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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1902)
The HarrtMQ Press Journal. C. C. BURKE, Proprietor. HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA NEWS N0TE8 The stats normal board met and enaaimously re-elected Principal W. A. Clark and the other teachers of the Stat Normal school at Peru. Here attar teachers will be elected for an Indefinite term instead of for only one year. O. W. Dull has been held at McCook On the charge of killing Dr. J. W. Row. land, who was shot in Dull's store. Cir cumstantial evidence against Dull is Stiong.-and he was taken xo Ataood. Kas., after the coroner's jury gave its decision. The state military board will meet to the near future to consider the question of the annual encampment of the National Guard. There is not suf ficient money available at present for this purpose, and'it is quite likely that no encampment will be held this year. Free rural delivery routes have been ordered established in Nebraska as follows: Bladen, Webster county, area It square miles, population 430, carrier, George L. Solomon; Florence, Douglas county, an additional route, area 24 square miles, population 440, carrier not named. The routes will be established July L local corporations at Grand Island aro being compelled to give In for the purpose of taxation all the difference Between their real and personal prop rty and paid-up capital stock, accord lac to a recent decision of the supreme court. The corporations Intend to see that other property is assessed on the tame plan. The bondsmen of defaulting ex-county Treasurer J. W. Lynch met at Co lumbus and decided to accept the compromise offered by Attorney Gen eral Prout to settle for $8,666 the State's claim for nearly double this this amount. The county will pay 11,500 of this amount, provided the bondsmen pay the balance. William B. Kirk, instructor in Latin and Greek, and principal of the Acad emy of the Nebraska Wesleyan uni versity, has filed his resignation and announced that he will attend Colum ma university during the next two years. Mr. Kirk came to the university five years ago as instructlr in the de partment of Latin and Greek. At the regular meeting of the Fre mont city council liquor licenses were granted for twelve saloons and four drug stores. The report of the water commissioner showed that the city water plant had paid all expenses and left a good profit. An ordinance was passed requiring the removal of all barns, houses fences and ' buildings which encroach on any street or alley. A dispatch from the Trades and Labor assembly of Seattle has been received at Lincoln asking the labor tag men of the city to petition Gov ernor Savage not to attend the launch ing of the battleship Nebraska, July 4, because of the fact that nonunion labor is being employed In Its construction. The governor has already accepted the Invitation for himself and his entire staff to attend. The golden wedding anniversary ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Dimon was celebrated at Table Rock on Monday. A reception was given at their house to over 100 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Di mon have lived there for forty-five years, coming there In 1857 from Penn sylvania. The wedding cake, on which was placed eight 15 gold pieces, was presented to the aged couple. Mr. Dimon is T6 years ol dand his wife 75. The city council met in regular ses sion Monday night and granted twelve saloon licenses at Nebraska City. The question of granting druggist permits was brought up and turned down. They have been In the habit of paying 15 per annum for the privilege, and the council concluded that that was not enough. The chief of police notified all druggists that the permits would be granted upon payment of $200 Two flr9 of Incendiary origin within ten hours created much excitement at Lynch. At 1:30 Monday night D. S. Miller awoke to find his building on fire. Quick work extinguished the blase with but little damage. Hay, cobs and boards had been piled against a corner of the structure, saturated with olfand Ignited. The previous morning a nre or similar origin was discovered behind Edwards & Brad ford's hardware store." The farmers In Farnam are much annoyed and dlamayed because of the depredations or ravages of a worm. Specimens of it have been sent to Prof. Bruner of the University of Ne braska, who pronounces It a "species of army warm." Quite large areas of winter wheat and rye have been ru ined. The worms multiply In numbers very rapidly. Although the weather and soil are favorable, farmers are de laying corn planting for fear of the worm. Never has the soil been In bet ter condition or the season more fa vorable tor a crop than now. The state board of mediation and ar bitration at St Joseph. Mo after hearing evidence for two dart on the big carpenters strike, decided that the men should receive It cents an Sow. They demanded 27 cents. Both re watt satisfied with the re- , Tha SaCr Cfl WOsoo.the boras " t tM was. kSoi by a sheriff's posse t- Cra 13 Gtfarday. m tamed r ?tC Itaeafa Med leal college. AUNTIE'S