Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 24, 1902, Image 6

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5 Cent
Cfemo Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted
UleGlrl Roraa nrr ajafcy aaet
VaikirlT rs.
Vtb. Alvendlie K. ShJnbrTfffr ol
PoajswiiiJe, i'''-, pixjuil i,f oe she
ynnagfxn' moLJie-r in tbe but a
mtwrB.l.fe on th pjrjUiiO of ber father';
laeue-, Ca (Jurta laLrt-t. and t. ug W
hrf fra.i?, ui (-'irii-'S i.U kikuuh fome
uut ni.ou.d be r'rt king her iiiM-ud of
Ctif fa- li-JJ n". Mr. Shi -r olrrser
km oa'.y 13 jvUid o agv, aint ht-r guwti
xtuc&iy reath to hr iboe tup.
Afiter tlie cersuwnr w lsicb united nt--r
to SheUkiibtrgOT v ho 'is 2 years oM,
ajjouit year apu, eh wem ba-k lionJ
Uid pl'jyd witii her douV.
Xtx. (uiiwi Air. .Jjb Sn-.'jI. the parent
tt aire hbfi.-enb?r. of a- urdy
l'tnnisylvanh I)uw:li WUK'k, and were
awejwe to tbe weikiing of tli";r l;iii(,'b.
aesr to young- Jl..r.it Sl:'iiifiilerjfi r erf
Ljpwt i'a.tjfi.ve. Wit; the prl it
went c-:-is tf love at firwt jglw and
W bt raJtUd h b'T ooaW told
hm of htr ailttti.tt for ilomce.
Wl n she. rn,,.irUd U her p;trJXoS
tivi r-he tiB Kfingr to be marred iiey
rar rvfc-d st tlK'idVh toik. However,
n o'; Sh:t;enlTger fretrjueoXiy, nd
be Hive for tlio jotin fjirmer grew.
Be pjiuded with lr. SttfU eonsrot
etjitUc DiarrlJg'e, and, a she hai bweo
married at an ou.r!y aye, sb finally
Drrad MrtasOlel Motda.
pi'rl Kove a horror of broom,
tag a'd maids, but lb feaf th
drtadfu.! f. ljf 'w frhe.rc k lalenae
ui thf Freneh province of Bretaoe,
(br Armni: vi the cawlenta.
Trom aH p.icU of ihi pictiineMjue
and peculiar land Iwtrrtteit petltio-na
aa rf-oijKtuii'tfy rtHing to hiwwn m
the h- t n jrdlng off this dire
Th; pure and spvitK St- Ca.;harifte
attf the motiier in ber eei-;il charge.
)nrt lorwC aalrvt, Uuirec by name, m
hHlieved to poel g"'it influeoce
with KL Cjit.ta.i'irre, and therefore h
m prt'tbed. into wrvfee ittieroi -ear.
On SL Gulrec'a day. the 23d g
IHwcjuber, every utmratrrafd wonan In
HieJtmjrne who " her twenty-fifth
year approaching ni bringing no
honband with it, addjrWani an mlixvt
foyer U thU aaonize4 rattrimonau
sv oV
A BM-ortte mrtbrxl iof arjtracLiog the
ft y nan' aWewtioa km, to nay Use
I, at, peculiar. In the middle ct Of
Ciat srtoor of I'iiiUDJiitac Vbere it
le chnpei. tconHwiaiiiar wnodea inl
aw of M. Outowc. AooordtM Bra.
tja belief ftH who oticka av oodaa
io the boh of Uh gr on 8U
CJolrK'i day M mi to bo nrrrad b
ferc the and of the year.
