Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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    1. rf '
,V Mr. J. A. Thayer sd daughter Mabel
, ware Harrison visitors but Friday.
Itewgrd Burks, ha been nursing a
caw of tha ami nips, for Uie punt week .
Just received: a new .consignment or
men and boy efcrthitig at OERLACHS.
VDkd, at bir home with her grand
children, Mr. oiid Mm. Seaman, Uraod
ma Boger, aged 75 years, month and
17 days. Deceased was born in Pickeu
log, Canada, in 1838. Hrie wa the luoth
er of eleven children. Ove of whom are
living. Three noun and two daughters,
her two sunn Dvid and James for una-
j J I i
voaiaoie reasons were not nresant.
..... .7 . V 7 . , Orandma ha seemed to be f.
..... w uht nub mi rentier last rial-
Fred Lsitt"ff vm in town Wednesday
and he Maid hisciiildrcn had Jlaseo ijuite
etck taw pat waek.
lova reaching out after her children nnd
their tamiliesshe hus plead with (htu to
The mail earner did not go out witlU!-" (r them.
the mail for Montrose last Tuesday on
aocouot of tne atorm.
M r and seder go1. for the same
aiooe- at Oerlach' store than uuy other
try them. 10-tr
Fob Sale.-IOO sere of land joining th
village of Harrison; for funic.- (xirtic
uliir inquire at this ofhW. 40
Sent Crawronl wan in town Tuesday
anggava uk some poliuutl poj liter .tod
will try and follow them up. .Thanhs
Frank 1 wis iuiid! u.-ij $1.00 to pay
for the PlaNK JOCHNAL for one
past year and has often talked in loving
terms of her sous who were at a dist-
Bev. Jamison and Prof K E. Crandall
the evsagelibt who have lieen in our
city the past two .weeks conducting re
vivul services in the Presbyterian and Ml
E churches some wn t on thv Moody and
aankev system, tbave made for them
selves a reputation in Valentines Rev.
Jami.on is a clear thinker an lalligent
reasoner and knows how t tell whut he
ha learned from otxn-rv.uiofl ho that hi
lienivrg are interexted to the extent ' of
tuning experieoxM from hi logical tneth ;
od4 of right living i ontiasied witb I
wrong. Prof. Crandall (r a orofes-iionftl
for tT5r in 8lronir terir-s in f e eye of our peo
ple than the name ordinarily implies !
He ban at once the fau('y of orgmixiog '
ance, alwaye wishios for their wef,v ; cIkwuh, of holding them together nod
and nravinlr for their salvation in ,j,wl a 1 keeping them harn-ooio-iH ho in fong.
own time and way and with a mother's
The instruction to our ringer ha been
appreciated and Prof. Oandull will be
! reim-nitwred as an erneni, active and
etli'jiciit instructor and leai'er cf the
St Kuddenly felt a numlineHs in the i Ur3:Ht cl'(,r,,s l!,t,t hl" 8'"K 10 ur
face and ono hand like puralyni which ' -,,,"r l"'- M, . Crandall told the wriUf
piisned awav. Liter Brie was taken with i lh,, he on,V worri" o( offmendnMon
pain in tiie head and Menibd In h .v
another liiht nliock after which she
could tlk verv little. When her two
daughter cume glia smiled and pronoun
ced their names aad . I iter when Wal Ur
otiina she ahowed that she recognized
htm by reaching out her hand to him.
Afver tlii he sloulcootifiually, apparent
ly not rwtlixing hern" Kr, anij qttietly
pssingway April 11) iilNitit !) p. n.
