Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 15, 1902, Image 7

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V"! and Return.
J April 2t (o 27.
I Mar 27 to lung 0.
' I Aujuit 2 to 8.
I ' I Burlixftem Routt.
; f Liberal return
If limit and Itop-cnrcf
f priviicgri.
m Tiiro'tanpartthe
M fraiidcst iceoery in
g Aoteiita.
Ak the agent '
I Or write.
I C. Omaha.
1061 8th Bt. - - - Council Bluffs. Ia.
Omaha Office, - - - 1010 11th St.
U tit Mi till. fT to tfe
lacto to fmaip, Equatia So mua
iC u n r 't rUar.
rrt4, all eriTttlM-
ouo (aji DfraM 11. sWarf
ioaa f avratLpd. Otoar gist
P to b" ti. r. tMna ior ct-
ytiT unit ijiooii"-
tlljf) BOW
f ... RrinLf We will arnd oareier"1
c ovrmvi piC, touklo tr out tiu
U afflicted and in need on reiiueat of informa
tion. Our ')ook ia the flitrat Uxk of tlie kind
Tar pnlilialicd and ia of ijreal alrte to any oaa
whether in ni of metii. al treatment or not.
We tend the book in plain envelope aealed.
Write for It todajr-b pontal card or leller-
321 W. Walnut St., Dos Moinas, la.
When writing, mention this paper.
Th WEBER imp,
Gasoline Enginet
Kmum srt.
Half Rates via
To Marrlsburg, Pa, and Return; On
Sale flay 14 to 10, Oood Returning
Until June 30; Stopovers Allowed at
Niagara Falls,
Afk your nenmst ti'-ket ugent to
route you via Wub.'iFh It. It. or cull at
city office- H13 Fa-r.am Street (I'uxton
Jlolel iilk.) or write Harry V.. Moores,
Gen'l Agl., I'us. Dept.. Oniuha, Neb.
coffee is a
deep science. It
consists of the
knowledge of coffee
and the facility to buy.
The small concern, even if
theblcndcr has the knowledge,
does not have the facility to buy.
The Blanke Coffee Company buys,
immense auantities, high-grade
"wwirelrtJtrrirJi' J.O0P4
rl"1 "jffrm-Tf -n. rm-jaaaS
for ur I B
of varied strength, flavor and drinking qual-
J;v. The knowledge of scientific
enables them to so blend these
m, flnvr.r in the cud is always
Blend is Blanke's best coffee
proportionately as good.
Ask Your Grocer For
The Aumrluii army has an active
general who In 95 year old. This I
Field Mrliiil Lieutenant , Huron
chwartB-Melller, who ha been un
Officer 74 yei and CO yearB a general.
He la one of five offUi m Mill alive who
marched with their bune on their
backs from Lemberg to Nple.
The wap I an lnett hlhwayman.
Waapa have been observed to rob bee
while those Industrloua workera laden
with the frulta of an expedition are. re
turning to the hlva
Philadelphia Catholic Standard ;"In't
It silly for a woman to refer to her
new hat an a Muck of a bonnet?" "
That's appropriate enough. A duck
has a pretty big bill attached to it, you
Judge: "What cured him of gam
bling?" "An unfortunate (speculation
in the sugar market." "Then if he is
sugar cured he ought to stay cured."
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "I Bee that
May Tone's pet name for Captain Put
nam Bradlee is 'Putty.' ' "Putty soft,
isn't it?"
Baltimore American: "After all,"
commented the unhappy customer,
"business Is largely a game of chance."
"Tea," netted ..the pleasant butcher.
"Moat of the time we are playing for
high steaks."
Shoe Co's
for JSC
Mall orders have special attention.
Add 25c, when ordering by mall, to
cover cost of packing and mailing.
"Onlmod" shoes are the most styl
lnh and most serviceable shoe sold. We
manufacture all our own shoes and
ell direct to the wearer. None genuine
without this trade mark:
205 8. ISth St.
Omaha., Nebr
Write for Catalogue No. 99.
Bre lU-K f-uld micd witob,du
allu, well made. Jeweled, U--m
el-(rant. fcntranlMaXOY.ftrs.
bndNtUufr. Heml ut
your name, arulrvu an'l
nfnt T;pte crura anu
we wilt attnd yon U!o waU:h.