Xb fire of the aiavooaof. however,
ika their ptlfrlaaiff to the abriae
m ft. CmbmriaVti dhvjr. April 30
rtvad t tb ohwf
Citm art word of aappJicatioei to
Co oatat atshor ohMd or mleAtr. hot
Cumber f I
nl sgk Mr nil k ,
, rsEM f nCi mm! ikrUf
Tobacco, in aecuring the, preeenta. ONE TAG being .qual to TWO CREMO CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOT
wu.w tfeiD k tastlT'wU 1 (ns!kw,J l
b.j our cj sobandjt tooo sands t ' Vast y W to"''! no bawds J 1 leoBANpa Jf ,r ,001. ,
. boo bancs .yJ ,T ''-a xcza uirrT m ? a
WOO BANDS pSDHAa skun 20 LI 1 A "loesit- L. ," Tyr ejKVFW Su(..hor laMlaj fVl f SH r 7 A miM
JeT1"" " a-.j
lLL2il 1 1 I SMOBAMDS uno a00 sands GTT-- -e'.:as.
(Ri. Pvt. A)
Cremo cigar Rands and Qld
contklnina BANDS or WRAPPERS, and forward thtm by raglatarod mall, or
tiprtit prepaid. Bo auro lo hift jrour pachago accurclr wrapped ' and
properly marked, oe that It will oof be lost la Iraoalt. Send band or wrappera
and request for presents (also request for catalogue) to C. H. Brewa,
4241 Felaaaa Avenue. St. Loula. Mo.
Ate Up et.
"I remeiuler once hearing a fellow
low, who t-miiiig uiLDjureu out of a
r(iluy wreck, worked ike a deainoo
to justJiiJt his lea fot'tuua'te fellow pd.
Menders," aud a railway otluaiil 10 a
htwt in th OiiKuonati Enquirer,
'"All the tiime be wan ai work, how
ever, be held ooe band to his collar,
and, when A wtais over, o;e of hU com
panion d-iiiovereii that he, was h l.i
ung nife'lrt to hia in.-t.-k t.e, wbi-h he h id
been in the act of tying- when the
coition ix-'cii rreil.
"1'eople act very queerly when they
ere. or "UWiik they une in danger.
-1 know a young girl who hid
learned to uu'iiii qiilti wt4j. atid ;ne
d'ay ehe tried to aw-liu ar.ro a river.
'Ihere Mire plenty of jK-ofile about,
antj tbe ifirftaiwe wa tun great, but
when tdie w.au half way at-ros Horne
one cjiUd out: "Jiow deep in ll?" .-he
Utt her Htl dowiu and, of course,
found sbe w'afi oift o fber depLh. ln
siantly he luJt her nerve ajid sank.
She eanne np oaire, tried to Kcreain,
bii!t itbe waiter elioked her and down
ghe went airaln.
"A nun n-aliiiing that something
waa wrmg, jnmix-d tin, clolb.at and ail,
lnd pnMl brr out. He wim none too
fXHtt for hire, was uneoiiwirloiu! when
he pulled ber up. It was the heer
fright of knowing thit she wi.kS out of
hor depth that cauned It all. a other
vviiie there waam't the alightejrt dan
ger." A Kipttnc "d trri HUrT.
Mr. Itorrle wa one Aiy at Waterloo
KMion to a hurry to catch a tralm.
He wa hastening from the h-wkstall
Uaden with papeia, "a good many six
penny onns among tliem." be dolefully
relaiu, when. In rnnbiig around the
corner h fell into the arm of Kud.
yard RipBng, equully la a tearing
hurry. They torned on each other
wtth arowrtng faeea, then nl!ed In
recogoiliim, and asked eneh other
whithnr he wernt, Tlira Kipling, ex-
e1arfniinff, "Lucky beggar, you v got
pa.per!" eidzed the bmidle from Har,
rte, flnng him axime money and made
off. "But you didnH slop to pick up
hla Olrty Waif pence, dd you r quenea
one of M r. Barrle's hearers, amu-rdlv.
"Didn't I Iboughr returned Itairrie,
and a.ded rtiefnlly, "bi.t he badn't
flung me half enough."
