t - , t. Harrison D RESS - J OURNAL. VOL. XIV. HILISOISr, NEBRASKA, THITJISXD.A.Y, APRIL lO, 1902. N O. , f HARRISON Leonard Duut was a Harrison visitor Wednesday. Mr. ami Mrs. '.. F Antrim were Hum twin visitors Wednesday. Mrs. S. C. D. Hissed was in Harrison on business last Friday. William Bourret proved up on hi", bomeslead last Saturday. Postmaster Bogart. is moving 1 1 in fam ily out to Ins ranch tins w eek. Ik. Seymour it Williams, at GiteCity hotel, Cawford, Saturday May 2f. Oscar Story, from Antelope precinct was a visitor at our lrg last Monday. Just received: A new consignment of men and lsivs clothing at GEULACllS. Mr. mid Mrs. Clem Leeling were doing business Willi our mei chants Tuesday. Charley Smith was injfrom the soulh part of the county, the liit jiiirt of the week. John Currau tt ru I J. T. Watson were witnesses in the llnal proof of Mr. Ash brook last Saturday. More and better goods for the KUlll. j li.ouev at Gerlacli's store than aov other place, try them. lU-tl John T. Fitzgerald is moving part Ins goods out to his ranch this w?ek. w ill move his family out soon. ,, j he , W. I Ashbrook, from the south part if the county, proved up on a r,u. i ter section of Sioux County laud last Satur ., I ,i , . , ( .... day. Sir. ( 'banning w ho has Iwen visiting Ht the Ussher ranch lor the 'ast two mouths, left for ll.ty Springs Monday evening. Henry Covey and A. L. Liuthoof were delivering sitat.;s in Harrim I his week Lucky is the man that has potatoes to cell tins spring. We learn that Mr. and Mrs. Ussher have returned to their Inline in the soiilh part of the annuity al lei' suding the winter in California. Mrs. E A. Bigelow received word last Friday ol I he death of h-T father which occurred at i eutreville, South Dakota .April 2nd, ol Farulvsis. We have had some nice weather this week, but news, O m ! it has been hard to get , not even a dog light has come oil in our niel little town. Mr. und Mrs. J. R, Hunter from West Point, this state w ere Harrison v isitors Monday und went from here to Andrews where they have a stock ranch. , Ton SaLK:- MO acres of land joining the village of Harrison; for further partic ulars Inquire ut this ofllce. -10 1 am now prepared to weave carpet. 10 cts. for hit and miss and l.'l lor M ripped. Warp furnished at cost. Mlts. J. A. TllAYLIt. I tf Byron Gray "f Lincoln came in mi the West bound train Wednesday. Sir Gray is a brother of Mrs. B. I Hmiick, and he will probably stay with us during the Mummer ut least. W. H. ll'iuth, from Pierce, Nebraska, .is mi for a visit to relative und friends In this part of the country; we are al ways glad to grasp the hand of our old time friends. Tilled)! Schwab & Co. presented tlie llairihon school, througliCo, Hupt Burke .It large map of the United Slates. We feel that the map will lie highly appre riated by bulh teachers and pupils. Mis Lilian E. Harris left Harrison. Saturday to enmmsne a school in school district No. 33. Miss Harris gave excel lent satisfaction in school district No. 15 where she taught last, and we predict Hie lame for her in district No, !M. Urn. Hoijrret mid daughter! from Rmmingwaler attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Hieser's In tie child Monday, We are always pleased to meet Mr Hour- ret's folks for they are among ournarl - .ewl ROjuainlnncei Ih Mimu Coutuy, HAPPENINGS Robert Geiser and William Bretey ere in Harrison last Saturday assisting Frank Millar to get some more of Uncle .Sam's domain. Olm-les Hihbelu, our village smithy, seems to lie a very busy man and lire l s the monotonous hours by giving us elo cution from liis ever ready hammer and anvil. I We have lieen sending out a few nam I pie copies of llIK ritK!-JL'RNAL and if i . . . . . on receive a copy it is an invitation to subscribe if you ure not alreudv j sub- sen tier. John Hurke received the most loving letter the other dav from some sweet girl but he in puzzled to know why she forgot to sign her name. Look out John the girls will puzzle you a good many tunes if you live to be as old as we are. County Sunt, Burke has received a number of copies of school buildings and grounds in Nebraska. They are for free distribution and any school district con templating building it school house soon would do well to solid for a copy of this book. Mr, John Brown made our heart glad Wednesday by adding bis name to our list and leaving with us $1 to pty for ! the same for one vear. Mr. Brown seems v w- pleased with the country and "", l,L""' We '"'I l,u ""'J' """ linue to he p leased. When yu lack energy, do not relish our food, leel null and stupid, after I eating, all you need is it dose of t'hani J ts-rlain's Stomach &. Liver Tablets. They w ill make vou feel like a new man and & ve