DOUGHNUTS HOW lATHII GOT THX WON DEBJTUL RECEIPT. Saquired a Good Deal of Diplomacy on Her Part, But She Thought It Worth the Trouble. Chicago News: Long before Aunt Mary arrived on a visit to her favorite nephew and his young wife. Dick had poured Into his wife's ears wonderous tales of Aunt Mary's prowess over oven and pantry. None of his tales, what ever they might begin with or contain, ever failed to end up with "auntie's .dcughnuta." Whereupon Kathie, whose cooking school doughnuts had appear ed once since her wedding day and been frowned upon, decided to get Aunt Mary's recipe. But it was Aunt Mary's first visit to the city, and she was an Intelligent old lady, who knew what things of interest the city contained. So Kathie saw the public library for the first time, and the stock yards and other sights. So It was that on the day of departure, when Aunt Mary, her trunk gone and her bonnet on, was wondering how much the cabman was going to make her miss the train, Kathie cried out with a lit tle, scream: "Oh, Aunt Mary, the doughnuts! The doughnuts!" "Yes, child, bless me, yes," said Aunt Mary, In a fright "How you scared me! Sit right down and I'll tell you how it la. It's right on my tongue." So Kathie, with pencil and notebook, sat down before the old lady. "You must have your lard the right heat, child," began the old lady, "or you might as well not have your dough made up. It shouldn't be too hot, or the outside will burn and leave the Inside raw, but if It Isn't hot enough the grease will soak right In and make It fit for pigs and not for humans." "What temperature. Aunt Mary?" asked Kathie, capably. "I have my kitchen thermometer, you know." "Kitchen thermometer?" repeated Aunt Mary, inquiringly. "Oh, yes, of course; and a good place for it Now, my lard I put on to heat when I start my dough. That's good time to allow, i for I don t rush nor yet dilly-dally," "Just how long does it take the lard to heat, Aunt Mary?" "That's what I'm telling you, dear," said Aunt Mary, pityingly. "As long as it takes me to make a batch, and the amount of lard depends on hew much you have to fry. A good half kettle ful is about enough." Kathie thought despairingly of her kettles, running the gamut from pint to five-gallon sizes, but she held her peace. "Now for the doughnuts," went on Aunt Mary. "I take two or three eggs" But Kathie Interrupted: "For an ex act recipe. Aunt Mary, please." "That's exact child," she said, testi ly. "Eggs ain't the same size always. It's two or three eggs, according to size, broken In a bowl with some sugar not too much and a little melted lard dln- ! ped out of your kettle, and some milk. Be careful not to get In too much for your eggs. And some salt and baking powder " "About how much milk. Aunt Mary?" "Dearie," said Aunt Mary, with great patience, "I have my crock of milk set ting bandy, and I just take up and pour 'out till I have enough to go with my sugar and eggs. Then put in flour till It's right, and roll them cut and into .twists and fry 'em, and If you follow this recipe you 11 never falL Now, dearie, that carrtageman!" "Aunt Mary," said Kathie, firmly, "Dick doejm't like my doughnuts, and there's another train In two hours, and the cab came while you were talking! and I waved It away, and I want you ' to come and measure out a batch of those doughnuts and get the lard heat ed right, and then Dick will be satis ed." Kathle's new recipe reads like a weird nightmare, with Its items of "beef extract Jar of melted lard," "blue granite spoon of baking powder,' and all the rest For Aunt Mary measured by faith and then Kathie measured by sight Also when Aunt Mary was not looking the kitchen thermometer play ed its important part in fixing the right degree of heat for the lard kettle. But the doughnuts came out right In spite of their manifold handling, and the recipe. In spite of the fact that quanti ties have not yet been reduced to proper terms, has not failed. So for several Sunday nights Dick has risen np after supper and called his wife the ' blessed est of women. T AT A DEAD Thomas Dunn English, noted as physician, lawyer, editor, member of congress, bat especially aa the anther of the world-known "Alice, Ben Xalt," ended his days at his bom In Newark, V. J. He had reached a .good old age, but all who knew him will mourn his departure. Steps are already afoot to erect a fitting ma Triendly Enemies la Kentucky. ' Is these matters of principle not a hand waa raised to prevent a free choice; no feeling of personal hatred Mood between those who saw lift's duty dilereatly. A neighbor to the right t a little-bone called one even ts oa kta aeighbor to tha toft Bo ktaMd the ehlMrea aad abook hands wOtkegafeata "I smhp sot at yes again: tes&t I I i Kerraa." ha sail TtXA-TUA TOB LWBOST. What la Said of the Experiments With the South American Plant 8an Francisco Chronicle: Medical men all over the world are interested in the reports from Honolulu and Tax hit! of successful results obtained In the treatment of leprosy from the active principle of the tua-tua shrub. The tua-tua's scientific name Is Jatrapha gossypifolla, and It cornea from Vene