STOCK C3DS. tmw Mmi "til pabttah yor Brand, lift 1 Masvutg; for rear, bat ad) KM si MM 7 rents, mr rarnwr a mrtawa In Ini ! adjoin tag eoanlles easeld advertta Itotr branls in The JoC'B lu tt cilHrMlitlM all oeer thfl state. It ay I ike aiaana of ravine mmmict lor Too $500 P.EIV1RD. e the arrest and cwn vk'tkm of any party purtlm trllaf ur iti.flB'niiiic any brands sleek beWugiag Ui lite mil. rirr.l jmr r. K. JASIiT. pa is- -iihipof lUle. JhMx twufilv, Kepraski left Jw. JJj Ml rat OfBce, Hewitt. JOIIM T. SSOW. jturwr (wandeil on left hnul ler Anile Braa ! 11m left hip. Alan floras) trended the ane oa Irft sfcflBMer. BiH, Sont'swest of Aurirt-ws. ro-t iNHre A dilreas Harrlaon.Jleri J. E. rill-WEY A sOM. ( tt brandrd P. O. Address J(Qr I left side. Harrison, Van. andkkw cnewriAX aajT Cattle Brand l?frV 1 ed on left sltfe I flln I ,m ot l I and horxn Vs.. braBded on Press-Journal TmimltAY. May 1, ItfOg. C. C. Burke, Prop. tSTtKKU IS TICK riWlMrfll li AT HAa 1S NEIitt. AMMX)NU 1..V MATTKK OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. kraaded on left shoulder and Tattte pY on Irft aid. Post Offlee Address, Patrick, larawte Co. Wyo. (Stile branded 9mrmm branded en left side on Irft nbon Mer, range on HjHittTt'reek. Any stack branded aa abova halnv ..t,-... d from my rs-ige, discovered by any body giaing me lurorniatlwi will be rewarded " Address, ft. Knblnaoii. Nebraska. - J. . I'AHKKK. branded on f t'altbt aanie on left M'ft abonlder and barnded bak of Sheep. aaage oa Soldier :reek aad White Hlver. Address. 'U aVibluaon. Nebraska. JOHN' A. HANSON , Mp follow- t l - ja.lloalih lae" eay; I W"' f J f Beat Jiuran MTU t! Vay- 'Vjl name aa cat are tlw pr.perty of Andrew Christian aim range tributary to Van Tawl Springs. AddrwM, Kirtlrv. W'ro. J. l.fcVEk. Cattle branded ViS LCKTJSIDK fwl Office Addrem. Chadron fbraaka- ltUKWTKU A Co. Cattle brand ed aanir aa tliat on car, cither left hip or on left fthoiildrr. 1 Fin When it takes an all nigHa-work with hammer and tonga at the bands of im port ad Uvwter !o pnah a rcaoSclioa through the South Dakota cattlemen' convention favoring tlie land-leasing (nil, it is plain that aentimeht by no meina one way even among thoaejdirectly affec ted. The interests o( the jmall cattle grower and Hie big cattle syndicate are not the Kime and ctnnot be made to ap pear so by the moat plauaible argument. B'lt were the cattlemen all united, that would not make the laiid-leaaing scheme apoear any leas objectionable as a meas ure to shut down on Uie measure to pub ic domain by which alone) the western country can build up and sirengthered The west wahts eveiv available acre pro ductively employed at its greatest capacity and this object would be frustrated by turning the land over in huge tractsto the cattle syndicates to the exclusion of all others -Recorder, Rusliville. Mornes branded with any of above brands. Addreis, J. A. AlKKt, llnrriion. Nebraska. XEll. JOUU.VX. 'aW 1 P w 3tlvr 5 prln ex u SU( (r stata Iawflce-Uarrtaoo Nab , J i. TVCfiKR. Rramted on left shoulder ol horses land on left aide tit cattle. on tight aide Tela a I I rttt side of eattle too. t M White Kivof, aaar Olrn, Poat Office ad4reaa, t.bni, Mr In-ask a. DCKI CBKKK 14 VK STOCK Co. Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left eheeV ot Horae . Rana-eam IWp (Yeea. ' MCdraaa. leepCTaak Live SUwk Co.. J. H, Mslbkbt, Korvntan, ilea. brnaka. rtlAkMH MKWMAM. The brand repreaented In thla notlre and branded any where oh left side af rattle, aad over lap .rut fim the rtalit ear. Also the same brand on left thbrk of norara. avion an to the a ml era tailed. near East Spring, snath pert fo Ptwai eeasty. CnsRi.ita Nrwmk, llarrkstm, Nebraska. JMIUKRKT A MIH. Cattie brand f .. est aaass aa that i ) aat oa with es SW aid of ani- I POP J CAnd CsttM branded aide, and Horaee oa aft eat- on Horses and tie branded rllurr side same as oa cut. on left Jaw. Address. Bod arc, Nebraska. BKKT KAitNK-T. Cattle branded on left hip and same on the left jaw, and same on Horses. Also Horses branded m f 1 o" rt flsnk d I jjl ou Utftsh.nlder. I J I on left Jaw. shoulder or flank. Also Horse branded Range on bead of Van Tasaeil creek. W yo. Tat Offlm a-ldres, Harrison, Neb. FTNCES LIMITED TO JVLY F1ILT Special to The Newa, Washiugton, April 26. Senator Pat terson called oa the president bv ap pointment this morning to discuss, with him the extension of his order which re quires fences upon lb public domain, to os immediately taken down, and failing which, violators to be prosecuted in the courts. After tin; situation had been consider ed pro and coo. the president decided that he would extend the time for tlie removal of fences until July 1, and said that the order would be isxued immed iately after Um cabinet meeting ou Thursday next. At the same time the president made it clear that there would be no I uther extensions, whether in in dividual cases or generally. The law be ing upon the siutute book, lie reels it to be his duly to eniorce It, and the onlv reason for leniency now is that it has stood so long practically as a dead let ter that there might be individual cases of senou hardship should llie order be immediately rut into effect. Tlie nres. ident also said that tie had numberless complaints from settlers aad small cat llenien all over the arid reirions. and their rights wire entitled to tlie fullest sympathy of tlte executive. Senator Patterson says that the nresi- dent left no room to dubt that be means precisely what he says about rforcina- the order for tlie removal of fences rig idly and impartially after July 1 and that it is quite well enough for those who have fences to understand that July 1 will be the last day of grace. Rocky Moudtain News. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I. . MEXATORS Joaira H. Millard en, m. OirraicM co.;rksmk J. RrRRCTT, Rrp. 1st Mat. Dtrilt h. Mkbcbb, kep. tnd Dial. Job J, koBTsaox, ra. 3rd llst. Wa. I sr. pns. th Mat. A. C.SMlU.IKBiauKR. Fas. Mh KUt. W. KK'iLLE, Fns.Sth Dial. 8TATK OmCER Kzb F. Havsor, tioieonor C. f. STetLf, ljeut, aovernnr tiro, W. M4BSM, Svcrelary of Stat t'His. Wctton, Auditor Cab. A cots. Wu. STErrtB, Treasurer E. rou,sa. Public iRstinctioB rriAXK St. PaorT, A.ry, Oneral . Ukomib FoWLKB.Com. pub. lands aad bldf LR HRBDiiAM, Librarian COCNTY OFFICE U. W. J. A. Rtca. Clerk Job I. nivis.Trcaaarer Alex Lowrt, t-iicri"; W'M. J. A. Rack, Clerk of District Court J. . Dl'BKK, (inpt. of I'ublle lustructioo J. II. II rtell, Jadce M J. O'Coxkell, Attorney M. Kurrixu, surveyor1 Pat LAcr, Coroner BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jess C. Memo, 1st Dlntrlct I- C. Lewis, Jnd Elutrlct A. E. Bioelow, Jrd DUtrict. Marsteller Bros Are now prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINE OK HI to July 1, 1802, will be subject to the legacy tax, even if the distribution is not made until after date. A. B. KENNEDY. Cattle