5 t VOL. XIV. HABRISOIT, JSTEBA.S:a., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1902. i Harrison . Press - Journal. r HARRISON We had a very Uat Saturday. iigiit shower -hew vFrank Bannan Kan been on the , sick Mat for the past week. Vmery Zimmerman front Omaha, Thursday. returned home Leonard Daut attended the Stock aecietlea at Crawford this week. As- I George Turner and Peter Peterson were in from Story Wednesday, lfr. Deuel and Mr. Church were from Pleasant Ridge last -Monday. in Just received: A new consignment of Ins and boys clothing at UERLACHS. The singing class will meet Saturday evening at 8 O'clock; let every one attend. Banker Clarke attended the !8tock Grower association at Crawford this J W. 8. Nicholson from Whistle creek was doing business at the county seat Jtooday. y, George Bannaa (lied on a quarter Sam's domain last action of Uncle Tuesday. C. F. Coffee had some cattle moved from his Hat creek ranch tu Raw Hide tut week. 4 Fred Sternmer sold his place to Albert Band last Saturday. The consideration aa $1,800. Our town barber was plowing the fore part of the week for Jack Bogurt and so bis shop was closed. V James Cook and, family, of Agate was visiting , with banker Clarke and family last Saturday. More and better goods for the same loney at Qrrlach's store than any other place, try Iheoi. )0-tf Ask Martleller Bros, for the "Star Blue Ribbon coffee," 30 cts. value for 20 eta. One uauU always used. Marttelier Bros, are going to give away IS in cash, on their big sale of 3 Bur Blue Ribbon coffee 80 cts. Fob 8ALC: lflO acres of land joining the Village of Harrison; for further purtio ulirs inquire at this office. 40 Mrs. Sarah Rose came in on the West bound train Tuesday, she lias been visit ing in Crawford for the past week. Asseeeors take notice to the clipping from the World-Herald in another column of this paper, relating to assessors. County Clerk Raum attended the Stock G rowers meeting that was held in Crawford last Monday and Tuesday, Crareoca Hollings worth cam down from Warren. Wyoming Mooday to visit with Ma family for a few days. Lew Oerlack waa improving his store the fore part of this week by replacing the old step on the east with a new o Epwortb League Sunday evening at o'clock ; Subject Practical Consecration BtMU Tumi; Leader.' J Mrs. Palmar of Guernsey came down a the East botiod train Monday evening as visit bar parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Heater. C. r. Coffee shipped in 8 head of thorough-bred mala cattle last Saturday no they were driven to bis ranch In Mai creek valley. 'Mien Lillle Zimmerman and Gertie Soumi who hava been attaadiog school at Cbadroa the past wiaUr, returned botae laat hntorday . "Ttroest aad Id Lyons Carl Estler snd Oeotga Dieckmann bar bean building kouaa lor Mrs. Jordan, oa the lot North f OfMt Guthrie's ofllce. , LOST A watch ring, between this aad the depot, any ooe finding mm 4U ba liberally rewarded by tllioj t t3f afloa imf dlposiiu; t it, HAPPENINGS I am now prepared to weave carpet. 10 cts. for hit and mitts and 12$ for stripped. Warp rurnistied at cut. Mm. J. A. Thatkb. 36 tf Anton Meckem wan a Harrison visitor Wednesday and added his Jiutme to our list of readers. Anton nays that every thing looks bright over in the Cotton wood country. Charles B. Cook and Clyde R.igen went to Crawford to see the sights Monday night, returning Wednesjay noon. Well we guess the bnys seen the sights if there were any to be seen. Mr. J. E. G, Hunter from near Adelia was doing business at HarrUon last Monday, and made a pleasant call at our office and handed us a cart wheel for the Press- Jourm al for a year. f w. 8. Hall and wife left for Hurmosa South Dakota Tuesday evening where they will visit for a few days with Mr. Hall's parents and will then go to his home at Posyville Indiana. Remember tnat Saturday May, 24 is the only day that Dr. Seymour will be in Crawford and you must prepare to be at the Hotel if you wish to see him, as his time will be fully occupied. ylfr. Avery and family were down from Onn Junction this week visitihg with friends in Harrison and Bodarc. Mr. Avery was former Station