Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 10, 1902, Image 6

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5 Cent
4 t'
Hnl Fork &5M
War Over Western Ranges
.nvfr. Col. !e iii: ("olotu'l J'liti j
B. Monby, the famous r.iotilwstrt cav- j
airy Itader, who Is now ("pedal acent
of the govprnnient in i-liaiKe of I'nilnd
States lands, ha be:tne a prominent ;
and speota:ular figure in the bitter i
fight for the ran- that if- heina; wawi j
by conflicting lnlerwt in the cheep j
and cattle country of the w(t. j
Colonel Mosby'H i ial duty i to j
clear the government bind of private j
!! work llmt requires ciiura? tf j
a high order, for the annual sari ifii e i
of lives in the west's ureat ranae rieht j
! estimated at 5 vlriims. and death J
by su8lnation is the lonnnon lo-t of j
thore who dare oppose one faction orj
another. j
Colonel Mofby, w hose hcad'tuarteri" j
are tot Pterllnir. Colorado, I he center of
a great cattle country, declare that
aom of the cattle king have fenced in
and appropriated to their own ue
tracts Of land larger than many Cer-
man principalities. In defiance of the ;
iaw, hy have seized upon government
land, fenced it In, forri'drien fctuers to
tooch It. and have nmde thcmscSve
wealthy from thin illegal ue of Uncle
Ham's property. j
Near Sterling one big cattle company
built a fence which enclosed nearly
ifi.W acres. It did not completely en
c!v t!".e Isr.d, but in.ieil from the
Vnlon Pacific railroad fence, thus
forming a vast triangle. In this space
thousands of head of cattle were kept,
only a few cowboy being required to
look after the Immense herd.
When Colonel Moshy ordered the
company to take down the fence the
objection was raised that there had
been no violation of the law because
only one side of a triangle had been
Despite the fact that the illegal
fencing law has been practically a
eead letter for twenty year, Colonel
MoBby to Insistent In enforcing It, and
be has. atliTed up the cattle owner
from tbe Rk Grande to the Canadian
Kne. The authorities at Washington
areetandlng by him In hi work, how
ever, In irlew of the teady encronch
mente of eattle interest on public
lend In the last few years.
It la estimated that In the Alliance,
Nebraaka, districts alone there arc ,-
14,20e acres of government land fenced
to. Thla land Is worth nearly $10
MMef, and on It tbe cattle men have
early et.oM head of cattle. ,,
Few persons appreciate the strenuous
tbst Is being made for the poe-
of the range in the Western
a ill J The recent arrest of Tom
Her, aeted scout end Indian fighter,
set reel te erlnf the subject sharply be
fare ejkUe mind, however.
who fought Indiana under
; ejgJ Mike, and who had charge
tfCat pwsft treJas of the Ametieaji tor
act aft Gate M bow In tail et Cheyenne
C-Tt wK the murder ef WUIe Me-
Cremo Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS may be assorted
Tobacco, In securing these presents, ONE TAG being equal to TWO CREMO CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOT
tt cyr Oorg wnkt
rU SO BAND-, '
utM 400 Mkrn watc h
200 BAM Q3
I I ioooo sands Jvi5jr J
-af ilisi! drsjer. JQO BANDS t I 000 SAMM II
fa it saa rw . . - - i
anmT' ''j' r p
ll 5 fvr
Cranio cigar Rands and Qld
conlalnla BANDS or WRAPPERS, and forward tham by raflatarad mail, ar
ipmii prapald. Ba aura to hava your packaga aacuraly wrappad and
praparly markad, aa Ibal it will sot ba loal la
requaala far praaanla (alao raquaata
Palaaaa Ayanua, St. Laul. Mo. ,
Nii kll. son of a settler who had In
curred the enmity of some of the big
Wyomiug lattle interens.
Incidentally. Horn Is alleged to have
made a onfcsslon. In the hearing of a
Deputy Maishall and a stenogiapher.
in which he is sail to have boasted
that lie had killed other settlers and
that a eei tam cattle company paid him
so much a head for every foe who was
removed from the ratge.
