Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 01, 1902, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.
- .. S S M.. ... i . . , 5 . , ."", 4 - i . .. - , . . . ... . m .,h. .. j,. rf " i,,l i - a. A Mi. U .. hi 1. nft.f .1 'I' r 1 T V w I r : -Iff W' If 'J 1 - v. f
X. 1902. to a
Je 8turdivant was a Harris
last Friday and Saturday.
Mr. ami Mrg. J. R. Hunter were Harri
son visitors last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thayer
were Har
mon visitors last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs W. T. Jones from Andre!,
were Harrison visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Martha Hovey. from near Hewitt
was a Harrison visitor last Monday.
Just received: A new consignment of
men and boys clothing at OEItLAOHS.
.yVartin Carrol I left for Car; hurst, Wyo.
last Monday, where he expects to work
this summer.
yR. C. Lambert from Soldier Creek,
was doing business at the County Seat
last Monday.
District court convenes next Monday,
May the 5th, with Judge W. H, West
over presiding.
More and better goods for the same
money at Uerlach's store than any other
place, try them. 10-tf
v.... a ...... - . ... i
acres oi land joining the
village of Harrison; for further partic-1
mar inquire at thu ollice. 40
""'J surveyor milling renewed bis
allegiance to the Press Joi knal foi I
another year, last Monday while in town.
'A! lio are interested in base ball are
requested to meet at the sample room
Saturday evening at 7:i0 for Uie purpose
of organizing a team etc.
We are glad to announce the arrival
ofabovat Uie home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jens Jenson last week. Mr. Jensen says
,Jbm has anotlwr cow puncher.
! am now prepared to weave carpets.
10 cts. for hit and miss and 121 for
tripped. Warp furnished at cost. .
MkH. J. A. Thaykb. 38 tf
Charlie Leeling was in town Wednes
Jy, the first si me since last November.
marliesaysroi has been busy looking
alter tne stock which have done (Jne.
V Matt Hall purchased the Sarah E.
Blunt place last Monday which was Hold
at Sheriffs Sale. Matt is getting quite a
oc body of land together and we wish
run auccess.
ine Htate Journal of April 20 makes
the statement that governor Savage is
oot a candidate for election. His reasons
are he does not care to embarrass friends
or party. He stands by Bartley pardon.
V. W. Hamaker, assessor of Whittle
Creek precinct, was a Harrison visitor
last Wednesday, He reports stock get
ting along floe down in his part of the
country. While here he added his name
to our list of readers.
Jens Jenson has entered into a S year
contract with Mrs. Sarah E. Hunter, to
look after her ranch at Andrews. Mr.
Jsnsen Is a good man and we are sure
the interests of Mrs. Hunter will not suf
fer while Mr. Jensen is in charge.
Earnest Bunge was up from the Valley
yesterday and he reports everything mov
ing along all O. K. down his way. he says
t pulled everthing through but 4 head.
Earnest is a careful man and anything
in his care will wlaa ysget best of attent
ion J. W. Ostrander was doing business
t tlie county seat last Tuesday and re
mem ! red Uie Prmm Jot'KNAL man by
leaving him $1.00 to apply on subscript
ion. Mr, Ustraoder says there has been
but few losses of stock this spring in his
part of the county.
There are a great many Warrants in
the county clerk's office, uncalled for, so
when you are in town call at the clerk's
ffke for there might be 'one for you.
Don't be afraid to ask, for Mr. Raumjwill
only be too glad to see whether Uie re ia
ooe for you, or not.
When yeu lack energy, do not relish
your food, feel dull and stupid, after
eating, all rou need is a dose of Cham
berlain's Stonia.'h V Liver Tablets. They
will make you feel like a new man and
tjntyoii an sppetile like a bear, for
hr It? J. JC Phinney.
A. J. Bogart purchased the Barbershop
and outfit from h. L. Smuck We. n Mia, ,
and Louis V. Nicholson will do the to',,
sorial act from th.s time forth, so when
VOU need a shave mil at il... i.i i
. u,. um niauu.