' She ha atwayn lived a pure, clean lii
anu arooij lor me ngtit in tlie lace oi' op
for thoiw who have sung in the chorua
clini.'. It is a r-v-.t renl'Ked by tlte people
of Valentine tri.it tliere haw not been
enough attention given to muaio but
tnat there ia talent can be eatiilv aeen by
those who have oltnerved the progresa
nnd noted he improvement in the sing
iiig in the past two weeks. When a
ciiiiruH of or 40 voice can lie gotteft
Vj'ctl.er lor a ser'nw of meeting like
the.-ie n i evident that there ia a love of
mnio. 1 he wor done bv the ( horn
losing wrong ami for thi ahe wa appre-! ,M, ,,l!fin l"h ,r "f pteatira and help to
ciated by those who kritjw her hext
The famine and frinds left the homo of
...... . .a :
4w " i ii r ii .-, a -..i.i, u..,i..
ordered it ent to F. H. Mehwh. Sewurd. I ;.. ,. ,
. , . , ' ing to follow the reiiiains to the cnurch
in Harrmoo wliure toe funeral wo:
1 tuke place and were overtaken hv a
ur.oeymour ine wi Known eye lipec-; vara anow torm, arriving in Kr-,on
iabm will be in Crawford at Uate City I lut 11 o'clock where thev wc kin.ll,
Hotel Saturday May 34 for one day only.
llonituitation free.
Mr. Annie McCiutn. Peter Ktas nial
Robert Geixer. titade final proof before
V!m. J- A. Kuuiii i;lcik of taa LHatrM
JkMirt iut Sdlurdiiv.
CMttatf aubbcritwr to thia great
aaaral adulator. Thk : 'UJovxl, ia
inufeaalAjc daily o If ym wuat Um Mtl
don't fail to aubacriba for It.
Lu Monday nial Tuerday waraalormy
d y and haa caused a rnul deal of cof
fering amoag th poor cattle but eo far
we bare aet ueard of any lose.
I no) now (M-efured to weave riet.
10 eta, fur lut and in is and l.1; lor
lriifwi. Wurp rurtiixlied at cm.
Mm J. A. iHaykh. 36 tf
Efiworifl League Hundav evening at 7
O'ltick, auhject SartMlel cull.
Hum. J. E. MAfmciXAH
Ate wart Side niuda a pleaaaat call at
4tnr nape turn laat VVedoasdjy and made
tlw editor happy bv renewing hi alleg
Juliet to the P.e Journal. Coiueaguin
Mr. Sidea.
Prof. Crandall would like to meet all
the aiosara at the church tonight lor re-
"hersHl. Let all attend who can. And
mat by friend who ansumed a!i care and
repottibility until the hour or aervice.
2 p. m.
Throttgh noma kind, loving friend
flower were provided. The aervice
war hidd in the M. E, Church of which
the deceased wa a member. Rev.
Fotingnian odkiated. The choir closed
with the beautiful hymn. "We'll Never
Ray Oood bye in Heaven. " The remain
UK then laid in the Harrison . emeteiy.
We will mis our mother and grandmother.
Card tf Thank
To the Valley friend who no faithful
ly Ntood by and helned us in our moid
erand gnndmotherK last ickns. and
to tlie Hai-rixnii friend wtio net us 'villi
their love and yutp.iihy, we express' our
h'-artfelt thank.
CRAHKD, Mrs. M. I). R ID I KIM .
others and of pleasure and profit to tho
who took part.
Theltevival Lecture given by Rev.
Jamison will chvse wii h the 8unoay ev
ening service. By that lima Mr, Jam
ison will have Kvei".ti Hermorm and atl-
dce?e4. Valentine Democrat.
Annie Jolineoo aceotupanied bv Hilda
RoHenburg went to Ardmore Friday eve
where the former give mutac iesHoti.
While there they attended the dance, re
fprth.aiitg a fine titno eod returned
home Saturday eve on tha train.
We have o'jr chronic kicker with u
again now but be does not iem to hi; ve
much influence on the peoo'e a they up
hold the right in all thing, some people
know when tney have a good thing
while Boot her i always kicking and
would rot be sjiisfied if he wa entitled
to Hear en with a gi Idea fence around it.
