Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 15, 1902, Image 5

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fcsmetleilitt Uider Vici Presldeit Vas
p Cctrsl Snt9 Doiligi.
Vasques Lays Foundation for Eaton.
- alon of Hit Dominion by Ao.
' quiring Munition of War.
Monte CrlHtl, Santo bomlngo. (Spe
cial.) Further confirmation has been
received here of the surrender of Sim
Domingo, capital of Santo Domingo,
Friday last to the revolutionary forces
commanded by Vice President Vas
quez. The provisional government es
tablished there will retain power until
new elections have been held.
Peace is completely re-established In
the southern part of Santo Domingo.
Advice from Puerto Plata, on. the
north coast, announce that the crew of
the Dominican war vessel at that port
baa sided with the Insurgents and
conveyed to the governor. General Des
champs, an order to surrender.
An agreement providing for a sus
pension of hostilities at Puerto Plata
was signed later In the day, so as to
permit the drawing up of the condi
tions on which the port wil lcapltulate
to the revolutionists.
When San Domingo city currendered
to to Vice President Vasquez, Presi
dent Jiminez sought refuge In the
French consulate there.
San Domingo, Santo Domingo. (Spe
cial.) The Dominican capital capitu
lated to the revolutionary forces com
manded by General Horatio Vasquez,
the vice president of the republic. The
president, Jlmlnea, sought refuge In
the French consulate and many gov
ernment officers obtained shelter In the
French and United States legations.
The revolutionary troops entered the
capital quietly. There was no enthusi
asm shown by the population here at
the entry of the victorious army.
When the revolutionists were sighted
Minister Powell called a meeting of the
diplomatic and consular bodies at the
United States legation for the purpose
f deciding upon the best means of
protecting life and property and to pre
vent Injury to noncombatants In case
of an assault being made on San Do
mingo, with the result that a delega
tion composed of the United Stales
minister, the French minister, M. de
Joux; the Spanish consul, Dr. Perera
Bleso, the German consul, Herr von
Kroslgk; the Itallon consul, Slgnor
Cambiaso, and the British consul, Mr.
Gosling, were appointed to wait upon
General Vasquez and Inform him that
not atack could be made on the cap
ital, under the rules of war, until due
notice had been given to the diplomatic
and consulur corps here.
A messenger was then dispatched to
General Vasquez, asking him to select
the time and place for an Interview
with the delegation. The messenger re
turned with the reply that the revolu
tionary general had appointed the fol
lowing morning for the Interview, add
ing that In the meanwhile he would
suspend hostilities if the government
would agree to adopt the same course.
Later the same d:iy, however, the
Haytian minister, L. Isorno, and the
Spanish minister communicated to the
revolutionary commander a message
from President Jiminez, consenting to
the drawing up of a treaty of capltula
' tion, which was to provide a full guar
anty for the safety of the officers', em
ployes and defenders of the govern
ment, as well as for the security of
personal property. The president and
the ministers, It was further agreed,
were not to leave the country before
the submission of all the authorities
of the different districts of Santo Do
mingo had been received and all polit
ical prisoners were to be liberated.
The form of the new government of
Santo Domingo has not been decided
Manila. (Special.) General Chaffee
sailed today on the transport Ingalls
for the Lanao district of the island of
General Davis telegraphed that he
thought the presence of the military
governor of the Philippines would have
a favorable effect on the prominent
Moros, and General Chaffee Immediate
ly replied, going to Mindanao.
He has ordered General Davis to ar
range a conference with the prominent
sultans and dattos.
A post will be established at Camp
iVlckars, where the troops now are.
Little Information can be obtained con
cerning the wounded, Americans. Gen
eral Davis thinks only two of three am
putations will be necessary and that
few deaths are likely to occur.
Lieutenant Joss man's case Is now
considered to be more serious than that
of Captain Moore. General Chaffee
took with him a quantity of medical
supplies and two doctors. He thinks
there will be no more fighting unless
the tfoops are attacked where they
now are.
