Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 17, 1902, Image 6

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    r 1
5 Cent
Cremo Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted
' Sr
aiOcdrl Roch. iirr iMty lad Max
"laiborty Vaaieu.
Mm. Alverdte H. SW.vrnbcrg-fr ot
foikJviEfe, ia, ia pwud ue ihe
j0(git mcib-rr in :h &,!, but ua
ntKiM.DOD th pornk- vt ItT f;rther'
Jawuar, on ijuen isrrrrt. and ng W
lr 'bubv ' isoir.:.j u!j iiunili tome
ne wi.uujd be rwkinir lirr iu-.ud ol
tg, ii JUe nr. ,M n. ni i mlxxger
IB ow.y 13 of ape, J nit iter guwn
ertajToeuy rhfi tj her i)oe tio.
Afc.tr ttiae wtrwivmy wlis:ii uaitolter
KLKfllieaiterg-fT m Ik u TJ, yeas oid,
nUrtit year apo, eli- tih Uick hiume
Dlktl itxyeti irtih her
Mr. iail Mrs. .lamob !n -i, theparenis
of btiei.'fTibf -rpirr. oj.me ot ir.urdy
nasyJvanii Iu"h isUxik, and wrre
kAe-rwe to thf virtwlinjr of tlir daugh.
to yO'iD Ik rac- tili.',ilrulfcTger o
IaiIwpt J,i.(i.-jrn'r. Wiiih the g-irl it
w.afc a ca'.-"1 wf we "t ti" lBll'l and
j-fie prafSfxi U) her don! A tll
tlern of ii'-r affijfa f'Jr Horace.
Wt n utie rn Tkei uo her parent
tie tilie wag fe'-iiatf to lie married lUrey
Ma; ixWd it dwchi'iJiJJt tiaik. Uowever,
4m aa Bhf ltK'nlTgcr frrqiKiUily, wnd
hff vrr for lh yJ'ing' tairiucr prew.
Be plibiJed wkh .l re. etacU V cotient
BtntJie nurriwgv'. s.aii, as eb luaid boen
irrid at an enriy agp, site finay
Btreeal Mt lila,'
tta-t girl hwve horror of lnwm.
ftifeicl. Bi'jfl, liut fu- A th
iyMlfl f J WTwljftne o iEeiinc a
ia tta French provinw of UreUao
fnm all paru of ilii picturrwiue
and peculiar liand lnwtfkt pftitiom
am nKUrl'y iu"ing to hiwu in
the him tX T.-.ij-duig off this dire
Tb pure nJ ajnit.V:i 8u (":h urine
kttb tlie ir.a,hter ra ber tnptvlal cliarg.
bat n. iociai mmx., Guirrc by name.
bcMrved tx jw-rwm gr;i. influence
with bt, ClaUinar intf, then fore h
ia prwtod ino acrvire w an ratrroa
or. On 8t. Guirec day, the 23d o
tafuiber, every iimrmirrd woman in
JU1iglW who io brr twetrty-fMth
aav wpproacbive; at" brin'mf; no
tarband with H, aWrn an enmrat
fssyer to this oaavmized matri monad
A B"ortt tnMhrid of aRAraciing th
tr fy nal' aWtao ia, to Bay the
S. a, pwinfc'ar. In th middle of the
arret moor of 'nrximavnajc tare at a
MUe hapl cnntiainmf; a woodm Im
of Bt. GiBtme. Aceordinf to Br.
aa belief rati who Ueka BMdM
twivtbCBOBW OftlPW IffUM
flBtree' day ia nn bo BaarrM fc
trt tko od f to yr-
in vli h aMHBat. borVBTBr.
tbeir Btlrnpas u inc "wi-i
r aaa4Bara d. ADril 20
ntff wX th RtiHt eABpri thy bA.
rB BWt word of sappUeBtta.
t rx Bftk abM rei
4 ,t 9fmQm , .'.