Horn' tiial will be bitterly contented
and It has aroused Intense interest in
the west, for on the outcome is thought
to depend the fat" of the range In
Wyomlnp and other big cattle states.
Whether or not the cattle companies
hire assassins, as Horn s confession
would indicate, it is rertaln that there ,
have been many mysterious disappear
a nee of settler In the cattle country
In recent years, and murders are of
common occurrence. Whole flock of
sheep have Ix-en destroyed, ranch
house have been burned, and other
handiwork of the feudist ha been ev
erywhere !n ev!den
One of these mysteries of the mage,
which may never be solved, I the dis
appearance of Joseph Hartzell of Park
county. Colorado. Hartzell claimed
homestead right on certain grazing
land, and threats were made against
him. He refused to be frightened out
of the country, and several months ago
he disappeared. Xo trace of him has
ever been found, though rewards have
been offered. He was wealthy and his
affair was In such shape that flight
Is not to be thought of In connection
with hi disappearance.
A few month ago. In northwestern
Colorado. Matt Bush, a ranchman, who
had aetlled In a fine grazing country,
was killed while he was eating supper
In hi cabin. Somebody had crept up
to the bunlldlng and fired through a
crack In the logs. Hush's partner,
James Part, was shot dead when he
stepped out of the cabin.
In Wyoming the killing of the Nlckell
boy was preceded by the murder of two
ranchmen In the Iron mountain dis
trict. Thee men were shot down In
cold blood, one of them being mur
dered a he entered his cattle corral.
The Nlckell boy was shot not far
from his father's cabin. The elder
Nlckell had been repeatedly warned
to leave the country on account of
trouble with the cattle owners. His
fences had been cut, and he threatened
to retaliate by polalnlng ell tbe cattle
that strayed on his ranch. This Is
thought to have led to the assassina
tion of his son.
The war of the cattle and sheep in
teres ts of the west have been matter
of history for several years and bloody
history at that. The cattlemen com
plain that a leek ef eheap will rain a
gracing country by trajneUng the
ground so that the grass wta net grow
again. They aare fevgM tfce
3-vt W 1000 tAN09
kAND 6A0
19S fllKMBPeuA,
1 6 OwrmiMd
The above illustrations
represent the presents to be given for
PLAINLY on outsld of pacHaca
tranait. Sand band or wrappara
for calalofnaa) la C. Hy. Brawn,
American Cigar Company
men In the court, and have been
beaten, and now the favorite method
of warfare I to get a company of cow
boys and make a raid on a lone sheep
herder who may be tending several
thousand heep.
The herder when he see a company
of masked men ride Into hi flock,
shooting the animal right and left,
knows that if he attempt to interfere,
his life will be the forfeit. He can do
nothing but stand by and see hundreds
of hi sheep killed or maimed, and
finally take the remnant of hi flock
and hurrle to another and safer part
The Fairest
Florence. Italy. (Special.) Little 12-year-old
Signorina Moca de Poulecto
ra has Just caried off the highest prize
in the beauty show hire, and been de
clared the loveliest girl In all Italy. ,
8he come of a noble family and Is
the youngest of a long line of famous
beauti. She has refinement of char
acter aa well as of feature. Hers 1
the beauty often read about, but sel
dom r-rr.. She would be a fitting he
roine for one of Marlon Crawford's
tale of high life In Italy.
Little Mosca'a speaking black eye
can dance with merriment, flash with
scorn or anger, or soften with sympa
thy. Her clear olive skin has a charm
ing tinge of roue, and her lovely masses
of waving brown hair form a fitting
frame for so charming a face.
The nose 1 rather Greek than Ro
man, being clear-cut and perfectly
straight, without a flaw In the line
from the forehead to the end of the
feature. The eyes are wide set, full
and beautiful. The lassie's brow be
speaks character and thought, her
mouth curve charmingly and dimple
beautifully In the corners, but It also
cloe firmly and with decision. Her
chin Is beautifully rounded, without
the slightest suspicion of the square,
and so prevent the facial expression
from being tolld or stubborn.
