Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 15, 1902, Image 6

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5 Cent
Cremo Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted
The Ttuooum Peak? is Not In Switzer
, ' land, Bat in France.
New York Sun: Since 18C0 Mont BSanc
has been a pari of France. The moun
tain ia often referred to still as In Swica
territory, but no part of Mont Blanc
proper 1b within the limits cf that re- j
puonc A diplomatic areen:enc in
1P00, however, gave to both Switzerland
and Italy a part of Mont Dolent. which
is the terminal pyramid of the l.ioct
Blanc mass to the northeast.
Mr. J. Coreelle says in Ia Nature that
while the Swiss have only one foot on
the Mant Blanc region, they are ac
cused by many of claiming the entire
mountain in their books and conversa
tion. The people of Geneva, however,
protest that tbey know better and make
no such claim, and they retort that a
great many Frenchmen are wholly ig
norant of the fact that Mont Blanc per
tains to their country. The Geneva
l.ewHpapers are printing conversations
with Frenchmen who speak of Mont
Blanc as a Swiss mountain. Tbey also
quote from the dictionary of the French
academy of 1835. which says: "The
glacier of Mont Blanc I the most re
markable In SwIUerland." Victor
Hugo also In his "Legende dea Siecles"
gives to the Swiss all the Alps from
Pelvonx in the west to the Ortler range
in the east, thus including Mont Blane
In the Swiss possessions. Madame
Micbelet has committed the same blun
der. French guide books are also quot
ed as saying only a few years ago that
"every Journey in Switzerland should
laclode Lake Oeneva, Mont Blaac, and
the OberUwd."
While so many of the French gener
ously give the mountain to Switzerland,
the Italians err equay by calming the
mountain for themselves. A relief map
for schools shown in the national expo
sition at Turin in 1898 Ipdicates the site
of the Jaassen Observatory on the top
of the mountain as Italian territory.
The inhabitants of the valley of Aosta
stoutly assert that most of the moun
tain is a part of Italy. They say that
Mont Blanc was In the Department of
Dolre, and in spite of the treaties of
recent yean they still harbor the delu
sion that the great mountain pertains to
them. They declare this ia all their
Journals printed In the French lan
guage. The principal Journal bears the
name of Mont Blanc and ia printed in
Hadw so Trace ef Hoodoo
Howry T. Totnan of Fairfield, Me.,
jrks) fcM Jut rataraod bobm from a trip
ta the In sMstil schootwr Nathaniel
T. Tabmr. to eoavtacea that II ia a
kry sir.
La lsl the vessel m Fee. It. went
as tmi u If mint before li
r--jL cxi wm C Mas la the
at , ftrr-wty. The pisw.it t t a
r- i ri t 1 Mai avrtrea
t .ntrtMtfatit.
"l "1 C Ill to
fi- N tU TIr:eberii
r i' ' a s a -m w-i
- !! .
Tobacco, In ae curia the presents,
HHS"-8!; f ftp?) fsssj
. 1200 bands Mvm.y.-.. f i'1ttri0 S32S3Q' eoo bands a
w?;,? sqosand., n sT?l ,1 : ( ? 'oasgsL sJffi5 I U rOI
" 1. ' 'r'SOO BANDS' I aOOO BANDS II "JXLiZi XjT' Ml "- -gT fetefc IeI I ojl
mXUff' fcLw. "iffiag V' ' 'P " J jfcLf0 BfDa Aggl6OOSANPS'T00'J KwvE, t j,,
CremO Cigar Rands and Qld
containing BANDS or WRAPPERS, tad forward them br rltered mall, or
ipritt prepaid. Bo euro to bar your package securely wrappad and
properly marked, ee that It will not bo lost Id transit. Send bands or wrappara
and requests for proaaata (alao requests for catalogue) to C. Hy. Brawn,
241 Folaeaa Arenuo. St. Louts. Mo. ,
and When lie got to "vTatervffle he TooTc
etl at the number of the smoking car in
Tt-bich he was riding and found that it
was 13. whk'h was also the number of
the electric car in which he rode over
to Fairfield.
He had a first-rate time, and declares
he can't see why 13 Isn't a good number
to bank on.
The American Invasion.
Cornhill Magazine: The American
Inra.-ion has n-a:hed us through Lady
Farringford; and here I must be under
stood as indicating the wife of the
present peer. The dear old dowager
remains unshaken in the convictions
of her youth. To her, Americans are
a set of people who talk through their
nofps, dine with thlr "helps," and
drape the legs of their pianos; nor
would either argument or eloquence
move her from that sure anchorage.