Tha Adeli:i'ection men are again butcb
hu and Keem to enjoy it very much aa
one plays old woman and the other old
man but I he old women doe not always
anw-eed in having tlie meaie4on time tnen
you otitrht to see the old nun get nmd
end mjke thing fly. That ia right boy
just practice m you will be prepared by
July 4 or around that time provided tha
girl doe not change her mind and say no.
Jarne Nelson waa dehorning cattle
last week. Ed Pelren and Mike Curran
waa helping bint puoiyh tlie poor animal.
rlq Wyoming
Mr. Bovle baa been quite sick but at
lust account wain batter.
and Mr. W. H, Zimmerman
Uarrison vlsiUirs last Salitrdav.
Now if all these thing are true, which
we are constantly told, about the jut tic
and generosity and chivalry of men to
ward women if motherhood i a crown of
glory, the highest privilege in he world,
something which entitle it possessors
10 all possible devotion and h.m vice why,
then, i it necewary foriVi.000 women to
go on their knee to a body of m -n pray
ing that they may share in the guardian-
the Rev. Jami'Min wilt be here Friday Vol ship of Ihe-e beloved children whom they
begin tha service which ware arin-jurx td
for Sunday Ute 2 ith
Coeaaaiaelnajar Mtng, filed on a quarter
aectioa of Sioux County land lat week.
Uncle am domain I still prii:g into
Uie hand of actual weiller, notaiih
ataading the many druwb-tcka our people
Imve guoa through.
April , lWi
Hi Hoaor. W. H. Wtover, bS i
iiad hi onJer to Uie clerk of the diti ict
nurt diapaosing withj 'h jmy for ti.e
aprine; Ura. Wm.J. A. Hal,
Mr. and Mr, hm Thomaa, and Mr and
Mr. Oorvin Lewia. ware over night
vialtoreM Harrison Monduv night, tnay
coma ra to attend tha funeral of Mr. M.
B. Boirara Monday and Uie atorm got to
aevere for tham to return Itonta Uwlilay.
WThan yeti lade energy, do not relrh
your food, feel dull and stupid, after
eating, all you need I a drwe of Cham
barUdo SUHuaoh aV Liver tablet. They
will aadce vou feel like a new nun and
giveyou an appetila like a bear. For
U by . E P bioney.
Weaaa from tha Crawford Bulletin
thai L Mi lNtoah ia eoatemphUiaff tbt
ataMMhmeit of a .took -.ncrt la tfM
arMth-weeUrn pirt of fttout county near
taauti iiM. M' Mclnuwn "Old hm
rMdh an White nv. -nie tltta ago aad
r ra glad h- v ifiMaaVd U 'till rv
have brought into, beinir at 1'iu risk of
their own liv ? New Yo k Sun.
Tlie Masachustt lgilatiVij Com
mittee on prnbnte and Chancery hi jnt
given a hearing to the representative of
those who are petitioning that the moth
er may have equal right with the father
in giMrdlanhip of their children; The
fattier now ha absolute conlryl over
their person. j. ad ucati oil' property, Thi
measure la supported bv the WjTin
Suffcraga Awclation, the Federation cfjthe crowd
Woman' Relief Corp, ''the Child.vr.'s car.dy.
Friamle' Hociety and other orgnn;". t:,
reprnsenting 50.000 women of tic ;:.'.
The firat-nunied lajdy ha len asl.in a jl
baifcuniuy for thia right, which h..;
Thi is busy world and the wind lia
done its best to make the duat fly thi
Farmer are bu.n and we have some
uiii-den made. We shall not CMW thi
ye-,;r till the crop ts harvested.
It i getting quite dry here but F. W,
report it atill d.-ver in CeJ ir county.
Iowa, hut land lm b--ed no liijxh there peo
pie can live on the raise of land for a
while at least.
Ei'ter morning it nowed a very little
and the wind blew hard all dav. We
missed several i?ood Eiter ervii:e jut
t-ewttige we could only be in one place at
a time. Tlie one we attended wa very
good ann the decorations quite pretty.
From report all the rest were a good.
country can wear the blue ribbon
for it fair mudecs in nnrubej at least.