Bhe Is an adorable combination of
firmness and tendernc, and her face
I a true Index to her character. Her
beauty Is not alone that of coloring
and cast of feature, her charming per
sonality give life to the face and win
admirer where mere beauty would
pas unnolleed.
Thl loveliest girl In Italy Is graceful
as well as beautiful, and so unconscious
Convicted As
flcotlsvllle, Ky-f"peclal.) Around
the suburbs of Hcottevllle, dressed as
en ordinary farm laborer and perform
ing the duties entailed by the owner
ship ef a farm ef rldgeland, mar be
seen a man who has, perhaps, attained
i ir B 4000 BANDS
",' M!Vl7iMt Kir,
JUMlirt uKi
tlff 4 tjC1 jcTaf-Sfri
W r ' W -V T V- I e
Virginia cheroot WraPPers
OUR. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, of praaanla for 1903 Include
many articlaa not abawa abora. It contain lha meal attracliva Hat af
praaanla avar offered for banda and wrappara. and will be aant by nail aa
racalpt af paataie twa cant.
Our offar af praaanla far banda and wrappara will aspire November
JOlh. 1903.
of the country, while the cattlemen
enjoy possession of the range until
some other herder ventures on the for
bidden ground.
This vendetta of the range seems to
grow more bitter as the era of grazing
land 1 cut down. Each new home
stead means so much less profit In the
pocket of the cattle owner, and in con
sequence a fued s declared that make
a Corslcan affair seem lame In compar
ison. It Is hard to find a truth without an
error in Its shadow.
of All Italians,
was she of her charm that It was with
the utmost astonishment that she re
ceived a special Invitation to visit the
beauty show In Floience.
Without question she was awarded
the first prize, which I given to the
most beautiful woman. The second
prize goes for the most regular fea
tures, and the third for the most per
fect type of brunette. There Is also
one given to an Ideal blonde.
Pome admirer of feminine o-einess
met about two year ago and discussed
means of Instilling Into the people of
Italy a higher appreciation of the
charms of their women. The result
was an organization to search out and
reward Italy's fair daughter at an an
nual beauty show.
Only connoisseur In the charm of
feature and form are admitted to the
society, which count among It mem
bers some of the best families of Italy.
Person of lowly birth may also enroll
theniM-lve If they prove themselves
capable Judge of beauty. Artists are
welcomed, for the fortunate maiden
made famous by being selected by this
society to repreent a certain type of
beauty are made immortal by having
their portraits painted by some of the
beet artist In thl land of art.
These picture are hung In the club
room, and a gallery of fairer women
would be difficult to find. It I safe to
say that under no other one roof I a
much beauty collected.
Hlgnorlna Moca Is now sitting for
her portrait. Hers will be the most
beautiful end the most bewitching face
In the entire gallery.
He who I quick to promise I ofln
low to perform.
Jesse James, j
as much unenviable notoriety a any
other man In the state of Kentucky.
His nsme Is Tom Hunt, and the mere
mention of It recalls the famous Mam
moth Cave stage robbery, and the sub
sequent arrest, trial, conviction and
r A
BriDU t T001S
BANDS km:VK5 4 roRRS in n't
5i -txt!i hn'n soo bands;
Horn 00 BAUDS KI mo. Hirk,W
pardon of Hunt for a crime with whic h
he had no connection. His unfortunate
les- nihlani ! to Jesse .lames, the Mis
souri bai.rlit. bow vi r, came rear cost
ing hitn term in the pi i.itentiary.
Al the tiliil. which was conducted at
'laygow, three of the passenger on
Die 111 fated stiipe positively Identified
Hunt as the spokesman of the- gang
who held up and robbed the ni. and ;
condition uas Inedtahlc I
Hunt might have thrown a flood of.
light on the sulijc t had he c hosen to '
prove hi whereabouts on the day of
the robbery, yet he remained suilen
und quiet, except to pronounce as a
" lie" the Identification as testified
to by the three witnesses.
When the lamented Judge Hound
tree, one of the robbed pussengeiH. wa.i
placed on the stand, he wa possessed
of a different mind to that held by h's
fellow passengers In regard to the guilt
of the man on trial, and further than
to say that "he bear a striking re
semblance to the leader of the gang,
but if he i the man then my faith In
my own recollection Is very much sha
ken," he would not go.