f ,aBa1 BB4
..-ruururr rinTir ..wrPTHWF ftr.r. VARCtNY." mnA
Tobacco, in curing th... present. ONE TAG being .qua! t. TWO CREMO CIGAR BANDS or
1000 BANDS (v!oa srowBO 11 fl" B5s. o ' -ilr L, V ywvtss Bunion, hmmi fl W BANDS CSS
rfggy 1 1 M f Ji&hA glR - WlA nss
' if Jil SOO BANDS P"0! 1 000 MNM I "'t 4w- V5! IRt'S 3 Li
k MM" U rMOO BANDS oISd w 3 JELaSn
Wi" - T': j ' jjPj wj,3Wu jJJ ' 4 T0"!"5
a& l Imbanos1'' '"Trf "" t 1 IgcwoC Ht
'!iIt3S?'i .PXSlZ twvtujwo sao apys flu ')MimaiwACTc!rR5 ' , IAf .feijt fjroij vs-yd
I i : -X J i. ,.-rJ''J ' w.r.w -t- V' V .
Cremo cigar Bands na Qld
containing BANDS or WRAPPERS, and forward them by resistered mail, r
xprt prepaid. B aura to haa jour pacHaga aacuraly wrappad and
properly markad, ae that tt will not ba laat ia traaall. Sand bande or wrappara
and requoata far preaeata (alao rcquaata for catalogue) to C. By. Krewa.
4241 releom Avenue. St. Louia. Mo.
"I remember auce iK-arinp a fellow
low, who omiutf uu.ujuit-u out of a
riilwny wreck, worktxl l.ke a deainco
to ab&dl Uis leB foiuunaU; fx-Uow pais. '
aaugors," il a rajivway oliioial lo a
wrjijir In the Uinaia;iiti Kiiquirer.
"All the ttime he ifi, work, how
ever, he held uum: haud to his collar,
aud, wheu 4a over, out of tits com
pamo4Ui doscovet-wl tliat he w.us h 1 1
iiig wgla to hi inuckt.e, which he h.wl
btvn in Uie act of tying when the
colifiiun occurred.
"l'cople ael vary quccrly w hn Ihcy
are, or 'Jviuk they are in duog'er.
"l know a ymnxg g"irl who h id
learned 4o s-iin qute wdi, and toe
tia-y she trial to awitn Mroa a river.
There re plenty of joople about,
acul the OiJlaau-e waa nut (rrem. but
when she wjia half way acroxs me
oue ca&kd out: 'How deep ia it?' f he
lot her foot down, aud, of course,
found she was oot o flier depih. In
atairtly she Unit her nerve and saiuk.
fche came 'jp once, tried to scream,
but Hh waller choked her and down
she went attain. ' j
"A caan realiilingr that Romething '
waa wrona1. jumped n, cloth and all,
puried her out. He waa none too
soon for le was unco:.-jloti when
he pirlled her up. It waa the heer
fright of knowing that ebe wua out of
bw depth that caused tt all. as o'.her- ;
wuae there wn't the stitrhtcst dan
(fer." I
A Klpitncaad K rrle t'y.
Mr Tlnrnle was one fLir t Waterloo
ataltitm In a hurry o cath i traim.
He waa basterdnjr from 1be bookittatl
bden with pper, "a jrood mmny mx
penny ones among them," be dolefully
rrlanxti, when, in runir;g' arounu inc
corner he fell 'uito the arm oi hua.
yard KapBnj:, equally in tearing
hurrjr. I hey tumeo on eacn uuici
with Bfowlloff face, then smiled In
rccofriwt.kon, nd ked each olher
whMhnr be wenrt. Then Klplinp, ex
flilnnff, "Lucky lefrfrar, you've fro
mna!" C7M the bundle from liar.
rte, fluna; him aoine money and made
off. "But yon tnnnt stop to pica op
kts (rH v ttnifiwtw A'.rf vou?" auerled
one Of Mr. Barrte' bearers, amiwdlv.