The girls were invited to a ptrty hist
week nnd only fo-ty accepted the invi
tation and the crowd was fill bovft but
thirty-two. It being the close of the
winier term iimnv of trie student; h:id
gone home which partly accounted for
the n.!Hr ity of the lwv.
March 31 the junior pt. the college
gave nn entertainment, "An Evening
with Nebraska Poets" whi ! win fine
Tliere are twelve in the class and they
intrxlined themselves bv giving the col
lege yell, t he first the students have been
able to raiie and I eue it will not soon
be forgotten. It is urpriing how many
gilted poets our stite can claim as her
own. And what an enjoyable evwnmg
the student and one of our mot gifted
post.-! gave t', Edward Moriran live
in our city nnd wrote the '-Nebraska
Hong" for the cU-8. Two surprises were
Kpi'ting on the clas. The senior discov
ert! the ji.niorx had a yell so they r,r
pared one and at the close a the presid
ent was maKing some announcements
thev cut him off with a yell thai would
tmvii done a 1 and of Sieux Tndisn credit
T'len the pre ident and professor trei-t !
13 lemonade, orunges and
Mr. Murphy begnn work for Andrew
Christian a couple of weak ago.
Y Supi. Burke was the gneat of Mr, and
Mrs. C L ChriMtiao Sviurds y evaaing.
. Mia Amy Christian was ormfined to
ber bed a few days l-st eek With the
Florence Chrisiian is teaching a live
month term in the Larson school six
inih: north-east Of Lusk.
VFranefai and Albtrt Uauel got through
to Caspar in good time cousirieririg the
bad weather they had to contend with.
Bhiik I'i.sk
JumeB Jokneou l&i ) io uo j in 60
GtiMCR.vi. IH in
i.po A I'blniw l
irntsl to G IV denier
ii M r-aiion
Hiul Church is building shed and cor-1 Kreiiioul Tribune
Everybody is busy seeding and the
koi 1 1 beginning to take on a sad look as
it is being d retted in mourning.
Wahbosnft 4
W". II. Garr1oii, II. tf. Lacy, Jaine Merrlani
II nd 8. K 8eamll.
Waisrl.E Cskkk S
Peter Allison,?;. W. Clapp and John II. Har
Ilrfrrison, A)iri l,4!0i!. -
Borl of con tv mici'i-wloner met p per
arUoH-inr.. nt. ITi-wnt (iiiiulj((iiei8 Mmig
Lewi. UiK-!ow and ;i. J. A. I uiiiii, Viark
Iloerd of comity coiuiuissiouer met a per
adjournment. IVeaeiit, CoinnilmloaerH.
Metis, Blftelow and T7m. J. A. I!.;um,
On luolinn the rond )erttkii of George
Weber u nd other wjh allowed.
On motion George Web:r was appointed
road overseer for road dlsti iet 12.
the olllelul bond of f korxi Weawe waa
presented and on mutton approved.
On motioa the county treasurer i hereby
ordered te transfer SI i.75 from special road
dlvtriet fnada toud dhttrkt atkl tu mad di
trtet no. ataua. i
On UiOtlon the County Treasurer i 'inetrucV
ed and he I hereby aO ardered po tnuMHar
the following amount from the foltowlii
year to the gr Bkral fund ItiOI.
Ge'irl fund BrMfe fund Spent debt To genrl
ne to iw ) a. iv ii a is 87
bmia v.. M K 22 at
S ;.. i.f.o 17 K, isx.
i ., r' .t
i : . ij!:t ti ii.
in i.sttv iv ;.'
j--. i.i is! i a fc.
I is: I., Hi l!( J'
20. Si l .i 21 I J
UL-. I ISf. 4 III
11 IS !: 8.' S." tot ill
h U,UM Iff' Jv
vi:! HIS; 11 3 H
1A H
Artvraud in t'i
The following claims against 8tonx Can
ty were taken up, examined, audited, at
tawed, redeemed or rejected I
CLAIM WO X-iT All'd ajc.
