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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1902)
(11 '. C '"'"v pi .- -If !t 5 i I ? I. - r f , 3t . t 14 j 'i f 14,11k ferajsB, yaw year, awry miUm m'TwaJova II ever the otoke. It ef sy4ag.Bowr for, yon Vnr tk tid euartetjoa ef any party iMHTttMrtaaHacwAWIcwIiiffMy ImmU b stock totoaflag to the anderataw .d Vr rCl 117, 0 " a left Ji, an f t kip of Cattle. IM taRce. Hewitt, tkms Cwontv, Kebraaka. JOHH T. WOW, ; s lift hai- fder kwM on h-r hOaH-r aot Cattle F. left "Win. Post Oasre jajdw in, . ;-! Patrick, lraniter. tj UKMRtiR SWAKWJ.1. Cattle brandeaj tm left able ilBu Waom aaaSbaei on let ebon Rdr, rahemWnwt'reHb. " ' - Any teek taMMaftkoM hate- estrsy fraa iay tanftW 4laejmrat by any body gt vug tae lafpau-o wurtm rewarded Addxean, rXj,. aPa. Hwbraaka. i branded on c'hiM muiMon left NMep karmtBd oiilaw-knr on 'Wk of Mmwd. JlanaooM oWaW ana Wliltn River. ' Addiaaa. rt. Hoblnaon. Xetataaka. JOHN A. HANSOM ata folkea ooehk- et- iVttaMarWfVtld fiari ok laft jHHiMer. . M east ofauia- WttaajCb; t 1 ftKapIN tw tS?oaklajr qt hotaaa I V id oaattla. I r I I on riffM aide u kia lift-at aide of eaUleton. roa fkMe River, near Glen foot UIRrdan, utoo. ORKPI'RICKK UVliilWK Uk ' Rnutdoil on lefthlpafUtttla aadoaj loft ekee M Horae I v t , ' Raaaaoa OeepOreeK. Atftreaa. INtep Creek I Avi tock tv J. H. UaLBCbt, rorrmaii, , , . . ... Mien. Jfabraaka. , CIIAHMM MEWM AM. Tke, brand reproxentMl In Mile notice and branded any waive on. left side of cattle. and '.sat Sretavtba rlatar. , , 'Alao tue aame Whtnd on left tklirb of boroMi, buloiiaW to the aaderetKited, r last Aartnax. nrath part to olnai nvonty. Chsm.cs "was. llarrbjoa, Mebraaka. pof'RRBf tulia. i m attkr I OP 4 VMd of t aide at ako otcwk IJwaim swteWhipV' thMMraBAifWiM mk.ih mm seana. ewtmMaeVeertwe -Mar 1 IHH It aHMlaSBS J.B.PARKKIC SWt shaatdar and kip. Fl MsVaMBkaybdl fc"-BBal 1 I aBBV fcriRlM sr 4Hw ajw, I kv tmmxmk f b mi tkigt) , . .. . ; fc7i-i - z.. twttle Mtleft hip. Atm Wntm nramtt-o Mm i on left hnalrtfr. Rang. ttwel of Andrew. Plcl Dfrc A tldrnw llarrinon.Srri J. K. rftlSXKT & OSs- CaU branded I', II. Address. on Ml iar. Harnaoa, Xh. Cuttle brand ed on left ldf name a rut . and horm braadtl on Irfl nhonlde mum a eat are tax pr perty of Andrew Cbrtatian aac faaop trlbaury to V Tawl aprlnffii. ' ' Addrnw, , Kirtlev. Wv. ' J. I.KVKR. Qkttle branded ion i.ErrinK roatoatea Addmm. Cluvlron Vebrukn' RRKWrrKR fa. .Cattle lirand- fed eauie an that on eat, either left kip or on left hoaldrr. Hotwm branded with any of above brand. AddrtMK, J. A. AxuaaaoK, llarrimn, KKbnwka. JIRII. JOKHAH. i:irej! and cat POP tl branded oil on cut. . tAad little branded on lclt . Me, a nd 1Itm- on eft Addruw, Dodnrc, Seliranka. 8KRT RAICHK8T. Cattle branded ou left blp and 1 Mm nn tkM. L4 jnw, mill mmfT on Mothm. HoTMm Ormidrd I!! on left Jaw, alioakler or DanK. Alao Haras branded I T on left Bank d Ifil I j on left ah wilder . I I Ranaw on head of Van Taaaell creek, Wyo. W-PoatOflke a.ldrra, llarrtaon. !eb. HKKHT WARHEKE. M-P. O. Addreas llarrlsnn, Vebnuka. FRAXK JlfTTO. Cattle , laraaded M aad ass on doe koSBaa. tm the lf i left ahoul- Ala amne of the Hot ass tie are branded on side ahowlibw aoate bs deaenb abaive baand. and Ot. snd ed lor a Addreaa, Harrlaan. Mebraaka. ROBERT) F. REECR. OafsM Branded on toft side . Range on Alao Osttbi braaad left h shcKiMeror aide. Banning Water. P.O. Address v . Agate, aebraiika. AMl'ELKRORl. Cnttle brr ide-t any wiere on left side c' 'he anlWdl, Rane on I ri - e ttmfi i l.o i I je Citn. Aadrew. UiT'.mm. Ketmaka MftoMla. r. CBista Mm j J osi left tAtftmn DO fettle brand- XT ed on left akle. L" Raiigeou I w - 'M ' I Ranning Water I ' . . J Urevekv. ' "ll" "" "," fW I ir J Press-Journn 1 Tmuhkuat. A.HI 17, IfNtt. C.V. Btirkr, Pro. KNTRRKIt INTIIErtlMTorrit'KAT IIAH RIMK BICKK. A"SKIMH ( LAW M ATTKK OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. TRX LAMD IXASX BOXS - Dsifiug Ihia tvmniixi at. cotpew lo billabava baeo introduced having ror OMir ODjeci wa leuxing 01 mie overot , . , . . -44-jc Hteuni, Llbraiijn meat lnodn. They are very Mimilar 10 p import and there is very little differenrw io the effect they would have on existing condition in the range country. ine D'lis proviue inui an mie (uvcrn agent lands still k' lH.d for a period of tea yeara with a further option of. anoth er ten years to every freeholder at it rate of teo acre of goverdment laod to one freehold. This lexd land to be sub ject io homestead entry and to be paiu for at the rate or two cents per acre.'i The promoters of the bill are, without exception, the men who now own large tracts of land which lies adjacent to large tracts of government land. They have been securing the use of this government land because rf their advantageous ponition in controlling (he water of the region. They have become alarmed by the fact that the administration has torn meoosd to send out orders that all fences on government land liall come diwo within ixty d;is time. If this comes to pam tbev will bs placed in a very tight j p ace and to make a reaction for this thy are urging the passage of one of these land leaving bills. Just what effect either of theus biMs will have on the small siockman is ijmatical. If he now own enough land so that this bill will ennble him- to lease enough more land lo make him a rea on able living and perhaps a little more he will be all light But if he happens to be one of that ciaM who are just sinning to make a competency fcr himself snd family and wli lais notfi)uiitJ jet muh lund, ia ill crtinly bb driven out of biisi neis.i; Tlew bdvnnbigxs awning I mm this land which kelonrs lo a'l tne people tvili be foiever tost to him. As a result hun dreds of families will be driven from this western country to become a,' earners or rooters of farms farther east.' This is a renuli. ;wiik:h no ioWlirr,l peoon cm deny. ' When these p itipie are forced to leave it se inn inevilj.Me that the control of the country will pu more or leas ifmi natiy into the hands of the large f-miie rw, wi'u win v, , 1 11 , if,viv w w auaetze the small man out of buin?ss. This result means Unit the roen-hau-s and btisines! men of (Jie small wtrstern owns will be forced loonmpete with the wholesale prices of . eastern houses. Which is eqnivnlent to saying that Uy must S ut of bu nines. Who then will be b-nefJted by the passage of Ibis land leaxing bill'" Certainly not the xmall stockman try ing to cet a start io lite same way thstt those woo are now cled among the large owners did a few years ago. Or. tainly not the small country merchant and busioees man who depends on the number cf customers who buy from him at a fair degree of profit. It then must be the man who owus (be la rje holdings and him alone. ' Is this the man that yon huninc m of Olwdroo areioterwted in protecting or is it the small man wlto patronixes yoo and makes it possible by bis pres ence for you (o live? It is time wo -thiog s being done to show where you stand and if you want the country de populated, then le'. it be