zuela. Nearly three years ago the de partment of agriculture sent 27- of the tua-tua plants to Dr. Carmlchael, Unit ed States marine hospital surgeon, then at Honolulu, but now here. The plants mere set out in the experiment station grounds in Honolulu, where they flour ished, waxed green and produced many buTls. Witir the plants came""Btateme: from Venezuela that leprosy had been successfully treated with the extract. The shrub Is called in Venezuela fralle Jcn purgo, on account of Its purging Qualities. Dr. C. E. Camp, assistant In the bac teriological laboratory of the board of health at Hawaii, has been experiment ing on lepers in Honolulu ever since the receipt of the shrub. Tire direct effect of the medicine U to reduce the fnghtful swellings which disfigure the features of the lepers, and which dis tort their extremitiea In Tahiti really wonderful advance tcward the cure of leprosy has been achieved by the use of this shrub, but in Hawaii it has been difficult to Induce the lepers to undergo the treatment. The use of the medicine is generally accompanied by severe colics, and the Kanakas will not submit to the pain, even though a promise Is held out of a partial cure of their terrible affliction. The fact is that leprosy among the Ha wailans Is not looked upon with the horror that It possesses for Americans and Europeans, and save for' the isola tion on Molokal, which leprosy entails upen its victims, the latter show little disposition to do anything to ameliorate their physical condition. The lepers are free to accept or refuse treatment, and cannot be forced to take the medicine, A Portuguese in Honolulu, who had leprosy, was given the tua-tua. and, ac cording to Dr. Camp, shows absolutely no symptoms of the disease now. Curiously enough, the board of health of Hawaii is seemingly unwilling to aid it. vauip in nis experiments, or even to permit him to treaf those lepers un der the care of the board. President Ploggett of the board, when asked as to this, said: "The board of health of Hawaii has invariably turned down re quests to be allowed to experiment with leprosy cures. We have done this be cause the owners of the cure were in variably proprietors of patent nostrum who hoped to sell their manufactur?; by getting the Indorsement of In board. We, of course, would be pleaded to see the dincovery of some cure leprosy, but I doubt that any such cure win ever be found. I have no faith in the tua-tua remedy." The uewspanere of Honolulu bm taken the matter up, and in vigorous terms have oired that the board v health give Dr. Camp every opportunity lor investigating the merits of the tua tua. Certainly, with more than 1,000 lepers In confinement in the islands It Is worth while doing everything possi Me to find a check for the terriUe scourge. DIRECT ANSWERS. It is Not Easy Always to Question with 'Yes" or ' Meet 'No." Washington Post: The efforts on thf part of members of the house to pin one another down to direct answers re- minded Representative Capron of Rhode Island one of the best story tellers In the house by the way of an experience in the last campaign. Mr. Capron was very much bothered while making n Epeecn Dy a man In the audlenee who in nig ted on asking questions to which he demanded either "yes" or "no" for an answer. But there are some questions," final ly remarked Mr. Capron, "which can not be answered by yes or no. " "I should like to hear one," scornful ly commented his annoyer. "Well." said Mr. Capron, "I think I can prove It Have you quit beating you wire? Answer yes' or 'no.' " The crowd saw at once that Mr. Cap ron bad the man in a trap. If he said "yes" it was a confession that he had been beating his wife, If he said "no' it was an admission that he was still indulging In the pastime. "'Yes' or 'no,'" shouted everybody in toe nan, and in the midst of the con fusion the man made his escape. POET'S BIER. mortal to i ue host went to bis little wardrobe, took therefrom his greatcoat, thrust a pistol Into the pocket, and threw It over the arm of hit guest Both were poor men, and winter approached. The recipient attempted to return it "No," aid the donor, "no, yon take this cost You repels la to be on of privation; besides, I won't Bead It Tomorrow morning I start North to enlist My government has overcoats to spam, and pistols, too; you who go Soath may find neither. Ood bless yon, friend: mar we retara to mast agala.M frank Leslie's Popatar Ifosthly. 0j EVENING OLD SCORES. RXVENOB A SWEET THIHO TO WXAX HUMANITY. Different Modes of O ratifying a Pas sion to "Get Back" at the Other Fellow. New Orleans Times - Democrat: "Revenge Is evidently a sweet sort of thing," said an observant citizen, "and 1 have known of a number of Instances which amply prove the fact Men seem to be naturally inclined to even up the score. An old grudge, an old feeling of dislike, an old family difference, an old feud, or something of that son:, will afford a good opportunity for a display of the revengeful Impulse which lies in most natures, and the only thing need ed is some exciting incident and a good chance to get even. I recall a number of cases of this sort, and they give a good Ciflnltiin of what the word revenge really m.