Agent ut this (dace, and now of Onn Junction. . f Perry White from Gering, formerly of this county, dime in on the train Tuesday. Perry still has some interests in Sioux County that c ills him hertooce n awhile. He is remembered as one of our old time settlers. I, The showers this week are making tlie grass grow rapidly and we - hope the rains may continue, for the reports are coming in that Die grasshoppers are getting pretty thick and it will take lots of grass for both stock and grasshoopers. We see frem the Wyoming Derrick, that there is a hot time in the election of Mayor and other city officers in the city of Casper. The citizens ticket says Prostitution must go, and we extend our hand to Bro. Hays for tlte stand he has taken in this matter. Mrs. W. O. Patterson would announce to those needing supplies for, or a new genuine Singer Sewing Machine, that naving secure! me agency or trie same at this place, will keep at the house what you need in that line. Call and examine our machines before purchasing and get the best. Fort De France. Island of Martinique as a result of the out break of the Mount Peelee Volcano at St. Pierre on Thursday last 80, 000 persons lost their lives. It is sad to think of this number of human beings being roasted and smothering to death from the sulphurous flames that issued from the volcano. Not a house was left intact r We learn that F. W. Knott has sold tiie ranch in Sioux County, so that means that we are not going to have Mr. Knott for a resident of Sioux County any mora. We have always hoped that ha and bit estimable family might reside with us again, bat' we will aspect visit at some future day if they wont be come residents again. He criticised her pudding and her cake he wished shed mtke.tho biscuits bis mother used to maker aha dido'tjwash the dishes and she didn't make the stow, and she didn't mend the stockinge aa his mother used to do. Oh , wel I , she wash perfect but she tried to do her best; until at length she thought the time had come for her to have a rest; aowheo ooe day he growled and whined the whole day through, she turned him up and fanned his panto as his mother used to do. Forsyth (Montana) News. The Jamison Crandsll meetings at the M B. church, closed Sunday evening. A very good interest waa manifested through the meetings, vary good results were obtained. Mr. Jamison the great truths of the gospel In such manner as to start people thinking about them selves and their relation to than Mr. Crandal I understands his work aa gospel singer, organiser, aad conductor of chorousea, Wo wish for thorn success in the work of Christ where they may go wilh Um meesegaaf salvation. DIED Mrs. Margaret C. Hunter, wife of John W. Hunter, died at tier home at Bodarc last Friday morning at 3 a. m. Mrs. Hunterwas born May 17, 1854 in Cum berland county, Nova Scotia, and was married to John W. Hunter October 19. 1874. She was the mother of eleven children of whom eight survives her Jand were present during her late illness and death. She was baptized in the Presby terian church when young and died con fessing the fuith of the living Christ, She was a devoted wife and mother and none other can ever (ill her place. She was loved and esteemed by all that knew ter and especially those that knew best. The services were conducted by the Rev. Chas, E. Rice on the Saturday fol lowing and lier body was laid away to mtttjm a ueat Basket and from Uie many taunt shed by the sorrowing relativesand fricuds went to show the love and esteem she was held in by her family and neigh bora. The PkBSB-JoukSAL extend'.! sym pathies to the bereaved husband and faintly. Csrd of Thanks. To tlurne friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during the illnsss and death of our beloved wife and mother, we extend ourjheartfelt thanks. J. W. Hcntbr and Childhes Teaehers take Notice- I have a copy of a hand book of indns trial drawing for teachers in common schools, and when in Harrison if you will call at ray offlea I will be pleased to how you the work. I have had a great many inquiries about a book of this kind so now 1 am prepared to help any one out along this