Z. F. Antrim was a caller at our sanc
tum the other day and lie said he would
have to hve the life of tt homesteader
agam ax he had purchased the relinquish
ment of George Hill for a piece of Unci
Saiu'd domain.
We are sorrv to mile Mint M i w
. - v .... . .
Hunter of Hodarc, is seriously ill. r.
Meredith of Crawford was called by tele'
gram Tuesday night to consult with Dr.
Phinney, we ho, (, ln.iy I Mmvd
for years to come as the wife und mother
of her home.
is mny l;wiss school at Andrews
w .
will close next Friday. Miss Lewis
expect to ive an entertainment in the
eveninir for the benefit of her scholars.
Miss Lewis has taught one of the most
successful terms of school that has Isjen
taught in the County.
C. R. Pinneo, solicitor for Ounrnntee
Fund Life Association of Alliance. Nebr.
was doing business with our citizens
last week and he wrote up several nolic-
wicr our citizens. Mr. Pinreo is m,ite
. 1
" ceniai young man and not a lore
Kr ' roiny of our life insurance
as a
mr joiiy and wood natured men-hint
Loi,is Oerlach made a trio to Iktuu-I,..
lit.. . , . .
Wyoming lastrnday returning Tuesday
ann lie reports everything booming out
in that part of the country. He says the
town is improving and growing rapidly
mn, lie says Harrison is ,xd enough
for him.
J w. n.
Davis our genial assistant. Bank
Cashier was following the plow Wednes
....r him moiiiY treasurer Uavis savs
Will makes a pretty good looking farmer
We presume Will has been reading some
tl.in.r l ft ftl.-
i'in.....ii'innnniwi 1 ne rioe, so
readers don't lie surprised if we should
mention later on, of Will bringing in
some of his mammoth pumpkins, melons
etc. for exhibition at our oil ce.
xJaek Co
00k from Agate, was circulating
a petition amng our citizens on Monday
ior me establishment, 01 a mail rnute
from Andrews to Agate. Such a route
would be of great benefit to the citizens
down in that part of the country, as it
now is, it takes five day, so Mr. Cook
says, to get any communicatron from
the Connty Sent, and such being the case
we think it no more than right that Mr
Cook aod the other residents in that part
of the country should have better mail
1 he historical sketch of the Chadron
Academy as it apeared in the Envoy of
April 18, was read with interest by us
and while the academy is now in a flour
ishing condition it has had its drawbacks
as well as all other institutions. We
are glad to note the increase of the at
tendance for the present year. History
only repeats itself with the Chadron
Academy as with all other institutions
where too many changes prove a detri
ment lo educational work as in all other
work. A great many of our young peo
ple from this county have taken the ben
efit of this school and we can sav that
the work and management of the acad
emy has been very highly spoken of by
all the students that we have met and
esfsicially the ones that were desirous of
securing an education. May long live
the Chadron Academy and may its offic
ers and teachers continue to reach out
and make this institution one that will
long be remembered by our people of the
north west as one of the greatest educat
ional institut ions of the slate. Wo can
say for the teachers that have graduated
from this school and that have taught in
this county, that we have found them
thorough and competent in every resiect
and we hope this school may mnke more
of a specialty in this line in the future.
Whooping Cough.
A woman who has experience with
this disease, tells how to prevent any
dtngerous consequences from it. She
says: Our three children took whooping
cough last summer, our baby boy being
only three months old, and owing to our
giving them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, they lost none of their plump
ness and came out in much better health
than other children whose parents did
not use this remedy. Our oldest little
girl would call lustily for cough svrup
between whoops, J khMB PlNKKV lUlX,
Springville, Ala. This Remedy m for
ale by J, E. Pbiaaey.
foliar I
The Jamison nnd Crandall meetings at
the church are well attended. The first
lecture to men was given Sunday at 3:00
p. 111. The altendaace was large and the
message created no little comment. The
second lecture 10 men only was given on
Monday night and dealt with facts that
are stublsirti. The third lecture to men
will be given on Sunday, May 4, at 3:00.
Every man and liov should bear this.