-ana. "Up in Arkansas there was a fellow who started out in life as a book agent, and on one occasion just after the war a very aristocratic ladv slammed a door In his face. He said he would be revenged. He was. He converted the home Into a graveyard In after yearn and robbed and cheated the helrs-at-law of the lady who had offended him until they were classed among the poorest of the poor. He became a law yer, made a specialty of land titles, and found a world of defects in titles based on the old Spanish grant, and became Immensely rich. He was finally assas sinated because of the spirit of oppres sion which he had cultivated, and the man who killed him was never tried for the offense. "Eut I was thinking of a Louisiana case. This Is the case of a Hebrew, and it develops a story which is somewhat contradictory of the general under standing of the 'Shylock" character, even In this enlightened day. He was turned out on the cold world with his family. His goods and chattels were dumped Into the yard of the place where he had lived, because of some small misfortune. He, too, swore re venge. He made money. He bought the place In after years. The wheel of fortune had turned. The man who had put him out had fallen upon a bad condition. His finances ran down. He lost money and was reduced to an un happy condition. He was forced to sell the place which had been occupied by the Jew in the erstwhile. The Jew bought It He found the man's wife Hying In the place. Tbe manhad died. When he visited the place after buying It he was surprised to find the wife of the man who had treated him so In considerately occupying the place. She remembered him. He reminded her of his ejectment many years before. 'But,' he added, 'I do not recall this story In any spirit of unkiadness, and I want to say now that you may occupy this house as long as you like and use the property as you please.' "Revenge Is Indeed a sweet virtue when It comes in this way, but, of course, we do not always find it thus. Sometimes it is bloody enough. Yet revenge is a common sort of thing, and I suppose most men crave it at one time and another." YANKEE VOICE MUSICAL. Twang Not Peculiar to Yankees Con fined to Provincial Regions. Boston Globe: The so-called "twang," which is popularly understood to be characteristic of the New England voice, is by no means peculiar to Yan kees. Wherever It is found in New England it is confined to provincial re gions, and the Boston voice certainly baa no distinctly nasal tone. In my experience I have found that the west ern voice is as nasal as the eastern, and that the southern voice usually Is free from ny "twang." It is true, of course, that the Ameri can voice is not so mellow as the Eng lish, but this Is due to the fact that tbe American, If untrained to speak or sing, nas developed into a well-defined habit, tightens tbe pharynx and sends tee voice against the nasal passages, instead of Discharging It In volume from tbe mouth. In this respect the English voice is more agreeable than tie American, but the trained Ameri can singing voice is superior to the English. Indeed, I do not believe that there is any language better fitted for musical sound than the English, and I am con fldent moreover, that there is no voice naturally so well adapted for music as toe American. A very brief training only is neces sary for the eradication of the nasal tone In the American voice. This nasal tone, so iv from being peculiar to New England, Is observed as frequently in persons from the West and I have heard more twang from Kansas than ever came out of New England. Iti cannot be said that the American twsng is due to climate, because It is well known that the Indians have very soft voices. It must be due to some eccentricity in the eases in which, it Is found. .The Boston voice I have found to be entirely free from any twang. It w tne nest voice in the country, on the whole, and the diction of the cultivated Boston I an Is more perfect than that of any other type of American. People do not generally understand the extent to which diction affects the voice. Train ing In clear, correct enunciation la apt to produce an agreeable speaking voice, even If It does not always result In a gooa singing quality. ids results of musical education in this country thus far prove that the capabilities of the American voice are certainly as great aa those of anv other voice of which we have knowledge. It m true, nowever, that the Americans will not apply themselves with the same degre of industry as the Europeans ex hibit When they have learned to do this they will have demonstrated the truth of the statement that there is no voice superior to the American. Judge William R. Day. president of the McKlnley National Memorial as sociation, has made a request that con tributions to tbe memorial fund be forwarded to Myron D. Herrica, treas urer, of Cleveland. The board of health at Monmouth. II , decided that Edward Kimball, a guest of tbs Hammond hotel, who has beau sick several days, baa a well -de veloped case of smallpox. In coasa 17 