Von exam ne It and ft tl
look! a we! I iul nay itOwal.fc
ry eTptvat atrnt a:!76amt
tt.t watch Is your, tosrotlwr
tth cnuln ant charm fot
..... tm ... ,A,n.h.l'inn1.tU
x V '"'
coffees that the
produced. Faust
his other brands are
Blanke's Coffee,
OMAHA, Vol. 5--No. 20 -IS02
The vlewa which Cecil rthodra enter
tained of death were extremely ilmple.
The thought of It gave hlin little, or no
emotion. "When I em dead," he once
nald, "let there be no fun". Lay me In
the grave, tread down the earth and
pax on. I (hall have done my work."
The police have ordered tlulan art
dealer and bookmllera to five a
pledge In writing that henceforth they
will not exhibit portraits of Count
TolBtol. All poetal card bearing hln
picture have been confiscated.
I ABNVU'K.la Diai atM
lB A rIcn but undeveloped fl
nfll tract mrionhwcitcrnWyo III I
if ntlr.g. Contains wonder- 14
Jj fully good openings tor W'l
smJtl ranches along good 1
r3al streams. A million acres l
jjjjl ofUntiopenfi)rsettlcmcnt
Author "A Slave of Curcumstances," "A Bargain in Souls," - "The Black
Ball," "The Cruel City," "A Woman's Will," "At the World's Mercy,"
"The Scarlet Cypher, "The Secret of the Marionettes," &c.
(Copyrighted, 1901, by DeLaneey Pier
son.) "False as Stairs of Sand." Shake
speare. CHAPTER I.
Dick Barnett, the schoolmaster of
Exton, cast a parting look at himself
In the cracked mirror over the little
washstand. added a few final touches
to his toilet, and sighed.
"Not much of a piece to leave," as
he turned and swept the barely fur
nished room with a glance. "But still
I'm sorry to go."
He was a slender young man, with a
keen, intellectual face, and carried
hlnibclf with a certain dignity as be
came one who had been five years the
Tillage schoolmaster. He was only 24,
but looked much older, as the result
of hard work and study. Ho did not
alwaya Intend to remain a simple ped
agogue. As his glance linger-od on the faded
hanglncs, the uncomfortable looking
haircloth furniture, tha faded rag car
pet, it rested on a small trunk in the
middle of the room, and he frowned.
"I wonder what can keep the fellow?"
he muttered. "He promised mo faith
fully he would not disappoint."
Just then a timid knock sounded on
the door, and presently a man entered,
a rough, ungainly fellow, In a dit ty can-
vas suit, whose wild hair and heard i
made him resemble one of those gro-!
tesque toys that are2 sold , about the
streets during the holidays.
"Well, here I be," said the newcomer
in a deep bass voice.
"Very good, Jim. Now you will take
this trunk to the station without saying
whose it is. It no one know I am
going. Understand?"
"Here is for your trouble." and from
a Blender purse the young man passed
over a silver piece, which the other,
after biting, thrust in his pocket Then
he shouldered the trunk and with a
"Good night, guv'nor," went out with
hu burden through the door.
Barnett waited until he heard the
man's steps on the front porch, then;
with a parting look around the room j her BRain. It was such a breaking
that had been bis home for Ave years away from old ties, this starting out,
he blew out the lamp and slipped down i after the placid years he had spent as
the Btair3 and Into the night ithe village school teacher. Sometimes
He made his way rapidly along the! ho wondered if he wa3 fit to wage a
country road, which, without the moon-j good fight beyond there, in the hum
light to guide him, he could have tra-iming city. Well, at least he was not
versed jsafely, he knew it eo well. Pass- without courage, and if he went down
ng a IT'W dark houses, he came at last,
to the entrance of an extensive estate,
and paused for a moment before the
great iron gate. It? seemed to him that!
the stone lions bearing shields on the
pillars on each side of the way were
grinning at him derisively. "I wonder
if I shall ever see this place aaln?
