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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1902)
I A 'V Marsteller Bros, Are ntnv prpfire1 t nliOw I'. 4 Hurivf. 1'jiV- OFFICIAL DIRECTOfT. 11. t'lftTKH H tl.WH J.-tSIUKKW, livp Ixtlnit., , Hvi fa. MKJKi R, 1,' iwt itutS li. KuHiWMtVj Ktin. 'Jrl tM. ' iTm. !iak Kb- H U Jo! Jus. "WiWila abllkt J I'.i.. (J..J M ft l,lH.iLtl .Lit 'I!! .loA'it l left ili4HrttT knlit , -i ll .-tt ! 1.U i ' W 3"" J 1 S3 m r i. 9 1;. hi r r $503 TiEOffl. pm-a uil Urn f tw5 Jwty j.artlMu'eullii Mrdi-d imruys " J " it .lov.k iliiitVuxilU tfdi.i'.W"'d " 0vII74-3- Vl'iriida pass h laf Jin Ki t lli-llf l,le oWJi Cuuut.v, KnUra jlOUti T. SSOW. vn Iwft nuuui Jder HrntUd .ou -left- uoMr juid CiilAle fjX ou AeJ J'tiljiluU, lwiuuW '.t ''o. l.fcOKliK (JH'ANKON, ifcaAt-le bliywilld 4ru .branded Lou -left rtirie :'er, aune-oii EqUHit vnik. x..c uiiM li un above tbeiuK rtr Wfrooi my fa-ikb, discovered by iiu- body jjl,iiif i ue Information will oe ie,w.ueii ' Adur, ri. Kobluao'b J.etrK-ft. jjuill T' 1 O" MtmHD9 Shwld lai Crtwk anal WUiUi Uiyr. .J)HT A- BASSOS Ainu HQ on u4 '-.TUttli-on )ir.tsid Mrri4fi 041 Jkt 4c. fostoflV:! IlrrUou 'b u XiftiHe of cnUJe. e riftit aide rt,t ll'-'f "tti to". Knt on WliiU) Kiver, nnar &U-H. ' rout y KdMrjw, fen JCebritekK. nud n Wi e-V 1 ilone . Hiieu ltue( (rrK. Ai drM, lr'p Cretck. Ue SUrk fw,. V- 11. llAJ-UKWy KoreiDiiii, Jilc;i, N-brkn. rMAKI.r NKW MAS, I Ilia Umnil rveiild in wvti wljre mill brnnded niy 4lw 011 Iff W' I t cHttle, ikwd Mir lu -ul iviu aUir rlKlUt er. Aleo Um mnui IitiiimI on Jt I53 ot I UoriK-i. bvloiiKK to the untlirljfiHm. Khukk ""M- Jit Sprlmft, roiiU purl lo - ' llii'rlmu. Bit!lruU- oi Kiftrf A stN 1 '" rt 011 mill And LollonJutT.nn rftidt (Of tuttl. 1 u UtV n :ft i.lef ie W k, And ikU "" oa left UI ium hip. Mn(e ou KnHMiny W Hter. I'tMtOfllMr luidnMM, lUrrlnon, Xetyiukji. 1 A ad hualdor and " , Hr-.WAKII. . ' T, j. A. Bath - ' .-i J l) I AlKtUll" ' . . Tiilu j 11.. j Y5Z "Pel E3i3 iu ki ilf. ak) on U-H si'i miM 'Ul jin"l 4ivrm' lUitutleU .on U41 --jlmulvt'- MU1H! iUl A'Ul .Avid Kirv-v, W v.o. J.. J..l.Nlt IB ut K Artlrt. t'liadrfm HrM' va matiw as mm left.-aioU.W,.. JJorwai iM-iiinl'-d it4j any ot above bi;iuU. AJdrew,.J. A. JvuskhKj llitniiMi, Nt'bniHkiv. (tie biKHUi'it v iu eut. slde aud H'jr ou eft Adrtt Kodarc, iXH'atfka. tJKIJT t O: Nr. VI. Uf t J.i 'lit'' lt jirU(oliJ-r or flank. Alxo Hitui'- bran tied PESm0" n,,nk 011 U:l I ildr. aiuiKfon ")'lof Viin Tiowi-ll crek, W 5 o .1 . . i "lrt oew-e lilrrH, UiirrUou, Neb f'n$tW l-uud-eU on WSl Ule. Haiie ou Hiimil-iK 'iA-r (rj-k. jTI. . AdflrrM Jlurrlson, yflw.ik. r'KAN K Nl lTO. I'M Me 1:liwteil Mhle ttwit mtioe ami iler 4 lioriM.'4i. on Ute U'i I ll'It nlioul- Alw Mlllljf lilt' ltcjr- tie nr bruiii'il lde Hlu.w Wr Home an UeMrib 11 box b-uuMl. ru4 f 'Ml . nil'! the ed lur hA4r, HarrlMwi, Ni'brmku. KiXIKICT f. SV.VAK. ( WAle ftriuided ICaiHCe ou EEs Alao fUle braked on Wit li eo.itdtr or 4dt, louitfe oti IMiinii( Water. V- o. Aildrriw AKi'te, kelfruokn. At"L KKOItf, Cuttle twinnVd aiif wlM're on )et l'le lit Uf antmHl. UaiiJie