known. If you wnt it otherwise it is high time you were awakening to the situation ami letting our represent rtive in Congress know what your sentiment re The huisness men of Rusliville hnue p4ed resolutions denooncing the bill. Why cannot the business men of Otndroo do likewise? fhadronisn. -H , Thesbove facts are our stntimetits and we feel llwt every hut.lneas man in nil toe town-, as well as the small ranch men should pot forth a vigorous effort denouncing the bill as it now stands fnr if you wait until it becomes a la w it will then be toa late. . R. HfWTEB. Uteek brawdedf 5 Vn Hht - ) Me or kip. Address. Ed, Rasher, Poramaa . ' llarrlaan, Rb. ' I if) , Nortli-Wc3torn 7 ' , ft.' 'M. "v." B. is r . rj. ! ' townd frWB the BLACK HELLS, CSAOWOOU AliO HOT tPSIMM. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. t'. H. tKS ATlili JlWKrH II. UlLLARIl ('njui. ii. InrraicH Klmbb J. Iti-iarrr, p lt IMt. KArilt It. MKUrm, K-p. ml IMt. JOHN J. KulUNanw, Kii. Srtl IHt. Wa. I,. flrAKK, K- 4tli llt. A. ('. MiLLaitoKU, Kn. Ath I (tut. Wa. NrviLLF, fun. i.ih Ult. STATE omCKKS Ezra P. Savauc, Govennor C. f. STBELr, i.leot, overnor (so, W.Mimh, .s-rt;try of State Cha. Westom, Andltor I'nb. Aorta. Wa. STKTint , Trearnrer W a, K'jWLKr-tnpt. Pi'ilic nUniiH riAMK N. Peni-T, Atty. Groernl Ocobce roWLKa,Cni. nb. )ani and bide; Ww. J. A. RArM. Clem John I. ri, Tivuatirer A' Ajmnr, . heritr W. J. A". H;r. Clfrk of I Urct Court J. Jt. Fcb .11, ftupl.of I'abilc lci:i,irlion J. 11. K kii i.i., .ii(!k M. Bi 'r . Knrv yor P r 1. ci, Corone K4JATl OF CMiCSTT COM:fcSIONEI'H- Jl t f . lnt DlKltiCt I C. i.f . 2nd KlHtrlct A. E. Hiu 'j', trd Divtrlct. Da Barry's Waabaeea. ilme. Du Barr' was a handsome wo man, but spoiler1 the trenerml effect of her beauty by overdress. 8he was always what would, in the slang of, to day, be called "fussily dressed." Orlfia of "Traaa- Termagant was formerly a quarrel some person of either sex, and 6nly the lack of gallantry of the men has lim ited the word to its present signifi cance. Woman Bapports Braes Baad. Mrs. Oliver Ames supports at her own expense a full brass band at the diver Ames High School of North Cation, Mass., an Institution of her own piannlng and provision. Tfce Hllltaoairas Preeapt, Ihe billionaire's parting precept: "My children,, bless you! And remem ber this, "Lay something by every year, if it is only a few millions." Life. "Hut So-Moa" for Pataota. This Is the busy season with the commissioner of patents. The busy 'eason la the patent office invariably c.-curs between December and April. Few would dream of a "busy season" In the matter of applications for pat ents and would naturally suppose that about the s.-rae number Were filed one mcnth as another, but such Is not the case. H P.iaaae Waa Goad. "One day," says as exchange clerk In a Philadelphia department store, "an eld fellow from the country came up to ny desk. and. laying down a pack eye said: 'Young man, herd's a suit ot rnderwear that I bought here sven years ago. It is too small for me, and 1 would like to have it exchanged. I was thunderstruck at the nerve of the, but I managed to say something about the time limit oa sach transac tions. 