Urande RlKht 111). Shoulder P. a Address, Crawiord, Nebraska. ED. MASON. Cattle Hranded Kanice on Ka .Ml IBJob left sM n W1 Address ARale, Neb. A.T. HL'UHSON BrAnd aombl double of cattle Horses aanie shnnldar. in out r Ik-lil shnnldtn m: (Ulwafon right 13 II ear i -.a r i It b probletu Bolved la 8ho Eeowmiy with a haud otne balaooe at the ead of t year when Sela School Bboea are purchased eielu alvelT for tha ehildran. No Bsnufai-turer in tha world builds a line of hoe as attentive dura bio handsoma and low prioad aa tha Belt Children's Shows tbiayaar. for tlw li of 4eh." lllrairbtrr)poiArDeAkT. Sal. Bt.nM Vlmwt Wnn. mA Children are Satisfactory Shoa Prio Quality Comfort Sty la. SELZ. SCHWAB & CO..CHiCAQf? LaTftst Mnajfictuiiii af Boats m4 Stats la thtWarhl School Shoes k 4 eS Ss4 cattle. dttidaw. Cattle all dehorned. Itaiige ou Kyle CTeea, fust Office, Ulen Nebraska OCTAVE IIARRK, Cattle branded as showo on left side aith left ear clipped. Range on Run ning Water, a. r. O. Address, Uarslaud, Nebr. IIKNKY WABNEKK. 'at tie brand - e-1 Oa left side. Kaage on It n lining Waler Cramk. m-Y. O. Addresa Harrison, Kabraska. FRANK NL'TTO. Cattle branded dd and asm u der M horses. Also some of the Horses It are branded mi nlde luralder some asdeacrib- abvve Imaud. on the left left shoul and Cut. and tlie ed fur lite Addresa, llarriawn, Nebraska. Aad I ol towing oa left aid af cat Ik. a. I I h I I a , I NTi'l left aid of aha sksek. .sJMtlal Ml aid sod hip. aafsaa Raasing Water. awHiwlia add raw, Harrison, Nebraeka. ral (high and ahoalder aad rbxM Jaw Also. I bars BSHI a - a- . 1 sBBl fjawfa jsaalresss left tklgk KEWAkU. . ff nttftwaral far mm km aa-:i. . ...a,! . TflWa tunaaf YCry nfmm aaavrfeOlvUn... .... 1 '- - - t i i m y l A. tMm. atCD3Hl "a. tt . - $1.00 Cattle Branded Hang oa KOBKKT F. NEKCE. on left sld Alan Cattle hraaed siMtalder or aide. Range on Kuniilng Water. 4 on left h . O. Address Agate, Nebraska. AMI'EL KNOItl. Csttle branded any where on left side Of the animal. Mange on I'ral- tl Dog arid Mnn roe Creeka. Addrn. Harrison , Nebraska Call la braadad Ostlai krasdad 3 BT aa left side. u .1 tea left On LeftMtp CSJIIT Wkm, Pwras By the act of congress approved April 12, the following changes are to the War Revenue Law uow in force: Taxes repealed on and after July 1, 1902 Special Taxes of Bankers, Brokers, Dealers in grain, securities etc., under Par. 8, Sei-. 8, Act of March 3, 1901 (Hrokem Class 2). Pawnbrokers, Custom House Brokers, Proprietors of Theatres, act., Proprietors of Circuses, Proprietors of Public Exhibitions or Shows for Money, Proprietors of Bowling Alleys or Bill iard rooms. Dealers in Leaf Tobacco, Dealers in Tobacco, Manufacturers of Tobacco, Manufacturers of Cigars, Stamp Tuxes on, Instruments, papers tf documents; deliveries or transfers of stock, and sales and agreement of ami or agreements to sell stocks, products or merchandise. (Schedule A.) Wines, (Schedule B ) Seats iu parlor palace cars, aad berths in sleeping cars. Taxes on legacies and distributiv aharaa of personal property. Excise taxes nn persona. Arms, oompamas and corporations engaged in refining pe troleum and sugar. Taxes reduced: Fermented Liquors. Their tax reduced to ft. 00 per barrel. Snuff and Tobacco. Tha lax is reduced to 6 eta. par pound. Cigarette. Tha tax on ciemrattm weighing more than S lbs. Mr thouaand ia reduced to fS 00 par thouaand. A drawback or rebate Is allowed oa all Original and unbroken factory packages of smoking and manufactured tofaaoc and snuff held by manufacturers ir deal era on July I, 1902, to the amooMk of different between the higher rata paid and the tag imposed by this act. Claims must to presented within sixty days from July 11, aad must be for $14.00, or more. The proviaioo of the present law, ra id live to mixed flour, remain um-lnvngad xorpt a slight ufwing i aiade ia the eeflftitioa of mlxea flour. ItofhlR PaToed or llaslitiee iacurrad pnor to the rsasal are at affwi.