Dr. A II. Croat
P I. Kabeu
ti M Adam
V i. Kabeit
Geo L Gerlaoh
Ii U 8utun
()car Ward
t reniont Tritaiao
E Kohwer
Mr J K fhlnnev
Ki, -moil t Trlhll lie
G'."0 A i'hlpps, asul-1
gned lo ii W He8ter:U7
ii eW l oa
ji t' 8 w
4 :- 4 mi
on' s im
f i: iildfor tax
J an on m w
1 ! I to
8 i hid for tax
W Oil) 20 UO
Ales 1tv
Grant GnlliWe
M J O'l oiinell
J a Km ke
G Gu Uti le
J K ItiinneV
H 111 J t Ksllill
lr J K I'liiutie..
ii Ml
5 a
n ii
: so
? 55
Tl iVH 71 Ml
lild lor l:t
te a io
41 ouiUld tor taxi
to stay. Ilia place seems quite home
like now.
Eev. Youngman was ablate fill hi ap
pointment at Uie Want school house on
lata Sunday. We are glad to note Uiut
his even are greatly improved.
Rev. Warren of "Hurry Town" wss
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Obrist.iao
a week ago Saturday night. He held
services in the VVest school house next
yWith shouts of great joy Fred Deuel
announce Umj arrival of a little girl at
his home on lust Thiiroduy night. To
say I hat Mamma and Pupa Deuel are the
happiest couple on the Ridge is putting
it too mild, Ti slid that Fred climbed
a trie, waved hi hat and shouted, "Yes
we have a girl iind my name is Dad"
but we don't believe he did us tliere is no
tree within four mile of him. It wa
the wind mill lower he climbed.
been steadily denied.
Adelia Items.
Mr- T P. Moody is very busily engaged
at the present shearing i.heep,
Or-mt'Bn.v'a D and B camped at Adfeltti
ft Sunday while on their way to fort
Robert Harrison nnd N. P.. Rosenlierg
ainsted A. V. Wosenberg A Co. dehorn
iittle Monday.
A hard propus'tiori preiepts ftlf t
the board of trustee of the M.E. cliur.-h
of Harrison Tbere is tio question but
what the churcl, !iu''di r;r is in Ud '.-ofli-tlon
and wilj elUier have to bi r ipuirdd
or build a Dew one. The hoard huv.not!
mmt AmfiAmii aliUlailii hut will in 'all
probability repair the old one There i Mr. P. P. R then, while helping his son
notona dollar in-the trea-mri ; for build- P. L. move some barb wire last week
ing purposes so the b'wrd meets a double I met with sn accident In which he got his
em baiuent hare, hut wa feel sure the "" cut 1uil" lmdy'
dtlianaofHarnsonsndsiirroiindingooun ! Howard Smith i now working on 1ha
try will rally U Uta auitport -f ll bnard section for Elmer Mwehart but it Is hard
to mm how long he will remain a na
bkas a change of residence quite often.
whaa called apon to do to. Than
oaly osa ekaroh bultdiag tha town It
aiakas Ut interest mat oaatrallssd ' 'aad
wa feel UuA our people daaire tha houat M
Ood iotwaaually aa comfortable aad at-
traeaHsf aaour owa raaldaana.
I wonder if ciittla sre going l4 be a
pretty good price this fall . It .ems as
though soma peopiie of this helublior
hood w Joy helping olharaut by giving
, soma, of ihakM in turn.
llurrioon , hionx Gout t y , Ne oraska,
April 17, 1 WIS.
Coniuitastunei met as per cull of clerk.
Present (.'oaiinlilonr Meug, Lcnls, Blfrc
low and Win. J. A. Kaaui Clerk.