Broto Hart RhIi Ih Snrrey.
London. (Special.) The remains ' of
Bret llarte.who died last Monday, were
burled at Brlmley, Surrey, In tbe pres
ence of his widow, aon, daughter and a
few friends. Many beautiful .wreaths
stare placed upon the coffin.
t Miry A. Llvermore, the well known
toman suffragist, U confined to a
fakentd rotno at her bom In Mel
roM. N, T., by a disease of tha eye
tTZM aaay raiujt Ip toUl bUadntes,
L.,8t. Louis, Mo. (Special.) The next
step of the . state will be to issue a
writ of ouster. If the writ Is obtained,
the four bit: packing concerns will be
prohibited from doing business In the
state. The attorney general considers
the evidence of the St. Joseph butch
ers conclusive evidence of the existence
of e trust.
Jefferson City, Mo. (Special.) There
was some interesting testimony ad
duced at the beef trust inquiry. Mau
rice Prendlvile of St Louis testified
that Armour, Morris, Swift and Cud-
ahy had a definite agreement as to
The packers bought pork on succes
sive days, so that there was no compe
tition. Five months ago he received
rebates trom Nelson Morris. He de
clared that prices were fixed a week
In advance, at a meeting of cooler
managers held on Saturdays.
"If a cattleman ships cattle else
where, not selling In East St. Louis,
a dispatch is sent ahead by the pack
ers. Instructing their buyers to offer
tmly a set price," he said.
Other witnesses told of condemned
beef being made Into sausage, of the
giving of rebates, and T. Z. Wcrtz,
formerly manager of the Topeka
branch of Schwarzchild & Sulzberger
at Topeka, stated there was a com
bination to fix prices, and that he lost
his position because he sold some lard
at half a cent per ponnd less than
Chicago, 111. (Special.) Proxies for
the Chicago & Northwestern annual
meeting, to be held here June 5, are at
a big premium. A battle royal Is being
waged for their possession, the con
testing parties being thse now In con
trol of the property on the one side and
the Moores-Leeda-Gates Interests on
the other. Books for the transfer of
stock for 'the annual meeting closed
last week, so that purchase of stock In
the open market cannot be made avail
able unless they carry proxies with
thorn, and efforts are being made to
secure the proxies without reference to
Those now In control of the property
have awakened to the fact that a big
coup has been planned to be accom
plished at the annual meeting, and
they are now putting forth their most
strenuous efforts to prevent It. When
the books closed last week they
thought they were safe, but they have
since then been convinced by indisput
able evidence that they are by no
means out of the woods. Large hold
ers of shares are being Importuned by
both sides to the contest for their prox
ies, and valuable considerations are
being offered for them, with a large
number of stockholders refusing to
surrender their rights to either side at
this stage of the proceedings.
St. Louis, Mo. (Special.) The beef
trust Is now under Investigation by the
St. Louis grand jury. Following the
revelations at Jefferson City, that dis
eased meat is sold In St. Louis, Cir
cuit Attorney Folke presented the sub
ject to the grand jury. He announces
that he will subpoena all the witnesses
who testified at Jefferson City and
other persons whom he can find that
know anything ubout the operations
of the beef companies.
s"Thls has become a subject for the
criminal courts," said Mr. Folke, "and
the matter will be as thoroughly Inves
tigated as have been the bribery scan
dals, and I have no doubt but that men
who have been selling diseased and de
cayed meat to St. Loulsans will be
landed behind the bars of the peniten
Washington, D. C. (Special.) Isa
dor H. Dube of Watertown, Mass., who
served In the Philippines as a ser
geant of company A, Twenty-sixth vol
unteer lnfantry.testlfled before the sen
ate committee on the Philippines that
at Juaro, island of Panay, he saw the
"water cure" administered by Captain
Glenn, Lieutenant Conger and two or
three privates of the Eighth infantry,
to a native.
Asked by Culberson whether he knew
any other form of cruelty practiced on
the natives, witness replied that he
had known of a native woman being
confined In the same rom with four
teen or "fifteen men for a period of
three weeks by order of Captain Glenn.