'Well said he, "I know that, but I've never had 'em on,, and this Is the first time I've been in town since the day I bought 'em.' " Speclflc for eaMlipot, In the smallpox epidemic of 1871, Mother Oonzaga, matron of the St Jo seph's Orphan Asylum In PhiJadel 1a!i1e. administered a specific which she declared not only made those taking It immune from smallpox, but was a cure for the disease. Mother Marie Josrpbas, now connected with the hos pital, says that the mixture is still in if.a there. It consists of one grain of i!phate of zinc, one grain of fox glove, mixed with two tablespoonfuls of water. This again, when thorough ly dissolved. Is added to four ounces of water, and a temspoonful taken every hour for, twelve hours. A, H. KKWKEIr, on Rlsht I blionlder Cattle Brumta P.O. Adlrr, t'rua ford, Krtinuku. Ell. MASON. Cattle Hrandad, if1 ob :rft side KauKn on Ron- V aing Water Addreaa Aaste, geb. A.T. Ht nilSIIX. brand aombt doabi m left side ofOftUe H aamol rlgbt hnnlder. ly?0n oat Mans; oar eattle, - . , . Bmm4 ante bji nanornea. Rangw on Ry ClwM, Peat (Mes. Ulaa Roatwska UCfAVI IURRM, Cattle as show oa left eMe wMk Ml ear cllppod. Rangw on Rao Ming' Water, Marsteller Bros. Are" now prepared, to I. iOw; AN KLEOAXT LINE. : ' nic MILE It ii a fxabkwa salved hi 8Boeconosny with hand aoeoe balance at the end of the year when Sent School Shoes are purchased exclu sively for the children. Jfo manufacturer in tne world builds a line of shoes as extensive durable handsome and low priced as the Bell Children's Shoes this year. Uokforthcsfjnof 4dz.M MawiitrMhtptaVfAicr. Sell Shoes for Men. Women Children are Satisfactory Shoes Price-Quality Comfort Stylo. SELZ, SCHWAB & i ef Reesi i The Commercial Bank. HARRISON. C. F. CorpRR, President- Chas. C. Jaxksok. H. tStockmen having iife fur a uh to handle their We are prepared to take jsmanasssBSBsssBssssssB THE PIONEER PHARMACY, Druijs, Druggist's Sundries," : 1 Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY, ! J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor, OwOeCX PEDIGREE WT,.DOM .IU., Sired by iraiiorted CLYDE, Pftin'ierc PRICK:-$8.00, to inaure aei vice of Stallion 'will be dne mares are sold or removed from the county. ' ' EOBEKT ImmmsBs-mBma "A neighbor n.n in with a bottle of (hamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uar i hoe Remedy when my son was suffer iag with severe cram pa and was given up as bsyood hops by my regoktr pbyek' iaa who sur.ds high hi Mo proisiiloa. After administering three doeos of it. my son regained t-onetHuusssiss ase) recovered erlirsly wilhia twealy-fosjr hours," says Mrs. Mary Haller. of Mt Crawford, Va, This Bsasss'y ie for aaleby J, K. Phisaey, Wanstd Roliahlt maafor HaBasef a Bnuaoh OftVe we wish to opes) la this yidoity. I lore Is a ffsadi opiwlag for the right mb, Kiadly give good refsrsaos whea writiec. r. a. M0K;a wHounAtc uovsas. ODRgmATI, OKKX ' School Ste and CO.,cmicaoo saJ Saw la s werhl NEBRASKA. F, WX'Ljtie.lDBiiliier 8. Clark k, A. Mt-iiixtKT t; r; - t. bank at thi point may rely ox entire Banking bnkiiieK. rZ3 care of our trade at all i'.inetia Jr. aw "v m a -v 1 SSI STALLinn Will mako tbo season at my place on ?Ionix)a (Jrcolj: 7 miles north-wcqt of HaiTicon. living colt. The and payable at . yass rwos bwwa as ejes The peat kwda ef ahs Oert sre estlBMted te sorer 4jmjK$ To auks Baa of this fwal la a afUa way is a prowess car aatsair.f aCJta, fhsrUa Mars arc it aa vorata ar Cavrt'a Msbjsbm aaa. par atlaat, It aseW Bat a BMSh of a m Haary catat lM4s,um aa4 has amaHa" tUa swfg rsr the atausal aaUraai u bs l dellvsr aaaaiar Tiuaaaa mUH fiaatu Caw. pMsb a paaaiwii eac a etsaaiar assBSa lawlBW aa bMBob aMeoWaT ' saagiBaBaiy TsJ tow ssbbI 4 IP ii w V li ' " ', v - j srV V5. - . " "' rl " . ft, - -mm i tm nil IllsMUalwi coUUogws 4 eta. la Us ssBBts fka soar 4ar. TUa tV P, O, Arsy, HarsUed, Mew. .?jy,i.v fit: (X1 'Xi r ' - i , , A', t r