he murmured. "Am I acting for the; own way, it would be a difficult matter
best? I hope so." .Then, as he saw a I for them to have kept her back. Final
faint light still glimmering in the gate- jly he coul 1 bear the waiting no longer,
keeper's little house, he passed rapidly I but rose and stepped out to the edge
on. Further he found a hole in the of the trees, looking anxiously in the
tall hedge, and, wriggling through, en-j direction of the house. It would be
tered the park. really too bad If their la-it meeting
It was evidently not the first time he! should be so woefully curtailed,
had found his way Into the grounds in A uteri behind him, and a? he turned
this surreptitious way, for here where: it was face Mrs. Ellison. Even in that
the old trees interlaced not a gleam of ;
moonlight penetrated the place. Vet
he wnlked on without stumbling
through the blackness, coming pres
ently 'to another hedge scarcely higher
than his shoulder. A silvery radiance
shone over this part of the park. Here
he paused for a moment to listen, then
stepped back Into the shadows. There
was the sound of rustling leaves, and
then a man appeared in the moonlight.
Dick could only make out that he
was tall and ragged, for his face was
in the pliadow of an overhanging
bough. Only for a moment did the
stranger stand there, when he turned
and made off In the direction of the
house, the lights of which could be
seen gleaming In the distance.
"What can that ruffian be doing
here?" muttered the schoolmaster ns
he came out Into the path again. "A
poacher, no doubt, after Ellison's fish
Better buy such things than have a!
storked lake to nttract all the wander
ing vagabonds In the country."
He approached the Iwnlge again, peer
ed cautiously over, and. catching sight ,
of something white In the distance, ut-
tered a low whistle. The young worn-1 Ellison on his protege. A fine guar
an, for such the white object was, run-jdlan for young people, truly. Sneaking
nlng forward, opened a gate In the
hedge near at hand, and came toward
"O Dick!" she began Impulsively, lift
ing her face to hie. "What does It
whet can It all mean?"
"I will tell you but. not here. Come,
we are far too near the house to talk
In peace." and he drew her away Into
the shadow, but still In eight of the
.noonllt path.
h'lrwtlntr a fallen tpaa tiai ttraaaAil fat
to nit down, and then took a seat be
side her.
"Now, then, tell me quickly. Don't
you see I am burning with anxiety?"
he aatd.
"There Is little more to tell you,
than that I think It beat to go away
It l.i only a question of time before I
should be Bent. Your mother has learn
ed of our attachment, and she could
easily break It off. ibe believes,"
"She little knowa me," replied the
girl firmly. "After all, what can she
"Well, the first step would be to get
your father Jbo discharge me, and that,
I believe, he contemplates doing,
though he has been friendly to the last.
Still, she could persuade him. I feel
sure of It. Then, you see, I would have
to anyway."
"But what Is to become of me what
nm T tn fin?" nlmnisf in trnr She was
jliule more tban a chud Darey 17. "i
doa't want you to go I won't have it: "
with a stamp of the foot.
"My di-ar, I am acting for the best,"
firmly. "My usefulness here Is over,
and to remain would only make mat
ters more disagreeable for you a3 well
as me. I am going to the city, where
there Is some chance for me to show
my ability if I have any. There Is no
chance for me to rise here, and when
I have made a competence, and am in
a po3itlon to teke care of you as you
deserve, why, we will marry in spite
of the world."
"And will that be very long very,
very olng?" she asked in a doleful
voice that caused him to laugh.
"Not long if the world appreciates my
transcendant genius," with a flippant
air. "Not long, if hard work and ap
plclation will lift me to a respectable
place in society."
"Still I think It is very mean of you
to go," poutingly.
"Don't think it is not a wrench for
me to part from you."
But the girl refused to be comfort
ed, and it was only through lavish en
dearments and many promises that she
became more composed and reasonable,
and be.gnn to share his views that it
was for the best.
"But we can't part this way," she
protested. "I must give you something
to remember me by. Just wait here for
a moment until I run over to tuo house.
I shall not be gone long," and before
he had a chance to protest that a souve
nir wa3 not necessary, she had flitted
away out beyond the light into the
After she had gone he found himself
listening to the myriad' insect voices of
the forest, that seemed to fall with Ir
ritating reiteranoe on his ears. He felt
far from being in a cheerful mood, not
'knowing what the future might bring
form, or if, indeed, he ever should see
it would be to fall fighting.