The boiml iroc!i;led to usit-rtuln the In
foiuiutioii necenKiirv In order lo ele-t the
mums of nemou from whl. Ii to Jl aw a pet-
It lui v to serve t the Muy tat tel in of the
I lihitrlct Court, the names of mm person no
..m m-AWll ii llirors lur Kim piwi iwu
years was Urt obulned, the ebstract of
olecHHtiit the Inst genersl eientuin wa
exsiiilned and the total nrmber of votes
cast at the last general eloction wa-j found
Ut be il which number divided by sixty tha
huiuberof person required by law to im
Mst. d for Jury purpose it wu found that
one rierwin ooitlU be listed ior eacn nx
elector touud In each precinct. The lol
lowlna list ol person eligible for Jurors
were tlien selected troni the several p.e
precinct: ArDtswS
W. It. Fiuiuke, I rnuk C.' Iwl, Edward
HwarU.l nomas June and ITaak Hansen.
James Nolun, S. It. Story .
V. A. Hester, V'. H. lnvl, G. M. Lecy. W.
II. Warstelhir, Andrew McGlnley, K.Rg rt
Uehv.er.J W Uoed, It. I- Sniiiek, G. V.
Weuci, i:. i:. I you,. W. O. Patterson and
J. . Wilhurfi.M orler.
'01TOVM"S1I 1
JohnC. eiierse, 0. VV, "airy. Cbarlet Mort
nnsa. Ar.Uta Jleci. dm, H. S. l'srk aiidlT. C.
Hitl'soii. i
Hat t;aK-i
Burner Has. H. V. Ilustsr, J. i'. Meyer, John
Serres, John A. Thayer, II. A. Wens, Krank
'Wonder end .. ?. Antrim.'
Movrnn -
Joan Henry, Aagart Hsder,1. Peter Welrten
feld, Jacob Wssnerbuiger and' J. We
serburger. ONiiiaiJ W. -'Bit 2
Jamea II. IXMtt and slllo ttorbln.
saai" crtaa-
lleraian Oompertand W. It. Bsirls.
i.At.a '' i
XebOoodwtn stwl (Tank Mnll.
Dku'i "IO- I
Joan K. Araer. Geor re Havts, 'Peter Henry
I aaJ JnliM Wmattblimf.
i Waita !V -ft
lrs Allison, nam Crtssanti, M. II. Green,
Martin Jaeeaso tad Hearr ftreaian.
H 8 P:rk
net ltd A Co
Win J A Knnm
J It Uurke
John 1 Davis
l.voii Bros
M J O'C'oiinell
Jen V Meng
K A Illifi-low
L V l.ewi
K.' no no
l::l i !i hid tor tax
N'! w' oo
P.EHS.E Vli5.t
I mi iti uo i n oo
Gas sat b tKu -'.'.w.. ,.
1-! Ml OOl 20 oo ,
Mo hiii a:.: lis: an
: jUi
10 4
4 S
75 00
fill 4 85
58 r o
Ml U
75 00
54 &
4" M
Oa motion the board iidjoursod wtthoat
a day.
Attest, wa. J. A. UiiHin Java C. Mino
tlerk. Chairman.
Profesj:! Car
M. J. O f aaarll, - - te. I'
Wl'l IVafiiea ia AU oarta
Maceutl ltteatioa Ulrea ta Li
ColleeHaM aad all baslaeee t
ed to aae will racaiye araaipt at .
Habbbon - Nkhusha
J. E. PHINTfEY. M. r.
Payisrla ad Mnaa
411 calls given praapt attentl
Wkee In Drug Blare.
' ra . . . . . i .
rrooipt srsaasii n gtren to i
mattefaiaJastwa, County aad
CourU, 4Ma before ta Unit
Fire Iaaamaoa written In
tLagal papers caraf uRy r
Harkisom, - - jrj
Sheriffs Bala,
rty vtrtoe of an order at sale tss
clerk of the dlatrtat court of Slon
Ne.jr i. Ua, and to uie directed uno
r .ideied by said court lu fsvor
county. Nebraska, as plaintiff air
unknown heir of Kirali Lontsen
eei.snl, ffcuvh A. Lontseuhelaer, tl
on the run day of April l at ou
In the sf? :: uH)n at s.:ld day at
tro.it door i.f the i-aart linaa of .ss
in itrss
Takk Noncic lha. my
Registered Stallion will be
at my hove bp in inllarrinon
this seaaon aud one of them
may stand in the vicinity of
Bodarc part of the time.