He had seen several houses of the
natlvs burned.
Little Bock, Ark. (Special.) Jeffer
son Davis, governor of this state, has
solved the negro question, to his own
satisfaction. He has Just pardoned
Andrew Thompson, sentenced to three
years In the penitentiary for assault
with Intent to kill, on condition that
Thompson go to Massachusetts at
once and become a citizen of that state.
In explaining his reasons, Governor
Davis says: "I have Just returned
from the north, where I heard many
expressions of sympathy for the negro,
and I have determined that the people
of that section shall have an opportun
ity to reform a portion of our popula.
Mrs. Groon Carrlaa Pistol.
New York. (Special.) Hctlle Green,
the noted woman of finance, has been
granted a permit to carry a revolver
by the police department of this city.
Mrs. Green applied for the permit a
week ago to Captain Steven O'Brien
of the Leonard street station, and It
waa on his recommendation that the
permit was given, Captain O'Brien's
report on the application says that
Mrs. Green declared that ahe waa In
tha habit of carrying large Hums of
money, stocks, bonds and Jewelry.
Cesxinder of til Oruge Frit Stite For
ces Says Anlty It Probable.
Premier Ropudlatoa Aaaortion that
Groat Britain la Weakening on
Subjeot of Peace.
Lonaon.-Speclal.) The wlf e of Gen
eral Lucas Meyer, the commander of
the Orange Free State forces, who Is in
this country, has received a cable mes
sage from her husband saying that
peace In South Africa is probable.
Further advices received here from
South Africa announced that 208 Boers
had been captured and that ten bur
ghers were killed in the neighborhood
of Llndley, Orange River colony.
Lord Kitchener in rtportlng the cap
ture of Boers near Llndley, said that
he British trops forming a continuous
line left the Frankfort, Hellbron and
Vredefort line at dawn without wheels
of any sort and proceeded rapidly
south, reaching the Kroonstad and
Llndley neighborhood with the result
announced. The British casualties were
The captured men represent the most
Irreconcilable Boers In the Orange Riv
er Colony.
Lord Salisbury, during his speech at
the annual grand habitation of . the
Primrose league here, said the govern
ment had not receded an iota from its
previous peace terms to the Boers.
At the same time he said the country
must not expect the "ashes of past
conflicts" to be extinguished Immedi
ately. Great Britain had had a great
and serious war; but, admitting that
misery and suffering had been caused.
It "must be recognized that the power,
prestige, Influence and magic effect of
our great empire are more potent, more
efficient and more admirable than ever
"We have suffered," continued the
premier, "but we have greatly won. It
was Impossible not to feel that the ef
forts of the country have, In some
cases, not been worthily recognized."
The other day Mr. Morley asked If
there was a single member of the cab
inet of 1899 who, If he could have fore
seen the results of the policy on which
they were then launching the country,
would not have checked the diplomacy
leading to such deplorable results. As
a member of that cabinet he (Lord Sal
isbury) wished to meet this statement
with the most indignant denial. The
war had been used by some politicians
for the squalid purpose of Injuring
their opponents. When a neighboring
power or tribe Invaded his majesty's
dominions and made an attack which
was a gross and flngrant outrage, It
could only be met by fighting In their
own country those who had despised
the rights and sovereignty of our sov
ereign. The premier repudiated the assertion
that Great Britain was weakening on
the subject of peace terms. He de
clared the country could not afford to
submit to the suggestion that affairs
should be allowed to slide back into a
position where it would be In the power
of the enemy when the opportunity
suited them to renew the issues for
which this country had fought during
the last three years.
When the conflict was over all possi
ble would be done to mould their pres
ent opponents so they could take up
their position In the empire which had
conferred so many blessings on the
human race. But It must be thor
oughly understood that the whole gov
ernment of the country was to be of
such character that It would be Impos
sible that the struggle could be re
newed. It was Important that this
should be made clear, for some people
thought the empire might become tired.