line that wants it. J. B. Bi-RKB. Co Supt Prefect Our Birds. We hear men boasting of killing birds for pastime. Well all we have to say for such men, (if you can call them men) is that if tney have nothing more to do than that, the Lord had better take them away from this world, for they are of no use to mankind, and a destroyer of the most cheering creatures that was ever put upon the earth. Take away out of this world the song birds and ft would be a cheerless place to live in, and not only their song, but they were put here for ot her puriKses. So God help the poor man that him nothing more to do than shoot down poor little innocent birds for pastime and .amusement. The school teachers of Nebraska have been called upon at different times to touch the children to love and protect the birds of our state and country, and here we find men that can boast of killing the in nocent little birds. We are sure that if such men have nothing else to do than kill Innocent birds they had better go quietly anions tliem and study their ways and habits, and if they then can't learn u lesson of industry as tliey have never known before they neither liave hearts nor understanding. dubbin Offers While you are thinking of subscribing or your yearly reaaingruatter, remem ber that the Pkkhk-Jouhnal will take subscriptions to any paper ou earth and save postage and time for you. Allege Horse Thief. Sheriff Birdsall returned Thursday night from Casper, Wyoming, where he placed under arrest a young mao by the name of Earl Archerd on complaint swore out by Wm. Fritcher of Dawes county for alleged horse stealing. The prelim inary was held before Justice Babcock Friday and the prisoner bound over to the district court. The bail was set at fSOO.OO which up to data hasn't beta given. Toung Arch era is a former resident of Sioux county from where he was sent to serve a term in the reform school. He was released on good behavior last winter. Since that time he has bean spending his time at different places along the Casper line, Since coming to Chadron ha baa talked auito freely and told Deputy Sheriff Mote that he had entered into an agree ment with a man at Casper who agreed to give bim Ave dollars per head for all the horses that he would deliver him re gardless of ownership. Ha will probably ba tried at the June term of court Chadronian. Important Rettee. The rail roe ds in Nebraska hava grant- ad a one and-ooe-third rata on the certlfl cat plan to paraoos attending the Ne.r aeka State Normal Bummer School at Peru. May M to July 4, 1903. Students should take receipts for fares paid from toe agent from whom the tickets are purchased. If tickets cannot ba purchat ad through from the starting point to Para, take a receipt for each fare paid Theee receipts will entitle the holders to return homo at the cloaa of the School at one-third fare. Take a reovipt in veryt-aar, W, A. Clark. Principtl. E. G. Robinson and E. M. Seaale. state examiners, checked up thei Treasurer's books, for the past year and found t-vcry thing all O K. The hoard of trustees, of the M. E. church of this place have decided that it will take $500 00 to repair the church building properly to let everyone con tribute fraely, that our town mav have a place of worship that will be comfort able. The doors of this church have always been open to all denominations and people to use whenever wanted and will continue to be so and we think the board will have no trouble in raisinir k amount Services at the M. E. church, Sundav May 18th. Sunday school at 10:00 a, Junior League " 8 " p. . m. to. Bpworth " 7 ' ". Preaching Service at 8:00 p. m. Evening Subject: Small things that Jesus may use. Everybody invited to attend all I tie services. , The third quarterly meeting will be held May 25 21. The Sunday morning services, May 25 will be held at Pleasant Ridge, Wvoming. The evening service at Harrison at 8:00 p. m. Rev. W. R. Warren of Rushville Nebraska, willfcon duct the services for the Presiding Elder. Crawford Monday and Tuesday of this week the BUt-kmn s 5S (invention was held at Crawford. A number of eminent speak ers were there and quest inns of import