Stockmen wishing the use
of a Rejristered Shire or Per-
cheron Horse should consult
their best Interests by seeing
these Stallions before breed
ing elsewhere. .
Tb:--To insure maie with
foal, 1 10.00
Colt to stand and suck $13.60
owned by, J H. ARTCLC,
H.mi'N, - - - NCpfMaMM
tu 'lie vtllafenf llaniaon iwaeM i
at jHiblte auction to tbe highest I
ciisu in iihiki ine roiiowing aesc
est -te lu s.Jd sJoux county, Set)
The north-west quarter (,) c
thirty-two (X2) township thirty
noithof range mty-fottr (S4(
sixth principal nierediali towatisO
erof .ile In the unmf fu&iii cost
crning eosi..
First iiibliutiou March 27, !M
ai.kx ur
: Sheriff i
ShanfTs Sale '
hy vlrtse otan order or s.iie las
l.'lerk of the district cou; tor Sio,
Mebraeka, upon a de .-re render
conrt In favor of the itimny ot
plaintiff, and aaalnst James H. t
G. foot, Isaac B. Hendrlx, Carri
drix hi wife, McKlnley L .ining
Trust GonipHiiy. I will . ton t lu
of Apitl uaj st one o'clock uj the
of said d y at tbe east fin A(. "
court honse of said cotrntr et Har
braMkr., sell at poblle anetlon to t)
ol(.di-r .'or cNh In head the foil
perilled real estate situated ta sal
The ion I h-west quai tar of sect k
os nship Iwcniy seven math of
live weet of the sixth pHnclpsI
satisfy w id ortler of s'e In
$N4. vndiluJ.tO interest lOht a
imw -
1 Ii t pubiic.it.o:. ayrch 27, V
SO-' - felM.
SheritTs Sale
Not ice is hc-eby given that b
an order i.-nai d by ihe dark ofi
conrt f nioux oon.ity, Nebr.isk:
cree rendered is tid court ia f
county and aitvlnst Sarah K.Itl
Morlj iseC'o., a covporalioii,
tbe2Hh duy of April l02atoiu- ,
iitternoon of said day at the n
of tlie court house of said coui
H-eof Iii.rrison, I wilt sell a( p
to the i ghent bidder for cash
following described real estate
comity, Nelirai-ka, to-wi;.-
Tlie west knit of the sooth ea '
the south-east quarter of tl
, oiirter of suction tbnty-lli
sonth-We-t quarter of .bcuint
erof section thlrty-foar In tov
three, range nfty five to sutisl
ot sale In the sunt of ml M and
accruing costs.
' I'lrst publication March 27, )
Clubblnd Offer
While you are thinking n
or your yearly rending mi
bar that tha Pkbrk-Jchrn,
subscriptions to any paper
save postage and time for y
Ceunty Maaa.
The Prms-JocrnaL hasp
ited number of maps on
board which can be secured
They will also be given a i
new subscribers.
Par Couth and CaMa
"I have oot tha slights
recommending CI aim bar I
Remedy to all who art st
coughs or old,n says Choi
Esq., a wall known watch n
onibo, Ceylon. , "It has bw
year ninea tha City Dirpam
ad my attention to lata valu
and 1 have repeatedly used
always ham bene tidal. It
quickly of all cheat colds,
ly effective for child ran and
mora than ooa bottle to ci
hovaeniia. t'bava parsua
try this valtiabta awrlieiaa,
all aa wall plaaaad aa my
rasolta." fur sakt by Dr. .
watngWaat. '
a. I, mtaaa,,.Mtaf i.Sa.
i i'
' 4 I
'. '1.
i !
'J ' , '
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