handle their entire Banking busineB. We are prcjiared to take care of our trade at all times 9 MM THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Druggist's Sundries, Paints Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Jr. STALLION Will make tho season at my place on llonroe Creek 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE WILDOM JR., Sired by imported CLYDE, Dam ievetv eights SHI RE, weight 1,600 pounds. ' PRICE :t8. 00, to insure living colt. The money for service of Stallion will be dne and payable at once to cat? mares are sold or removed from the county. I will pasture mares through breeding seanon, free of ciiarge. ROBERT KEKL. V v C w w -m 11. u r.p. AMtmm, ftlan. i - rCt.( . t . , i . ,?. V ' ... - , ' t t J if'.? I L