occupants of tba hotel vera PAMOVI PIOHTS XV OONOBXSS. Benton-Poote Battle and ths Encoun ter of Pryor and Potter. Washington Correspondency of -the Philadelphia Times: The Tillman McLaorin fist fight on the floor of the senate recently caused the recital of former affrays in congress. Tbe nearest approach to a tragedy In the senate was in 1850. At the con clusion of a violent debate. Senator Benton of Missouri bared his breast to Senator Foote of Mississippi and dared htm to shoot The exciting incident arose out of the bitter ante-bellum de hates. Foote had been remorselessly attacking the motives and deeds of the northern senators in their policy to ward the South. This debate became rery heated In -April. Oit Sept47 J Senator Benton claimed that a certain newspaper article had been supervised and approved by Senator Foote. This article represented to be a report of the remarks indulged In by the Mississippi senator personal to th senator from Missouri. In the midst of this debate. Senator Foote Interrupted the senator from Missouri, and for tbe time had the floor. While he was making some reference to Benton, the latter walked excitedly toward him. The report of the affair Is very explicit in stating that Senator Benton was unarmed. He made no sign of being about to make an assault, but his angry face alarmed the sena tor from Mississippi. Senator Foote started to run away, and Senator Benton Increased his speed. As Benton came after him, Foote hurried along and drew a five-chambered revolver as he ran. Benton was in full chase. He did notee the weapon, but was apparently very anxious to overtake Foote, Senator Dodge of Wis consin reached Benton, and begged him for God's sake to do nothing which would compromise him with the sen ate. Benton was finally persuaded to turn and retrace bis steps. He looked over bis shoulder, and caught the first sight of the senator from Mississippi with the revolve in his hand. This aroused him to a frenzy of despera tion. He brolt. away from Dodge and rushed back at Foote. Tearing open his waistcoat and his shirt, ho dared his breast to the Mississippi senator, who was brandishing the revolver In his hand. He had cocked the weapon as he turned, when he saw that he could run no farther. Benton stood within a few feet of h.m, and with his naked bosom as a target, dramatically cried to Foote: "I am not armed. "I have no pistol. "I disdain to carry firearms. "Let him Are. "Stand; out of tha way and let the assassin nre. As may be Imagined, there was a scene of the most intense excitement In the old senate, now the chamber of the han of Justice of the United States su preme court Cowering at the front of the president s desk was the thorough ly frightened Foote. Towering over him was the gigantic Benton. He was In a rage that would have made the gods proud. Slowly Foote wilted. He sank Into a chair, and finally Dlckln son, of New York, came and took the revolver away from him. A senate committee investigated the matter and did not require the belliger ents to apologize. The gist of the re port was that the senators probably felt badly enough and an apology was not necessary. It was urgently recom mended that the practice of carrying concealed weapons in the senate be dls pensed with. One of the most famous fights In con gress took place In the house in 18G0 and nearly led to a duel with bowie knives between Roger A. Pryor, of Vir ginia, and John F. Potter, of WIscon sin. Judge Pryor, since became cele l rated as a leading lawyer in Now lork, during the years shortly preced Ing the war was a radical state's right partisan ana bitter in his denuncia tions of the North. Potter was a native of Maine, and bad acquired prominence as lawyer in Wisconsin when he was sent to congress to represent the First district of Wisconsin, now represented by Mr. Cooper, chairman of the com mittee on insular affairs. The altercation between him and Judge Pryor occurred over a speech in the house by Owen Lovejoy concern ing the assassination of his brother Elijah P. Lovejoy, at Alton, 111., for denouncing slavery In bis newspaper. LoveJoys speech was one of the strong est deliveries against slavery ever BACHELORS' HOME. At a cost of half a million dollar aersral wealthy bachelors of New York hatfi united In building thf moat luxurious bachelor home erst erected la this country. It la adja cent to With avenue, la tha heart of the slab aad Uuatre eistrieta. mm heard In ths house, and lad to a of excitement and tunta)t In which Pot ter became Involved. He struck Representative Barksdsto, ot Mississippi, who wore a wig, some thing not suspected by any member of the house, and the hirsute adornment went flying in one direction, while Its owner went In another. As a result of blows exchanged Judge Pryor challeng ed Potter to a duel. Duels were more common In those days than now, when an appeal to the code duello is held In derision. Pryor was rated an expert pistol shot, which Potter learned, and when the seconds of the Virginian called upon the representative from Wisconsin to ascertain what weapons he desired to choose, he promptly said bowie knives. Lander, the