Sermon for ever) body every night. A
sejinon Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and at 8 p.
ni. Lecture to nienal 3:00 p. m., Prof.
Crandall sings a solo at eacli service. A
large chormis choir gives one-half hour
to songjat the Is-ginning ofeacli meeltug.
We bear that Robert Dunn's eys are
improving. We hope they may be com
pletely cured.
Honos Wills left Wednesday evening,
for Hello Fourciie where he exacts to
work for ilie S. O. outllt this summer.
From the number of plows we see in
our cit'zens wagons every day going and
coming from the black-smith shop old
uiolht-r earth is getting an unusual
amount of tickling this spring.
Adelia Items,
Mr. Charles l.ing who bus been visiting
with relatives returned home S.tturday.
A. P. an J P. P. Roseuburg assisted
Robert Harrison in dehorning cattle lust
Sat unlay.
A. P. Rosenborg lost a line cow last
Thursday, was unable to learn what
caused her death.
yMrs. S. Swinbunk left Saturday for
Billing!, where she will visit with her
sister for a while.
Oeorge Minehart and Johnnie Miller
were down to Adelia Sunday visiting
with the formers brother.
Adolph Freel returned home from SAG
ranch last Wednesday, fie has been
herding sheep up there und will return in
a short time.
Stolen A valise cnntainin'f some very
valuable clothes, w hich the owner needed
very much. People be on guard with a
musket as things are often left in the
care of others and then take the satchel
and walk away.
Mr. Penny assisted by four other men
camped at Adelia Sunday eve while on
his way to his ranch with about 150 head
of cattle where he will keep them during
the summer. Ghernhohn.
News is very scarce this week.
On last Monday quite a number began
farming in earnest.
The annual school meeting will be held
in the East school house on Monday,
May 5. al 2 o'clock P. M.
The W. O. W, have their hall about
ready for the plasterers. It is a large
building and will be of great benefit to
the community as it is t be used for
church purposes wheu completed.
Mr. Church Sr. and his son Hial has
bought out Win McClung, so we hear.
They bought all of his stock and his real
estate. Win now is ready to go to the
understand that he will go to Arkansas. I
Miss Oral White of Uva, Wyoming, j
visiting her friend Miss Florance!
r'l.riutiua Kl.- till Ik. ... I
school in the east end of the district.
while Miss Ada Cnrn-s, who is teaching
in Douglas, will teach the West school.
Last week we said that the farmers
were busy putting in grain. Well we
were a little off, as it began snowing on
Monday nnd no seeding was done. Two
heavy snows last week reminded us that
winter was lingering in the Isp of spring.
On Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs
Lohr received the news of the death of
Mrs. Ixihr's father, Mr. Orinies, who
lives near the Node ranch, which occur
red at 5 o'clock a. m. on that day.
5 In Wyoming. 2
FINANCI Al e.TiTrurii
winibmbivi ur
CUtmpnii(J,1(f unprovKtcsl for i.
dipt from Urns Urvy
Estimuted onllnary exneiiMt of cou-
"'-y froi lUUiiUj. to J,ii, ijojt.
Amount decenary to Iss provided
Kotimatcd viiluutinii l(l:rj on l-.iU
to m i
tlxod by ucm m uiting 4oo 00
p-r cent of V nulls (ionnrsl fund
on above valuation 53o0 10
lo which add etimat.H amount of
collections of b.u-k t..xe tlmt
c in be truiiHfurred jjsj 72
Total resource
Total deHcIt ,m 2)
Wlilcli ,v iMwslbly bk met by transfers
from 1902 bridKe fund. On old valuation the
situation would be as follows:
Amount nucruury to rlne as stated
t770 03
85 per ceat of fc mill 011 5J0(ttj, 3i)7S 2,
Back collections 1155 72
Deficit '
turn 10
The above estimate of expenses neces
sary, induces only items that will neces
sarily occur in the ordinary run of busi
ness and nothing for extraordinary ex
penses, and the estimate of collections of
back taxes wmply allows for the coming
eight months double the actual collect
ions of that character for the last four
months. The 1901 fund is exhausted
and the county treasurer states that
there is nothing available to transfer to
the general fund.