But. In spite of theee prepossessions,
her son, the present Lord Farringford,
having partly ruined himself at New
market and completed the process at
Monte Carlo, has repaired hie ahatured
fortunes by marrying Miss Van Oof of
New York, whose father made his mil
lions by the famous "corner" In can-ras-backed
ducks. And the new Lady
Farringford, being young, pretty, rich,
and outspoken has had a deserved suc
cess In, London. Her intimacy In the
highest quarters, reported In the soci
ety Journals of New York, provoked
from a friend of her youth the sarcas
tic exclamation, "What! Sally Van Oof
sporting In the lap of royalty? You bet
your last biscuit she'll roll off. But
the prophecy Is not yet fulfilled.
Lost His Sausage Appetite.
From the Philadelphia Record:
"Another new waiter has come and
gone," said the veteran of the 15-cent
restaurant as he deposited a bnef stew
In front of his favorite customer.
"What was the matter with him?"
asked the favorite customer.
"Well, It wasn't exactly his fault,"
explained the veteran. "You see, the
second day he was here a customer
comes In and asks for a brace of frank
furters. 'Sausage Is all out.' says the
new waiter, 'bot if yon wait awhile I
think I can get yon some.' He was so
eager to be obliging that be was going
to send across the street for 'em. Well,
Ir, as he went through the door into
the kitchen he happened to tread on
the dogs taiL The dog set up a howl
and the customer yells: 'Hey, there!
Never mind that sausage. I guess I
don't want it!" Then he puta on bis
hat and goes out
"The boas saw the whole thing and
that night the new waiter was paid off,
and quit Pretty tough, wasn't it?"
Hltrata of Soda la Herada.
The reported discovery of beds of
titrate of soda near Ixrrtksck, Humbolt
county, Nov., mar prove of considerable
importance. Chill at present furnishes
the world's supply, and the use of the
mineral for agrlcaKaral purposes Is
lacTeaaiag, do to the results that have
baaa tleaaed Is that all-Important mat
ter of "aUxlag brains with the soiLt
ftav Om aUraadr Trained.
ChiefrTD Poet: "No," said the widow
tMUtflSf, 1 Vfil BOt saOfTT TO. rVS
trttut hastsal, tmt mt ssjoO
Ur Isssll wt N S WOWoT" , .
ONE TAG beinf equal te
The above illustrations
represent the presents to be given
American Cigar Company
Manila Paper Eecounts His Varied
Career in the Orient
Copies of the Manila Times received
by the Victoria give reports of the kill
ing of the natives in Samar by Major
L. W. T. Waller of the United States
marine corps, now on trial before a
courtmartial at Manila, and tell of his
strange career in the Orient After re
counting the executions, as have been
cabled, the Manila Times says:
"Major Waller was before a court of
inquiry upon a previous occasion, while
stationed at Cavitc, about a year ago.
He was accused of conduct unbecoming
an officer and a gentleman, but was ex
onerated. When be went to Samar, in
command of the marine corps, he was
bent on making a record.
"He was of the opinion that all that
was necessary was to form a chain of
posts across the Islands and drive and
bag the insurrectos like rabbits. His
plan was a failure, and 20 men lost
their lives, while others came out of a
nightmare experience In hospital with
marks that they will bear to their dying
day. It was his failure that irritated
blm, and caused him to resort to such
drastic measures.
"Major Waller's career In the marine
corps has been a picturesque blending
of 'Dr. Jekyl snd Mr. Hyde,' " says the
Manila paper. "In nls varying moods,
he has been at times a Prince Bounti
ful to his brother officers and others.
At other times bis soldiers, subalterns,
and even fellow citizens, feared to ap
proach him on legitimate business. He
exemplified both sides of his nature In
the China campaign two years ago. His
undaunted courage and devil-may-care
manner made him popular with certain
of the soldiers, hut others told dark
"Among other things, It was said that
on the advance from Tong Ku to Tien
Tain, where an American and a Russian
battalion were enfiladed, Major Waller
gave orders to abandon two wounded
men, and had It not been for the nerve
of a little medical officer and a lieuten
ant who stautty protested they would
never leave the field as long as a
wounded man remained behind, that
order would have been obeyed. This
matter was hushed up, but those who
witnessed it allowed it to be inferred
that, had not the order been counter
manded, a tragedy such as seldom oc
curs la the American service would
kare transpired."
A Hew York Farmer Gets More Than
Even With Them.
Iflddletown (N. T.) Correspondence
New York World: Farmer Thomas J.
Nearn of Bhawaagunk got the better of
pair of bunko men today.