husband of the celebrated actress. Mrs. Lander, was a strong sym pathizer -with the ause- which, -Potter-represented. He was also an expert duelist, and called upon Potter to give him some valuable hints on the use of the weapon he had selected for the pas-eage-at-arms. He told Potter to drop upon his right knee when he closed with his opponent and defend himself with his left arm, then thrust his bowie Into his opponent's bowels and kill him. "He may cripple you for life," said Lander, "but you will kill him!" Potter was fully determined to act upon Lander's advice, but before the critical moment arrived, when the two men would face each other on tbe field of honor, Pryors seconds threw up the sponge by declaring that they could not consent to let their principal fight with such a barbarous weapon. The only living survivor of the row In tbe house, who 1p still a member of congress, Is Representative Oalusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, who tbe year following was elected speaker. Mr. Potter was subsequently American con sul general at Montreal, and died last year at his home, In Wisconsin, highly respected, aged 80 years. It Is said be was a man absolutely without fear and would have gone upon the field .without a tremor. TOWN LEVIES NO TAXES. Model Community Is Called Vernal and Appears to Be Successful. Philadelphia North American: Hid den away In the backwoods of Utah, near the reservation of the Uintah In dians, Is the one completely successful model town In the United States. The town Is called Vernal. One of Its attractions is that there has never been any local tax levied on the towns people, for the reason that the sensible system of city government provides a perfectly adequate Income without the necessity for taxation. Nothing is given away by the city government of Vernal. If and fran chises or privileges are desired, they must be paid for, and paid for at their full value. Saloons are looked upon aa a luxury that can well be dispensed with, but as the town Is not a total ab stinence community, the saloons are allowed to exist by the payment of a large fee to the treasury. Crime is taxed to the utmost Fines rather than imprisonment are the pun ishment for evildoers. Inn trad of a prisoner being supported for a term at the expense of the city, he is mulcted in a sum deemed commensurate with the enormity of the offense, and the money, goes to the town's exchequer. In this way the burden of the city's expenses Is placed on the shoulders ot those who deserve to be made to bear it, and the well-brmaved citizen, Instead of suffering by the action of the wrong doer In being compelled to support him In Jail, actually benefits by his wrong doing in the absence of taxation. So proud are the citizens of Vernal ot their model town that tbe city officials almost Invariably turn back Into the treasury the amounts received for sal ary. The only man who Is really paid oy me mwn ror nis work Is the c tv marshal, who devotes his whole time to- the duties of his office. As mlrcht be expected, the town Is splendidly laid out, pohseesing miles of asphalted streets, one of the finest school buildings In the west and ample means for the building of more as they are needed. No breath of suspicion has ever been directed at the officials of the town. Their action In refusing to receive sal aries might In Itself divert any suspi cion of "boodling." The town numbers about 4.000 ner- sons, and, as Its admirable system of government is attracting numbers to take up their residence there, It Is prob able that it will emerge from compara tive obscurity during the next few years and become one of the most im portant cities In the west So Different! "Papa, how often do you have to get the carriage horse shod?" "O, I don't know. Tommy. When ever the coachman says the horso noeds a new set of shoes I tell him to go to the blacksmith's and have them put on." "How much does It cost when ho has to have a new set?" "I don't know. I leave all that to the coachman." ; "Don't you ever ask him what's the reason tbe horse wears 'em out so "Certainly not." "Don't you ever make any fuss about tbe expense?" "No. Why should I?" ti'ause.) "Paps. I wish I was a horse." Chi cago Tribune. Father Aloyslus Jacqw. the venera ble Jesuit priest, who was sent to Nome, from California, late last year to have charge of the missions In that vicinity, and who, through fatigue snd suffering on the long trip down the river, became mentally unbalanced, Is to have refuge among the brethren of the church at the Mission of the Holy Cross, go miles up the Yukon. Here Father Jacquot will remain during the winter, and when summer comes, if he Is sufficiently strong to bear the Jour ney be will probably be sent back to California The Maine commissioners to the Louisiana purchase exposition have de cided to advertise that state at the world s fair as a recreation ground, and. sctlng along that line, have that the Maine building at the fair shall ue a nuge tog cabin. The exhibit will be supplemented, however, with photo fraphs showing thst all tha people of ' Mains do sot lira la tog seAUaT