Cabbage crop In Europe are gen
eraMy short thla yearj and this coon
try is betng called npon to make up
the deficiency. Truck fMrdmui In the
oelghhorhood of Ily City, MJeh., are
reaping pert of the henrftt. Tbe heei
crop there waa poor hat year and the
paroeocni gtave Hup, planting cabbage
laatead. Bat for the euorUige abroad
ke ItfcUfaa morkot vmuld have bran
msdly oreiwtocked but tbe rrower are
Wppiaff their produc to Germany.
One of the moat important indoa
triea tatbe Bahanm islands la the
Catherine: of pink pearla. tl la tbe
easy pteee sa the worbj wbara ptak
naria are foood. Tbeae paoria, whoa
tsimt, brtaf nry la
hZX nZl 1m wmm tnm CM
The above
represent the presents to be given
'Ailirundark'4 MuriMjr Irciiba
Muuibl, IH..1 ill 11. linu.1.
' John I'iunybly, who gu.dcd the Rev.
V. ii. 11. AiiK-iIiy uifo.uyli .be .dirou.
dacks wb.11 Uie Ui-v.kt was laying ttie
lounduttion lor lis fueiualutg 000k
on tha-t wLO- rness mote ibau Uj yei.s
ego, tied 'i-iieii'..y. Mr. .Murray now
tiling lI';ii-llo;'d, tonu., b-8 pr pared
u, aiev lfio.-ure 111 l,d-Tiiii Life and
litudea in l he AdiToiukitk, In -wh;c!i
he juy tliiK .ribute to b:. old intnd:
"jle langht me a JaUiikbS knowl
edge of ibe woovis, -she rr.uie iTid 111.
lure of piaiK and herb ond tret, tbe
-mgijuge, of '-be ui.ght d tbe oc
culiibin ,t Kllcr.i piuut and HouridVts
shure. 1 blundtr.ng.y expou-nded to
him tiie knowledge of this tk ti, -the
113 mm of stars, f pjaa;ji and em-ti-ll:lfnc),
cad at 'the sp eair beyond
iliwt was !nvi.-JIie as y-et, and wou.d
forever be unvil eyta became c.earer
and pudttr. Jle hud a most gentie and
niamnerly retiierace, and that ewtet-it
of aFl babita in man or woman ;he
bauit of Conwe-lenoe. He cculd io X . Jd
, l;ea ud hocrr. and way noth-in.
II ra natured for reception of a. I
fine irm.pre?ion Xhrt come to tbe best
and the finest ot the earth out of ihe
ska depths of wotdA land tbe quie.
tude ot f-iT-reachi-ng, moon-llgh:d
wafers. IJUs kowledge of woodoraft
vnatj inl-uKive. He knew tbe poia:s
, of the coinpass sensationally. He waa
Ian a-torn wbote na irre myB'erioua'y
1 hefld in reoijTocal TOimeerton with
tbe magnetic trumwls of 'i be world.
In the dnest woods, on the d-jrkest
nilglus, he n-as never bewild'Ted, nev.
er tut hilt. He was lnleiTidf rA of
un, or moon, or u'ans. lie rouid lay
his eoirrse without tslgM. All irailx
were Mazed tr;dis to him. Jni tbe 4an-
' gle of swamps, in the horrible ln'er
tiieing of windmills, amidst dark net
which made eyes vaCn, he held sieidl,
ly on to tbe course that could save.
He Wa the only guide 1 ever knew of
: ediiher race red or white that oould
not In any circunota-oce Umr hlin-
eelf or hl wyy.
"1 bey tel. me he Is dead. It is
troyed to ihe l;it tree, tbe nionn.
tains crumhled to theKr Une, the
Kakesend tmitm dried np and wood
Ufet are furgoMen, w.U the aaying be.
come tjet, or John Ilombly was so
much of tbe woods, the moumtakn,
and the Bt reams tint he peraonafied
them. He was of type thai la
deathless. Merncry, affeotlon. Imagi
nation, 1rtrratirre, until tbeao die ihe
groat guide of the wood wlU live
with evnrmlarglnf life as tbe yara
are added to years aad the lover of
out ure and of sport multiply,
"Thou remember tbe signal I was
wonted to rive thee when coming up
tbe rtver thtongh tbe miat and Ihe
g-loomlDa;? Thou abaM bear ibe
Oohoea of tbe piece later on, as I am
born dowaV the rtver men boat oa but
onoe, aeeklnr Mgam of the short
where too Mat touund qutat earn,
Honest Johns Hasppy meetlnf aad
food cheer, Ood giuM, an, old friend.