However, the evidence wa conclu
sive to the mind of the Jury, and a
term In the penitentiary was given
Hunt. Before being carried from the
Glasgow Jail to the penitentiary at
Frankfort, I'ob Knrd assassinated
Jesse James In Missouri, and on the
bandit' person were found the watch
which had been taken from Judge
Corfu To Be a
Paris (Special.) Corfu hae been In
a bad way almost ever since Greece
took it over from the Ilrltlsh govern
ment In 161 so bad, Indeed, that noth
ing but foreign capital can restore It
to It, old prosperity. M. Theoiokls,
the ex-I'remler of Greece, has done
what he can for the lovely but unfor
tunate Island, but all to no purpose.
In the nick of time a band of cap
italist hurrying over from Ostend
and Spa, where the gambling estab
lishments are being finally closed ap
proached the authorities w Ith a definite
and leal offer.
They have asked permission to have
a roulette table set up In Corfu, nnd
In return for the permission to do so
they have made certain proposals
which will give back to Corfu a meas
ure of the whilom prosperity. Who,
therefore, can blame the half-ruined
Inhabitants If they welcome the oppor
tunity of thus rehabilitating them
selves? The matter has gone before the Greek
Parliament, and, as the passing of the
bill I almost certain, the establishment
of a gambling table at Corfu will soon
be an accomplished fact, Great ob
struction has been met with, not for
the reasons of morality, but because
Greece Is jealous of this good fortune
which has befallen Corfu.
The minimum con among upon wfelek
- -
v 1
Houndtree, and other Indisputable ev
idence of the guilt of James and the
innocence of Hunt.
At about the same time one of the
Jame gang, then confined In the Still
water, Minn., penitentiary, made a con
fession of the Mammoth Cave atag
robbery, and recited w here some of the
jewelry had been hidden.
An Investigation rfvcaled the cor
rectness of the convict's story, and
Jndtfp Houndtree made haste to make
amends for I lit- icuig which the Bar-,
i' n county court had done an Innocent
man by going to Frankfort and secur
ing from the governor an uncondition
al pardon for Hunt.
Where Hunt wa on the day of the
robbery Is a much of a mystery today
a It was on the day of hi conviction.
Since he has steadfastly refused to
particularize his whereabout, but the
supposition obtains that he had hi
own reason for not wanting hi
whereabouts or his act on the day In
question known, and knowing hi In
nocence of the crime with which ha
wa charged, preferred to remain si
lent and be convicted, trusting that
some future act of those who commit
ted the stage robbery would serve te
liberate him. . . , ,
The picture of the dead bandit se
closely resembles that of Hunt that no
visible difference can be detected, and
on two occasion Hunt ha been forced
to submit to arrest by Missouri offi
cers, who mistook him for Jesse James.
Monte Carlo, J
the municipality will grant the con
cessions may prove of Interest.
A casino Is to be built, with a first
class restaurant, reading and concert
room; a race course end public bathe
are to be constructed, and pigeon
hootlng organized. These conditions
are naturally a matter of course, but
another point which will benefit the
Island In quite another way a well as
the whole of Greece Is the establish
ment of a dally fat servic e of steam
er, reducing the Journey from lirlndlsl
by one-half.
Thee new Mearner are Intended to
make the Journey to al'traa. anil on
through the Isthmian canal to the Pi
raeus, thu bringing Athens Into cIom
dally touch with the rest of Europe;
at present Athens I at least two day's
Journey from Italy.
The municipality I to receive the
sum of 1.12,000 per annum for the first,
live years; 140,000 for the second five
years, and so on till the maximum or
ir,000 per annum is reached.
The concession will be. granted for
forty-nine years, when It can be re-.'
newed on the same terms, or all the
buildings, etc., given over to the town.
A law will be passed forbidding any
Inhabitant to play at the tables.
One or two really first-class botete
are to be built. DUbilc Darks laid out.
end a general Imprevsmeat Mobm
' 1 ' ' j.
'A 4