The first one, representing himself aa
a New York business man f want of a
country place, called on Nearn and of
fared such a liberal price tor bis farm
that a deal was soon made.
Tk two were looking about tha tarn,
and tha ptuvhaser was telling of la-
MTrvessenu ne propoaaf to saaka,
mu sua no. i pat in i
He waa roag&ly dreaaed.
to be a aroTsr aaxlono to bvy
Virfina Cheroot WraPPers
OUR. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of presenta for 1903 Includea
articiu nn ahawn km. It csntalna the meat attractive Hat of
present aver offered for banda
raeolnt ef oast two cents.
Our offer ef presents for
90th. 102.
hraeslhsr of a new game Be had learned
In New York last week. Then, produc
ing pome cards, he began throwing
them clumsily and offering to bet that
no one could pick out the "joker."
The farm buyer made several wagors
and won easily, and then found H easy
io persuade the farmer to try his lurk.
The manipulator of the cards suddenly
grew skillful, ar.d very soon the pro
ceeds of Farmer Nearn's last milk
check, about 50, was in the drover's
With the loss of his money came the
realization that he had been victimized.
"I've got some more money In the
house," said Nearn, "and I'll get it and
try my luck aRain. That dod-gasted
Joker can't fool me alius."
He made a quick trip to the house,
nnd on his return pulled out, not a
"roll." but a revolver, which he leveled
rt the bunko men snd told them to
throw up their hands.
They saw determination In the old
man's eye, and tip went their hands.
His first care was to relieve them of
their revolvers. This done, he said:
"Now, hand over my money snd all
the other cash you've got about your
measly carcasses."
They handed It over.
Then he told them to "git" and they
"got." f
"Doing bunko men pays a durned
eight better and Is a heap more exeltin'
than farmln'," he remarked to his
Patriotic Gardening.
Eben E. Rexford In Lipplneott's
Magazine: During the last few years a
decided change has taken place In an
phase of American gardening. The at
tention of the home gardeners has been
called to the beauty and other good
qualities of our native plants, and it
Is becoming quite common among
those who are setting out scbrubs and
hardy plants to give the preference to
those of American growth. This Is as
it should be. Our national pride ought
to Influence us to choose native plants
Instead of fon)gn ones whenever equal
ly desirable and meritorious specimens
can be found at home. That we have
many plants quite as desirable aa for
eign ones comparatively few Ameri
can understand. They have seen the
discrimination which has existed so
long in favor of imported plants snd
lias practically crowded out our native
species, and quite naturally tbey have
come to the conclusion that this dis
crimination must be based on the su
periority of the foreign kinds. But
such Is really not the case.
Jsggles These collecting fads are all
expensive aren't they?
Waggles All but the souvenir habit
A Howling Bui
Philadelphia Press: Hostess O lo,
Mr. Basseau, oblige as with Just one
more sonsx
The Singer Really, Mrs. FootenK,
I'm afraid at this late hour I might dis
turb the neighbors.
Hostess Never mind; tbey have n
bowling dog that disturbs' us at night
very often.
Jennr Htrscn. who recently died la
Berlin, aged 71, waa one of the pioneers
of rhs sxrvsnmenf for aecioiag a better
edaeauaa for Crsvaaa wonn and Mr
tntnmtm tar snrsUi
5000 BANDS
IU IAMB. lAtt ai.li
- Mlfiif nanaartmhrfrlaim
and wrappara, and will be sent by mall
banda and wrapper will expire Novsmber
Remarkable Engineering Feats on
Roads iu Russia and Peru.
London Globe: As 4he iron track In
bound to force its way into the utmost
ornrr8 of the world, it is not surpris
ing that some lilies of railway exist
which are striking evidence of a singu
larly bold conception carried out in
the face of obstacles which seemed al
most insurmountable. Sometimes the
route of the future lines lies across a
ilc&ert; then the great law of the
"compensation of nature" seem? to
make itself felt, for to balance the sav
ing of time and money due to the fact
that long tunnels will have to be cut
through hills or mountains the ong!
neers are confronted by the total ab
sence of three essential elements of
construction, namely, wood, iron, and
water, which have to be transported
along the newly laid line as It stretches
IU slow length across the desert. Rus
sia's Transcasplan railway, now known
a9 the Central Asian railway, was
hull? under these conditions; thous
ands of logs of timber were needed,
and the region traversed canot boast
of a single tree for more than 700 miles.