He did not wish to cunvey the idea
that there was any feeling of bitterness
towards the Boers, for there was noth
ing that the government more earnest
ly desired than that they should enjoy
all the privileges conferred on their
brother nations by the colonial system.
Touching on the question of Imperial
federation, Lord Salisbury warned his
hearers of the danger of over-haste and
exhorted those who were anxious to
secure federation to earnestly consider
tbe steps they were going to take and
the results expected.
"We cannot," he said, ,"safely Inter
fere by legislative action with the nat
ural development of our relations to
our daughter countries. I look with
apprehension on any attempt, unless
backed up by the strong mass of pub
lic opinion, to anticipate events or fore
close precious results which, If we are
patient and careful, are in store for the
The 8-year-old daughter of Mrs.
Anna Cedarholm was fatally burned at
Deadwood, S. D., while playing with
fire. A wealthy contractor, James
Munn, was badly burned while trying
to save the child.
No Oauae for Alarm 8aye Carnegie.
London. (Special.) Andrew Carne
gie, who sailed from New Tork April
0 on the steamer St. Louis, has ar
rived here and promptly proceeded to
console Great Britain on the subject of
the shipping combine by saying there
was no cause for alarm.
W, D, Snyder, In charge of the Boer
Interests in the United States, lunched
with the president. He declared there
waa no political significance In the
meeting. .
Washington, D. C (Special.) Secra.
tary Boot haa made ttie following re
sponse to the house resolution calling
for copies of all orders sent to Gen
eral Smith and other officers relative
to the campaign In Samar:
No orders or instructions have been
forwarded to the commanding military
officer in the Philippine islands relat
ing to the conduct of military opera
tions in the island of Samar, or relat
ing to the campaign of General Jacob
H. Smith in said Island, except the
"Instructions for the government of
armies of the United States in the
field," approved and promulgated by
command of President Abraham Lin
coln in .general. crder .o. 100 of 1863,
a copy of which Is annexed hereto, and
which have been followed and . con
formed to by all orders made in the
Philippines in respect to that campaign
so far as the same have been received
at the war department.
It has not been deemed wise or prac
ticable to Interfere from Washington
with the conduct of military operation
on the other side of the world under
competent and faithful officers com
manding the Division of the Philip
pines necessarily understand far bet
ter than is possible for the war de
Secretary Root submitted to the sen
ate an answer to the resolution of May
1 calling for copies of orders issued by
General Bell relative to reconcentra
tion in Batangas and of the orders Is
sued by General Smith to Major Wal
ler set up by the latter In his defense
before the court-martial.
The secretary also was asked to state
whether these orders were approved by
General Chaffee or by the war depart
ment when they were known In th de
partment and when countermanded. In
reply the secretary submits two orders
by General Bell, dated December 8 and
9 last. In the first General Bell refers
to the treachery of the natives, to
their use of Infernal machines and to
the constant violation of all tae rules
of civilized warfare. Therefore he de
clares he is reluctantly obliged to
avail himself of the right of retaliation
under the regulations to deal severely
with persons who commit the acts de
nounced In general order 100.
He declares that all of General
Smith's written orders relative to Sa
mar already have been printed by the
senate, and that all are In strict con
formity with general order 100. In con
clusion the secretary submits dis
patches from General Chaffee of late
date reporting extensive surrenders of
the Insurgents and the reopening of the
ports to trade bb proof of the success
of the policy embodied in the written
Washington, D. C (Special.) The
following advices relative to the situ
ation In Mindanao have been received
at the war department from General
Chaffee under date of Manila, May 8:
"Following from Brigadier Genera',
George W. Davis, May 6: Situation to
day is In every way satisfactory; no
hostile shots have been fired since es
cape of prisoners from guard. It would
be exceedingly easy for Moros to climb
the bluffs and cut our telegraphic lines
traversing shore of Lake Fouror five
miles, but they are not molested. At 2
o'clock today Rinlnl Tampanga of Tur
bur&ri and a delegation presented
themselves. Sultan Genassi says Datto
Paygoag was killed. Bayan Forte and
his people are dead nr disappeared. I
will Investigate, "out I doubt the whole
report. Number of prisoners escaped
Is probably not exceeding twenty-five.