And now the little birds have tol I us
o( anoiher incident concerning a citizen
of Hemingford that pleases us immensely
This time it is none other then a minister
of the gospel who wearying of an enforc
ed idleness occasioned by Hie mandate of
the town's Wrd of trus'ees, which pro
hibited public gatherings during the sup
posed pievalcnceto siua'lpo.v in the com.
munity, varied the monotony by begin
ning where be left ol! years ago, ere tli.i
love of Ood mid al! things true and beau
tiful was implanted in Ins booni, and
went to carpentering. What is there
that Kev. C. E. Connell can't do? As a
modest, unassuming, but eloquent
preacher Ik ranks up along tow.vd the
top. As carpenter he doesn't have to
lay his square and compass down to
many, and when it comes to writing a
newB item or an editorial paragraph, he
can discount many f those who imagine
they are specially gifted in thisdirection.
Score one for C. E. Connell-the preacher
the carpenter, the upright, whole souled,
generous, fair-minded citizen. Alliance
ScUtio Rheumatism Cured After
T ourtoon Years of Suffering.
'I have been afflicted with sciatic rheu
matism for fourteen years," savs Josh
Edgar, of Ucrmant..wn, Oil. 'I wasnble
to be around but constantly suffered. I
tried every tning I could hear of and at
last was told to try Chamberlain's fain
Balm, which 1 did and was immediately
relieved and in a short time cured, and
I am happy to say it has not since return
ed." Why not use this liniment and get
well? It is for sale by J. E. Phinney.
The Bridges Bros. Consert Co. went
East last iiiuht. they report having very
good classes in the different towns they
visited out in Wyoming. They wiil
take up a class at Crawford and we can
recommend thorn as being fully compe
tent in the business they are following.
Any town or place is profited by them if
they desire to learn vocal music.
Unrivalled Millinery Sale
EVERYBODY in Harrison
and vicinity is hereby invit
ed to attend our
Millinery Opening
at Harrison, on Monday and
Tucwlay, May 5th and 6th,
The Harrison House.
Great preparations have
been made for this event: the
handsomest hats by the best
designers, as well as the sim
pler styles for ordinary wear.
Children' Ilatw and Infant' Caps
ft Specialty.
j la raiiier make a Tailure of trying to
do right than iiMke a howling success
01 doing w rotig.
Our best friends would very naturall
OO prepare to tereiveaistf. Wie were st)jfl), U)
OS 1 their home. Jesus said, '! go lo prepare
a place lor you.
us not nest to wait till one feels like
doing belter before acting better. Do
something good and you'll get good, but
dou t stop at one thing.
It would be cruel to the honest man to
find no honest way of doing right, to find
n'i beaten pth wh-sre light lingers.
wnen uie oiessed Spirit of Ood comes IJe
comes to guide into all truth.
Bits of Jamison Philosophy.
A j .ckass brays but it thinks it en
lightens the world.
l lie best place for a man to make a
fool of himself is right here.
Man differs from the animuls in his
ability to make a fool of himself.
The fellow who thinks he knows every
thing is just about a well ripened fool.
Its no use to quit your meannesR with
out you lay hold of betterness or best
ess. The only pl.ice'in this world where
there is no friction and ierfact dignity-
is the graveyard.
Thi best way to get rid of the bad
that's in yourself is to take hold of the
lies'; that's out of yourself.
I'd rather be a plain, lean, Christian
headed the ritrlit wi:y than a big. fat
nourishing sinner headed the wronwaj,
I'd rather my bin' would have the
smallpox tbiin -'smartness." More
fellows suffer from sinartne.ss"than any
other disease.
'The common people lie-ird him gladly.'
Our meetings are for coinuinn full um-li
as liked to hear our Master. He'll 1
there. Come.
Every man is in favor of Ood doing
something for him if it is only to keep
the cholera from his hogs or the thieves
from his chicken coop.
The (Irsi. sermon Christ ever preached
to lii-sdicip!e i bjgan with-'blessed are ye"
I'd rather have one smile from His face
than the applause of the multitude.