And goodly aoaU wH Joia w the
fmn 4tnm avway, atad tbe fallowabln
of wotd aovara avad wood amat will
Virginia cheroot 'Wrappers
OUR. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, of present for 1903 Include
many artlclea not shown above. It contain the most attractive) list of
presents ever oflered for bands and wrappers, and will be seat by mall ea
receipt of posies- two coat. -
Our offer of present for band and wrappera will zplro November
30th. 1902.
Cigar Company
Conldu'l Afford to 4b. nee.
The I-ite l'rf. Sbu-;tlcwoi th, a, well
licjvn Eiigiloh sciiobx, Ji fond of
refcillug a b'uory illu:ral4ng ltow tick e
a thing young love ome t.mes is Tbe
professor was aclfing one time as the
cieik cf a cliincli in levonsiure, a.id
wjs taiikd Uxiito jrroci-aim she bins
of a young Jarmtr an.i a vill ige inaiu.
en. 'i'wo weeks afterward .he io-Ik.-tirldegrconi
called uou tn proftsvr.
"Vou fiaid h" bins fur me?" usktd
tiie man.
"Vis, fij-lled tbe profeKSor, "1 re.
"Well." tbe 1 Tiner, tafi-r an
awkard pa;w " tin-re's nay nuy f
chanp-e it nu".'"
"Why. wb-.it do you mean? 'ask' d
the ayionlsb'd iirafjssor ."Vou're not
tired of the gtrl, are you?"
".No," Bii.d -be bn.ibgrom. "I!nt
I iike ur Boiler better."
"We i." rrp'i d the p.-ofcsor, "If 'the
orlgttit grt doesn't nJnd, you can
Dj..'Try the sis er."
The young farmer weiK sway
happy. 7"wo days latr nd he was
bc-k again.
"IVil me, elr," mid the farmer," uf
I nurry the gusirr, wull th' b-in have
to be called again i' the kirk?"
"CePtainly," rcs(onded tbe profes.
"Ay, but wtjM It cost me amother
three und axpenee?"
"Orfalrtl'y," n the answer.
The rustic deateratod for a
u'e. "WiiR. then, mister," he
finally. TH no nmke a change.'
And so he nnrried the first
after all.
twlft'e aairrlran l.lrl ( alanaar.
(hie of the nrnflt a'ttractive esalen
d.i..n of -the nw year Is "Swift's Amer.
iean Mrl Cu'lendair" now being sent
out by Swift ujid Comjaany. Una
cvalitHllar contain foirr heads, In
rich, striking, bandan; and harrnon.
ions cotton, representilng the faces of
the typical .iineriojn girl durWig
four periods of Ameri.oan lii ory. Tbe
lira fm-e, that of an Indian mutden,
rejirew-nta the neriod of diseoveryj
the second, the face of a. l'uritun
Van, repraenits the period of settle
ment; the nil ml, tbe face of on
eighteenth cattury beauty, represents
the colonial period, while the fourth
we readily recognize mm the tace of
thut peerleas personage, tbe Anv-rtoan
girt of today. The ealendwr In fca en.
tlrety la a work of rt worthy of al
favored piece In every
cutture and refinement sboimds. The
exact sire Is Jxl2 lwes. It will
be sent prepaid to ory axldreas for one
oap from iar of Hwlrt's lleof Eaimacl ;
or ilea Wool Hoap Wrappers; or ten
cat rte Jn stamp or money.
flwJtt and Com privy ore atao aend
ang out a Siock Calendar. This is a
targe aad Isiuitooro wall calemlar,
aurnraanted by a farm scene la cotora.