How long the girl was! It seemed to
'him that she must have been gone for
hours. Perhaps she had been oetaln
ed, and it would be impossible for her
to return. Still, knowing what a pas
sionate little person she was, and ac
customed pretty much to having her
light tie saw that her face wore an an-
gry expression.
"What are yon dolnr? here?"
He diil not answer, for the surprise
of the meeting had checked his speech.
She was a tall, handsome woman, and
wore an evening dress that displayed
her fine arms and bosom. In the moon-
j light, with the dark trees around, she
iwas a picture for a painter,
She was swinging a garden hat back
and forth In one Jewelled hand with an
(angry gesture, then, stamping her foot,
: she repeated the question.
"I ask you again, Rlr, what are you
doing in these grounds?"
"It may be that I came to take a
last look at the house of my friend,
Mr. Ellison," he stammered. .
"You might havt spared yourself the
trouble since it is my house and not
his," which was true, Dick knew, since
the wife had the fortune. "And now,
since you have seen it, go!"
'Yes," replied the young man, but
making no move to leave.
"I know that It was one of the fam
ily you came to see," she continued
with rising anger. "I congratulate Mr.
In here like a thief In the night, to see
my daughter, who is too young to know
"Your daughter will never suffer at
mv hands, madam," the anger rising
within him, which he dared 'not give
vent to.
'Enough! We will not discuss that
matter. Your presence here in a suf-
i flclent answer. And now I Insbrt as in
on your going. Do you want me to ap-
na 1 t ,t,a aaria nta "
I 1 will go. I will go," murmured
poor Dick, as he moved away, cursing
hi misfortune In having encountered
this beautiful fury at such a time. Once
he looked back, only to find that she
was still standing in the path looking
after him. She doubtless meant to re-
j main there until slin was suro that he
wns on his way out of the park. With
a sigh he went on hi way, until a turn
of the path hid her from sight.
Then he stopped for a moment to
consider. Should he not be able to re
turn by a circuitous way to the place
where bo wu to watt for Grace? What
would abe think If she arrived there
and found that be was gone. Was it
not worth braving even tne anger of
Mrs. Ellison to try and see her again?
Whio he wlas considering tbera after
an agonizing cry In a woman's voict
rang through the woods. Had some,
thing happened to Grace? Without I
moment's hesitation he dashed bad
over the road he had just traversed. II
was only a short distance before he al
most stumbled over the figure of a
woman on the ground. It was" verj
dark at that point where she lay. H
stopped and picket her up, carrying hei
Into the light It was Mrs. Ellison. Hei
eyes were closed, a strange pallor on
her face. He laid her gently on the
bank at the side of the road. Had shf
fainted? It was strange that he should
be the first to come to the assistance 01
a woman who had been .abusing blic
but a few moments before. Had th
excitement of that short Interview sc
worked on her nerves that she had
fainted? What was to be done? It was
an embarrassing position for him to b
in. There was nothing that he could
do to help her and' yet help she need
ed. Should he call for assistance'
There seemed1 to be nothing else to do;
he could not leave the poor womar
there even if she had Insulted him.
Then as he leaned over her, hoping
to see some signs of returning con
sciousness, a shuddering feeling of ter
ror crept over him. There was t
strange stain on the white silk waist, a
stain that as he watched seemed to bt
spreading slowly slowly. Filled with
horror of the sight and the conscious
ness that he was in the presence of thf
victim of a tragedy, he looked around
him with frightened eyes. Then he
turned instinctively to bis hands
they felt warm and strangely moist
With a feeling of overcoming faintnest
he stooped hastily and began to hur
riedly clean them on the grass. It
soemed as if it seemed as if the stains
would never come out
He was rising, eager to be on his way
to the house and warn the people oi
what had taken place. Then he felt a
strong hand grasping his shoulder. He
remembered trying to wrench himseli
free. Then the confused sound of many
voices, the flash of lanterns and im
precations in which his name was min
gled ,then a blow that mercifully seem
ed to dispel all these distorted visions
and a grateful oblivion that hid every
thing. (To be continued.)