Ten have been recaptured. For miles
about the country Is much the same In
Its natural a.pect as Camp Meade, Pa.
Enormous agricultural facilities. All
the wounded are doing well. Lieuten
ant Jossman seriously hurt; bullet pen
etrated lung, ranged downward and
lodged in body. Chief surgeon says
one or two forwarded without hopes of
"May 7 Leave In morning for Mala
bang to meet General Chaffee. Expect
ed morning of 10th. No change in the
situation. Wounded are doing well.
Datto from lower Bayan presented
himself, saying his people want peace,
promising to bring other supplies."
Washington, D. C (Special.) Orders
have been Issued by Secretary Root for
the court-martial of Captain 9ames A.
Ryan, Fifteenth cavarly, for "Improper
conduct in obtaining Information from
natives In the Philippines." Ryan Is
accused of adopting a form of torture,
probably original with him, and hither
to not mentioned In dispatches.
It is stated in a report by Special
Prosecutor Rhode, sent to investigate,
that Ryan's method was to securely
bind the prisoner, stand him erect on
the floor and knock his legs from un
der him. Then his body was lifted and
his head Jolted against the floor again,
whereupon he was stood upon his head
In a bucket of water a certain length
of time and then examined.
Rhode's report also states that Ryan
believes the American occupation Is
unjust; that two generations of mili
tary government won't put the Filipi
nos in a condition for civil government,
and that drastic measures are abso
lutely necessary for self-preservation.
New President Steps In.
San Jose, Costa Rica. (Special.)
Asunslon Esqulvel was inaugurated
president of Costa Rica. He was elect
ed February 17. -The country is quiet
and no trouble of a revolutionary char
acter is expected. The retiring presi
dent of Costa Rica Is Rafael Igloslas,
He waa elected to office for the second
time In November of 1897.
Chinese farmers In certain districts
are said to harness pigs and make
them draw wagon.
St. Pierre ad Forty Tboosiid likibltiott
v Destroyed by i Volcuo.
Eruption la Described as a Storm of
Steam, Mud and Fire Which was
First Apparent Last Saturday.
St. Thomas. D. W. I. (Special.) It
Is now estimated that 40,000 persons
perished as a result of the volcanic
eruption in the island of Martinique.
San Ju a, P. R. (Special.) The ca
ble officials here have received advices
from the island of Dominica that a
schooner which has arrived there from
the feland of Martinique reports that
over 40,000 people are supposed to
have perished during the volcanic dis
turbance in Martinique. The cable re
pair steamer Grappler, belonging to the
West Indian & Panama Telegraph
company of London, was loBt with all
hands during the eruption of Mount
Peele at St. Pierre, Martinique. Grap
pler was one of the first ships to dis
Washington, D. C (Special.) A ca
blegram has just been received at the
state department as follows: .
Point-a-Petre. (Special.) To Secre
tary of State, Washington: At 10
o'clock a. m. on the 8th inst. a storm
of steam, mud and fire enveloped the
city and community. Not more than
twenty persons escaped with their
lives. Eighteen vessels were burned
and sunk with all on board, including!
four American vessels and a steamer
from Quebec named Roraime. The
United States consul and family are
reported among the victims. A war
vessel has come to Guadeloupe for pro
visions and will leave at 5 tomorrow.
AYME, Consul.
The consul at Martinique is Thomas
T. Prentice. He was born in Michi
gan and was appointed from Massa
chusetts as consul at Seychelles island
In 1871 and later served as consul at
Port Louis, Mauritius, Rouen, France,
and Batavia. He was appointed con
sul at Martinique in 1900.
The vice consul at Martinique Is
Amaree Testart, who was .appointed
from Louisiana in 1898.