m I'rnl rl I . jiul :hi Addneea, Hurrlwn, N'Iitii fitlle brmiilwl Ail left idde. liUt branded TV " lOn ltlllp joK isIOUX COUNTY, Oive Dollar Per Ytar. 7E LAND fcCASE BIIXS hfllsiiHve bet-n intrutlucod Ai-wmtf tlwu-x.l jf the J)aUix of We JCvri iuMit Ttiv ar vry siimJiu- Ju iiiyorX and ttjur in vry 4il tie itfrrew in ttie effect tieV wouldiiavB ouewUn fmiililliiiii. iu 4li--rjiua i-iiuiUJ-y melH Uixl'a slulll W f.W it Jn-rKxi f raUff ttu ai'.ie if uyerunetU Jiiud lo 01 teeliulJ. TJi iiud J.tnJ o 1 Mjt" jtt to liOiuf-st:iJ uily iLlJ l falJ lor .t Ui ra.U two "sum j-r n' re, Xoe iii-ouiotw oS ti)? bili are, it.boui r.licin. ihejueu who no on u Ura ra;Uf 4iiod wbub lie tuljai:ot to hirge tracts of jarn-urumervt iimU. Thv 4bv iiewi ecurinjc the ajse of ttiiitiweruuiKnt lanU ii;ui cl then- coutroiluijf Uie vvuter of the fegimi. They Wuje a:la.rnie l.V the hu t that the iitlmmiMraWMi uaeil to ,,'itt!, Xhat H" !t:'H'l -i ro-ernmeut luittJ lmt.l rfown wHhw six! v Jv t Uiie. If this to mHv w.iHf.Ud in a very Uj;M they rewrj;ioa; Hie tiueo. Uee la ml JeaH iitti- Jvt what e.a-t eilb of tlJ brii wiirvethenall Wx-imao. 1 so Uat UjwhUt wll euUeiimi to ieae enough iu J 'O n'' l,,iu a awui; itbl- Xix in and penbai a litUe wore, lie will lie all J-ifctL't. J'.ut if be b:njn fH3B 0,f tiiaA el.vrhoareju (.tarting to ie a coii4v.m-y Sr hmif a'lJ family afld -i,o has not iM:jnred et murrb hind., he iJU:ertiJjly be driven oil of iusi- lie. Tbee adantaae avruni(t from tint; lurid whirh !-elou to a") he people wiU lie f.rever lust to hiui. An a n-su!t Jiun ..lred.f iadiihe wjil drU'a f'iM this westeiii coimtry to Wowe wnaeariuTH or.oie.raf faaMU tatlwr eu-a. Thi in x rull which so JuU;!liiA jjersion eaa dio.v. Whea these j..-..j):e iwe fr(;eiJ 40 tea- its-iu inevitnlile tint the' nmtn.l f t..e:o.Mly w'U utor Ul' aUy ioi tl !utod f tl","-'' -aUB 11-11' who will iheir wou.v W a1'1' -1a I iijiin iMJt of bHMtieK, iUr'Ui"lU:!J' , ..i,. TUi rejuJt uie.ius tuiw, tu" 'o uk1 busiues d ti wh!trn town will be fiured lutuul wh.alJe Jiru .-f 'a-t-ro hoo-se-, WhH-h i eiiivaUwl to wyu' t'-iai t.'xy niu-t. to out of liHuinen. UXn .lu wi.l h? fc-nefited the p;!HKijfi oX ihm land lr:Mii b.llf ... 1... 11 tirti t-i 1 iheeouill Moikuiaa try- iototret a Ktart iiUJi" "' ,,al those who ure now e!as-l amK rneowwrsdid afevy yejw aiio, (r. bunlV ooMUe niaJI country H.eN.haf and busiaey m-M who defjend irn tlie number or tu-toiuert who buy l"ro4u him lit :i lair lH;re ' f ' Jtthf1 must be ll man who own li Uirue holilini: and him hUmib. 5e Ihik nmri Ihat'you bume iie of CWdroii a-einteres:.d in (olflin or in it the W"aH uian wlio troniy yfHj ad w:iki"i it IrtKI.W hy hi f.res- nc for vnu to li.? It i He .m. thing ' liu Joua hovv wl'HrB Maivfli a4 if you want the roontrv de pr,PMnted, tiien Let it linwwn. f kou wnnt it otherwise .t w hijfli liwyM Siwukenio the ait nation ltin our r!resHnrtive in 0nsrr krwi. what vor sentiment re Tl lieo men rrf Rn-hviHe have pissed rewilnt' j denoNiaMnir the hill. Why annot the huftinuM men u (5liadroo do likewiw'i' yiindroninfl. The nUve ftietn are mir itiment and we feelUiat " jHisinenn tiian in all tne wns a w'elt a the wnall rmit men (dio.ild put forth fibroin effort dervnimw th hill n it u" tnl fnr ,f yon wait until it become U it il then i too late- J. R. HC?iTr.. MmcH branded ii liiflit Addre.. VA. Binrtw-r, Kwraroaa Ifarrlami, Jlrb. dd or till. Nortli-Westem LINC M. V. H .!. to anil f"-" BLACK HILLS, T4T: tim ti ;K J. trr, ieHwr F- J'TKCif, 4overnr Ari5X, W. MAt.Hj fcfKtffinrv of Mine 'HA8. "Wb-t Auditor IhiU. Acm. w . m ti K T'iM-uriT v'. K. Kwvklf.k, siipt- I'uWUe luetuirtvon yiiSi"K'PfiH t, KT5rTT'iysr ,n.iioK Kern'MUt, Iaiiii. piiU. JmjI ud bldg chx avx otMcKK '. J. A. Kaih. fbrk Jons t. ! i. 1riMMirnr W . J. A. Kit , t'li rkf lHrW-t t tmrt .J. K. Ill he, Sipt.f Public l!ltrirtKJU J. tt. K liH.LL,, JuHtf JES Ievi, lt IHtrii t J Lewi, jiid r.vwU-U-t Mme. Pu Es-.-r:1, ianil'i-'.e wo man, but FiMillea the ener ef-' - -t ..f l,v ni-erdiess. 2ht 'ui always what would, in the slang w La- j dv, be called "futsliy areeu. T,.rr,M?,ni was formerly a qwrcl- ome pf-.rson of sJtr s1, wid the 1,-cU of gaiiautry of trie to oas itpd the word to tu pretext sigaii.- .cance. Mrs UUver Ames uujipurts at her i,'n expent a full brass band at the Oliver Ames Htgb School of North'on. MaKS., an institution of ber c pjuiiBi and prov-imon. Tt lsillivna'.M'a l'riA The billionaire's parting prettjjt Vy cbildrr-n. l!es you! And renifm tr tl is, "Lay something by every j yrar, J it is ceJx a few millions." LiXe. y "i;T MiMir" Inr rmriH. This is the busy Reason with tfee cojriird.-tfiouer of paUntg. Tbe busy season in tlw jiatftit oUce Invariahiy CKMirs Ijttweeii I)wjiber and April, Few -escnld rlresru of a -busy season In the niatter of aTiplieatiotis im pat riijs ani would nrturaiiy mipp '.ise that alxmt the sump nntnher were filed one Mvish u aaotlwr, but W-'li 1 njt rase, C:k- d:iy." say.c an exchange clprk 1 :t Philadelphia departraeot 8tor, "aa c;.; f.;j;rw from llw country am up to rny desk. ad, laying 4owa a pacls-- tail: Young man, here's a !t of i.r-f'envear ttmt 1 bongtit tere nerrj years ago. It 1 too snail for nv, and 1 would Yikc to have !t exchanEed.' 1 v fhunderstriK at the nerve l the rnin, h::t I managed to sa- oaieth!r.; stent the time limit on such transac tin:, WJ. B?id he. J'l know that. but I've ntver liad 'era on. and this )a tho fim time 1 ve been 19 town siner the day J bougut era. ftpecifie for twnallpol, 1 the struhpox epidemic pf 3S71. Mctbcr Oonzaga, matron of the St. Jo rfph's Orphan Asylum in Philadel phia. Edr.ilnlfilered a specific which she declared not only made those takjue It iLijnune from smallpox, but ViH a cure jor the diHcase. Mother Maric-Jo.v-pliKii, no conceded with the lj,s j.ital. aaya that th" mlxfure In tttii Jn use there. It consists of cce grain of ;iilT;h;.te of zinc. je grala of fox glove, mixed with two tablMpoonfuls of water. This again, wnen inoroun !y dissolved, is added to four cur.reg of water, aqd a teaspoonful ulica every hpur for twelve hours. A- K.KKSXKH1, 'iiIv IWhiiiIp Hioulilitr y.O. AAli rnfcird, rTin, r.X. HAMrJ, Mttu ;( rl'lr Jnti. Water KiuiKe on It mi A.UIi. AyaU. N.'l). A.T. IHi.llMt