The Christian al way s hopes for and sees
better days. I shall not always be so
weak. It will not always be dark. I
shall see Him as He is .vhen the light of
eternal day dawns. I shall see Him as
He is.
Jacob was left alone. After the night
of conflict, the breik of day, he limped
away frein that place with a new name,
new hope, new power, new vision. It's
a good deal letter to limp heaveuward
than lo walk erectthe other way.
'If it were not so I would have told
you." A true friend will warn us of the
worst danger and tell us of the best
things. So Jesus opens the vistas of the
future and shows us the Mansions.
"I will not leave you comfortable."
That's just the thing men need, comfort.
That is. comfortable thoughts, comfort
able ideas about Ood, the future, etc.
The Holy Spirit comes to comfort; do
you want him?
Talk about angels If I had the choice
between leading my children with angels
to minister to them and a Christian
woman. I'd want the woman; she whose
life is made tender and sweet by Christian
faith is the best angel a fellow can have.
I've known fellows who would follow
a girl to church every night in the week
and if he could not see her home he'd be
willing to sit on the barbed wire fence
and see her go by, but when they are
married less than a year she could not
coax him there with sugar beer might
do it.
It is a great opportunity for a church
to work in special evangelistic meetings.
Every church should have such occasions
once or twice a year. Now that the
workers are here, it is harvest time for
us. Those who give the most time to
these meetings will get the most out of
If a man could flinp away the frag
ments of manhood that's in him, turn
face away from visions of better things,
forget the cleaner and belter days that
were his, then he could be a beast, but
forever and forever he will carry witli
him flashes of a better manhood. Thai's
what makes hell.
AlsMit the worst thing in a meeting,
s for one to speak and say nothing.
"When you've got a thing to say,
Any III Ilon'l tnkn hslf a ilny.
When your tale's got little In tt
Crowd the whole thing In s minute!
Life Is short -a fleeting vapor
Ixii'l jrnu All the whole blank paper
With s tale which st s pinch
Could be cornered Is an Inch.
Boll her down until she simmers,
Polish her until she glimmers.
When you've got a thing to ssy
ssy It, don't take half a dsy t"
We are indeed glad to know that Dr.
Seymour will visit Crawford again, arid
he assured us that he will continue to do
so as often as occasion requires, ai is
date is Hatareay May M.
Professional Cards.
M. J. 0 Council, -
Co. Atteraey,
-Will Prar-tlc in All t'ow-U.
S"iul Attention Ulyea ti Laaa Of
lice business.
Collection and all business entrust.
ed to me wi 1 1 recel re prompt aUcBtlou,
Harrison - Nkbkaska.
I'hylsclan and Surgeoa.
All culls Kiveu prompt attention
Oltlce in Drug Store.
Prompt attention given to all legai
matters in Justice, County and District '
Courts, and before the United State
Land Ollice.
Fire Insurance written in reliabU
tlTLegal papers carefully drawn.
Hakkikon. - NnauwA.
Black Diamond.
Take Notice '1 hat my
Registered Stallion will be
at my horse barn in Harriwr
this season and one of them
may stand in the vicinity of
Bodarc part of the time.
Stockmen wishing the use .
of a Registered Shire or Per
cheron Horse should commit
their best interests by seeing
these Stallions before breed-,
ing elsewhere.
Terms: To insure ma'e with,
foal, $10.00
Colt to stand and suck $12.50.,
Owned by,
Clubbing Offers
While you are thinking of HubM-ribing
i or your yearly reading matter, rrnteiu
ber that the Prekh-Joi-HNAI. will tske
subscriptions to any paper on earth and
save Mlage and time for tou.
County Ms.
The Pkhsh-Jovrnai. lias printed a lim
ited nunilier of maps on Manilla cs'rd
board which can be secured for 10c em It.
They will also he given ss a premium to
new subscriliers.
F. K. M. V. K. R. is lbs
to and from the
F. E.. M.VR. a. liaeteble.
Going West. MngaVkM
e. I, mti4,....l:t Vet , wlssjei-...
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