TtV oaieadaT will be sent free to any
Ja writing for either of Ibast eslen-
addrees, Adrertlsmr Depart.
srl(t and Compwor, Mock
Tarda, CMoafo.
Carajaati Csaipauj'a ar aaoga ar
saflsawtsd at HtjmflM m fear, wttk a
( Flacr Operation to Cnlorallo.
! Tor more man a year pat tiie at.
tcutiin of C(ioraifc ii .n .o lia be u
I o.reo.cd toward lli! j .in vr c.erai.t n
in iiieckenridg: cm . Th.: ev.r 1
j compa.ii.ei wi,.i h bae i eu at wiu
tl.4 year are ie,.ini .n i.gar.i ti .h;
reu".t of liie eraMiii but enough U
kiJwn 'lo rentier it rea.-Oii.J4 iJ ft'.
tiln 'uiiai. there w.li be a bu:;m in .b?
placer ground of Miuimrt county. 1 be
Aorth iiMcr.c;n.. i.oi i.r.:yi. t"-"-pany
coiitii.id iu i.;u-ra.:i a .o u kiu
Ked arm ol its tu.u t:ig.-, au.1 bns ob
taintil leuiarkai.k- nieii,, ibe values
from one part of the Icrriiory run
ning higher than j ever bcf jre
found in washing with hydPauWc n a
dailies tn tbe &a r.eU Tbe bet record
waa ninde by tbe Mecoa. couapajiy.
wliach ciearMKl up more than loriy
pounds of gold dur.ng tbe wjaoa at
a. very handsome jWoliU Ouher ooui
Ktijics a.io report gixl rtmiiiu-, and la
coiiHcrjuerice n grai ia.erait is bo;ng
tiikeu uy ean;ern in vectors hi Colotado
play'rs, Uie tnquiriua for plac-r lauds
Waving been largely iincrejicd dar.ng
the lutil few week. I'ark oouny w.il
come tn for Its sli.re of the expected
boom, u there are large areaai of
ground currying pay grave,, tnveat g
liona made 'this sei.avou i-h.wuig va.ues
of 1.5 1s 50 Ci-nus a-r cubuc yard. Tbe.e
are thounandia of lc ea of laird In Su n
natcind 1'ark com.-ii.-a that carry god
vrliiut And of Khe entire acreage that
is know to tie valuable uott. more Uiaiu
one -third, la r)w hoing oper-ai.ed.
The Drover llimcs.
Japeswae To.
Tli ere are no people iu the world o
iond of toys aa the Jap.ie, but tbe
pretity trlnea give dnairuction aa we 1
a amusetisent to 1h.e who pLay wlih
ilM-in. One sort of playing cardai have
printed uon them lOu scraps of clae
icii poetry ,by which the rud-lmemU
of tbe art of veratfiQuton are expected
to be snculeiwted. Anotiier set is of na
tural hintory cjinls, to give inauruc
tiion iu the iiuiim and forma of ani
mal a; and still another la especially
intended for glrte, affords examples
of women who have celebrated their
virtue and noble qualities. Ho far
as both tops and kites are concerned,
the young American or Kuropmn is
on ignoramus compared with bJj Ori
rntai rival.
Among the ba bins' toys U a moo
tlaatt feeda from a liowl when a IlUle
mbno atrtna; b touched, lowering
Uje Bm ,on)r 1 in quit a Ufc-
tike manner. Another is a small cyl
inder, Into which one blows liirough
two a mall reed tubes, three bell of
pith being kept bobbing 4n a bit of
a cage over tbe ey Under by the
breach, while a cut In one of the tubes
prod line) a ahrtll whistle. Another li
a little man who Is made to jump up
a long oMek by a bamboo spring, and
still another U a wooilen genrtlemswi,
who rtdesi aVma; betweon the wheels,
being aiMacbed to tbe axle with a
heavy base.