an "l'l-"te like u bear. For ib tiv j. C. nunney ninney. We must stop long enough to thank our.corresMindeiiis for the able and effic ient manner in which they have given us the news from over the county, und while we are receiving n great many copgramiatory wonls from our suliscrib- eis we wish uii to share this with us. Over in the souihern part of this state the other dav a light ensued over the range between tbesiieepaud cattle men Result: two sheep men killed and 1,'JOO head of sheep clubbed and shot to death When mil this foolish lli:ht over govern iiient range ceane in this state? Lu Herald. Frank J. Miller from Ardmore, South linkula, was a Harrison visitor Saturday and while here be proved up on a iplart er sec'. ion ot land. Mr. Miller did not forget the JoCtfNAl. man while here but made our heart rejoice by leaving a cart wheel to pav for TlIK JOURNAL another year. Thanks Mr, Miller. Sam Swinhank, from Adelia, was Harrison visitor last Saturday and lie has just recently returned from the Al U'rta country and we learn he was very much pleased with the country and may ut some future date move there. He went past w here our Sioux county eo- ple are located but did not see any of them. Li Hie Vs- her, who has ts-en attending the Harrison school the past winter, left for her home in the south part of t!:e county. List Tuesday. Lillie will be missed bv her school associates and more than likely some of the boys will feel bit lonesome too lor we lire uuitn sure such a miHlest young lady as Lillie prv ed herself to lie must have captivated the heart ol some or the boyg him we can't blame them either. Miss. Maggie Jordan cloned a success ful term of school, in school district no 9 lnt week, nnd or Saturday night she took the east Imund train for Olmdron where she exeCts to take ft course in the Children academy, that she may be Is-tter prepared to meet the ninny difll cult questions Hint confront her in the school room, Misa Jordan ban proved herself an earnest worker, and we only wish more would pattern after her in this line. Harrison. Nnhr, March 31, 1903 The county commissioners of Sioux I Vmniy, Nebraska are hereby called to meet at the Courthouse in Harrison on the 17th day of April 103 at 1 o'clock p. in. for the purpose of selecting names to draw a petit jury to nerve ut the May term l)il rii:t Court, . I). 1902. anil to t-ansncl such other business us may projs-rl V coi before them, j , , W. J. A. RaI'M Uwnl (JUrk, K. P. Maine proved up on Ins tree claim last Saturday, Louis Del Kick was a Harrison visitor last Monday, and while here lie witnessed the wedding of Mr. iJoyle. We were wondering if Louis didn't have some such aspirations himself from the sad looking expression on his face, well that is al right 1Jula-we.have beeflSiirougLi the mill and know how it goes to have AO miles between it fellow and Ins liest gii I and then all the other fellows so near her but there is a bright.-r day coming, and we know Louis will remember us when it conies. We received a letter from Mrs. R. M. Wallace this week; she is Well pleased with her new home. She suvs!; Rev. Kendail has built a neat church iiMiic Kay and they have a good Sunday school also. Mrs, Wallace will alwaVs be re meniliered by t'hristian workers of Sioux county " one very much interested in Sabbath school work. She writes that Mrs. Kendall's health has been very poor the past winter. Mrs. Kendall has many friends in Harrison who will, no uoubt. be .sorry to hear of this. John and Frank Stratum she says are busy at work every day and Viola is going to school and has a good teac'ier and is learning fust. MAR.R.1EO Thomas Doyle and Mary Staudenmaier were married at high noon last Monday by Father Rabach at Andrews hall. A good many of our townsmen and friends of Mr. Doyle, and bride witnessed the ceremony which .was very impress ive. Mr. Doyle is one of our oldest cit i.ens and is noted for his industrious dualities ami uie urine, airs, .-jiuuen- maier, has many friends in Harrison and other parts of the county.. M.J. O'Cou nel acted in liest man and Mrs. O'Connel assisted Mrs. Studenniaier so everything moved along without any friction and we hope their lives as husband ami wife. may have ar little friction in years to come as there was in the ceremony that made them one. They were congratulated by their many friends and if the best wishes have anything to (lo.wilh their future happi ness their j uirney will lie a pleasant one THK PltE.ss-Joi.'HNAL extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and may they ever look back to the day Willi pleasure that they were made one. Alter th ceremony was over Father Rib-i'-h gave a ver3 interesting talk to those present which was very much enjoyed bv all. Father Ribach will hold services here again May 10. DIED. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. 11 Hieser theii iasl Saturday anil isas buried the Monday following. Little Marie was six mouths of age and has a ways been a very delicate little chili and while the father and mother did not want to give it up though it had never seen a well day, the Creator of all things says, I will give vou rest in my kingdom aliove and hither she has gone In the absence of the minister the serv ices were coml tided by J. B. Burke behalf of the Sunday school of which lit tie Marie wan a member of the Cradle Roll. Ih behalf of the Sunday school Bessie Mar.teller and Lucy Gerlach repeated some very appto.ii it- and Iwauti'ul veres in memory of little Marie. Bessie Mar steller stcped to the side of the casket and after oll'ering a white lily repeated the following verses: There'll something In Heaven Kit rldldreii to do None Idle, hi that blessed land; There'll lie love lor the lieurt, .td rot-li for tile inlllll, And employment fur each lltle hand There'll he something to do, HonirlliliiK for little children to do; There'll be lessons of love, To Die ilrar ones that linger below And It limy la; tlie father Til" children will To lie AnKclx ot mercy hi woe. There'll is- something to do. There'll Lie MHiiettalng for children to do. Then Lucy Gerlach with lloral oiler ing, repeated: A lovely bud, so young, so tnir, Culled hence by early' doom. Just rome to show how Hweet n flower In.puru.lise would bloom The little while casket was then open ed and the body of the little one was viewed by a large number ofjfriends who had assembled that they might share the sorrows of the bereaved parents. The J body was then taken to the cemetery ! with four little bovs as pull bearers w here the last sad riles were performed. TlIK PKRH J'K ItNAI. extends sympathy to the bereaved parents und friends and the Sunday school will long remember the djy that it could do something for one of the Master's little ones. A Cr4 of Thanks. To tlie friends that assisted m the bur- ialofour infait daughter, we extend our sincere und lieurlfelt thanks, Mr. Hud mnk Bikhkh. THINKS HE SAW SMITH nd. Nebraska, Man Describes Miss ing Lincoln Minister. Special dispatch U) the World-Herald. 'Lincoln, Nebraska. April ii. Informa tion has b.en received in this city which leads to the belief that the long missing Rev. G. L. Smith of University Place has lieen seen within the last week. i Smith sold a car of horses in Grinnell. Iowa, previous to March 14, and alter he hud sent several letters to his family, to gether with fOOO all trace of him was ost. April 4 a letter was received in this city from a Drununond agent of the Fre mont, Elkhurn & Missouri Valley Kail road company at Inland, Neb , which stated that on the alternoo- of that day a man had applied to him for something to eat. He said the man was evidently insane. He also said Hie man claimed to be heavenly inspired and that he was the agent of heaven and the son of earth and that he had fiviiuciit revelations from God. The mans description tallied precisely with that printed in the World- Humid which Mr. Drummoud had in the ollice and he believed that his visitant nd Rev. Smith were one and the Kline ierson. Friends of Smith Jure on their way to Inland to investigate the story. World Herald. Ardmore Items The meadow larks lire certainly doing their liest to convince us that .spring has come. The Misses Johnson and Roseiiburg came up to attend the dance luusday evening, April 1st. All who attended the dance given in the Billard Hall T.iesdy eve. April 1st. port an excellent time. Frank Miller, Robt, Ge.iser and Billy Bretey took a trip to Harrison last Satur day to prove up on Mr. Miller's claim, the two latter acting as witnesses. Bodarc Gleanings. Mrs. Len Daut and little Irva were visiting with grandpa Zimmerman last week. Miss Mary Leling visited with her sister Carrie, and other aco uaintauces in the valley last week. Mr. II. Zimmerman was around the fore part of the Week, busy getting 111 his work as assessor, Jesse Hill who has lieen suffering from Pneumonia, we are glad to learn is much letter, and able to sit up. Mik.s Maggie Jordan left on Saturday for Chadron to enter the academy as student for the present term. Mrs. J. W. Hunter went to Harrison last Friday and will visit with her daugh ter Mrs. Fit.jerld for a few weeks. li ven and Clarence Zimmerman came over from War Bonnet and spent last Sunday at home with their parents. Montgomery who has lieen teeling very poorly most of the winter is lietter und uhle to visit around a little tins .veek. Rev, Rice tilled his appointment here on Sunday last, the most beautiful day of the season, a'id