"Wdn t I 1hough7" munwl Warne,
and a:ded rurfdHy, "but be hadn't
flung1 live half enough."
Cabbage eropa In Europe are (ren
eraWy abort tbie year, and this coun
try hi be4nr called upon to make op
ti deficiency. Truck gardem in the
Birhbrbood of Bay City, Mich., are
reaping part of the bemefH. The bee.
crop there was poor taat year and Ihe
gardener ge Hap, pUnMiig cabbage
Mead. Hat far Che ahorUge sbroad
the Idahfgsa marVet would have been
badly oeerasocked bnt the growers are
Mpptng their prod oot to Germany .
One of the moat important Indus
trie Bathe Bahama aslaads is the
rdLherlag of plak pearl. I la the
oaty place ia the world whore plak
taaiis are foand. Tbea pearl, whoa
prfoat, Brtag rtrry hlh prtoaa, M
The above
represent the presents to be given
AS OLIi AlllUUMKlK t.llDt-
MAlirvaiiarli'' Munajr SMribM Joliu
riuuibljr, of lb w xmi.
John riunbiy, who gu.ded the Rev.
W. il. 11. ilmiuy through Uie Adiron.
tiack when the tatter waa wymg the
louuuu.Uon lor h 3j Jacimat.'i.g oook
on that ima rncMi more than fcu yea
g-o, ti.ed retei...iy. Mr. Murray now
aing iWJn.Iioid, Cot.n., b .s prepared
a aiew ito.-ure c-n "oid-Tlme Lift and
Guides in the Adi.TorcducM, lu which
he paa this .Tlbute to b.s old friend:
"lie taug-h't m a fau,ths knowl
edge of the woo.-, the uume 'iid ui.
ture of plunt anl herb and tr?e, the
iuntrojg'ia of the Mjrht Ad the oc
cnilism of silcn'i )'.m;h and sotirdlea
ehurea. I b:uridr;nif:y ex poiKided to
him the knowledge of tlie nk ea, -the
uamta of i;r, f pjax:s and coa
: el lactone, 6Tid of Vhe tp.rnXr beyond
th'.t was ilnvUllle s yet, and wou'd
forever be un'.ll eyt became clearer
and pudtr. lie hud a moat ffpwtie and
niainiwrly reticence, end that sweetest
of all habit in train or woman the
babi: of Conwclenoe. He couid lo L Jd
ace, liw cm and heir, and say noth nit.
lit. oatuTed for reception of all
fine dmiirenMons t trait come to the best
and -the finest of the earth out of the
t..1 depih of wouds and the qule.
tude of faT-reachfrnfr, moon-llgbted
waters. IDs knowledge of waodraft
was ininititjve. He knew the poina
of the compass gemciOonally. lie w.ia
an atom whose nanrre myineriouily
hold it In reoifirooal onneelion with
the rrmtrnetilc oTirmrta of Ihe world.
In the dencest woods, on the darkest
ntghis, he was nevnr bewildered, cev.
er lull bilt. He waa 1nd'pendmt of
aun, or moon,, or, slant. He eohld lay
his course wl-thout eighn. Ail iralls
were Massed ira'lis to Win. Im the tan
gle of swamps, in the horrible inter
lacing of windmills, amldet darkness
which made eyes vain, be held readl.
ly on to the course ttfat could save.
He VaJi "ihe on4y guide I ever knew of
eJiiher race red or white that could
not in any circumstance lose hiin
eelf or bia wiay.
"They tell me be is dead. U Is
foul 1b h fashion of speech, and not
stroyed o tlie Viat tree, the moun.
tain crumbled to their baae, ihe
hikes and rf'.rcama dripd up and wood
Ufet are forgotten, wHI the saying be
come IKt. KOT John Phtmbly waa so
much of the woods, "the moumta. nj,
and tbe streama that be person. lied
them. He we of a type ihait is
deathless. Memory, affection, imagi
nation, wteratvre, until 4hee die the
great gutde of the wooda will live
with ever-enlargiBg life s too years
are added "to years and the lovers of
tMure and of aport multiply.