Former Kansas City Fire Horses Por
trayed in Harper's Weekly.
Kanaas City Star: A full page illus
tration of an article on the higher edu
cation of the horse in a late issue of
Harper's Weekly, shows the famous
Kansas City Are horses, "Joe" and
"Dan" going through their star per
formance. The illustration is a repro
duction of a photograph that is familiar
to the people of Kansas City, who take
pride in the fame achieved by the exhi
bition fire team in Europe. "Joe" and
"Dan" have passed away and have been
succeded by "Buck" and "Mack," a fine
pair of steeds that have in some re
Bpects excelled their predecessors.
There are also other teams of the Kan
sas City Are department that are crowd
ing the star horses for their laurels.
Speaking of the 'higher education' of
horses the article in question says:
"The horses of the New York police
department, the sh5w horses of the
Kansas City fire .department and many
of the horses of the military in Europe
have received this higher education.
Unquestionably one of the best trained
fire teams in the United States is com
posed of two white horses, 'Joe' and
'Dan,' which accompanied Chief Hale
of Kansas City to the Paris exposition.
Their display takes place in the open
air instead of in an engine house. Th
horses are placed a short distance away
from the wagon and on a bugle call
being sounded dash to the pole and are
hitched. The harness is of the skeleton
character, the collar having an opening
at the bottom which enabes it to be
held open by a man at each horse's
head. As signals are given the horses
hy a bugle, which they answer with
percislon; also going through many
intricate evolutions. One of the most
exciting incidents of the drill is a leap
through an arch of flames, showing how
utterly regardless of fire these brave
and intelligent animals are."
Statistics Showing the Growth of
Railroad3 in America.
World's Work: From a little wood
en track line along the Lackawaxen
creek, where the first locomotive in the
country had Its trial in 1829, the rail
road systems of the United States have
grown in 73 years to a network of rails
which, straightened out, would make
a single track extending eight times
around the world. Visualize this eight
fold girdle. Heslde it. a new track is
progressing twelve miles a day on the
ninth circuit. On every five-mile
stretch la a locomotive with a train ol
eight cars. There are five men at work
for every mile and 240 new men coming
to work every day. The road carries
more tonnage than all the ships on all
the seas, together with tho railroads
of the busiest half of Europe.
From the lines that make up the im
aginary manifold belt one wage earner
out of evry lu In the country, directly
or Indirectly, secures a living for him
self ami his dependents. If not as a fire
man, or a conductor, or a superintend
ent, then as a locomotive builder, or a
ste-el workers, or even oih of the lum
bermen engaged In hewing down the
3,000 square miles of timber employed
every year for ties.
London Bartender's Knowledge as to
Service of a "Cocktail."
New York Time: When the latf
Mike Woolf, the inimitable delineator
of gamin life, was In Lincoln a half
acotv of years ago he was attracted to
a certain well-known hostelry by the
algn, "American Drinka a Specialty."
Approaching the polished mahogany,
he aeked. to make sure:
"Do you have American jirlxed
"Yes," said the suave servitor.
"All right," said Mike happily; make
me a whisky cocktail."
The compounder eyed the artist for a
moment and asked curtly:
"Hot or oold?"
FIRST. You can conault with Pro-
fesror Kharaa only on Saturdays. Thia
has been made neceseury on account ot
an overburdening amount of work at
Khaias Headiuurtera. All new pa
tients or students will have to present
themselves, for the first time, on Sat
urdays. Don't forget it.
SECOND. We have a proposition we
can offer people who want' to make
money at their own homes without
taking tin ir time from regular work,
without interfering in any way with
your usual business, and without being
known publicly. You can make from
$j to jr.O per month without an effort,
even. We have only opportunities like
this for a dozen or no. Sounds like
"xtuff," doesn't it? Well, it isn't.
Write for particulars. Then you'll
know all about it. Proofs and partic
ulars free.
TMllcDr- Our business is big&erv bet
ter, more prosperous than ever before.
We are curing more people, and doing
it with less cost and less effort thaa
ever. Magnetic Osteopathy is a pro
gressive science.
KOUKTH. I have an Ccker Bros.