Further aVvlees for toy purposes are
kaleidoscope boxea, wKb glasss topi
fiHed Iks enphoarda, with various
bouse boid utr nails In mlntaUirr, aad
baw wttb abot atr toaans;.
Hot lo Vlalte Tr.
The fdaor of the f yton Obeerver,'
Mr. J. Kergiwn. ho f.r nenrhy twa
gmira?.V:n.-, hni iei-ii a rft dn ui of
( eyl...n '3nd a ti.d. if f t i. furuMtavi
the f-.llC'Wlng rccij.e for the infirn,
wliitb tt boenia t-J me tan not lie Iuj
provej' up.n:
1. The w:st-r to be lulled 1miiM
be fm h eil'.d pure, ni a soft ts pro.
cura b!!.
a. It whould r bilcd in a p.m-fe-,
y clean kt Uie, and tiot dciin d t be
U.4ling uttiil tbe water throbs) anal
thnovB oiT Ktftifn in pre f union.
3. Klrc-i make the tat Ik, thea
ptiir Into it tbe fr..b!y bollivl walec;
af.er tlulw et.rt w tbe tin a- tnMioin.f'd
for eneh cup of lea .n tiie top of ths
wateir, whon 1; will graduu-Hy eiuk. In
ttli.e wvty the iiw w.fi n Ire
svii!d41 ik1 the fragnance will be kejt
tu tie Ixst. The winter should be-n-
an h sn as it lolls, and rv dllowod ta
b.o.joine f!3it by overb.rlling.
4. Maximum time uf iufuafan 0 be
five mlni:et
5. The inutlon (rrt doaVB)
alioald be decan'jed Into another aia
pot, fiixt nad ht for is reoepttefl.
1'repand in this way (if a "onwjr" Is
unod) te w-ili renva.in hfft and pfcaa
snt and who!eonie t"r more tbaa
double the time it would were oofct
Ula.po.tS ud.
6. Do not tme jpent lve for a
e0Dd fuwion.
Hall wf TraOlrlu la.
A Rue Cnn papv r given aninftBrewaag
inlght Into the way they do thing oa
tbe in w MtUvriavn railway.
A rndfchaivi recemiy t a earaoad
of fruit tnorn Irkuask to China. The
rallwuy chatrgvai waa 170 rubies, bat
the to ri..wav officuii.a ajnoiinard
to 120 rubiea more.
Tipping or "grenJing," as tt ia (xiarl
in hibtrla, hi a -tax trom which a
phtron of tbe nadlnviad1 im exempt,
in Uie cate meaoitiloned tbe ftnst als
ti a, nisi U-r tbe iif uvhuut il i e
Ijitlwl car waa "tswk," ot dieabled,
and would huve to be eadtitnacked for
"How long wi-H nt tuke to make tBkS
repair?" tbe nwclianit ked.
The mrrrhant started, for a week
delay meant the sfMHng of his oarga,
sod, lawidi-s, It waai ordered for Imme
diate deJimry. Hut when the fralt
di tiler bad '3 ppfxl ten To fifteen mbiea
into tiie otho'ai's hand tiie latAer found
thnttheyiir whj wi ll enough loMr-.
M the DPxt ctaaion tbe oar fell IU
ctfj a i ha-t'.i) lie pri i"fi 'I to hrfikih
In tbe same manner, and Oil prOoraa)
wum nrai.ted rvory time the train
IirW tnerrhMvtH have teeome aami
to tbts "gre.ing" birHnm and atmpiy
add (he snwnint to ihe price to tbaVr
wuk srrtKit the onmrumer pays the
Irelght and the taps " Weill.
One way to Keep Cool.
Vs I.lf le Jim, bow csn yon nub
around and ptsy so hard la this hot
Jlrs Aw. ma, Maln't bolt at all; ana
asm Tommy Tlbb hat been Btam
aaas mm ta a WuuBM-d.
, J : -,. ' . ..... " . .. I.-.. ,
I K , -Sr.
f v 1