"Thou rernembereat. Ihe signal I wa
woe-ted to give thee wben coming np
bo river through tbe miat and the
gloom! ag? Thou abalt hear the
echoes of Ae piece later on, a I am
born down the river men boat oo but
ones, seeking atgna; of the shore
where tbon hast founnd qoiet oamp.
Boaest Job a, Happy meeting and
food cheer, God grant as, old friend.
And goodly oouls wM join no a ths
raara drop away, awd tbe felkmehln
of wood overs aad wood saint will
Virginia cheroot WraPPers
nit. nw ti t riira iTf n
...uu. .Wi.
preeeni erer offered for banda
receipt ei poi-iw, -
Our offer ef preeenta far
30th. 1902.
Cigar Company
tonldn't ard lo b.ns-
Tlie l-.it! l'if. Sltu-.tlowoith, a wcll
knvjvn Kujiilhh hciioljr, wuj fond of
r'lat1nga hWry illustrating hew tlck e
a thing vounig love K)ine t ines is The
prolfHSor waa aMUg one time as t'ni.
clerk tit a chinch in Devonshire, a..il
was cailled uii to proclaim ihe b.iiif
of a youiig farmer wnj a village nmiit.
An Turk 'uiL afti-rward .lie to Ik
bridegroom caller! ujnn tlie proffir.
You aiu in oa:; ir mc; bskvu
the man.
"Yes, retri ed the prof;sjor, "I re.
menib r."
"Well." -:d the fjrmer, laftT an
a'wkard pan-.--. " th.rc's nay nuy t
change it nu'?"
"Why, wlmt do you mftan?' 'aski-d
the. anonlbhrd professor ."You're oA
tired of tbe girl, are yon?"
",o," ci..d the lipidegroom. "lint
I iike ur siikIim- l-tn-r."
"Well," replhd the professor, "if -the
origlnni gifl doesn't mjud, you ca.ii
njTry tbe sist'C'r."
The young farmer went away
bppy. Two days later and he wis
ba-k again.
"Tell me, sir," stdd the fa.rmer," uf
I nnrry tlie sustcr, wull th' ban have
to be cailed again i' the kh-k?"
"Ortalnly," responded the profe.
"Ay, but wuM It coat me smother
three nd axpence?"
"0erialn4y." wns the anawvr.
The rtiRtlc deUln'rated for a min.
u'e. "WuR, then, niteler," he said,
nnatfy. "I'M no moke a change."
And so he married the first girl,
after all.
avrlft'a AaaerlraM Uirl faleadar.
One of the most attractive calen
dar of the mjw yeir Is "Swift's Amer
ican' Girl Caiiend'air" now being aent
out by .Srnift land Company. Th.s
tsaleiwlir coDtailn four heads. In
rich, tflrikiug, hnndaame and harinon.
ious coIIots, representing iie faces of
the typical merirau girl durfaig
four periods of Amt-rteKin hU ory. The
firttt face, lhat of an Indian unhide n,
rejiresenm tbe rrlod of discovery;
the second, tbe face of a I'uritan
tas reproeeM the period of settle
ment; the (third, the face of 'n
Klgbteenth century beaorfy, reprewew'.a
the colonial period, while the fourth
we rojdlly recognize as tbe (ace of
thut peefltes persotuigc, ihe Amerlom
girl of today. The calendar in ri en.
tlreny 1 a work of ort ttvjrthy of a
favored place in every borne where
culture and refinement abound. The
exact aire is 28x2K Indies. It will
bo sent prepaid to any address forna
cup from jar of Swift's lieof Extract;
or ten Wool Hoap YV rapper or ten
cent in Stamp or money.