The latest available figures show the
tetal population of the Island of Mar
tinique Is 185,000 people, of whom 25,
000 lived In St. Pierre.
Paris. (Special.) The commander of
the French cruiser Suchet recently tel
egraphed to the minister of marine
from Fort de France, Island of Mar
Unique, under date of Thursday, May
8, at 10 p. m., as follows:
Have Just returned from St. Pierre,
which has been completely destroyed
by an Immense mass of fire, which fell
on the town at about 8 in the morn
ing. The entire population of about
25,000 souls is supposed to have per
ished. I have brought back the few
survivors, about thirty. All the ship
ping in the harbor has been destroyed
by fire. The eruption continues.
M. Biguenot, a sugar planter of the
island of Martinique, received a cable
dispatch from Fort de France, sent
by the manager of the Francais fac
tory, announcing that he had "tried
to reach St. Pierre, but found the
coast covered with ashes and the town
enveloped In dust and could not land."
The commander of the French cruis
er Suchet, now at Fort de France, has
been ordered to return to St. Pierre,
Martinique, with all the speed possi
ble and to forward details of the dis
aster to the French government. He
cannot, however, be heard from for
twenty-four hours, as Suchet has gone
to the island of Guadeloupe in order
to obtain provisions.
It is feared that M. L. Mouttel, the
governor of Martinique, has perished.
He telegraphed May 7 that he was pro
ceeding to St. Pierre. Senator Knight
Is also supposed to have been at St.
Pierre. ,
The state department has been re
ceiving dispatches from commercial
houses In New Tork asking that a
warship be sent at once to Martinique
to afford relief. The matter Is under
Beatrice, Neb. (Special.) The Kan
sas City, Beatrice & Western Railroad
company filed articles of Incorporation
with the county clerk here.
The company proposes to build a
railroad from Beatrice to Virginia In
Gage county, a distance of fifteen
miles, and make connections with the
Kansas City & Wyandotte road, thus
giving Beatrice the much desired line
direct to Kansas City. This section
of the road will be constructed at once.
The line will be extended west of Be
atrice to Plymouth, Jefferson county,
and then through Geneva to Grand
The western headquarters of the
company will be at Beatrice and the
eastern men who are to furnish all
the necessary capital to build the raod
are financiers of Philadelphia.
First Spike
Anthony, Kan. (Special.) With 'the
driving of the first spike on the Kan
sas City, Mexico & Orient railroad
yesterday the work of building the
line from Kansas City to Mexico was
begun. It is estimated that the road
will be built to the coast by two years
at the latest.
Calcutta Is to be improved by driv
ing wide, open thoroughfares through
the slums of the city, at a cost of
nearly $10,000,000.
Scranton. Pa, (Special.) A general
strike of the miners of the anthracite
regions has been ordered, but the order
has a reserve qualification attached.
The question as to whether the strike
la to be made permanent is left to the
decision of a convention of delegates
of all the local organizations of the
mine workers to be held at Hazleton
next week.
The miners' executive committees of
three districts met and had a three
hours' discussion.- At Its conclusion
President Mitchell gave out the fol
lowing statement:
Rerilies to our proposition to submit
the entire question in dispute to an Im
partial board of arbitration have been
received from President iSaer of-the
Philadelnhla & Reading. President
Thomas of the Erie road, President
Truesdale of the Lackawanna and
Olyphant of the Delaware & Hudson.
all of whom refuse to join us in the
adjustment of the differences between
us by the methods we propose."