ance to stockmen were discussed pro and con. Tuesday was the principal day, A number of graded bulls were auction ed off and, considering I tie quality, they brought good prices. In the ufternoon of Tuesday a game of hull was played between Crawford and Alliance, Crawfonljbeing tnt- t lm cnpiotiH with a score of five to three. The game was one of the bent ever played in Craw ford, there being n discussions us to the umpire's decisions and very few errors were mode. There were to be some horsa races in the al teat-eon but Justus the horses were brought on tne track it begun to rain and the races had to be postponed. Crawford is an enterprising little town and its citizens know how to entertain visitors. People from all over the state were there und everyone enjoyed them selves. The band from Ft. Robinson whs one of the attractions und their mu sic is iirst class. We will give a more detailed account of the meeting next week. PROGR.AM Program of the tenth annual convent. ion of the Sioux County Sunday School association to be held in the Union Star Ihurch at Carey, Nebrasku, May 28 and 29, 1902. Wedneso'sk.y. May 28. 10.30 a. ro lJevotional Service 11 :00 a. m., "The Power of tlm Bible In the World" Emery E. Zimmermai'. Lunch 1:30 p. m. Paper, "The Teachers Power to Transform the Scholar" .' ....Mrs. Huttie Grove Address... Rev. John Andress 2:30 p. m. Paper, "What the Sunday School Does for the Worker"... Mrs. M. A. Miller Address Rev.C. N.Ruy 8:80 p. m. Paper, "Power of the Sunday School in the Commun ity" ...Mrs. Anna Golden Address Rev. J. F. Youngman 7:80 p. ro. Song Service 8:00 p. m. Lecture with Steriopticau Rev. J. B. Current Thursday, May 29 0:00 a. m. Devotionai;8ervice 9:30 a. ra. Paper, "The Good of the Sunday School Convention' .... J. H. Bartell Address M.J. Weber 10:80 a. m. Election of Officers and Reports of Schools LCNCK. 1:80 p.m. Song 8ervi-e - . Prof. E. E. Crandall 2:00 p. m. She Ideal Sunday School Rav. R W. Jamison Each topic followed by discussion, Entertainment provided for all. ; J. B. BcrKB. President Mrs. E. E. Rick, Secy. (Bodarc Gleanings. Miss Mabel Thayer has been staying with Mm. Zimmerman during tlie absence of the man folks. Mr, John Thayer who baa been sick with the heart trouble, wo are glad to learn b) some bettor. Miss Lillia Zimmerman who baa bean attending Um C hadron Academy the past year returned home Saturday. y&U.il. Zimmerman and ( Ueve removed their cattle to their ranch on Old Woman creelfon Monday of last week. Tne Knott rnoh has passed into the hands --of-M. J. -O'Conuell,-it is quite evident that the Knott fami'y do not it, tend to return to Sioux County as wh had hop I they would. Hon. C. F. Coffee and son Frank came from Chadron last Saturday to visit their home ranch and Frank returned home on Sunday while Mr. Coffee went to look after his interests in Wvominr. Dr. Jamison accompanied by Rev. Youngman and Mr. Crandall came to Bodarc on Monday. Rev. ami Mrs. Rice also came from Cottonwood. Revival meetings will be held during tlie week. We hope they will be encouraged by a full attendance. Mrs. J. W. Hunter passed away Fri day, May 0 having been ill through the entire winter aud a great sufferer for the past month. The remains were in terred at Bodarc on Paturday Jie bert-aved family have the heartfelt sVtopatoy of the community in their sorrow. ' M. A. C. iCarey Items. Alva Sax ton purched a stallion of Joe Sides recently. ( orn planting and gardening is the erder of the day. Timothy has been somewhat tartly about sending in nuws of late. Kev. and Mrs. Kice are at Bodarc at tending revival services this week. Clarence Spease came home from the Chadron Academy last Saturday Tlie Ludie's Aid met at Mr. Rice's last week. There w as a irood attendance. J. t,. Arner will take his cattle to Webster, Wyoming, this week. Roy Pape will help him Mr. and Mrs. A. Proennie started lust Tuesday to peddle a supply of merchant die. They expect to I gone about two weeks. R Z. Stewart has employed O C. Tal ly to carry the mail for the remaining two mouths of his term. Mr. Stewart is in Wyoming shearing sheep. jMr. and Mrs. Hartley Saxton hav gone