BwtfH and Com prny are also send
ng out s Slock Calendar. . This is a
targe and bmdvome "null calendar,
surmounted by a farm scene la colors.
TVs calendar will be aeL-t free to any
Jn writing for either of I be eslen.
eWs add re, Advertlarng DopaK.
ment, wift and Company, Stock
Yards, CMoafo.
sroings arc
year, wltb a
"FIVE BROTHERS" Pips Smoking
Ba. eater aa. fMM w I HUB
0O BANDS 10 inrti SrttM
' -L Hi"" ! -itfur'iMTftBftlMt
r.ATALOCUt of oreaer.ta for 1902 Include
It contalne the moat attract!
and wrapper, and will be eeot by
VI .
banda and wrapper will expire November
f'laer Operation In t:lorilo.
For more tnan u ye.if rMiht the at
tcbUo.'i of Coorak uniie.a lia bt-eu
a.ree.ed toward the j....ccr ,peral. tic
in JlHckeniidgi; uX ..o . 'l"t tevit .1
coiup.uiies wii.ch lie been ut Wji n
this j ear are te.cent .u i gar-i i, ait
rem,tii of the erason Out enough ui
ki-Jown io render a l reji-jkUiijr ce
'tiiin Mia,, there wJl be a Lmuiii 'in vh
placer g.oui.d of t-u in m ?i c(,unty. I he
iNorth .liue.ucjiii ijoti i.r.dj;i..g Cu...
paiiy cti(iliitel its i)ura:'lai.e .o a i.iu
ked aru ol Its to.u;.uig, uuJ has t,b-taim.-d
rctniirkahle rtv-Ui'jei, Jie va-iuott
from one part of the territory run
ning higher than wu3 et-r iefore
found in wahmg with hyilruulSc ii.a
chines in the dj.r.ot,. The bout record
waa mtwie by the Meeoa, coiupjjiy,
which cleaned up more than forty
pounds of gold duPiiig the w-ukom at
a very lmudsoine profit. Other oni
punies abso report good reuVu-!, and In
consequence a grcui itmercMt is beiin
taken by euKtern Jnveutors in Colorado
placers, the inqiiinos for placer Ihjmis
hia4ng lxt-n largely increased dur.ng
the lt few weeks. 1'ark county w.il
come in for iln Mhtna of xbe expected
boom, am thre are large arraa of
ground carrying pjy grave., invent ga
tiona madv ils so,Jhu shewing va.ucs
of 15 it 50 cent per cubic yard. Thee
are thousands of ac es of laud In Su n
nit and I'ark cotnJ iia that carry gocd
t-iiaaes aid of (the err!? Acreage that
is know to Im valualde nril more linen
one -third 1s mow being openaicd.
'ihe Duover Tfime.
Japanrne Toy.
There are no pple in the world so
ifond of toys as the Jn.p.iae, but the
pretty tritlcs give 3i;.ruciton" as we. I
as amusement to 1hie who py with
them. One sort of p.nyimg cartas have
jirinied upon them luo scraps of cla
Mical HiHiry ,by which the rudlmemU
of the art of vernifloil. on are expx li d
to bt; inciilcMted. Another set is of na
tfural hltlory c.ird, to give insiruc
tiion in the nunua aiid forms of aid
iiiiiIh; and aU.il! another 1 especaally
kntended for glria, affords example
of women who have celebrated Uxir
virtues and noble qua Mies. Ko far
a both tops aud kite are concerned,
the young American or European is
on ignoramus compared with hi Ori
ental rival.
Among the bablof toys to a moose
thai feeds from a bowl wben a little
bamboo ctirfrtg at touched, lowering
the bead and long ttdl in quit a life
like manner. Another is a small cyl
inder, into which one blows through
two email reed tubee, three balls of
prth being kept bobbing In a bit of
a cage over the cylinder by the
hreonh, while a cut In one of the tubes
produces a shrill whistle. Another U
a tittle man who is made Bo jump np
a long stick by a bamboo apring, and
rill another la a wooden gentleman,
who radea aimff between the wheals,
being attar bed to the axle with a
heavy base.