Stereopticon and Edison Moving Pic
ture machine, complete with -Alms,
slides, illustrated songs, acetylene gas
generator, curtains in fact, everything
necessary for an entire exhibition in
small halls or large opera houses or.
churches. The outfit cost $420, and is
almost new in fact, is as good as new
in every regard. I took it on a mort
gage. Loaned gome money on it, and
had to foreclose. Have it on my hands
and do not need it. Will take less than
half value for it. A young man or
two voune men with a little cash cap
ital to buy the outfit can earn a large
Income on the road. Anyone can run
it. Somebody make me an offer
either time or cash.
FIFTH. We have Recently issued
gome new literature concerning Mag
netic Osteopathy, The Science of Life,
Deep Breathing, etc., etc., and would
be pleased to send you some of it. It's
SIXTH. When you write, tell what
you want me to know. I have several
thousand correspondents, and am not
a mind reader. If you do not say ex
actly what you want, you may find me
a very poor guesser. I'm too busy to
guess. Speak right out. Yours very
Bee Building,
Omaha, Neb.
Puck: She Tell your mother I'm ao
orry I haven't been to see her lately;
but the distance is so great the weath
er has been so bad, I haven't dared
venture. He That's all right. Don't
mention it. She'd be very sorry if you
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use
for their children during the teething
period, . -. ' '
Judjje: Penfield What induced that
popular novelist to marry, an actress?
Merritt He figured that one press
agent would do for both.
The fools are not all dead; their fool
ishness and Rheumatism would both be
cured with Hamlin's Wizard Oil!
A woman's editorial association had
a dinner in Topeka and one of the
toasts was: "Woman: Without Her
Man is a Brute." It must have been a '
cynical printer man who set up the
type, for this was the way the toast
read in print: "Woman, Without Her ;
Man, is a Brute." Just how much of
a rumpus this raisedmay possibly be
imagined; it certainly cannot be de
scribed. ' . t:. .$
Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
quai l; medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this coun
try for years, and is a regular pre
scription. It is composed of the best
tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combi
nation of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, ,
free. '.,,
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.,'
Toledo, O.
Fold by druggists, price 75c. " ,
Hall's Family Pills are the best. i.
William M. Bunker, the past presi
dent of the California Society Sons of
the American Revolution, asked the
congress, whose session just closed at
Washington, to provide for the care of
the "Stars and Stripes" monument,
which he discovered in an old church
in Kast London, Eng. , It bears the '
Washington arms and marks the burla
place of Elizabeth Washington.
Don't Guess at tho Time.
There is no need to guess at the
time if for the small sum of $3.75 you , ,
can purchase a durable,- well made,
stem wind, stem set, 17-jeweled, lt-k.
Gold Filled Watch. M. Stein & Co., the
great Chicago jewelers, have for sale -a
very hundsoine watch at the above
price. Write them for their free lllus- : ' '
tialed catalogue.
Chicago Tribune: "Two strikes!" said
the umpire. "Exception," exclaimed
the captain of the Yarn Hex. "Let the
exception be noted," said the umpire,'
briefly, .'is he glanced at the Indicator
In Ills hand and fixed his eye on the ,
pitcher again. , , - - n i
We are mit to blame because you
have Rheumatism; but you are If you
do not try Hamlin's Wizard Oil. ,-
Phlladclphla Pretts: "For ull your
sup?rlor airs," snld the snake, "my
reputation for wi:idom Is fully u good
as yours." "This is the tlret time,"
replied the owl, with blttcrneea," "that
1 have had occasion to find fault with
natur-"for fixing my eyes immovably
in their sockets." I am compelled to
move my head In order to look at you!"
Chicago Tribune: "Well, when you,,
get your initiative and your roferen-., i
Jum," the old party man Bald, ''and a'
your single tax and all the rest of it, -you'll
be Ballnfted, will you?" "No, nlrl" ,
the reformer replied, with a wild look
In hi eye. "We ehnll agitate then for"
i good 6-cent cigar!" - .
Detroit Free Frees: Husband I ex
pect some of my relatives on a ylall
next week, dear.' Can you suggest any.
t hlng to make them happy while they
'are here? Wife I might leave town.
, t v
4 " k