to Webster, Wyoming, to visit Amos Jacoby's, also lo find work. They were accompanied by Franklin Jacoby, Mr. Rice has received a new traveling outfit from Omaha consisting of a wag on win) novvs ana cover, Harness, camp stove and tent. Tliev expect to start for Colorado about the first of June. Timothy BREEZES FROM CENTRAL CITY. Yes what has Uecome of M. A. C? We know, she is busv with the chickens and garden, house cleaning etc. The Missionary society nre going to bring their dinners and sew carpet rags for Clio Wednesday, that new carpet must be down before May 30. In severing our connection with Sioi x County, it does not mean we shall loose j interest in our friends there, hut it means we can not lie in two places at once, and until the children nie through school it seems best to concentrate our forces here. If land increases in value here as ; it has farther East we may make a ' fortune here yet, but the prospects are not very flattering for such a raise in land as Iowa has taken. We hope Rev. and Mrs. Rice will have a pleasant trip this summer to Colorado and that the change of chmnte will be a benefit and a help to them in every way. but oh! how they will be missed by their many friends at B nlarc and (Cottonwood, and we hope Mr. Rice's successor may have the help and encouragement of the people as e iery such young person shnu d nave, ano mat ne may ne note to an a good work among his former associates. Committees and committee meetings enough to make ones head swim, and 1 cao'l even keep track of F. W.'s appoint ments. The city is finding out it. is a big thing to prepare for a State S. 8. Co vention, especially when theTeacheis Association convenes at the name time ith a hundred teachers in attendance. It is a mistake to have two such import ant events our at the same time and place, but it will be warm weather aad there is plenty of out doors room, so no one need stay away. The breeses from C. C. will get to be full pledged winds if the present spring weather continues, On April 22 we had a sand storm that out done anything of the kind we ever saw. There were a very few flakes of saow to ba aeen at one time, but the wind was so cold ami sand so sharp, and the garden stuff that was up looked ,1 ike it hud been burned. It froze quite hard that night to our lilacs did not bloom, but the rotes art coming on all right and the peat have forgotten all about the storm. Had a delightful rain last Sunday and Monday and rya and wheat are looking (Int. Tlie wind uncovered somt of the oato and burriad ethers too deep, to soma had to replant, alfalfa waa daniagod. CUO. Professional Cards. M. i. OConarll. - - Ca. Attorney. . '-a- Will Practice in AH Courts. Special Attention til re ta baud 4K lire Business. Collections and all basinets eat rat t ed to me will receive prompt attrntliMit Hahrison - Nebraska. E. PHINNEY. M. D. Phyisclan tad Surgeon. All ealls Kiveu prompt atleutloa Office In Drug- Store. -HAHR180M if KB it ASK A. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lagan matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Stata " Land Office. Fire Insurance written in raliaMt companies. rjTLegai papers aarefutly drawn. Habribon. THE PERCHEROO Black Diamond. and Sir Archard.. Registered Stallions will bt, at my horse barn in Harrison. this season and one of th above stallions will stand at; Hill Shatto's place atKirtly oh Mondays, Tuesdays aidt Wednesdays, also one of' them will stand at Bodarc Thursdays and Fridays. Stockmen wishing the use of a Registered Shire or Per cheron Horse should consult ; their best interests by seeing these Stallions before brood , ing elsewhere. Terms:--To insure ma e with foal, $10.00 Owned by, J H. BARTCLL, HARRISON, - - - NCBRAKBA, County Nana. The Phbsa-Jovknal has printed a i.. ited numlsir of maps on Manilla erd hoard which can he secured for 10c mm-. They will also be given aa a premium to, new subscribers. j North-Westoriii LINE V. B. R. is Mm to and from tha P. E. M. BLACK HILLS, DKADWOOf) AKD ROT SOUTH DAKOTA. r.LAK.VB.A.JinM OoiaaWoet. an. i. utamJmm ,' r" k t k i t w 5. i St. 1 U'1 i .3 .i . j ,'. -HT, V Sit "A J ' Wa.Vti it,--.