Further devleea for toy purposes are
kaleidoscope boxes, wtth glass tops
fined Mks enpboarda, with varloas
hoiawhvaxl utensils to mlntatore, sad
bags wtth shot sCr
Hat af
nail oa
How t Wuhe Ta.
The fd'Xor of the fey Ion Observer,
ifr. J. Kergu n, who for nearVy two
g ner-a-tV' n. has bevti a readerst of
Ceylon and a tui at f t f urni.is a
the following rtx-...e for the infVo,
hicb it m tti v mv can not be Im
provfd. ujkjii:
1. The v.;uler to Ix1 llrd should
be fn nIi aal pure, and .soft a pro.
2. It ?fioiild be U.ikd la a p?rfct
ly clean ket;h and -not dieiwd w be
UJling until the wa-tT throho and
throws 'Off Ktmin in profiwion.
3. Klri make 'the teapot lict, the
pyar into M the fnahiy boikd waleir;
afitr tlajsti.rew t!ic & v a ttia.-poufnl
fur each cup of tea .ai the top of tbe
water, wholl ii wll! gra-'liiaily Bink. In
ais '.iy (the U'.' w.1'1 not be
ecu.!del end the fragrance will br kept
mi : Iwst. The witer t.Vndd be. ad
ust MXjn as it l oiln, and c.4 -al'Kjwnrl t
boiwiiie flJrt by overb-iting.
4. Maximum time of afu.'rtoo so be
five minotc.
5. The miteinn (not dnroSBa)
should be decaatwd into snothw Stv
pct, firtt niide lii for t:a rv-ptVxi.
rreperd in thi woy (if s "cosy" is
utted) tea- wtrl reiikwn Irlt and pie
sot and wholesome fur more
double ithe t'mc it would were
UupcU usvd.
6. Do n't uwa tspent Kecuvea par a
second f union.
Kali waf Traftieln Rusta.
A lint inn paip r given aninftnrvarlag
hvlght into the way they do thing oa
the new ftberaan railway.
A mtir.lra-&i Teccatly seat a oarViad
of fruit train lrkuljck ta Cbina. Th
railwuy cliairgt iviaa 170 rubles, bat
the ti to ruiiwriy dfTkVJt taJoouiaW
to 120 rulk more.
dipping or "greing," as it is cadsad
fn bilTia, bt i -tax from which as
pu&rvn of the r.iii jrviad ia exempt.
In tbe ca'. uieniblonixl the tirwt atn
tK.)rv mai Ker nl-il tlie in- I'imnl U e
k..t!.xi car was 'Vlck," or diaabledi
and woo d ha-ve eo be aiduinscked for
"How long wi-H It tike to make Va
repair?" the niercliant eeked.
The merrbant started, feir a weeka
dchay meant the p4.king of his as raw,
and, boshb , it whm ordered for Innae
diate di4v-ry. Hut when the fra
ditaler bad ti'i pP'td ten to fifteen rubles
into the oflHsal's band tbe latter foand
Art the next ctaaion tbe oar fell H
sgi;l.n atui hal no bereit ir'd 'OlruJRh
In the Mine manner, and thie prooeaa
repiiiterl ewiry time the trara
stopped. '
Isirsvl tnerrhant have become aaaa)
io this "grerKing" bwtner and atmplj
add ihe amount rto the pries to their
win a. art Hhnt the consumer pays Mat
iroighi and the ti aa wrfl.
On way to Keep Cool.
Ma Llftle Jim, bow can yoa
around sod play eo hard ia this hat
I Jlaa Aw, ma, Maln't hot, at bB bm
I said Toouny Tlhbs baa saa. pgf