This timber was required for building
the long bridge, two miles in length,
over the river Amu-Darya. This bridge
was always the weak point in that
highly important railway, and It has
been replaced recently by a stone
bridge. Between Mcry snd Cbarjul the
line had to be carried over shifting
sands 64 feet deep. Wben the work Is
being carried out in such regions the
ttsins become a little town on wheels.
1'hey are com pocd of two-storied wag
ons, which contain sleeping acommo
datlon, butchers' stalls, canteens, gro
cers' stores and forges. As the Trans
siberian railway grew In length It was
resolved by the authorities that the
workmen should have their own
' church car." A wagon was fitted up
acordingly as a church, with a little
peal of bells in the alcove above the
The romance of mountain railways
by no means ends with their construc
tion, and traveling upon railways at
a very high altitude Is not a thing to
be desired. The Peruvian line run
ning from Callao to Oroya has a two
fold claim to distinction: It Is built at
probably the greatest altitude of any
existing railway, neamlr, 1&.60C feet
above sea level, and It affords travel
ers certainly the most unpleasant "ex
perience de voyage" that can be Imag
ined, As the result of traveling at
such an altitude, the passengers begin
by feeling great oppression, accompan
ied by pains In the head and limbs;
these sre quickly followed by bleeding
from the nose snd month, and then by
momentary blindness. It la gratifying
to know that there Is a certain variety
In the effects produced npon passengers
at this point Thus, while some per
sons are seised with giddiness, others
entertain strange hallucinations, and
others faint away; tha last class be
come so weak that any undue exertion
on their part often proves fatal. But
this la not all that one has to nndergo
on the Callao and Oroya line. Ia doe
coarse the skis becomes Irritable and
sores break out, while Us Una swell
and than crack.
On one of tha Traaaaadea railways
the paaaingira tot to eater tha train
In a moat t aanllsr and probably antono
Bust. hMtstnmLtxiT&A
" ' -
in fhe port o? MoTleriuo In Pcni. The
ino starts from the quay Bide, and the
traveler can pass from the boat into
the train. Unfortunately the boat can
not be brought completely alongside the
quay. Disdaining the usual gangway,
Peruvian ingenuity hit upon a very
lovel idea. Two large uprights, with
Ftrong cross-bar, were erected on the
quay, and from the crons-bar hangs an
ordinary trapeze. The passenger wish
ing to land has to selzs the bar of this
traneze; a few (sailors surround him,
and. wben he gives the word, they
unite in hurling ytrn into space over
the ship's side. One such "send-off" Is
finite enough, tor with ono swing the
traveler cornea to land In the out
stretched arms of the railway porters. ,
It is only right to add that both the
G&ilors and the porters evince an
amount of energy, delight, and dexter
ity quite equal to the nervousness of
their victims.
Getting Even With Bill.
Washington Star: "So you sent Bill
Smlggins to congress."
"We did," answered the keeper of the
poiuofflce and general store. "I guess
1 did as much as anyone to get bin
"Bill Is a powerful talker. But I
didn't know that you were any partic
ular friend of his."
"No. We bad a difference long years
ago; and I always said I was gola' to
get even. Bill prides himself on his
speech makln', and nothln' makes him
so unhappy aa to have aomthlng doln
and him not In it I've been reliably
informed that wben a man makes his
debut In congress the people that have
been there for some time previous look
down on him kind of supercilious and
make him sit quiet and listen. And
that'll Jest about kill Bill!",
On the Stag.
"They are at my heels!" shouted the
stage hero aa he rushed on from the
wings and struck a beautiful attitude
in the center of the spotlight "I must
fly at once!" be continued, drawing the
lovely heroine to his bosom In a fare
well embrace.
Behind the scenes could be heard tha
hoarse shouting of his angry pursuers,
while the hoof-beau of their horses
clattered along the Invisible highway,
growing louder and louder with omin
ous visor.
And for one whole act he bade that
girl farewell, wnile the horsemen con
tinued to approach, and the audience
sat In a state of nervous collapse until
he existed r. u. e., Just as the loading
enemy daahed on to the scene.
Oh, why do tbey do such things p
the wlchxd stolge?
Merchant and Itother.
New York Sun: New Merchant F
wlah I knew how to Interest mothers
In my child's clothing department
Old Merchant That's easy. Mark np
the sixes on your clothes. Nothing,
tickles a mother so much as to find that
her 10-year-old boy takes a 12-ysar-old
site of suit
Pardonable Vanity.
Callr-"I ass you've bad a tntvog
bnlH around your back yard, bat ram
haven't painted It yet"
Mrs. Subob "No, t thoaght wf4 1st
It go nnpalntad for while, ao wtwf
body urn Cf tt'i HW. ftV ..J"'.