At 4:30 o'clock the committeemen
again assembled and remained In ses
sion until 7:30 o'clock. When the ses
sion concluded President Mitchell pre
pared a statement and, assembling tnej
newsDaoer men at the St. Charles ho
tel, read to them as follows from a.
typewritten paper:
"To the Anthracite Mine Workers of
Pensylvania. Gentlemen: The execu
tive committees of the anthracite mine
Shamokin convention to represent you.
in tne negotiations wim wie inuma
presidents and mine operators for the
nnrncp nf nbtalninc- Increased wafireB.
shorter hours and better conditions of
employment, have exnaustea an peace
able, conciliatory and honorable means
at vnir mmand anri havfl fnilfd tO
secure any concessions of a tangible
nature, anu wnne unoer me resoiuuuuo
adopted by the Shamokin convention
o,,thr,ritv una vpstpil in the executive
committees, should they fall In the ne
gotiations, to inaugurate a sliik.c
rnhnraimi. irr,o in their inriirment held
out the greatest promise of success,
the committees, after three days of
serious deliberation, feel that In jus- ';.
tlce to the anthracite mine workers
and those independent of them before
a general strike is inaugurated the
question should be further considered
by a delegate convention in wnicn ley
..aor.t.ttiroa fptm thp various unions
shall be fully Instructed by their con
stituents and prepared to vote' in favor
or or in opposition to complete cessa- -tion
of work.
"In the meantime all persons em- ,
ployed in or around the collieries.
niL Jpi,lllj53, ,V QOllW ..." '
Instructed to temporarily abstain from .
. . . . . i . . r 1 . . . Xfnir
working, Deginning wnn aiouunj, aiu-j
12, and continuing thereafter until a.
final decision is reached by a delegate
convention, which will convene -
Wednesday morning, May n, at n
zleton, Pa.
Jefferson City, Mo. (Special.)-rAt-
torney General Crow tonight filed In ,
the supreme court ouster proceedings r
against the Armour Packing company,
the Hammond Packing company," the
Cudahy Packing company, Armour 4r
Co. and the Krug Packing company for v
vlolatlng the state anti-trust laws 'In
cpmblning to fix and maintain prlcea
and to control the supply of dressed,
cured and smoked meats in Missouri.
An alternative writ was issued, rjri
turnable to the court In banc on May
The Information alleges that Nelson
Morris & Co. of Kansas City and
Swarszchild & Sulzberger of Kansas
City are in the combination, but as
they are co-partnerships It will require .
another kind of proceeding to reach
them. This will be filed immediately .
by the attorney general.
The proceedings are the result of the
Inquiry this week before Judge Bur
gess, where evidence was secured from
butchers and dealers. United States
Attorney General Knox telegraphed
Attorney General Crow for a copy ot
the evidence, and he will furnish It at
i ' .
Washington, D. C (Special.) With
a pomp and circumstance exceeding
th'at of any naval funeral in this coun
try, In recent years at least, the re
mains of the late William Thompson
Sampson, rear admiral of the .United
States naval forces on the North At
lantic station during the war with,
Spain, were laid at rest.
F,very department of the national
government were represented. The ex
ecutive by the president and his cabi
net and many prominent officials of
the civil service, the legislative by sen
ators and representatives, the Judiciary
by the United States supreme court 1
and the military and naval services by
officers of all ranks. The diplomatic ' '
body, accompanied In many cases by ,. '
their ladies, attended the church serv- .
ices. '. ,
The military and naval features ot
the ceremonies were brilliant and Im
pressive. They were conducted under
direction of Rear Admiral Terry, com
mandant of the Washington navy yard,-,
assisted by Lieutenant Henry George.
The funeral escort gathered early.. It
was composed of the light battery of
United States artillery commanded by
Oaptaln Foote and drawn from Ft.
Myer; the naval cadets from Annapo
lis, 247 strong, a corps that never has
paraded In Washington before except
on several occasions when a president
was to be Inaugurated; a battalion of
blue Jackets from the North Atlantic '
squadron, of which Admiral fjampson
formerly was commander, t
General Sam Reslgne
Port au Prince, Haytl. (Special,) 1
General T. 8. Sam has resigned the '
presidency of the republic. His sue- '
cesser will be chosen by congress
May 12. ' ' '""
There has been much public dissat- .
isf action recently with the rule of 9am'
and a revolution was threatening.' He
decided to step aside. The city la :
quiet, , i
Some Russian railways enpter onljf,
members of tht orthodox cbnrck ( ,
i ?
. . L'
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