-tad. TM aatatef of all parwana tying prlet J. R. HUNTER. Stock branded right aid or hip. Address, Ed. ilaslirr. Foreman Harrison. Neb. Wan tad Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to opea in this vicinity Here is a good opening for the right man. Kind Iv give good reference when writing. . T. A. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cU. stamps 23 Henry Trualara, who was defeated la the race for mayor of Dulnth arlll demand a recount, the majority of his opponent. Mayor Hugo, being but six votes. Two years ago Mr. Hugo beat him by sight votes. Between mayoralty races be ran for congress and was defeated by Judge Morris. We learn that Earl Arc hard who was sent to Um Reform school from this country two years ago. has been arrest ed out in Wyoming for selling some norsea that did not belong to him. W understand he took 5 head af ho that belonged to Brewster A Wlsether he will be tried at this term court, we can't say. for if he refuses" to com Into Nebraska, there will have be requisition papers take out, and tha. toea won ia tnrow it past this term o oeurt which convenes neat htnaaU. Skmix County may have a boarder for the next months but if the above state ments ere true, w hop tha case may o uispxMsso or, at aa an early a date possible tor it seems that old Sioux gelling oer attar of euch cases In past two years. LiUr we learn that Daw County is ahead of m, aa he stole horse and saddle from J. W. Risedorf of ( hadron, that thea would give Dawes County tha Brat trial. , li Co. of as the a London la still obliged to poiygiot cienu lor bar aMrcsatll Boutes. as tan Eagliaa too isldoai take tat trouble to leara foreign laaeafe "Mr Par pats triad bard to kaa from becoming an actor." Tha V). hub I ooagratalate tbeaj uecaat. Loaskn nt-CMbv English Shire Stallion Will makethe season of 1902 as follows; Tuesday evening and Wednes days of each week atAl Leithoff 's f arm 9 miles east of town, the balance of the week at our barn in Harrison. TEKMS:-$8.00 to insure colt to stanrl and euck; monjr due and payable at once in case mares are disposed -."of, or removed from the county. Dieckmann i Lacy The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON., NEBRASKA. DIBECTORS, C. F. Cokkkk, President. F. W.Clarkr. Cashi. Cha8. C. Jamksox. Ii. S. Clarke. A frr.rwr e Stockmen having use for a bank at thin point may rely oa us to handle their entire Hanking busines. We are prepared to take care of our trade at all times lQ00OfOooocec 1 m PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Druggist's Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. WISDOM Jr STALUOU Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE WILDOM JR., Hired by imported CLYDE. n. "will BTOTfCJU eight. SHIRE, weight 1,500 pound. PRICE: 8. 00, to insure livinir viif in.- . "t Stallhs. .11! he due ,d wil. aa7uT Z mssaa sm asA A. I a a tScaB w. wi fouiuvou i rum me county. EOBEBT ITPaT, 1 1 t-i w V. -