Uriiu4 aiuIai rLoil li WMBBBV m ir iu of ratne llriMW amue rlKhl iili.Mildir, ut out rirl ar lUi I mi v ii , un Kl ( er. l'ol OlOce, Ulva tlrlirakka 4XM AVK II AKKI cattle nraa WWI ;f 1 ,Hl fJ V.H l. I lfi"ir !!. ijjjf i i "i Hiine on I - "U"t Wl""r Cattle braade4 AmUi rllpo'rf. Kim. m ELI It is jjrob'.piu ftol-vod in fcilicrf!iiv(Mny jt!4Mii.d idnie baliiiit'e uH the ir.d of the year when Si-la U-tiool SL(m are purebaiie'! exc!B-Miv;-lv for the cb.illrer.. No nmr.ufanturnr in the world buiiiis line f hIuhs a -eKt-'r'sive d urahi bandsoiuo tkl low iiricivl ios tiie fcJelK Chiidreii'ji Slioef this year. Look for thi?n of "Sclz." It niArb the PopuIarQuler, Solz Shor-B fr Mwj.VonioB d4 ChUdnen are K,ttinfactny ,iSIkkh Pji;e (Qaaiity Coiuton- ri j: S sFI 7. SCHWAB 5c CO. 1 ,rcf ,t MaiiL-f arturtn o Eftrts iThe Oommerc HARRISON. DIBBCTOBS. Cais. a Jamais. . JL S. -x.akkk. A. McGislk Stockmen Uanuj? for a to U3ii.Je lhfir j,We suv juvpajvJ i tab' THE PIONEER 7 l'iintis. Oils. Vrirniles JiOOk.S ;i!Hl tSTA'HONARY, ' j. E. PHJNNEY. ProtxktK. I V. I ' ,V.- ,"-A': ' ?--'irr iwiiiii JI. . STALLION PEDIGREE W.ILDOM .IK., Hirt't ly iiMrM----4.x k). to itiHitn nervier of Stallion will be dir.' man h arc')fM or rtniovt'I irom tin- county. " A neilihor mo in with ft WUe of Ch inilierltiMi'H Col ic. ' Iiolerii anil Iinr- ihoea lli-inedy hn my win whn mi O'er inn with aevi-re i riMi" and wiik (iven no a lievorul liope by y reirular liyai'- i in who olniid., Inch Ui hid mifeeion. After nlinifiiterin!f thrwt Iown of It. mv ton reairM-d I'niiM iouaoem ai'd reeoverwl ertirely wnhin I my.foiir liniri," .i. Mr. Mury IliiUer, id" Ml. Crawford, V.i. Thia KotlMid)' in for le by i. V: I'liinney. Reliahlo man for Munuerof IVam li OllJr I'D wnJi to oen in thin v.i iniiy. Hera ia it (food onin4 for tlto riylH - r '(;i auunuiis i.ld! ui ni i aia law acOQOI vn, Kindlv iv k'"J refWeiwt whun'at the commencrrucnt next June. i in afriliiii. T, A.iU)RTt: VtlKf.K4!.E II0Uid CISL'IMXATI. HW. IMimtrated catloflM 4 ;W, staoi, M SeU'-riivsl.'' .CHICAGO and 5hoc in World. NCSHASKA bank at thU i'1nt nay rely t eiitire Haukiuj? !MNitic. --'- i.'ar of ur tratje at all l)i:e PHARMACY. Will make the season a t my place on Monroe Creek 7 miles north-west of Harrison. hnpnrtwl CLYMl Dam trm- living f-xtlt. Tlu rnonfy for muI payable at ont-e in caw ROBERT KEEL. Vail Paat Mrda Qrinf. The peat lo(!3 of th German emplr tre etlinatd to cvr 4.942,000 acre. To make use of this fuel In a prod ta bit way s a problem for science to aolva, t Mark mt m Chaafa, Siberian miners are to be pnt ta work In fonatpr Clark's Woattoa cop. er mine. It may aot he so much at a change for tkem after all. Naiietor Lode Ut (!) vr Addraaa. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge be been chfrtcn and hag accepted the Invitation In deliver the annual arirfraaa tr th. SanMlarittl f ' a. Senator Tillman celled Senator Ber. ei h'te a eraaahnnnrr diirlna a Aikn. kj-- A A K3 ill Bank. In the senate tae other day. Thla l the highest torn Pf 0atorjJ cptaT). fy noir, i i i , t r f, O. Addre , Hafdand, br. iifdir wkiuk. rwiM . i .