manv who have not lieen regular in attendance took advaul age of the weather to Is) present. There will be services again April dtlth. Schwol closed in district No. 9 on Tues day last, it has beii a seven months term and the children celebrated by hav ing a dinner al the school huuse, cake in abundance was sent in and all had a good tune, the crow ning feature of the dny was real iioine-made candy boiled on thi si hool house stove. Montrose Items Johnnie Cotfee, ef Chadron; is staying on his ranch now, There will be church al Montrose Sun day al I0::i() o'clock. Henry Wasser'urger were Ardmore visitors last, Tuesday, Hei man Koiimth was visiting at Mr. Markings Sunday iitiernoon. August Bauingard of Indian creek was hauling hay to Ardmore last Friday. Jake Henry vaccinated his cattle Mon day. Henry Henry and Henry Wasser burger ussisted hull. Johnnie lienr returned from Illinois, Wednesday. We are glad to see him back after his long absence. T.ie "hop" ut Mike Hulling' lust Thursday night was very well attended, A number from the valley went up and a very pleasant lime is reported. Charley Henry wo visiting his new nephew Sunday, Charlie is always weuring a smile now and we attribute it to the fact that he will soon bu culled Uncle. Willie Wnsserbiirger from Long Branch w ns visiting in the valley last . and Monday, While here he made a very pleasant cull at tho Squaw creek school house, The Squaw creek school will close next Friday after a term of four montTis. Miss Davis who has lieen employed as teacher will leave for her home in Crawford Saturday. Florence, David, Augusta, August and Adam Baiimganl, Charlie and Willie Wnsserhurger and Willie Konrath spent Sunday nt Mr. Marking's. The evening "Wn's'spent in garTiewTCft ef which-ivf resnT menls were served and the guests went home, feeling that they had had a Very good time. I Iri Wyoming. 2 John Sutton was laid up with the Grij a few days ago. Oscar Hatchet of Lusk was a caller on the Ridge last Sunday. Harry Deuel n nd family visited with Zekii I and family on last, Saturday. Francis and Alliert Deuel started over land for Casper the lirst of the week. F. B. Hamlin has lieen suffering with Tonsilitis and Grip for the last two weeks Supt. Burke preached to a crowded house in the West school house on last Sunday. Quite a number of our citizens turned out, and gave Les Crane a days plowing on last Tuesday. Win M'-r'lung thinks of trying Arkan sas this season. We hope he will find it congenial to his health. Roy Ziimhrunnen and Walter Boy les called at our sanctum the first of the week. Come again bovs. Miss Ada Knight, who taught the West school in our distaict last winter, has engaged a school in No. 4. A Sunday school was organized at, the West school house on last Sunday. Miss Florence Christian was elected Supt;J J Ztimbrunnen assistant Supt. and Jen nie Hamlin Secv. Candidates for list. C'lU. are thick as.fune bugs in May. The present incumbent hopes they will all be i lected as there is plenty of honor to go round coupled with the kicking that is thrown in makes it too much for one alone. Miss Florence Christian has decided to teach in Dist. No. 7. six mile north-east from Lusk. lier school will begin in, a short time. We are sorry that she did not teach our school as she is a good teacher and gave general satisfaction in our school Inst winter. Our neighborhood was greatly excited over the disappearance of one of it's cit izens the last part of last, week. The fol lowing notice was posted in conspicuous places: "Lost: A small boy about the size of a man: barefooted with his dad's boots on. When last seen was going east: answers to almost any name you give him. No reward will be given for his re turn." Not hearing from him in due course of time a search party was organized and he was traced across the line into Ne braska, where rte had driven around aim lessly, tramping down about a secth-n of good grazing bind belonging to Les Crane. A man seeing him driving around in a circle wentout to him, when he inquired for a man by the name of a color applied to a horse. He did not know whether it was buy, brown, buck skin or cream. He was directed to Dunn's where he found the object of hi:, search, a fair haired damsel who consent ed to go riding with him. It was then thought that a sure enough elopement had been planned hut upon going to the home of (he fair lady it was found that they had just returned. The lady blush ingiy told the searchers that they bad just returned from a visit to friends in the valley No wonder the relatives are uneasy about this young man as he is absent minded for last winter ho hitched up to take his tiest girl riding, drove on" and forgot to take her along. After driving three miles he thought of her but it was too late then to make amends. ' Zkkiiel The sulfl advertised in former issues of th's paper to sell the property of Frank Fleming is postponed until Sal unlay, April 12, 1902. J. C. Shipley', (hiai (1 i tin. County Maps. The Phess-.IoI'HNAI. has printed a lim ited number of maps on Manilla card Ixinrd which can l secured for 10c each. They will also lie given a a premium to new subscribers, Clubbing Offers While you are thinking of Kiibwribinff or your yearly reading matter, remeni tier that the Pwwh-JoTHHAI. will take subsi riplion to tiny paper on earth and save posliigu ''" fr )'ou' Professional Cards. M. . I. O Council, - - ,. Atti'rm-j -:o Will Pi acl Ice in All Court. Special Attention tiiren t i.uud o( flee Business. CoHeetlim and all business -nl rust ed tonic will receive prompt rtllentlon, JlAltltlSoN - NkHHAsKA. J. E. I'HJNNEY. M. I). Pltyisciau and Surgeon. All culls given prompt attention. Ollice in Drug Store. -IIAKKISON - NEBKASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Atiorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legar matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before tlie United State Land Office. Fire losurance written in reliabU companies. EST'Legal papers carefully drawn. Hakwson, - Nkbiiaska. Sheriirs Sale, liy virtue of itii order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, und to nie directed uki a decree reiidei eil by snid court in fiivor ot sioiix county, .ehnislca, lis plaintiff and utf.iunt unknown heirs of small IXMitzenhriser ile-ei-nsed, Siiruli A. Ixiiit.eulieisor, tli .t I will on the astii day of Api il l!02 at one o'clock In the al term. on ol said day at the east 1 rout, door nf the court house of suid comity in Ihc vlllueof Harrison in said county seil nl public auutiin to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real estute in said Sioux county, Mehruska, to w i t : The north-west quarter CO of section thirty-two (:c) townsnip thirty-three (it'll north of l'liiiKn tlfty four (.ri4i west ot the ixth principal ineiediiin to satisfy said orit er of sale hi the sum of .SKiK.ifi cost and lie ci utntf cost. Kirst publication March 27, IWW ALEX f.OVt JtV Sheriff ot said Co Jake Doos was doiug business in Harri--son Wednesday. Muss Anna Moravek returned bonis' Wednesday night, from Lusk where she has been visiting the past week. Mr. F. W. Clarke is attending the' South Dakota stock grower association, which meets at Rapid City this week. The Bridges Bros gave 20 per cent of ' the proceeds from ,tn' entertainment Wednesday night to tiur- church, O. K. Eastman, cashier of the Com--uiercial State Bank of Crawford was a Harrison visitor between trains last. Wednesday. We hear a great many complimerilory remarks about the interest the niemlieiH, of the class have taken in trying to ad vance and improve our singing in Har rison, so .remember our next meeting next Tuesday night and let everyone lsl present and anyone that wishes to join, theci jss are specially invited. Mr. V. H Grewell, Post Mister at Hewitt was a Hamfeun visitor last. Wednesday, and while here he taken in the entertainment which was held at the church last night. Mr. Grewell is a great lover of good music, and beseemed to enjoy the concert. He renewed hi subscription to the Press JoUKNAL audi that makes us happy, so come and see us again Mr. Grewell. The entertainment given by the Bridge. Brothers Concert Company nttheM.Fj ch inch WidneKiny evtn.ng: was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. The pieces of Elocution givein by Mrs. Bridges were fine, and the ong and music given b' both Mr. and Mrs, Bridges were loudly and heartily applaud! ed ly all. This company organized a class of 57 nieniliers in vocal and instru mental music last Friday night and they claimed they could learn any one to rw.uli n ites in ten lessons, and we believe they demonst rated the fact to the mot skept ical that they don e just w hat they claim ed they could d o. This class has formed! a permanent organization and will con tinue t.i progress from the foundation laid by the Bridges Bros. Mr. Giitluie' was chosen lea der of the clans and Mr. Wilheriiisd offer was chosen a organist.. The most w onderf ul feature In the drill! of the class wns the wonderful controli Prof. Bridge had over his class. He s.it two editors side bv side in the class, one,; .. republican, and the other a democrat and while they sat with th eir buck ti' each other its soon as attention ins lull ed by Prof. Bridges they righted about und you would not have known tint what, they were brother but thi port of th- program so dumfounded the audlem-' that they forgot to applaud the chine uw . til the closing piece wu un J .v .v